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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1907)
TII2 OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, " SATURDAY EVENING, MAY U.V Mt 13 10 DAY'S My RKETS Shippers Should Remember There Is a Very Strict Law Against the Use of Fruit Boxes the Second Time Within State of Oregon. 20 CEKTS RISE i Refinery Company Advances AI Grades of Sugar That Sum During the Day. . Joney' market features) I ', !l -"' Sharp advance Id sugar. V JmiM atrawberrle lower.' i-'; " ear Meilcaa tomatoes la. M aiarktt weaker agala. ureamery batter etorags neavy. ' , Bootkem potato markets weak.' ' ' ' slurp Advano la Sugar. -a California Hawaiian Baflnery. today notified tlta trad of a vary aharp advano la ' Price of aU aradet of sugar, tbe advance J'' ,,fet thm tint tt,n -' rooming. ' This . "? l Ha with tha prediction mada In UU report aurlng tha paat 10 oaye. Tba eugar Markat la very firm ana nylng caatlouea on . ' tutt tba aaatera war- , - Holding very firm at advanced figure, tha past few days added to tha etrenirth , of eager oo tha Pacific coaat. Today'a advance ? V "it af tha heavy purcbaeea mada lately "T isjanere au over tba eoaet. Tha can tf7easoa will epea la a few dare la Call lornia aad thla In ltal la mnttM,t ohm sur suce u rwing rig-urea. ' V-' ':.. Con bis ftulea Witt Zroa KaaaV. . It tha eaat tha sugar traat la aaid to U bla to dictate price Juat aa oaally j befor the lata comaotlo regarding troate. Advlcee froB New York City- quota a A. Bpreekele aa aylng that tha aaw $10,000,000 Federal Sugar - company, Incorporated at Albany, will take ver tha atock of tba preaent holding and opcr , ttlDg eompanlea, wulcb will., eliminate tha sereealty of paying taxes la two eta tea aad keeping two sets of booke. bealdaa being eco- nonucai in saiartee. it la stated that aa change la tha management la contemplated.- Tha Incorporation of tha big federal eoaipany la aald by trade Interests to aieaa tha attempt , of tba big sngar combine to taka la everything ; la tha country. Roma time ago It waa etated by a tlta Francteco paper ' that - tba Waatera company waa practically owned by tha big com era., Thla waa later denied by Waatera orfl da !, bat the report bob np every few daya la trade drclee. It la agala repeated, and With the repetition of the romor tola time somes tha atury that tha big truat la likewise , trying to gobble ap tha California Hawaiian. .Thla, however, la denied by variooa htereata. Tba 1 California Hawaiian So gar aompaay baa been In control of ' tha angar altnatkm of tba Peclilc eoaet stac it begaa baalneaa aa- ,ral yeara ago. , Being owned by tba ownera of practically M pec cent of tba angar p),ntn tlona of tb Bawallaa talanda It baa been- la - a poalttoa to dictate pticaa all along. . Whll Some attempt waa asada a year ago to freeae out tha new" concern, Ita fall atrength waa - ahown at that tine and tt baa had bat Uttw 'trouble with Ita rlraL Trade intereaU ekeely onnectad' with tha California Bawallaa are of tha opinion that tha company will remain with Ita. preaent ownereblp, for" tha laland 'plaatera do aot agala want to be nnder tba unmb of tha reflnera. Taay are aald to bare capital anfflcient to a Told any pHfaJla placed , their way. .. ';.. . Jobber, ftoote Twenty-Tire Casta Klaa. ('. While both reflnertce today only quota aa fedranca of gOe per 100 pounda In tha price of angar, Jobbera' quota tlona are advanced Sfle. Tha reaeoa for thla la that mat winter When the freight rata between thla city and Ban Franclaco waa ' advanced to Jobber, did not make tha advance ae waa expected. Thla waa made today, Today'a llat price tor dry grana- mted for all reflnerlaa U tberiora vb.tth. beet granulated IB.63H berry aagar ISJH'ti- t .