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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1898)
1 -i TIIK. DAILY AS'HUtlANV .SUNDAY MUflXIM. AUGUST 28, 18'JK. UVVUVVlfU UUVVyU,V UUVVrtAAA lAAAiVU u inwww uvwisv OrHtn1 X'urlOHltlen W MIMMt Ptlut MtOCk And Moll l(KnrtlletM of Col- f..;.Sale Wing Lee & Co. jj Cnuilin'iviiil Struct iirur Cooper' Ir,v (JooiN Sloro. I iHruumvmAjijuutfUtWimnvuvuvti tn WMMH'S OIAY 'Mini OF BUYING SHOES i;tt iviiy if In-' of a common mciihc turn of mind A' miiiU't woiiiii),j;in m-rullv tell if a hIioc fit lior fool. 'Jllin l'ciu true the mini who liim to delude thy vonuiti niiikcH the lilnmlerol mm life und drives lim . -r.iil. tu mrfure .w lino rrliaMo hi men arc w.M and C j-i rf ct Jiiifiifg w performed. . n JOHN ;HAHN, Astoria, Ore Set Up The Born Steel flanjje : f 'I Every Om Junraiiteed, W.J. SCULLY Sole Agent, 431 Bond Street. i The Pot Market Fresh Salmon Trout and Halibut M74 Commtrcliil nut KrCElVED IN TUR rUiUAKY. OIUftlalAR AND ACADKJ4IU ( J. M. THE SISTERS OF THE Convent of the ..Holy Names ASTORIA. OREGON, W1.IU ' UV.d .f 111. a. llO.ll rk, v opriilng, HnimiH-r,ii!i Fur rtlM, .to., av1drM tha Superiors INSTRU MENTAL MUSIC, PA1NT1N0 AND VOICE CULTOBS FORM A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT THE EXCELLENCE Of SVEL'P OF TIGS I due not only Uj ihi: orliflnullly am Itnpllulty of Him rimibiiialiuii, liutnUo to the cttio itn I i.! wiili which It U mtoufttcturiHl hy aclwitiflu procw known to tho (,'4i.ironiu lio Kmip Co. only, and we wUh to ImpreMi upon 11 tho linirtaui! of purctiHHiriff the true and orljlual remedy. At tlie genuine Kyrup of t'ljfa li maniiftntured by tho C'AUroiixu Flo Svuup Co. oulv, Icmmlettut of that fact will saint one In trolling the worthies Imitation iiianiifoojureil ty other par tlea. TlichJirhaUinllntf of the Cam Foh!ia Kid hrni H Co. with the medl cal pryfiwlyn, on-) .the tut U fart Ion whl h.4bt tctutloo S) rup ftf riift (riven t'rtifllioi of rumllSea, cakea the name of the Company guaranty of the eacdlenva ut Itn remedy. It U far In adanH of alt other laxative, aa It at-W on the kidney, liver and bowrla without Irritating or weaken Idh them, and It dj-a Dt irrlye nor oau-ate. In ord-r togi-t It henrBclal tffectx, pirah rrmeiober the Dmv of the Giiupiwiy . 4 CAUrORMA HG SYRUP CO. 4 rutxrix. ci ' tt uraLt in. rkw f . n. r. Y,b irlnlie4 In v(Mnn of ttia V, A. H. M,iiri on ih. nlaht r ('firun-" it, In I he ifrt(r of IIhvkwi, Culm, lie niokt evil of mn, r;rti iijr Muny of III mirvlvlriK offiora of Ih if.ilnd nr. fi Inl In rtMiie In thf ('rniiiony of uiivpIIIiik. The dunifiul wni ftwuuA In till (It, ItKlUN Of TKJUIOH AT l'(NCK. i iiiiiiiry Dlalrli'ta Ar Ml Ilia Mry of the Mufrrlliuii. I.AIKJK INi nCAHE IS KXPOUTB. A. V. ALLEN- ...Fancy and Staple Groceries 1'niit Jmin Mini Jelly (ila-Mx. With the Fruit tp in them Price Lower Them Ever, THE OG GIDEN AstoHa's Leading Hotel i lcKlcri;iVr!B!it, Prdpa. W OREGON STATE NORMAL SCHOOL