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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1914)
EIGHT PAOES P.ATT,TEAST OnfiflONTAN. PENDLETON", OKEOOX, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, mi. paoe tttree 3 President Wilson's Address era 8 J 'J 4 . t'O j 3 -2-121) AU'OliOLM PtR Him. AVegclablcftrparailonErAs Promotes DifestloalWi- ness and Rmrontalni ndEv Opiinu .Morphine nxKiaiaL wot ri An cone Ancrfed Remedy for Corolla t Inn. Sour. StanjriLDITf Worms jCouvmstrnJloma- ncss oulLoss OF SLEEP. The Cektauh Compahj . NEW YUKK. 'bill For Infants and Children. The Kind You. Have Always Bought Bears Signature of j v9ib of our Guarantied under tht r'o Exact Copy of Wrapper. the . IT (Vt nU$e V For Over Thirty Years MM! (Continued from para one.) whlrh awrtulnod u at every ntep of the difficult undertaking; but It la done. It has passed from nur hand It lx now an established part of the legislation of the country. It use fulness, lu effect will close them selves in experience. What chiefly strike ui now a we look about these closing day of a year which ha been forever memorable In the hla lory of the world, In that we face new tanks, have been facing- them these six months, must face them In the months to come face them with, out partisan feeling -like men who have forgotten everything but a com mon duty and the fact that we are representatives of a great people whose thought la not of us but of what America owe to herself and to all mankind In such circumstances as these upon which we look amazed and anxious. War Interrupts Work. War has Interrupted the means of trade not only, but also the process of production. In Europe It Is de stroying men and resources wholesale and upon a scale unprecedented and appalling. There Is reason to fear that the time Is near, If It be not al- Vl l"n generation of power, , ; ,l . . . " . passed the house ncuii to uo lor meir people wnat water powers of our nation domain In the rich state of the west, when we should tiave ar-tfd, and they are sum locked up. The key Is still turn ed upon them, the door shut fast at which thousands of vigorous men full of Initiative, knock clamorously for admittance. The water power of our navigable streams outside the nation ai aomain aino, even In the eastern states, where we have worked! and planned for generations, U still not used as It might be, because we will . .a ... I a . ... una we won i; because the law we have made da not Intelligently bal ance encouragement against restraint. we withhold by regulation. To Itemed Mistaken. I have come to ask you to remedy ana correct these mistakes and omls sions, even at this short session of a congress which would ceTtalnly seem to nave done all the work that could reasonably be expected of it irk. At .i. i inn nine inn in circumstance are extraordinary and so must our ef forts be also. In the senate, two great measures, finely conceived, the one to unlock, with proper safeguards, the resources or the national domain, the other to encourage the use of the navigable watera outside that domain for the have already passed the bouse of representatives . ... . , I I na are reaay ror Immediate consider. they have hitherto been always eaa-1 -. . ,, v . .;' .... , , . . .. . I ation and action by the senate With IIV ntllA trt " f monv .mitt at mnA - ' fundamental things. At any rate, they will need our help and our man ifold services as they have never needed them before; and we should be ready, more fit and ready than we have ever been. It Is of equal consequence that the nations whom Europe ha usually Recall IVJUon riled. SALEM, Ore. Dec. 8 Alleging that he Is Incompetent and ha ab aented himself from his office when he should havo been there, about 800 GET RID OF HUMORS AND AVOID SICKNESS ITumora in the blood canoe inter. tol dernngemchU that affect the whole system, as well as pimples, boils and other eruption,, and nre responsible for the readiness with which many people contract disease. For forty years Hood's Sarsspa rilla h.n Wen more successful than any other medicine in expelling humors and removing their inward and outward effects. Oct Hood 'a. No other medicine acta like it. resident of Tillamook county has filed a petition with Secretary of State Oleott for the retail of M. J. uersonl, district attorney of that county. . Gersopi was appointed by Governor West when the law providing district abla causes. attorney for each county became op erntive last June. Chargea were made against him several months ago and the governor asked him to re slKn. Hp declined to do so. He has five days in which to resign under the recall law, and If he falls to do so the secretary of state will order a recall election. me deepest earnetness I urge their prompt pnssage. In them both we turn our backs upon hesitation and makeshift and formulate a genuine policy of use and conservation In the best sense of these works. We owe the one measure not only to the peo ple of that great western country for VL'tinftA fraa nrA M I - J ... 