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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1920)
Auditorium "r, ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS VOL. XLIII ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1920 NO. 95 NO COUNTY MONEY ID IN BEDFORD ATTORNEY' GENERAL ; DEFINES VOTERS' RIGHT SALEM. Independent or any i other legal voter who In registered or may be registered upon elec tion day, hug a lawful right to 1 vote upon the measures to be sub- I milted at the special election on i WANTS Mm ! (IF SMK J I WWIIWWSbW Owing to the fact that In the! May 21, according to a legal opln cftll for election In the matter of ion given by Attorney General the proposed county bou dissuel Brown, Since the consolidation last year of the Rock Point schools SALVATION ARMY TO SERVE ALL OREGON" I A service born of Service by , men and women whose lives are dedicated to that service, a ser ico not for gain, for It pays Its workers poorly. Is to be placed at the disposal of even the smallest; community iu Oregon through the LIFE OF ML ; CONDITION OF ROADS ! IX WESTERN' OREGON' i Three Rivers Road: Passable, I but rou gin and muddy over two mile section west of Grande Ronde. j Other coast roads not yet open to! lumos. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth King, aged McKenzle Highway: Open Eu- 1 1 .vcis, uieu .iionuay morning DOUGLAS CO. 10 KNOWN LADY ENDS BUILD HIM GRANTS PASS.- r:. ... i. ' " May 3. at the home of her dunel. . I I or tn8 new highway from the Mur- At l.'ii representative mills, ex expansion of the Salvation Army , , ' '. ' "" Closed Blue River and sum- .,,... . . ',., nr,m ,f,. ,h .,i..i with the Gold Hill schools has Home Service Program for 1920. hi "", "h h "',"" u1; by construction between i """ " lue V " . ";.. .. ,..." ..I for $500,000 to meet certain slate1 Many voters, according to tue: proved such a success, there I.i a Since Its splendid service her home. The deceused had been 'Blue River aud McKenzie Bridge. I lu """-"is. a uisiauce of MVi ,,veviols week tney were J6 436 . and federal funds for tho improve- j attorney-general, entertuln the general movement with the out-. Among the American troops for some time, and her death ' and by snow McKenzie Bridge and I miles, will be uuuerlukeii by the (M))J f(,et ,n tUe ,ast slx week's mtnt of tho Ashland-Klamath Idea that because they had reg- laying district to consolidate with J .broad brought to the attention, J??'Z-nnmll. No detours. county itself, all bids received 1 these orders have aggregated 62,- Falls, Crater Lake, Applegate and , Istered under political classifies-; Gold Hill and have the benefit 1 0f the home folks the kind from the Dodge parlors, with in ' Medford-Crater Lake: Open Saturday by the county court hav- 000,000 feet. Much of this busi other rouds In this county, the lions other than republicans and 0t a full-graded and high school, j work the army has been doing i teiment in the Mountain View net weeu Medford aud Union j ins, been rejected, the court con- ness goes to Australia and the Crater Lake road improvement ., democrats mey wuuiu ue uPu; me scuooi oinciais una iuni, quietly in the slums of the larger cemetery, .his. rung is survived Creek, fair condition. Closed, , eluding to do the work direct with Orient some to the went coist of wug stated to begin at a certain oi ine ngui to cast tueir uanoi . tne coat point on Roosevelt avenue, tk-i on the measures. Impression was gained by some' - tliut part of the money was to be Amazement on the part of lo- REPORT OF LI MBER TRADE OX COAST Export business continues an Important factor in the lumber in dustry of Western Oregon and Western; Washington, us Indicated by the weekly report of the West The buildiui? Coast Lumbermen's association. , , hi 11 rati Ch I ,11 " luu "U,B H""l " Wl If III, MUHIC IU I HH WeHl CUilHl Ul of transporting the puplla cities, demands from all quarters : J restat 0 Vnlon Cl'eek Bl! own equlpiuant. The same ac- South America aud some to Eng- e country is small com-1 hare flooded in upon.the army j Vei. , Crater National Park. No detour. ; tion was also taken in regard to hind: scattering cargoes and pur- from the pared with the benefits derived ! until it has been forced to doublo by the children by consilidi'.ting. . pnd treble its efforts. I FISHING INFORMATION Suow exceptionally deep in moun-j the building of a new road a round ceh- are destined for nearly all. tains for this season. Celhlng hill, between Grants Pass nulla of Mm elnhn These 1211 spent for Improving streets with- cat forestry officials and lumber-1 The mergers cut tne general ex-1 n has been compelled to ex-1 IV WESTERN OREGON Willamette Military Road: : and Murphy. Bids for this work mills now have a total of 76. 