M.nmHth, .Oregon A TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACRERS HwUUr Niirmal Cur of thrw tVm ,iul ihwI for public M' hi mil UFK CKKUKICAlKtotHu-h! mw aa a ni ATI . miidpuu WnltpUirnMlTa.llil ODptr yw AomLmlo annltw KHtH-l from hth ,'hoolt eiUloaue. rhwrfully wut ou il'i.lnwlUo. t Addrvta T. U CAMPIIBIJ, PrHdant, o, W. A. WANS. SwrvUrjr of Ktrul Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABSOLUELY PURE , The" North Taoiflo Brewery, of rhiol ftfr.John Kopp is proprietor, njhkca be for tidmeaMo and export trade. Bottled beer fof family nae," or kek beer aapp'Ied at any timo, delivery li the city free, NORTH PACIFIC BREWERY J. B. WYATT, Ailerta, Ong. Phom No. tl Hardware, . Ship Chandlery, Clrocerieo, Pfovleiono, HA.INT8 and OILS. wiUl ' A (tan lion Pil'iT id' gtrpptyln'g ghl tia . THE PROOF of the pudding la In Uv. ttakg tM ina proof at Bqt IS IN SAMPLING That'a an arrumnt HtnA'n lulra 4 damoaatmUtMa, " Oura will ataad tk test HUGHES & CO. Tlta WorM IUa ('.irnln(. In Ih.1. mid l!r Lul'l Intrumnt4. NKW VfiftK. Auau.t T -K Iial t4 thf Trlliun. frum y: No rrt-r omill:tinl to Amcrkan niunuf( lurnra anil Amvrlmn wofkm n rati lw tnwial'i'd than Otut tVtrt In tli li maltia l-mx!Vl bixn thnn hy tftr w..r. for high gr-ji). Inatrum.Mi and tnu- rhlii'-ry. Ciatfar. hrvy arnxla, whlih 1iMitl tli'lr gualliy ii.n I h-i r t' anil wtiU h am tint aulijrrtnl to in M atruln or brmkugr. ar pun hucl In any rmir krt. but tlii ht pun tiaae conipll td and uvlUuta muhlnry tilth muat Ih- IwmlloJ and wf rult hy pt-mona thou- In of milr from th pUi of --on-trurilon lmw a ti.nnilciH In tl.. Uully of nuilKlal ami tli. f.JUifulina. of mn. atrurtUiii, which la a nmrknl icailmniilul to thi mhi mak. and to thor hu 1' in h artk ! That ih. pip! of the world hav fon- ndpiwr In Aniplin a;ili .if tlila ihir- -:r, and thrrrlii in tho iirtii.lp wh.. nirfkr mid II ttirm. la ahown hy thu l.irKr iir.ra h.ih Anirrlrin mantifui iiiriTa "I Una aixl iiiiiipllirflaj nu hnirry liac r' i.lvp.l in il.n IU.-..I .tr Juat finlr.1. Tri, iiIioii,-.. trUiruch lnirtruin-iita. I rllon, LI, cn a, atium MiKltira, flrr lllilllra. r . It I ll.K'llra. .,rklllf in.,. lili.iTy. hi n unufa. turliij! niaihln-i-ry. ! iiu, liltu-r) . a. .hk nia i liliira. prtnliiitf irraa, ailriitlrtc lin'.ru mrlita, il.nka. nihn, .Un,i und ilmt- ur aril. Ira of ilrln,iB i-iiiitrur(ljn. .itni.imuiin In ulun n Jii"""J, hav. lx- n ai ut .y tlila tuunlry to ollior pirta of thr irld n ih. Ila-ul yir if IVjN'.'i 1'ruin the of A trim and Ih. laiunda of o 4iil. . frnm Turk-y, I'.r.M. Sl irr.. forra, ,Vd.:i. tu Aiir-a. Aurk Und. (1JI. 1'oiiK.i. tMiniw. Ma.l'Mta.i-ar. Trl..ill. tirrm.iii Afrlm, t)anlali UcianUa, Hrlltah, (he Iiutili lv.i.t In dira, Krrlli It Ulll-lllil, I'r ugr. Africa, Aalatlc Ituaaia, und the countrira of tn ti al and Houlh Amcrl .ltra li iv omit fur lln-a pruJuita of Amrruan f4itorl''. Jainra mm era manlpuUt. Arnvrlotii t'prrtra. Odm-. f.rt and hnda Hive mtlkn to Ann-rKan avlng