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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1907)
12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALY PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, MAY ; 11, 1007. BANKS SAFES. T KIXID STATES WATiOKAt. SANK OF PORTLAND. OREOON. I I , Northweet Corner Third and Oak Streets. w Transacts General Banking Business. DKAFTM ISHUED Available la All CltlM of th nnlted BUtea and Europe, Honrkonr; nd Manila.. Collection load on Favorable Terms. - lent! AIN8WORTII Csshler ,..B. W. BCHMRKR Vks-I'reeldent.,.,....,,...B. LEA BARNES Assistant Cashier ,.,W. A. BOLT - . Asslslsnt Cashier. ............ .A. kl. WRIGHT '' ' . ."" ADO' 4 TIXfoH. BANKERS Portland. Oregon. . ,. ; W. at. LACD. ; O. . lAOH - t ., v. .i.'"- ;,!. eataoiisnea a bow. Transact a General Banking Rastneea. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT I. W, LADD. Savings book! Portland sapm 00.. aoia agent for Her- rlng-rJall-Msrvla nm and Manganese Steel Saf Ca.'a bank nlVti SO second-head fire proof aa fee and tank afsa, very ebaapi ee rnem or wm us. sx seventa u DIEBOID MuniwM Safes j large line carried; ijori-uata upenea; jarae, Jails, Metal rural turn honest prices and fooda. Both phonaa. MECHANICAL PIANO FINGERS PRODUCE WONDERFUL TONES J. B. Dsvls. Third at Vice-President ....Assistant Caahler MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANX Portland. Oregon. ' t. FRANK WATSON. v ... President R. I,. DURHAM....... B. W, HOTT ...v.... CaehJer I t.KOBGH W. HOTT, ... a n. MTT.H!Vn. ..... .Seflnnri Assistant IkihlM .. Transscfs i Cmnl Rankin1 Rnttneas. - Draft and Letter of Credit Iseoed Available ta , All Parta ef the World. Collections a Bpocl lty. ' J a t vara n itirrriiTl.t.MUIuJ lftaa. W.f nfrin SVaaMana. flallfon . I Capital paid em..., M.OOO.000 Snrplne and undivided profits. . .... .110,158,878 , " , General Banking and Urchins Business Transacted, Interest oa Tlma Deposits, 'VV'iV"S-' '. SAVINGS DKPABTMBNT--Aeeount may r opened of 10 and upward. ' ttnmUmrLA Vlr.i,.r!hamher of Commerce RntMtnf. - ' ' ,t .Manager . T. Hl'lt lVHAKl.t,, ., ....assmsni wanagr WM. n. MACRRA.U xalZSX XATIOXAX BANK Portland, Oraftn. r" CAPITA t AND 8CRPUI8. 1.800.000.00. W. NEWKIRtl. ... Oldcat "National Baak oa the Paelfr Ooaat DEPOSITS, 114,000.000.00. Prntdent WJ QtryAI.TORn.....V.....Aetatat rariirt T. bTBVEN.....Bono Aaaiatani vaanmr TRUST COJIPANIES ! WHOLESALE JOBBERS. ' - m.aT'oonst CO..' ' DISTBIBPTORS OF UNI CIOABS. i - PORTLAND. ORBtiON. KTERDINO FARRELLj. prodaoa and con- ailaaton ajarrDanta. iv rraau n., roruaad. or. raoaa nam ira. -. OREOON rURNITTJRB MANUFACTCRINO CO. . Manaraetiircra ar rnrninir ror Ilia traua. Portland. Oraf on. - - ... ,.v , WADIIAMS CO., arnoiaaala froeara, nana- farlnrfra and eommuatoa narcbanu. , Foortk and Oak au. .. .. . . : FURNrTuRB BaanBfartnrtnf and tpetal ordara, L. Bnranak'a furnltnra factory, tor Froat at. ALLEN LEWIS. amnlaaka and prodnca mar- cbaatav Front and Dana in., Portlaad. Or, EHcra piano houaa yeaterday after noon ppened , aertea of recltaJa 'which ara to lntroduca the WeltavMlgnon play er to Portland,- with apectal praaa re cital. Later varloua duba will ba In- vltod for afternoon concerts, -.u The Welta-Mlamon itindi In a nlaaa by Ikaelf among; mil the mechanical players. . In fact, it seems almost an outrage to call It a mechanical player, so perfectly does It record the slightest shades of difference In the davlna of the masters, Moat of the leadlns Dl- anlata, of today have played i for . the Welte-Mlsraon. Their work Is recorded In an ordinary