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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1898)
r THIS DAILY A8T0RUN, SUNDAY: itOKNlxa AlOlttT XP, IBM JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone No. M. tkru or tUDacniPTioN. DAILT. nt ty malt, tw rw. Bent by mall, pf month Served by carrier, per month. aa An ... .M ... .80 WEEKLY, lent by mall, per year, In aovance., Postage free to subscriber. .$200 All communlcatlona intended for pub',1 ration should be directed to the editor. Buin communlcatlona of all kind and remittances mutt be addressed, to The AHortan." The Astortan guarantee to lt adver tiser the lanrrat circulation of any new, paper published on the Columbia liver. Advertising rate can be, had on appll. cation to the buelneea manager. The .setluri nid h.t Atrla ahotila make a pVIef tlhlblt at the forthcoming lndutrt.J Exiltlon at Portland, I a good one. TUla ivrnt, le cturing annually aa R doea, la a, state affair enl of Interstate importance. AV w...tin the past to year 'he mm pro cannot afford to be without r-preeta-(ri.a h.i had lt beginning In the htiRe tln there, and Clataop hou'.d ee to It bulk of the Chinese empire. oth roll ha hn insignificant In lenaith The war ha been a benefit to the ivv Hon. It w like a giant unconscious "t hla full strength. It ha shown to u mvl to an astonished world a well, the I'nlted State la one of the great naval power of the world, and that our fighting qualities., both on tea nn1 bind. lire of the highest grade. It h.i caused our people, an A whole, 40 t.ike A hrvM.ler vl of the relation In which this country stand to the remainder of the world, and shown them we hue ottttr'wn the century-old policy of ten -ring the .1.1-lle-s we owe no one of the mightiest n Hons of the ertrth. We must no longer shirk the rsvni Mllty of 1-clng n factor In the w k 1 1'e government. Thl globe Is undergoing. for the first time In It long hlin.'ry. ' process, of partition. The twrlmrtc por ti.wia are no longer to be allowed to re main o. The enlightenment of (he Age .V rends th; rlTlttjatlon hull be x. teittled to the remotest InhaMi-d l of the v. Within a quarter of a century Africa ha been literally apportioned among the leading nation e-f Eumi and Which do wearmojt your UilnVinjr cap or your Wutllng cf Th woman hotudlcito auve hct alf Ulxw Ami cxpcnarwlut liivea to Imvt her htms UU Vet at all time fituU Uothlng m helpful u r V mm 1 WashlngPowdcr Pet Rr cleaning Terrthlnt. Irg chgv-gretel tMitoinjr, T !. K. tiU rar. Chgwgiv Ht. I...U. Krw Vra. Ikwua, PinMoiptoa. W a m ' Rign'vwr . r her exhibit la a tp!oo4 one. The Arorl h(rpln Commercial Whatever my !e raid of the eltlh motive which Inaugurated (hi poii y. eult l fgr the world' le'.termetit. Aoolatlon h cored another u ce. Kuroie coloniie primarily to extend h r The nthultlc meeting of frmr and provide wider market, hut terday afternoon In the club room at her soldier. ,ur Kiilor. and her nter wtilch better te? ere taken for the chin: are Put the advance gurO of civ organization of the final rrwunorr In thl million nj ;,gre!. MANH Ju J RFSmRFn ?r.r::"Se?;;Prr.:- r.r. Wak.llISit:Kl"!,rl limim OttlMaA MkaT aat Itflitlat akka a.ak . - TTaM U .... , ----- w M aoiutu., iNirti.u j or. 8TKl.roNN UHtO W.. AgwnUK AalorU. I have ipsl mu.'h land and e-v and mlngle.1 with much people. lut never yet could find lk,t unumiel by human kindne. TupiH-r. TOl'R FA- To wait In law.cru oilt:e 01 e hour ' ! r all typ,- ,.f humanity evidently burxleiied with till type of trouble. Show th !