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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1898)
(It I 1 i , I'l' V'.' ' ' ' ' ;' TIE ASTORUN Ut thl Urftll clrcaUtloi of aay MPr "TJ THE DAILY ASTOfcAN U ", Hfftst anl best uter oa the Cotamfcla Mvtr on tb Colombia Klvir v FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT. vol. xlix. ASTOKIA, OKEGOX, HATUKDAY MOKNINO, AUG 1ST 27, 18H8. NO. A1 The Only y Stove Store T E EflSME t prinn ... IN ASTORIA ... PEflC Omp Hp.clolty: HTOVCH AND IIANOCH We know the biuoM. Twenty yoara expfrii nre. If you want OOOD Swy, wo tho ntook At the Eclipse Hardware Co. REGATTA 1898 Official Regatta Badges. Astoria Souvenir Books, Fireworks, Flags, Balloons, Festoon Paper. GRIFFIN & REED. I NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED I Four hundred Different Patterns Wuh Sin t Co., Morthunt i rinriM 10 wrvo Hie tiMi m tlifir lino. (itutV 'liniixhiiiL' (!(h!h of all kiiuln. Suit mn,l.. ii mUr i I quickly. Larn tok ready iiimlo jot!, denning ami requiring. Uomomhor, Prlcon Tnlk. WAN .... 1V.WA-.V'.V.',.'JVi'X,i.!..Al'ilAMAW.WA ....... ... .... vl COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths Boiler Makers Machinists I.ogulnu KnglnoM Foundrymen Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Maiufsctsrm of the l'osurpBscd ... " Harrison Sectionar1 Propeller Wheel ... Maiuficturtr fur the hulflc Coast of the KOBCRTS WATCK-TtKC UOILCK. 1 fp M "Vi-ttl.-.... Pacific Sheet .... MANUFACTURERS OF ...CANS... Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco. Cat. Astoria, Ore. Fairbaven, Wash. Write, Vm for Prlee. Full Line of Fall and Winter I Tailors, ucro nevtr lx tU r .... 4 SlNd & CO 6,4 Corn'rc'l St. Lowers Supplies Kept in Stock Unlit nrul Repaired. PURE FRESH SPICES TEAS and COFFEE i Foard & Stokes Co Wc have on hand the largest and freshest assortment, fresh goods f 9 constantly arriving. Metal Works spice and Syrup White, BLANCO COUNSELS HIS PEOPLE TO ACCEPT OUR- GUARANTY OF SAFETY Spanish Officers Fair Say Both Nations Observed Ruled w Modern Warfare Schley's Ovation Spanish Cortes Divided Dun Says the War'Has Not Interfered With Business Best Year Since ,92-0amara,s Squadron Preparing to Put Down Uprising at Home Aguinaldo Submissive Advises His Followers to Accept Allegiance to the United States Hoar Will Be Made Ambassador to England. WAHIIIN.iTdN. Auk. H -' rflry ruy, upon Mvln th ral.lm t tnrriliiK lhl nfirrnoon nn'umrl lht WhltrUw UIJ hllJ rn wlm-tr.! l roltiml. InnrT. Thi r"nimll'n. e far f l h tn m.d uj.. U rnnpoMl of Hmntur Di vl. flrnslor Vryr tl WhllrUw KM. n l K.rMary I"y. ' Th flflh WpmlMT, Pay uiiiuuni-'il ..(n. lully, h nt Wt nnally .rr. (.J Wliii. of ih u lrrm ti" h. hn. thr pr.iJrrifi iiO'lrr f ilic .lCf uiilrr con.lji ration, mi J may I lnlur.l I arccpl. All thi. niiirilwr. of lh rablnrt. nr.rt AUif an.t irr M Ihr rrulr mfllt'I tM.ty. Tin imppv.ivn prri.ji.u llint (h prrtofin.l of ih rii' rotiiml. uuM Im- jinn.iuixrj af.T tlir Inrt nulling.. Jui;. hltr'a rrl e on thi . oiniiil-.lon r-ni I ailll a mil Irr of Kimi' iliuilii. John M'Coik om! Il.-f-rnt.i. Ilv lniutl giUK. of N.nir York. rrt among ihi hj nv th trrlil-tit prior l. th ruhlnit nirrllni;. QulKe had tal llh thi ovrr Ihf arlrrtKin i)l Whltclaw H1I1I nt x mml-r of thr pr.''o rommlxlon. Th prlilni iolJ QuIkk h hn.l tlrtirnilnr.l Uwn lh uppolnimrnl. Hrnalor Iiavl. hi ha lxn arirctrJ ai prae rominl.ilonrr, alao aw th prc.l drtil. The fia.tor Ir ft lhl afternoon tor New York, an J from thrr will return to hi noma In 8t. Paul deforv taking hi ilrpartur for Tarl. Senator Frye. other of th Mac commlloner, alio went to N.w York, and will vilt hli horn In Mulnr lirfore returning her. loiter White (demo-ra.t. of the f nlted Htnte auprem court, hn accepted tho appointment of pern rommlMloner. The following attahea pf the peac conimllon have ltn arlectei nn will tm appointed ty the preldpnt: John Moore, of Mitotan