---i leaala Strawbantea Are awattr wool, 2(5 $ 40c; medium wool, aacb kma wool. TSc0tl.OO each. TALLOW I'rlme, per lb, B(ff4c; No. and (ream, Z'R2c. -. . , . CUITT1U BAEK 6300 for ear loU; amall lota, 6c. HIIMI-Dry, No. I, 1 Iba and op, I7(f IHc per lb; dry kip, No. 1, 6 to 15 lba. It'll 1K-; dry calf. No. 1, under 6 Ilia, 20c i aalted bldea, ate.ra. aotiod. 60 lba and brer. 8tieV cowa, 8lBci !, and bulla, enand, 6'aTcj kip, IS to SO lba. act calf, aonnd, under IB lba, lie; greea, onaalted, la leae; cnlla, lc per lb leea borao faldee, aalted, eackr, fl.00Qa.00: arj, earn, ,1.0041 i.tK); colt nidee, xocouo: goat klna, comaion, each, 10'ill; Angora, aaou. KXVn.w; aheep aklna, Zic4i1.0O, fruita an4 Yegetablee. k POTATOES Bnrlna Drlca. eaatern Multno mah and CJackamaa, . eolect, l.W)jjll5i (ell- K uitj. wgmarf, jouuihk, ,i.ouvj J .00; eastern Oregon, l.Mfitl.W0; Vflnneaota. 11.75(82.00: aweeta. So ner Ui: new DoUtoea. be per lb. - ONION'S Jobblnc nrloa NO. 1 Oreaon. II. Tl C125;No. t, 11.00 l.2f; Texaa and Aoa Uallan, 4Ufo per lb; garlic. 6c per lb. Ai'i'LfCH fancy Hood Hirer, 2.fi0; fancy Willamette valley and aoutliara Oregon, fa.oO fJ2.9. ' KHK8H rBDITS Orangea. ew navel. 1 CS 70 Mediterranean aweeta. l2.25ift2.G0; tan. ferlnaa, 11.2a; bauanaa, Oc per lb; lemona, 4.00U8.25 Der bozi llmea. alealcan. 11.25 per tK); Dlnoannlea. l.OOfth.iO ner doe: crane trait. 18. I atrawberrlee, California. I1.50U 200 per crate of 16 boxea; Oregon, 3.00O3.A0 per craU Of 24 borea; cherrlea, 11.75 per 10-lb bog. - VKOICTAHLKS Xurnlpa. new. DOctm aackt ear rota. 7fic(iitl.00 ner eacki beeta. 11.76 oer aack; paranlpa, 1.0fl4tl.23; cabbage, $3; toma toee, Mexican. I1.76(ir2.00: Florida. 14.60: oar- oil, fioccalli atrlag beana, 18a lb; cauliflower, i.j'aj.oo aoai Beaa, He8c; aoreeradlan, M per Ibj artichoke, e6075e per doe; Hubbard LOSSES llllEf E ullEAT III GOLDFIELDS OVER 3 HIGHER Forced Liquidation Responsible Chicago Adds Another Sharp Ad- CIVIL CASES ARE J SET FOR .iOIIDAV ' ' ' 111 , for Lower Range of Values : In San Francisco, v vance to the PriceLocal Market Firmer. Trial Docket Contains Twenty ' Actions to Be Tried Before k - Judge Wolerton. ? ,., aMaaBtaajaaaBBaBaBaWaaBBBaaaaBBggp ''?'. . V7- - - , - v,-r". ', CRIMINAL CASES ARE ' ' TO BE HEARD LATER Sandatorm . ,01 Columbia Mt.... .02 jumno Hxt... w. . .12 vernal ......... .02 Kendall .01 Booth .07 - Vine Bull ...... .01 Silver Pick .... A3 Klue Bell ...... 1)2 at. Ivee ' .071 Coaqnerne 01 O. Bend Xxt... ..01 Kewanoa ...,.... 14 Red Hill ...... '.Of Gold Cob .40 OOLDflELTl LOSSES, Lena a tar . rouatca, ....... Oro .............. Atlanta Great Empire Florence ....,,. 0. B. B. Ooa... O. Delay La (run a .i nomb. fract..... Cracker Jack ... Loo Dllloa ...... Grandma ....... Irlangla ........ . .01 ,V3 ..OS . .04 J09 .08 12V4 .01 .00 .13 .01 M .01 .01 e4444grw4444a444 . e .. Enormoua g-aina are anown in e e tha Chicago and other Wheat markeu today. In Chicago to- 4 dajrs aeaaton was th moat "en-. q 4 aatlonaJ of tha year.. Tha prlca e 4 oloaad to 1 cent advance 4 4 t over yea tar day. Damage newa -e 4 contlnuea the principal feature. i Federal Prosecutor Are $oo Busy With Grand Jury and Government Business to Arrange Court BlAtters ai tha Present Time. , , GOLDriKLD OAIMS. - Sandatorm Eat..