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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1920)
ASHLAND WEEKLY. TIDINGS Wednesday, April 28, 1020 PAfiE TWO V Ashland Weekly Tidings Established 1S76 Published Erery Wednesday by THE ASHLAND ' PRINTING CO. Bert R. Orecr Editor j the United States increased only! 95 per cent. On top of this the cost of producing crude oil today is between 100 and 200 per cent more than 10 years ago. A DARK HORSE OFFICIAL CITY AND COV.NTY l'Al'KR. TELEPHONE :! The Non-Partisan League has letn trying for a long time to !,.aiii u foot hold in Oregon but Lus made no headway. It will. however, have one of Its pet SI'HSCRII'TIOX KATES I measures up for the people to One Year J?. 00 vole on, namely, an amendment Six Mouths l.-"' io the constitution limiting the Three Months ' 5 legal vale of interest in the state AltVEItilSlVO RATES J to 4 and 5 per cent. Display Advertisements, e:trh Plate owned banks operated '"l'n ( '""-'jwllh the taxpayers' money aro Local Headers, the line ""'iono of its hobbies and as the 4 Classified Column, the word, e:irhfimi 5 p(r cent lnen91irPi 1( passed. tllllc ' " , I would drive nil private capital out ''Tine N"U"'S' 'il"lll-:!c!''f " Sive ,ho Card's oVVuankV.V.".V.V.'.'.l.noiI-w'P,,P "" pxcelle," "I'Porlunlly to come nere wun its program oi I e owned banks. Tho 4 and ! per cent measure, 111 ARMY RURA L DISTRICTS HELPS FAMILY! STAND BY ASHLAND 36TH ANN VERSARY PORTLAND. Wednesday a' With the drive for Corn- man came Into the Salvation Army ' . . c, . ..,...,,,,. eom headquarter, and said h. was tlia pIctefI in the colllltl.v ustllft3 lamer oi u luiiniy ui win- unn- the -eldest six years old, 1 CELEBRATE AFFLICTED B Y DOES BIT IN LIFE is found that support has come (Iren, tne -eldest six years om. , . ... . . whose mother was dead. He badj)imll Ashlalm brought his Utile flock to Port-j The VaMev yiew ppoplp silrto(, land, emending bis last penny un;B ,ho fil.a, (,ay nf ho (.lve with ,o tiie Mn t wi,.ch ...... - hqunuron. Tins was no more interior of Oregon. So far on his L, ua trip tne conductors nau ueen .1. , community is always awake ling to abide ny the judgment or the Seattle ticket office and This week marks an Important i There's a truly-hero right here evi nt In the local annals of the In Rogue River valley and bis Women's Christian Temperance name 19 Du,ie Ei!tea mi 1,8 llves Union, when, on Thursday, the mid year conference of the County Union will be held in Ashland, the date also marking the 311th anni versary of the Ashland I'nioh. lliis conference will be held on object. Tho Relleview community has Obituaries, the line 2'ir Fraternal orders and Societies charging regular initiation fees and dues, regular rates. Religious anil benevolent societies egi will b charged at the regular advertising rate for ail adver tising when an rdmission or collection is taken. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffiee as second class mail ma Iter. EEI W IDELY llll'l TSKIt EII I'ATlti.V if passed, will be a killer for Or- Even President Townley, oi' the Non-Pnrlisan League, would not loan his money in Ore gon when he could get much higher rates in other states. If the League could then get con trol of the stato as It hns in' North Dakota it would assess the the taxpayers for funds to run a bank und a few people could get money while the great major ity could not borrow a cent for lack of sufficient available funds. passed his younger children free. A 1,.. .. I ,1 Kn ,1,1 l.A , """""" " " always stood bv Ashland In evei-v buy more tickets. '..,ii, ,..i i i,:., ut.ii.nj tin,, ii, liic iiiaitiin:c lllir people were found ready to do their part. The camp.aign was completed In the Neil Creek country where a record of loyalty to Ashland was established. These communities can be "My train leaves in 15 minutes, sir," he said. "I cannot leave without another iicket. I have no inoney. I have nothing to pawn." "Well, we had better bustle," said the Salvation Army man. ,u , cmuile(i 011 f,,.tlel. tl) become ne lly on it, the father smiling on Lis i Uve wwklIg Thy m ,VBy 10 a j,,b' I willing to "Do it for Ashland." CASTING THE "STONE" The fact that education is not ronliued to a few from the upper classes, but because of slate sup port is widely diffused among the I whole population, is the principal j reason why the tinted .Mates isi Mnry pickf,,,.,!. r ,ne "angelic different from Mexico. It was thoj smj,(1 .. ,, rft.rtlotiiitcIy re reason wtiy tne i lined Males ua,; ,,,.,.,,,, , s "Ameriru's Sweet- rtinaiiied stable while Russia bus; , tle f 0f moving- succumbed to the rule of the Hoi- ,,,,.