huBetta, now KBlnt rcr.iary of tnte, to he .rrretary of the roiiunU.lon, and J. W. McArthur. of New York, to he luml.tant aecretury. McArthur I now on teolal duty at th .t;ite deparlment. Oounai'l Ppttnliird to Accept Ouarante of Safety of 1'iiltcd State. NKW YOHK. AiiKiixt -A upeclnl to the Pre frtnil WnhlnKlon, :y: A tranoliitlon of (Jeneral Ulnnco' latest procliimntlon to the pe.rie of Havana, haa reitchetl WitBlilntrton. It ay: We have been vantiulnhed and without cotmlilertitlon of our birthplace, will be tomorrow a Mranvr in Ihla cotitry (i ml n emlRrnnt to thl portion of the world which toiluy, and pcrhitp n few week more, I a part of our tpmlsh futherlnnd. As Bi'tuiiKcru and na the viui.iulhed, I counael you, the peoplo of Culm, who deeply feci the illagrnce of their country, not to dispute any of the beneilta which the triumph give to the victor. It I our obllirntlon now to be quiet, not to take any pnrt In the different manifes tation of a local political nature and even to decline participation In uch af fair If the rlKht of franchise be offered u. Hut we have one duty which should be a duty of life, that I to understand the tusk of reconstruction of all your Inter G. H. THE LEADING DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING HOUSE OF ASTORIA Davis, Day, Frye and Reid Will Represent the States at Paris. . est, uml It I your duty lo to ak for. even iipi-nl. If It ue fii emary frotn y.nir KMiltloii as the an'Ultiei to the vlctonou. for a ru.imnt'e of your -r. .01111I sjtfely and the pntlon of your proiH-r Interest. If you do a I counsel you, the L'nlttd Htu!e will Uku cure of your live and your Inter.-!. My mission here soon will be tlnli-hiHl. ail will bo the Sovereignty of Hmilti. und anr one who fei that with honor to himself he muy continue to call himself a 8ii.inl.ird. will have to matrl igl.tle his lutnie at the Kanlsh consu late, hli h lll be esinl'lshed in this city. I believe tl'-'t I have done ill that I could have done for her majesty's loyal subjects. It was duty to make war against the Insurgent. wn- never have been gmieful to Sjtln for her effort In I their U'-hMfi 1 I am convinced that there wjll be no , further dispute between the Cuban nnd I the 8panlord In the Island", for It l my belief that a soon a the Cuban begin to govern her they will tlnd oul how use ful are the .Spaniard to them and ! will concede to them the place they de serve In the government of the Islund. I Your companion, I "ItAMON BLANCO." 8PANldH omCERS FAIR. MADHID, Aug-ust The Spanish army officer w ho arrived on the temer Alkwte, which rwiched Corruna on the :tth Inst., with the nrst of the Spanish reiatrta.ed ollder. were Slven ln. ouot bv representatives of the Madrid press. The offlcer declure than both the American and 8wnlh nations adhered to the methods of dvlllietl. warefure throughout the wmiwlgn. They concede the auproimicy of Amerlin rtlllery. SCli;.KY S OVATION". WASHINGTON. August M.--Rear-Ad-mlral Wlntleld S. Schley reached Wash ington this afternoon and was given an ovation all along the line. Several thou sand oplt were at the Pennsylvania de pot when he arrived here and they cheer ed him all the way to tho white house. DfN'S REPORT. NKW YORK. Align 2S.-R. G. lun weekly review of Inula wld -iy: The volume of business reflected In the exchanges at the principal clearing houses Is 20.4 per cent larger than hut year und 2S.S per cent lurgx-r than In heretofore rhe year of the largest busi ness and highest prosperity ever know n. lurt of this Inorease was duo to specu lation at New York, but there are moit healthy Increases over best of previous year and though In some branches busi ness Is not satisfactory In character, in nearly all it U In volume liirgvr than over. lilltirtM fop tlm wk have been 179 In tho Vnlted Suites, agitlnst 223 last year, and 20 In Canada, ttgaln.n 31 last year. THE ESCAPED SQUADRON. Cumuru Arranging to DIsemlKirk Ills Troops at Fvrroll. NEW YORK. August W.