$ jOI Iktayaa ..........$ .01 , The alight, advance that Nevada atock re equaeb, 6o per lb; cranbarrlea, l6.0Oi8ill.O0 1 eantly ahowed baa all been awept away and Uar July Bpt we CHKUOO WHBAT TALt'ES May 11. May 10. Oaln. .88(4 .86)4 per barrel: anronta. I i ner lb: aenaraena. lo12Hcj rhubarb, 1HQM per lb: greea onlona. loe goa; riorioa ball peppera, goe per in; apm acn, 1.28 nr boi; bead lettaoe, 40c doat bet-1 kouaa. 81.762.00 boat enonmben. lliXlfill.M doa; radlabea, lse 4o baachea; eggplant, . Wft.1 DRIED rECITS-Apple.,' evaporated, HO Te pea. lb; aprlcota. lSUi20e oer lb: Deachaa. 124lSHc per lb; aacka. Ha P lb leea: pranea, 80 to 40, 63c; H drop on each 1-10 amallar alae; flea, California black, Ho per lb; tba market bow abowa a lower rang at valoae tha a ever. Tbe la teat toaaea are doe to the forced liquidation eaueed by cootlaoed calling X bank Joaaa. ;y. . . 4- Official bid price by Overteck, Starr uooae eompajiyr OOLDnELD DI8TBICT. "! a 88 -A ISO. 08 8 ,88H 0i ' . .81 W OS .19 DU ..... Tha trial docket of civil cases In tha United State circuit court will be set Monday morning at 10 o'clock by Judge Charles It Wolverton. Criminal will not b at Monday, becaua United Bute Attorney W, C Brlatol and At slaUutt UnlUd 8Ute Attorney James Cols are not ready at present, owing to th pralng duUe they have with th federal grand Jury and other govern ment bualncaa. ... i . ,-, Included In tha civil llat are eaao of Si.0"., VM7?? l0lS W-2? ".ll,d1. ,?"1'? market eloalng over Be up. Tbe eloae In moat California white, ea8e tr lb: 'datee. goldeoJ Sl.i ' . ui'.'.l' 17J laetaacee waa at tbe blgh polate tor tbe day, farda, Il.40tJl.flO per lb box, I B2Cl B0t Bnn 84e, Adama lBo, Silver Pick See, Tber waa no change today la tbe local wheat I aJl n.ntin. iik.i -i- a. or floor aituatloo. lba email artUero wbo ad - .'Z Th... 7 .a "..T. i . i vance tbeU auoutiona 10 to Ua yeetarday are cases. Thar are 20 caaes In ail, aot aelllnaT aiucb floor, one of tbelr retire-1 M follows: : . aenUUvea aaaortlnf that thla waa tba Intention I Mary Raes at ll tl. Jacob Kamml of bla ail 11 aa It baa already eold mora floor I n.,n,. vMn... bi.... u...,e... than It aaa wheat to grind. Taloaa, however, I V,t n i . V !h -. , ,Vw -. are very firm. I turing company; Ol Ola ted vs. Bunker Following tee aharp nee or yaeteraay, Oil- I oc ouuimb uining a ioaceniraiing company: AiDert uuentnai t ai. . J. R, Cartwrlght; Lum Dong, doing fvMmmHMMHvHHvMHvvttvM t 1 5 ; i Jlome Jonds Home Stocls. From the double standpoint of safety and income, I strongly advise the purchase of HOME TELE PHONE BONDS.u Around present prices, $S7.f0 to $90.00, these bonds net 6 per cent to investors; If you want to speculate and double your money, within eighteen - months and secure a permanent -dividend-payer, buv ,s the HOME , TELEPHONE STOCK J it will sell around $80.00 within the time mentioned. Watch the new Home Telephone Di- rectory grow and these securities advance, v ' LOUIS J. WILDE Home Bonds, Home Stock J ' 5 Lafayette Building j i Portland, Oregon tf.60 per box , Orooerlaa, Suta, Eta, 8TT01.n California a, '' n mu. f v : aiar. s eonr. m. r ' -it . - - ' - , 1 mm r . I. U.I2U1 tnl.l.n CI. U lJti!!"' NeV.. Boy lie. B. B. Bit. 10a. Blna Bell lac. ft Hawaiian-Cube, "i""u.?".,?lD? T.1 Official Chicago prleea by Overbed, Starr A uooae company: - WBKAT. " :', ' : - Open. . . High. ... tew. . . .a ... . - a m w .... mi . ph. mi 4.0Z44: coiden o. I3.12U! 1 zyf ' - 1 tui - aaiz 01 .. . . ' '- T . f . ' I I.M. . Hm II. rmnlM , 'IA w-ul I'M. ,l ........... ' - .75. Pw !'" I.".. . i r riare. "iilB "Blam"'!!. CcX sSi 'P nni.irjuin. 1 mwimiw 1. ..1 111.. 1 . - translated. I5.72H; extra B dry grannlatel, 5.5im; P. O raocu. o.4ii: . eooreotlonera' i5.42W! St. ,85.Mm extra 0,18.03: golden 0. 84.92V4: D yellow. granouted, 8S.4ZH; barrel, 10c; JCJ boxea, 00a advance ea aack 4.ea beet ban barrela, baala. , . , (Above DTlcaa are SO dara aat eaab snot. tlona.) , - .. I10NET 13.60 per crate. ' ' " ' v COFFEB r-ackido bra ode. I1B.88918.6SW' SALT Ooerae Halt oonnd. 100a. 811.00 ner wni-ove, fit.w; lama, oairy, ova, miaMQi iwit I ibc. coo. Vlrrl f'! I5l b lea, 12 00; Imported Liverpool, oOa. I Norcroaa 47c. Tallow Jaoket 8, Belcher 84c, $18.00; 100a. tnM; 224a,ml6.00; extra fine. Sierra Wot. 80c, Bxcbequer 450 aaked. Onto lunia roca. axu.ou nor ion a, bu-id net. aii.ou: 100a. IO.ft. . " A t ... (Above pricee apply to ealee of leea than Delay 01.47U. La anna II aaked. Common. I wealth MV rVunh. fr.-t. S TR. Or. fienit Ext. I 16c, Or. Bend Aaa. 18a aaked, Mlllatorn 4eMr aaked, B. B. Bonanza Oc, Kewanoa Ole, Port-1 Inly Uod tSo, Cracker , jack lc, grancta Uobawk I Bpt 5c. Hod HU1 48e. Mobawk Ext. inc. u un ion 10c, Y. Tiger lie, Grandma. 18c, S. Pick I May Kit. Be aaked, tt Boa Oe. OoL Mt. Ext. Sc. July Ooldf, Cona. 06.87U, Blaa'f. TrUngle SSe. . IBept OOMSTOCK PISTBIOT. Ophlr $3 .05, Mexican- SJe, Ooold ft COBN. boh 81 H 80 0 01 50' 60 61 H , 00' ,, , .-.j . ' OATS. . , 4&k 48 .. 48tt 4ftV 44 ',; 43 88K 87 86 ' Cloaa. 884 81 oi; oo I .' HI' 48 S7A Cnrrr 16c. Con. Virginia Tfto, Savage 02, Hal ft car lota. Car Iota at Dedal pricee anbiect to uucmanona. BICE lmoerlal Jaoan. No. I. . ; Ifo. f. 8Hl New Orleaaa, bead, 7c; AJax. 0c Creole, hEANS man ' whlta. gTftf); lam white. 08.36; pink. 0SJ; bayon, 03.75; Lima,' 0nc; Mexican rede, 4. .- n -.. r. N UTS Pea note. Inmbo. OUi, oer lh! Vir ginia, io per in; rooatea, aue par id: Japa nese, 6(ftsii,e: roaatad, T7He per lb; cocoa- BTnxrBOO DI8TBICT. - 'Original 14c. Built. If. O. lac, Mont, Bnllf. sapg .. 5e, . fVat. Bank 23, L. Harrla sc, Amathyet I . r - : . MK8S PORK. May .........1V) I3 16(10 1 nly ....... ,.10 1730 1810 Bept ..1677 : 1700 1670 LABD. May ......... 028 038 . Old July ......... 837 940 037 ,' TMO 8S3 -t 40 i v, muimKirm , . . izrtwji bin. cnc, QUHi of lvc DWuu .V. vi M Ann AM ' Anx. 10c, Bonnie Clara 45 aakei,' Mayf. Cona. f' " J , . f 41e, Monty, Ohio Ext 10e. O. Seeptr 1, I ' om 2m ' aia Monty, Mt. 17o, B. Balay 10c, Homeotake Cona, j vac, lanaee wm oc .nuggex, oc rauiy Huai..,.,,: - . 7C. Victor 780, Buaeet be, . I UTXKTOOIi wSJlOI AUUT, Mnnt. Ton. 8S.8B. ' Too. Krt. ' SMB. Mao. I ' UTrP00'. f 11. Offlrfat prleea! w.... o. . ail-., ai an t. ii.tMn. a I . WHEAT. Ton. No. Star Sfl. Ohio Ton. 4a. Weet IBnel I v: "May 11.; , May 10. ' , Oaln. 163 1703 1700 82S 9.17 MT ns . 830 w ii Bute, 8690e per doa; walnuta, California, lflelCona. 1.024, Heecne 17e, Ton. ft CaL 10s, I May ........... .6a 04d per lb; rreneb, loo per lb; pin nata, 1416e I Golden Anchor J4c, Jim Botler 07c Ton. Caak July ........... ..6a Td per lb; blrkory ante, lOe per lb; cbeetante, I Boy lOe aaked. Ton. Home 10c aaked, Boat. I Sept ............. .6 SUA eaatern, 16Q16 per lb; BraatI not. 18e per lb: fllberta, 16e per lb; fancy pecan,' 18020c; almenda, 191(31 Me. ,t - . . - . . .. ..";'".."' Meat, Flak, ant ProvlaUna. : . rHKSIt MEATS Front Street Hogg, fancy, OHftiBe per lb; veal, extra, 889o per ibi ordinary, 7e per lb; poor, 6c per lb; mutton, fancy, B9 per lb; aprlng Iambi, 12U14C, with peua. per id.'. ,...,.- .... HAMS, BACON, ETO-Portland peek (local) hania, 10 to 10 ilia, 16Ue per lb! 14 to 16 It. UHa.per lb; 18 to SO lba, loci' breakfaat bacon, IB HU 23o. par Tb; plcalea, 12o per lb Ton. 12e. Monarch Pitta. Ex. lie. Mont. Mid. Ext- 7c, uoiaea uowa uc n, I. xoa. imia. toe aatea. ' - - ' MAKHATTA" DISTBICT. ManH. Con. 6W giked. Man It. M." Co. So. Q. Wedge Ae, Seyler Hump. c, Dexter 12e, I u. Jo ac. creeeent so aaked. Combination 4a. 1 uranny iwe, Moatang sue, cowboy---, una Mann, loe, Kroncno lie, pinanat He, ao, o, vof as aaxeo, I. tiora a. VABIOCS DISTBIOTB. COBN.- Jaly .....4a 7H4 Sept ... 4a 7 lid May 10. (. 6a 8d ,T d 0 814d business under tb firm nam of Kung Wing ft company, va. Sanborn Cutting company; William Re Jr. at ai. . & B. Barker; C" H.' Braaohke vs. Paclflo Coast Lumber ft Furniture Manufacturing- company; Eaatern Oregon' Land company vs. Thomas J. Broanaa t al.t Eaatern Oregon Land company vs. C J. Simpson: Richard Maurettaa vs. Mau- rle Kllngar; lAurlen Peaa vs. fit Paul Fir ft Marin Insurance Company ; , J. T. Williams vs. W. W. Brown; . Con tracting Engineiing company va. Star Sand company; . Willi E. Potter vs. Ne vada Northern Railway company' E. E. Phllpot vs. Willis Van Horn; W., P. Edlna-ton va. the Pullman company: Andrew Carlson va. San " Franclaco Brldg company; Elisabeth Heine, ad ministratrix, vs. American Typ Foun ders company; Wong Kim, administra tor, va. Portland Railway company; Bertha Strang vs. American Can com FIRE FI6HTER FINDS FIRE WATER EXPENSIVE 4a 7 tut Driver of Hose Company Fined and May Be Dismissed for Drunkenness. CBuKa& Oa acconnt of tb. ; rlvU la tt. annthef SSmrMr- liT pi lb. clear backe, anamoked, 12c; amoked, lite per lb tTnloa botta, 10 a 13 On, anamoked, so per -lb; amoked. Be per lb; clear beUiea, an amoked, UMjo per lb: amoked, 134o per lb; ehouldera, 1 13 m per lb; pickled toogoea, 60c each. : , . ..... -: LOCAL LABD Kettle leaf. ' 10a. 18 Its ner lb; 6a, 13He per lb; 60-lb tlna, 12c per lb; CANNED SALMON Colombia river. 1-lb talla. I1.WJ; S-lb telle, 83.7B; faacy l ib flata, 0190; heavy enppUea of Jeeale atrawbeniee, there baa leea a notable decline la tbat value both bare tend In. California. Tbe California train 'waa vary late today and tbe berrlea did not arrive nntll very late. Jeeale'e were being quoted ; by tba trade at 1.4S per crate, but aome aalea war made under tbla figure oa account of tbe rhteneea of arrival. . Dollar berrlea remain la 'very abort anpply and tb price baa not bee changed. Tbey are atlll qnoted at 13 a crate of is boxea.: Oregon are u amau aappiy owing to tb ralna. Several car of fralta and pfodnc were ex- isected la flaring tb day from eoutnera poinu .' Tha aecond ear of Mexican tomatnea arrived hi tbla morning la good abape. Price lower St $1.78 end $2 per cyte. W .;' T"i ' Srlef Vote of the Trade, Rgg are lower again with heavier arrival. 'Price oa a treat rolea between 18c and,i8Vie. Bale at both flgaree, ; Poultry market holding It own at the receat .decline. -1 - . '. Storage operation In the batter market are I abad, oc per lb; ana roe. ise per lb. lot vmxo statu qotzwmxxt bosds. I Mew Tork. May 11. Oowraxaont bonda: -.- i- Data. -.Bid.- Aaked. Twoa, reel' tared .......... im 1M1 rafrv.' Silver King 85c aaked, -TalrV. rle LT.lliU ' iSVa XrX 60c. Nevada BlUa X4.1IL No. Star Wonrir I Threoa, reglatared 191S lo II TK Ravlit'ai Naa la mmA B,,h XJ7 I 08 00000 JH18 Hit ex. v.. ii ri- . ik. ...J .,7 I Three, amall bond .......191 103 J: ' r . - -" a "U-1 r,tmtrmA ... 10' 1'XllL var reas c. ., . . I'v:""-" tsw vvu .) J"v Avryrl PruiM axacrlatraafaait mAA ItaAT 1(11 U 0BtUUn BANK TAtEaTJarT. . I do coniwnT. 1007 JOlC - I Fonra, I'hlllpplnoa .......... 191 309i4 Clearlnga today .$1, 230.J27.RO I Twoa, Panama, reglatared. ' 104 -do year ago.. , 1000, 769. 73 I . do coupon .... 104 1.T0U 180)4 vrt 102 ins' 106 v arv ' t aw-i iiuai fw 4L t I ' . . - . , 1 . - M , I ateam rendered, 10a. 12(4 per lb; Sa, 13a I - iJri'l .........f I . ner Ibr eomooond. 10a. 9Ae ner lb. 1 Balance, today 167,840.68 BOSTOB COPPEX atA&XET. do year ago-x-va!' 100,874.49 4-lb fancr fUta. 81.1S: faacr l ib ovale. 12.78: Aiaaxa una, pinx, boqvuc- red, gi.oot aomlnal, xa. rail, ax.w. Boeten, May 1L Official bid price; Ad- venture 18.60, Allouea (60.00, Arcadian 16.60. As th penalty for becomlna; Intoxi cated, and dlagraclng; hlmielf yesterday afternoon. David Wood, driver of Hon Corhpany No. 1. wa fined 1 20 In tb police court "this morning-, and It Is understood that Chief Campbell Intends to dismiss him from th fir depart ment It was Wood's regular day off yester day,,' and h proceeded to load up on "firewater.". In the course of his travels Wood visited a moving; picture show on Sixth street, and despite th entertain ment offered fell asleep, , The proprietor aroused tho fireman and requested him MM 1 Am Never in Doubt X am nvr in doubt as to what th results from my treatment will bo. Day after day for- sixteen years I hav been curing caa after caa of th several dlaeaaea peculiar to men. No caa come to m now. th Uk of which I hav not treated score of time In th paat, and I can 1 wava aav definitely whether I will be abl to effect a permanent cur.' I naver hold out fala hop or male promises that I cannot fulfill, and you can - rely absolutely upon any encouragement I may bs abl to offer you. If I promia you a cure, a cur will follow. - "Weakness tt NEW YORK-TOCK'M t,8,B ?.!! .W to leav0 h Plac whereupon Wood In- - .j w - v - w p vvwm mm m . -mmm, m a l,jni.sjBn tl fOV.VU. l-'Up. IV SUB; 9 flD.afa, XUmm.4, 4 AA ITHnBrllM s)14t KA ant..a.l. BOH. AT VV vjw I, W AT ax i i a. aaa ayau.w, ai"un w aa rJi.'n, ma.4 J-Ia til An Srw-t mH. I m fan ea m tgr ' afl A. S I 1 -'auS VIIU.' fj w 1'Wl 1 U AUt.(,BJ fDV.aal V uuwuaaru ireau ni values vvnum I Dominion 804.2o, Oaceula 1140.00, Parrot 8ZI.B0, rnoenix, uuincey ftzs.ou. itoyai ii.oo, riSH Rock cod. To per lbs flonndera. So per it., l . i , . - l. . &j a i ,a i. . I o, uaiiwuw ie iu, airivu va., ISQ pvr xuj I catfiHh, loe, per in; aaimon, rreab Columbia Chinook, lOo per lb; ateelbeada, 8c per lb; her ring, be per ibi aolea, 6c per lb; ahrtmpa, 10c per lb; perch, 0c per lb; black cod, 7c per lb; tom cod. 7c ner lb: lobetere. 18e per lb: freab mackerel, 8e per lb; crawflab, 20e per doa; irtur- I The character of tha financiering of tb BarrJ- I Arlaona aeon. lOo per lb: black baaa. 20c Der lb: Colum bia river amelt, 6c per lb; ahad. 8c per lb; roe I - tied During Week. I I Banta T $S.12Vi. Rbanntin $17-75. Tamarack ' . . . . 1 8110.00, Trinity fzx.tiu. unitea cop. fei.oo. New Tork. May 11-Numerooa feature have I tub 168.00, Victoria 1S.T5. Winona 18.00, Wol worked for declining prleea la tb. paat week. I verlne $164.00, Butte Coola, $27.00, CaL A very beavy- One Front atreet firm received rder yeaterday for 3.000 pounda and waa compelled to torn down ordera tor a like amount becauaa the creamery aald it bad al ready overaold piore than the aurplne product tt expected to gather. , price tuererota very firm. . , v Ad vice received in thla City todafatale tbat th Ban rraDCtaco potato market la very weak for aatera atock, but that Oregon, are Jovt sold tag tbelr own. ., Tb trade paya the following price to Front atreet. Price paid ablpper are, leae regular commueloni: V:'!l-t . . Orala, Flour aad reed. QBA1N BAGS Calcutta, 9c, large lota; amall iota, jue,-vVf--,!v " .-?;'.'" '..-..:'..,... .. WHEAT Club,' 78c! red Kuaalan, 75c;Nb atem. uo; valley, 77 fd (sc. UUilN ton; I wew reea, 2i.wnxzz.uu pel 123.00(334.00; brewing, $23.00023. ei.DO per cm, - - r New Producer price No. 1 white. I2R.0029.00 per ton; -gray. $27.6028.00. p FLOUR Km tern Oregon patenta, - $4.30; strelgbta, $3.75t : export,,. $3.nn3.88; fTlley OYSTERS Shoalwater bay, per gallon, $2.80; per 100-ib aact, S4.00; Oirmpia, per, gallon, $2.28; per 11Mb aack, $5.50(86.25; Icagle, canned. 10c can, $7.00 do. CLAMS Hardabell. per box. 8X40: rator curna, 3.uu per dox, iuo per oox. rainta. Coal Oil, Zto. BOPB Pur Manila, ISta.t atandard. 18 He: alaal, lie. . - COAL OIL -Pearl or Aatral Caaea, 19 He per rai: water woiie, iron dow, ie .per xai: wooden, 170 per gal; headlight, 170 deg., caaea, BI. man linea waa a Oapreaelng feature. Official quotation by , Over beck, Starr Oooka company: , . $.821k. $171.00, Mppeaalnf $13.00, Apex 1 - BTW TOBX OOTTOS" MABEET, . DKSCBIPTIOJt. Copi and., per Anialganiated Am. Car A fon do preferred. Am. Obttofl Oil, com... Am, ' Locomotive, com. ah. ctugar, com lied, ner uA,Nilrptrd;.'i Z4H fi-T-Wtw : .BEZlNlD-rde,, caaea, 25e per gal; Iron L lnV 'rA"!! na. 3c per gau . , , , i im mjJ,Um 7ZnT TURPBNTINK-Ia caaes, 96eW gal; wooden KSli0?,0'' hhla OHk ner aral. ; . , Oc; valley, ' 77(3780, v ..'I 7 WU1TB i-EAD Ton Iota, 7C per lb: BOO Ib o vla.;,,.j, l-Wbole, $25.00: cracked. $26.00 Per I "I1 r IbTleaa lata. 8W neTlb " Bs'tl,no 0 -.' ' A-'Mimim''-- ' I ' WIRE NAII.8 Preaent baala at $2.95, - nkit. rTIm 4v7. i?J!I?aTtti2.l-- OIL-Pur. raw. la 8-bbl.lota, 80c; f&SJ'Z blue .0O. 13.8OA.90, graham, fee, $3.00; wbol -wheat, j 04.10, rya, o"B, rw.w, twiea, . e,o. ": MILLS TTJKKS Bran. , 817.00 . Der tout niM. dlmga, $25.00; khorta, conatry, $20.50; ? elty, J $19.50; chop $18.00r2i.00 , . ' HAY Producera' price Timothy, Willamette valley, rancy. fia.uucsio.ii; ordinary, 112.000 14.001 eaatern Oregon.' 630.00tit31.0O: mire. $10.0flQ10.50; clover, $8.50(88.00) grant, $8.00 Bv vw. uei. eo.. ... . ,., .v,.,-, ;A .. . , v: : Butter, Egg and Poultry. J ' r BOTTJEB -TAT-jf..,-, oil-i Jortland-Oweet .1 awr.a.aaM ai.aiaa 1 (La .! , ,7r.- ' - . r - - I BUTTER-Uctty' creamery 22c; tleconda, Set anraine Jan?, buc, ,. avonuaa, nunc; ator. Tranelt. ib a-uui mum, vwi r, - ' 1-bbl lota, 63c; -caaea, 58c per gal; genuine Cen Leath kettle boiled, caaea, 60c per gal: g-6bl lota. 64e; TJaHS ' 1-bbl let.,, ano per gai; grouna caxe, car iota, $20.00 par; ton; tea. than ear lota, $30.00 per ton..-., A : -'vV i 'X ' mmmm 50ICENTSABAIH TODAY do Drotorrod... .CM., O. W., com;... vol., hu. mt. Paul., Chi. N. W. com..., Cbeaapeak Ohio,,;. Colo. Fuel Iron, com'. Cola Southern, coat.,.' do 2d preferred...,, do lot, preferred. ..., Delaware Hudeon... Denver B. Q com., do preferred.,. , w. - UflVf COW. . ....... ,... do 2d preferred. j . uu prvivrreu...... iiunoia uentrai Portland Onion ' Btockyard. May i 11. Llvo-1 Loulavllle Naahvlll.. .twk. recolptai .4'., " T'aT'l Manhattan 'Bailway.