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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1920)
page join ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS Wednesday, April 28, 1020 tmmtmattiwi: ij LOCAL AND PERSONAL J TIESDAY'S NEWS .Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Heer, Mrs. Nim Long uud Mrs. Frauk Jonlan liiove down to Rojue River Sun day and spent the uiends. Mrs. Nellie Sheets of Palo Alto, a former well known resident of j Ashland, stopped off over Sunday .NOTICE TO CREDITORS To Carrie A. Cozzens, one of the above named defendants: Notice is hereby given that tliel IN THE NAME OF THE STATE undersigned has been appointed . Of UKhUOA, ou are hereby while on her way home from Seat-'administrator of the estate of El-j summoned and required to appear tie to visit with old-time friends, leu I Wells, deceased, by the and answer the Complaint of the . Countv Court of Jackson County, said plaintiff, in the above entitled Emmett Jarvis and wife of Mc., Oregon, and has qualified All oo, art and c iuse hjch Complaint pel son j having claims against said is on file in the office of the Clerk Cloud, who have been making u e . .p .. notiIpJ t0 mesPUt 1 of Court at Jacksonville, Jackson day with : v rlt in Portland, stopped off Sun- same at my office in Ashland, Or- county, Oregon, and a certified dav on their wav home to spend egon, with proper vouchers and -w oi " . uinpiuim is nere a few days with the former's mothly verified within six momhUh served upon you within six ' llllllll I III I Nf IIIHIllt'M I 11)11 IHTPIII. -' w 1HW Hl.Tl A flue burning out at a house, er, Mrs. J. . Jams. I which Is April 28. 1920. publication of this Summons, and lc longing to Mrs. Susie Allen on; j MOORE, il' '0H tail ,0 s0 nPl't'ar and plead Vnrth Mnin street railed nut the: nememher Thursday of this 94-5 Wed. A(imll.i9,,.,.,' . j in said cause the plaintiff wMll an- i" iu uiu conn iui me rcnet cm- OTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE manded ill the said Complaint, to- wit: By virtue of an execution in: Tlmt ihe iihiiniiff hnv i..,i. Foreclosure and Order of Sale1,.,,.!!! nc.iinqi tl.n leimwbiiiiu w for Answer will expire June 9th, 1920. The publication beiug made in accordance with the said Older in the Ashland Tidings, a weekly newspapor printed and published at Ashland, Jackson county, Oregon. BRIGGS AND BRIGGS, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Ashlund, Oregon. 94-6 Wed NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR AND TO PRE SENT CLAIMS. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE: That the un dersigned has been appointed In the County Court in and for the county of Jockson, State of Ore- NOTICE OF HEARING ON FI NAL ACCOUNT. on or before the time set for such, hearing. ANNA E. GRUBB, 9 1-4 1 Administratrix, NOTICE TO CREDITORS lire department at noon today, j week. Time 10 a. m. and 1:30 No damupe resulted lo the house, p. m. Where? Presbyterian t 'Church. What? The 80th anni- Hoval Cambers left on train 5l;Verp:irv liroernm nf W. C. T. 1' night for Portland, where j)e are especially invited, also ,y 'f'V ,f ""d ,,l,,N. Campbell and Hattle Campbell, he was called to fill the position i parent-teachers and civic mem-! s e ,f o eg o foT Jnck ,or 600-00 P ,' Mine oi uiegon, tor JacKson cent per nnniini thereon from Oc- ,.f government scaler. bers. County, dated April 24, 1920, in ,ober 1st, 1918, for $213.45 with ' cp,"'n ""It therein, wherein 8 per cent Interest thereon from Henry Rid '! daughter Al-; Larkin Cruuu WPllt over t0 Otis O. Helman. as Plaintiff, re- February 28th. 1920, for $150.00 Vita came home Saturday from 1 vor,he,. raliforna slln,iv and 1"y?'v', "'K'"''"! against Desi- attorney fees and the costs and e wher, ihev had been visit- ' l'lJU"r" V 25 for the aisbursements of .his suit. liiougu uai-K ii ii nun jaeit i.iiue, sum-oi line TliousaiHl Nine Hun inr their di'Ughter and sister, Mrs., wl(J haB ,)pen 