nuiln, operator In th Kuropwn rriiirra rom. niunliivt with othrra In dlatnnt )sirta ol thn world with Anurkun I. Utriah In- .iruoiriua und tho nuthm of AtrUu, lu- dln and Uxul(ti dlaiH.rl tlunmlv. on AmiTlian hltydia. tor y.sira thla i-uuntry liaa rximrii-d a'wlii nmihlm ,n. value of liiAi.i or $3,iaaj.nv. hut Ih. I.gnrra fur 'lh l.ial ywir rung, fur ,ilo-e ih. iivirmt of the dviMdv. Krom the time tht tivrl:i'r and Mryrlea ivtme Inro Uao tlu-rr lua Wtn a atoly demuiul upon Amt-rl.ti for thn, and now thvlr rxporuition rnii Into the mtlltiiha in value And im-ir pui t hiiarra are found in wry prl uf I lie The follow-kna tulile khowa the value of th. exwrrtliin of typrwriti r, tnyilc, twine mttchlnea and lnatrumrnta for arlennltlc purpoaea trom the I'nlted tt iluiliiu the lam yor hy countrlra repri. aen'ird In the ottH-litl Mtiiirea of the troai my Iitireuu of atutlatlra: ExKrta durlna the year oiidliiK June 30. T)-iewrltlng' nuu lillira-rnlli-.l Klng- uom, IN"'h6.0; Knitue, llM.; tJernwiiy, IC'; niher Kutopivin coumricn, Jii',. :.VI; IliltUh America, J.M.752; Mexico. IS.- M; I'cmral Anierlcu.; Weat Im.loa, ; Eolith America, $tj,iil2: Asia ami UiiMlllill, jNj.WO; Afrlcl, UWl 1'Ui. lllcyclen I'nltitl KlngUom, Jl.SiJ.lW; Kniiic. Jisl.ux); (.k-rmany, ll.IJl.M; other KuriiKoii countrloa, 4!MIi.iii2: lirulKh America. tiiU.i3; ilexhv, $f.t2; I'entral America, ,.ST; Went Indlea, Ji'S.UT; South AiitirUa, iikl,:ihl; Al and Oce.utlcii, 4j!Hl,- 12; Africa, I'.i;,3i!J; other counirloa, 11.710. Total, $ti.Mi!,;i. Suwlntt nviuhliH'H United Kliiiidum, JSTSl.tMi.; Kriuice, fUU,S24; liornmny, fM.l.CNT; other KuroiKxin coumrhf, fc!U,ii; Urlilnh AinerUa.; Mexl.o, lii.6tt; t'emrul Ainerlitt, $.W,S12; Went Indies, t!,6iS; South America, twtf.Si2; Anla anu Ocean. Ich, .tl9.2iiO; Africa, JlO.Siti; other countries Jl.Mi. Totail. j:i,3l.30. Scleutltlo. and electrltMil Insiriuiu-iuu, etc. 1'nlted KliiKdoin, J.""3S.a; France, $174.3Jti; Ocrnmny, $l'a,!M2; other Kuropoan Ni:V VltK, Aumiat Z7.-A dlputPh from I'iiiiiii to tha ay: lieliernl rilofin, who hia Juat rtlirri'f1 f i oil) the vh lnliy of Arrm llio, ril''Tt that n aline of utian hy hi to the louniry lllatrl'l. The uf tba nlali tioopa KIH'i tlin a inlliua free pl.iy. A forio of irr nl..r wo ki d utid i.urm il a pliinUllon 1,,-nr Adjiiiiiun, H.oiK- ')' th;.t the .imili. are lerioMX'-o itinl iir rria; f ,r An.irl'Mii pi i,lei l. ii, 'I hi' lurin, rly l ovi-red ii. rmiiilrv l'i lii"iuitl pn.liv pilrol. tnir fni'i : have fi"l yet hecn put In i Imrifi . The nitlvia ant 1 1 :.iniah ie hoay lUltliiK (it'll olheia Ihri.u1.. (iiTiiT-il Ht-jn rind it full npurt to ' fi r,i 1I:1 laat iili(h(, Wutcra Htid Mcuf nam i'ulmi-r of h.ittry r, of J'honilxvlile, j'a., huve rexiKiied fivlll tlio I'ntir'l H:ati.a arrvlr.. I,.-ut' Kulnirr .'nit I ,lc iienant I'Hin. wh la In the annio Iwiitery, wer trh d heforn ii li fli'iemy ImjmpI, hoae verilh I hi. a not yet hetii iiiad. known. An Inieiidlary lire ii urr.