looklns box machine by some wonderul process which has been so sacredly guarded that none but the manufacturers know even the principle of Us work. No patent has been taken out, and It Is not contemplated, for It la desired not to five It even the pub licity of the patent office. ! The player resembles In ; appearance an ordinary electric piano, but the rolls of music have recorded besides the notes the exact degree of shading and pressure In playing. v -,. ... , . An excellent program was given yes terday showing pugno's. d' Albert's. Bu sonl's, Oranfeld's, Paderewskt's and Bta venhagen's playing of several master pieces. After the program most - of the auditors remained In interest to ex amine the player and have the system explained. ir'yy- .u.;'. i,'.-.,.',,-, t w:rn CLUB HEARS . : . GOOD PAPERS READ . . - vi Mrs. C. H. Rankin and Mrs. Emma Marshall Contribute , U Interesting Articles. ; Oldaat w "it txa nt) Tmtnrr cokpaitt or obeooh The - RR.SODRCKS OVER S2.000.000. Caneral Itanklnf , a . . wMMt, imwM hnMMlk m aBiw htliana nt SAOO or aaar. Itt Tnnt Oomnaav la Oraroa, eaat lntarrat oa eneri e eooata (ma bnadradil oa dally balances of $000 or tnr. Latterr of credit and eiebaaae rm alt Barta f I ha wnrM Sarlnca aeennnta. "Tlma ertl float. I to 4 Pr ent: anorr-raii apadal cartlflrataa. $500 or rar. ta 4 per eent. CaU for Book of "ILLUSTBATIONS." pmirnaaai XJorvwr mini anu . ' oirrow, rwp. . m.,i .vumw RRWI. I. Crmr.H PmaMnt I H. L. PITTOCK VVe-PraaMant P. I.EB PAGET. ......StKretanr I J. O. OOI.TRA ........... Aaalatant Xrtry , 'mt TfniBITT BATTWaa M TTTT mUTP AITTf Wawlmal SHwat. Pitrtlaad. Orarna. ' , a. Tniiurii a natural Orntlni RnalnMn. SAVINOH DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed oa Tiaoe and Sarlnra AecoonU.- Acta aa Trnataa for Eatatea.. Drafta aad Lattara of Credit AaallabU oa All Parta of the World.- C. V.'A1AMS.,.,.V;..."..' .PraaMent I L. A, LEW!....,;,,,,, ..First Tlee-PTeeldert L. atILLa...........rienad Vlre-rrealdent I R. C JfJoITZ aeareiaiy WHOLE8ALB arorkery and f laaawara. Betale Oo Portlaad. Orasoa. . PraaL . W; SIMPSON. 901 Waabtnrtaa at. Wbola- aaa Sea Mr ta era la and bay. TUB OREGON CHEE8B CO. (INO.V CIIEBHE. H UTTER. tUKia. ate dairy arodoeta hoacht I or nnnaiea on eommnaum. iza nrta . au (HareUand bids.), Portland, Or. rV1 ".!, ...X i i J RESULTS OF YESTERDAY'S RACES 0.1 THREE TRACKS GEO. B. RUSH ELL. AT-THE THEATRES Tl XTLX OUARAJtTTE ft TSTT8T C0XPAMT 140 Waahlagto 8 treat. ' :; ... . MORTQAfi LOANS aa portlaad Real Batata at Lowest Bates. ' , - .,. .... Title Insured. Abstracts Fonilahed. J. TWftaintf BOSS:. .PraeMent 1 JNO. E. AITTHISOlf. Beeretary OEOR08 H. HILL Tle-Preident T. T. BURKHART..., Treaaarer ' - ' - , BOXDS AND IJfTESTSIEXTS J u9alome" Tonight and Srutdaf Night The attraction at the Eellls tsaatra. Four teenth and Waablnxioa straats, tonight and tomorrow night, will be Oscar Wilde's great drama. . "Ralome." Wilfred Roger will be een,as "King Herod" and Elisabeth Btnart as "Bajoroe.' The cleTer aketrh "MJaa ClTlllaa- At Oakland. Five' fnrlongs, sellliig iieathereoot won, Herlves second, Altair third; time. Mils and a sixteenth Nebonasaar Tarigan second. Bird of Passage third: time. 1:47 1-5.- Flve and a half furlongs my cnoiee won, Creston Boy second. Speaker Fon tana third; time. 1:07 1-B. Futurity course, purse Bemel won. Ban Alvlso second, Escalante third; Urns 1:10 t-t. X Mile and a sixteenth, selling Firs? OkSMB BROTHER Ohaaibar ef OsaiaMrea BatUlng. i Manlrhial, Railroad and Pnblle Berrlea Oorporatloa Bonda.