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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1920)
L Wednesday, April 28, 1020 ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS PAGE THREE twrnurnimtw: LOCAL AND PERSONAL 1 umtsnittttmttuttmmmttmmnmtH MONDAY'S NEWS Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Howard re ceived word lately that their son, Harold, who has been critically 111 with appendicitis In Texas, has At the meeting of tlio executive recovered sufficiently to be ubkv board of the Oregon Parent to sit in a wheeled chair, and If i Teeners' association held In Port he continues to Improve will be j land recently, resolutions were ible to walk In a few days. The ( unuiiimously passed endorsing the young man-will come noma as1 four education measures which, if toon as he is able. ; favorably voted, "will admirably provide for the youth of the state. W. H. Brainard, who has been ! These measures are the college treating for rheumatism at Dr. j millage tux, the soldiers' ecluca Huwley's mineral bath Institution,; tional uid, the 2-mlll elementary has returned to Weed much lm- school tux, und the blind school proved in health . I millugo tax, uml will be before ': the people for their vote M the Mrs. Combs of Wagner Creek primaries, May 21 . U a new patient ut Dr. Huwley's. 4, a .Mrs. Frank Dougherty of Duns- Mrs. S. E. Slzemore, who has is in Ashaud, visiting her been taking mineral bath treat- j lsttr, Mrs. -Jack Falls, meiits for rheumatism ut Dr. Huwley's, returned to her home Mrs. Ilert Armprlest of Jackson lieur Ontario, Oregon, this week, ville has been spending the past I week in Ashland assisting In the Major Leonard Boyd and wif. care of her futW, C. E. Abbott, find Hal Boyd drove over from: who Is seriously ill at his home their homestead near Montague, n East Main street. Mrs. Arm tullf., today and will be guests priest went home a day or two ut the home of O. Winter anil i ago, but expects to return to Ash other relatives for a few days this 'and today, wick. ! a a The local Parent-Teachers' ns- Dr. S. A. Duliford preached intonation has been Informed that the Methodist church in Medford ; Mrs. ('. W. Hayhurst, president of jesterday . both morning and the Oregon Parent-Teachers' as evening, taking the place of the donation, is planning on visiting regular pastor, Dr. Sassnett, who ull tlio local circles in the state is in Seattlo in the Interests of! no fur us possible before election the new Methodist church to be Jin order to do her "bit" in re liiillt in Motlford. Igard to the various educational ? : measure!) to be voted upon in In the report received by theMay N() lMiMe ,iate has been .latkson County Cow Testing as- .p,, for Ml. Hayhurst's visit to sociutlon from Dairy Husbandman Ashland. K. L. Westover of O. A. C. for, a A the month of April, the herd or,. Ml.s M syter of Portland J. R. McCracken is rated as one'j,. ex,.c,p,i Ashland in a few (jf the six herdB In the state which ! ,ays Ml. Svlor was formerly lias tho highest fat production. M. A. Dorun, who has been , working in Oakland for the past1 car, has returned home. He will l.eieafter be employed In the vul cai.izlng department of the East ern Supply company. Mrs. .1. B. Wlmer was a busi ness caller in Asliland Saturday i from Medford. Miss Viola Provost, n student of Portland, was in Ashland yes rif St. Marys Academy of Med- terday in connection with the Pa foid, spent the week end with her J cific highway construction. Mr. father. P. J'rovost, In Asliland. : Stevens was a schoolmate In the $ 4, j University of Oregon with Homer The folowing Asliland people llillitiKB of this city, drove down to Eagle Point yester-, day and took dinner at the Sun-' V. F. Winters, an old-time resl l.yside hotel: Mr. and Mrs. W. M. I (ent of the Rogue River valley, llriggs, Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Burdicj has come with his wife from Ok Dr. und Mrs. It. L. Ilurdfck, Mr. ; lahoma to make his home here, mid Mrs. V. V. Mills, Mr. and He is the father of .John Winters Mrs. O. II. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. (,f this city and the latter had no il. R. Greer. Mrs. Viola Hail. Mrs. . Lillian Greej Zundel, Miss Elbert Greer mid E. .1. Kaiser. J. F. Place left last evenliil) on his annual vacation which will be jn(; t() Ashland." On arriving spent in San Francisco and Ouk-.,ierfi Ml. winter stated that the land. He expects to be gone twoj weatn,.r ,u,i iJeeii terrible in the or three weeks. ! south when he left, was bad all Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dodge left. jester.laytor.-oruanu ..e,cM.e.vliii8 11m MVer goi)g U) will remain for several days. lpavea),ain Mr. Winter re T. N. Hunudireys has gone to "1lkp"' recounting his ex- Jlyrtle Creek where he has busi-j i:ess interests. He expects to re main there several duys. Mr. Franklin, the well known ; cigarmaker of this city, left to day for Salem where he expects to make his home. i SATURDAY'S NEWS j Miss Minnie Kincaid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge Kincaid. ' former residents of Asliland, but! now of Corvallis, who was serious-! ly 111 with un attack of Influenza! ,ii.. i, i.iitoi linn buffered a' relapse. Her physicians have or-j dered her removal to Southern , California as soon as she is able , . .. . ,. in mnlra ttia trill I Mrs J W Walker, who has : been visiting nt the home of Mr. J and Mrs. W. M. Barber during the past week, left this morning for Sacramento, where she will stop eff to visit with Mr. and Mrs. ci,i uiti.iinn iifler which she will go on to San Francisco where J her son is living. The Allen real estate agency closed a deal yesterday whereby Miss Jessie Thatcher purchased the M. A. Emery residence on Jfechanic street. The Thatcher family will reside there. H. L. Gilkey, a well known L.wm.n nf riorris. Culif.. and formerly casliier of the First Na tional Bank of Grants Pass, was in ABhland this morning calling on friends. He w;is particularly glad to greet Mr. and Mrs. Glenn, who have lately returned from Giendule, Calif., where they met Mr. Gilkey's parents. McNair Bros, expect to occupy the room of the Ashland Improve ment block, formerly occupied by .Whlted's Jewelry store for their drug store. This room is unuer- going extensive repairs and will he is raising, and will dispose o be an attractive and roomy store) at a good profit when the animal when completed. They expect to j reaches its full growth. This en more Into their new location about terprising stockman is ten years the first of May. Mm. A. H. Russell and daugh ter Mabel came home last even ing from their ranch near Mon tngne. . The latter has been quite 111 for the past week and this was the first she was able to make the trip home. S.Miss Hannah Abbott, a well known it,irl of this city. She is coming here to see her father, C. E. Ab bott, who is sick at his home on East Main street. Albert Harmon died In Talent Thursday at the age of 60 years. Interment was made this forenoon in the Talent cemetery. John Stevens, a civil engineer titled his father that he would JlIn him In Oklahoma, or would! ask the father to come to Ashland. "Stay where you an." Mr. Wln- . s w,.ote baciii ..g j alll com. the wjiv here and bad enough when i liu pot Iipi-p. hilt is the best lie l 1IP1" mKl Walter Barnaul underwent a fi- ! operation in a local hospital j ,...i..,. ..l.n,, i It a untinlerAd -"., ... , 0.;ijones in uis jaw were it,iin,r(,. He stood the operation well and is reported progressing nicely. This operation followed the seri- run Injury Mr. Baihain sustained several weeks ago, when his jaw was broken by being struck with a pulley ut the mill which he and his brothers are erecting on the mountains south of Ashalnd. $ Fred W. Mears, an at.o ney of Med ord, was one of the lead, Hikers at the republican rally held n the city hall last evening Candidates for the various county olfices spoke and the meeting was well attended. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dickey left I Inti, f niwl 1r(t yi'MCl U.l.t l J,.ti. ...... ...... V. S. Miller of Medford and will spend two or three days on a fish- l - B Ja,int t" " RtS livcr Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Danes of San Diego, while on their way home from Portland yesterday stopped off and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Orres, old-time friends in Humboldt, la. During their visit Mr. Orres took his guests around the city, up to the park and over the hlh drives They were so delighted with Ash land in her fresn spring oress that they are seriously thinking of returning here In the near fu ture and buying a home. Howard Combs of Talent, came up this morning and will be a week end guest of Howard Rose. This young man bids fair to be come one of the leading stockmen of the valley. He has in his pos session a pure bred Duroc Jersey hog which an uncle sent him from Fresno county, Calif., and which ct ae- FRIDAY'S NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Evans are moving from the house they have occupied on Third street to apart ments in the Bolton-Caldwell building on East Main street, next to the Elks club rooms. The flock of chickens belonging to Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Wallsten is doing its level best to help out this time of high, living prices. Yester day an enormous egg was gathered from. the coop, presumably con taining double yolks, und show ing how egg prices can be reduced by getting two eggs for one. J. B. Coleman, county assessor, was in Ashland yesterday, and while here called at the Commer cial Club and subscribed to the membership campaign. Mr. Cole man expressed much interest in the project, and his readiness In entering into Ashland's Commer cial Club expansion campaign shows the proper ' spirit of co operation that exists throughout the county. Mr. Lilly, brother of J. R. Lilly of this city, with his wife will ar rive in Ashland this evening from Portland. After spending the night here the two brothers and their wives win go 10 lieu uiuu to assist In the celebration of their, mother's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Lilly expect to go on to 1 Staitwood to visit their son Ken-' neth before returning home. Ray Jillson, baggage man at the Southern Pacific stutiun, is taking a two weeks' vacation at present. On account of the shortage of jit is their intention to visit Ash news paper local magazine deal- land friends on Sunday. ers have been notified that Mun- v scy, ArgosV and All Story Weekly! The overall club in Ashland Magazines have suspended publl-l fae to spread any further than catiou. I tne Pstoffice employes up to tho j present. The craze will most like- Mr. and Mrs. Le3ter Newton and j ly remain with this class of em children were Hornhrook visitors ployes ,as it appears they lead off during this week. Mrs. H. E. Bowman and Mrs. Cook, well known Talent women, were Ashland visitors yesterday afternoon. The baseball game scheduled to be played in Grants Pass between the high schools of Ashland and Grants Puss for Saturday has been postponed until Wednesday of next week. Owing to the rainy weather I yesler(lay ami joill(,d the Com-I ,vho "a'1 ,)eetl -uite 111 recently the local team has not been able mercial Club. He 3ays, "We folks j wilh u11 attack of iijluenza, and to practice sufficient and are not!down ,n Medfori, are anxious to!wh" 1111,1 resumed his work, suf up to proper form for a game Sat-: Uep Qut Ashlana all we call- we!'81'6'1 a "'P'ai'se yesterday while unlay. A game Is scheduled f i realize that building a better! tc Tain, and Is again confined be played on the local high school .shland wjl, (nredy aasist tn! o the house. HU place will be grounds May 6. . At the spring meeting of South ern Oregon Presbytery in session at Giants Pass Tuesday and Wednesday, Rev. C. F. Koehler was elected moderator for one year. The permanent and stated ; clerks are Rev. J. W. Hoyt and Rey A H Gammons. Rev." Gam-!an1 mons was unanimously elected. ministerial delegate to the gen eral assembly at Philadelphia in May, while Elder William John sou of Roseburg was elected lay delegate. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dennis last ...A1u anl,l l,oir ntao nmtprn hnn galow and property on Palm ave nue to A. M. and Mabel Clark. The new owners are already fur ther improving their new home. Tu(1 meeting at Talent is pro- gassing nicely with good attend- - i i... i.. f me ,, HVKV 01CBt ... n,,o uM (e ,nciem.'ncy of the weatner. ti-1 der Bean is a forceful speaker and i Vlctorola sign which they havej presents the Gospel story In a had painted on the side of their Dr. S. A. Danford, ditsrict su worthy manner which compels tho i automobile, and which adds much , perlntendent of Klamath district, attention of his hearers. Every-) to the attractive features of tlio j held the second quarterly confer hndv Is cordiallv Invited to attend ! delivery truck. fence in the local Methodist the services. Coirtity Assessor J. B. Coleman and A. C. Walker, candidate for county treasurer, were in Ashland yesterday. F. E. Watson and daughter, Miss Winifred Watson, are home from San Francisco where the$ have been spending several months during the past winter. Mrs. E. P. Voruz, who has been spending the winter in Ashland with her daughter, Miss Ruth Vo- ruz, domestic science teacher 1" railway mail service, wasTln the Junior Hawthorne school left, rt business visitor vesterdav. lust night for her home in Baker. The Carter-Mills agency will be the name of the new insurance company which will open an office in the State Bank of Ashland May 1. This office will be under thel management of V. V. Mills, who has taken over the former Carter McCoy agency. Sergeant Beecher Danford will at an early future date, commence a school of fire control, for the benefit of the local First com pany who care to attend. This will greatly increase their effi ciency at the coming encamp ment at Fort Stevens. Sergeant Beecher Danford is perhaps one of the best informed men on tho usage of the big guns In the state of Oregon, and the local company is certainly fortunate to have him for a member. Mrs. Mary J. James, mother of G. W. Dodson of Ashland and: Judge O. A. Gardner of Jackson-1 vllle, died at 3:15 yesterday morn- j Ing. Mrs. James had been quite 111 with an attack of Influenza for the Past three weeks. Her health, never of the best, was not able to withstand the ravages of the disease, and Saturday she hud a severe stroke from which she never regained consciousness. , The deceased had lived in this section for many years, and had made her home with her daugh ter from whom she had never been separated during the lot tor's lifetime. She was well known and highly esteemed by a large number of friends and acquaintances in Jackson county. Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2:30 p. 111., from the Methodist church, conducted by Rev. C. A. Edwards, and inter ment will be made In the Moun tain View cemetery. Mrs. James is survived by three sons In Cal ifoinia, beside the two children living in this county. THURSDAY'S NEWS - Bob Leopold, installation man ager for the American City Bu reau, who has completed a suc cessful Installation service at Medford, called up the Commer cial Club yesterday to give It his best wishes for success in the present expansion. Mr. Leopold ,g gong tQ Mal.ygville t0 conduct in8tallution BerVice. A A Qf w c Adam3i one or Port. ,g ,ea(ling den(lgtg 1)HBSed .ni, A.hlaml this mornine en route for Klumath Falls to ad dress a dentists' convention. Mrs. Adams (formerly Miss Myra Ab bett) accompanied her husband. in all cities where the Nutional Federation of Post Office Clerks and similar organiaztions predom inate. The parcel post has rev olutionized post office employ ment and the employes feel that it is in reality an overall Job and no longer the traditional occupa- tjtm of former year8. Thomas J. Fuson of Medford won a business visitor in Ashland imlldine a better Medford." Among the Pathe Weekly pic tures shown at the Vinlng theater last evening was one of the, church in Elgin, 111., which was wrecked by the recent tornado that swept through that section. ln Wllich two pe0",e WeV'1 i bllloil A fate flovo turn Mra Fill I ' ' , uonee receiveu