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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1914)
DAILY EVEIIIIIGlSI h .T5' o HlHliSil rormn for Eastern Oregon, b th United State Weather observer t Portland. TO ADVERTISERS. Th East Org plan baa tha UrgMt paid circulation of an paper In Oregon, cast al Portland and o twice tna circulation la Pendleton of any Uir newspaper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER . . - . . 1 11'- V V . VHk. ' m . I -W " M MM .bw . - . - aw av II " Tl ' COUNTY OFFICIAL TAPER VOL 26 DAILY EAST OUEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1914. " NO. 8107 Offi ATLAHTEC French Tr00DS Marchina to Firina Line " ATTACK 1ITIII0 SHORT Mil OF SEACOAST ISJL Lnch roop? mrcma "nnfl Lme 1 on mm m mm T0 m " TO TllfIC HIE ' , ,1 HOLDING TREI1CIIES IMPORTANT BILLS I IV: 7. U V 4' 4rf -s . i1CM I A- '.. OT,. jr-"''-'tt' Hi 1 ?i. & ir Hif But Few Positions are Retained by If T A 4tW h; 7-: V,i j:":WT .iVy.4V,,(7'iM -W Teutons in France According to I , S.a.ernentFeao, " "Jt S jVf' V"M .f' Million Dollars Worth of Damage Already Reported From Virginia to Maine Shipping Paralyzed. MANY COTTAGES DEMOLISHED ,. Hoard Walk at Atlantic tfly Tartly IKstroyed by llcy Scan Ilctaln lug WalU Are Wcukcnod and Ilunwa Aloiyj Sliore Undermined I'ar la IV'H tor Velii at Sea.. NEW.VOUK, Dec. 7 The entire Atlantic aeaboard, from Virginia to Maine, Is being swejt by a 48 mile gale today. At some place the wind reached a velocity of 70 mllea. vhtnnint la virtually paralyiod. Fear U being felt for the aafety of (0 or moro unreported vewels. , A large number of Long Ialand cot. Iiav been undermined ani many of them demollahed by the high eeaa. Scorea of bathhousea have been awept Into the ocean. It la estimated that the damage will exceed a million dollar. The aea off Navealnlc beach and tho Atlantic Highland tore huge holea In the retaining wall. Railroad tracka have len under mined and dozen of bulldlnM lv been demollidiod. The lummer home of Secretary of War Garrlaon at Normandle and oth er handsome residence are aurround d by water. Part of the board walk at Atlantic City ha been destroyed and the ball room at the end of the pier I threat ened with collapse by the damaged foundations caiuted by the aea. The new retaining wall at Seabrlght ha been broken In many places. . Mariners declared that the storm Is the worst that ever vlalted the At lantic coast. FORGES OF CZAR DEFEATED Unit Is Held, Declares Flei-Un Offl rial Announcement HusxLani lle- portod to Have Ixx IIevlly in ntr'tln Hut Few Detalbj of Morenrnts Made Public, T1.IS photograph wa taken several weeks ago In northeastern France and shows a detachment LIVELY DEBATE HELD ON QUESTION OF AMENDMENT Tl'DF.XT UOIY OF MICH KCHOOL VOTES TIK MATTEIl tXIF-S VP AGAIN. One of tho most spirited utudent body meetlnKs In the history of the local l.lKh school was held this morn Injf In consideration of a proposed rwnenilinent to tho orKanlied student ody of the high school. Tho nmend. j inent provided for n primary election i for the nomination of officers of the! Htudont body. The students were di vided Into equal factions, and the de bating was free and extensive. Never before In tho history of Ten dleton high school hits there been any meeting In which the opposing fac tions rnRaged In extemporaneous de late over the question at issue and never before has the vote of the students been so finally divided. Thl 'morning the vote taken on the new bill was n tie. 104 votes for and 104 against, tho measure. The vote waa Illegal, however, and the measure has been submitted to the executive com mittee. It will como before tho Ftu dent body for It scond hearing two weeks from today when It will be subject to nmendment, and will In case of no alteration be voted upon n an amendment to the constitution. 1!15! !L m is fw MAGAZINE COLOMBIA mi m iTE F0KK m I -9 i MaM-B-nSM..Ma French regiment on the way to the front ASSOCIATED CHARITIES TO BE FORMED TOMORROW NIGHT CAM VOH MEETING HAS ItEEX 1SSITEI AND A Mi WILL BE WELCOME. Tomorrow evening an Associated Charities organisation will be formed In Fendlrton. A call for a meeting 1n tho city hall at 7:30 is being sent out today and anybody Interested In Intelligent and systematic churitublo work will be welcome. The movement for an Associated 'Charities, such as many larger citle have, was started here last week by Judge Stephen A. Lowell, Judge J. W. Maloney and W. W. Harrah. Al ready many of tho leading workers In the various churches have been enlisted In the cause.. The plan 1b to form nn organization of a permanent basis and to retain n city missionary who will not only ascertain the resi dents who are worthy of aid but who will also supervlso the extension of charity. At present with tho charit able work done by churches, lorigex and Individuals there Is much of It that, whllo well meant, Is valueless .and thorn Is also much duplication of work and many needy people who are overlooked. WASHINGTON. Dec. 7. Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo suhmlttel to congres this afternoon hi esti mate for government expense-for the fiscal year beginning July 1 next. The estimates total one billion, ninety million, seven hundred and seventy thousand dollars. The navy's total estimate 147 million, 764 thou sand and eighty-six dollars. The ar my's total estimate six million, 675 thousand and S73 dollars. More than IS million dollars Is asked for the Panama canal. The larger river and harbors' ap propriations recommended Include the following: Columbia river mouth, Jl. 70, 000. Columbia and Willamette rivers be. low Portland. $600,000. Columbia and Willamette rivers above Portland. $12,500. Three Mlli? Kapids, Oregon and Washington $S0.000. Coos bay, $ SO, 000. Piuslaw river. $175,000. Coquille river. $76,000. (Py Henry Wood.) SALONICA. via London. Dec. 8. (Delayed.) Turkey Is a powder mag axlne. The spark of fanaticism are likely to be struck any minute, caus ing an explosion which will shatter all the elements of Europeanlsm in the country. Foreigners are In constant danger and up to thl time through super human efforts has Ambassador Mor- genthau prevented an International crisis. I arrived here today from Constan tinople which Is practically Isolated. Foreigner are fleeing. The frontier towns are filled with anxlou men. The Turkish government Is permit ting the departure of foreign wpmen and chilJren but all men capable ft bearing arms against the Ottoman government are detained. M' FAUL STORE AT II cp n i LUIIU IMLWU Dl FIOE LAST IB RABID COYOTE IS KILLED ON THE THOMPSON RANCH EMMOYE ON PKCE TITS END TO ANIMMS I.IKE WITH A HAMMER. What was plainly a coyote afflict ed with rabies wa killed yesterday forenoon on the Herbert Thompson ranch on the reservation . During the forenoon a yrlung man employed on the ranch was working with a team of horses when he observed the coyote coming directly towards the horses. Noting the coyote was act ing peculiarly he climbed aboard a water tank for safety. The dogs took after the coyote but the brute won o far. "all tn" that It made no resistance. Calling off the dogs the man Jumped down, secured a ham mer and killed the animal. The coy ote had a mouth full of stubble which Is taken as an Indication It was afflicted With rabies. The car .cass of tho coyote was brought to own and turned over to Dr. Lassen. i , REFUSED PRISON, MAN GOES FOR COMMITTMENT PAPERS SALEM, Ore., Dec. 7 Com- Ing from Portland unaccompa- nled by an officer, U, N. Gibson, a real estate mnn sentenced to serve one to five years In tho penitentiary for obtaining mon- ey under false pretenses, was refused admittance to prison by Warden Iaw-soii because ho failed to bring committment pa- pcrs with him. Gibson returned to Portland for the necessary documents, Mothers Best Teachers, Win Love of Pupils Mr-. Edith C. Rrollhaiit and Her Son Richard. NEW YORK. Do. 7 In discussing the present fight being made by niar r'ed teachers who are demanding the rlKht ;o a year's leave of absence when they give birth to children, Mrs. Edith Kreithaut a teacher and mother of a wonderfully bright four year old boy. said: "After my son was born 1 took a stronger and clos er Interest In my pupils. Motherhood enabled me to sympathize with and understand them; to nld them with their Utile difficulties at well as at school. home as V v Mir f V .f ... . . t t .I- -.fS y ft? -Vl!J!Ma'- ;....J.v .. -f ... p.? i . v.... Jjf (Special Correspondence.) ECHO, Ore., Dec. 7. One of the most stubborn fires to handle this town ha seen in many month oc curred here last night when the Mc Faul grocery store was wrecked by mo names ana ine building partly edly large." ueHirojea. xne nre broke out about 10 o'clock above the celling and It Is thought the trouble was due to de fective wiring or to a flue. The fact the fire was above the ceiling made It difficult to fight and though three streams were kept playing on the building the fire could not be extln uuished until the roof had been burned away. The store was owned by W. K. Mc-Faul and was located at the cor of Main and Dupont streets. The building is owned by the Wind Riv er Lumber Co.. which will suffer a damage of $1000 by the blaze. Thl is more than covered by insurance. I The loss to the grocery store Is estl I LONDON, Dee. 1. The Chronicle' j report that Ostcnd Is burning; lacked confirmation from any other source. The suggestion was made that some ordinary fire might bate been ob served, giving; rise to alarmist rumors. PARIS, Dec. 7. Th offensive along the entire battle line was be ing assumed by the allies this after noon. Heavy fighting was reported In Alsace. In the Argonne region the German trenches were being shelled with ter rific force. The French wer attack ing the enemy by mean of mining operation. The allies held more advanced po sitions along the Tser river. The French artillery were here outrang ing the Germans. PARIS. Dec. 7. The allies contin ued their attack today on the few trenches still being held by the Ger man left flank, the Bordeaux war of five announced this afternoon. "The French artillery obtained an advantage In the Champagne dlstrlst on Sunday," it was announced. BERLIN, Dec. 7 "We have gain ed important successes." announced the war office this afternoon. "In prolonger battles around Lodx by a defeat of the Russians north, .west and southwest of the city. Lodx 1 One of Hottest Fights is Expected to Occur Over Armament Question- Appropriation Measures are up. BUSY PERI00 STARTS TODAY Cotton legislation Seen A Most Dan ffcroa of Complication Ukely to Artne in National Body Rtronc Op position to Ship Purchase Bill la Both Iloanc. WASHINGTON, Dec. 7 Clark's resounding smash with a matlet big enough for croquet In the house of representative, and Vice President Marshall's light tap with a little piece of ivory in the senate, both precisely at noon, congress met today for the short session which will end March 4. ms. This short session will be the last one of the sixty-third congress, a congress that will go down In history as one which worked almost the en tire two years of its existence (only one six weeks' recess during the Christmas vacations) and as on which put through a number of bills which will effect the country. In all probability, for generations. The program that must be carried cut Is the passage of the appropriation bills. These must be passed, aad ev ery short session of congress In the past has found difficulty In passing them. But no congress In the past which has gotten them through suc cessfully has had so many perplexing complications which threatened to kill weeks of time and prevent the pass age of the appropriation bills. The most dangerous of the Immedi ately imminent complications is the cotton legislation. While there is no chance of any very radical legislation being passed, this temper being clear, ly shown by both house and senate Just prior to the adjournment, dem ocratic leaders feared today that the now In our possession. Details of the ; southerners who have been making fighting are Impossible to give ow ing to the extent of the battlefield. The Russian loss has been unJoubt- 70 BARRELS OF FLOUR ARE READY TO BE SENT ABROAD AMIWIGN FOR BELGIAN RELIEF WILL BE COXTIMED NEXT TWO WEEKS. the most noise about the cotton prob lem will not regard their work as completed to the satisfaction of their constituents unless they make a large r.umber of speeches. Relief lillU Proi"!. The difficulty of choking these off lies In the fact that this can only be done by bringing In a rule insuring a (Continued on page 4 ) With seventy barrels of flour al-1 ready contributed, the campaign to raise a shipment of flour here for the starving Belgians will be actively pushed during the next two weeks WEIL KNOWN WOMAN DIES AT AGE OF SIXTY-SEVEN , and it is honed that considerable mated at $2000 and the owner car more than that nmnunt will Wv here. The mills are offering flour at export prices and the MRS. SARAH 3. SIHM'KEY PASSES ' AWAY AT HOME OF DAUGH TER HERE. rled insurance to the amount of $2 200, hence will be fully protected. INSTRUCTOR IN CHILD'S GAMES MAY BE K-PT HERE PLAYGROIND APPA RATES HAS BEEN OKBERF.D FOR EACH Pl'BI.lC SCHOOL. general break Shockey, for JO roads will transport the I CttrmiimViiMir t .-v aa the I '-'....... - .. i down, Mrs. Sarah J, . , . r j I j n volut in tiiuitiwit, shipment , .K. t.m th- without cost to Philadelphia where a : ; . , . . - . 7m... . . , . . " . . . home of her daughter. Mrs. William steamer has already been chartered; wt AUa atrpet. to carry the provisions across the wa-j fu u h u h ter The need of flour in devastated! c c .Wednesday afternoon Pelgium becomes more apparent; ' .,,,-,- v.nj uu uiff tunnies mine 111 irtuii j lHceased me war-swept country ana every mm- (j, 0 ner con. -any or me Lnuea plates ,s datw from Tu..H,,iiy wnn ,hB i'emg asKeu to suoscnoe to me Hour wa compelled cargo. Those here still wishing to 1 ...,,,,.. was 67 death. years old at the Her lint Illness With playground apparatus already ordered for each one of the public schools, there Is now a strong possi bility that a permanent Instructor in recreation exercises and folk games will be retained by the local school board. The matter has been present ed to the board by Supt. J. S. Land ers and. while the board has not taken any action at this time, the in dividual directors are Impressed with the public demand for playgrounds and are seriously considering engag ing an Instructor. Miss Ceclle Boyd, who recently in troduced playground work In the schools and who is now in Hood River doing similar work 'under the direc tion of the state superintendent, is an applicant for a permanent position as are several other young ladies. SupL Landers' idea is to engage an assistant i in the domestic science department of the high school who couls devote half of her time to playground work. The domestic science department has grown so crowded that an assistant Is needed for half a day at least. The manual training department of the hifch school will make the appa ratus for the playgrounds and before Ions it will be Installed. contribute may do so by calling up either one of the milling companies or Secretary Cranston of the Com mercial association. Warshlu Is Rescued. OCEAN CITY. Md., Dec. -Life to take to her bed. The symptoms Indicated heart and brain trouble as well as general de bility. She remained conscious al most to the end and her death was painless and peaceful. Mrs. Shockey came here with her husband in the early eighties and has made this her home ever since. Her savers from North Beach said a war- i husband died several year ago and ship apparently stranded last night j she also lived to mourn the death of pro was gotten off before noon and ceeded on its way. British Repulsed. CONSTANTINOPLE. Dec. 7. "The British landing force which attempt ed to take Turkish positions between Tigris and Suvaya." announced the war office, "have been heavily repulsed." three children. Three children still survive her, two sons, Charles and John, living In California. The latter will arrive In the morning to attend the funeral. NEWS SUMMARY COLORADO MINERS TO VOTE TO RESUME THEIR PLACES SPECIAL CONVENTION WILL ACT FAVORABLY ON WILSON'S St tiGEVl'lON. General. f Sliort session of congrsi cnt. Over million dollars asked u im prove Columbia river. Allies continue attack on German treneho in France. Atlantic coast is storm swojit. Woman Is Scntoned. PORTLAND. Ore., Pec. 7. Plead ing guilty to a charge of embezzling poftoffloe funds while postmistress at licd Austin, Oregon, Mrs Mullie Irwin was sentenced to three months in the county Jail and fined $1400, the am-1 cunt allcs"d in tho defalcation. I Local. Mrs. Saruh J. Mux-key pusses away. Permanent Instructor In playground work may be ::ddcd. Aswicluted Chui-itiisi will he or-nn- tomorrow evening Elks hear eloquent address t an nual memorial services. Rabid Coyote killed on Tom Thump, sou ranch. DENVER. Colo, Dec 7 Th Col orado miners' Mrlke will decUn-d off December 2'). After a conforetii .f with executive officers of lh t'nit'-d Mineworkers, President McLennan of district 15, announced a resolution will be offered at a specUl conven tion of miners whldi convened thl afternoon, taking such action. Mc Lennan stated the resolution will et forth that tho strikers urn willing to return to uork un.l r thv titu.i tit 4 three jear peacu plan outlined Y President Wll.ion It hImo will de mand a low lii. ' n.fiwi.i' I' to enforce t!i terms of Him plan M Leurian said ho win i-ofifi-Ii-i.t lH del ' mates at tin, roir. rt'li. n v.-HI voln t'l j return to w oi k.