-- Dowvnra.HOPSXa-8 cox?Airr ZaUhiUhad twi brobirb. ; : ; BTOCK8, BONDS. GRAIN Bon (bt and Bold for Cash an en Margla. V ; ' PHwite Wire. " ; BOOM 4 CHAMBER OF OOMMEBCB. Ppoaa Mela W. Orerfcecfc, Starr & Ccoke Co.l bMulSrU. ? ABADf, 1 PROVISIONS. OOTT0M, STOCKS AND B0HDS. Coatinsoas Warketa ay Prirate Wn-e. Qak-k Berrlee. REFERENCKH Ladd TlUoa, Bankers, . k . and United Btatae National Bank f Portland. . , a ,,, ,?u.PS!!Sl ?' ?! "U,n Peep won. Aroourt second. Fair Fagot Hailig theatre aos atflsa.. , s , .- r , thlrd: time. 1:4. ; - Mile and a sixteenth Maranai nej lUTSICAL. TBB WERBEB BTCDIO Maadolla. baats, guitar tnatractloBs. 46 M, Washlagtoa at. PIANO. Tlolla. eornet. trmrhona. elartaet. Pro. ' ' feaaor B. A. Smith. SM 12th at Mate 4T0J, MOXTMEXTS. NEO KING SUE T, BBS rrat at PorOaad'S leading marble aad graalte works. MONUMENTAL BBONZB OO. Moat darable (rare beadstoaea. Boom 12. S6S Stark at. MACniXEBY. mvwu.M a. tfA Ul.l.a Mit11 Ua. ring machinery bydranlle pipes, caatlng; all kinds repalrea. 104 NortB Fonrts at. TH9 H. a ALBEfl CO Seoood-haod , ehhsery, sawmills, eta. Ml Grand ae. OSTEOPATHIC PHrSICIANS. DB L(LLEBELU) PATTERSON, apaelallst aa aereooa, aeote aad chronic dlaeaaee. Of flea 217 Fentoa btdg. Pnooe Pacific 1180. DBS. ADIX NORTH RtJP. 415-10-17 Dekam blrtr. Third and Washington eta, - Pbona : Mala S0. Examfaiatloa free. . ; aBBsBEEV'. jjl' '. 11 ! 1 "V j ",r v T-B,JCl!;w,P'l. VWGtST&t&mSBM PAINTTXa AND PAPERING. FOB reliable work. fcroa.. 382 H TamhllL reasonable prleaa, - Bbeeay eta. Mam svTa. . A. POANB will rlrs yna the best estlmsts for satisfactory work... 286 Xamblll St. - PLUMB ERS. TOWEL SUPPLY. OLBAIt TOWELS DAILY Comb, 1 per month. Portland Laundry - ainppiy ua, nibib aad iwica. aoan. 4 Towel Phone 410. TYPEWRITERS. j sBSaasssjaBsjeSSaeBl I Seat Sale for "Faotana." This afternooa there was s long lias ef people waiting for the bos office to ooea at the Marauam Oraad for aeata for "Fantaaa." The new seaaoa of musical comedy will begla at this rioe theatre aext Wednesday erasing. when the Saa Frandsca Opera company, com posed of many farorltes of the old Tirell Opera company, will make Its appearance. "Kanrana" Is ooa of the moat popular of modV I ecu light operas and has been selected ss on of the moat attractive offerings with which to reopen Portland beautiful theatre. The Mar ejuan Grand ka been completely renovated at a coat of orer an4-4s bow entering oa a sew lease of Ufa under aew management. Remember that the aeata are now celling for r sniana- aaa yoo wui want to see it. I f 'i i i i ii. ..V; At th Baker Right Now. "The oawnoy aad tae Lady" Is making s HEADQUARTERS tor Bow Had rebuilt tTV Bm. nm atTh. R.kT -TM. ..f K.VVLi writer. rtsU sistet sss our window, If oe " J..Ji J", are going n aoy a aew xypewnter sea as oe , rare buying; we can aave yos money) . hare parte for repairing all machlaea: etate . agente for the Visible Fox; we bay all kind f typewriters. The Typewriter Rxchange, ,84 Third at. troewrltera. Inc., B. i. E 111 soa, manager. BLICKEN8DEBFER Typewriter Agency? sua. pUeat repalra. Bslelgh bldg., 6tb aad Wash. r-UBLIU BTKNUURAPBEB, FOX a CO. Ranltar- prambers, 131 Second, bet. msib and saimoa. oregoa poone aiaia zwi PONNERBERO RADEMACHEB TSBKrrad ta No, SOS Burnelda at , PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. M. BEACH a CO. The Pioneer Pslnt Co. I wiaeew siaes asd glaaing. loo riret at. REAL ESTATE. i PARRI8I., W ATKINS A CO.. too ALDER ST. . Real aerate, rentals, loan and Inearanee. W soak a apeelalty ef handling rentals and property for residents and aon-realdeata. itattbllebed 1S7. rnone aiaia iota. . J. w. OGILBRB. real estate and km eatas usnea iws, io rim St., rooni it. BPHINX AGENCY, dealers ta real estate aad renUls. OD Stark at. Mala S104. FOR FARMS OF EVERY DBSCRIPTIOB. W. W. BSPBT. 1 Ceamerelal bldg. . RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, 240 Alder et.i phone ., Mate 710. Rubber stamps, seals, ateacfla: bag- ' gag. trade check: braaa signs and plate. ROOFING. rrf ROoriNa., arutterlna. reoabins and ' Jobbing, i. Leall. 212 Jeffereoa at. Paa. 1424. STREET PAVING. WARREN Comtructloa Co., atreet paelng. aid. . walks aad crossings. S14 Lumber Bxebang. THE Barber Asphalt raving Co. ef Portlaad. Office 055 Worceetar blk. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. roSTBB a KLEI8EB SIGNS. W bae built np the largeet alga buatoesa ta the dry by nrat-elaaa work and keeping rmt promise. Our price are right. Fifth and Everett at. Phone Exchange 05. - TRANSPORTATION, v Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS ":5 TRJPS . 8. Epokane, Jtane 14, BS July IB, 86 Aug. . yaean, . my is, WtOXM XOTJTB. i' B. . Eanator.. ......... .........Tnn 1 B. B. Prssldsnv..,.. ..June 4 ' B. B. AXASXA BOTfTB. hlH'v fairway, Rtka, Tnusaa and way ports. BC. fet 8. Co.'s BTumboldt. Cottsgs City, via Sitka,. City f BeattW,., Stay a, it, aa .May 6, 19, 31 .Hay a, 18, 88 8AJT rBABOZSCO BOTTB. SsiUcg aa. Troia fsattla. City of PnhU.l.........T...May B, to Bentr. ................... .May 10. BS TJmatUU. ........... ....w.ltay IS, 80 City Cffloe, B4t Washlagtoa. 81 vJ.. - jl .... aria play gives the member of . the nlendld Baker company an opportunity to display those taienta wnica save gained so high a samo (or the company. . -, "The Wew DomlnJon" Coming.1 At the Baker theatre next week "The New Dominion" will be the bill. Thia a ala b imt uteajent, a ravonte wits auny portlaad. era. It baa always made a atrong Impreesloa wherever produced and aext week will Bn- Ooubtedly add to It popularity la this city. Empire Is Good.' V ! . It wm be s Bard matter to aaro "She Oared Do Bight," the big melodrama which U drawing the people ta th Empire this week. There's sa abundance of real human Interest about this play that will auk ens remem. for a long time. . v'.. Empire's Next Melodrama. The White Caps' I a melodrama of N the kind that will make the Empire th center of popular (sntetratnment next week. It,, opens with the Sunday matinee. Dally the patron age of the Bmplre Is growing, and "there'e a reaaoa." ' - ,' .Nr'" . . i The Sliver King." Tonight, tomorrow afternooa and night end th engagement of "The Silver King" at th Star theatre. ' This famous melodrama ha aerved to introduce th sew stock company at toe ntar and tae public now reausas there is s f! rat-class performance at popular price being giwa in tn coxy tneatr on waahington street "The Silver King" la aa English melodrama which has served a starring vehicle for some of ths greatest actors In America, ROUTE OF THE Oriental Limited Crossing the' Cascade and Rocky Moun tains ty Daylight. , . Compartment , Observation Cats Standard aid Tourist Sleepers. DINING CAR SERVICE UNEXCELLED Connecting train ; 5 leaves ortiLnri dally 11:46 p. ia.; two other good trains dally at 8:30 a, m. and 7 p. m. For runner lniormation regarding rates, berths -and tickets, call on or address 122 Third Street, Port- ' land, Oregon " FKOBB XtAXB 680. , , - For Baseball Fans. The baseball lesson Is about to open aad all th fans waat to hear the baseball Jokes which Oil Brown crack about th Beaver team at the Grand thia week. . Tomorrow will be th Inst time to bear him. It will also be the lst chance te see "Th Bailor and tb Boise. -How in