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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1914)
DAILY EVEtlDIG E0IMI DAILY EVEH1HG EDITION TO ADVERTISERS. T East Orfnlo bM the largest paid elrcaletloa of n paper la Ori. Mat C Portland and arm twice toe ctrculatloa U I'MMUatoa of an ttUi oawapapar. Forecast, for E-"ern Oregon, by the United gum WraiUtrr Oh-rvrr I Portland. Fair tonight and Thursday. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL 26 Mil 111 ID UK CAPTURED FROM THE GERF.1AIIS Foreign Minister, in Parliament, , Denies That Occupation of Pacific Possessions is But Temporary. NO PROMISES MADE ANYBODY Tokio Government Sara That No Ex planation Waa Made to United Ktatr Over Scinire of Jalult Inland Anglo-Japane Agreement De nied by Minister of Marine. TOKIO, Dec. J Questioned In par-j llament today, the Japanese foreign'. ' minister denied that Japan had told the United Statea the Japanese occu ration of Jalult Inland, a German pos session In the Pacific ocean, would be temporary. The minister of marine also denied the existence of an Anglo-Japanese agreement concerning the Marshall and Carollno Island. German Pacific groups, which the Japanese likewise have aelzcd. Relative to these Inland It wm un officially reported some lime that the Japanese had professed a willingness to yield the possessions to AuBtrallan forcea. The denials today followed the an nouncement ty Foreign Minuter Kato In parliament on Tuesday that Japan had made no promises to any natlot concerning Klao Chau and that It might be returned to China or It might not. " HOGS OF PENDLETON FR-E FROM RABIES SAYS TEMPLE otv physician bases ms statement on result of analysis made. That rabies has not made It ap pearance among the dogs of Pendleton la the belief of Dr. I. U. Temple, city physician and health officer, and he forma hla opinion not only from his nal observations hut from the re- ault of an analysis made of the head. of a dog sent to the state heaitn or fleer. A short time ago the police were called upon to kilt a dog thnt appar ently was mad. In response to a tel ephone call they made their way to the west end of the city and found that families had shut themselveji In doors through fear of the animal. The rtog was very emaciated nnd weak and It was very evident that It was In the Inst atnges of some disease. It was 1 shot nnd Dr. Tempi" cut orf the head M Lspion and Thorn Hollow are made and sent It to Tr. Calvin S. White, I ( tighter by the presence of a govern state health officer. This morning he t)0( engineer on the reservation and received the following letter from j,y the receipt of a letter by the county Dr. White. I court asking what share of the ex- "In the brain of the dog sent by j ,,,,, wm Bt00j by the county, you to this laboratory yesterday, no ( The government has been urged for Negri bodies were found. This does Bon)e tme t0 buIj the bridges and not prove conclusively that the ant- ,eprng (0 bave been Impressed with mal did not have the rabies because, the noC(J for them. If killed before the termination of Supt K Swartxlander received the disease, organisms are not always tnft iottPr from the Indian bureau formed." asking what proportion of the cost However. Dr. Temple believes that tne countv court will defray and the absence of Negri bodies does conclusively that the dog did prove nut have the raiues tnasmucn n n was In the final stages of disease. The city officer believe the animal had the distemper as bave some 20 or more other dogs which have been killed here by people who feared they had gone mad. i EX-AMBASSADOR DERRICK IS BOOMED FOR CANDIDATE NSW YORK. Dec. . Myron Her rick of Cleveland, Ohio, former am bassador to France, arrived on the liner Rochambeau. Hundreds braved the had weather to welcome the re turning dlplomnt and his wife. A del egation from Cleveland, besides 400 members of the Ohio society, of New York and scores of French-Americans, greeted Herrlck, who held an Impromptu reception on the pier. His admirers have started a move ment for Herrlck ns republican pres idential nominee lit 1916. 13 MINERS MEET ir-Tit iv r"VPi.rsmx I SCRANTON, Pa., Dec. 9. Thirteen miners were instantly killed while descending a Rhaft In the Ijickawana Coal Com pany's mine. One of the min ers dropped a quantity of dyna mite to the bottom which ex ploded nnd destroyed tho cage the occupants dropping to the bltloni of the shaft. DAILY MISS MARION CLEVELAND Second daughter of Deud President, at Her Debut In Princeton. link y2X- 'hath Mlsa Marlon Cleveland, second daughter of the dead president, has Just made her debut In her home at BRIDGES HHY SPAN RIVER AT MISSION AND THORN HOLLOW Prospects that by next harvest time bridges will span the river both at transmitted It to the court. Though I that body has not taken any action. Individual members have expressed themselves n willing to co-operate with the government Inasmuch as 22.000 acres of the original allotment of 70.000 acres on the reservation have passed Into the hands of white owners. It Is only a matter of time, too. until the roads leading to the bridges will become public roads. When they do the cost of upkeep- will be entirely upon