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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1907)
H1 .?. nnmvRL of stork m royhl family OFT "A Cannons Greet Arrival of Prince ;1 of . Asuras,vfuture King iof ; Spain-Great Festival Held Be Christened Alfonso. Xlhrouiih ' (Journal 'Special Service.) .1 , oxi Madrid, May 10. Spain is aflame ; with emblems of joy 1 : this afternoon - The Prince of Asurss, beir to the throne of Spain, was born shortly before J o'clock.; rtWtbia utes the announcement flashed to erery point in the king v dom where wires sre'StrtriaVV' .i.'.""! tf.'T ; As .the royal flag was flung to the masthead on top of the palace, the guns in the fortress began to ooip a salute to the sew monarch. . Every person in Madrid stopped at the first shot 'and breathlesslycountedV ''.iy 7 ' " Would the gunner fire 15 and stop, announcing a girl, or .r . proceed to 21, announcing a, boy?. At 'the end of,thefif teenthshot the great city's quietness was of the' grave.':' '! Would the sixteenth comer ' t . There was a moment of silence, broken by: a roar, and. shout as the roar of all the oceans rolled into one." the wave breaking on Gibraltar, rose from the city. f The people did not wait to count 21. VThey knew, the child .was a boy as soon as the' sixteenth gun waa fired. Immediately-A.ll Spain broke into "revelry with .all the; aban don of a Latin race." ., -' .' ,"."".-' 1 Queen Victoria's future happiness is assured. r Had the child been a girl, the peculiarities of their' race would 'have ' made her husband's people turn animosity toward herNow ''she is the idolized queen. of their hearts. V'.;T -i " . ' ! ' V TO BE NAMED ' ALFONSO. " ' ' "' The babe is named "Alfonso and will so be Chris 1 . During the night, giving 'ffgnl jot the approaching" event; messengers were dispatched to the prime ministers , and : court dignitaries - who gathered , at the palace. During the . early morning the doctors announced sthat thequeen' .con dition was normal and satisfactory..; The king remained at her bedside, and at 8 o'clock this morning canceled, a meet ing lhe toHricit ministers. By 10 o'clock functionaries rep resenting the power and nobility of Spain, were gathered in apartments set apart foe the official ceremonies, The child i was born at;J2:45 f p. in., and--the,, announcement irame l. diately made to the assemblage. ' As soori as the child was dressed it was placed in a little basket upon a golden salver, v The king, bearing the precious burden presented his son to , lr prtme-minister, wno-oinciauy an V ... 1 1 . A ... n "T"ljr4MlaA : nounccc urn n.v.kjuuniuin " Collier -was among1 the officials present .-:!' ' Stately Ceremony. - t r A Bpanlsh prince la ushered Into the arorl w'.t'. Quaint Observance ana state ly ernicflv, . When the coming of the future king ot 8paln was expectea ... Mnthaa and nurses a In other house- ! hniie ware subjects ,of -paramount lm portance. la the' present Instance, the young queen of Spain had presents from all directions, the laoies oi ner auupiMi country ' especially, having forwarded numerous robes richly ' trimmed V with costly 4ace. Her majesty's own urse Is an tfnglish woman; but the nurse Tor the royal aby has been chosen, in ao- ' wratiM s with Boanlsh custom. . from the peasantry ot the Asturtas. . ". ' The Christening. t, hratenlnff of an infant son of the maejatles of Spain takes plaoeln accordance with the dogma of the Ro m.n rathoiio church, within one week of the birth. The ceremony Is always held In the private Jchapel of the palace, and though ie Is of nomewhat limited im.nainna. it la customary for a cer tain portion to be set apart for the ac eommodauon of the poor of the city. mho are dmltted without ticket. Also r,f thM oeoDle are allowed to .ir. nn I noeitlon In the long galleries "of the palace through which the state knrialon naaiies on Its way to the sa- flee. - The torn , uaea im uwaye brought hither specially ior tne occa from themonastery of San Do mingo de Ouaman, and has been used for the chrletenlng of royal ' children Since the middle ages. t , rotrftoted Service. . - ,(., 'It Is customary for the mistress ef the robes to carry the infant, while the nearest relatives, the