wiaow His woo," and th rest of th high-grade pclaltle with which the cur rent Grand program is supplied. Usual Sunday performaness tomorrow, - "Devil's Island." Captain Dreyfus has bee it placed oa th stage la "Devil's Island." tb new drama Which the Star theatre company 'will present for the first time next week, atarting Monday night. The play - stick closely to th facts la th trial aol experience of Captain Dreyfus and la s sensational drama. : Seats a re sow on Sale, "Brown's In Town." . ' Tonight, tomorrow - matinee - and Bight ar won. Lord of the Vale second. Edith James third; time, 1:4s. At Chnrchlll Downs. : , Six furlongsMary Orr won, 7edra second, Ussie McLean third; time, 1:11 18. . Four furlongs Bill Herron won, n- andot second. Wine , Merchant third; time. 0:41 4-. . Five furlongs Gold Proof won, Zal second. Ralbert third; time 1:01 1-1. Six furlongs Oak Grove won, Camlle second, Agnes Virginia third; time, -Four and a'' half furlongs Colonel Brady won, Margaret Randolph second. Merrlfleld third; time, 0:57. , Mile anl a sixteenth Fonsolnea won. Little Lighter second. Docile third; time 1:64. V ,.;v... .. At Belmont' Park. Blx furlongs Tom Moarath won, Torklst second. Water Tank third; time. Four and a , half furlongs Banyalh won, Thermldl second. Lady Winifred third; time, 0:(4 1-4. '. Seven furlongs Joe Carey won. Dan Buhre second, AJeto ihlrd; time, 1:1s. Four furlongs Marbles won. Etta Louise second, Sussex third; time, 0:48 Mile snda sixteenth Hotscher won. Dolly Spanker second, Bean Clere third; time, 1:4s 4-0.-: "i'-u5 ,v. one mile Eudora ' won, . Gallan -Dan second, Eldorado third; time, 1:11 4-S. MAKE INITIAL . MOVE FOR FOURTH Celebration Committee Addressees " Letter to Various JBnslness Or . ganlzatlons Asking Aid. chamber, city hall, and cooperate with this committee In. giving Portland a celebration , fitting . the nation's birth day. .''"."t.,rI :.,'.'' ;;,- 1 "-"Our boys and girls are as young as we used to be, and we must Instill In their minds and heisti that the nation has a birthday, and that the stars snd stripes mean much to them snd Amarv loan institutions. - "Portland has not hart 'a celebration for some years, and. with all her pros perity she should have s rousing eels- oration of the 111st annlvsrsanr of American independence.'' - - ? lemporary SecreUrv Lee M Clark. who has the matter In hand, pending ins permanent organisation of ths com mittee, expects a favorable reply from every organisation In the city. At the meeting to be held Tuesday night, the necessary suo-oommittses to arange for toe ceieorauon wui be appointed. To Fill Aberdeen Townslte. j . topectai Dispatch to Ths JoaraaLI Aberdeen, Wash., May 11. The cltv eouncu pisns ins lining in or the town site whsn the government dredges the harbor. In connection with the contrao. 4or private oltisens will build a dredge to ao tn, part of the work that can not be attended to by the government contractor. No permanent street Im provements will be made until, the fill ing Is done. - ( . . J- Members of the Woman's club ware entertained yesterday afternoon by two remarkably fins papers snd were en thusiastic over the fact that the papers were prepared' and read by members of the club. Mrs. C. H. Han Kin presented an able article on contemporary litera ture and Mrs. Emma Marshall treated of newspaper and magaslne writers In a paper which was full of interest , 5, Mrs. Ernest Laidlaw sang two-numbers with sweetness and spirit. Ths sum of tl was voted as a contribution to ths WhltUer status fund for a me morial at Amesbury, Massw ' Ths committee appointed