( of your Mllnjrt and tha' county to b run on the co-operative plwn. and probably the Urat crennTy In th We entered upon the Spanl-th war to suable and Jut government for itat of your health a well. Impure blood make ltelf apparent in a pale an.l aaliow cotnpleglon. pimple and kin erup tion. If you ara feeling wek and wirn out and do not hav a healthy appear. anc you ahould try Acker a Itloou Kllsir. It cure all blood dteea where chcp mi rm pari 1 1 a and o-c.ied purtfler fall; knowing thia w aell every bottle on a poaitlva guarantee. Mate to be auppltcd with butter fat, fur-,, misgoverned and oppreel colony of 1 . . . , I J Earth crammed with heaven. nWhe-1 ttlrWy from IndividiKil gepara- Sfwiln. not with any Idea of territorial ag-.Vnd every common tuh str with U.vl. tor. I. evidence that the leaven Implant- cmndlgement. Put it wa clear that ' iut on,y h "0 'IT I I .Mr, i.rvtwniiig. ed ty a few of the wide awake club mem-$rain I a hopelessly had neightxr. and I ber. ha taken effect. The work will be that we mut get rid of her on thl heml ftnihed wt;h the ame gvrrK- with ljhere. In order to have a lating peac. which It ta commenced. It I thl p!nt ( She wa a nuisance which had to be a tnwt made the Push Club the power-hated. And the only way to do thi wa that It U. Creamery bond will be at a tj demand the ceiHi of her colonial premium aftT the firm month' opera- jv i..n a the rrice of peace, tlon. I Thl open to the Spatilh West Indie 'a new era. The development Spain ht held In check for f ur centutie will now gj forward by leap and b-und. American c.ipiul and enervy will eedlly What the latt government report of the condltltln of leading cereal point to I hown by a statement pre;red ly Mr. J. C. Brown, statistician of the New York Produce Exchange. whKh In-Scates a probable spring whoat crop of S4.i.o. buhel. Ts.t.t. bushels '.irser than the vield lmilcateJ at thi time a year ago. and a wheat yielj Is indicated of bushel this: It must be retrrm berrd. Uing based on the government rig- WHEAT PRICKS AT PORTLAND AND (Kcupy these virgin Meld .f rprise, and within a decade we will lo..k tuck and wond-r why the ('ntted Stat. did n 't. long ago. drive S;iln from the west ern wurld. In ih interests of civ till it:"n an I progress. ur- of are and yield In preceding year. Inasmuch the government' estimate last year proved far smaller than the ac-; tual. the tendency ha been to allow for an underestimate thi year, which would Indicate a crop the present season of nearly cv.M.nO bushels of wheat, at Uast XU"V bushel larger than the h-avt-st et:m!tt of production of any previous year. ! SAX KRAXi ISt tJ The 'i t.i in price of h p;ing wheut in S-m Kr.tncls.-o over th prlie oV,airmb!e in l has never b-en due to any shortage vf crps in California, and Is not due to h;it ci-j.e now. Th-re Was no fhortage of crop In California last year, ond yet tt.ln i;r--at i.ifference existed. This is shown cl-ur'.y by quotation t:.ken at nr.dom fct difTrent d:ite during the past year, as follow: Portland prl- e :rt.J. This war of ours. It seem. Is to cost a good deal less man was calculated. Only 1 a hundred million dollar of 'he four hun-: died million voted by cor.jr' for this' var xper.r ha been spent up to J !' 1" date, and It U cvtlcu'.ated by the treasury " ,!'rr '" ; I department that the total expense will j,iril),lry i fall wphln the um provided. And this. .March 3 1 too. when the emergency did not permit Asain As of waiting for what might be call-d bar- shall I, estui.ilj.hed a J i-'-M of tran gain sule. What we had to h.ive we had ' sh:i.m.-it tetw er. the nllr.-i'N ?nd the to hsive right away. Time wa of more large wh-at r.rri- rs .1 true shipping port account than money, and the latter, In-' for "'rv-Ko:i-ths dlfl-ren. e In the price ot Tlir rxi assorts thit when she S. V. rice differ-I-r b'j. ence Ill's Mc deed. seemeI to be no object. PrcbiMy before unother war which, let us hope, will be a long time coming the country will b fully provided with the most necessary of thos things It had to buy in a hurry. Fortunate!) we were not en tirely preimred for war. although we were very nearly so, and with a power less dilatory atid Inefficient than Spain that fact might have cost u a pretty penny. I'm: t'mie Sam ha learned a lesson him self, while Importing one, and that Is a! ways to have his gun ready, even if he doesn't expect to be obliged to use It In anger. wheat wiil be m-arly u nit-rated; wheat will l.ring nearly as mu 'h ut Astoria as at Sin Kran1vo. and wheat will no Knger be tak'n to Sn Kr.tnds'v for transhipment. -i'li-r viy .jin stt-am'-r or by rillrcad arms th- Siskty.iu moun-1 tains. DISCOVERED BT A Wi-MAN. Another great discovery ha been made and that too. by a lady In thl country "Disease fastened Us clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood Its severest tests, but ber vital organ were undermined and death seemed Imminent For three month ah coughed Incessant ly, and could not sleep. SSh finally dis covered a way to recovery, by purchaa- 1 . -a - k . . 