sponsors, and the representative of the pope, walk in front -- and on . either side. xTbe ceremony, is rather a- protracted one more espeei- v ally In the ease of a prince, who, at the close of the church function, has to be invested with certain orders of chivalry, this being carried out with much pre acrlbed dignity. On the same evening it is customary to have a dinner party at the palace, and gala performance at the' Royal opera or State theatre. For this all the ' Mn aDoear In full Uniform or state 'i dress, and alt the ladies in full evening rui: all wear any oraers o wmcn hpv Snav be entitled, and there :1s wonderful display of 4he Spanish ihls torical Jewels, lor which th ladles Of the country ara-noted. Many of theie, ' as well as mtclr of the lace of mantillas and t?pes - oi irom in uhotuiu iou "elju'B oeniuna ,: ,. . ...-. W I II I I I rli;T0 --THRONE--. mm-' -'f - I- ,V vr .r Ir Iff .114 I IX.- I t ' . .... . i . ' ' 1 j - .v A - 1. V a ' ..- , . .. : ., . , y- .-y VA.. : 'V x - r ' '1;. ".r i .tv.; '-47 tun Mrs. Haywood and daughter have come frofir Denver to1 be near the defendant daring his trial lor com plicity, in the Steunenberg murder. " From left to right; William D. Haywood, .. Miss V Henrietta ;' Haywood aged IIS Mra.. Haywood; Mica Margaret Wesselmaa, trained ntirse; and Mlaa Vernie ; Haywood. Mrs. Hay- SilliQRifllSEiRIIGItlRY Until Military Is Called Cars Cannot Bo Run, Says Calhoun as No .Protection Exists " Unionists '.. Claim ; Army ' Is Not Needed and That Sofdiers Will : Make the Situation Worse. t Building Trades Council Asks i Members to Preserve Order. 'I 1 'I I tf f .', BSIOflfJOOif orais enoon : i Tom Johnson Daughter Leaves Forefgn; " Husbahdi-Marriige ?Was ; Culmination of Love Match Mayor. to ; Reconcile. New Tork. May 10. Sirnor n-ederlco Marlanl and his bride, who is; the daugh ter of Mayor Tom I Johnson of Clere- land. have already separated, i Although married only little more than' six weeks ago. Marian! l 'baok in his bachelor quarters here. The cause of .the cou- pie a quarrel could not be ascertained. Mayor Johnson is here and u found at the Manhattan club, but he would not talk about hie family matters. It Is understood that he Is endeavoring to bring about a reconciliation. :. The bride's mother la also in the city. ' She was 1U when she left Cleveland, and Is now in a sanatorium- here. ' The marriage, which" took! Mace at the Johnson mansion In Cleveland, ; was regarded as the culmination of a love match.- Miss Johnson, who; had gone on the stage, met Marlanl In'IUly. He waa neither titled nor wealthy, but be longs to an old Tuscan family. :, 0 I IIEfl C IIC FOR CITY VOTERS City Council Will Ask County Clerk ' to ; Open Registration Books for Three. Days During Next Week. Voter of ' Portland are to be given one more chance to qualify for partic ipation In the municipal . election June I.' A special meeting of the city counr ell has been called by petition for Mon day morning at 10 o'clock. At I this meeting a resolution .will be passed, di rected to County Clerk Fields and ask lng that he , open the, registration, books for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as lata as S o'clock. ,;'v.-v :.';k--v.-....-. ? , This action of the city council la to be. taken upon the request, of the Re publican ' city central- committee, lih officers and managers, of which are ar oenuy desirous of seeing every resident of" .the city qualified as a voter,' down on the books of the county clerk. It Is the plan to have the books opened as soon on Monday, as the clerk can find (Continued on ' Page Twelve.) K -- THKL- IWS i f -.- , ' - TO !l! DEfE'SE Shoaf, Writes of Progress of Case i From Socialistic Standpoint -Attorneys of Both Sides Well Informed as to Talesmen. . 'tit: .nnlninii limir-Trn lo ' DELIGHTED tWITH NEWS Spanish of; .the . - Washington, May lO.The minister was 'first Informed birth of a son to the queen by a repre sentative of the Scripps News associa tion, and ssld: "'' j ' s V "What, a eont Fine!, rinet rine! I : haven't received the news from 'any other sources yet. - Is it really truef Fine! It brings much happiness to me." IRKUTSK SHAKEN BY SEVERE EARTHQUAKE -1 ; "" ; i-f '.; IV i' Irkutsk., May iO.