to interview the depot officials and to protest against the unsanitary conditions of toilet facilities at the Union depst, re ported that they had been received most swurteously and that they were prom ised that the matter would be attended to. - The committee on famine relief for Chinese were not ready to report LA GRANDE PREPARES TO ENTERTAIN ODD FELLOWS IViLL GIVE I.'iSIDE FACTS v Oil CIIRISMI SCIEIICE - f Rev. Vosburgh of Rochester Will Le'cture Tomorrow Afternoon at Heillg Theatre. en regarded , ir; by othersHT ' --r La Grande, Or., May 11. The annual meeting of the sUteTxnd lodge of Odd Fellows will convene In this city Tuesday, June 11. The expectation Is that there will be upward of 1,000 vis itors In La Grande during the session. Committees of local Odd Fellows are husy making a canvass of the town to secure accommodations. No pains will be spared to do justice to the occasion. Union's Road Fund Apportioned. La Grands, Or., May 11. Ths sum of 13,417.38 due from the. road fund la ap portioned as . follows: - La Grsnde, tl.ST.J4: Union, f547.1T; Elgin,' 1485.10; Islsnd City, $146.60; North Powder, $91.44; - Cove, $136.36; , SummervUle. $36.68. ..' v.--, v -The followlnd; letter has been ad dressed' to the various commercial or ganizations of Portland asking their co operation In the work of the Fourth of July celebration committee,;, which will meet next Tuesday night in the city hall at 8:80 o'clock: . "You are cordially Invited to be pres ent next Tuesday night la the council your 'laat chance' to ss th Allen Stock com pany at the Lyrle ta tb saoceasful farce Brown's la Town. -' Clitic declare ef it "there la a laugh every mlnnta." Ask anions who baa seea the play this week. Beserved eats for the conclodlag Dor forma ncea mar ha oroereo py telephone. Christian Science has been regarded by some as a fad of the hour; as a menses to society and b: has been deemed to be founded on di vine Inspiration, and to provide a bless, tng to humanity, Ths psople of Fort- ' land,- although conservative, are un doubtedly willing to accord the fullest measure of consideration to any move meht which may have for Its aim the material and spiritual welfare of the man. It Is believed that many will be glad to avail themselves of the oppor tunity to listen to an authorised lectur er of the Christian Science denomina tion. Rev. Arthur Reeves Vosburgh, C 8. B, of Rochester. New York, at the Heillg theatre tomorrow afternoon. The subject of the lecture will , be fTbe Idealism of Jesus." Mr. Vosburgh comes to Portland In ths Instance of ths two local Christian Science churches, and as he is note-as a man of scholarly attainment and of logical expression, his audisnce will no doubt derive profit and Instruotlon from his lecture. It is affirmsd by ths mem bers of the Church of Christ. Scientist that Christian Sclencs Is aa exact as the science of ' mathematics, . and that a wider and truer knowledge of its teach irrgs must necesssrily , make for . the good of the individual and the com munity. , V. :rV- : . . .-. - Seats have been generally reaeT for the lecture at the Heillg box office mis morning, and it is requested that these be occupied not later than 3:48 o'clock, as sU aeata will be mads nublla after that time. The lecture will begin at 8 o'clock. when the doors will ba closed.: ,4. . . Oregon Quarry Incorporates, -' Articles of incorporation, of the Ore' gon Quarry oompany were filed In the office of the county clerk this morning by 8. L. Banks, P. H. Flynn, L. E. Buf ton and B. L. Bar worth; capital stock, $30,000. , , .: . .. . . - "Behind the