1 aupplled with innumerable articles of " , 77 a t -mm. ment- " 11 fem t0 me, our legUla- . . V r .7r .'tl0 nM done '"He. but also to th, ar. ncon.l.ntDeed,DdwllhoU the nat, M which their economic development owe them the fu,flm;nt f our ha t. and stand, st 11 can now only M 0 r get a small part of what they for-L. , ,ha nri,rv JLil merly imported and eagerly look to , . n us to aupply their all but empty mar- .. nf kets. This la particularly true of our; mall- nnm. . ... own neighbors, the states, great and nf ,t fv. .,,,. n. ... - t..n. .. n hat Interests us Just now Is not the explanation, but the fact, and our duty and our opportuni ty In the presence of it. Here are markets which we must supply and we must find the means of action. .Lv'VI KP7i,K'OrTI,0m f1 "r th Philippines. !!ld .Ct', M: ter. In this time of anxiou The Slhlwald, or city forest of Zu rich, Switzerland, add to the town's revenues 17.10 per acre a year, re ducing the amount needed to be rats ed through taxation by more than 112.000. m m the 2 for 25c the entire all Havana cigar town is talking about Wrapper, binder, filler all Havana. A fine smoke and a local product. La H0ITI6r the great 10c cigar PATR0H1ZE I10HE INDUSTRY Sold in Pendleton by all the following places: GRITMAN BROTHERS BOWMAN HOTEL GEO R DE MOTT CRESCENT SALOON MOOSE CLUB PASTIME BILLIARD PARLORS ''BILL" BOGART GEO. STANGIER BREWERY DEPOT SA LOON W. J. CONNERS TALLMAN DRUG STORE OFFICE SALOON" CHARLES COMPANY FRED BOOK PENDLETON DRUG CO. JAKE WELCH ANTON KRAFT SULLIVAN, HAYS & RUS SKL SALOON ELKS CLUB QUELLE CAFE ST. GEORGE CAFE Ask for La Tima and La Homer at your dealers sma l of Central and South America. adeqUately guarded the while and n I".!9 hae ' rU n"0Ply In the use prevented. To chiefly Vhwart the seas not to our havc tx.gun ,uch measures and not ports, but to the port of Great Brit-1 comilUlt. ,hem .,. 4Vl aln and of the older contlnenta of rnr..rA ,.t tt,i. Europe. I do not stop to inquire why. .erou,v. t hnI)6 fln rnfiH.nfiv h. or to make any comment on nrob- Hal'. V..i. V. 1 . .1 liillipplno (jucsiiou And there 1 another piece of leg islation which awalu and should re ceive the sanction of the senate. I mean the bill which gives a larger measure of self government to the How bet- lous question Ing and perplexed policy, could we show our confidence in the principles of liberty as the source as well a the expressions of life, how better could we deraonsrate our own self possession and steadfastness in the courses of Justice and disinterested- j nes than by thus going calmly for- ward to fulfill our promises to a de pendent people, who will now look more anxlouly than ever to see w neth er we have Indeed the liberality, the unslfishness, the courage, the faith we have boasted and. professed. I I luunoi oeueve man me senate win let this great measure of constructive Justice await the action of another congress. Its passage would nobly I rcown the record of these two years of memorable labor. But I think that you will agree with me this does not complete the toll of our duty. How are we to car- ry our gooils to the empty markets ot hkii I have spoke if we huve not the s'ili'8? How are we to build j up a great trade it we have not the i Lin.-t.iiit means of transportation on which all profitable and useful com-' nurte depends And how are we to' Ket these ships if we wait lor the trade to develop without them? To correct the .many mistakes by which we have discouraged and all but de stroyed the merchant marine of the country. To retrace the stops by which we have, It seems, almost de liberately, withdrawn our flag from the aeas, except where, here and these a ship of war Is bidden carry it. or some wandering yacht displays It, would take a long time and Involve many detailed Items of legislation And the trade which we ought Im mediately to handle would disappear or find other channels while we de bated the Items. Trnnsioriatlon Problem The case Is not unlike that w hich confronted us when our