-A dispatch to the Tribune from rVrroll, says: Admlnil Oiimaru's squadron, consisting of tho Peluyo, the Carlos V. tho Victoria, tho Rapldo. tho Putrlstii (transports), tho Alfonso XII and tho ilestroyers Audni mul Pronperpllio. which left Cadli on Sat- Goods Now COOPER'S j urday. calling at Vigo and Corunna, ar rived here at noon today. Admiral Omar 1 superintending all arrangement for o.aotnbarklng the San- tlago trooidt at Vigo. Corunna and San- tandT. The deMtroyer Osado waa In such bad condition Oiot she could not keep up with the rest of the fleet and when off St. Vino-Tit. returned to Cadla. A soon a her rcpnlr are completed the Osado will sail with the Meteoro for SarjUmder. Admiral 'amura ha consulted with the mllltnry HUthorltlea and In case the Curl lists take advantage of the landing of the trMps from Cuba, to begin rising, Adml- ral Cumura's tiluelacketa will be dlscm- burked at Santander and will operate on I The only thinir which cause the presl l.ind In conjunction with the Spanish dent to hesitate 1 that tie J.a nr.t already regular. I sounded the senator on the subject end Is The machinery of the Carlos V, which Is out of order, will probably be repaired In the arsenal here, where skilled French machinist are employed, who were brought here from the forges of Fellge Kt Chanlers CompjiBnie at Havre before the war und are familiar with the ma-1 chlnery of tho Carlos V. The torpedo boat Bcrcelo, Hahana, EJerclto and Be umnsa are In the harbor and In good condition, but the Don Alvaro de Bosan, ponst Maria de Molino and Marques de La Vltorlo are all under construction. SPANI3H CORTES DIVIDED. MADRID, August 28,-The CarlUt and repirbllcan membtrs of the corte have decided not to attend the forthcoming session, uml they will Issue a manifesto to the country explaining the reason for their absence. AUGINALDO 13 SUBMISSIVE. Declares He Has Advised His Followers to Accept Allegiance to United States. NEW YORK, August 26.-A dispatch to tho Herald from Manila say: General Aguinaldo, Interviewed at Ba- coor, declared that he was anxious to supiiort the authority of the United States in those Islands and he had persuaded the other leaders to accept his views. It Is his desire now that the Insurgent army be disbanded and return to the provnlces. Ho complained of lack of money and military talent In the rebel leaders and said he hud not an army, only an unruly rubble. The general seemed dispirited. He says that he trusts the United States will form a free and lib eral government, and says the Americans iin count on his co-operation. The rebellion Is spreading In the south. Sorsogen has fallen Into the hands of the rebels, live Spaniards being killed in the assault on the place. HAY'S SUCCESSOR. Senator Hoar Will Be Asked to Succeed Hav as Ambassador. BOSTON. August 26. The Journal's Washington correspondent says: If George F. Hoar will consent to accept an appointment as ambassador at the court of St. James, the appointment will probably be made. The president Is seriously thinking of asking the senior senator from Massachu setts to take the plaeo which wilt bo soon vacated by Ambassador Hay, and he Is restrained only by his reluctance to re move Senator Hoar from his present posi tion. It Is hardly. .likely that Senator Hoar - ' would be rilling to abandon the senate after so many year to enter the dipio matlc service. Involving the formation of ties nd the acceptance of strange con- dltion. but the president hz tnought i that he would be the Ideal representative In Iyindon at the time when the relation between the United State and Great Britain have become so close and the dutle of ambassador are to be peculiarly delicate and Important. ! Si.