Mask. Tb bin for tb second weak ef th esasra. ment ef the Allen Stock company at the hjrle, which begins Monday evening, . will be ths new, sensational melodrama "'Behind -the Mask," a play which mad a hit la New York season and has sever seen aaea ca the coast. All the favorite slayers will have ralaa in mis original aaa unique play. mm m wm QUICKUY AND P6RMANEMLY CURED II Our Pee in Most Cases . . HOoOO Ccsssltstloa Tree No Paj Unless Cured We Don't Patch Up We Cure Forever Durlnr the many years that we have been among you; .we have never made a single failure In a case thaf w treated, and each year we have made a more perfected; means of treatment, and today we can announce to) the reader .that our VBW BTBTXat Is a sure, safe and secret means of treatment, that will OTTU TOmzTZB any case to which Its use Is called for. ' , :. , ' We solicit particularly stubborn cases that have failed to ' get relief or that have been pronounced be yond the reach of human aid, and have lost all faith of ever being cured.- v-;.,,:.: 4-t.-- ... Our directions can always be followed .without in convenience of . any publicity, and, as well, without loss of time or any pain, and no after ef foots, so do not pnt off treatmsnt aaotasv day. - No Incurable Cases Accepted It Is a fact that: We aland without a superior' In f szamaBXB or mxm, and, therefore, when yon' get our opinion, which we will gladly give you nUTB, you obtain Information that Is not to be had elsewhere, and. which. If followed, will be the means of making you a strong and hearty man, full of the SOBOa of true manhood, without which you cannot reach th level that you should. ' - :- wj " .,.. We do not care who lias treated you and failed to restore your lost nerve strength,, we can give It to you In short' time and for a very smalt outlay of money, which you can pay. us ss able in small amounts.. . - -...: .....'.. , WEAKNESS To those msn who are weak and ailing, we stats that the loss of power, destroying yoar Ufa, hap piness and health, causing loss of sleep, no vitality, pains la your , naoK, verufo, AUsatasss, ; dsnote one thing nd that you must consider amounts to nothing less than destroying your life." Ton aant kssp up very much longsr mndsr that continual strain. There is one way out of It. Ooasult a specialist who doe nothing else but cures those diseases. We will gladly consult with yon frse of ohargs and give you our oaadld and honest opinion ntBB and cure you, charging you a vsry low fee. Daisys are dangerous, so doat waste any time, but call t ones. If discouraged because you have failed with other, we ask you to call and see us. VARICOSE VEINS ; This la an enlarged con dition of the veins (usually more noticeable on the left side) caused by mumps, bi cycle tiding and dissipation,. In .... time It 3' saps - v; a man's mental and physical strength If neglected. (' ' Wa Onre this v by absorption, without pain. BLOOD POISON May be either hereditary or contracted. The former causes ecsema, , rheumatic palna, scrofula, etc' The latter begins with a small pimple, followed - by 1 sores In the mouth or throat, which have the appearance of white patches, apota or sores on the body, face or scaip, falling hair and eye brows, ' and later on other terrible symptoms, snch as paralysis ; or locomotor ataxia, cancerous growths, decayed '. bones and 1 flesh. We guarantse to euro you absolutely -so as to nrvsr appear again. ' WE CURE XTLOBMS, vr STBICTXTaUl, 3IZlBOCEXi, -TAJUCOOZB, ', BZ.OOS POXSOaT, X.OST TZTAXXTT, XXDWT AMU BLASDEB DZSBAtXS, -' ' OOBOBBXOBA. PBOSTATXO AB9 BTSBVOTTS oxsnBAtrxs. : y, ,v Office Honrs: 1 - " a. m. to 6 p. m.; 7 to 8:80 p. m, - to 18 at. only, Sunday. Writ If 1 you aaanot oalL st. louis MEar dispensary :f COBBXB SSCOBO ABD TASOOU 8TBXST8, POBTXAB9, OBXCrOB. ' "STONS THAT ATTBACT" Portland Sign Co., ' tn Btaeb at. . Phes Pari fie . Ute. TARDS THAT CATCH THK TH" Beet work la tb city. Betta, 00 Dekam bldg. Mala 6048. 