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About The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1898)
THE PAIIV ASffiftlAlt, SiJwbAV kOlLMK'U, AtGlST tl M as: I He Is a Wise Han WHO DOES THE RIGHT THING AT THE RIGHT TIME..., THAT'S If you wert In need, would y (tore keeper gt ) Greenback ? NO!! Then, why sheuld you pay $j extra oa every $ao purchase, whea It hi been prove 1000 Times Hut wt caa aa4 do eav oar cwtotMr ao PER CENToa Clothing, Hats Sbirts. Trunks Etc. Etc. I,h h!pa Y..U J lUkhurst ox'1 ft Kiltl.h bark 01mark. the ti lUr from Yokohama ami th former frvm Hon Hon. H fln,t ,,,"f "i" In slilppinf rlrvlra f"r w tin". "t manv more of th "" ',,mB of ,h'm overdue, or M.vte.l .tally. so tht busy sis,n shout th ,,,r f,"m hrt alHut ( " r,',,,,r, hU.i Hm- pass., th U vWhur.t making th qul.-k t"l tn'm Yokohama. O.ptsl-i Th.mms i- .am her without -hartr and IU ' In the stream awalinur Instruction. h Y.U was out W .! fr.m H.mik Hon. Captain Johnson reports en.vuntei-mit heavy ev.-lon In th "hlns ''' J,ll' tv whl.-h -lluhily shifted ih;ist. but other Is .11.1 no .Um;u. Th Y-'l and no.-khurt sailed into the h.rN.r without th aid of tut.' Th tuit Miami of Tillamook. IM'W In- '.i.i- th. n l & N. d-'.W. wu libelled : and seised ytwttvuay by Sheriff William, i ftirvclosltur a mortsM- of th Tillmook Tu; Co. Mr. 8 S. iSord.ut I turned In Ith ntrtiru as a"! f It. I- K.My. 'prw.UI.-nt of th .mp'- The M-aml 1 wu lea.W by Muli.nay A Co.. of Tllla 'mook and th imruis fore.lose.1 j by th iu company to prevent the l ! of th boat by Ah creditor. Th Miami ' lwu.l..ivl h.T by M..Un, y n.l lM Iln ihiMMnlon of the orr. h.t will t !ia off rvlWy .n Mon.Uy. Tto ihol.llnn ctalm. ir.iint tli IkI follow: 'TtltamoKk I.iiratxn- vV. tX. V- At. 'klnm.n. CSS.C; I. M Oliver, IU0O: S. !NoUln. IVAVi: 't V. tiUS; V. T. Newwunt. I1M ; W. H. i ,ry. $44: Al l..'nrj. t'.v: U H llrown, it!lM; CUrrn.- TtlJ.-n. K; A. W. Hlvr ' )n. )i John M.irm. k wiu mint.! I kMHr. C. K. ThomiM.n. who h chm I ot tb ivmiwiiy- wff.ilm. my the ctyw ; will gt thrtr mony an.l h lll hoM th tm.T hro for furihor lntru, tlon. THR CRKAMtRY r.ANT. Knthiuin.tK. M-tin Y'tr.1y A.J.n'H lnmt Mur for Vm Klrt fWitory. At tho Ph Club maim ymM,ty, km niu on or th mom onthunliiiH.' riit. Iiw yt known on th ormry qorion lilt th, mmi-or of th nnniiiu.n. lH.m thirty farmer. wr prr.,it mi.1 tk n im-rtt tMit In tht. rvM Ine. Aftr lonirlhy .1U,u.I(Hi., Oie f,.lew. m nunmiu avpolntrfl t i.x.k up mnwn r,,r ,n orwlwuiryi ,,,.rr,nl th c.t of biill.lin n.1 iiwrtu. ,lrw t Hn f ornli.ithm u.l to rrport In two wk: V. Av. tVrnnhiin. oholr. nwn: . AJlr. 1-n...n, U J in. M. Vithor. a, V. V. Kn.fcOI. K. A. Tkybn-. T. "W. SwH. p-. rrKry. Th furmort rrnt r.l 1o " rom vn milulrvd .-ow Hon Rlvn (wrhMl of tint. jhtovM.! that th plan of orrunliatu.n anj th poat of Mill.ltnga and mulmm wr awll-Aip. n.i miitwiii t nlr vlwa. All pivnt took prl in pm.Mli-) talk upon th ub)ot an.J It wHa rd that th f'mmitiapp,intj .hould rprt In two rommltl H hold mmtin( In th mMntIm ..n nt 8thy. A .uo-cmmittr oonaUtint; of Oarnahan. Nwl. Kn.1aU and wrt. n. Mntd to a.oftain whfr ,h mp-, irabl ktratlon th plant could b na. m.c.i or ,n bulldln and appara. tua. trn.r.Mti,n ,,, w n, trurtd to a.k phna for th nom ary bull.lln and r. (or f . r fur nlhlnc h apparatu. in rrcwni to th orcanlawilon of th orosmwy i,itlon. 