the county as Is the case with the Cay use road now. A NEWS SUMMARY General. BrltNli round up and sink Gorman crullers In Pacific, Three V. ii. Batteries ordered to Mexican lKirder. Iiiuui will hold German poaNcwionH. Kaiser seriously ill from pneumo nia. IxH-al. One of men who broke jail at Eu gene Identified as one of two who es caped from local Jail. Walter Gllinan, alleged cattle thief Is under arrest. lVospiH'tH bright for building of Mission and Thorn Hollow bridges tills year. N No rabies anions; Pendleton dog, Dr. Temple says. City and county will Iieh Idlo men by building hard surface road. Knights of Columbus plan big Initi ation Sunday. N. r. lets coutract for 1600 feet of walk. l.iM-nl bowlers defeated by I.a Grande. EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1914. Princeton. Thla photograph of her was taken by Commodore Frank S. Hastings, her guardian, wo Is one of the executors of her father's estate. few years ago the government built! a bridge at Cayuse and shortly after wards the road was made puMic. The need for bridges both at Thorn Hollow and Mission Is much felt, par ticularly In the grain-hauling season and it Is the devout wish of every farmer on the reservation to have the! bridges built by next full. The Thorn Hollow road Is used, too, by the trav. el to Bingham Springs. In the win ter time the lnck of a bridge at Mis' slon makes It very Inconvenient for residents of the reservation desiring to get to the agency. The only way of crossing the river now la by ford and this becomes dangerous when the water Is high, thus necessitating drlv. Ing clear to Pendleton to cross the river. In the fall, the farmers have been put to the trouble and expense of building temporary bridge. The government sent an engineer here last year to make surveys at Thorn Hollow and now the same en gineer Is here to make a survey at Mission. This Is taken as a very hopeful Indication by farmers on the reservation. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS T3 INITIATE A LARGE CLASS LOCAL ORGANIZATION PUVNNING FOR BIG . GATHERING NEXT SUNDAY. With a class of 40 candidates In sight and with about- 100 outside people planning to come the Pendle ton Knights of Columbus are prepar ing for a very interesting Initiation meeting next Sunday. It Is a ses sion that would have been held Koon cr had not circumstances prevented. In the list of candidates for the coming meeting are some local men, while other, candidates are to come from Condon, Heppner, La Grande nnd elsewhere. The second degree will be given by the. Pendleton team and the third degree by the La' Grande, team. I Among the prominent outside men! who are expected here for the Initio-! tory session are Bishop O'Rotlley of 1'aker and Jack Poare, La Grande, district deputy, I lit DATTERIES OF U.S. AH! LEAVE FOR BORDER Mexican Shooting Into Naco, Texas, Will be Stopped No Aggressive Action is Con'. em plated. GENERAL BLISS TO COMMAND WhUehoiisc IsHtiea Statement Ttuu "Watdiful Waiting' I-ollcy of Uie Administration Ha Not Been Ah-! ered Presence of Troop Is In the Nature of Precautionary Jlove. EL PASO, Dec. 9 Batteries A, B ond'C of the Sixth United States field artillery left here early today for Naco. Major General Bliss was ordered from San Antonio to Naco to take charge of the situation. WASHINGTON, Dec. 9 The White House denied this afternoon that the movement of artillery to Naco, ordered by President Wilson yesieroay, inuicaieu a cnange in in "watchful waiting" policy of the ad ministration. It was said that the order was In the nature of a precautionary move-j ment. , "It was thought wlKe," the state-1 ment said, "to strengthen the forces at Naco because of the reckless care lessness of the two contending fac tions across the border In falling to control the direction of their fire. Ol course no aggressive action Is con templated." It was believed that the movement of artillery was preliminary to taking atepa to demand that the factions stop firing acrosa the border. HUGH D. SMITH IS GKOSEN MAYOR AT ECHO ELECTION (Special Correspondence.) ECHO, Ore, Dec. 9. In a spirited election here yesterday afternoon Hugh D. Smith was elected as mayor over R. R. Lewis, present Incumbent, the vote being Smith 90; Lewis 77 For councllmen Bert Mullins was re elected as wus also Elmer Spike while E. M. Llssey was elected as a new member of the council. There were lour canaiuaies ror councilman, me fourth candidate F. J. Yuunir. helm! rif.:.t.,H v t r..,.iM as treasurer. The chief interest In the election ! centered In the contest for ninyor and several issues t ntereii into the ron. test. Mr. Smith mayor-elect Is presl-! 1tIent of the Echo Mercantile Co, The French Column Invading Alsace as Lines Now Appear SCALE OF MILE. S 1 &Nr, ' ' A Bonhomme, to the south of I which Is the Tete de Faux, which the French claim to have ruptured. This spot dominates the frontier and has KG Iff Pfilli II Willi IS 8EIII5 9 The Kaiser in His Now Famous Military Cloak A- Ths is fie latest photograph of Kaiser William a. he Iookg In his fa nious gray military cloak. The re port that the kais-r has been stricken 1 with pneumonia his caused much w,th pneumonia h is caused far throughout Germany for his wel l fure. served as on observatory for the Ger mans. It lUirnhaupt, which the French l ave occupied ncccrding to reports tivtu Paris. i 1 j i '-'if I tl H" viz r:l 1 11 I '' GERMAN 1 uto t nc cvnncMDC i IIL0ULI Ul LAIUOUHL n I C VISITING IROOPS AT 1 FRONT In Spite of Official Statement That Ruler is in no Immed iate Danger, Much Fear is Being Felt for His Welfare Inspection of Soldiers in the Field Has Been Postponed Indefinitely. AMSTERDAM, Dec. 9. That the kalsrr Is seriously ill from pneumonia wax Mated In Berlin dbtpaU'lics re ceived here today. It wart said Ms condition was as gratated by -nervous depression due to extreme exertion undergone in con neetlon with Ills almost constant pro. once at the front since the war began. He oLm) was reHrted to be sufferlnj; greatly from severe hcadaehes which have bothered him continuously. Extreme iolence, according to Ber lin account.-, ctuu-actcriard his be havior toward Ids adt fetors and those about him. Ills doctors are advising strongly against Ids return to the firing line. BERLIN. Dec. 9. It waa learned today that Kaiser William is stricken with pneumonia and that his condi tion la regarded as serious. It was announced on Tuesday that he was suffering from bronchial ca tarrh and that hjs was delay ing his departure from Berlin for the fighting front. No Intimation was V3 eiBBBBaMBBBBBHMBBBBJ BIG SIDEWALK CONTRACT IS AWARDED BY N. P. COMPANY S. lU'GO AND CO. -WILL START WORK ON U RLOCKS WITH IN THE CITY. What is unquestionably the largest sidewalk construction contract ever let in Tendleton has Just been award ed by the Northern Pacific Railroad company to S. Rugo & Co. The con tract is for the building of 14 blocks of concrete sidewalk along property owned by the company In Pendleton. The property is located on West Webb. Alta and East Court streets. Pome! of the walk will be six feet in width, and some five, the total contract be-1 Ing for 16.000 feet. Cnder the terms of the contract the railroad company is to haul the cement to Pendleton for the contrac-J tor free of cost. The contract has been let through J. D. Koren. division engineer at Spokane. "We will start work as soon as we have finished our Job on Tustln street, which will be about two days.' says Mr. Rugo. According to the ,f,:' two large crews of men! he 4 n h, , JT " to; the Job through If the weather Is fa- " . , m . ,, The work to be done will prov de ., v. .. ,,, the Northern Pacific company with; Ln.:rrte...?'alkS aln,r aU ,U fronta, In the city. WHEAT STRONGER IN LIVERPOOL MVRKirT. Cable reports show the Llv- erpool wheat market advanced fourth pence today, thus mak ing the quotation somewhat above nine shillings seven pence. This means nb.m l 4a per bushel In IJverpool. i RUSH fill 1 1 fid IIP StJfi lim.iwii ) lis ui u ui flliu UIMII GERMAN CRUISERS IN PACIFIC 444444444444444 NO. 8369 SUFFERS AS II given In thl Initial statement thai mere was cause for alarm but the tone of the announcement gave the Impression that It would be impossi ble for the kaiser to return to the front for some time. Early today It waa stated that the condition of the kalsed waa satisfac tory but when It became known that he Is suffering from pneumonia, much anxiety waa felt for his welfare. The illness Is attributed to exposure en dured during his visits to the fighting lines. The kaiser had been almost con stantly with his troopa either at the eastern or western front since the war began. Some time ago it waa said that he was Buffering from a cold due to exposure In the water filled trenches of hla men. After the first announcement, however, there was no further reference to the mat ter and It was supposed he had recov ered. Most of the kaiser's traveling along the fighting line has been by automo bile and a staff physician has accom panied him upon every trip. BSMaMIMaajkal aaaar LONDON, Dec. 9. The admiralty announced tonight that RritUi war fdilpi had rounded up and wink tho German cruisers iliio, Scharnhort and GncLxcnau in tin- pacific ocean. TEII LONDON. Dec. The German In Russian Poland are threatening Warsaw from the north. Thev wr advancing rrom Mlaw along the rail, roa(1 through Novo Oeorg leak. Their lines extended to Prxajuiya. 60 miles from Warsaw, where fighting ' In Progress, pir!N r. , , ... , .... tE l r. .,, ,h. .... . , J" . r "ci mt.t i aim 1(1 IflP U" gonne. severe artilUry duel wr raging: thU afternoon according to an iinnnimt aamnn r hi lhu ti.i. .1.,.. ... flce In , ArcnBe, It W!W , mr,, Ormaru, dyn.mi.e, the Frrnch trem.,,09 The vigor of the allies' ,.., , . , movement against th- Germans In Frnni Wl- , the former wer. .dancing stZadlly along the I basse canul endeavoring to gain control of the Important high way from Koul.-rs to Lille. I-rw and Arras. The German reslstJincn In this region was said to hnv.. wiikn' ed as a result of the withdrawal of I many troops for service on the ean'Tit frontier. GERMANS IIIA I'm oi NORTH I.OMxi.V. li.-,-. 9 - The l-Vri" h war offli-e (.fri.-laily reirt.-.l th li'W. slan evaluation of I.mU. Th-r f. t UiU n t h- I-' but lb' . IK.iMin. . - merit was the f I r"t formal al rj. !-"i'fl bv uny of the that tb i-ity h l l fallen. 1