own contin ent was to be opened up to settle ment and industry, and we needed lines of railway extended means of transportation prepared beforehand I never Derore, to serve ltelf and to aerve mankind; ready with Its re- sources. It energies, its forces ot production, and It mean of distribution. Wc have Itenomves. It la a very practical matter, a matter of ways and means. We have ! the resoucre but are we fully ready to use them? And. If we can make ready what we have, have we the means at hand to distribute It? We are not fully ready, neither have we the mean of distribution. We are willing but we are not fully able. We! have the wish to serve and to serve greatly, generously; but we are not prepared aa we should be. We are not ready to mobilize our resources at "once. We are not rrepnred to use them Immediately, and at their best with out delay and without waste. I To speak plainly, we have grossly erred In the way in which we have stunted and hindered the development of our merchant marine. And now, when we need ships, we have not got them. We have year after year de-1 bated, without end or conclusion, the 1 est policy to pursue with repard to the use of the ores and forests and KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLE CAUSES GREAT DISTRESS It gives me great pleasure to rec ommend Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Iioot to any one suffering from bladder trou ble. For four years I wa troubled by hemorrhages from the bladder and was not able to get any doctor who could help me. I was In such shape that sleep at night was Impossible on account of distressing symptoms. While bending over I would be strick en with such a pain that It was Im possible for me to straighten up. Mr. Henry, one of our leading drug blsts, advised Dr. - Kilmer' Swamp root, although I never had any faith In patent medicines, as a last resort I purchased a dollar bottle of Swamp. Root. I noticed a decided change and after using two bottle I was com pletely cured. It seemed remarkable that I should be cured so quickly after being 111 ao long. But since this took place nearly two years ago, I have never been troubled and .would highly advise any one suffering from the same trouble to at least give Swamp-Root a trial and I think the results will be the same as mine. Yours very truly, THOMAS A. BENNETT. Greensborg, Indiana. Personally appeared before me this 14th day of February, 191S. Mr. T. A. Bennett, who subscribed the above statement and made oath that the same Is true In substance and In fact I A, BOWER, Notary Public. Inmey-Saviig Size A Handy, Useful Package iur 5-lb. Tin $1.50 3(Q)os. A Pound During MJ-& Coffee Week Only REMEMBER This Week Only at this special price. After that 5-lb. tins and all other sizes will sell at the regular prices. Vou Take Ho Chances Our Guarantee is Your Protection Your Grocer will refund the full price you paid if M'J'B' does not please your taste no matter , how much you have used out of the can Packed by Special Procc in Airtight Tin to Preserve its Flavor ss Ground Just Right to Make The Best Cup of Coffee Our Money-Saving Offer . Also Includes Mb. Tins 3c 3-11). Tins sl -80 Vou Can't Buy Better Coffee At Any Prico Packed by M. J. Brandenstein & Co. Sao rraaebca. Calif. In which development was not to lag . sufficiently profitable to attract and advance In International clvillxation. I otter to Ir. Kilmer & Co., Wnfftmmfnn. N. V. Prove What Swamp-Uoot Will Do For Vou. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. Tou will also receive a booklet of valu able Information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention the Pendleton Dully East Orcgonlan. Regular fifty cent nnd one-dollar size bottle for sale at all drug stores. Intolerably nnd wait Interminably. We lavishly subsidised the building ot transcontinental railroads. We look back upon that with regret now, be cause the subsidies led to many scan dais of which we are ashamed: but we know that the railroads had to be built and If we had it to do over again we should of course build them but In another way. Therefore. I engage private capital and engage it in! We should show our earnest rnnd uuunuance, me government ougnt to withdraw. I very earnestly hope that the congress will be of this opinion, and that both house will adopt this exceedingly important bill Rural Credits The great subject of rural credit still remains to be dealt with, nnd It faith in a great matter by adding our own acceptance of It. There Is another matter