1t m'ally ihhuw m a..wt th followln ,-hn1.- iti atm'i an to t (ajt up i,y f. n iu of bon.U to b m.vl In Th .ummer outlna ' t th bch- omlm,,lon lrln l.r.t at . I. dwwlmt to a . I..,. Th boat. aid! ,,rc,nl- Pyl monthly, for c..n.truc g HERMAN WISE B ! iMllrxvul r cnrrylnf to't' htmi by the 1 humlrwl. n il thut tll loft of ' th tfuy ftoason of Ivhs will b fond rol ! l-tlon of ni .. c.rn.T .m th 1 bnu'h, h.'r. hltrv.l from th wind tlon purp.w; bond to t ImumI upon m urlty or th bulldlna- and annara tu. th pnrty o b pd In th mm! of tru.tmi to arciir thlr ty. mrnt; ntal aitiklnit fund to tm o. rrom whlrh m irrndiMllr rvilr ih. The Reliable Clother and Hatter i by .m, friendly h .r .l.v of drlf.Hl . w rnwu"r '',,r", " ; th. old. rtd tory a. told to aonie blthi n': x U,"4, u b.-rll.l by th imai.ln: or th Mtwhll, lolt.rvr by old rtrl" AH lul, n and ii-n th full TODAY'S WSATHKR. Fair Wamxr wthr. AROUND TOWN. SCNDAT. Never loae an opportunity of tnf onKblnK. Buty ta God handwriting a way a Id a acrainnt Klngsley. Tba Four HuodrJ will aive a picnic to 4ay at Bear Crwk. Th A. C. had four cam of aalmon ywHonlay for the eaat Vamtloo will on be ovr. and thn the buylnf of achool book. bualnrM men will b applntd at a mt-ln- of the I'ujh Club to wait upon th offlon of th O. R. A N. Com;wny. In Portland. In order to oMaln n expression from them of the compaJiy'a attitude in nWil to Astoria' commerce. ;.H-,x.n-. m wll pu-tur to hlm-elf th!'"-", " '""" rmpony wu ,..... ,, h,, , ..f .h- r. remain In th hitn.N of ih f..rm.-r. 'In. rha.. .rut,, whiv'th tl.l ' h "I'lni.m of all i.nt at th ...... ..k.., .mu ..,r . ....,! Bw,tln that th vreamery lll put In .,.. h,". i..i...r ,h- hu.v I l-,,un" of 'tru, tl,m imine.llat.dy after m..r,h,rt will ,ee tatnkluat M .-!! the ,h """. hrJ two rka hen.- ii-. ..t ,i.oi. -n.t .h- ' rotx'r Kent. wh. whs to hv been I"""" ei.T.i..y, wr.'to tt.u ,-k wan IlKhts fn-m Tiiliuti,k rwk a th-y Kleamt'd f.T him. ah.-n ( sl.l. a nv.rliia Contractor TalnbrK la making fine headway with the Stexarth bulldlnit. and aayi that when K la completed K will be handsome enouch for any city. Ele- i ..iniH'lle. to r. i:. n I ...n V. .. . nljcht he rvw.tM .-Lima on the I - '"'"""i-" U.S.-l ... .,- ...,"r'"r r.rmn. .. . . . . . . till!. Wll. rnj,' ma ie..i. ;ne m...u.n .ir t'tue at Iwuh and .'rviilli in . .-d awi-e of P, bo the rtrl co-otwutlv crenmery In Clat.p omnty. and pn-b ably t tlrt on In the stut to be uper a'.ed upon the Individual separator pK.n. Fl'NERAL, NOTICE. Th member of tho Klnnlh Ilrnlher Contractors are all on the. qui vlve over th sure attreet contract eoon to ie iei- . J. If. Gillette, returned yesterday from a two wweks outlnir t Seaside, He li as brown as a berry. Miss Heleo CopeUnd. daughter of the Rev. W. E. Copehind. of Salem, Is visiting Mrs. M. C Crosby. Cashier Frank Pwton. of the Astoria 8vtmr btu.k. left for a short visit In Portland kiat e-nlng. If -nu want a piano, see Allan. SS Com Brcial street This is poeitiveiy the laal week of his stay In Aston, resumes her round of household :d f rlety dutUs, but vrr and atom r,rle.