1 TA- .-.. V - TO! ins; vi a eovwa ot im . rt m , -w covenr for Consumption, and was so much relieved on taking first do, that he slept all night; and with two bottles, has been absolutely cured. Her name I Mr. Luther Lutg. Thu write W. C. Hamnlck Co.. of Shelby. N. C. Trial bottle free at Ete-Conn Drug Co. Regular site Soc and t'.M. Every bottle guaranteed. If the sun was i-i 1 e c.i f,.t thl'k. it would o. . In inciting it. a ma ot ne minute IH Krdt.-u Haw nrm BaanOe ) Ask men' opinions; .-Set., now- hall tell li .w trade im rea- a. .1 h.- w.rld toei well.-Poe. Mokl Tea poettlvely t ures sick beadacne. Indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drtna Removes all emptlona of the akin, pivlucirg a perfect complectlon, vr money rfun.ll. i". or '') cnt. For s.u.. by Es'.e-Conn Irug Co. Of ny I it the young nian of goody- pPMHiislllcs alway wi ar a white satin bow tie In the daytime? Luxuriant balr. ct uniform color, to beautiful head-cove i-tng for it Ivor sax. and mar be secured, by using Hall's Vege table 8iclPn Hair ftenewer. The habit of wat.hlug who .tllghl from th trolley cur tconie almost a ta. t Hitting a the game of croquet to thi u burnan dweller. Ackert English remedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold In twelve hours, or money re funded. S cent a and fa) cents. Kur sale by Extra-Conn I'rug Co. tt Is aid that a girl ha no Importance In women eye before ..he I-- ts ni.irrl.-l and none In men' eye .i(t.ra-d. That the blood ahould perform It vltai functions. It Is absolutely necessary It should not only be pure but rich In life giving elements. These results are beat effected by the uae of that ll-knowa standard blood purtfler, Ayer'e Harsa-pafllla. Thr cucumber, to l e h tnnle. most und rgo pressing before s.'-voig, s.iv .1 culinary authority. CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. Tha Kind You Hara Always Bought Bearg tha SlgTtoro of lirren wood Mn and spluttrrs whn burnlmr. Iw.iuw of the .urge amount ot water contained in Its libers, which Is rhangi-d Into e.m by the h'.n, and bursts off In splinter. AAAkAAAAAAAAseaAajeaaaeeveevwwveeevvvwvVvtfflSc : a n i DUlUllllU AlUlt In ontcr to further Inlrtslutr ELASTIC STARCH (Hut Iron HfainlMhemiitiiilniiurrr. I C Nuluiignr Keokuk, l.iw.1. have ilct i.lftl t.iUIW: AW AY a braiitilul jirrsrnl with raih m kagi' t tr 11 1 !'"' I'mriiiinre in the lortiiiil Beautiful Pastel Pictures They arc Inchn lit lr,ntl irr cnlltlfii ai lolhmi: Lilacs and Pnnlcs. Panslcs and ncrsueritc. . iian . - . -jf"f t,nia ""'irpv ivWtlsmotaw. acwM:i;?Miia M HV P est l't4 V JO i7Ui irfs.o f "J.C iiUBIriTc 'TaefefC? Ja i'i:' o .1 Wild American Popples Lllac5 nnd Irli. Thrsf nrr pit turr. lour in iiurnKf, by the rrnnwnrr! jiar rtit. New York, luvrbcrn t lucii Jngu the very tbolt rit ulrt t ill hi Miitlin an.l arc now oRi-ml for the first limr tnlfir luilli'. The li. turr arc accurately rrprialm r.t in all the t'nlor uartl In ihc, an.l jrc pninoiitucl by lomprtritl crilii , woiki ul art. I'aMel tiji Itinci gre the itirrrt t thinif lr the htmic, tutliiii lur- tMsiinc thfttt 1 ri rciuty, rit rtnc i t uor ami iniitir merit. t iiic ul thec picture will Ik oiven .1w.1v with e.n b pa. k.u'e of pun h.iseil o v.uir ifrtvrr. It n the licit Ltttn.lry tjrt b on the market, ami i al. lor to i eiite 4 p,nk.i)te. Ak jour orcr lor thli st trch ami ifft 4 bcuutil'it p i lure. Ill Grocirs Knp Eiatilo Starch, leeipl No Subslltuti. ELASTIC STARCH CABTOniA. n he llo! llgwi WIT Through Tickets TO THsV EAST AND SOUTHEAST -VIA- ln fifty-four case i.ut ..f rr.e rcnlred ;h- lf: l-g I s'r.ngT tn n tn right. We have ue; iTfiamtwrlaJ.n' Cough Hemesly in our home f r many yar an bear cheerful t.ntimony to ! value aa a n.e-l!cln which should be tn evrn ramily. In cough and chi we have found it to be efficacious and In . rouu tir.d whoop ng rouifh in thildren we .l.