-A severe unttulat Ins; earthquake was felt here at 6.30 0'clock this morning. , Tug and Tender Heather Facd'Gale to Res cue No. 50 Frdm;the Cruel Rocks r. 'SjlK . ;?of North Head"' : ! !i :; Offlcers and crews of the lighthouse tender Heather and the bar tug Wall u la proved themselves fearless heroes this morning when they eroesed ,the vio lently breaking Columbia river bar at the height of a raging hurricane and went to the rescue of lightship No. 60, Which had been torn from her moorings by the fearful waves and, was in danger of going . ashore on the rocks that mark the entrance to the river., ' . f The breakers ran fully 11 feet high and at tlmee It seemed as if the two craft were to be engulfed by the foam topped sea a , J. - J. Kelllher, lookout at North Head, could see the vessels very plainly from his station and he. feared every minute that one or the other would sink In the trough of the seas for the last .time. Frequently they ap peared to stand on end, only , a small portion of the bow being visible above the water. V 1 ' .-- w, ' - , , i Zaghtlumse lm Saved. It was o'clock when the craft made the sensational run and Lookout Keill- tr breathed easier when, lie -saw -them J finally pass the last roll of foam to sea ward. The 'lightship was tossing about wildly about three miles from shore and drifting in a northerly-direction. The tug Wallula caught un . with her 'oon after getting outside and is now towing her back to her station about 10 miles off the entrance to the river, - TTie tender Heather Is 8tand!ng"by ready, to render any, assistance neces sary. ; It Is hardly probable that the tug wiu encounter much difficulty In taking care of her tow, however, because the wind has died down from a 18-mile gale to velocity r to miles an hour.: . . $':-::;V"':- TbJUrA Breakaway; -1 - -' This la the third .time that the Ught- shlp has "broken from her moorings and twice, sne went ashore, the. first time a few miles north -of North Head. ".-That time she had to be .hauled over the hills into Baker's bay, Then she stranded on Clatsop spit And waa considerably dam aged. She was repaired and placed: in commission again about six months ago. 'Continued on Pag Xwai u"- "' By Oeorge H. Bhoafl" ' 8tff -Ootr. Appeal to Resara.) ' ' Boise, Idaho, May l0. -In a courtroom liberally guarded bv denutles and Pink- erton .detectives and with .only, a smalf representation ef labor-i men .present. Judge Fremont . Wood tat 10 o'clock, yes terday morning r formally declared . the beginning of .the trial .of ; W.rOi Hay wood, charged- with .the murder of, for mer-Governor Steunenberg. -r j l tJ, : ' There .iwas little, excitement- In or around the -courtroom, and none, was evident on the .streets or In the ' city; Oyer all the great force: of specjal of fl eers and detectives members; of the miners' . union, or ' thelt ' , sympathisers would have found It impossible to, make demonstration; hAd. they been so In dined. . i. --.y , The deteetlvet In .the courtroom -acted under the direction of CL i. Thiol, as sistant superintendent of the Pinkerton agency;- wno m 'turn 'receivea ins in structlons from James McFarland. T": ' When court adjourned at I o'clock In the afternoon.. the, regular' "venire summoned . for ' the ! case had been- ex hausted and, a special venire of 100 men was ordered summoned by Judge Wood to appear, in court Monday, May It at Class lines were' distinctly drawn in the . examination . of the veniremen. Every man was Questioned .regarding his politics. Industrial calling and trade union affiliations. ' The only man' who openly expressed his opinion to union labor and his belief in the guilt Of the defendant was J. E. Tates, president of the Bank of Commerce of Boise. ' Exam ination . developed that, the majosity of OYER IS ATTACKED BY- A CHICAGO JEIVSPAPER 4' Journal 'Alleges That Federation .Official Served Time 'In Joliet ; ; for Robbing a Clothing Store Twenty Years Ago- Story Is , i .Discredited, ..Though Alleged Details Are Printed Concern ing Old Record," . , , ' vf I : (Continued on Page Two.) Chicago, May 10. The Journal: today prints a most sensational statement al leging -that -Charles H. Moyer, president of the-Western Federation ' of Miners, now on .trial at Boise for oompltclty In the assassination of former Governor Steu.nenberg. . Is an- - ex-convlot and former-hold-up Man of this city. De spite alleged details given by The : Jour nal;' the ' story " la regarded as having slight foundation' , In . fact and la , gen erally discredited. It Is believed that another Moyer'' waa 'the man described. ?The Journal" alleegs that Moye served,' time ki Jolted prison from Feb ruary' , 1880. to' January 4, 1887, being sent, up from 'Chicago for burglary un der She name of Charles S. Moyer, alias Fred Baker. v '. ?"