-t upon the giy .m of the rurthing h mr at Seaside or tho m-nliht nithts uinn rant offices will be fitted up on tne sec- tu-h when the .lntl..atl:-f wnters ond floor, and most of thm have already or ,Rw piu-irtc a-ash.M up th sands at been rented. Monday Mr. Palmberg will nr t(rt wnll jm, f tnlWv nwnpM the adilltlon to Mr. AUer a flitted across her mtml. The sea. ru. com na,Mi ar require.! to meet at their hall house, i and th season go, life moves on, ana 1 at 1 o'clm-k this afternoon to attend th at It end memories, sweet or aour. only funeral of the lata John Iiilli. whl.h lll Captain Erans. of th ririllsh ship remain to 4W1 of ul! gone brfor. ,,lk r'ce frm Puhl's undertaking Cumbrian Hill who arrived Friday from: ! l..r at J 30. HurtiU In Urvnw,Ht. Shanghai, is a record-breaker. His voy-! I yrt V. kman. President, age was made this time In days and Is Th -,r tu- wfuVh "' b-n pouring j a Iw IntA that fraVlMlirV kmfm -.allnsli rn quicaeet passage xnown - "e . 7 ' -"Z' It U a terrifically offensive .omlu.-tnr Bunsnai ana as om. ven ye-rsj. -"I; , I ho thinks that ,0 be helpful he ha. to Captain tevens. in ne same snip, m - idUM..- . w.mian's arm h .h.. i the record voyage from Valparaiso o Inmmmenls In the curler. 0ffl-e. Tb.s ! n" hn ,h' J' . is eszw.'i.i 1 iv irn ,r ....... . living n trm ; r' siona. r - 1 country ditrli-ts. who rnd out for the Paymaster Wise has been notified that flr!,t tlm" ,hilt " '" n deeds the depanment ha allowed hlra a Bumly over tVO to have them record,-!. Mn- NOTICK FOR 1UI.S. time recorder and that a representative P'" require a 2J cent stnt. an I n.te)p Itlds will te received by the coun'y few days for the purpose of Installing the "f 1 honored .Jollars. rcjuire : cents ex- The cool weather and misty mornings ar reminders that the regular Clatsop county dews will soon bein to fall. Th Mendel! do ked at the O. R. X. dock yesterday to clean out boilers. She will return to Fort Stevens tomorrow. Ia the county clerk's office yesterday. "" Patrick J. Handright proved up on ht bomestoad envy In township 5 north, rang I writ. . t m Tb new fall styles seen on th streets ywsterdey Indicated soromhlng of change In the cut and color of ladies' dresses and wraps. . Tfce West Shore Mills compaay hav Just received a Urg lot of fir corwood from Stella. Wash., which they ar offering at ery low figures. See advertisement In aaother column. A number of fakers are In the city, some selling three suits of clothes end an BAercoa for MO and others giving away aclerged photonr-upris with a IW fra.m tacked on to the preeent. Jim. Laws, tha veteran liri'ige-Beach atove-setler t the Eclipxe Hardware Co.. yeatorduy received a new range, whlc-d. da suya. is the 1'Uest and best ever pro duoed by any factory, belm? the result or CJ years experience in stove bu.lding. ..... ! Court of Clalaon enllntv rtn ,-tr nf,.p- lh. of the Bundy company will be here In a cents, a , no es over r fraction- . ,'mM.'Vn ' . , a. m the delivery In the court house yard of B cords of Vine M iple 1 r Sprue I.lmhs, r. cords of Alder nnd S cords Fir wood, the same to b. of jr ,. soun l "I'jallty. full crd l-nths. ml 'I.I'.v.r before the lt day of h-'.o-jer. IV v The rlitht Is hereby r'ser. e I to r.