-.-m It In.) iBjwia- sb.e.-H. I'. KITTKK. tl.T Fairfax ave. St. IuU. Mo. Koc si.- by Chtrt.-a Kog- er. druggist. BUCKLEN'8 AKMCA HALVE THB ItEST SALVE In the world for Cuts, lirulses. Sores. L'lcen, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chil blain. Corna and all Skin Eruption, and positively cure Pile, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect at.fa tlon or money refundeu. Trice 2 centa per box. Kor sale by Ete-Conn Drug Ca A w-iman can forglv man not loving her, but she cannot forKlve his loving someone else. Jarring Int'-resls of '.hems Th' acopilng m.i.-.c -.f a . Ives create ll-rr.l-.t note. - 1'ol.e. Acker's Dyspepsia Table' are sold on positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, ra.lng of the fod, d stresa after eat- ingor any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet give immediate relief. and U cent. Kor ale by Est-- Conn Drug Co. There are about four ;ir l of .wing In a!.y ln-.vir..ri g: very floso A GOOD WAR. Toledo Blade: "There never was a gO"d war nor a bad peace," wrnte Henjumln Franklin In a letter to Joslah Qulncy In 1773. Probably the revolution and Its outcome caused Franklin to change his opinion a to the tirst half of the sentence. And were he nllve today he must acknowledge than the war, now ended as regards hostilities, was a good war. It has extended the area of human free domthe freedom of speech and action, which Is the birthright of every American, and should be n' every human being on this round world. It has delivered from tyranny and oppression two millions and half of people, and rid the western hem isphere forever of the Incubus of Spanish despotism. The people of the United States rejoice at aha, .termination of hostilities. And tnere Is but little to mar their rejoicing. The land Is not overshadowed by mourn ing for unnumbered thousands, the vic tim of battle and disease, as was the case at the end of the civil war. Con sidering the size of the army In the field practically a quarter of a million 'the Money -back dealing is organized honesty safct, u you prefer it. 1 CABTOniA. Bears tk f M 'Ml H31 t:ir Bcggftt Signature Schilling's Best cofie tod. baking powlrT fiivrinitg e tract! 2nd units are money-back goods. For tale by For sale by Poss. Higj;itn ft Company The holiest of all holidays are those Kept by ourselves In silence and apart; The secret anniversaries of the heart, When the full river of feeling overflows. I.ongfeijW. Louse clothe and downy cushions bring only a negative sort of comfort to the woman who is suffering with some de rangement of the organs dlntinctly fem inine. Some clothes and some positions make the pain and the discomfort seem less. Perhaps the nerves are most af fected, and this In turn disturbs the di gestion. Nothing will ever completely re lieve but a radical cure. The start of so called "female complaints" may be a very slight thing Indeed. It may be that In the beginning some small hygienic mea sures would stop the trouble. Certainly at this time a little bit of the right medi cine would stop It. When the trouble be comes worse tt Is harder to cure, but still It can be cured. Dr. Pierce's Favorite! Prescription will positively cur any de rangoment of this character. It may be absolutely relied upon. It affords 1 anting relief to a woman whose natural modesty has kopt her from consulting a physician. Send 21 cents In 1-cejit stamps to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo. N. Y and receive Dr. Plwroe's 1W8 page 'Common Sense Medical Adviser," pro fusely Illustrated. Fame Is an undertaker, that pavs but little attention to