-. 'j ' -vy - ' After his discharge 'from prison. The Journal alleges, be. went west and after a penoa disappeared from public view. reappearing- in 7 Colorado - as a - labor leader- and eventually, becoming . preal- aent 01 the miners', union. . ' . , ' 'ml Alleged Prison Beoord. ife ''y; t 1; The ifflclal recrfrd, stales the Journal, attJollet says; - "Name, .Charles ,8. Moyer, ' No.' .lift. . sentenced from Cook county Ihruary 4, 188; age. SO; height. 5 .feet t inches; weight,-168; complex- Ion, medium, dsrk; color of .eyes,' haael: hair dark brown; occupation, farm' hand from- Iowa; 'discharged January 4; 1887.". , The Chicago police bureau .of, records says,' aceordlnr to the Journal; .'December 5, . t Baker.- . Fred, F'aliaa Charles Moyer; charge, . burglary and robbery; sentenced January 16, 1S8S, to one year. : -.-"..-.''' - -'.''".' - AtrLake street solice; station . the reo. Ordr of Friday, December' C 1886, say s ' 1 1 111 1 me journal, sbOw. that' Moyer -was ar rested ae C. 8 Moyer on four charges of burglary,-' three of robbery, two of at tempted robbery and-'one -of carrying concealed weapons, Justice- White fixed his feond at $1,000 on each charge, and fined him 159 for carrying concealed weapon. , - ( . 5 X eating Died la Vrlsoa. Moyer was arrested by 'Policeman Hartnett with one John Keating, against whom the rams charges were made Through eKating the police fixed a num ber or noidups and burglaries .on Moyer. The .'principal charge was the buralarv Of Ingopr Lareen'a- clothinr stor at Lakei and Lincoln streeta Mover, and Keating broke into the place two weeks oemre the date of their arrest and, had attempted a .second burglary of ' the same plaoe (the night, Hartnett caught Keating died .a eonvtet rn f prison. After Moyer:a release ., he went west, keeping certain Chicago friends posted of his success and' movements,' In let ters 'from time to time telling of his rise to the head of the miners' union. . Zowa..: Conflnnatioa. . 1 The Chicago Journal correspondent at Boone,. Iowa,; telegraph that Frank S. Moyer, chief of police of Boone for four years, now a conductor on the Boone streetcar line. ;sald:, , "Tea.: I heard onoe toat 'Charlie got intc trouble and waa arrested In Chicago. The less that is said -about It,, the better. - Charlie never tbld 'me about it.--- -.-.----. Policemen Hartnett. who made the ar rest, its now police lieutenant la com mand of the West Xke. street station. Continued. on Page; Twelve.) aoeraal Bpadal Bervfea f ' San Francisco, May 10. The usual crowds of pickets and strike svm Da tallers gathered in the vicinity of the ear barns this morning and their frame of mind waa not ef that ouiet and sub missive nature that marked their con duct Wednesday and Thursday. - -Ther plainly showed they resented President Calhoun's announcement that he in tended to urge the governor to calf out the state troops. , The union men claim the troops are not needed -and that if they are sent it will have a tendency to Inflame the hoodlums who have no connection - with -the union and whom they accuse of being responsible for the acte of violence committed. The Oak street bams are again crora- lsing to be the storm center. A crowd of several 'thousand persons gathered . there as early aa o'clock this morning, bht the usual squad of police waa on . OUrtlless lltaattoa. " ' . ' Although the--streetcar strike la as far from settlement as ever, the gen eral labor situation haa been consldfr--afcjy elartfled by the eetlon of the build ing traues council In adopting a resolu tion calling upon the 15.000 men affili ated with . that body . to assist In pre serving order and