8eriolsh. nl with died Twenty and 00-100 ($1,921), Carl Loveland. I,,,, aUack of . nflueIlla tollowed 0(1) together Willi MCO.OO nltor-,36 by rheumatism. He came C. B. Howard expects to start: tl.f Ashland-Klamath Falls auto That tho mortgage given to se rine the same on Record in Vol. . .... .......... Q O . I. im- n.l .1 In ...., .11.. . "B ' here1 ., .', Ti,,"',, " ., . Mortgage Records of Jackson ....,.... " juumiiuii M.nnlv. Ornenn rtnled October 1t with the hope of receding bene- enrolled and docketed In said, stage line Wednesday if the fine v. tat her continues. Mr. Howard vat over the Siskiyous Sunday mid ri ports a stretch 'if road on Hie mountain that is pretty rough. but aside from this audi travel-' ! fit 1914. and executed by the said defendants, and conveying as se curity therefor a part of Block Two in Galloway's mlditlon to the In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Sa die J. Irwin, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, to all persons hav ing claims against the estate of Sailie J. Irwin, deceased, to pre sent them with proper Touchers within six months from date of first publication hereof, to Clara Aiisusta Engle at No. Hill, North Main street, Ashland, Oregon. Date of first publication, April 21, 1920. CLARA AFGl'STA ENGLE, j Executrix ' 93-.ri Wed. Notice is hereby given that Anna E. Grubb, the administra trix of the estate of Wayne N. Grubb, deceased, has filed in the con. m the Executor of the Es-iOince 01 tue uierK oi iouri ui tr.te of Wm. M. Abbott, deceased. ' Jackson County, Oregon, her Fl- nomes Mn acreage, All persons having claims uai nccuuni us sucu buiihihbuu nenlnst said estate are renuired ! trlx, and the Honorable G. A. to present the samo, duly verified j Gurdner, County Judge of Jack- ut the office of Briggs and Briggs, i son County, Oregon, has clesli;-1 All Kinds of Good Insurance in the Pioneer Block, ill tho Cityinuted May 8th, 1920, at 10 o'-! of Ashland, Oregon, within six j clock, A. M., at the Court housoi months from the date of the first In Jacksonville, Jackson County,! publication of this notice. Oregon, as the timo and pluce, SYLVENUS S. ABBOTT, : for hearing thereon. Executor. Any person having an objec-! Duto of first puhlicution isltlon to such an account Is re-1 Eutabllslied 18S3 April 14th, 1920. 92-4t quired to present such objection Real Estate Faring and Stock Ranches. ABhlund Agentu of Abstract Co, Billings Agency Court April 17th, 1920 j q ! Notice is hereby given that, , , ,,,,, ,. ! pursuant to the terms of said ex it, i. I'.ins mine up iroin ins or-tit ioti I will Applegato ranch and spent Sun- at 10 day at the home of C. R. Rose, i door of the court house In the City a. a , jiiviisuiMiiip, .lacnsou coillliy, tj o . ur m i. J. Love is remodeling his ?' 0"'! ale and sell at folinlVi ()1.t.Knl, , 1)0 fol,,closed .and n, I will on May 29th. man ' Ctv of Mefor(f ,, als0 ,t the judge n clock a m. at the front ; of fi0V01.nmcm I(0t Kix , Bp(.'tloll igi.ated S, M. is very goou lor tins nine oi Seventh street this ' ...... ." that you and all the other defend rush to the M B. HER vmI.mI by law all the light, title: , t,e p' M Ca)k. OR SHERIFF .i. fi I f iviH i tin nrrn'Mimmt I $ a '"'.'' ""l '"" ".: Ins, judge of said court, which or- ! xv v MJ ,.;, ,,f .., l.w.,.1 L""101.'!:1 Uoml . " 01 der was made and di.ted oil the 22nd day of April, 1920, you are required to appear and answer I,. rtattoa ll-illilft civ U'aulD el.d. A. H. Hays Is doing the in-, ' since acq iired, or f ,l0 ()ate ()t th(1 rim Ilu)Uca. ,i. r.. ...'.o,e, one oi u,e a..:... Fri(, yermu ,lereased, mill the letter cari'iers, is having liis ( heirs of Eric Weren joinlly or in 1'orse on Ilelinnn street remod- dividiially, had on June 23rd, To llio Voters and Taxjiayer: Basing my candidacy for sher iff on being thoroughly qualified to handle any pari of the work of the office, 1 give here a few ini-j joitant mutters to he considered! I.v the taxpayers and which I propose to do if noniin side work". Mrs. Cedric Myer and little son hate today for Iroquois, S. D., now have in and to the following tion of this Summons, which date oesciiiieu property, si in, , April 28th, 1 920. and your time Jackson County, State of Ore-con. ,L to-wit The South half of the southwest ! At tho where Ihev expect to niaku their fi"uitcM- of the northwest quarter . :cf section 5 in township 39 south V. Itlllf,r UIIV ML . ill. Ill AgriculturalCollege Med anil elected -jheriff of Jack iiiii coiinly. . My Platfiiini. ('ontiniious office hours from 8 a m. to 6 p. m. each day, includ ing tin' noon hour. Establishment of more adequate Methods of handling tax collec tions without additional expense Change of administration with reduction instead of extra cost to .laxpuyers. Elimination of errors in tax collection mailers by more effi cient methods of handling tame. Reduction of expenses hy proper ci'Fuiiization of office force and adoption of methods needed there in. Establishment of methods which will save tho taxpayers from $500.00 to $H)ii0.(i0 per year in matters of making up tax receipts. An equitable enforcement of Hit: laws incumbent on me to en foice without fear or favor. My incumbency as City Recor der of Ashland, prior to resign ing to enlise in the I S. Army, i-l'ows by records recorded there in that I saved the city more thai' SJ. 000. Od fur the year 1917, and1 by careful study, was iustriinien-1 tal in reducing the 1918 city tax! 2. mills on'an assessed valuation' of $ a saving of $7. !,.0.00 lo the taxpayers for the f:ir 191S. I feel from my ex-l-,;iience as chief deputy in the tax collection department of the Sin rift's oli'lce the last six months nf 1919, that I can do as well in pioportion for the taxpayers of Jackson county. If you believe in anil want that 1 mil of nu iidmiiiMratioii, which I feel any business man of Ash land, where I inn belter known, will winch I urn capable of giving yon, then I earnestly solicit your support May 21, for "Office KF riCIEXCY and law enforcement," ' For inn per cent Americanism." JOHN' H. W I. ME It. Candidate for Nomination for Sheiifl. Republican Ticket. Adv. FARM FOR RENT FOR RENT 7i( acre farm, part under cultivation and part pas ture. Formerly Haney ranch. Cows and team of horses; also implement fur stle. Write or call. A. H. Ward. Talent, Ore. 94-1 A New Lease of Lile Through Internal Baths Mr. E. Miain of Santa Cruz.1 Calif., writes to He- Tyrrell Hygie nic Institute: "My wile and 1 will be 85 years young nut Birthday and consid er that the 'J. B. L. Cascade has given us a new lease of lile for we now e ii joy tho liet,t of health. We were going down bill fast hut the Cascade has tiven us such health as we hate rot enjoyed in years." The "J. B. L. Cascade" cleaimeii the lower intestine its entire li ngth and keep it always free of poisonous waste. Thousands testify that Consti pation. Indigestion, Stomach Trim Ijlei. Biliousness,, Headache and all the many serious troubles which they catisv are absolutely relieved and prevented by ihis Nature Treatment. Foley's Drug Store will be glad to bOW the "J. B. L. Cascade." explain its simple operation and will fiv you. free in request, an interesting little book by Dr. Chas A. Tyrrell of New York, a noted M-ecialist on Internal Bathing for 25 years In mat City. Ciip this out as reminder to k for the book let t your tint opportunity. , I Jackson county Oregon, contain- I. (Winer, who conducts the ' ...... i..:... ! V voters.!, I .. " ... "'T w""',m,l!, ". -x t 1C L jutik esiuiiiisnnieni on f.ast mam snujeci 10 waier ami (men rignis llfp lnrrncll ijCilOOl .,,..., i .i.. .. i,. .,i,..,i .i.i, missing through said tract. I 1 NOTICE OF SKTTLKMKXT Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned has filed the final account of her administration of the estate of Humphrey E. Stone, deceased, in the county court of Jackson county, Oreg and that of said court has des- Saturday, May 