the living, but bedizens th dead, furnishes out their funerals and follows them to the grave. Colton. There Is hardiy a woman iivln but pre fer having a photograph thu 'Utter her to ono that can honestly i,,, railed a speaking llken'ss .Mr. John Mathlas, a w-ii known stock dealer of Puloskl, Ky,. says: "After suf fering for over a wlt wl:h (lux, and my physician having fallw to relieve me, I was advised to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea P..fn"dy, and have the pleasure of stating that the half ot one bottle cured me." For sale by Charles Rog-r. Druggist. The Choicest Table Wines... Tor rami! lea Also for Medlctnoi aaa Cocaine PurposMsj Private Stock, Cream Rye, Old Hlcfory, Pride of Kentucky and Hrmitae; old California Braetdjea, Carlson's FamilyLiquor Store 10S TWFJITTH STRBITT 187J 1 ho LUBRICATING ' pjsher OILS , brothers A SPECIALTY ASTOWU. ..7..av ITI.t.MAN PALACE SLEEPERS. TOCRIST SLEEPERS an 4 FREE RECLININO CHAIR CARS -Dally to- Salt Lake. Denver, Omaha. Chicago. Kansas City and other Extern clt! . I'sgg:,ge check! thriugh to datinatlon I'nlon Iep-it. fi.t time, lowean rate. Pmtach light In all car.. For ratea are) o'lt-.-r Information call on or addrnae '). W. LOL'NSttEURT, Afi'. O. R 1 M. Co Aatorta, Oregin. or J. It. LOTH ROP. 0n. Agent, IS Third et., cor Aldw. Portland. Or nig only ui..i'..o.; aofTe rn PijK?f.M ToTHH I AST. IMg OM.r KullTK r) 1I1K Vlti.U)WSH. N.t IwNALHAgK tVK No. I pi.r... ti ...... 1 i .in.. I llelul . I , ,. Molltll Ke t, Hon'-..,,, AO Me.'li .1 .. t I I,, 0111 1 ft- till . . I I'.rt . .1. . - MirK, ". k.Cie N V . .' H. C fr. ! Hi .. V , XMI. II .RlllV il.l . : .111.I by th ('..mmtttee on HI reels vo l Public Ma of tlie t'.Hiinii.ii I'outicll having .n th. .lh .lay of Aiimot. ivn i.n duly nil In th i.m.e of tbr A.i.l.i .r and Pir Judge of .all illy, a .rovl.l.-. by l.r.Mimn. e N,. 1.1 i.f I lie 1 ir.lln.iti. i.f a.. I.I illy, t..vmI Junii' irj 'ti. I"!, that therefore, h aforertiit IrniTjv.ineiit nmy lw. by lh Cottinion afiirraubl. flrwlly accepted at tile lo-V meeting uf a. IhhI) fob I. .wing Ibo ilile l ti t4rtt.M of the im' ll. 4t:..u of I lil notice whlih meetliia! will t held .hi I liiirxbi) , HetrmlKr 1st, vv tlir hour f J t in. link's ),ri..r to il.l lllne nl.Jr tb.iM tn xl.t tin. I r oeii.riit . nir.l with the Auditor and I'o I, e J i.lgn ot .il.l 1 liy ....,l u A.torli. urrj.oi. August ?'.tn. I". II r. NKUoN. All.! .lll.l poll, v Ju.lge i.f tho City of As 1 1 1 I r g.'ii k'ii, M .-l koU. ,. i.ul e. IMMe Ii.Im.i II: A. M, HhIii,, 1. 4, M u-l 1 He I , K ,. . ( 'On, .ill-, .nine., M.lSW l.-if. I. Ill .'' lrtgo.W.,l i j(ngi.ip . -w V rk. I'hil d mio , I polnu ri : J lit -I N"lUi: i.F INTKXTl'N F TIIF. I ..l". Ciil'.sru, i.f THK i lTV UK ASxHtlA oltKUuN Tt IMIItnt: II i;I:ihin AVKM f.. ti:Ti:i;. SF IIM'll AM Kl lt I'll HI'llUKTrt Is hereby glvrll tint tH" l'otlim.. I'o llc II i.f Die V'ltv i-f A.lolLl to 1 : 1 1 1 r . . v tlul rtluii .f II if rls.oi uvr I I. Ivlng bf'Wern MeViulh 1. lid lllglllll r. . is an.l .uniding frvm the (.Linking ti w I..I.I on 1.1 hill ll-i'l o the 'reel !:. king .-n rten-mh in-t uu m i) krolltig a.ii.1 ll.irtii .ii a vane ta It ( ill mi l b t.i 1 Im ciUl.ilili. . grvt.lf. there of .m l I (. linking line to a wi.ltit :!''ii fet on nnh l.e of the rmi'f Ih. i.-.f .111.1 , oiisiru. tlisg guttrta. curbing 1 el al irw-.tlka "It M,h herro, aul. imi t .v merit to m ...i"tru. ld lii ,11 curd i'i' r ali't 1 1r.ll11.111. I t'll of S..I I i't 4 ."..I Ihr mt tlieieof to be d'lr.i'eit t' .- .I ..enirni upon th.. o, bind .11..I prftnlsea fronting .in. I al.utilng upon, 1 I: 1. flit lo and ntherwlar lieliellt led .i.. mpnveiient W hi. h lt. Linda an pn-mlaea art. br the poroses uf .i, imio-.v. nn nt. hnreliy In. In. led within I il. l lieliMft.r t l b cilbd "The IMr r I ri Avtiiua from Hevet.lli to Klgbth '.t llliproveinent tuatrtct." nnd simr an ill elnbrne thi. f..i. owing described lrwi-rty. .tu-wli: lia 1, t. I. and 1 In k 'A. an. I lois i. It 7. and I. In ho k .ill in Mrt of III t'lly'of A.b.rn as till .in. I record. .1 by John Mci'lure aid (ii by t')ru nln.y. in t'intaxp C.iiii:y. dregon .N'V rilllltHKnIti:. unl. aa a mnmi 'in..:, signal by th uf the ciiv .'Wmi.g more lli-iii oiiO'hiiif f lb pro;.er! iilmvn (lsiri'"l. ahull I fll'V Willi l!r A-.l.lllor ulld lo. r Ju.lgn of an I city, by th.. lime t ib next regular inert 11 g of the .iid I'omiimn I'nun II following lb., tin., I pilbllitvtlnn of till llofr . to. wit Tburs.l.iy, Hr.l. inber l.'.lh. IVA 'lie ail ln.; rov . 111. nl ni l le in i.ln da uforeaubl l'h:s i.oli... la l.llliilsbe.l by resolution of I I 1 oniinon 1 '011n.ll. lwaanl 11 1 a regil I .r meet i.g th.-Tfof In ibl city, on ih Vh l.i V of August, IVS. II K NKIJtoN'.. ..'! If r nd Pull Judge of tile City of A s '11 1 1, 1 iri goii. CUSSIHED ADVEimSEiM WTS CN'iKI"lN AHI'l'ttlA. . Fi'lt MIX ni..nili. from first of Hilnil.r, a fur nlslie.l h..iia of no" l'" Hi") "Vl r....iua. Ilcply iiii"i to "II, ' car P. leiwl.r I o . Aaii.tbi, tir. WANTI'l' IMMMI'ltTKl.V. A I'lllH'l". cliisa cook ; nolle i.ilor ne.'il Ml'io). li. ktamiiel l.linoii'. ? Hlnhtli mi'ei. ill RENT. r'Olt HKNT-ltMl llitl'HW AND IIAIIN Had four acrea uf land, n"r t'll"M I Uf tallnn, known lh t'lauop 'osi,.m. . Apply lii A. Tn., I'lMiimercUl cliy VVH HA 1. 1.1. IMIl H.M.II IN NAUit'l' PA WAHII ..' N I h"ti.. wi.n Hi I"! In g.i'leii, Willi 1. "Infill, nl ." All III gtN..l o.. 1 Al'l'l) I.' M.i') I "- Full H.U.H lli'l'HIl AM' l.i iT, i t'll- n,.r ii I .ivnii.. ninl I weni) nlluh irei't. I i.p.srtoM 11, bo I.'''" '"'l Apply to John Hull. IA '''. i7nr.A I'I.v.miiM' niti; i i iN I't it- ing Dm .a.i... I'll biy ei. lil'lg Finder will be .'r.l'l l le.ivlng ul 111" A' l.ii nm 0M1. N "Tli I! I.F INTKNTlnN CF Till' ( MMi.X t'(irS'll.fiFTIIKflTt OF ASTnltlA, iillCOu.V, TO IMI'lti'VK KHiHTH HTRKKT. FKk.M I It A M ) AVIIMK Til IIARItlHO.V A V FN IK. A man n-ver .ijipre- f . . i bis home until he has b ft It nnd even wh.-n h go back again he do'-cn't s-ern willing to stay In it. YELLOW JAUNDICE CURED. Suffering humanity should be aupplled with every mean possible for Its relief. It Is with pleasure we pupllsh the follow Ing: "This Is 10 certify that I was a ter rible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for over sis months, and was treated by some of the best physicians In our city and all to no avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, recommended Electric Bitters; and after taking two bottles. I was entirely cured. 1 now take great pleasure in recommend Ing them to any person suffering from this terrible malady. I am gratefully yours, m. A. Hogarty, Lexington, Ky." boia ry h.te-Conn Drug Co. Many a woman who Is very good look ing with her hat 1,11 Is oulte different when kIh- removes this specimen of mlll nery urt, and the reverse Is also applicable. The Rev. W. H. Costly, of Btockbrldge, I'm., while attending to tils pantorlal du ties at Ellon wood, that state, wag attack ed by cholera morbus. He soys- "By chance I happened ui get hold of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and I think It was the means of saving my life. It relieved me at once." For sale by Charles Rog ers, druggist. SHIP CHANDLERY HARDWARE IRON AND BTEEli COAL OROCKRfES AND PROVIBIONC FLOUR AND WILL FEED PAINTS, OILS AND VAKNIHHK. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES FAIRBANK'S SCALES DOORS AND WINDOWS AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT. WAOONS AND VEH1CLE8 Ms Nerverine Pills mm l he gru' remedy for nervous pro tration and all nervous T i,,u, r.1 (I,. t.. V ,, - iirSI filial - -S i.SiSI H,WWi JV.IUU. tt UKlJ AND AH bit UrtlNO. pani of eilnr m..t D , iT T? -1' s-f auvu ma iicivuwj 1 ruMraivAi L ailing or loct Manhood, Impotency, Nightiy Emit. lions, Youthful Erron, Mental Worry, ex cewive tie of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Consumption and Infinity. HM oer box by mailt 6 boxes for $5.00, )iis uiftmiuAi uu.. woe i. Cleveland. flblo. A sr A' A 1 a BAn-jyfflmnnn m-SM t-mKlr for IJoriorrhu s.. "CVUtM x. 1 Si1""'. BpernaiorrlKr. rls I ullsfiAl Wliil"", unnatnral dli- osarasuM cuaram, or an, iiinamms ist u sutstan. tlon. Irritation or uliars. IPrsrsaM ssaiafloa. tloo of in ue oil nv-fii lTHtEvNS(MEMiti Oa aon-Mtrlugeul s OlMOIHHaTt.O .rj aioia By Dram., ) Tor sent la plain wruppiT fi A br ei press prepaiil, fw VoM iron, nr a Louies, fi.iu, B Circular eul uu reuues, DAtrJ to aluioeapoli. oioana, Kan sas City and to. Paul DAVM to Mllwuukee and Chkago. 