(,,,. devotees, is now a poor, slieusts. imissed-up, crumpled little pieco It is Incumbent upon every state. of rolm01l iulllllnity, and all be te do lis share toward maintain- filllKe is ,llP 0,j,.ct of tt Mogl ii:g this type of education. Thej i,nrcltit ing nud merciless news more we have It, the wealthier we I ,,.,,,,, eXcorlntion. As a mutter become, and tho b?ttor nnd more of ,.., a rulMos!i propaganda is happily we live. May 21 will le-j lpinK wacd t0 .,ct hPr .. ,, termine whether Oregon iH willing to do her share. On that (late the people of the state will vote on the measuro providing 1.21) mills for the far mer support or me Mine i mver-, a Uoul)ti . Liule Ma.y.. na3 binne(li city, tho Oregon Agni' lol lice and the Oregon Normal School. Tremondoits increases in methods, as merciless as any whiclt-disgraced the annals of the Dark Ages, are being resorted to by many of the self-righteous members of the press. Without eiiiollmeut. together with the fail -in i of their support from the stale to imiease, have left them in a desperate way. Without higher education, the high schools and the public schools must go down Mpidly for lack of teachers; in c'ustry In the state must suffer agricultural ontput must decrease, if the Agricultural College is no longer able to contribute to sci entific farming; social standards must go down. POLITICS AMI OIL Agitation has been slarled for a government inves'igation of high price of gasoline. Our course, this i.-. for purely political purposes. There are a few simple reasons lor iucre.ised prices of petroleum products, which can be ascer tained by any investigator without expense to the government. N. A. C. Smith of the 'llureau of Mines, Department of the In terior, has just issued slime in teresting information hearing on the subject. The simple j as countless thousands have sinned before her, nnd as other thousands are doing every hour of the d:fy and night at the present time. Then why has she, alone, been singled out and held up be fore a pitiless world as n thing accursed? Is it because her "ac cusers" aro themselves without sin that thoy would "cast a stone at her?" Where Is that compas sionate Christ-spirit, which say el h once and ftrever more, "nei ther do I condemn thee; go thy way und sin no more?" This ruthless application of the searing "scarlet letter" brand to the quivering heart of a weak, er ring li u ma ti , singled out from mil lions of others of like fallibility, seems fiendish in its malevolency, anil us wanton in ih: purpose us It i hypocritical In its inception. CONDITION OF ROADS IX WESTERN OREOON The United States forest ser vice starts today to issue bulle tins containing information con-, corning road conditions for the! benefit of motorists, campers und sportsmen. Tho following infor illation pertains to roads in west ern Oregon: Wilamette Highway. Open be H. C. PATTERSON DIED YESTERDAY Henry Clay Patterson, only son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Joshua Patterson, died ut his home near Talent Sun- ili Talent Dudley couldn't go overseas with the boys who were called to the defense of the world. He was engaged, und bud been a number of years, with a stubborn enemy. Several times through tho yenrs this enemy has sent him, weak with suffering, to n hospital, but every timo his In domitable spirit and medical skill have won the buttle. Dudley has to walk on crutches because his legs have borne the draco ,,,., . sufferine but bis Koenter. Temperance nnd Missions, Mrs. Carrie M. Glllanders. County Treasurer I hereby announce mytelf as a candidate on the republican ticket for the nomination for the office of County Treasurer, promising to administer the duties of the office on an effi cient business basis. Adv. A. C. WALKER. the following program will be presented at morning and after-! I'.oon sessions: j Program I 10:00 a. m'. Devotionnls, Mrs. j Cora Slingeiiand. I Americanization, For District Attorney Believing that my successful man agement of the office of District Attorney litis shown mo thor oughly qualified, and that I can serve the people of Jackson County In that capacity best, I announce my caudidacy for re nomination on the Republican ticket ut the Muy primaries. G. M. ROniiHTS. School Superintendent I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination for County School Superintendent on the Republican ticket. O. W. CODWARD. Mrs. spirit doesn't use crutches. He- ! cause he couldn't go overseas he 1 took uu knitting for the Red Contest Work, Mrs. Alice Jill-1 C)., ,, worke(, nceslmllt,y for jibe boys' comfort. He became 12:00 m.-Lunch In church. j R0 Irof,P,ent ,n tnls k,nll of ham,. 1:30 p.jn.-Song Service, Mrs. iwork tlut ,)W , ,ha i nus. awards. !., viu ,!, , ,,, t County School Superintendent I hereby unnouueo jnyself as can didate for County School Su perintendent on the republican ticket 'at tho primary election, May 21st. I am for education, nnd for giving tho rur:.l schools tho very best advantages pos Biblefor employing as fur as possible the teachers from our own state schools, i.nd for pay lug ndequato salaries. I favor moro Normal schools for Oregon.- A. J. HANBY. A MliElt I TURK ISHIOIIT The prospective demand for lumber was never po bright as ut the present time and men thor oughly familiar willi the industry state that there is little possibility fact of the demand slackening for the seems to lie that v.e aro using u j next' five or leu yeurs. In fact, great deal more gasoline than we, it appears that the demand will aic producing. Mr .Smith says 'exceed the supply for an iudefi thit. increased demand has been'nito period. tell in all phases of the oil refill-j Now that the railroads 'are ing industry, especially in the back in private bunds they are ac fuel, illuminating nnd liibricat- ; tjvely in the markot and will lift ing oil brunches. ! tremendous quantities of lumber. The production of gasoline to j It is estimated they will spend In meet the demand of gasoline us-jtlr. n,.xt three years. $1,000, ing vehicles has increased from j 000, (100 for new freight cars 13. 000. linn barrels in lOOllto 85,-1 alone. Tho railroads are far cao.oiKi barrels in j!US, a gain oi short of their normal freight car f.bO per cent. Hilling same requirements due to war condi- twei'ii Eugeno nnd Oakrldge, but j day, April 25, ut the age of 37 in poor condition. Closed by'je.irs. Mr. Patterson had been snow between Oakrldge and j in delicate health since he was a Summit. Bad section between young boy. About six weeks ago Lowell and Reserve; fairly good i he had tin altack of influenza, to Lowell, and fair from Reserve i which aggravated liver trouble to Oakridge. Never passable for) with which he was affected, and autos from Rigdon to the sum- medical skill was unavailing. mit. Death occurred at 1:30 yesterday McKenzie Highway: Open nud : afternoon. Funeral services will in fair condition between Eugene j beheld nt the late home Tuesday and Blue River. Closed between I afternoon at 4 o'clock, and the Blue River and Summit. Road ! body will bo 'hipped from Talent is closed by construction work be-1 to Portland. Mr. Patterson is twoen Blue River und McKenzie survived by his father and mother Bridge nnd by snow between Mc-jund two sisters, Mrs. Jacob and Kenzie Bridge and Summit. Mrs. Fern. He was a nephew of Medford-Crator Lake. Open S. ratlorson of Ashland, and in fair condition between! Medford and Union Creek. Closed by snow between Union Creek und Crater Lake National Park. No detours possible. Probably will bo open by July 1, Grants Pass-Crescent City. Open. On Huyes Hill, IS miles from Grunts Pass, a short dis tance is almost impassable on ue count of new construction. Over Oregon Mountain the road Is quite rough. Elsewhere It is in fair con dition. Grants Pass-Almeda. Oi.en, and in fairly good condition. Crescent City (California). Gold Bench (Oregon). Open and fair condition. Rough, however, between Brookings and Gold Beach. Very muddy over Myers! Creek hill. Welcome Address, Mayor Lam kin. The Home and America, H. A. Canaday. Moral Eduaction, Miss Burnett mil Grace Hicks. Resolution, Rev. Koehler. Candidates' announcement. Solo Mrs. Esther Ashcraft. Some Educational Problems, Mrs. Perozzi. .Annual Survey, Mrs. M. C. Ashcraft. ting nnd crochet and bis artistic temperament revels in the doing of it He came to' Ashland Saturday and delivered a crocheted gown yoke to a little ludy who is one of bis appreciative customers nnd hV.e says she has never seen more beautiful work. Dudley carries on a rabbit Indus !iy too, In a small wuy at his home In Talent, for In addition to fight ing this enemy he also must win Tho public, Including newcom-!,,,, ,imsBlf a vng hereby announce myself ns n candidate for the office of Dis trict Attorney, on Republican ticket, subject to the wish of thej roters at coming primary elec-j t Ion. I believe that the laws should be honestly and fairly enforced, and If nominated and elected will see that they are so enforced. II. A. CANADAY. County Superintendent herewith announce myself as n candidate seeking nomination by tho Republican party for the office of county r.chool superin tendent. SI'SANNE W. HOMES. I hereby announce my candidacy for nomination on the repiibli-l can ticket, for the office of Dis-I trict Attorney. If elected i "Ii I edge myself to an impartial; enforcement of the law. j F. P. FARRELL. I Quick1 Action Cora Cure County Commissioner I announce my candidacy for the office of county commissioner on the Republican ticket, sub ject to the will of tho votei-B at the primaries, May 21, 1920. If elected I promise an economi-; -- cal, fair and Impartial admin- "Qets-It" Stop! Pain Initantly and Istration of the duties of the,(ftir office. I have nlwav- hfien for COrn S(M)n Ilft HlSht 0fL good roads. (Adv.) COURT HALL. A few drops of "Gets-It" quench! corn pains like water quenches Are, Olvet you Immediate relief. ers und strangers ,in our city are cordially invited to nltend this' meding. Free Auto Camp Project Copied in Coast Cities MAKES CAMPAIGN FOR CAMP MKT The past rainy weather, while 1 It bus brought joy to tho hearts of the farmers and ranchmen, has ! put n crimp in the road making in- this section. The Osknr Ruber company, who has the contract of I paving the Pacific highway from 1 Ashland to the California line, has been ready to commence the work j of paving from the city line, and Dr. S. A. Danl'ord, Methodist 'ia 1!'1 tho day set several times superintendent who makes Ash-1 lor beginning operations, but rain land his headquarters, has been " interfered. Now the pasUwo out over his district recently in f '" 'K'H days are encouraging the revival meetings and in a prelim- contraclors, so that tomorrow is iniiry c paign for a permanent ; s(1t to start laying tho "hot stuff" siinnner camp meeting and assein-1 llom 11,0 .riy "'"its out two bly grounds for your people's Bi- mi,,'S 0llt- Everything- is In legi ble conference. He says he finds inpss- "lul ir good "weather a very general assent to the prop- ll"1,lfl tbis work will be ciilion to put it on tho Ashland 'bed along. Chautauqua ground if it can be 'ilrk Tnie. w '" ' con done. Iraet for grading tho Green Dr. Danl'ord and Mrs. Danford 1 Springs mountain road, has also Ashland's fame for establishing have been engaged for the camp 1 lloim oll,.v waiting for sunshino to For Sheriff I hereby announce myself a Re publican candidate for Sheriff of Jackson County, ut the May primaries. Several years' ex perience In Ibis lino of work, including last fix months of 1919 In tho tnx'collection de partment, thoroughly qualifies me to administer the duties of the office in an efficient man ner, JOHN B. WIMER, IT'S period production of crude oil in '- Process w K&rZZy i H"""""s ,,r ' 'iWv A llle" "s,i""" l t. gSsY? ' 1 ' '""ill "eed 5 ArrrR Cuins comes Si-nsiiive. AlTLK UKiPuSULM'T COMES Jot. Sk ksi ss cvxt lit altii. Arrta W'CAXNKHd cosu .rutNorJ. In the spring when you're "all ,"'ril"5 in normal times. in" faulted out Mo-kI thin, if you will turn to Nature's remedy,' S';AK T l AtiAlX a tunic made from wild roots and grocers pro tious und delayed construction under government operation and much of the equipment is in bad condition. Their rehabilitation ill require large capital. Some aulluir- ate that the railroad) 50,000.000 ties which I would require 2.000,0011.000 board feet of lumber und their other lumber needs are in like proportions. Thus, It will be seen that con ditions encouraging to railroad de velopment and improvement di rectly affect the prosperity of hundreds of thousands of people employed in the lumber industry and conditions which hurt rail roading automatically hurt lum- barks, which has stuod fifty years lo ,lave advance Information 8 the best spring tonic you will that jobbers are planning to charge find strenjrth regained. No need the trade 20.50 or $21 a, hun-tou-ll ou it's Dr. iVrce'b Golden ...edweight for a sugar supply ex Medical Discovery, put up in Ubet , ... ,. ., , or liquid form, and gold bv every I't",HI frora h:,n nebo on the dnwist in the land. After a hard i,t'i,n'pr Fred Haxter. winter shut up indoors, your 1 ooJ Members of the Seattle Cater needs a temperance tonic, a tissue- is' association may consider the -builder and blixid-maker such as this possible banishment of the sugar 'Medical Di.y.very"of Dr. I'ieree's. how, ,,,n ,lf tne war. - SEATTLE, WASH. "I was in a tun., rationing smt 'in in the event (reneral run-down condition. Had ,,,,. are rdll(.,, u to al)0Ul bad Wood, disordered stoniach,1 .,. .,... ,. ., . kidney trouble and nervousn-. 1 - 8 "ou"" u- hlrh tqok three bottles of Dr. l'i. ree'f ,l,,w cl""H "ot M-"m improbable. Golden Medical Discovery and tive 'hey dwiared. or six bottles of 'havorite 1're-j scription' and waa completely: Koseimrg vi..s $r,uon to assist cured. Have newr lx-en s'k a! count in ronsirurtion of bridge day ainoe." Mks. MA! llASKl.Ni,: a( rSH UmMua ner in Alexan- Ao, Wt iweniyit'vcuiu nvt, jder s addition. MILK COWi" NOT "MILCH COW" Hereafter It will he "milk cow" end not "milch cow" at least so far ns the United depart ment of agriculture is concerned. This decision murks the termi nation ot a controversy in which etymologists in the department have had not a little interest. Those defending "inilch" have pointed to scriptural use und cer tain of the classics as establish ing precedents, while the opposi tion has contended that dairymen u I ne iiulo camp to accommodate tourists is spreading so extensive ly over the country llial practical ly every city on the coast has either adopted the idea or is plan ning a camp for the coming sum mer when the tourist trade prom ises to become the yrealest ever witnessed. The San Francisco Chronicle tells of the auto camp project inaugurated in Ashland that is being copied all over the foast stales tliusly: "Now that the wilder is ended It Is time to talk again about auto mobile camping grounds for the thousands of tourists that come Into San Francisco every summer. Other cities of the country have provided space and facilities for, parking, but so far San Francis-! co und Oakland have not, j meetings in Kansas, .Michigan and, ,lpR,u ,l10 spring's operations nt North Dakota this summer this; Point. He has everything being Dr. Danford's sixteenth year I ready to start for tho summer, as the leading worker in North ' i""1 if ,,ie K"l weather holds, ex Dakola. pects to get his clews of men out Tho .Michigan folks wero so1'0 ,Ilp ca,"l)s on tho mountain to pleased with Dr. Danford and wife! s,il, t work Monday. Theso sec last Hummer that they engaged ,iol,s of roati building will be the tin in for the next three years, scene of great activity f rom now on People who have been in Dr. Dan-1 'brougliout the summer. ford's meetings in tho middle, " Sr.!e.:"oX,phZi,B.'Political Announcements I h'ereDy announce my candidacy for re-nomination for the office ot Sheriff on the Republican ticket, subject to the May piint maries. I feel that my record as a public official during the first term entitles ma to re nomination and re-election. C E. TEltltlLL. Kor Assessor I hereby announce my candidacy for the'noinlimtion for the of-; anteed. money. back corn remover. flee of County Assessor of Jack-' costs but a trlile at any dru ator. son County, subject to tho wish- ' u " "wreucoai.o.i.-uicuiio. . The corn begins to loie Its grip nt once. In a day or two It Is mo looie that you can lift It off, root nnd nil. 'twlxt thumb and finger. That's the lat of it, as million have found out. It i the simple, effective nnd common-sense way to be rid of corns. "Oi ts-It." the never-falll' , (?ur es of the voters of the Repub lican party at the primary clec tion of May 21st. .1. II. COLEMAN. Sold in Ashland and recom mended as the woild's best corn remedy by McNair Iiros. (amp can bo established in Ashland. Political Announcements. .J15 00 Politicul Display Adv. the In. !36 Dr. Danford has bought the i Cnsli must accompany order on I'ohland homo on the Iloulevard " political advertising, in Ashland and will becomo a part , . I'pon the solicitation of friends I of the real life of the city in uj few weeks. J He was -in secular professional j life several years before becom- "Tho movement for automobile ing a preacher, so ho knows life parking spaces started in Ashland, I from other ' angles than the1 Ore., so far as can betraced, and i church. the movement has grown into na- tion-wide prominence. At Ash-i A short time ago O. P.!ing3 land there is provided u great sent a copy of R. P. Campbell's hare consented to become a can-i didate for County Commission er, subject to May primaries. I am a good roads enthusiast and think business methods can prevail in county affairs. VICTOR BURSELL. Adv. It. V. D. 2, Medford. cpen space near tho town to which i new publication, "The Daughter ranchmen and farmers in general fils is i"1""'1 nml electricity nnd of the Rogues," to Ralph Par- use "milk" instead of "milch" nl-lM"1)1' ""PPlied. All the comforts j lette, the noted Chautauqua lee-, most imiversally. The advocates ' ot ko,lle "le ,llel'e "n1 the( turer, who ut present is editor of ot "milk" also favored that word ' "ilulonol,' ,llives unpacks his, the Lyceum Magazine. This week i x, , -of her bit und kids nnd slavs fm Mr. Billinas received the following1 uri-uuse, uiey i-ouieiuieti, ji was i " " i moro Etrictlv an English word i " '""k " spun i uum m uiMMcv-mnu,, -, moves them. lette, who ulso pays a line com- "When they get ready lo move ' pliment to Mr. Campbell: iilillpiliiiiM. "Nearest to 1 1 rffiJsSJ Cverythinf" 1:1 m rm m 9 White House Grocery Caters to the most particular customers anil ask to belried out. We ulso carry the best goods that can be obtained ut these markets. We always have the best vegetables that run be bought and at Just as reasonable price as can be handled In the near future our stock, also the building, will be given a readjusting to make things moro attractive; ulso that our force will be able to give better service lo the trade. Thanking nil for the continuance of their patronage, I await your commands, J.C.KAEGl Successor to A. C. Niuinger. while "milch" was akin to Cer niiin. Since Americanization of language ns well as ideals is nn article In every patriot's creed, it Is thought that this lust sally of the "milk" defenders helped as much us any to decide the ques tion in their favor. they pull up stakes nnd go, but most of them leave considerable money behind them, in the form of gasoline and oil and minor re pairs to the cars, and In food bought." BLIND TEACHER WINS CERTIFICATE Miss Derna Ilaigbt lias lately Engineer F. C. Dlllard has dein MisMatcd that he alko can accom plish what old King Canute failed to do when ho commanded the water to stand still he run make water flow in a barren desert and can prove the feat for which Her bert Hoover Is being lauded by his adherents, that of making wa ter run uphill. With the oneniuz of the gates ih-. t,..k , i... vntiav r ii. o ti.,i;hs can be found out is the (inly l OX EXHIBITION district hus water in its ditches, il llnd person to receive one of tluse' PORTLAND. Samples of what and plenty of It also. This water) certificates, she has been teach-h,lilu,,y may 1U" Wear " '"'r hu' is brought from Rear creek nud: itlK music to a large class in Ashr in ,,er huir '" ,ho ot ,lu" is of sufficient quantity to irri- ld for a number of years mid , ",a,ie are 10 m " gate the wide reaches of that vuU,lls llllly friends over the state.0" tl,e 8eC0m' "00r U'e T "My Very Dear Friend: "It was fine ot you to take thej trouble to send me the 'Daughter; of the Rogues.' I have curried It' along until I could read it today.; i Your picturesque land is fortuniitu; again in having such a literary genius ns Mr. Campbell to set its ! beauties into Bitch verse. Mr. I Cumpbell has the real poetic sense ! and a wonderful ability to put j metaphors into poetic form, nnd to write sentences worth quoting. I thank you for sending me the book. I have read it today with great pleasure." received a leaclier's state certifi-: cute in music. Miss Haight so far foXTRABAXD FEATHERS HOTEL MANX Powell St., at GTarrell San Franciscc In the heart of the business, shopping d and theatre district. Running distilled ice water in every room. Our commodious lobby ,f ine service.and Homelike restaurant SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION OF Wadco Coffee Jelly Powder D. Q. Tapioca Steam's Self Service Store ley, which will mean progression ' who tuko pride in her developing library, , where they have been and prosperity for that district, j r her talent under such placed through the efforts of .1 The regular rotation of Irrigation ! cap. ' She has been a jmpil or liam U Ki"ley' Iire8lltM" ui ,ho will from now on take place, with j Madame Alma Tracey-Young for 0ieon Au(il"""' "'"My- T1'e water turned on tne land lying several years and is now taking1 within leach or the ditches. j heavy work for the concert stage. Tin Talent district bids fair to 1 Miss Haight bus given recitals come into its own, with the pros-1 in California and Oregon and pect of water. The valley Is de-,huis a concert tour for the fu lightfully situated, with broad e-,ture. Madame Tnicey-Yonng pauses gradually rising on both.Bnys that her technique is almot miles to the foothillR of the mouii- eei feet and Willi her remarkable tains. Talent district has plenty hsicat strength for endurancM of space to expand nnd develop. i that she could easily rlantl tl. and with the only 'drawback lack strain of n concert tour. ot water eliminated, the future! tor that section looks particularly Salem. Papr company pur- jbrifht. jcuase additional water power. group Includes various clusters oi aigrette and bird of paradise on which high valuation Is placed, j heron and goura pigeon. In all ' there are 17 plumes and an aigrette head. The feathers were sent here by 1, l,llleil iruimui, n-ui-iuij . the National Audubon society of: New -York and represent portions of a large cargo of contraband j leathers which were being smug-, gli-d into the country for use in millinery stores. 1 Si i. will attract you. : t n European Plan rates : f HI $1.00 DP. C . : BMuageaeit Kt" pw)ryS Nl Oi)oslto the riaza 1 fcm WILL IT PAV TO OWN A YAW; II DRAW SAW? , , . 1 1 . ... 1 1 . . iijiiiu )im 1.111 fnw a iini ui wooii a uy Hl a msl or 5I.2. p-r cord With a Vaughn daw one man can produw 20 rt,,,U a day, ut a r ..7i- Vaughn .lra mm will earn ,o $19JW ,liy pntit, h oil and gasoline, nblcli, for 10 hou' con tinuou running will cost about $1.50. pmiun. tun Hra how qakklythe Yragha drag w will pay fr iMt in aildl.ional )rofi,M? And after it lm rrrtrrir-'v - . Come In and let m show yoa, hMILPIEL At the corner on Ui. Plaza.