-d u few ii;ulila aic ut Kl Colo del i.iiutel, a hamiet rv-"r I'niiie. Th people, muat of whom nr. HNinlrh, .I.Jr.Ld to Ihr ullnnipti of the men of tlm Nliitienih Inlnntry to ix tlnulti It. and In a fUhi Ueuti-nont l.awnon. who w,ia In eonim.ind, al: untied mi. of l)w ii'lf kl: purty with a hi w of tila revilr. ' rlT wm realorM only wtien twenty ptlanrn-ra h n lM-en t.ikin, ' i:rtVATK)N in rrriA. The I'reapJeat la l-v.:ini Mucn H't tlun to the rfubj. .NfcW lOIlk. AuKUat T..K ancp to ih. Trll.un frm Wivahlii.t m ;, N.w (juealluna nr. tonaHntty arlalna in reap' to tit. aovarnment of t.'uou ana I'urto ltl"0, aume of whhh are not only of great liiiiKiriarxn, hut u. h ai d.mand prmiipt attention. Among thea. ar nt ten rrltll to (Mililtr .tlucotlon Willi h under the Hfumlah rrnirne. were dealt with In it manner enilrWy different frm that whtVh prefnlla In Ihe United rtiatei, Thla auhjrct la one to which thn president la deeoiliiK mth uttentmn. und In regard t which hi aeflon la await d with In tereat. In the rMniah Weat Indh-a the colored M-i,ple, who form a '.org. proportion of the t'lUl population. iiav ne'er , n,oyed the prlvtleKca of lommon or tre. achooli an I the r.ime Uilng la true la a lar,' K- r,. of th whul while popj al-.n in Uit, the eduiMtlonal n. ld In tl.her lalano la. cumiajrallvHv aix-nkimt, a vlraln one. How, und l.y whom It ahall t culilvated la a (jueailou of pr.tcilial moment. It la iik ImproUilile that the uKen. lea of private and aaaoclutrd beii volcn, e whlcn waa ao powerful and uae.'iil among ihe trei-.!iiii n of the aoulh In the later year of the elvll war and long afterward, will le f.rtin.l active In Cuoa and I'orto I'.lco. Then-, a waa nhe csiae In the tfoutnern atalea. howeT. the co-opcratl m of the Kovrrmiieiit will be neceaaary. In the law of the frea-dmen chool. the Kovi-rnment not only furnlfhed pr.- lei tlon and aiipervIM in. out money to aa !at In the p.iymtnt of rental of arnol hulldlima and aleo the wniea of teacher. Whether eiendlturea for like object. In Cu!a and I'orto Klcj. ea;ecjlly the lat ter, will l. rettarilcd aa auvlaable, re mair.a to be en but It la certain that th. Untied Htatea cannot afford to Ignore the common ichool a an element In the con. atruothm of notiely and government of thoae' lalandf. celv.d telegraplilo advlcea from Waah Inatton atarlgnlng him to the command of th. North Atlantlr a'peidron. Commodore rhllllp, by tha Mint order, la detached from tha Texna. Th crulaer ,Vc York will b. hla flagahlp, He will lenv. the Texaa wnd take up hla tpiarteni un the New Y"rk aa noon aa Admiral Kampaon rellnijulahea command. No ordera. ao far aa known, have been nt from Waahlngton In regard to ihe futur. moveinenta of the North Atlantic uuadroTi. lut It la probahl. that th. ahlpa will roiiMilii In Uila port for aome time to com.. NO BKCTIONAIj IIATItBD, KAN I'ltANf lflCO, Au;,ot i7-(.tnrl Jamia IinKntr.Mt, Unlnd riutoa commla aloner of rnllroeda, haa nrrlvcaj here on an ollldal lnap. tlun trip of tho uhl dlxed rallrooda. in an Interview he aild: "I billeve whwt little. If any, aeellonal feelltiH whhh prevailed heforo the war n... now been entirely ol.llt-rutil, and that i. ie popular convlo:P,n that am h f' el lua no loiiifi-r ex : la one 'of ih. (trawl iH iili'Vemerita of he war with Braln." yXINLKY IN I'BNNUYIA'ANIA. HOlSiilUiKT. To.. AuxUHt K.