-nator Hoar la the one American who could, without great wealth, tnalitaln the prestige of an ambassador In n 1 n. for he hi almost the only American who ts so well known and highly regnrded that he could safely live a he liked. ! unwilling to take him out of the seate. WHAT OUR NEW TERRITORY MEAN Milwaukee Brewing Company Receives Big Order for Bottled Beer. MILWAUKEE, August !6.-What may be expected In the way of Increased commerce bntween the United States and Its newly acquired territory, is fairly il lustrated by an order for bottled beer re ceived by a brewing company of this city. Its China agent has cabled an order tor sixty-seven carloads for Immediate ship ment. The beer Is to be shipped to the Pacific coast by special trains. AN ORLGONIAN KILLED. SALT LAKE, August J6.-The killing of a Utah soldier fend the wounding of an other at Cavlte. as announced today, created much Interest here. Both men were members of battery B under com mand of Captain F. A. Grant The man who was killed was George H. Hudson. He enlisted a Mercer, on May 5. His home was originally at Baker City, Or., where his fathor. Dr. Hudson, now re sides. GETS A SLICE OF SKAGWAY. PORT TOWNSEND. August Si-Advices received tonight from Alaska state that the application of Bernard Moore tor ti Ujilted States patent to 160 acres or land, embracing the townslte of Skagway has been decided by the United States land office ut Sitka. Moure's application was rejected, but he was awarded the wharf site and 3C acres of land adjoining. BARK GUARDIAN AVRECKl SEATTLE. August 26. News reached here this afternoon of the wrecking of the bark Guurdlan on the rocks oft Tt guldo Island, Ahiska, No lives wvre lost. Captain Eagles and crew took to the lifeboats and pulled through a fog a miles to Urtulasktu THE PARIS COMMISSIONERS. The Party Will Start for Havre on Sep tember Three. CHICAGO. Auttust 2ti.-Kvrdlnand Peck, commissioner general from tne .-'nlted States to the Paris exposition, accon pan led by several heads of departments and their secretaries, will leave Sunday night for Now York to take the steamer La Touralne September 3 for Havre. When the tourists reacn New- York, Arriving Daily United they will be loln.J bv forrir mn.y. Ar the New York section of the ccmrt sslon, f T.leuren.n A n n 1. . . . . . . ...... . v.. .jitcr. ui ntvy, ana Captain Kerr of the army. Secretary of th frrunrv un. . t Gage, ha tent hi Ir.djrsetnent of the" i-arayette movement as follow: "If the monument can oe Inaugurated and a great success made tfca line. marked out It would be a noble and beau tlful tribute for our people to pay to th memory of one without whm aid n would, perhaps, never have achieved our Independence and freedom which haa brought our glorious heritage." M KINLEY WILL BE PRESENT. CHICAGO, August .-The Times-Herald says: ' President McKinley has accepted the invitation to attend the Peace Jubilee to be held In Chicago In October. He will possibly be accompanied by Lyman J. Gnge. secretary of th treas ury and John D. Long, secretary of the navy. PROMOTED COMMISSARY SER GEANT. Commissary Young Taken to the Pen for Larceny of Stores. SAN FRANCISCO. August W.-Burton J. Mitchell, company I. Twentieth Kansas has been made regimental quartermaster sergeant, vice James & Toung, convicted of larceny and discharged from he ser vice. The latter will be taken to the peni tentiary at Leavenworth by Sergeant F. R. Dodge and a detail from the Kansas regiment. Young now claims that he disposed ot commissary stores with the knowledge ot the officers and men of the regiment and that the total sum was Invested In to bacco for the regiment. This he sold the officers and companies, each captain being responsible for bis company. The resignation of First Lieutenant De Ford of the Twentieth Kansas regiment has been accepted. Private Elmer Mclntlre, company B, ntieth Kansas, died at the division hospital of acute tuberculosis. The loyal la ta bialMat area ftakisf eowdw Mow. Actaal lasts shew It aeea ) taJr hwtW Um Mty UW keassl &AKI.H3 FOWDZn Absolutely Pure ROYAL KAMI WO ft)WOC CO., NtTW VOfttt.