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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1914)
PAGE TWO TiATT.Y FART OTC EOi ON TAN. P EN n T.ETO N. OKEC.ON. T PER DAY, DEC EM It ETC R. 1014. ETOirr PAOES K K K K K 8 S 8 S S s K. 8 g 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 s 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 B 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ef ts ep Sofoe the Problem of m. . 1 T ri..r " What To Give For Christmas. " 8 F " m mm 1 a tor your convenience in order that you may solve quickly yourprob gj lem or What to Give and enjoy the comforts and advantages of man- $ ing your selections early in the fourteen shopping days remaining before 8 Christmas all departments at The Peoples Warehouse ate full to over' j$ lowing with useful and practical gifts for Men, Women and Children. DO YOUR SHOPPING EARLY- 1 FIRST CHOICE IS AL WA YS BEST. I All Afternoon and Evening Dresses Reduced $ For Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 3 if They are tie season's newest models, made of chiffon, crepe do chine, messaline and lace. Tearl and rliincstone or naments are used in trimming these daintv dresses. 920.00 Dressea Educed to - - $14.05 925.00 Dresses Induced to ?18.C0 930.00 Dresses Kednccd to $21.80 $35.00 Dresses Keduced to ' $25.90 940.00 Presses Kpdnw, to , - 928.95 950.00 Dressos Feduee.1 to .. - . 93G.85 We will wrap your bundles so they will get there Looking nice and cleanj on time, and so that they will LOOK LIKE CHRIST MAS PRESENTS. Paper of the hol ly kind, fancy twine, Christinas seals, cards, etc., pack carefully, insure an.1 send by parcels post FKEE of charge to you. Saving you all trouble and care. Mr. lien Trombley loft toddy for Portland for a visit with friends, Mm. Lou Dockntttter of Portland, who has been a guest of Mm. Fred Tloch for several weeks, returned to diiy to her home and wu accompa nled by Mrs. Ploch who will visit In Portland for two weeks. Mrs. Charles F. Colesworthy was hostess yesterday afternoon to the South Hill Bridge Club at her homo on High street. High score honors were won by Mrs. James A. Fee. Aside from club members Mrs tolesworthy had as guests Mrs O. I. La Dow and Mrs. D. N. Reber. The Duplicate Whist Club was de lightfully entertnlned yesterday at the nome of Mrs. Will Moore on Jack son street. The North Side Bridge Club Is be Inn entertained this afternoon by Mm. George D. Haslett at her Jackson street home. Mr. and Mm. Fred Brown, who have been In Walla Walla for the past inree months, have moved back to their home at 617 Maple street. Mr. nrown Is employed by the Warren Construction company. 8 8 4 PILOT ROCK, IS BUSY PIACE FOR HOLIDAY SEASON OUTSIDE RESIDENTS COME IX TO TKA1)K OT1IKK NEWS NOTES OF TOWX. -Mrs. town ir JUL 7C $5.00 Boys Suits $3.95 NORFOLK SUITS WITH TWO PAWS OF PANTS. AX EXCEP TIONAL BAKGAIX. DON'T PASS IT UP. CHOICE ?3.93 J-.a..SM-..-WM.Wi...B...LL.J Silk Wahting In fipires", plain colore and floral de signs. Comes 27 to 36 inches wide, in waist leneths. all shades. The yard 50p to ?2.M, Lunch Cloths And naikins to match, of finest quality linen. Beautiful satin designs, liem- m $17.50, 18.50, $20 OVERCOATS 3 8 W stiohed, ready for use. $1.25 to SG.00 p ?3.00 to ?6.00 8 Cloths, each., Napkin?, dozen Fine Bed Spreads Comes in colors and white, best quality, lanrest size, of beautiful raised designs, in plain hemmed, scalloped and figured. Each - - OSd to ?10.00 Wool Challies Finest selection of wool challis we have ever had. Comes in colored ground, with neat dot?, stripes and figures, 27 inches wuf nil uv,l for Ktrt-et and house wear. Tbe -J , 50 M f There are about fifty coats in tliis lot. All are good style and extra quality. Haiti coats, ulsters and regular overcoats. The colors 'can't be excelled. Almost every size is here. This special sale is for tomorrow, 8 Wednesday Only 8 3 3 DOUBLE T. P. W. TRAUIXG STAMPS TOMORROW, WEDNES DAY, TILL 2 P. M. WITH ALL CASH PURCHASES. Shop early and profit by this double stamp offer. This offer is for both first and second floors. Your Choice Only m fin Felt Lined Shoes Kid vamp, low heels, leather soles, the comfort shoe for old ladies ?1.75 Also a complete line of felt house slip pers for ladies, which are a usefu and most appreciated article as a Christmas 3 3 3 3 8 3 V, 3 3 (Special Correspondent.) PILOT ROCK. Ore., Dec. S. George Hunter of Nye was In Thursday doing gome trading. Alfred Smith and wife are visiting at Pendh-ton this week. Herbert Boylen attended the wool growers association at Pendleton Thurcday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Evans re turned Thursday from Portland uhere Mrs. Evans haa been having her eyes treated. Miss Alma Boylen was a visitor at the county seat Wednesday evening. Mrs. Frank Duff and son rpent Wednesday at rendition. Word was received hero Thursday of the birth of a boy to Dr. and Mrs Lieuallen of Portland, formerly of this place. Mrs. Jesse Jones visited at the county seat Wednesday. John Kunyan was a business visit or at Pendleton Friday. Marvin Roy autoed down to Pen dleton Friday. Air. and Mrs. James Whittaker of Nye were in town Thursday doing some trading. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Owens Carnes a boy, Wednesday. Mrs. Bert Hutchison was a passen ger on the auto stage for Pendleton Friday. Mrs. Frank Humphrey spent Wed nesday at Pendleton. Porn to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith Wednesday, a boy. 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 gift, in red, brown, tan, blue and other good shades with leather and padded soles. Prices - $1.50 to ?1.75 SPATS SPATS SPATS in grey, green, red, blue, brown and black. Price 8 3 8 T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP. 50 CLEAXLIXESS, ECONOMY, SERVICE 3 PHONES .15. HOLIDAY CANDIES Our big bhiprnent is here, to fee tlem is to buy them. Bright, frvh wholesome candies, priced right Many suitable gifts can le obtained in our candv department T ( W'X S E X ITS G LACE FRUITS, Queen Victoria Clun'olates. Krause'g Choco lut? and lion Rons. XKW CROP DATES now hTe. pound 15 IMPORTED FICS, the finest to be had, the lb 30 ALL OTHER DEPARTMENTS 2 fJTTERNSEY COOKING WARE, 10 PIECE SETS. C custard dishes, 2 bowls and one casserole, regular value ?2.10, Special this week the set 91-0a ORANGE SPECIAL, 500 doz. choice navel oranges, EpccuJ the dozen 0f GRAPE FRUIT, extra cludce Florida stock, dozen....- 9f COFFEE SPECIAL We commenced this coffee salo with 3000 pounds freshly roaste-i strk. Yesterday we had to reorder by telegram. Our sale is growing way ahead of our expectations. Never before have such cof fee values been offered our trade. If you can't come to our store; phone or mail or der. Prices for THIS WEEK ONLY. 1 lb. can GOLDEN WEST or M- J. R. - W 3 lb. Can - 31-00 5 lb. Can .. 81-50 "JONES DAIRY FARM" PURE LARD, packed in full weight 2 lb. packages for 45 5 lb. full weight cans $1.10 One trial will convince you this lard is superior to any other lard you have ever used. Or der today. DELICATESSEN DEPT. SMOKED and KIPPERED FISH; FANCY DOMES TIC and IMPORTED CHEESE, PICKLES, OL IVES, CHOW CHOW, etc. SWEET APPLE CIDER, fresh barrel just in, gal. 50 8 a 3 - - V COUPON The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE SAVE YOUR T. P. W. TRADING STAMPS Phlmi'uM C our oh X&J 2A Z6 "Z 2 24 i Till and vc ConU. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this llp, enclose five centa to Foley & Co.. Chicago, 111., writing your name and ad drees clearly. You will receive In return a free trial package con taining Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound, for coughs, colds and croup: Foley Kidney Pills, for pain In Bides and back, rheumatism, backache, kid ney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, espec ially comforting to stout persons. Sold everywhere. J 1&ark (ristmas I LJ Specials r ? Hfff A These are the seven V Vl mY4 ift gift suggestions you J l! I1 ti f saw advertised in i.i, M, Ifj the Saturday Even foi ly 'I II ing Post. They are WJ (A I sPecial values you yf m. I u Jy Hallmark Store. 5ik Vf I W W Each will solve one of ilj Yv5 I if your gift problems. Each JA J re X II will delight some one of 1 jl lit I your friends. 5) V II n rf I 1 They are shown exclu- yS 1 1 f 1 1 1 J ' 8iveIy y us' nd .can e fh l ill ilWtZP found nowhere else in JfV- VU VI t !H this city. AM AV Jy Won't you come In and jl It -2 Slfo" si" examine rtese and our m .V.rA!"IMtll,,f!,'llv" hundreds of other charm- y vA I r,,cl,w,wol'l ing gift suggestions for Jr Ji(Xf tnc Holiday season? JjV Alj w 'f 7v O M 17 00 A3 X Startln Xllvir 1m wrmltxv (tniul ttt) V ? X Barf tlabt. C'bMi ikln. A (vtawUtf gtrl wyr 'J(V Surllni Hllr NpIb Mrt A. . O y J ,i No r 11.00 vrXA- A Z r il linTiirof Dux jf cwdoauuut. rwu Vyf Via v m m m i m VA Til lOO iiarttnf hot This store Is able to offer you newest de signs and styles and exceptional values. We are the only store in this city privileged to sell Hallmark goods. This is The Hallmark Store and there is only one Hallmark Store in each city. This means that we have al lied our purchasing power with that of hundreds of other leading Jewelers throughout the country la order to product and sell high grade jewelry, gold and illnr wart, and other article) at nlal bbs coat ' ThU means to yon better gooda, better eerrlce, better TeJaes,whea yon purchase at thi tor, y Inula litM CVd to Mnim. j Royal M. Sawtelle Jeweler FIMTOIt AM) HIS PAPF.K Ki: TOWN'S IIKST ASSET Head of Popart men t of Journalism Gives N'cw Itrasona Why A1h aro Mortliant's Itct InvoNtmont. UNIVERSITY OF OnKOO.V. Eu gene, Dec. 8. "Advertlnlng In the country paper Is the best Investment a country merchant can Biake," says Eric V. Allen, head of the department of Journalism at the State University. "The merchant's advertising