8EWTVO MACHINES.- F0ONB Pacific 273 and I personally will caD and repair year eewlng machine: work guar anteed, a. Same, adjuster, MlTfaird at, : 4. Ho! For Astoria :"yi:-Wi s'..r.k.w,. .-.-';'-"-''J"i..' v -,'.:t FasfSteamerTelegraph Pally (except Thursdays ).Leayes Alder street dock 7 a. m. .':. PHOHB lULXaf 868. itijptnlgkt and passengers. Bplendld STEXOGBAPIIERS. iCTtions for outfit and Uveetock. PCBMO tensrrapber aad typewriter. Pboa Ualn 1271.' 814 Dekumlbldg. . SnOWCASES AND FIXTURES. EHOWCASBfl of every description; benk. bar and store fixtures made to order.- Tb Latk Uannfacturlttg vv rorruaa. ... . - , B H. BIRDS ALL, designer; agent M. Wmrer tomber Co. T Hamuroa mag. - Mam S530. TBANSFEB AND HAULIXG. f trF.. plsaos and fornltore' moved, packed .... tnr ahlnnlnc and shtnoed: all work ynsrentnedr large 8-atory brick fireproof vreii.ose for storage. vmce sua uak St. Cj-a A Boa. Pboo Mala S47. C O I'K'K, office 88 Vtrst at. between Stark ',,.,1 Oak at.; phone BM. Plsnos and furni t.iie voikI and packed for shipping; comnw ,i .. .us brick warehouse with separate, Iros r,..ii.a. . i'ront and Clay sta.,,...., ; iTttiNAt. TRANSKEB A STORAOf CO AOS . a st; t-,t (lUoee i-ala 4400.. Trsaaferrhig d aloring. . , -- ;.'.-.; , 1 .;)N 1 RANTfTH CO.. 1S4 North Siith et.i piain Wsio i. tieavy hanUng aad atorage. , ... I-KMJI NT tr.r,AnS TBA KSFBt .CO. 1 . .,s. t-i biafk t. Mais 407, , t . Colombia River Scenery BEOlTZiATOB XJBB STBAJCEBS. 1 . Dallv eervlce between Portland aad Ths Dalles, except Sunday, leaving Portlaad at 7 a. m, i arriving about 0 p. m, carrying accommed' Deck foot of Alder et.. Portlandr foot of Court St. Tb Dalle.. Pbon Alain 014. Portland. t- ; ; ' ' i r - sj """" Sir. Chas. R. Spencer Watlngton-strsst Oook. Dally, except Sunday, for The Dalles and way landings, at 7 a, nu, returning 10 p. m. Fast time, best service, ti Phones 1 : toaia. 3184; BVime, A, 11, 84. BOBTH FAC17ZO TEAMSHH CCS Steamships ROANOKE" find GEO. V. ELDER Sail for Knreka, San Franciaco and Los Angeles direct svery Thursday at 8 p.-m. 1 icket offlce , 183 Third, near Aldsr. Phtneg M. 131 i. . H. YOUNG. Agent AUAV XiZBB OCEAB BT AMSHiTS trVEkPO0t,,'6tASOOW, tOWDOH. HAVRE. New steamer VICTORIAS and VIRGINIAN. trlnle-serew rnrblne . etirlnee end TUK1SIA.W CORSICAir snd IONIAN, twla-screwa. Kemem ser. our sailings are Weekly from liONTUKAL, passing sown the picturesque St. Lawrence river by davllcbt. Accouimodarhwa anmr- paaaed. Bates: Saloon f 00.00 snd apwarda; second cable $40.00 and upwards. One class Cabin Steamer, 1 10.00 and anwarrfs ' . I AIXAX A COJUAllX. 17 Jsckioa sevL Chi sag j "lM(nuMlNl(M;M UllliliWIIfii mw moRi' : IT AT"1- BE THR0WN UP0N THE MARKET TOMORROW and we have made arrangements to VfVf care for all visitors and buyers. SPECIAL FREE CAR will be operated "between. Second, and, ' v w Yamhill and "TERRACE PARK" Sunday, the first car leaving the city at 10 a. m. and every hour ,s thereafter, until 6 o'clock. , A RARE TREAT for tomorrow.", See bur big announcement in Sunday's Jour- -nal and remember you are especially invited to be present at' our "Grand Opening' J ! ' .Opposite Chamber oftCommerce -, - , Office Phone Main 2828 CjDiipaffly 270 STARK STREET . "Terrace Park' Phone TaboV 180 1 . ;