-je any and all bids. By order ,f the County Court. 11. J. WIIKltlTV. County Cl. rk machine. This ln"ention records the ac tual time of arrlx-al and deporture of each letter carrier and Is a fine piece of me chanism. Postmuster Wis said the one in Portland, where It was Installed a short time ago. worked very satisfactorily- tru. The biggest deed v-t r--or,le, In the office had war stamps repr.-s' n'.lng fx afflxe.1 to It. Deeds und'-r II " an, I cer titlnates of a. knol. ,lkement are the only Instruments overlo,,k-d by 1'ncl.. Sim. l-'wycrs contend tlit -hey r jutr stamps, but a ruling ,,f :!ie revenue de- parrment. .u the r'fljest nf many rnur.ty 1 Yemerday afterrsjim the crew of the officers h U!j !: . -. rty understand' British ship Xlvelle discovered the body the law bearlne jn 1.. siy.i tiia: tl i. ! of a man floating In th river near where strum-n-s .l,.e n t rjulr .i t ix. and the! they were enchorej and put out In a local offlr go by the ruling, tlank che ks i sirsul bout and plckwl It up. Coroner '. renuire 1 c-n:s and orders on t,r. of! Pohl was duly notified and took charge of all kinds require the same amount.' . , , , " , , th remains. The bolv sras Identllled as M.lnv n,.i... o.. m,.i Two hundred and fifty dollars each ; frms -- - - - - J V tinij y I T..-H l-' that of John IViHo, who was drowned without having the Internal revenue Mci.rnE lot ; payment nsy. Its lant Monday during the regutta ruces. : stamp affixed to it, but ths- Usulng The funeral will tuke place at 1 o'clock tnem ar(, atnwu(,e l0 t.lf, , lw b. nn, today under the auspices of the Finnish , n(f Where transfers are ma.! for th Brotherhood. The interment will be j (.'irehderutlun of tl urel tho pr,nierty Is jnale In Greenwood cemetery. , worth perhaps vo or II.'h; st imp must 1 1 j he affixed for the full value, otherwise the nnIA 11. n. .h mir,t elerlC. office "'""- wiui. uecor,ier I union bl-x-k 14.1; lot 1. Mock ir; block ill; lot T l"t 3. Mock 1.7'; lot 3. bl'x k lk4. Address a. care Astorlan. TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notice Is h'reby given that ther are funds In the city treasury to pay all war- yesterday and the Issuance of three II- ha a ""d time with country people and, rants drawn on th general fund and en censes by County Clerk Whertty was the. result. This makes seven marriage U censes Issued from office the past week an omen oy ueputy rtwi as enner irv- pejrity having arrived or the prospects of a very dull winter which induces people to curtail expenses and double up blank-its. The names of the parties tre: C II. Umdreth and Pearl Landreth, Carl Sigfrttjion and Kiasa Maria Krunul, J. H. Burr-Dill and Maud Llsinby. Miss I. llnt,y. wno Ls but K years old and a resident of Knapjsi, obtained the consent of her parents. hen told It takes ..50 to moke a tnuis. fer, they think he Is putting them to un- mamas , . ... 