29, 1920, at the hour of 1 1 o'clock a. in., at the courthoujli' in Jacksonville, said county, as the lime and place for hearing objections to and the settlement of said account. MISSOURI E. GIBSON (nee Stone) Administratrix. l!i:i-.r. Wed. Old Ford Racer Found "999" Beat Mile A Minuie Record in 1914 illness Sunday. He was taken to the home of his brother where he is under the doctor's care. Calvin H. Brown purchased a new Maibohm automobile Mon day from the E. N. Norton Motnrj company. , 3 i County Judgu George Gardner and family were in Ashland Sun day attending the funeral of the foimer's mother tho late Mrs.) Mary J. James. Oaten at Jacksonville, Oregon, i cliUiBes are s0 overcrowded, rooms April 24th, 1920. ! , , . , . , p E terrilL ! so vel'loalle('' a,1(1 tfiachers so Sheriff of Jackson County. ' few, that the three institutions will 94-5 Wed. Oregon. By FLORA THOMPSON. Deputy. SIMMON'S have to close the door on at least 1000 Oregon boys nnd girls, and perhaps upon twice that number next fall, unless the new millage i support bill passes on May 21. : mien compared witn uie yeur when the present niilhige support ' bill was passed, ALL BARGAIN'S. 5 acres in bearing peach trees, good black soil, land all fenced, owner non-resident. Only $550. 15 acres fine laud, all fenced, all cleared but about one acre, faces two roads. A snap, $1000. 0 Vi acres, small barn, good well of water, land all fenced and part in alfalfa. $1050. G room house close in, built-in cupboards and drawers and bins, full basement, lot 53x145, $2100. Want offer. 1 23 acres, 10 in hearing fruit, I bal. brush and wood land, 3-room bungalow; would make an ideal poultry farm and just outside city j limits. Must sell. 1 2 acres in fruit and garden, 5-' room house, barn, etc. $2500. I Money to loan. Insurance writ ten, and rents collected. Mrs. S. L. Allen OS N. Main St. Office Phono 10. ' Rw. 2HO-.I Ford Racer "999" which In 1903-4 started the Ford reputation toward success by beating the "Mile a Minute" record in the hands of Barney Oldfield and Henry Ford, himself, was recently discovered mid bought by W. L. Hughson, Ford dealer iu Sun Francisco. The car was cleaned up, shiued and insured for $25,000, anil sent on an exhibition tour. It wus shown at the San Francisco Automobile Show and proved to he u great attraction. This car made Its debut In 1904 when Henry Ford drove it to success ut n speed of one mile in 39 4-5 seconds on an ice track built on Baltimore Bay. The ' Ford Times" of July 1903, referring to "999" snys: It won race utter race iu every part of the country. Its performance was a real sensation, not only here but abroad, and did as much to mako known the name, of Ford as any other circumstance." This samo article, after boasting of the 20,000 Ford owners there are now more than 3,000,000 goes on to tell why racing was discontinued: "In the early days of the Indus try racing undoubtedly stimulated business and was of hem fit iik ii trade b linger for the new product. Today it is unnecessary to engage In races and stunts to awaken interest the interest is wide awake and the problem Ib how to best provide for that Interest which a growing demand for cars evidences. There was u time though, when no entry list wus considered complete until the Ford entry was in, and the records of these four or five years ago are replett with triumphs of Ford cars, cuided to victory by such experts ns Henry Ford, Frank Kulick and by Barney Oldfield." HARRISON BROS. FORD DEALERS ASHLAND, ORF.COV I 1,0 lT (nil. Moio Students but only . NOTICK Fiist Church of Christ, Sci- enlist, Ashland, Oregon, an nounces a free lecture on Chris-j tion Science to be delivered in ' this city in the Elks Temple, Mon-; day evening, May 3, 1920, at 8j o'clock, by Ezra W. I'nlmer, mom-1 her of tho board of lectureship: of the Mother Churcti, the Fist; Church of Christ, Scientist, in1 lloslon, Mass., und cordially in viles the public to be present. AND