a leiier muhi her sister-in-law living in Elgin, I stating she was in that church at the time of the storm and wusj j talking to a woman when the lat-j ter was struck down and killed by the flying debris. Mrs. Coffee stated she escaped without aj. scratch. j Mrs. Ada Stunnurd and son Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sheldon, who George are now residing in the have been living north tf Ash-' home at 1089 Boulevard. Mr. land, moved this week to their1 an(1 Mrs Glly Klngi Who have property on Main street which been occupying Mrs. Stannuid's they recently purchased. . IOU9e for ,be past six ninnths, jhave taken rooms in the Medina Rose Bros, are showing a fine nollRe on Mountain avenue. t A fine real estate deal was consummated through the Lumkiii agency this week by which th" 80 acre tract belonging to E. E. Foss of Talent was purchased hy John E. Haney of North Dakota, who will take possession shortly This tract has water rights, and is composed of a 12-ucre pear or chard, 30 acres of alfalfa, and the balance in timber land. It nlsj has one of the finest burns in the county. A A John Burke, chief clerk of tie' 4 fc Eurl Weaver and family from Bremerton, Wash., old-time resi- dents of Ashland, are here visiting j for a few days, while on their way to California. Dr. D. M. Brower came in from Roseburg yesterday to spend a few days with his family here. He was called hpre by the illness of his daughter, Miss Voda Brower, who is suffering from appendix trouble, and is quite sick nt pres ent. Registration is reported to have been very good this year, accord ing to G. F. Billings and Mrs. Susie L. Allen, at whose offices the registration books were open. Many newcomers, who have gained a residence here, were prompt to avail themselves of the opportun ty to cast a rote in the Common wealth of Oregon, while the ma- jorlty of those who bad changed their residence in the city were prompt to make note of the change. F. E. Russill and Jesse Claryj served notice on the city council ! st Its last meeting Tuesday night j that tlieV Will tprmlnnla 1 hat e contract to operate the electric i light plant. The council granted! their release and 'will call a spe-l cial meeting to decide what to do lurtiior. i Mrs. M. Berry and Miss Emma'1 Kramer of Salem are guests nt the home of their brother, (1, N. Kramer. Mrs. Berry's husband died last week in Salem, and she and her sister have come to Ash lund to remain here for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Max GeBauer of Eugene ure among the newcom- ers to Ashland and have purchased through the Lnmkln agency the Holley residence on Granite street j 8 j t'niversity of Oregon, was in Ash- for their future home. Mrs. Ge-I Mrs. Leonard Oorthys and lit-; land yesterday in the interest of Bauer is a sufferer from asthma, tie daughter were Ashland visi-ithe millage hills for the higher and for several years has been! tors from Talent this forenoon J educational institutions of the coming to Ashland where she has' state which will be toted on at been relieved from her affection at i Mrs. T. W. Sanford has re-j Hie May 21st primaries It is a once, so the family have decided ' turned home from Portland when- matter of life or death to the ed they will make this their perma-jshe had been visiting for several ucatioual institutions as both en net home. They will settle in i days recently. j rollnient and expenses have in their new purchuse as soon as the! ? j creased fur beyond the present le present occupant can find another I A daughter was born to Mr. and gul limit. Asljland can be de localion. j Mrs. W. Durrell last Saturday j pended on to give a large niajor- a morning. She weighed seven : jty for this meritorious measure. A. M. Heever and C. C. Darling, i Pounds. jus first lust and ull the lime Ash- team mates on the Commercial' Club expansion drive, have thel honor of enlisting the oldest mem-! her to the club. This is W. H. Smith of East Main street, who Is 88 years of age. Messrs. Ben- ver and Darling found this aged gentleman in his back yard saw