should be news. It should tell something very definite about what the store of fers, and the copy should be changed frequently. The advertising columns should be made as Interesting as any ether part of the paper, and the mer chant's 'ad' should appear with the same regularity aa the editor's news. An advertisement .In the local paper la by no means charity. . It brings big returns; first, In direct business when It Is handled with a little common sense; second, In building up the com munity. "The paper should be made as Im portant an agent of a town's Improve ment and prosperity as the church or school. The great probVem of the small town In these days cf centrali zation and parcel post is to make It self a good place to live In and a pleasant place for the country people to come to. If It doesn't do that it Is doomed to disappear. "Ho no town should be "so short sighted as not to give every encour agement to the man who Is trying to make a newspaper there. He la In one' sense the most important citizen. He can do more for the town both at home and abroad than any other man. He should be backed up In his effort to do business at business pri ces and In a business way. Tt would be Just as sensible for you to let your schools run down, or your stores run down, or your churches run down, as to let your newspaper run down." These were some of the statements made hy Mr. Allen in an address to the citizens of Clendale, Ore., on "The Newspaper in Your Town." and are taken from the report of the address given hy the Olendale News, Itobert C. Hall, editor and proprietor. HOW THE WAK TAX AmXTS THE SHIPPERS SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 8 For the benefit of shippers, a great many of whom are In doubt as to the pro visions of the new emergency Inter i. Hi revenue law, In so far as It applies to freight shipments, the Southern Pacific company, through Freight Traffic Manager O. W. l.uoe. is en deavoring to mako all points clear. "The law provides that a one cent war revenue stamp be placed on each bill of lading, manifest, or similar memorandum," tays I.uco. "The shipper must affix this stamp to the bill of lading, and the railroads can not accept and forward a shipment until this is done. Such is the ruling of the United States treasury depart ment. "The department has also ruled that where freight is accepted at non ngency stations, It miut he receipted tor by the conductor accepting It. He must aee to It that the stamp Is at tached to each of such receipts and cancelled as required by regulations before auch shipment can' be accept ed. In the case of pershables or oth r Instance where auch receipts can not be given by conductors, the good may be accepted and transported. In advance of the affixing of the etamp, but In that event the recVlpt must be delivered to the destination agent and NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH Apply Cream in Nostrils Open Up Air Passages. To Ah! What relief! Your clogged nostrils open right up, the air pas sages of your head are clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawk ing, snuffling, mucous discharge, headache, dryne no struggling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh Is gone. Don't stay stuffed up! Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream palm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream In your nootrlls, let It penetrate through every air parage of the head; soothe and heal the swollen, Inflamed mufoiis membrane, giving you Instant relief. Ely's Cream Palm Is just what every cold and catarrh sufferer has been seeking. It's Just splendid. he must require the stamp from the consignee. ' "To mako It even plainer, the law provides that this stamp mut bo af fixed before the railroads can accept a shipment; and In canes of perish ables, they cannot deliver the htp ment until the stamp Is affixed on the receipt and cancelled. The law Is penal, not civil. Its violation by any person or corporation Is punish able In the federal courts. "Tho shipper or person la required: to cancel the stamp, by writing across the face his initials and the date. Some shippers have been under the Impression that, because the carrier have a limited supply of stamps on hand for the accommodation of their customers, the stamps were to be dis tributed by the roads free. Thla Im pression Is erroneous. The law pro vides that the shipper pay for the stamp, affix and cancel it. "For the convenience of It cus tomers, the Southern Pacific ha dis tributed a limited supply of stamp to It agent, that they may bo obtain ed from the latter until the govern ment has completed It arrangements for distributing them through Ha own agencies." Camera Supplies Everything for the Amateur AGENTS TOR ANSGO GAVERAS MSCO CHEUICALS CYKO PAPER Bring us your Films to be developed and printed on Cyko paper "There'$ a Difference" Tallman & Go. Leading Dnigglfti I