298,- lu tho Medford city limits. men greeted u Washington dis None Spent in Medford : patch, publlshod recently which Secretary Mowat of tho Ash-1 stated that no aircraft would be lund Commercial Club has been detailed for forest patrol service Investigating tho matter aud this season in the Pacific north finds that no county money is to west, while the same item un lit expended within the Medford , nuunced that California forests city limits, the Crater Lake road would be protected by a squadron Improvement to start outside the xtntioned at Mather fluid, city limits of Medford. The fol- Statistics in the local office of lowing letter explulns the matter: the forestry service show plainly Mr. Lynn Mowat, j that the preponderance of timber Secretary Chamber of Commerce, ! tc be protected lies in Oregon and Ashlaud, Oregon. j Washington, and not III Culifor- Pear Lynn: nia, aud that the patrol service After having had my attention system established lust summer culled to the publication of the should be continued. To this end, notice for the one-half million i t is said, lumbermen of the Pa dollars county bond election, cific northwest immediately will nude It my business to inquire of tnko steps to have the recent wai County Judge Gurdner the exact 1 department order pense of the districts coming In pand beyond city lines and etxewfj and add but little cost to the Gold B servlce to the remotest districts Hill schools. I of the state. And in these out of the way places the army is solv- In-ation where paving on Hoose- conclusive argument will bo ' : week or B0 wjtl njs j)arents Mr or woman 1)0r or K'r' whose mis veil avenue negius ior me i raieri any uvan. Lake highway. Judge Gurdner The standing timber of Oregon, Open Eugene and Oakridge. j bad been called for by the couii- OOD feel of export orders on their Oregon Forest. , Closed by snow Oakridge aud buih- ty court as the first of the pro- books. EAGLE CREEK Sixty-eight j mil. No detours. Good to Dex-jgrnm of market roads planned for. The aggregate of all new busi fine rainbow trout were caught ter, fair to Lowell, and practical-, the district, the districts affect-1 ncss accented bv these mills witli- day for a two weeks' auto trlping one of the greatest economic j April 18 between the Camp 1' impassable between Lowell nndied having last fall voted a special In the week was 71,273,524 feet vlritlng relatives in the vicinity ! problems, handling at their sourc Grounds and a point six miles up Oakridge. No detours. : levy of 10 mills each tor market of which 47,610,000 or 1587 cars, of Stockton. nnd preventing many of the ills i the trail. The stream is not so Mount Hood: Open, but bad ! ,-ouds, thu county meeting the ! v ere hooked to move by rail. . 'that result from poverty and j muddy as It haB been. .condition, between Sandy and, eV with an equal amount. ; At the same tim. they shipped Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Harrison ; wrong teaching. j TANNER CHEEK Twenty- Twin Bridges. Closed by snow The Murphy-Williaiiis road work, 17 12 cars, leaving 10,081 cars or and Robert Wagner spent Sl""dJ' In every county of Oregon on'8eeii rainbow trout were caughtjTwin Britlges east. j for which bids were called was 302,4:10,000 feet of unfilled rail as guests at the Chester Kubli , Bometime8 two advisory j here April 18 near Eagle Creek i Grants Puss - Crescent City: j tht grading of the 1 3 Mi miles and orders on their books. Tho un lunch on the Applegate. boards have been formed of hul-1 , i,i,i Ouen. Good condition excent a mi,kiiir it ruii r,.,. ,.,,vi;,, fiiu,i IukImk. i,ti, ,,,n n,i mile and a half on Hayes Hill, The survey was completed by the ter shipments Is equivalent to where construction is going on. I stale highway engineers, and bids 4:16.405,000 feet. work i were bused unon the estiniutes The industrv is ninniiiL' on a furuished by them. Two bids high production basis. Total cut were received for this work, J. ; at the 126 mills for the week was Wolke being a local bidder aud 7. 081. 327 feet which was 3,919, Wilmhuittt & Iteddy, of Medford. i 073 feet or 4.31 per rent below the other bidder. Wolke made a t the normal. Beach: ibid based on the yardage to be Analysis of car distribution for WINCHI'CK RIVER No '"'n' 1)itficu" for HUt08; should moved, his figures being 90 cents Hie mouth of March shows that. improve wit tun tnree weens. per yard for earth excavation; i mil shipments from Oregon and Almeda - Merlin - Grants Pass: j $i, 50 for class two, and $3.60 fori W ashington went into nearly Open and fairly good. !rok. Wolke also bid 20 cents every stato in the I'niou. j per yard for over-haul. Tho Med j .il.MiAl.l,!) ford firm bid 84 cents, $1.10 and The animal Junior week end , , tii,i.. vt. " us sou iroin now oil. mr. a.m ...... ..UUu, ' countie8. Tie9e , arecon- cently purcnasea a nouse on , u ; (u (ouch w,h lhejr and B streets, have moved into It; I fiiuiiiiica nnu juu,c niicu aiiu nun , best the Salvation Army can be utilized to serve the citiens of that community. A word to headquar- several I lenl Dri,1S8 t,le Salvation Army m ,,, Witliin two weeks this SI'CKEIl CREEK No catches, ,i,10ul,, be compUtea. lulikely that fishing will be good Cre9ce,,t City - Gold Beach: in this stream before Mav 15. "en anA f,,i,ly ood- Rollgh bB Water is now too bight. ! lW06n iirnMn an'' 0W l,e'"'h fllFTrn iMVPnv ,mh I Mnd 0,1 Meyers Creek hill. rescinded, if, .. . ... ...,,,, . I worker to take care of the maul- ...... ... . .. , Port Orford - Gold UlOlllUS, la 111 ASUiaiiu siciiunia n . j iu rail; 1U1 oou llMlllllK. and are remodeling and Improving the dwelling. Frank Dougherty, who has been living in Dunsmuir for j and Mrs. W. J. Dougherty, after fortunes have overwhelmed them. In the rescue and maternity i ! catches. Too early for good fish-; ing I ROGUE RIVER Good catch es of trout are beingmade at all; points along the river between'. ! Grunts Pass and mouth of Mule Informs me and the same has been ' by board feet, is 452,000,000,000: ,i.i i i ,. home in Portland the Unfortunate verified In this office that the et; In Washington 303,000,-1 s ulg' wje.a ne wiU ,ocatg j fcirl mothers of Oregon find a p:esent paving on Roosevelt ave-1 000,000 feet: und in California, ' a a I refuge and sanctuary. nue ends at tho city limits. There! 324,000,000,000 feet. The two: Wl. Rn(1 X1rs H K Tomlinson In the boys and girls home to lulll ta lln liwuinv lfl,,t, lltl cr tl uttilaa ftf I It A TinrttlWAQt. for-! ... . .... .. . n.i 1 l.o aet 1,1 iul.aH ul Va,l,lll tha lifu . ... .... - ...v-.... .... JU ,,,,. Um evemng I()r rorl. n.-..o.. v . -f.wki At,1t waler lH ,,,.! ' , "-Viand, the former going on a mm- - - """- (1V aml fishng is muMy by blllt, ,.,,.,,,.,, ..Ml ,, ,.! way of tho city of Medford. doublo the timber resources of' i,ii T,,miinunn 1 and the bov or k rl nreoured to;. ... ... ..' lltr biithilay esteiduy afternoon: Where county funds used for California, while Oregon alone ex-1 WjjtV(,n (or a few days with her BO ine consirucuon oi roans are -eeus nir suuuierii msut uy mK'lv! mtiif matched with funds coming from Ihnn 100,000,000,000 feet. It Is, the state or federal government this preponderance of revenue, so t $1.75 for the same classes of ex-' program is to be held this year Theater Party Icavation, ami six cents for over- on Mav 14. 15 and 16. Junior Miss Lorraine Sparr celebrated ,,,. The ,aUw film M,80 hlke,Pwt.,k end is an annual affair at its bid at $29,895. ! (K University of Oregon, and tho For the (lethlng hill work three chief event has usually been a doublo the timber resources of 1 ,. ,,.. ,,.. M Tomlinson and the boy or girl prepared to;,. , ! .,,' California, while Oregon alone ex- ... v. . few ., wh her g0 0ut into the world and win hisl v-ith a theater party at which 12 ktiii. uiujik vi iu ii in i aon-niiuoiu u.. imi- i . . n. or her owu way. i . Ul ' " blun were Hubmittetl. This work ! Va,iiv track meet, but thU vpsp . , UinwillUUllO luuu. Dllnutu At'luc rul it iti ur 1 .k the. . ' ' , ''''''einausmatnomemrori-: ,LUX0IS n,VEUNo catches " f " ' H ,s "Mt ". the bids ,he freshmen are to meet the GeoiBo W. Owens has purchased land many derelicts are made over , . , . ... . lloniB 01 1116 nost. ss tine leriesii- b(,inK I()0W11. v (. McKad- o. A. c. rooks lu the chief event. the highway commission of the lainly evident, that causes local ft t,orAma tl.ue,or and Oliver plow ; into self supporting men and, " ' . ullllkelv .,,: 'n,'",s "'V"d. the table be -( ,lL.n 09 f(,nt!) ,,,. ya,.d; Wllmnil.rt, ,.lst (wo m. ,,,, Juuiaf state or federal government will lumbermen and forest proeection-; ou(fjt fn). um njH riinch near; women who are no longer "'" lR artistically decorated in pink & iiMy u .,,, j Wok(! week ends have been less Inter- not permit the use of this money' Ists to wonder why the war Ie-: Ahluml The purchase was mado charge upon their county but an' '.s"""? g" wa and white, with the color scheme so ()( lh(i r ))it on road highways In the cities of partment withdrew Us aircraft Uirmlgh Hal.riso r,108., Fo.d gar- asset to their community. '" ' ' 01" 111 ,1" cmllfi!' '" . ' tlle 1M.)spat ,,llllim. t,UlS!l say thal larger thau 2500 inhabitants. This patrol from Oregon ""'' and is the first Fordson trac-! In the relief branches of the j birthday cake. After eating the Resolution thev intend to have the "biggest being ajolicy of the State of Ore- Washington. t()r 80,(, , thft AtblaBd terrltory. work done by the army many, 'J T , . , -0(' things provided games round- At th(1 ,.,,,,. m(M.1K , Jmor gon Commissioners and of the: District-forestry officials say. ; cases of poverty and sickness aro I fQ AW LAKE Good catches ed out the late allernoon s enter- Kuf,He Ujvel. MilliH,m.iu, associa- has ever been held this year, federal authorities there need be they received no premonitory Dr. Samuel A. Moffett, recent-1 handled annually. When the call of '"inbow trout frequently lim- taininent. Those present tion held at Centrul Point, the fol-! tme of the most prominent no apprehension Unit fundx from vices regarding the discontiim-! lv returned from Korea where he lor help comes there is no invest!-, 11 catches are being made here, i Audrey Brown, Dorothy Kellogg, lowiHK r()1H)iuti(1U8 wela uuaui- mtmbers of the Junior class is the half million dollar bond issue ancc order, save in a letter from I,,,.,. been frfr" thirty years as a 1 gallon of the worthiness of the' leathe'1 viu MeJford. the travel Mildred and Ruby Tomklns, F.llz-, 10u;,,. a,01,,e(1: !I(.ith Abholl who C01I1M from will be expended upon any of the hradqunrtera, received a fortnight mbsjon,.y 0f the M. E. church. ' subject. Help is given and inves- l bv automobile for 27 miles abeth Durrcll, Evelyn Miller, Mar-j lle itivi, Thnt we, the; Ashland I.eith won his "O" in streets of Medford. It Is hoped ago, which said that prospects for ,vag visitor j Ashland yester- ligation made afterwards. n,i nack tl'"il for five miles. ga ret Churchman, Eleanor Swe- , ers of tho Rogue River Min- track last year by taking the half that you will give this the widest. Hr patrol in Oregon were dwin-(,.iv ,Io is a relative of T. J. Fish Free employment bureaus othar lakes 1,16 "ot accessible at , denburg, Harriett Bevington. j.,,.,,-.,, UH80(.llti0 heartilv en-n.M,. is doing fine this year. ... .. . . .. .'.It: 1.11.. . ..... ... .... t.w.u,!.. nawl fvaaba nnii civaro Inn Ijulli CIIK,' T....i.,n Cn .... , ' ' piiniiciiy 111 oilier 10 coiinieraci : hhir h'.nui,. of f -oenix and stopped ott a lew v.-men exact no membership fee. i" -" ...... u. w..,.. lUme lhe hil l0 , submitted to hennr one ol the men that worn any eft'orls of opposition by un fair means to defeat Hie bond is f lie to be voted upon t It is month. Yours very truly, II. O. FRO BACH, Secretary, Medford Chamber of Commerce. May 1, 1920. davs to visit the Fish family on , find work for huudreds of idle h'Bh and muddy to be fished tors at the home of Mrs. Doan's , hom. ln Madison, hands and while work is helm; Mr. and Mrs. Louis parents. Werth. J. C. Neslin left this morning for his ranch in the foothills. In (1 . Dr. Moffett is accompanied found see to it that deserving . by his two sons who were born men seeking honest employment in Korea. He has a year's fuf- do not starve. lough for recuperation after which Ciim'jkIo I'on'st. McKENZIE RIVER Good Phylis Sparr. Mai l led at. Jacksonville Victor W. Knott, former North- 4. fa 4, ti, a, s ... ? - ADDITIONAL LOCAL .greater part of the coming sum- mer looking alter his Interests there. 'j .y 4 $ Jlr. and Mrs. Fred Moritz ex- Tl'KSDAVS XKWS pert to leave tonight for Sheridan P. L. Ashcraft has purchased where they have several children the ten-acre orchard in West Ash- living, aud where they will make land belonging to J. L. Edwards an extended stay, or Alhtimbni. This sale was mad? $i through Mrs. S. L. Allen's agen- In a letter written by Mrs. W. ty. E. Van Vaclor of Portland she $ .j, told of the death of her mother. Mr. nnd Mrs. It. Heswick and Mrs. May Wilborne, which oc- the people for their approval at 0 Seattle on the Oregon one-mnj tbo Oregon state flection nejl r,,.,y tt-am. Abbott is also edl May, entitled, "The Higher Edu-. (,,, f the Oregon Kmeruld this cational Tax Act"; ami that wher- year. He is majoring in the ever opportunity offers we will school of journalism, advocate its passage. - ... ne it itesoiven, runner, mat i.,i,i a v,l,.,- th mneliMr action of the .Ministerial as- ,,)( w,ls un.,.sle( P:,,. Ashland soiialloll be published in the lead-, i...:.i.... i... r...i i ..r,:n.,.. i. methods und with a knowledge fishing. Reached by auto from Ashland the young people will . . . ,lf .,, ,..,,,.. ,, . . ... , l'''lis oi inn .iiu' ana in , ,,.. f havine in oxicatilig catches of trout ure being niude ein Pacific chef, stole away from along the lower end, within a few the Dew Drop Inn Weducsday for fTi the up- Jacksonville where he was united i,a ovn.wtu tn return to his work "h thorough appreciation pi miles of Springlield where he expects to spend the H( Bpel(e at ,he pjj0e.ithe value to the state of trained per reaches the water is still too in marriage with Miss Gladys Ken-; ,is agriculturists, versed in modern high, muddy, and cold for good , yon or this city, on returning to in the W. H. The Ministerial association pic- of applied mechanics necessary Eugene, via Springfield. ; make their home nicked in the park, Monday, he- to modern farming, the Salvation WILLAMETTE RIVER FROM ' Smith resilience. Both young fore enjoying their program of Aimy in its Home Service Pro- EUGENE TO OAKRIDGE AND people are well known und popn Iho regular meeting. j gram for Oregon, plans to make A LOVE Good catches of trout , lar among their Ashland friends. useful farm handa, if not farm are being made along the lower aud best wishes are extended to ' leading dailies of the state. I'urge of Having liquor at his house without a per- C. F. KOEHLER. Pies ' .U scoured -,oi) bail Saturday WILLIAM K. BEAN, Secy. ,llld wa8 boullll ,,,. t0 tnB, i jury. Snyder was arrested Friday The local National Guard corn- John Mars and son, Paul, and ; everts, of many neglected ami sections of the stream and within Mr. und Mrs. Knott ou their Jour-: jVny js again coming into its Elmer Neville drove down to San dependent youngsters. Through- a few miles of Eugene. Fish are ney through life. Trancisco the first ot the weelr 01 tiie state there ore always lads not biting along the upper sec-: and will spend a few days in the1 whose ages range from seven and tions of the river, near Oakridge Card Party own, and promises to soon be one j of the strongest organizations in the city. city. Robert Avery of Portland has , eight to fifteen yeurs, who will and Reserve. Water Is too higli.i Trinity Guild member were. The National Guard during the have no future apart from pov- muddy and cold for good fishing, hostesses yesterday ut a pleas-' month of April took in fifleeu re- liy Dalazou C. Smith und Mr. Lung of Portland, special federal pro hibition enforcement agents, who declared they found 15 gallons of (orn und upple mash on the farm. No still was found. When arrest- two daughters cam, home Safur- curred at her home at 427 Harri- ha8e(, lhe ' Neldll Cllfc from " - ; ' ' neacnea ny .rem ...gene dav from PnsnuVna. Calif., where. u.n Tho l,n,k-' . Piobable ci iminalily. Up . thev had been snendint the win- will i hm...l,t her. for. . . " ' , portunities such as those to be of- . . ..'... . K"f iaen iiuBocsniuu iu..o.T. . , . .. 1.J....J..1 ull,i A..j. ,,,. A),i.,n f.,,, .i, ,.,.., lliestS. MlB. H. Muttertl WOII1 V Simn.nn (K k' Sllvi.,. Jltl. , (d Snyder and his wife declared I lie inarli had bwn Intended for vi,-irr,i. itiitiiitiliita if u-lileh Ihnv Tourist travel is commencing to -of tho society were tho invited v. Wilcox, Merrill Thorne, C.lenM , ho ,ubit (lf milkillK , aui uncigu ami ami pariy in uir cuius consisting or the following j parish house. A number of friends; veil known young men: Charles ter. They made the trip home in burial. The deceased was a for tluir family car. mer resident of Ashland. C. E. Clauson. who has been liv- nr. II. Wallace Lee of Album ins for the past year or so in Se- college nnd Rev. F. M. Boozer of st""e of Hollywood, Calif., are m)W. stand lhe buildings of Hit- toad to the south has a fairy good the playing ceased. I cultural school the Salvation Armv and south, despite the stories that ( high score in bridge, and Mrs. J E. Itohrkc, George W. Nichols Jr., Hollywood (ilii to Wed , piling to estublish at North Yam- come in of bad roads in some sec-j Clauson high in 500. Delicious. Claire King, Ralph II. Fraley, El Mr. and Mrs. William Guy 1,111 on the 100 acre farm on which tions of the Pacific hichwuv. The' refreshments were served after! i,,.t i.,.ow. lieechei- Danrord. I Uial (i. Coleman, Merrill E. Rut- Tiny chnrged tho ar.ents witlf ap l:ioai hing them iu a domineeriai; i.nd insulting manner when the dr iest was made. Snyder is repre sented by Attorneys ISriggs & , (. .field, Hubert II llentley, Mar-, ,., llf' Ashad si all (I. Ilarber, Donald P. Dicker-; ntt'e. is iu Ashland this week Medford were Monday afternoon W's invitations 10 ine wen- Bisaop Scott school, will open he- reputation. It is stated that aside tailing on old-time friends and visitors In Ashland. ing of their daughter, Miss Pan- tol.e ,he9e luda a uaeful life, from a section of a few miles on ' 101-Veai-Hiitliday neighbors. Ho expects to remain ; line Louise, to wicnaet i.arreii Brought up to manhood iu the Slskfyous that is reported The Odd l-eiiows and jlel.eK.fcN , A,, ,,.,.,,. ,(a,,ST ,,., l.ere tor a few days. In the program of the state, Rouse, which will take place at tIeun surroundings, with daily in- rough, roads are exceptionally! ,ll,s llel(l '1'11 ll0llse ,ast "'Si It is seen from the above list pi') DING Calif The charge rt..: . ... .. ll...: l.n..,a Tuaoltiv Avalllllff KltlV . ..... ... ,, ..... . . I 1 ,,11 , am hocc, nt ll,la .f,ln, In .. . ... . ... ... .iiiiiiiuy scuooi convention neiu ni inci. . , BrUcuon in onunury scnouuiig good nil the way down Into Call- " .. v " , uiai iniiiiy or Asniann s wen .. . i nmrrled a Miss Honnin u. v i ,.-,1,-1 ui minium iiiiiiaiiii mis ween, uitears ine;. " . , uuu pracucai nisi rucuuu uuu inu,.- lornia. ... jMiowii ex-sei'Tico men are now , Uerkeley in Meilford Ore uu Falls came over Sunday, -called ' t.ames of Rev. C. A. Edwards and : family were former residents ofuice ln faimiIlgj the youiigslei n j from the north that taleslcel''ui'11,i011 of 1110 0,,H l,umll',(l an1, lining up Tor re-enlistinent. , Alirj, whMe hffl n.u', all0',1Br here by the critical illness of herRr.v. .1. W. Hoyt of Ashland. The Ashland und have many friends! wlu not oniy e gaved'from bauV0f bud roads come. Smith's hill,!fi,'8t "' vetHury of the organlza- The National Guard now of fern 1 wjfl, iv'inKi s lmMe ngalngt lu. niolher. Mrs. Kinf, whose death convention expects 1 500 delegates here. j citizenship but given an honorn- to or 12 miles north of Grants nf 0,111 ,'elowship. About t ml,,., m,)rn thsm it has ever of-1 wall'hcr. a mechanic, con eccurred yesterday. Mr. Crislernnd will he a most inspiring meet- i ble profession or trade with which paSB geelI1s to hold the palm at 'r' n""luel' were "l from Med j tr.m before, because ot the splen-j (ili'(, jn tho orully jil here. It nlso came to Ashland yesterday Ing. The local Presbyterian Sun-: Cinderella Club to eaTn tuejr 0wn way us men. present for being the worst point1""1 au'1 oll"'r e" dlii club rooms .-.ud furternal : ls 8:,jd that wife No. 1 is now by tho Ashlnml-Klumath Fullf day school will be represented by1 Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Roberts en-, At lhe Yamhill school, to hr on tne who0 highway. All mo- je(l fHwliip with Iho local , SI,ir,t whicll js steadily growim;. t.lfhin Kt.lool " InKot ' ne;lp auto stage. I Mr. Badger, superintendent of the tertained the members of tiie Cln- ,,Htterned after the famous Lyt- torints reaching Smith's lini are 'o'lges. The leading addresses hl the Ooiiiiu n-. j ', Wulther also Is facing pros- ' School. deiclla BOO club at their home on ton school conducted by the Sal- accetig tows there, and thnnk-w,fl Rive" by E- K- ''h'l'P of It is proposed to have many f cmion on the statement in con According to the Grants Pass; a , Nutley street last evening at .-aiinn Armv in California, both , ,i , . . , vn Ashland and H. A. Hanhy of Med- - ,,,. E:ll,eriiii. i. unit ni-nha- ... ... ... B,.L ,,,, wl ,,,, , ,c ... . ... ' liertiiin Willi ins eeintnioil iroill my once a munin a dinner win ne rn i I i t ii i' duty. Courier a number of families from Walter Lowe of Peml surprised i which the usual good time was en- lloV8 aMd gil.ig wln (jm all th"! behind a team of horses. Cars that ford, while.the musical part of the tnat cny Bpeni hiinuay at 1.111111 ins parents lust evening by com-, joyed by those present. The host-' essentials of preparation for life'"' manage to churn through on their Ingram was curried out ly tfc Muged, at which the company ..i.-lr li, Aultl'in.t Kma olon wa.a ilfiw In In ...... !.... a lnli 1Tn: . 1 -1 . t 1 ... . .... . 1.1.1. I I .....I ....... ill ..... ... 1 -"('"" " " ""ess seneu eiegaiu leirrsiinicmn buUie. The girls win oe uiugiii own power at all other points give ' - ! cooks win gain v.i i.t expert-. Ashland may not he luxuriating nt the openitfg of Helman baths will probably remain here for a after tho playing was finished. ; sewiiiK, houseliold duties, cooking,; ,lp the R10st 011 smith's hill. selections by Misses King and on strawberries ripe tonnto-s ai l here. The Sam Baker, II. L. Wil- week. 1 The club will meet next Monday I etc. The boys will be trained in At this place the highway Is a ' """cing and a finesup-; Vrnmum announced last : ,her ,t house delicacies, but th. eon, M. Clenions and A. Ileston; i night with Mr. and Mrs. George .-..,,..,.1 , .,.. n,i in tanning. . Jm . k..m. ;,i. f .h per followed, and the entertain- Monday cveninii iiK-luded tho 010-1 i. i horticultural and animal husband- mi(- T)8 mM(, g 80 bad tnat carB ' mrnt lasted until a late hour. , of Harry W. Silver to be , backyards of the residents of i ry pursuits and modern farm ine- not nly hayfl to be towpd up hin jcook, and Edwin L. .Mowat to he this city are a feature not to bo Room No. 7 of the Snarta hnni., .. .1 i .1 ..1.1- 11 nvv .. ",a,i..i fu,-,n" nf I first nrivuiu ; .1 .1.1 - Mr. V fi It iIm l linniR fter 1'scIiIriI In Iho ( oml n( 1.1, ' , v.....o. mil uun u isiune " ine uinei unit.- ........... . - u-siiseii. ,-,iiiuiiii una iiiik re- 1v king -.n e-tended visit in C-ili- lard lef this morning f C I IU"lllinB' Medf0rd U f,lltillinB 1,sl And while their bodies and uf wp Two or lhrefl flirmfll,,: 10 acres to demonstrate how to Anyone thinking seriously of uiuvkMy fine gardens iu various ' '' . ' vaiiig W,ere thev will vit -H.I ml!,8lon; Evfiry SaturdH)r- fronl ' minds are being trained their re- tRre have gone Into the teaming grow fruits, vegetables and berries enlisting ure asked to be at the sections of the city that are already 'a' 4, rel itives and later so on to P rt A''r" Panl hve brought sponsibilities us citizens and mem- hllsinop, al are ,.,viIIK ,lp ce suitable for the use of the local : Armory this evening ut 7:.'10 or yielding ail appetizing addition to Mr. and Mrs. Rav Connver and lHn(1 to make that city their home' tlK'r y"nK chll',ren' of Pre'ibers of society will not he neg- X(.C(H, vrofltH for in jn(.onie tux; cannery, will be established near' later. Dr. Frank Moxon will be the tables of many homes, gleaned family of Minneapolis, relatives fo. , tim, school age, to these rooms, to get . iected in fact, one of the strongest eojiertor next year. ! Albany. Stockholders of the Puy-j present to give the physical ex-, from the home garden, and all ot Mrs. M..I. Mitchell of Laurel' ''ut ot tne Coun,v "Health Asso-j teachings of the Salvation Army The sunshiny days of this week, : allnp and Sumner Fruitgrowers umlnations to the new recruit, the more tasty on account of corn- street are exnected to arrive In Frank P. Farrell of Medford """" lwml ,UB is Ainericaiiisin. ine m ...... however, are doing wonders at association, wnicn operates a can- : ig fresh from the ground and families were among those mak-j Mr. and .Mrs. James Archibald,1 Vales. In-, the trip.. jv.ho came here during the past h winter from Mrnwnsboro and have Ashland some time this week and candidate for therepuh!ican nom acting as the agent for this work) I non-sectarian. will make an extended stay here. ; (nation for district attorney, was ' JUHl what one may eXpeCt t0 eti Through tho efforts of the Sal- ,, continu, ,he nilld will b- farm. fii-ying up tiie roads, and should rery. will buy and operate the: At a netal meeting of the re- ,,oma rai,Ad. Rheubarb is also publican club of Ashland, with one Pildy for ,. ,, ,,,,, an anne- 1 ' n n1.1I I.A..lh I........ v,...i I ........... 1 .... ... I ... , , . .l nf il nh ial y tliA uMurlitw nf Iho ...... Mr Conover is a prominent law-'an Ashland caller yesterday at-: i...-.- .uu.mi afbi, hi i .mi........ naidened In a short time sum- it is piannen 10 piani mose pro-, uzing enange to ine menu. A va- yer of Minneapolis. ternoon. i " nut one little child euch week boys have been taken from up rl, t , nnTn , rna(( worked , ducts which are best adapted to. nomination of Leonard Wood for rifly of greens" are now availa- 4 v j receives benefit from coming to stale Oregon towns and placed ,,own an(1 ,moothpd 0ff. When Willamette valley soil and rulli-' president, steps were taken for ble in both gardens', growing wild Mrs. E. R. Adamson, who has The Beaver Realty company has tne Public Health Center (and at the California farm school tern- , done ,he pri(C highway, vate them properly so that the 10r active work in the club dur- ,n fjPd along the highways, and been siiending the winter in Ash- made Iho sale of the W. J. Most 15 have already come) the work: porarily until the funds made wM, h unsurnassed as a fine an- faim will be a place of Instruction!"1 hree or four weeks be- the,,, always are a welcome land In order to allow her daugh- prrperty to W. C. Kee, who takes ' worth while, and will continue. ! available by the financial cam- tomobile tourist road. lor all farmers and fruitgrowers, for- b Primaries, and frequent change to the winter diet. There ! meetings of th. executive board js no reason How for Ashland rea- will be held during May. The ex- idrnts to be worrier loo much ters to attend high rchool. will re-nsessiou Immediately. ; e are advertised ny our loving - paign. May 1 to May 10, provide t ho valley. turn the last of the week to her friends." Room No. 7, Sparta for the opening of the Yamhill The E. N. Norton Motor com home in Talent. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Billings, ac- building, Medford, every Satur- school. County advisory boards nany made the sale of a new Mai-i Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barker came ecutive board Is at follows: Rer. over lhe high cost of living when coinpanied by Miss Violet Herbert day, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. I in every county in Oregon ar automobile this week to Mrs. heme Saturday night from Sacra-; Charles A. Edwards, Geo. W. their gardens will from now on Mrs. Fred Doan and children and Mrs. A. B. Bowen of Con-. The COUNTY HEALTH A8-helping the Salvation Army in A. H. Barnaul, and a Chevrolet mento and other point in Cali-;Dunn. Benton Bowers, W. ft provide much of the vegetables Ot Weed were over Sunday visi- don, Oregon, left Ashland yester-' SOCUTION. this great work with children. to Carl Ogden. foinis. ;Gody and H. T. Elmore. inu fruitt for home consumption, 1 i