4H DAV8 to Washington. PhlUdelphla New fork and Boaloi, aad other Eastern point. .... K- crsn-a i-r-ugn v oasoinstiiea wirli ciirblng, ami nisi. gutter connect or Mckat ,ll( nm, t, (tuiteir now coliatrlli'ted, to Por leplng-er reservaUoor tickets,' souih linn of Ifiirrnton avenue, on wild map and f ul' Information, call on at'l'-lnhih atreei, running to tho north arite ' "'"' "i.iinl iiviiiue; a ilil Improve uu i.! 'in in. i o n h I r u c I en In nccord ariie wlih I ir'Himnce lld of sal'l city, Notlci. I hereby given that the Comtnon '"iiiiill of Hie I'lly of Antorlii IriteinlH to Improve that portion of Klglnh mreel llng between ilrnnd on-niir nnd llnrrl- aveniie, by grHdlni' imi. to the rstab llsbi'd grail), from I bn plunking itn now l ii. I in tin. full wklth thereof, ond by con K'niclliiv on nnch able 1 hereof MlduWnlk r w Tfiv A. D. CMARLTUN Astoria 't Oeu'l Pa. Agent, Portland, 9AS M-.rrUoii Hit. tor. Third. n ii.l the cuMt thereof to be defrayed by "iei Inl HHsessniifit iipnii the lot, In ml and p."eiiilHi-N rromlng ami iibulllng upon, ii'l.lac.nt tn iiiiiil otherwlH.i bem-llltod by NOTICE Of'' THK t'OMPl.KTlOV AN'i Hil1'' propoHi'il Improvement, Which l, A'('KPTAN K OK TUB IMI'lt'iVil- 1 '"'" 1,1111 1'f ililm-a lire, lor the pur- MKNT IN TIIK (TI'V fF AST' iltl . poeH of mild improvement hereby Inrliid- KNOWN AH Till-; "KKIHTM STRKK'r. ,''1 w li liln n dlHlrbit hereafter to be called FROM ORAND A V'KNl'K TO NIA'i- H'e Klgbth Htrest, fm.m (Iniml Avenuo to ARA AVION UK, NIAOARA AVKNCH J'arrlHon Avenue Improvement 1'Utrlct, TO HEVENTH HTREKT. AND SICV- "h'1 "O'lm nlmll einbluce ttui follownlg KNTII 8TRBHT To HAV AVKNl'H ''emrlbeil .riierty, lt)-wlt: Lot 3, 4, h. IMPROVKMBNT." I" ''lock No. H7; lolH I, t, 7, and 8, In '. block No. Nl. In (Unit iirt of the city of Notice Ih hereby lven tti the public, to AhIoiIii iih laid out nnd roconled by John all thime Interentod and to all pi-mm M- i'lure, In Clatsop County, Oregon, whoniHWver, -that William Nc.-an and V, NOW, TH KRKKORK. unlin a remon A. Ooodln, tho I'initriu-torN fur the stre t airaiue, elgniMl by the renl'li'iH t the Improvement In the 'tiy of AHtorl.i deHlic. city owning more than ono-half of the noted i tho lmprvement of Klghtn property nlov descrllieil, ahull be ' filed Hlrect, from Orand uvenun to Niagara with the Auditor and Police Juilgn of wild avenue, Niagara avenue from Klghih city, t.y (he limn of the next reguhir meet- street to Seventh street, nnd Seventh lug of the said Common Council following Hireet from Niagara avenue to the norm the, II mil puhlliintlon of this notice, to-wlt: eldo of Hay flvmiue, have completed the Thtlrnday September 15,lh. 'tho snld aforenald Imprwemcnt, according to the Improvement will be trwnlo " nforesnlrt. provlalon of Ordinance No. 2,H of the Thl notice I publlnheid by renolutlon of ordiniinces of said dty, approved NoVem- said Common "Council, panned uit a regular ber With, lol)7, nnd according to the con- meeting thereof, hold In gala city, on the tract for wild improvement, nnd certltl- 4th day of AugiiHt. 