denying that the bricklayers, plumbers, structural Iron workers and carpenters are nreoarlna- to strike June J. The action of the line men Is deferring their vote on the mat ter of striking in sympathy-with the telephone operators haa also heloed the situation. . Local retail trad has fallen off more than 89 eer ; cent as a result of the strikes, and reports from other eltiea in the state indicate that the blow is belna- felt ther. fjMnmanta Infn thl elty show deplorable falling off la all lines except building material, which is being used as rapidly as It arrives, showing that la the building trades, at least, there Is no diminution, of energy. Wants Troops) CeJled. The conviction 1 growing that San Francisco will be without streetcar ser vice until the troop are called out So far the onlv cars that have been moved are four or five which were escorted by a .large police force.. President Cal houn says plainly that he 1 without' power to resume service as the police (Continued on Page Two.) GACREftA JAILS Tl'JO AGEMCAOS President of Guatemala Orders Slaughter of Women and Chil dren -Soldiers Commit Un 1 speakable Atrocities. UUVtKIMUK Boarding J House d Master ; Who Kidnaped-sailor uiven; i ' 1 -i-uL 't?LJ2 jrl fi J'iit Hfs Freedom. ) . fit i -i 1 Jim White,', the sailor "boarding house master, will not' jierve'Ume. He was pardoned - this " morning j by ,(3overnor Chamberlain, 3 The Chief executive waa persuaded to let White roam at will by 4 petition signed by- a number of Port landers, some of whtmi are be quite prominent r ''," i "i.-:. ;, White waa sentenced April 8 to serve one year in the penitentiary for having kidnaped C. 3 A. Buren, a sailor who at tempted to evade the custom -then In vogue here of being sold to the -bidding skipper. Buren was one or three way laid by the crimps, but the other two tars reached the vessel, the British ship Rlversdale, before the -mob could trap them, L "... - -. - ,i Buren Was. beaten Into insensibility and carted away In an express wagon. He was permanently Injured,' and for a while It waa thought that his injuries wonld terminate fatally. Governor ; Chamberlaln'a pardon Is ' - ii Jacac Y. LI;o, the rardoned Sailor r .rdiwg iioub. .Man, ' v.:" WHITJE Must Pay Fine, but Will "Not r Have to Serve. Year's Sert tenet Imposed. ' - conditional that Is to say White may be compelled to serve the aentenoe any time -should he fell to lead an exem plary life and conduct his sattor board ing house business In an orderly tnaa- ner. . ,..-'.-:.-'".-. 1 Whit was the only ' one of three boarding- house men mixed up In the kidnaping affair who stood trial. . his partners, "Mysterious BlUV Smith and Harry White, a brother of Jame White, paying -a fine of $250 each. Jaai" White Waa found sruutv bv a -lurv in Judge Fraser's court ' ; The crime was committal 11, 150S, and on the 18th rf month information f , of .White was con t it coritinu-'! 10 if guilty " i" ; yphmary tl e snw '. '' : t "' i ' (Jearaal Special Seretea) ;V Puerto Cortes. Honduras, via New Or leans, May 10. Refugees from Quat mala, report that a atate of anarchy ex ists In that country, that the whole re- public is In a turmoil and that a bloody civil war 1 Impending. According to- American who have arrived here, the Cabrera government is oommltttng un speakable outrage' and atrocities. Po litical opponents are being thrown Into , prisons, and some of them murdered. Even woihen and children are not being - spared. ' . - - L The report aa reached here that a whole family of 10 was massacred by Guatemalan soldier near , Guatemala city by order of the government Jo Olevera, a Wealthy planter.' Inourred tbe enmity of the government on account of hlS political activity. When soldiers went to arrest him he showed fight an t the soldiers promptly shot him to d t't. Every member of hi family was ihot, alain. "Including hi wife. . .. . Ablts Creesare. one of Cabrera v tttleal opponent, who had an ef a i near Llvlnsston, was tied to a i s the middle of an anthill, his c!- r stripped from hi body, and the ! danced around hi wrlthlnir f.r'i mi polHonous tneeeta stw t r i t tterugee report t t t . a . ti Ia .LUllen c.r and Marshal f . Ol.ln, are In j Chariri1 - ' h ; a I 1 I: