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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. MAY 11, 1907. . 11 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ' asesa mmi hm -w yVWw mm. , , WHO WANTS THIS LOT UOxlOO. CITY WATF.R, THREE f LOCKS FROM CI BLINK. I'iUCB $400; 1EIIUH. , . Owner ' ' - Boom ani 4 odd Fellow' bldg, First' ' tad A law. . . . FINB BUNGALOW Full ' concrete bivmnii 2Hz42. mod ere every way. right on carllne. 4-mlnnte par aervlccl , Telephone or address M. . Biemisr, owner. 6B8 Union aveaua North, Salt ' 266. $2,000; terms, : livra (19 rjvra One oa Michigan ive., wrath of KUllnr wvria, ooxiou, rr W4io cam. .-- ' AAvinA ltn.thBlpli t tarml. ,all. , inu tor a corner In Central Aiiiina, HVl A beautiful corner In Vernon. ! , $400 Nlc Inalila lnt In Varnoa. $1,250 for 100x100 on Alblna at. I face ' east sad nuth. THOMPSON OPEN, y v , . 848 Mississippi v. v " .'.- rpooa Woodlawn 808. . a '..' HAVKIStrKI -. RAVFLOCKI Piedmont-street carmen. attention. W I hare lota to Bell lit llavelock. price $200 to U)6o M,,,, according to sis and lof tlon. Term.. $20 to $.15 cam, balance $10 on i. Abstract rurnlabed wnen you 007. THOMPSON OUIB, 4 , 848 Misltppt At. i ' ' Phon Woodlawn 208. o; n. n. A. m. men NOTtrn. ' $1.30O6-rnom bona, mini walk, good plumbing: terms; $200 rash, balance $20 1 month. CaU MB MlwlMlppl sv. - iJOO DOWN, balanc aame aa rent, etrictlr modem brand new fi-roooi cottage. Sennyeld. - A. Smith, awe or, 61$ Coov ' awrciai mi. ,- CHOICB BARGAINS TODAT. , f mnAmrm houaee on Mmw kita. 88.606. ( mom modem bona, clinic location, $2,190. -room nice noun, ouxiuu, wooosiosa. 1 win 50xioo choice corntr lot, Uiinftoa Helfbta, Bt Ttlo oa market; termav POMB LAND CO.. fata Mala 3420. 145H' Flrat at. CHOICB btutnMa kropcrtj partaf 1 Pt cat on iBTMtmcnti iMac.11 ror raara; wnr financially lnrolvds $3,500. Boon 2, 80$ Stark at. in.irna orHiaM. 1ntr anolca. charrlaa, vraiw. atrawbcrrlca. 3 acre timber: lir ' a, Mam Mtna thponvh nlaoa! I mil from city. ' ood bolldliw: $2,800; terma. ColnmbUa I Realty Co.. 88 TaxA at., room S. $1,850 NORTHEAST raraar 34tb and Waaca . cis. iDounoay , rarati - nnrni ,m,w.i Mirer and Pbona laat 68S3.' AddM FOR SALE. CHEAP Two (10x100 lota at WIV lamatt I u lion, .inquwa ot iwmr, owr A BARGAIN flOxlOO oa Benton at cbotca lot; owner moat aa , Jenn. Trimble Trlmbla. "' 411 Marqnam. rhon Pacific 1751. f BEATTTIFt'L balldmt altea orcr loot log ttrtt vicinity aar new Iwellcaj acbool. Tax .ul mp. arat off at , crnatorlom. . La- Comot. ba Hill ahow roa. Phooa 8U- " : wood e8' '-"' ' '' , ' FOR SALE New modera S-room hooaa at Porta mootbl. tot 78x100 feet. laqulr 1607 Hi-1 FOR SALE Two beautiful lota, on block from I carlln at Flrland; Innxumeni. , inquir w. i l. wittoy, aa aw GRAND bom alta with norpnd Tlewratoa "small bona. 4 lota, ML Tabor, trada.-. Phoo Woodlawa IB. - TWO lota 40x100. o-room bone, asy term. Owner, Pacific tto. A PRFTTT T room honse; nearly tw; best of plam'bin: electric Hltht) full le. east front "W- uwn. d fruit trees; 1 block from ear, C'owiieV I0M Kaat iath at North phoM Woodlawn 608. a; WHT pay rentt-Kaat front Jot on Mlsalsalppl , are, simian ew r " w j, Phone Woodlawn xvi. IT50 1 DOWN bnya nice-looking 0-room, con rn eVly arranied bouse, on tin 80x100 lot. in choice bearing fruit trees, roaea aaa epien- old lawn: one block of streetcar; mong good JM-nri nrlc nly $1,600, Horn Land ' Co- '" ' $500 HANDLES , house and Iota. 1028 East anrrrn pnwTt.ANn SNAP. ' .. nnnharrneted 1w. sta MIxllO, 1 ti.BOo: 808 Fourth at.. Tel. Paclfl ' 11M or Main 90. ' ' m-rurr flIDR BARGAIN. fwma.inm hone, mortem In all denfla. and a fractional tot, located jji Bfrmto t., la than B blocks from th Hotel Portland. This la a anap and food f k. quick turn at a big tncress. .- , , , JAMES J. FLTNN, - - $ia Chaahar f Commrc. 'KEW t-room nn-to-dat boo,, foil, lot, f 300 easn, fza smuuif- . nnnn nnv modern ottare. . St, Johns, cloe to oar: for few days, $1,880; terms. ' Room 89. 888 Stark at. miiin w cottaR. on lot 80x100: price $8,400. B. Swan, 1160 Union ar, coy . ner b.wwitwwi-h' S CHOICE lot. Holladay Park, cement M . walks, sower. treets Improred: a bargain; won't laat long1. Boom a). oa niara at. $2. M0 BDTS a new Toom bone and lot Wt 100 near two enrllne , Intr Holwaa UnfM Real Estate Co.. 8 Third at. miaii misni home In Irrlncton Fin 7-room ho, -erytblng np to t,'LJ?wI! 0,n, est: It OIl oerore wTua, r"i veau. Boom W, olr .v. . wll at one T-room ' modern . . . . ..Mfbk .a . . n HAH I inMTin OB Ll.l 1VIU Ml. 1 I . , , - I If taken thia wetif w. iwn t 268 Stark at. 0R SALE CHEAP Lot 80x100, Sooth St, Johns: good location. Inaulr T. A. 6bo-1 maker. 108H Union bt. .. . viainis Mtitar. flear Loeksley Hall, com CiimUhad. cooking utenslla and all. A good buy. .i Charlea M. Hemphill, - 68T Sherlock bldg, yo MATTER I.F2,i2rf-TL11.lmL.I2 1 ' build a nom or v'J f ".."""i:"" mi,f ::". 1 1 merest mn v' Ing CO., OOX 481 reman, w. A PRETTT 8 -room boos, nicely ; arnnged. all modern conveniences; gaa aiid 'electric light;. , close, in; 3,ow; terms. inmijrv u. 862 Fremont, or telepbon Woodlawn TOO. . - r f , TP-1 ""rinARTER block, beautiful new home, 8 .nnma.- extra well built, double floors, full ' basement." laundry, hot and cold water on 8 floora, gaa, electricity, furnace, fireplace, 100 roses, 10 bearing fruit trees, berries, aewer, 1 block from car line; no agents, .laqulr 400 Pmscott t. -'--'' aY ; -i ; SPECIAL BARGAIN. ; Nnrthweat corner Union are, and Skldmore. I 104x105, Improved with ator building and flat and barn, re too owner aoout me price. 931 Union a v., north. . . FOR SALB--A rjiodern 8-room house In good .St'n aynir; pain, eicciriv iisu.t, v. , wumu vht mit.. aronnd 100x100 feet: Drettleet and 5-1 bealtbleat anburb - In Portland; ' well, improved grounda. all kind or amaii rruita. cnicxen- :. hnnma. etci nrlc 83.300: terms reasonable. , : Phone Eoat 4TB3. 'or- adiirees R 188,' Journal. -, X MICE BOMB. ; S rooms and modem, small lot. fin lawn .' . ahrnMwwv. corner: fnll cement basement: . fireplace, gaa and electricity; nlc larg .rooms; on Ankeny carllne: clone in. ; . , HENKLE It HARRISON, - .'.:, J; 817 Ablngton Bldg. :?r t , BTRICTLT modem cottage. 8 large room, bath, - nantry and vestibule. . electric fixtures: 100 1 . . feet from Mt. Scott line; $1,700; easy terms. Second bona oortn or xremont. . S2.non2 ' ACRES, well Improved, near the I '.-. reservoir, south atop ML Tabor, Register a Co., ivt TDira st.. FOR SALE CHEAP BT OWNER Good hone I ana SOI oixiw on comer hub ana rvygani; , . $200 down and $18 per month ; only foor I . bkxka rrom Migniana scsooi. f none wood- ;. lawn BOO. . y -' -v".';.'; T.i-,-.'t' ' FOR SALE New 8-room hotipw. good location. - Owner. 1568 Fart-ell at.. Woodlawn. FOR SALE 6-room modern bouse, lot 92x100, ii owbsx, CSX hut Stith csxae XaggtxU FOIl SALE REAL ESTATE. ;Rciciiill)cr?,J fossmere. FOB -TOPE INVESTMENT . W THB ' CHEAPEST ' UNO V ' " . BEST. BUY . NOW BEFORE - PRICES ake'. ADVANCED. : Title : 'GuaraittC": & ; "i' : M, WASUINOTOIf sr.' c- 'Alder Serine Acres . ' Dr. CardweU of th Oreconlaa balldlAf U biTlnc platted to pat as the market In a few daya 20 tract ef on a era aach djololng hlf reaiacnca, .-:. ,- . r Nearly all fae th Salem laetrle road. which win b carryina; pcaaenrara from Alder bprmn a Try lew monuif. ' ' Tber la a (narantd contract with tb company lor a oc iar. ' I They will ran re tn prlc from $700 to $800 par acr ror a quica aua, : An aer of land aqnala clfht lota of tbt maoal 00x100 feet aue. ThM th cat la either at th rat of $100 or $87.60 per lot. whlh la leaa than half what llcibl lota ar elllnf for la th aam ylclnlty. V '.. i . .To tenna of payment win. b ay. TK. aeraa ara tnat Booth of hi mansion and only thre mil from th ooortooua Is, n Mm Dr. Cardwall to hear mot or too him at hi Alder Bpringa bom Sunday. . v v nnnn nOMKfl. ft-mnm honae on East Sixth at., wiU rent for $2ftB0, for $3,000 term. Thla to bargain. . . S-roora boose. amaU lot, on Serenth at mi A (3 SnA. . 8 room hcxiae. small lot, on Carutbera' near Third at., $2.00; now rented for $25. Flea nice lota and good 10-room bona In Sellwood: rood burn; box ana rou water i I. IKIMI. nr will divide. . B-room mooera oouse oa jkaet. aut the east aloe high acnooi. - T-room bouse on ine nasi aotmr wuuk S-room modem bone on Esst Ash t. 8-room house, full cement basement, on Williams BTC, $8,800. ... ' . 6-room house, new, iwxiuv arroaDo, w u- Und. for 88.200. . 0room bonse, new ana moaeTii; ii.ww 8-TCom modem, Tory complete; $2,850. T-OTs,m nmmr and modern, for 82.760. " 0-room house and lark lot on Sacrament t. for $3,600. S-room modem bona, corner Kllngawerth and Mlssonri ar. . - - ; - - Ijiuii hanae. nice ' noreh. bay wlnoowa. Ball, parlora.r pantry, bath, larg aroonda, nnii im ornamratal treea: rosea, flowers: fruits, berrtea, chicken park; near Brooklyn acbool: ell eneap. -:i , 5 -room new moo em nous, aau, 'twwii, Soreelala bath, marble wash basin, porch, asement; nlc corner lot, on Improred atreet, Anniwi station, on Mt. Soott carllne: a nlc home, ana weu worm ma p now Baked. $2,100. ..,-, l!;iVi,Bi m naivivitnjiip , i 81T Ablngton Bid. WASHINGTON OREGON BJBALTT CO. 48 erea" in Clark eoontr, Waahlngtont 1B0 acres In meadow fre from atnmpa, aerea In bearing orcnaro, aom green iimoor, Mlanc pasture; wit our, nwno nuusr, email creek and S good prtnfrs; all fenced : with new 6 and wire ana on ooara, R. I". D.. school on rise; S mile from railroad and boat landing; beat of black anil: anod team. 1 driving bora, several bead f cattle, all klnda of farm tmplementa; 60 ton or nay." aom Hops, ' mnp, .! chicken. Thla la one of th beat buys on i thm m.rtnti if von sr looking for a flna plac and a anap Investigate this before bny Ing;, thla "B : guaranteed as advertised; no rock or graTtl; only ta Pr acre; giT lerma, WASHINGTON OREGON REALTT CO' . - 108 Second at..-.. . -.- r WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS realdenoo, T - Worn. - .ahades, larg closets ! roses: auto-boos) cms full basement, aieetnc ana ga iikihiw Mock to car: fin view: V4.60U, , vwaar. 'AO' dreaa B 179, ear Journal. CORNER lot with two new cottages In' center of residence aisrriCT, vancouTer, come 10 per cent nt: price aa.uuu. m. . Perclval, owner, 408 Commercial blk,- . , , 'V'-:-. 8T.BO0.- ' v "' ''J-'"'-W hay a very fine new and modem horn, .rum nit A rnnmi In the attic, every. thing of th beat; larg and alghtly grounda; on good carllne. .. .TOrtW 1 SIT Ablngton Bldg. . . f KEW ADDITION Fin lot 80x100. ' street HO ret. oear ear station venm. uc ai-, uiy Slim terras; Take Mtv Scott car. O, R. Addltoa. UnU. Or. . MODERN 6-room house on Bast 28th t., $800: can arrange tt oaiance on payment" oi .io per month. H. . B. Dickinson, 408 Commer cial bldg. ; i 1 ' C H. Donnell & Co REAL ESTATE. Room IS. 268 Stark St. t'HAVH a good T-room modem home, eorner lot, mast mm at., a okx-is oi uawioorn v.. 8 blocka W-R ear $300 (ash. halaao easy. . 848 Stark at NEW - 6-room' house, receptloB hall, plastered downststrs: two lots. lenceo; nam, oig coerry tree i $1.800; tarra'B. .0 185, earn Journal. BARGAIN Choice acre near Arbor Lodge, equal to 8 lot oaxio. cneap: taae mn ana nave small farm In town Phon Woodlawn 186.' . 1 ARBOR LODGE SNAPS. -Three nw modem 6-rooea hmiaea. B-raom cottaxo on 8 ebolc lota: smatl eav- ment, balanc Unit as rant. . Horn chore vacant iota; gooa pecaunoa; .w':::b. rust. t ' '- Phone Woodlawn 128.; Arbor Lodge station. 5-ROOM cottage, fnmlabcd. $1,600. 208 Fourth au 11. t acitio siao or hub jito,-- . FOR S ALB 7-room houae, 408 Broadway at 1 1 pa car Ubj. uauro km jiisriniian at) FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE 8 cre rich lavel land, very d slrsbly located, land fronting on Batacarta t carllne, oppoali aw Itch and station; natural springs of watet, cold, pure and tn abondanc A minutes' rid from Alder at. station I my pne cannot M beat for cioso-m nrnnerry $400 per acre. Be J. C. Frost at Stanley atatioa. v . FOR SALB t lots 60x200, well fenced, t email bouses, unfinished, and chicken-boas, on West r., near O. R. A N, - laqulr 1881 . asi uusan St., Montaviua ear. FOR SALE F ARSIS. ' Icalty'Co. . . . ; '.' $5.000 tgjl aerea A mllaa emea WashOSgat v In Clarke county, Washington; 88 acr- cleared, 10 aerea green timber, balance easily cleared ( all . fenced, ail level; tw-tery "-room nous, fair bam, 2 aerea orchard. 4 horse, 2 wsgons, new mower and rake, areata. ' aep.ra tor, all farm Implements needed on a farm, 80 bead of cattle. 85 milch cows. 12 '. hogs, aom chickens; on main eonnty road; 8 good springs, on near bouse: boat of black soil; mil to cnool; half cash, balanc 8 $60040 acre ner La Center, Waah.l 1 , acr cleared, aom good timber, creek throng. Jilac. om fruit; now 8-room boas. pn nmher on gronnd; good soli; terma, $300 csan, Mlanc 4 ytare at 6 per oanti a anap $7,800 llSacraa.' S 'anllaa north of Taa enaver, 16 mllea from Portland; 70 acre cleared, 20 acre good timber, balanc easily . cleared, 8 acros bearing orchard: good frame honae, 8 room, good fram barn, small bora bam, other outbuildings; . 8 good well: all fenced with wtr and bnarda, all level; on main county mad, R. F. D near eeheol: good team worth shoo, g cows; an farm imple ments; fine locatloB, best or sou giro terms. ' 840 acre fin land, all level, oaally elaarod. H mils from railroad, good location, beat of soil, 88 miles from Portland; nrlc $16 per sere; gooa lerms. - -. $1,800160 sere In Clark Coanty,' Wssh. R mllea fran railroad: IS acres In coltlvatloe 2 acre bearing orchard: 8-room boose; SO seres level land easily cleared, bast of black soil; this is snap. ' t ; $1,H00 160 acre 84 anfle from rartrnod. In Clarke eonnty. Wash., 88 miles from Van couver; 10 acree . In cultivation, 10O aero river bottom, family orchard; new 6-room rattle house, eoet 8600; small barn; had of cattle, 6 cow; all farm implements: 80 acre fned flno ooU; Investigate this before - buy ing. - .y 167 acres tn Clarke eonnty. Wash, IH mile from Wasbongal: 18 aerea cleared. S ' acre bearing orchard; 8-room boos: 80 sere level aad easily cleared, balance rolling, flno black soli; prlc $1,800; good terms; good tattoo. , ..': -. -':;r. V ' If yon want to oxehango olty jsrspert for farms, or farms for city property, call and sea what we have. W bav the Urgwst list of farma oa the market, from B-acr to 1,000-acr farm. $3.80 to $100 par acre- j ' $1,70020 acre near Vancouver, with 11 acre la cultivation; 4 sere mixed orchard, acre bearing prunes, IH-etory 4 -room bouse, bam 18x20, with sheds R, F. Dn near school, near railroad and boat tending;; good soil; flv terms. . - $1,70088 aTsi 18 mile from Portland, Jn Washington eonnty, 6 mllea from Beaver ton, t mllea to railroad; all fenced; all level; 12 acre In cultivation; aom timber; balanca aaallv cleared: family orchard: on Sicr fin grape; -room house; amall stable, fine spring, on main eonnty roaa; one wet. tlon; B. F. D.; near school; beat of Boll; flv good terms, . ; $8.600 S seres. 8V4 miles trom Hnixboro. 12 acres In cultivation, 9 acres In hops; small orchard; all fenced and level; house, bam, hop-house, etc. ; H cash, balance 8 year. 6 per cent; wm exenang xor rwiwai cy property; no tooauoa. 11.70084 acre. 1 mile from Wtahongal, Clark ooonty ; 18 sere In cultivation; aom rrnlt; good 6-room raetie nonce; large Darn, .mstie ana painrea; an tencea witn wire; tin, location: near mower and rake; plows. barrow, amall tool of all kind; $ooo caan balanc 0 years, a per cent. 'A "... . ' $40010 acres, near Tanconver, fA acre Cleared; balanc slashed and seeded; on eonnty road; aar school; Ha ou; terms. ISOO 8 acres. 4U miles from Tancouvev, new 8-room bona, new bam. all fenced: all level, R. F. D.; near school and church; on main county roaa; this u snap; fir terms. Wasliinoa & :0rcpii' ' 108 Second St., Portland, Or., And 800 Main at. Vancouver, Waah. . Phone Main 8404. U&VACRB Colombia river bottom ranch, en-la nay aaa pastur; one ot tns nnesi aairy proboaltlons 1nth northwest: boat landing near house: is muea from rortiana ana T miles from Vancouver; income from place ever $3,000 a year; 83 head of dairy cowa, om oung stock, i nan, seaa gooa nors, aom ogs, wagon, hack, buggy, barrow, plow. mower, rakes, cream separator, nay fork and numerous ether article need on a place of thia kind. If yon are looking for a first. Clan dairy ranch aee this. Prlc $13,000, 118 aerea. 7 mllea from this city, on fine road: T8 aerea under rme ate to or cultivation and in crop, 10 acres excellent orcnara ot assorted fruits In fall bearing; flna 1 0-room houss. larre bam ana eu otner omoauaing: 80 aerea fins aaw timber; place fenced and cross-fenced: team, wagon, harness,' stirrer 1 eowa. chickens, mower, rake, mower, plows. harrow, etc. This Is s beautiful home. Price only $7,ooo; terms n aeeireo. 19 sores. aU under fin star of cultivation and la crop; 7 miles from thla city 4 of mile rrom country town, w vara . iron eehnni! a-ona .room noose neariv now. nam 24x40, new, and all other ontballdlnga; family orchard win bear some true year; piac renceq and cross-fenced; team worth' $600, ( good wagon, new rubbr-tlrd buggy, piow. nar rows, cultlratora, etc.; i cow. mc onij 20 aeraa. all fine level land. mmatee walk from city limits and only 1U mllea from heart of buslneaa district; 1$ aerea of aasorted fruits In full hearing; fine room piaatcroa house, fruit dryer, good bam and other out buildings; !" lty water. Thla la suitable for putting and will soon be val uable property rrice u,ouw. Cltlxen' Bank bldg., Vsacoaverv Wsah. FOR SALB. - FARMS AND ACREAGE TRACTS. & Hole nMn jia1 Raraalna. tTSft 10 acres 2U miles southwest of Hlllaboro. T acre grabbed, balanc in tim ber, ennnrh Umber atandlng to pay for rluarln balance: 2-room bouse, good well, bsrn, and on eonnty rosd. -.. $850 85' aerea land situated south of Hills boro; B acre In meadow; balance tn timber. 81.18oa-TS-s-oo acrss a nine cos, Or., lO or 18 seres rs enmvsnon-, spnug Kraneh nt ananinaT. wata. aomo heavy timber. some fruit trees, no bouse nor barn-: terms. $2,00018 aerea Vt mue rrom uenierruiB, 12 acre la eultlvatldn; balance In brush j lamit rw fmit traaa of all klnda. aim k . .. . M ajMMn hAiiM- email bam; 1 mil from school and railroad sta tion; $1,000 doWB! balanc .tasolt. vj. VZ.BUO 24 , aero isna, auuaieu auovv llxanr,heaa f Hlllaltoro all nndT CUl- tlvatlon: corepoeed of good black toara: noil ?ood; well wster on plac nd some 200 new rult tree; 6-room nous; bam. abed and few small buildings: good vineyard. 2,875 33 .seres Bltuatea X mue west o HilUhoro: 20 acre In cultivation. 1 rick besvsgdam laud, balanc In good pasture land: imm heavv , timber: place well fenced; running water-on south end of place. No buildings. . - ! , . Fbon Ex. 70. . 226 Stark St. v,; FOR SALB 178 scree Of fine land. With good Improvements, within Itt miles or gooa sibod; this place Is adapted to the raising of stork or dairying; fine out range; must go soon; bargain: terms. Address C, W. Vail, Carlton, Oregon, v a. r BARGAIN. . v- -40-acr farm, tli best la Clarke county. Washington, 10 mllea from Vancouver; 25 arrea clear, -the rest in pasture, elf fenced; loo good assorted mm treea, an bearing, shrubbery. ' etc. t this year'a crop alone will bring $400; clos to school, tore, ha B. F. D., telephone: on . mala trsreled road; boy Uil betore June 1 and get It for $1,600,- sma rt at a.LAAK, iriTTfj a aw ewvaa a, . . For sale farms. : ... Busy-'. ROOM 819 COMMERCIAti BLDO., .' Corner Second and , Washington Sts. r A Big BargainWould Cut , Up Into Small Tracts. 87 acres 40 acre clear and In meadow and crop; 20 aerea of good timber, will cat be- tween 2,000 and 8,000 cords of wood: creek , of ovorrunnlng water; a good well by th - honse; good orchard, good soli no rock or gravel; new bouse, 4 rooms down stairs; np ' stairs not finished: Bew bam 80x50; owahed . attached..- The following go with the place: . 1 hone. 10 cows, 1 heifer, few pigs, be , tween 60 and 70 chickens: on new Me ' Cormlck binder, disc cultivator, mowing ma ' chins, hors rake, plow, barrow, cultivator " and other amall tools, new wsgon, new buggy and most all bona hold goods; located cloe to 0. W, P, carllne; u a fin gravel road; oasy drive to the city. Prlc $1110 per acrsj ' boat buy near th dty. ' -'40 Acres First-lass farm land. SO acres lm 80 mllea north of th city, 14 mile from . etstlon and railroad; a fin market for every thing raised on th rise right at home; on s gooa gravei roaa from the station; stores, ate. a good 6-room boas; large fair bam and a flrst-clas orchard, the beat varieties of fruit; th aam has taken first premium , for certain varieties st th Lewis Clark . Bxpeettkra; s fine berry yard) chicken twos , and yard wood house, tool boos and fthor Duiioinn; on good spring, 2 well; B. F. D. ; mall at front gate; one good team of boroea. ' wegoa and harness; on light wsgon, slnrls buggy and harness; 7 bead of cattle or which three am milch eowa; then coming In; 8 gooa nogs, ov enicaens, i mower, rase, plows, harrow sad all other farming toola; one good ateel range, 1 beater, tables, bed- ateada and other household fumltur; all nw; : fin ontsid rang for stock; good neighbor; bay, pota toe, several etand oi bees; fir !n ' nrsnc on bouse and contents; all for $8,000: t 1.000 e stand at par coot; tlm to salt 80 Acres Flrst-clasa land, about 15 sere clear ; en the aam road as th 40 acres i one mtla further oat; good buildings and orchard; verrthlilg for $2,000; tlm on part If do sireo, ,, w 40 Acres Nearly level land, SO acre in cultivation: fine orchard ot 80 trees, best varieties, amall fruit and crops; fin water at the bona that oa be piped Into the asm; on good eonnty road; 64 miles from railroad station, etc.; prlc $2,000. 80 Acres About BO acres in cultivation and In crop, oats and vatch, an arly garden; a good orchard of 4 aerea; good 8-room house; woodshed, storeroom and bam 40x46, hen house, smokehouse and other buildings; price 4,000: half down and balanc to ulti ther i 1 horse and 10 sows, s bog snd other things sold to th buyer ef the abort pise at a low prlc; milk check for cream from th 10 (tripper for month ot April- $07.67; 8 mile from railroad station; mall root by th jions and s pbons Is th home; place will carry from 80 to 88 cows; can make $200 par month, a few mors cows. , 60-acr farm, finest sandy loam, land cloao to railroad and river; 85 la cultivation ; good bulMlnge, good orchard; beet bam In the eonnty;. water piped Into bono and bam; 8 crops on place for 2 years will pa for place; prlc $5,000; term on part. . . Room $19 Commercial Bldg., -Corner Second and Washington. :, - SPLENDID FARM INVESTMENTS. CREAM OF TH WILLAMETTE VALLEY , ITS acres, $ miles ' from Salem, kbnot 80 acre er spienaia nopyara, fully ecpiippea every tn ing necessary to eonanet nrt-c honyard: Mat year' eron sold for $3,760 ha large amount, ef bottom land, situated on the Willamette river boat landing; on .piac iner ar about cord or standing timber; building In good condition; tb eon I well adapted to hop, fruit, dairying and garnim; it is a money-maser it property nan. died; price $8,500: term can bo had. 268 acre, 80 aerea in hops, 25 acre in rim ner, oax ana nr: balance nnder plow; running water: two sets ef balldlnrs. stl new: 2 miles to station; place la noted for one of tne oear pisces la roig eonnty; price fm.soo; would -dlvid place If desired; tarms can be na. Otto, Crockett & Harkson 183 ti First Street. FARM FOR SALB. 160 acre. 60 la cultivation. 100 acres Ideal fruit aad farm land, family orchard and berries, good buildings, dally man, near rail road and town; ale esantry homo. In the most hoaithnu ana asugntnu ciimat on Pacific coast. Address T. H, B, Boz 17, Woodvius, Oregon, . BEFORB yon locate call oa er write Warren merer, me aaaaing soai emi gnm ia famhlil county, Oregon, located at McMlna- vute: the Best county is me aiaio. LARGE atock of farm Implement, a good warehouse, on raliroea, ana a gooa, wen established business, with a competition. In a good Oregon town, located In a good farm ing territory. Owner retiring and wlU sell at Invoice, or will exchange for good farm property. ' For parti eulsrs Inquire Lafayette Realty Co., lllH waaningtoa si. 5- an ACRES fin land two miles from Beaverton; cabin snd well, -over a,wu coras oi wooa on place; wood will pay for land; very cheap U sola l ooos, inquirs oi u. a. srj, seinp ton, or. - BT OWNER 806-acm -Improved farm la heart of Willamette' vaiieyj very coeap, ur caan. T. Jackson, 475 Hoyt at- Mala 61. $600 DOWN bays 10 fine sere, clos in. near igistaeaus line, iar, wiu aiiiuitiu poultry and fruit farm; price $2,200. Home Land to., leott sirsx . v.; -v FOR SALB 106 acr rich bottom land. B0 acre in cultivation, naiano umoer ana pas tore i good boos and bam; fine orchard oa county road and R - F. D. routs, only lVi miles from Been Vista, mil from good school; price $40 per acre. Also 28H acres, all nader cultivstlon; good 8-room bona, good bsrai fine young orchard snd small fruits; oa county road, mil from railroad depot, 24 mllea from Baena Vista; fin location: price only $1,800. For further Information addree - J. D. WINN, Th Land Man. Buena '"lata. Or. $3.000 A SNAP 6 seres, Arlington Hslghts, ptaitso. s muea mt i www aiasj, top usn yon road, near Council crest. Apply at 887 Morrlooa at. SAWMILL. 25,000,000 to 80,000,000 feet of Al fir' Umber- and sawmill In . first-class condition; now in operation, near Columbia river. - Fa. cllltlcs handy for shipping by rail or water; within 80 mllee ot Portland. For particular caU. THB VETERAN LAND CO., j :i)t- -Third St', room A. x TIMBER LANDS. To the Owners ef Timber Lands: We want -timber lands In larg and amsU tracts, stncl t claim,, la Oregon, Washington and Idaho; ' It must b direct from the owners; we don't want any option until we see wbat yon have to offer si your lowest net caab price: send a your descriptions, kind of timber snd your cat (met if yon bv rt. ... . - , - Write us and find out what we can do for yoe. We ar la the market at all time far any deal that to right. , GRRGG BROS., - . 817-18 Fsntoa bldg., 84 Sixth St., Portland. TO OWNERS of timber claims and timber W will buy ror casn any gooa ti inner tno ntsry to th Nehatem river. WlU deal with owners oelyt write, giving full pertlcnlara. Mebatom Investment Co,, 828 Chsattbeg ( Oaaniwro taUdUtg, gortUad, Os, - . , TIMUER. CERTIFIED scHp, any sis, lowest price, 0 Howell. 588 Chamber of ComaMrc. TIMBER ee time ted between 10.000.0n0 and 12, 000,000 feet, flrat class. Addresa K 187. ear : Journal., . , , - i 12.000,000 FEET of fin fir timber, tributary to Columbia river In Columbia county. Call lOBft Third at, room A. The Veteran Land company, - .. QUARTER block, 8 hen, $10,500, 6 per cent net, alway rented: will exchange Inside or outsld property, farma , or timber , claim, vacant kits or acreage. What have you? ju Monday, owner, etzs Fttrygrov sr. HORSES; VEHICLES, HARNESS. DORSES and bnrrlea foe rent bv das. and month apeclal rates to bn'lnass honssa. - Sixth and Bawthom. East 78. BERT work and light harness, prices toweet; we take your old harness In xchsnx for new. Keller Barnes Co 49 North Sixth St. FOR SALE Cams wagon. Ick st. i . - .,. CaU BBS Freder- F0CR head of good bora fog sal. -.East Tnth ,,- ,, .Avar 'i". Can 742 vt--.: : FINE horses for sale; om fin saddler and drivers from tb eaitsrn ' Oregon jack and ' thoroughbred atock farm of B. F. Swaggart'a, Morrow ooonty. Or. CaU First and Main st. . FOR SALE IITESTOCK. CHOICE family cow for sale; fresh, gent! to milk. SIT Belmont at.l taa nunnysio car, FIN 8 Jereey sow, cheap; owner going away. 897 Tals at, Porta mouth. .... MT8ICAL IN8TRUMETST9. VICTOR Talking Maebrnca and roenrdo; 8tn way (or other pianos. Sherman, Clay A Co FOR SALE MISCEXafEOV8. . BTN0BB and Wheeler snd) WUaoa awwlnf m . chin offln. W n. less or rent nw ss chlnes; old maehlnea taken In part payment; - second-band machine $8 aad apt other make of new maehlnea $25 and opt needles for ell make of machine; aU kind of mscblnes repaired and guaranteed. 8. 8. Blegol, sgsat. 835 Morrtaos I St. Y PhJM Main BIBS. $ $ $ $ . PHONE MAIN 6874: $ $ $ ' $ Bxrra smciai ruraitur ana atoves: isrgen aesnrtment, cheapest price la new snd aec-,1 fw ua wev, .Ulll end-hand goods of every oaacriptioni give wa in n a cau a DO r connncen. 8 8 THE DOLLAR. 838 first St., Near Ma OHIO STEAM COOKER. ONB $ A WEEK. . Cooks srerythlng to perfacrloa and saves tlm, labor, fael and food; cook th onflr dinner' over on burner: grand for canning fruit; no mingling of flavor or odor. Call . at 874 Flrat at, or ring np Pacific 2564. W wlU bring yon on. BILLIARD AND POOL tab! for rant r for ssl on ossy payment. THB BBUNSWICK-BALKB-COLLKNDEB 00. 49 Third St.. Portlasd. . FREB FOR RVKRTBODT Ring np Mats 4296 ar call 8IIH Front at. We buy aad eell for alture, clothing or any eld thmg. GASOLINE lsnnch, cost $8,800, for sal for leas than half. P 188. ear Journal. BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sure nr for rbeamatlam. Bold by aU drogglats. . OLD BOOK STORE removed to 168 Fifth sad 811 Second st. FOR SALB One 10-hors power Stillwater trac tion engine. In good condition. H. Kllnkmaa, R. F. D. No. 2. Mllwaukie, Or. SHOWCASES and fixture, new and ' sseond band. Cartoon Kallatrom, 889 Conch st. FOR SALE Second-haad two-ton express wsgon. 420 Belmont St. . - FOR SALE Nearly new wagon and harness, . cheap. 184 M. 14th t.. "... CHITTIM bark for eale; bright 1905 peel, W, B. Bwtngel, St. Johns, -or.--7 FOR SALB CHEAP Complete moving plctor machine outllt; lima, etc . noom a, ia Sixth. - - A - d-CTLINDER 12-horsepower Franklin aut. mobll for sals eneap. rnone racixia iwu. 100 WHITB Leghorns and 80 Minorca, 10 pul let and male bird for sate eneap, to maxe room for our young stock J tnoe ar an rancy ..stock and can be bad for almost market price, inquire wind) ros., pnon union , or northeast comer Grays Crossing snd Powell Valley road. - - - BARTER AND EXiCHANGE, FOR SALB r exchange for cord wood, city nronertv. one o-oorepower ststionary, sna 16-boraepower portable engine. CaU East 424. or at 49 Albina av. OLD book bought and sold at 168 Fifth t and 211 Second st. tiyiana uros. TO exchange for Portland or suburban borne. confectionery, bom baxery, cigars, looecco. notlnna. etc.: no oPDositioal new railroad building Included. Lock Bog 144, Cove, Or. 820 ACRES No. 1 wheat land: will take borse and wagons. Address 11 la, care journal. 12 ACRES very fins land, all la cultivation; no buildings; aom peering rruit, irooia au a ravel roaif B mile from heart of city; -cent railroad fare; will trad for small residence nd glv terma on balance, uensie a star- rison, su.7 Aoungton oiug. nnanTP-rt hlnck. a . honae. alwavB rented, eiosa in: exenanse, wait as.v Sunday. Price $10,800. Owner, 628 Petty grove st PERSONAL. Russian Baths ' 807 THIRD ST., ' BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON SW'lMMINO POOL. STEAM AND HOT l BATH: FROM S A- M, 19 S F. M. rmcal an taipixo. BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sum ear lot rbeamatlam. aeii nr su amggisu. NOTICB OF REMOVAL. Relmr. th fonir. will Lewis bldg. March 1: looking for eattsbl Iocs tlon: for prnt may be foand at rosl denca. 252 North 19th St. , Phoa Paclfl 8497. WiU can and glv aetlmats s asaaL 8BXINB PILLS com all forme of aervorn or muscular weasnees. or niaa or wuaivm. Price $1 a box.! 6 hose 88, with fuU roar sutee. Address er callJ. A. Clem en eon. 4m s glat, Beconu ana xamuiu aia rvruasa, wri w t-ILKO Itcmna-. Birmua. wwumim,, r. flstaia, constipation asm an rww aBvavv cured in 10 to 30 daya, without the knife or nrattir. van or vnn vr( . a. arisvca 181 Flrat at., rortiana, or. ; LADIES Dr. Ketchnm, gradaat and registered phyelcian. treats any ana an your eompiainta Wlto sain sna succwes. ' itus auuu su. ur nor xamniii. racitic zzai. GERMAN books, magasine. novels, tc. Ger man. Ens-nun. rrencn, Bpanian, nwaisn anq Italian dlcttoamriea; foreign book of aU kinds. Schmsle Co., 829 First st. SUITS pressed while yon wait, 60s. Ladles' Skirts preesea, our. uunerr, iw rung eu, next to Qoll. Pbone Mala 80SS. MANLT vigor restored by Dr. ; Roberts Nerve Olobaiee. on montn treatment, fx: a months, 15; nt securely sealed by mstl. Agents, Woodard. Clarke AV Co.. PortUnd, or. HOLD ON There 'to on thing tht will car rheumatism. Auk your drnggia ror oars toule or address or call Jr A. Ctomeasaa, druggist. Portland. Or. MOLES. wrinkle. - superfluous hair remojred. No chirr to talk It over. Mr. M. D. Hill, room 830 Fleidner bldg. Pbone Pclfle 185. DR. JUNO CHOONO. Importer Chinee root medicine; 11 Chinee tea. certain cure for , aU disease, 191 3d, bet. Tamblll and Taylor. 1. . - 1 11 MISS RAYMOND Masseuse. 268H , Morrlsoa st,. room 14. Pbon Main 6911. 'Y' BAI M OF FIGS for ell female disease. East Belmont Pbon East 4084. 626 MRS. POTTER Mssseose. scalp, facial, ma. , sage, chiropody. 22414 Washington t- Hoar - 10 to -- -- -- ' - ' MRS. OBROCK. grednst msswoss; -eaMnot both, salt glow, alcohol rab, cream massag; references. 189 Seventh at Mala 4968. BE ATTRACTIVE! Pimple blotches, freckle, ( blackhead, red vein, coarse pore, ecaema nd felling hair cored or no chsrge; trial - tresttnent free. - Addrea St. T. I. I teres, 181 "' First tt, rprtlaad, 0c . " PERSONAL.' MANICURING, fae massage and scalp treat ment. Try room 1, 803V Washington st. .-. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oreronlan bldg.i day, gentlemen nights.' Mala 1968. ladies BATH parlor at 207Vi Third t.; ladle and. . gentlemen treated; upstairs, room 14. DR. J. O. MACK IE, osteopath and electron th: ladle treated in tb foreman i gentlemen In : the afternoon. Room 5, 146Vi Sixth at. BACK date of magsslne at $ cent. , Jone Book atom, 291 Alder at, . ,.,1 . DR. T. J. PIERCE. epeclsJIst, cllseaaea ef women; all liregularltle enrreeted; no x posure: medicine by. mall. Office .181 First St., comer Vsmhlll, 'Portland. Or, , DR. FLORENCE MARION returned from abroad to her old office In th Falling bldg. MIDDLE-AGED wldowsr (worktngman). strictly temperate, never nee tobacco, does not swear. i wanla to form the acquaintance' of some working widow or snfortunate msld; no 00- jectlon to children; object, matrimony ; please ' answer If yon mesa basin.. Address F 16, I ear Jonmal.' - .. - HISS LB ROT, 291 H Alder at., mites 8 and ' Massag ana cip treatment. LADIES: Dr: La Franco's Compoond! safe, speedy regulator; 88 cents, druggists or mall; booklet free. Dr. La Franco. I'bllsdslpbla, Pa, MIPS GIBSON gives scalp treatment; dandruff. 20. Va Morrison St., room dz. , RBCBNTLT opened manlcnrlnai parlor removed from 851 H to 848 Vi Morrison at room 2. vi ni Palmist.' e fifth at., don't need big ads: her patron aavsrtiss ser. . nesuiag 85c snd np.-. - - " ' X BUSINESS x PERSON AL8. INVENTIONS bought snd cola. Cenent Coa- tract Va., 43T ruanr oiag. ; aaam. 8KELLT CO., '14th and Flanderat 'flonr, feed. Bay, gram., rnone ion, nnm .. ATTORNUTS. H. TANNER, attorney. Room 609, Com merdal blk Second tad Waebingtos ate.. Phone Mala 1446. PIOOOTT. FINCH 4k BIGGER, attorneys at law, 4 MtUkey btdg comer aeeoaa ana ssor rtooa. . . ASS A YERS. GARVIN CTAN1DB EXTRACTION CO- Moo tans Assay tiroes, ino ssomaoai " BATHS MASSAGE. MANICURING, far and acalp trestmant; bathe aad maaaag. iiu aoorin su HOWARD M, COVET, Ageet Pierre Orast Arrow. Locomobile. C"d llfa and Knot. Temporary loeattoa Cloh Oarage, lBta end Alder te. - "' ' ARCHITECTS. ERNST KRONER, rchlteet Plane and a pec I fl ea t ions; also banding snpenntenaenco. H. a DrTTRICH. architect. 821 Williams st., comer afcMlllen St. rnon ki ssai. ART. FREB LESSONS IN Bmbroldery Every Dsy. THB NEEDLECRArr 8H0P, . 888 Washington t B. H. MOOREnOC8B CO. Artist msrerlsls. plctor molding, picture framing. swroprt cona, lantern elide. 818 Alder at. ' BLANK-BOOK MAKERS., HOWB. DAVIS aV KtLHAM. 109-111 Second st. Flank book mannractored: agents tor jonev Im proved Leosv-Iaf ledger; ae tb new Eureka leaf, tb beat on the market 4 BUTCTIERS 8UPPLIES RrrrryTRRar- bttiilie9 R. Blrkenwsld ro. 804-306 Everett at.l largest butcher- supply hoes en tbs coast, writs ror caiaioa-ue. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES Adolph A. Deknm. 181-138 First St., csrrles a full tin snd 01 plot assortment at lowest market prlc. CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed. $1 per month Unique Tailoring uo buv sura su H. W, TURNER, dyer; carpets deed a pecls.l- ty. OOB Jefferson t. main xoia. COAL AND WOOD. PORTLAND SAWDUST ' SLABWOOD CO- 858 Front, aucceeeora to ruiton wooa fir. oak. alabwood. eoaL TeL Mala 1986. FOR prompt delivery of labwood call Main 4878. Oak. nsa, rtr sna coai. rwuuu Wood eV Cost Co, 16th and Savior Bta. . WRirnCRM CFED Ai.FDEL CO. Honse snd blacksmith coal, enke, ehsr eal. kindling. Pbon Mala 1018. TELEPHONE BAST 7. . F, B. JONES O".. Wood aad Coal. 181 Baat Water st. OREGON FUEL CO. Is now taking order for , wood and coal for future delivery, -1 Aiuer t. Mala 68. ' ' ' 1 t 11 "'.'.' CALL Steel Brare Fuel Co., pbon East 424, ror cnoiee no, 1 nr eoruwooo, urr it- alshwoods prompt delivery: both side river. Office and docks foot Randolph at - CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. Always Consult the Best, PROFESSOR KHIMO, . . Ores test living astral- dead-trance clairvoyant ef the age; adviser on business and all af fair of nf tell your full name and what you culled for, whom you will marry, bow to control the on you love. veo though mile away; reunites th separated: give ecret rrers to control; does ell others advertlsa do, Honrs 10 to 8, delly and Sunday. Ofilc-. No. 8 and 4. Grand Theatre Mdg . 852H Wash., near Park t Phone Mtla 1287, klSS MAT ANDREWS Card reading. 85c, 238 Sixth at. eorner Mam. , .. .. s PROFESSOR WALLACE, ' Portland 'a favorite clairvoyant, palmist and medium; readings 85e. 841H Mor.. cor. 7th. JOHN SLATER Grand : test seanm Kunaay evening, B: ID nrpi -a".- " m"' Alder sts.; evening entirely devoted to test snd mege. AU welcome. - CARPENTERS AND BETTERS. , JOHN A. MELTON. 804 Fourth St. orne esq tor nxrnre pout auu i avww. nd counter. Phone Main 1787. I. MELTON-fflc. Btort nxtores: jreaeral Jobbing. First St. Pbon Msln 8190. CARPET CLEANING. THE Pacific Coast -Carpet ttenovatom clean your carper 00 in iw h rauorinu furnlturj from rooms. , W raise no dnstj remov sll dirt and - grease epots. . Phon Paclfl- 419. - ;-'.:,,vJi.,;--;,i' STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO Largest plant on coaac; uonng ai u.iyiu? j puuna Esst 290; carpet cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; steam and eomnreeeed sir proceear f bo va ting mattresae and feathers-s specialty,' J0YCB BROS., proprietors of the Electric Clean ing worka; earner Cleaned ana ie m, ootn are and compreeaed-alr cleaning: carpet reflrtltig our epedalty; work guaranteed. .Pbone Mala 8878 and . A 2672. 270 Grant ot. 'Cafes.:': THB OFFICE 885 Washington at, phoa Mala TT1. Bamoei vignenx. - ,- , DANCING. " DANCING lessons 25c, - classes snd private, dally. Prof. Wat Wlllson, ball 804 Alrky kMg., Third and Morrlsoa ate. Social dancing ' Walts, two-etep. three-etep. etcr stars danc- :i Ing, back and wing clog, reel, jig. Highland ' fling, Spanish, etc WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOl-Clsas Mn., Tburs. nd Sat. ev.; o'tal, fanrv snd veil I; dsnelng taught: 5 lstant teariters; rl ml prlvst lessons dallv. Western a.-s.'e .'y uUa tecuuj i-cilv sts, lacL-s l.-k ... '; AUTOMOBILES. , iV. V CIIirOrODISTS. 1 - -, -, -I - l i -i ' 1. T. WM. DEVENT ESTyi.IJI UKVgyr, I'll ; only scientific chlrnrHMilnts, parlors 4 1H bldg., 102 2d L ; I' boo Ualo l.tol. CHISOPODT snd Pedlenrtng. Mr. M. D P"l. Rot,m 830 Fleldne Bid. Pbon Pan fie 111, DENTISTS. DR. EARL C. MeFARLAND dentist. Suite 710-711-712 Swetland bldg. Pbooe Mai u. DR. W. B. KNAPP be returned frost at. 'Office 10 Hamilton bldg DRESSMAKING. MRS. ' VAUOFIAN, . xperlenod draasmaker. 82tl Bust Barasld sC Phone East 2017. MADAME ANGEIJCS 243 Fifth. Paclfl Baa, ' JaaaJkanaaVsa) v ENGINEERINO. 1 0. IL OOPSETT, nglneer and urvvor.. Offtc 83 Washington bldg., ' corner Fourth and Washington; resldenc Glen wood. Mela B5NI. EDTJCATIONAL. - OREGON EXPERT COLLEGE, Commonwealth building. 6th aad .Ankeny, ?hon "Main 8001. Telegraphy, 'ahorthaad. yprewrltlng. penmanship. Engllah branches. Individual Instructions, special scholarship. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Washtncftsa snd 10th sts, Flledner btdg. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting aad all English branchea taught, both day and night. FINANCIAL aid to lit worthy young ladles who wish to take a shorthand eouree. Apply at one st office. 617 Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth and Buradd its, . .. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. J. WALSH CO. Stl Stark St. i Electric and Gaa Fixture and Supplies. Mantels, Tiling, Orates, and Dogtroos. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO-Rnglneer. eontne tors, repairers, cleefiie wiring, supplies, 94 - First, cor. Stark. Main 659. B. H, Tste. mgr. frrsTERN ELECTRIC WORKS. 61 Sixth Coatractora, electric supplies, motor sad dy. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO., 891 Bast Morrison St. yiitures, wiring, repairing. Esst 8128. . - FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE IRON' WORK and Bverctt eta. Pbone Mala 2000, GASOLINE ENGINES. GASOLINE ENGINES. X , Stationary end marine 1 . electric equip ments; lsunches; accessories; wbolesal and retail; engine repairing. Bsleraoa Machinery Co,. 182-4-6. Morrlsoa at. - , SHEFFIELD marina englaes. . Any propeller. Fslrbsnks, Mors t Co glrst snd Stark ata. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. solicits optJorten. Ity to quote price. 74 Sixth ox. Paclfl 466. HOTELS. Uullu rortiana, American pian. , so per aay. BELVEDERE; Enropeaa plan; 4th aad Aldsr at. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITB, fir tnsurane. 844 Sber- lock bldg. W. I. PAOB, Inanrance; employers liability. snrety bonds, burglar and accident Insurance. . Phone Mala 82a. 204 FalUng bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD, empVryerB Msblllty and tn. , dividual accident security bonds of an klnda. Phone 47. 802 McKay bldg. jjATiib.u Anu,iniJuii9. ,. CHARLES LiMABTICK 4k CO., Front and Osh sts., leather and aklna of every description for all purpose; sua ' and . tap cutter: LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for sale AM kind, loemdmg approved forest reeerve scrip-for surveyed, an : (nrveyad. timber and prairie government land.' ' H. M. Hamilton; "Th Portland. Portland. MONEY" TO LOAN. v MM M OOOO . K v N , EEKEB , T-'-Jt N B 1 T MM O O NN M M M M O M ' M . M O O N N N B TX O N N N EES - XT O N N N . E T O N N N E " i ,'. T "', U M M O M O M OOOO N N.V EEEEB X SALARY LOANS ,-' ' ON PLAIN NOTES. $10. $20. $30, $40, $S0, $00, $70, $80, $1Q0 . Cheapest and best place to 1. BORROW MONEY. ' ' "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BERATE given If paid before due. Ever yth log strictly confidential. REMEMBER IF YOU WORK . WB WILL LOAN YOU MONEY. WHAT MORE COTTLD YOU ASKT 6TATB SECURITY CO. 704 Deknm Bldg. , . . Tth floor; take elevator. . HOURS: 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. And Saturdays till 8 p. m. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for building purpose, for from 8 to 10 years' tlm, wlih Drivileg to repay an or part of loan after two years. Loan approved from plana and money advanced aa building progresses; gages taken np and replaced. -. FRED H- STRONG, Financial Agent, 242 8tark st. ;.. OONFIDBKTIAb LOANS on salaries, msurane pollele, piano, furniture, werebonse receiP's. te. 1 any deserving person may secure a lib-, oral advene, reps y log bf saty weekly monthly Installments. - NEW ERA LOAN TRUST COMPANY. . . SOS Abingtoa bldg. MONEY loaned to aalarted people-Just on yoor own name; dan t borrow until yoa see me: my : yetem Is th beat for railroad men. clerks, bookkeeper, streetcar men and aU other em- Rloyee: bnsinea trlctly eonfldentlsL F. A. ewton, nil Baehanaa Mng., Washington it between Fourth and Fifth. - .. MONEY -ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE d .1 others apoa tbelr own aam without secur ity; cheapest rate, easiest payments: office In 00 principal cities: save yourself tooner , bv getting onr term first. .11'. ; ' T0LMAN. 828 Abingtoa bldg., t Third at WANTED Note, mortgage or contracts oa any kind of real ester la Oregon end Wash K for ton: second ntorfgages pnrehaaed ' secured. H. B. Noble. 812 Commercial blk. DON'T toe sewT e. . svitll yoa sse . t . Button Credit Co : V . V, B18 Dknm' bldg, -!.J:. W-; MONEY to toaa:- large ton epeiryi building loans: toweat retell fir Insurance. WUltom- O.-- Beck, 818 Falling bMg. . CRESCENT LOAN fXK. 428 Mohawk hljx Money to lend 00 oay-Pyment plan to wsf araers; etrietty eenfWeotlal. MORTGAGE tonne et.rorrent JJ"J, mission, - Colombia Life Treat Copa. , Lamber. Bxchang bldg. '.-V: -' MONEY to torn ea n "to of ertty. - llam Boll, room 8 Washmgto bldg. Wil- TO-LOAN-ftiins r t "It rjaebatttl awurlty. K A. Frsni. 814 tb Maranam. ...... - . Ar-.a- 1 - ,n aacorltle, S...W. Kti ;'. " 45 ; Washtagtoa M Main 6100. ON mortgage. 8200 1 6flOr cost paper. oi Ward. Iswrer. AHsky bldg. WILL toss .0Ol or lea oa real earate, 6 r emfcvFerrtngtoii. 818 Fmton bid. a LOAN for the asktnwSalsrr ec chattel. 1 Loan Co., 410 Debate bldg. EAST pavment len to salsrled peo l. nleves Utm Co., 71 Dekura bldg,, M .In r - - 1 in 1 , PRINTINQ. TUB MODERN pttl.M l,lt-rti. s sM Rosael M!g, kuutiU sod A. ... - panitic 11 -i- - .... Kti IHII.liM From -ir.-n'wrw t- N'eit- -. i I ' v I 01.!! Li " , -