ing wood, and on being presented with the membership card, read it without glasses, and immediate ly signed, paying for a half yearj In advance. Mr. Smith lias su- preme faith in Ashland's future! und gladly lends his assistance inj promoting Its welfare. ! i.. u .iiuiii, wno nas neen spend - lug several days in Asliland look - ing around over the various inter ests here, left yesterday for bis home in Portland. Or 3 Horn, in a Medford hospital April 20, a seven-round daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Briner of Talent. Mrs. Briner was formerly Miss Alta Scott and is well known la Ashland. William McDonald, a mail clerk, I llllett "-v tl"'nu "'"""les. sunsti- ' tute ciei K. The spring session of Southern Oregon Presbytery was held .In Grants Pass Tuesday and Wednes day, and was well attended by the clergymen from various points of the valley. Business pertaining tn tUn nlmrrh iVfia mlll II nt u,I throughout the day sessions. . wnue me evenings were uwvuieu to popular meetings. WEDNESDAY'S NEWS mbe . ..' ' ' j mem. be).s of the Me(lfonl c,laptol. of Eagtei.n S(ur we).e u) agt evpn. ing visiting Alpha Chapter. church Monday evening. He found conditions in excellent shape in that church. Oskar Huber of the Oskar Hu ber company, who have the con tract for paving tho Pacific high way extension "to the California line, is in shland today looking over the work here." The rainy1 weather this spring has greatly delayed the progress of the pav ing. Kay Loosley und wife returned yesterday to Fort Klamath via Ash-!Ager, after spending two months j visiting in the Rogue valley. Mr. and Mrs. Loosley visited Ashland park while here and were much pleased wtih its beauties. They are thinking of returning here to locate. R. L. Burdic has sold out his oil interests in Bnkersfleld, Culif. (tud with his wife has come to Ashland to make the acquaintance of his young grandson, R. L. Bur dic III, and incidentally to visit with hla son, Du. R. L. Brdic, and wife. From here Mr. and Mrs. Burdic will go In a few days to Portland to visit with their daugh ter, Mrs. Ernest Wick. On Savings Accounts Wo Merest A DollarStarts an Account r,Btarta an Account BANK 8F ASILAM. J STATE Ernest Abbott, a student of the Agricultural college, came home this week to see his father, i Phi. rloa wl.rt la nnlfa 111 nt his home on East Main street. C. J. Sanford, wife and daugh- ' ter, who recently sold their prop - ;erty at Alsea, In Benton county. pre muking their temporary homo in Ashland, visiting with' the for ' mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. , Sanford. They will remain here . until they get a permanent loea - tion. S Mr and Mrs. D. L. Glenn r - ii.c.i iiuiiio wBi mruiMK nun, iv 10 liiiuom mose measures wnicu Glendale, Calif., where they spent i will place her educational iuslitu several months during the win-tions on a firmer basis. ter. While In the south Mr. Glenn ; i sold bis winter residence there. lnar"'8 """iiuiM oi i is 1,1 A!,hl"ml ,,,ls vpek- Ml" Charles Jennings or rortlanu '"" e,,,"e ", r0 u,,er Jennings Brothers' ranch located! "e"r hel'P' ' j Mr. und Mrs. Spate, who have ibeen living in tho Wallsten resi - I today to a house on Seventh and iC street. Mr. and Mrs. Wallsten; will remodel their house, after;,,..,,,. , ,. ., ,,. . . .. ,.,... which they will occupy it for their home. Mr. und Mrs. Van Brunt of Champagne, III., is in Asliland 1 sl,ell(inK ew ,11VB bfre, Mrs. Van Brunt i(1 a1 nullt 0f E. T. Staples, and also an aunt of Mrs. R. L. Burdic. A son was horn to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hutchinson April 15. Mrs. Hutchinson is staying at the home of W. Miles in this city. Mrs. Anna Zigler is spending a lew days in Phoenix this week with Mrs. A. S. Furry. Mrs. S. .1. Porter and children of Duiisinuir, Calif., are in Ash- land visiting ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. O Porter. PEIL'S Corner By the Park New Spray and Garden Ilose.l Just In fresh from the factory. A carload of niachinory and mower j repairs has arrived. Look to your ' cutting