1S!. catea of aipproval of the work done on H. E, NEISON, aald lmprovemint, signed by the City Sur- A mil for nd Police Judge of the City of voyor and Superintendent of stroots of AHtorla, Oregon. I.OHT-MCT AIUM T I I'ATIH 'MH, II) lv, hi1 of tha i inks muiked 'J. I., i.ri P'.Hit k-.'i.e, Hnnib.v lilslU. Iwl el( 12 iiii.I I o lioi k Hu.ier pleas., retiun to Imri'-s 1 1 at at !. Hooiha tannery, . ' rOl'ND. l"'li'M"i' f't l i' nK MIIMII KIHIl l.l, lit a."l .. .ii.llll. m owner rnn hues, a.imr tiy svtttU) Ina I.' H liniklos, , lle.uli. nl. '"' , KOTt'LM. : STOP AT "THK MV'llltAYi' TlIK OSUX IiohjI. la Aaiorla hvi evary niosl ern linpiatoiuoit. Hiiittly dial vlsa. KKSTAl'll ANTri. OOOD II t'KNT MEAIJI AT THE KU ing Sun Rasiiauranl. WIHOKI.LANVIOUS H iiMtiiAMM 1 1 Art -n i in: i : iitM.itnn f m ai... k in n lie mil a i ai nan pllis. Tome ruil) .unl ( file! . lit IK Vol' WANT HNM .lt'HHHIH AMI ilMWIIsh tall U"He luine) al n ,a; Mb. rc nil Ilia .Idled. I f th aejs.oi imii fi.uii.l Uifrtop PINK AHIII.AMi I'llAW PollU Hlclra. Iliep. at ll.iss. MiHia i u. Poll PIMI TrlAS. MXi'kll.l.alNT C0r- m, pur altera go to roAUU A BTUKta CO. Tltr Hllll.l.lSUs HtJIT TEA AND baking mJsr. SWKKT t'ltKAU I A PINT AT THK pa. CREAM 10 AND li.' PER PINT. PAR- lor Candy more I'MK WAI'I K I.KAr l ltKAilKltY HUt- Irr ruard at Miokce lo, aita WHKN Vt'f WAST PINK TEA, OooD c.iffse ad spies, try toard A tftugae Co. WII.O lll.Ai'KHKItllltai-I.KAVK VofK oidoia (ur ailtl ti.ackbssrrtse wltk Rose, H'tgiii Co. AMTultlANH AT Tilt: MHAMIPK WILL nnd lbs iiriiing Aai.irian un as. at tn I'alara llsalauiaat at that pMic. KINK CHKItltlKH. IIAMI'liKltltlMrt AND red curranla aia lnliii and chaap, Hra Itusa, ll'iS'.li A I'd. MAUmNH Tllki l.iHVI.Il l.M'llt THK AHl.K liMimainriii uf August hrata. la dsJiy lis. ..iiiing tn. .ta an.l ni"ia puUsr r" irt. I lis . tub r.v.n.s .ill tlio aoun.l fl r arv li" an altracllv fratur of 111 r stalulslinn lit. PIIYeli'lANH Ml. AUKtli KINNEY-oKKti'K AT rraldau.a. i'.ilntiierelal lrl, nasir Miath nm. In. us M'.ining until u; all afirinvuii unnl t. sn n u it U u t lut k int. ti. ii. i-s rim. i iiYmriAN and Wurgm.u. Di'.'.-im llsiitlin tj itls-asa of aoinra iul (oigery dtniaover ln. agar ai.os, Aauma. Isle, fin, 'J. Hit JAV TPTTI.K, PHYSICIAN AND tfurgmn. (iDuv, ruvma 1 and . I'jihua llull.llng, Uli, Cimllisrcial airert. Raal- llrlicc. aalnv l'rr(.h'Ua 1 Acting a. ltanl autte.itt I llllrd Hlalr lurlO hospital s.iv.cs MASONIC. TKMPl.K MUniK No 1, A. K, AND A. M llrgular t.iinuiuiiicatl.ina hn,d on th tlrat and llllrd rurs.Uir svrning of ench in.'tll h 11 W l.ol NflllKHH Y, W. U ;K. C. IIOLl'I.N. tfcrury. ATTt'KN k. I . II. T. ClmSHY. ATTiillNHY AT LAW, V I'oiiiin. r. Ul aire, i i Q. A. ROW Ul Y ATTORNEY' AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office, liond llireet, Astoria, Or. PHoTihUIAI'HS. A R Kill I.Alt PANToMlNE OK VIEW depleting iba Ufa and hlaluty uf Astoria, and aoovrn.ra of iba illy and country at the Mnoilgrusa gallery. IK KNolKIRAHS iKiKUN'T MAKE your picture you don t gat Ih boat. PAXTON H PHOTOS ARK ON PAPER of hla on nreiwrailcn and ar guaran teed nut to (mis. Poll PIIOTuH OK AM. KINDS. i liiniln.i river a.s'iu rv and rr.iiiu view nil i SiKHlgmsa. Ut It nd I oininer. Ux air. el. IlgfAIIT, TIMI! 5CMIIDI From I'.itll.iii.l Arkivi I'Ot Mull p, in. lust M.ill f 'Jtia. m Hpoliaii Klyer I aft . m. il.tb la.e, rut r. fi ' ! AV iiilh, tiiiisli Kaiii j m I lly, ei .iu,.i liliinr.. si i i'at MH.kiiMn jw I'a Hall., H-i ane. I Mliiiieapull.. m.p ,, i p. in. I'tiiiiib. Mim,,,,,,., , . blnigi, iiii.I tul, i f out At..rlu OCCAN SlliAM.MIIMi All milling balis j J' cl In rbllliue, ; Kor n , lri.iir ic.i- 1 "ll n. R, I.I, In, ..1,, : j lor A 1,1-e.n i l l'br Aiu. n jo, i lur "II Columbia Rluse 7 P III Hteni..r. Tn.j, ihni To l'.,rinni and n run ny l.anillllg. Ba, in. I '"iu I'ortl.nd. Mini. Weil ww.metu Hlvr. ai d rrl 'retK.i, ( liv. N,.ui.,., and KuL I HiilutiA Way Luwl'. , l'ues,Thiir "-v.r. Mini, WVd. and Hut , "" K" 1 1 it v, liuyum, , ,,d Krl, i w y l.HiidinKs. i e ,o a p. in. TucATiiiir 7 p in, Silt, i Ml II. 111. Tut-, Tlmr l.v Itlhtirlii l:f'ia in.' .nk Klvsr. Jjo-i Wed ItlimrlabiUwial,,!,. A rntlav i l.rlwUtn j M'i a. tn. Him., M, and Thur. 0. W. LOUNS1JERRT, W. H. HURLBCRT, Agent Astoria. -!rl?Llt Pniaid, Or. RflP AT . Tlcket to all point ,!- ItOOKKM, Ilwano Through pMace and tourist sleeper dining and library observation cars. KLEOANT VE8TIRULE TRAINS, p'm' klmlted leaves Portland at tin .. ! L'.mllcd arrlvei Portland tt Kill I