of which T must make special mention. If I am to discharge my conscience, lest it should esape your attention. It may seem a very small thing. It af fects only a single Item of approprla- Preede, not tardily follow, opment of our trade with is a limner ni ueeD re ere i mat tne.ttnn rut m . r, v k.... n. propose another way of providing the difficulties of the subject have seem- many great enterprises hang upon it mean of transportation which must ed to render it impossible to complete' It Li the matter nf ,ih. ..H.L . the tlevel- a bill for passage at this session. But provision for the survey and charting 1 it itiiinui oe iieriecien vet nnn inerp- bor states of America. It may seem , fore there nre no other constructive a reversed of the natural order or things, but it Is true, that the routes . ...uoi n m.u...., , Dui 1 would ee neg lsent or a. verv hnm voo tVin.iirt. i. i- -I . - " ----- .vu0n u ai.-u rry iiu- manlfest duty not to call the attention l ortant Indeed with regard to the of the senate to the fact that the pro- older coasts of the continent. We posed convenion for safety at sea I cannot p. our great Alaskan domain awaits its confirmation and that the' ships will . not nlv ther if th. limit fixed in the convention for its J coasts and their many hidden dangers' 13 me last nay ot me are not thnrnuehlv or our coasts. It U Impressing and exigent In connection with th tm- (measures the necessity for which I liens- coast line of Alaska, a coast in hi mis iimo can your attention , :ir.e greater than that of the c. a. Economy of Expenditure. Before I clow may I say a few worda upon two topic, much discus, ed cut ot door, upon which It Is highly Important, that our Judgment hould be clear, definite and stead fast r One of these Is economy In gov. ernment expenditure The duty cf economy Is not debatable. It I manifest and imperative. In the (Continued on Page Seven.) by many ships and regular sailings and moderate charges--before streams of merchants will flow freely and profitably through them. Hence the pending shipping bill, dl8CU8ed nt the last session; but as yet passed by neither house. In my judgment such legislation Is im peratively needed, and cannot wisely be postponed. The government must open these gates of trado and open them wide; open them before it Is ultogether profitable to open them, or: altogether reasonable to ask private selves for the most capital to open them at a venture. It it would hardlv be continuance is the Inst Aav nf th o .. . u. ..!.. . . I present month. The conference in 'charted. The work Is inramni.t. Is not a question of the government monopolizing the field. U should take! mum nun vuiivemiun uriKinaien was almost every point. Ships nnd lives called by the V. S.; the representa- j have been lost In threading what were tlves of the IT. S. played a very tnflu- opposed to be well known channels, entlal part Indeed In framlnlg the pro- We l-.ave not provided adequate ves- tisiona 01 me proposed onvenuon, ; sels or adequate machinery una i nose provision are in tnem- survev nn,l rhnrtlmr t part admirable, consistent with for the e have used old vessels that were not big enough or not strong enoush or were nearly ur.Ma-.voithy that our inspectors the pnrt we have played In the whole matter to let it (Iron and go hv the woui.t hnv nil illl-.l .1 nrlvnt. ....... ..M.i.u in uiitnr n iriuiMi nun u niio j t'Oiird ns 11 rorgoiten and neglected, notation at reasonable rates will be it was ratified in Mav last hv the reality very great. Us importance has only to be looked era to send them to sea. This Is a tYmfter w-Mi'h n T im- i 1.1 .,,!. .iv...i .u, rim w nere me (.ieimun government and in August sma'!, but Is In cim-iuge is not at nrsi proittame: nnd hv th nurl nmunt nf nrn,t i,n.iin then when the acrrlage luis become u niaiKs a most hopeful and decided Into to be appreciated. Constipation a Penalty of Age Nothing Is so essential to health la advancing age as keepln the bowels open. It makes one feet younger and fresher and forcstallj colds, piles, fevers, and other de pendent UU. Cathartics and purgatives are violent and drastic in uctlon and should be avoided, a mild, effec tive laxative-tonic, rncommeiidod by physlcluns and thousand who have used It. U the combination of simplo herbs with pepsin sold by druggists everywhere undr tht name of Ir. Caldwell' Syrup I'cp sln. The price In fifty cent am one dollar a bottle, for a free trliil bottle write to Lir. W it, C:iMwil. it Washington St, Montlcitllu, Jit.