1 the county clerk s "nr cost He ha to keep a certain and is regarded as am"u1n,l of ",am''" hand or thre 'raei as either pros- wou1,1 no n,S ot -" " the office. I dorsed prior to March 1. 1K)1. Interest will cease after this dute. F. J. CAKNEY. City Treasurer. Astoria. Oregon, August 23, Ifett. noiesaie nsn o-!iiers report ine run t I of ilmn to be steiullly Increasing with i the ad-anc-m-nt of the season. The run j of tyee siilmon, which has been unus-ally I sma.ll for the past three nvmths. ls Im- Sanderson'i vile driver yesterday land- proving rap.dly, and the big fellows are d the Aberdeen's Packing Co.' cannery beginning to uppeur in the beul markets machinery at Ninth street dock. It will in large quamltb-. Many sock-eye sal t stored In Parker's warehouse and later muti are also being taken from the waters will h renalred before being used by the; of the Sound. About the middle of September the silver salmon will be gin to run, and when this happens it ls likely -.hat the prices charged fr the fish will be reduo-d. Hal ibut and cod .-vmtlnue to be plentiful, and are rapidly dleA.ed of In the markets. The hitter ft?h. however, is mostly sought a.'ter.-P.-I. new cannery now ietng built vy tne company at Ilwaco. Good Whiskey la both doctor and tonic. Better looking than many doctors, better tasting rhan all medicines. For general family use, nothing equals whiskey and HARPER Whiskey 1a pre-eminently the family whiskey. Sold by Ford & Btokes Co., Astoria, Or. It ! understood that a committee of Three vessels of fhelieet now on the way to this irt, arrived In the harbor yesterday afternoon. They are. the Brl- Take Speeial Notice of This Ad. WE BEG TO NOTIFY THE ENTERPRISING PEOPLE OF ASTORIA THAT WE HAVE NOW ON HAND A COMPLETE LINE OF GAS AND ELECTRIC CHANDELIERS, ELECTRICAL AND GAS SUPPLIES. MANTELS GRATES AND TILING, ANDIRONS, FENDERS AND SPARE GUARDS. ASTORIANS WHO INTEND BUILDING SHOULD BE SURE TO NOTE OUR ADDRESS AND WRITE FOR CATALOGUES. Frank Holcomb & Co. 45 VVaBhinifton Street - Portland, Oregon You cannot buy 'l v - r '?, ir- .-;v.'-. :.''.v v- Chili! ngs Best tea jgxeept in oack ages. For Boys and Girls f L . - J mm Girl's Overalls The Utcst tiling out. Mado of tlit) lUt Quality of Kino Twill! Doniin. Piioa from four yoitr to fiiurtoon yt-arn. Prioe -10c pair. mm Jj) .. Boy's Overalls Made of Kino Hluo Twill.-,! Drniw. High bits wiru h(H)k iiNj'iiiltrn. Ajjou fro Ihrw U Un yearn, , j Trico 2fto mir. A I This is the Celebrated Bee Waist Mmlouf the irnut Jenm with KliiHtic IIo.k Sup- jiortorx. Tho only iiuiilo tliat tin- luittom wmit '! come olf I'rii'o ftOe t-ach. ''' ' Front View SHANAHAN BROTHERS The Only Htoro Thol Holla Clivni MURRAY HOTEL Fool of N alii street. Electric Llfhts-Electric BtlU-Frtt Simple Poom-All Modem Improvements. W'KKKI.Y HATE T. M. tit'NS. pnpnt,r. In a Woman's Care almost vry artlcl of wtartng apoara wtll last long ar than If looked after a 80111 womto neglect their footwear. Shoes of fin appearance, rather thaa good quality, attract tbra. But In buying shoes here It le 1 possfbis to make a mistake. Tie pearanc and style ls all that the ateet fastidious could dslre, and th quality kps pec with both. Our prte) ar rgardd as wond fully low by wis buyers. Petersen & Brown. You Save Dollars By Purchasing Your Drugs, Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles of Tlie only cut-rate ilruif store where every article is boM 15 to Z't ikt cent. Ii.'ss than the manufacturer's, price. Mere worJs don't tell it ull. Ilrre are some, jirice. Iterneuiher t-very Patent Medicine. Toilet Article or DrtiK is sold Ht cut rati-e. Our nmil order huHinus hue trebled in a year, becauso everyone within 3-H) mileB of Portland can ao money hy irauinK aim ui, AH'-o, k's l'or,iit I'laaters . Ayem' Hsralllla. Carter's I'llls CaHtorls ,....,.... Heott'l KiniiMrtll ... II001 'sHarsspnrllla.... Our KK"lar Cut-rat Prle priee ... lu 11 ... 1 00 . v I mi I mi l' 10 m I,-, t, 7 m 7 HI 1 a 2.1 Vi 41 rnliic'iiCelerrCouiliOuiid. ....... 1 im Wyrupof Nks '0 Oregon MIihmI Purifier 1 IK) piice s rsv.irue rresi ripiioii i w Fierce's Ool 'en Helical Itue eovery 1 (-0 PI 'ice's Pellets 21 VVIlllsiiK' Pink I'll la W Quinine ('apoilm, or HiiKur coaled Tsblst., ill botllri .'lit. il rt I nit Ixi l-gtsln Quinine ( apsides, or KiiK.r Coaled lalilets, lu buUles coiitHiiilng tWi fpaln , Quinine ('ii,ille, or Kilxar coaled 'fnl'-ets, In Ixitt'isi routaliiuig l"l a iraln Quinine Capsules, or Hug r- ciiHteil lalilets. in Mil tins eohtnlnlliK IKI j ltrnln We buy dirwt from the rnftiiiifm turorB in quanlitiea, which secure the VKHY LOWEST TUADK KATES. This ennblei na to retail at wholesale priced. We pay transportation charge to As toria on all orders fur drutrs or patent medicines amoiintfiuf to f 5 or over, when accompanied by the cash. Our pliotoersplno department will in terest you. Every new thinif la photog raphy in in stork, nnd it will deliilit Vim to have yon coll, wliether you y of not. i mmmm tt ,. WoodardrClaf k & Company ' Cut-Rare Druggists Fourth and Washington, Portland, Ore The Bee Hive Ilm Juxt Km-ivnl it Complete Line of ... Fall Dress Goods In Staple and Fancy Novelties We will ho phii.Hi'il to xhow thfio jjimmIh win th. r y-u hoy or not The host nml chfajHst 1'attfrns TIIK M. CAM. f..r miIo only ... THE BEE HIVE ... See our new Fall and Winter Ladies Walking Hats. Albert Dunbar, Corner Ninth and Commercial Strce tB Looks Good. Meat may look good.but Is It? Som e people can tell good meit when they see It. Tbey can say wbetber It Is tender by feeling It, but nine peo ple out of ten can't. If your purchase Is made of us you may rest assured tbe meat ls all rlgbt ind If It's not tbe very best wben It's served, it's In the cooking. g m ROSS, HIGGINS& CO L0WNEYS CHOCOLATES AT THE SPA I e ASTORIA MEAT CQMPANY f 4 Telephone No, aa t ' " .... . . a, 1 -Handles Only the Choicest Meats 1 48 Cammsrclal It., nt Palao Ritaarar.t. $