FOR THE COl'NTY OF JACKSON BI TI.EU & THOMPSON CO., A CORPORATION, PLAINTIFF, vs. W. N. CAMPBELL AND HATTIE nui'iikM i iti'sn.ivn ivn WIFE, CITY OF MEDFORl)! Aj 15 lM', ,','"t Mow '""-''"' MI'MOIPAL CORPORATION; I mul Ii-hn limn JACKSON COl'NTY, OREGON, I pe,. cent. More Income a POLITICAL SI'BDlVISION OF THE STATE OF OREGON; j The fact that higher education in MEDFORl) NATIONAL RANK, , Oregon is in a crisis cannot be said A IIA.MW.Mj lAlllin; JACKSON COl'NTY BANK. too strongly. You are urged to wo"k for the Higher Educational relief measure, and to help it with your voto on -May 21. A HANKING CORPORATION; CARRIE A. COZZENS, THOM AS MORROW, WILLIAM MYER AND ANNIE L. G. MY ER, HI'SiiANI) AND WIFE. Paid advert Isement inserted by DEFENDANTS. 'Colin Dyinent in behalf of the Sl'IT IN F.tH'ITY TO FORECLOSE Joint Alumni Relief Committee MORTGAGE ON REAL PROP-1 for Higher Education In Oregon, ERTY ALIAS SI MMON'S 514 Pillock Building. Portland. GARDEN lUULb NEW SHIPMENT of Garden Tools has arrived. Good tools are esentiul to good results in garden or field. Provost Brothers HARDWARE $1725 H CMfF. ltsT I i il I ii II in H MIW4 III F. O. B. Medford CLETRAC TANK-TYPE TRACTOR Added Power-Same Weight-Lower Price Because a greatly Increased output means a lower manufacturing cost vte can offer n heller (It' mill still i-ciline the cost in joii. kinds ol work, more days in I he year, at lowest cost. You can't go wrong on it. With more power and improved construction, the 1920 model will prove to uny farmer, any where, that Cletrac farmig is profitable fiinii-ing. A higgci motor and added strength; no extra weight and no more friction, saving you all the power we've added. The Celtrac is the right Bizc and type for almost any farm, the one tractor adapted to all condi tions, l! has proved Its ability to stand up to lis work. And now that the public bus recog nized In worth, it is out in front to stay. The new H-lneh truck one-third wider means a lighter tread and stronger grip on the ground. It's a tractor thnt has all-year service built into it, onj that cuts farming costs hy handling nil well, not just a few. Turns short and works" the corners clean. Com part and faster and does more thorough. Trar els faster and does more thorough plowing. Burns "gas," kerosene or distillate. Does And over 1200 distributors and dealers, with repair stocks near you, are backing It up to make every Cletrac owner a booster. One car late models just received in Medford. COME AND SEE THEM. BEST POWER FOR ANY PURPOSE Hubbard Bros. MEDFORD, OREGON ONE MONTH'S FREE I'SE OF A N AUTO STROP SAFETY RAZOR Your chanco to give this ra zor a trial. If you do not get more satisfaction out of each shave than with your present razor if you are not entirely satisfied bring back to us., SEE Ol'R WINDOW Poley's Drug Store POLEY & EL1IART Druggists. rlIIrl CITIZENSfy BANK O FASH LAND THE TOl'CII OF A TOOL OR FLAME on the door or sides of our Vault will cause an alarm on the street, be cause it is protected by an Electric Burglar Alarm System. Safe De posit Boxes can be rent ed for $2.50 and up per year. I SAVINGS II 0W" DEPOSITS, f i -i i !! . 4on Why Bother Making Your Spring Dress? PERHAPS YOU CAN FIX!) OXK THAT YOU LIKE, HEADY TO SUP INTO. Jorsoy, Trieolino, Sorgo, TnlTota, Sutin, Ooor gotto and Cropo do C'liino arc tlio lmilorinls mostly used in our dresses, and tlioy nro made tip in suoli clever stylos. There are lovely styles, also, in Voile "Wash Presses for Summer. AVliy not look tlioni over nowf AVe Have a Wonderful Line of Press Fabrics for Wool, Silk or Cotton Presses, for Those Who Sew, or Employ a Dressmaker PICTORIAL KEVIEW PATTEKXS HOME JOl'KXAL PATTEKXS iu.iluUWiiiUiUMiiUMiiliutMi.uttUtiwUi.Uiiiii iiuiti'. iiii-'itiU'.illi'tiiiiiliiluii.iiltiilniiiiiiiijiliUitliUliiillillu.ilUlii .M!!;iM"ii'i'jiOTttti)Pi)!!'iM!-;iiij''ii.,i,i iiutilii iliuiiolliiillhiliiitiii.ini lit Mill iiiiiiiiiii.iilIiiiii:iiill,iuiii..iiJiiilm;iji,1;i.jJ