machinery early for your'g repairs. New and used sewing machines always for sale or rent. EMIL PHIL. LEAN Tin Mi There's a Time for Everything RIGHT XOW IT IS PAIXT TIME The cool clear month of April is the ideal time in which to have your house painted. Later on, when the mercury climbs and the sun gets hot as blazes, you'll be sorry you "put it off." Pay a call NOW at Paint Head quarters und talk over your plans and problems with us. We are In a position to help you choose good, economical paint the kind of paiut that Is a real Investment. Dickerson THE PAIXT MAX HOW IS YOUR Tooth-Brush? Are its hi 1st lex holding fust.' Is It yellow und clisnilineil" Aren't you getting lirt'd of it ? If any of these conditions ex ist, come in and let us show you our line of KLENZO A shape to fit your mouth A price to fit your purse EVERY ONE GIARAVTEED Twelve different styles let ut tell you about them I'riMMl r to ffc McNAIR BROS. M-B0 - J2S S" mL bi j Mrs. M. LaBelle of New York Is an Ashland business visitor this! ! week. j musical program helped enliven At the last meeting of the Mon-1 the occasion. Delicious refresh day Evening Studv Club resolit-! ments were served by the bost tions were passed among the mem-! es8e9- Tho,e l"'ent were Mrs. j, ' aim-inuiwuminy, to runner inei interests of the city and to aid the efforts of the Commercial club In its present movement for! 'the betterment nf Ashland The clitb also resolved to use Its in-1 '. fluein'e to advance the best in- lCress of the state am. especial-, Dr. Campbell, president of the land stands for education and is ( wlliK , contribute to its sup ' I'ort. Social t'iicle The Social Circle of the Chris- tion church was pleasantly enter-' ( ,.,,,,,, al le , (lf Ml.s ,1)ttil); l ,,,, B sleet vesterduy af-j hy j,rs ,,a(,0)s .,,, lrs Malk .. , i A U jj ' j?j -J i; 5; y Jr i y j J i !Linu.Hrii.!,it..iiiiili'iiWLuilim I UflJB There Are Many Things Upon Our Shelves That sometimes you will want yourselves. Many items in themselves are small, lut in the course of time you'll need them all; so we wouhl ask you please to keep in uiintl tho place where when hurried you can fiml ull your needs in the Hardware Line SIMPSON'S HARDWARE 37-39:NORTII MAIN STREET I'i'ii'i!! 'H.:!' !;:i:::i.i,.:;i;;:,::::.::.:;c:,i::.t;a;.;i:.;:i,'.iii!j Car Poultry Supplies Look this liet over; there it surely something ytu must huve. Lowest possible prices. Diamond Chick Food. Diumong Egg Producer. Diamond Scratch Food. Diamond Meat Scraps. Diamond Kish Scraps. Diamond Fish Meal. Diamond Granulated Bens. Diamond Grit. Oyster Shell. Poultry Shall. Charcoal. FliOl'R Ashland Fruit & Produce Association i AS Smith, and a delightful period was passed by the ladies with their fancy work, while a short Frank Foltz, Mrs J V. Wright, Mrs. Frank fiuislnger, Mrs. Mary rieekcr. Mis. Frank Swinele. Mrs. iioy Hale, Mrs. Delia Hale, Mrs.' P. E. French, Mrs. George ,McAl- lister, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Eugeno Harris. Mrs. Davis. Mis W. I. Medley, Miss Mae Benedict. crop rei,t7 lifted "pE T7. 1 1, liclX'v in . write or Bee. H. W. Andrews, R. V. D. 1, Ashland, Ore. 93-1 STAPLES REALTY AGEXCY WRITES I IRE IXSlRAXt'E SELLS LARGE' A XI SMALL RAXCHES GARDENS ORCHARDS PASTURE Will Find You n City Homo at Right Price. Some high grade speculative offerings profitable FOR SALE Very bright well bred Fox Terrier puppy, 3 mos. old. E. T. Staples, Hotel Aus tin Bldg. FOR SALE 2 Derm heifer calves, at much half mile east of city. E. T. Staples, Hotel Austin Bldg. STAPLES REALTY AOEXCY Hotel Austin Itldi;. Phone 211 ,,::!,;;;:;;;;;'"; pmpi'r ;';!ji;i'"T Ready to Brighten You Ip Conqueror HATS and CAPS Impart leelinj. that well-dressed New Spring styles. New Shirts. New Neckwear. New Suits. Spring I'nderwea 3 I I 1 OK MEN'S WEAR IIY THE I'OSTOI I K E iNliiiiHIiiClililS'JiJIillililfflilitiil n Fin Corn Meal. Cotton Seed Meal. Linseed Meal. Soya Bean .Meal. Kaola Meal. Alfalfa Meal. White Shorts. Mill Run. Blatrhford's Milk MiU. BUtchford's Calf Meal. Blatchford's Pie Meal. AXU FEED i Isfrii V-i "" "T,-4 1