-TIi preat 1,nt!al palty, cornpoairt of the pr al'lent and Wra. 'McKlnley, Aaaltit hwr'Ury Cottellln mid Major Webb llayen, of the Hlxth Ohio cavalry, tm h'd Humeraot by tpe lal train fr.ym thla even ink. TImj trM-nt waa given a trem. n ,Mia ova.ilon bv ttie citlxena, af'r whl h the party waa diUn to the bm of Ab ner MiKiiiley, the d!attnulihed kii.ii a will rtnuln dining their atay h re. The iny will leave a 11 o'clock MonJay tor Ohio. . ' . . ' - - aa I'KHItX IN OKEENLAND. 8T. JOHNS, N. V.. Augoat 2T.-The atiiimer hiM arrlveil hi-re laat nlitht frim her trip to Greenland, whl'h r ahe carrltd lh I'erry exidltlon. I'erry and party will make their winter quarter, at 8htrd Oaborne Klord. THK VKSUV1U8 AT NEW YORK. The Iynamlte Crulaer lllven a Great Re ception by Sa-mpson'a t1e. NEW YORK. August r.-Admlral Sampaon'a aquadron down the bay has been Increaacd by the arrival of th V--iivlua. The dynamfte crulwr ivime up from ciiianuiiamo, l'uIki. when e It aalled .m Auku is. under orders to proceed to New York. The exi uralunlats dawn the b.iy recog nlxd Lieutenant c'ommitnder lMlabury'a boat and crowded about Immediately after It came to anchor off Tompktnsvllle. only the tvom'r.g of great guns was acklng to nmke the welcome complete, for there was a dipping of Hags and wniat.ea and HTM of all kinds made a ter riffle nolae. Tha Vesuvius' officers were proud of the wav their bctruvtd In the bjmbard mi ik of Santiago's defences. "Her guns were effective In their work,' said cVmmander I'lllsbury. "You can aay the Vesuvius la a grea-t sticctvas." added another officer. Twenty-six shots In all were fired by the dynamite cruiser l the Kitterles tomnxindlng tho entrance to Santiago harbor. They contained charge ot gun ootuon varylt'g from 1U0 to 200 pounds. A to rti wlarm the Vesuvius' shots created and the damage they caused, abundant evidence was obtained from ruptured ottlcere and men of the Cervera tleet. Captain Concas of the Sixinlch tiagship Marls, Terea. told Commander Plllsbury tltu't one of ithe Vesuvius shells struck the barracks between the lighthouse and Moiro Castle iiml kl.led over 100 soldiers. MATTHEWS DYING. a rra " " -" lXIUSAHOl.l?. August i'.-LxOover'-' nor Matthews, who waa .utckrn with pnralyals. Tuesday, la rrporud to be dy ing. MARINE N0T:. Th. Klmnr., with general merchan dise, crossed out yestoroWy morning for Tillamook, The Columbine w'enl Aown to more one of the bar buoys ye(.ry, returning In the evening. The HrK-Uh bark Glenmack, YjM lAn, 29 days from Yokohama In balhisr, arrived In yesterday. The British ship Tola, le77 tons. Captain Johnson, 52 days from Hong Kong In bal last, arrived In yesterday. The British shin Rockhurst, 1X2 tons, Captain Thonuw. 2$ days fr.)m Y'okohama In ballasjt. arrived In yesterday. Heilborn & Son Furniture and Carnet.. I SPECIAL SALE Jftpnncso Linen Warp Mattings. I Prices Guaranteed Lower Than Portland.! C. J. TRENCH ARD, Commission, Brokerage, Insurance 2nd Shipping. CMSIom Houae Ilrokcr. ASTORIA, OREGON. Agent W. f. AO)., and raclflo Kxpreaa Co' I. Mnulacture wntf Lalr In W.F. SCHEIBE, FINE CIGARS! A fall Una at rim, T-boct. aJ Amukat.' Artkka. f74 Cemmerclal 01. Astoria Steam Latmdry KHITC LAI50K V '4 ' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. iinniinuxrwuiArtuuwu The IMPERIALhi THOS. OUINEAN, Proprietor Seventh and U..UlMilnn Hta. I r - , - - A3 Portland, Or. . Oregon Industrial Exposition If you can't be Queen of the Regatta, buy your groceries of DeYo and Get a fine dinner set free. OPENS IN Portland, Septemter 22 CLOSES October 22, 1898 The Finest ami Greatest Exposition erer tela in the ortbwrt. NOHTlCUIiTURJIIi ani ACRICUltTUlM Pnluct of Ort'gon an.l Wastiincton will be ilicplave'l ut wonilerful profusion, inoludinit more rarieties than ever before gathered trtj-eth-er in one exhibit. Cold. Silver and Bronze Medals will 6e AwirJeJ HER SERVICE END12D. The Wamputuck After rcrformlng Good Service Reaches the Navy lard NEW YORK. August ST.-The Wampa. tuck, formerly u. Standard till tug In New ork hiU'tmr, known a the At lua, has riviched tho navy yard and her career as a war Hug, Is considered to be oil an end. The VunHatucktvas tu the tlrst tight at Manxanlllo. She led tho way umler tire when the Hint of Shatter's army landed I In Cuba. thtt htllt.l tl.A .Q, f.t.nlu nut thA pill.le countries, liffi.tils; British America. ;lui.. ! .,, , ,, ..,, she wan with the St. Louis cutting the up;; Mexico, SiST.STii; Central America, .!,. 11; Went Indira, $ss,sio; South America, i"",oJ',i; Asia und DciMiika, $li,ii,; ATrica, .'4.3iii: other count rlea, $134. Total, t- TO.WJ. IN MEMORY OV JENKINS. Memorial to He Erected Over One of the Officers of the Maine. NEW YORK, Auktist Ji.-One ot the drst permanent memorials to 'the Simnlh. Amerinn war to be erected .n hls coun try will bo placed In a few .rays In Hhe hapisl of the naval academy at Annapo lis, lu memory of -Ucuteinint William Jenkins, who perished In the explosion of the battleship Mailne. The memorial, which 'lakes tho form of a murul tablet, wna subscribed for by tho classmaitea of tho unfortunate officer and has been enst In hronxe from a design by Mr. Charles Rolltrvson Lamb. A faith- tul model In blgh relief of the tll-rnted vessel la shown above the Inscription, which reads aa follows: In memory of friend W. Jenkins, Lieu tenant U. S. N. class I860, U.S. N. A Manxanlllo ncble ihat snut off comnui-mli-atlon with Madrid. NAVAL RESERVE MUSTERED- OUT. 8AN FRANCISCO. August 27.-The ) United States steamers Iroquois. Vigilant and Active ure now-'mnnned by olHcers and enlisted men from the navy, and the members of the naval reserve who have recently had charge of these vessels will soon return to prlvaito life. Lieutenant Turner of the Iroquois, will resume comnnuul of the naval battalion, while Lieutenants Snaw und Ounn of the Active and Vigilant, will take their former duties on the steamer Murlm. Tha nipmbot's of ithe Chicago naval re serve, who came, as far ns Mare Island on Ithelr wny to- Join Admiral Dowey's fleet, are 'to be gem homo and mustered out ot the service. PHILLIP SUCCEEDS SAMPSON. CHICAGO, August 27.-A special to the Tili'iu(. from New York aaya: Commodore John P, Phillip has re- Marvelously Rich Specimens from our Cold. Silver gnd Other Mines- Band. Has been engage lor th. aeai.n. Astounding Aerlsl Feats and Aero batlc Perfotmanccs. VerY Low Rates on all Railroads- A lmvion 24 Cenn ('hlMreu luCenia ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leave. ASTORIA. Arrtra a.m. p.m. Portland and Aa-ia.m. S;40 (i:30, torla express trains na KnanDA. cnnon.i weatport, uoble and way station. S:o0 i::Q5!A!ttorla, Seaside and 6:16!Kew Astoria passen Iger trains. 8: p ru. 10. hi $ 40 Ftret-etase train, leeta Warmnton fot I level and New Astoria at 1:45 9:15 and U:53 a. m.. and 12:30, 5:05 and 6:55 p. m a nd returning arrive at Warrenton at !:30, 11:0$ a. m. jnd 11:40, 6:15 and 7:06 p.m Trains leave Seaside 7:00 a. m., 10:20 a. m., 4:30 p. m. dally for Astoria. Portland trains leavea Seaside on Sunday at l:J0 p. m J. C. MAYO, O. F. & P. A WHITE COLLAR LINE Columbia River and Puget Bound Navl- f atton Company, Leaves Astoria daily excent Saturday at 7 p. m. beaves fortiana dally except Sunday at 7 a. m. White Collar line tickets Interi hangeable on Halley Gataert, T. J. Potter and R. K. Thompson for Astoria and all way points, Flavel. Ilwaco, Seavlew, Long; beach, ana Nahcotta, C. W. 8TONF-, V. B. SCOTT, Astoria Agent. i'resiaent. Telephone No. It. Astoria Public Library READING ROOX FREE TO ALL Open every day trom t o'clock to l:K and 1:11 to 1:10 p. m. Subscription rates $3 per annum. 1 W. Cor. Eleventh and Duana Btreeta. i ' r . i ' PURITY Gunther's Celebrated Chocolates and Ice Cream With Crushed Strawberries at the Parlor.... Chas. Kan & Co, 367 COMMERCIAL STREET. Manufacturers of Ladies' UNDERWEAR and Wrappers, etc. The lowest prices in Astoria. We also carry a fine stock of Japanese Fancy Goods, fine Chinaware, Notions and Toys at wholesale prices. sfes-Gonn Drug Go. Try Leading Druggists of Astoria ., UTTUULrUW " Prestoie," a sure and pleasant enre for the Headache. -a West Shore fflills Co. Wood Fir Cord Wood - - - 3.75 per Cord Slab Wood - - - - 2.50 Gut and Delivered Vine Maple and Spruce Limbs. uvaruvuuururnjuuun THE PALACE Astoria's Leading Restaurant g Everything Strictly Flrst-Class. d W. W. WHIPP1 R Prntv 5 C .. . . ....... . . - ouutruiruvtAnruvwwiriAnjuuTuv , j " w V I P. A. STOKES 1 . ( .S: Clothing wwa,, and Gents' Furnishing Goods 1 CUSTOM MADE SUITS A SPECIALTY. I i