-J;fc'i' b. - . . I jA-rB MVUi i; 1 1 r f i n . , ? v ,- --T?i 1 ft WW!.!', wm agro ..e.o.. w-x i: v yrit;'- i;X I prererrta.. I i - . ,. lVi . . t TIM i ' SXrin I rj-a.m . . p T ijnabonr-flowwr uii crraoi. AiaiLsi. ina wwr irt' I D...irtn. wnao . . . .-.-- in my x.wu I iu.a vt i. Yomia America. IT oer lh. . -I.. ,. . .T" I - V.Ukt lilm. m uT. i U"" '( " 1M ,T;.r.-. r. . . : .... . .. i ,u " - 2 "-." f awierai emciier tuumn.- par -in; i price, vatuea tooay oeing quoieu ai ev-ui'taio-ou, ancy bene. 15c per lb; rooatera, old, 12c I Tbta la a kwa of 50e from yeaterday., No bog per lb; old ataga, 1212He per - lb; fryera, lor aheeo arrived but both markete ara-a fral. . H 9 I . AA.tBW wt.K a MHanffA In V. Ill a ' 1 ,1 . S4.WlBlu.uu per aot; oroiiera, fa.WijfS.OO pr oa; old duck, 130l4o per lb; aprlng duck a, I 1BC par id: geeaa, vtoiiuc per, id; turteya, 17c per lb for old; aquaba, $2.00 per dn; plgeona, 11.00 per dox. Dreened poultry' 1Q1M per lb SiBr, .. f - i (, Hope, Wool and Hide. HOPS l0A,c.rop -Prime t choice." 8e; mo tion eauler with no change In value. lie noraea raiue in. - - A rear .ao , todays Hog, cattle and aheep 25c off. j : 1 Official llvvatock prleea: lloga Boat eaatern On'gon, $77.25; atock. era and feedera, $7.00; China fata. $7.00. ' r.ttl Iteat , eaatern Oreaon ateera.' SS.OOaa Olum to prime, 6M7c; medium, 66Vic; oon-52fl; beet cowa aad heifer. $4.0otjj4.2S; atock- iracta. 1907 crop. 10c, ... wnnrmfT elfn Vallm- 6reavn. 16ftiltc. " - H AI B New 190T 20fflZHC era and feedera. 84.004.2.'.: bulla. 82.50. 18020c: aaatera I Hteep Sheared mixed, $5.50; lamba, $9,003 r. .... Mlaaourl PaclflQ ..... National Lead New lork Central.... N. t., Ont. Waatera.. isorroir we com. do preferred ,. . North American Northern Pacific, com, Pacific Mall l. S. Co.. Peonaylvanla Railway.. P. O, L. C. Co,.... Preaaed Steel Car. com. do preferred,..,,..,. f do 3u prererre. do 'let preferred. 8HEEP8KIN8-8b.rlng, 15ft20 eacbt ajtort EASTERN HOGS Al UPy AGAIN I P- Iron A SteolT coml! t .., . .., . .:. ,1 ; , ;'.-t . ,:.: fe';,; ...'jf:-.,v&:.: .!.,.,. I '' do- preferred.-.. .iiuiiiiiuug uiivi j rniiu ' i tnicago nice is aatancea - $ive J i NOW PROMISED OREGON ' Cents Others ilold Steady: J J Special Dlapatch to The Jonrnal'., f ' Walla Walla, Wash., May 11. . A visit to the fruit and garden districts between Walla Walla and-Milton ehOwa th first re ports of heavy damage by frosts f ' wer greatly exagg-erated. Fruit :: 'men, with few exception, de - dare there, will be. a normal crop of almost all kinds of fruits. Th - f principal damage ; was- done to f-f orcharda on the state line , In . l :the Free water . and Milton , dls V - "trlcts th fruit crop will ba enor-- ; mous, ana produce men are get- tlna; ready for a volume of bual .' ness seldom known lh the his- v; tory of those districts. ,' Chicago,: May 11. -Llveatock receipt: V-?, .. . Hon. . Cattle. . Sheep. Chicago 7.tHT0 , l.oiK) 1,600 Kanaae City . . . ..... .6,000 0 . .; Omnha ............ ..6,000 200 ; - 8,000 Hoii -m-R. lilahpr with l.SOO left naer. nerelota a rear aao were 10.660rJ-Hlxel. IA..10 I Texaa Pacific... fe.j heavy. $.4o6.87Hj rough, $6.2388.88 rTc.l. St. L W pom.. light,- $6.80(86. OS.1- ,f!- ;.Vi,-v? v is;.,,;;-.s I'attie -oteaay. ' , ' , .'.".y.v-.a.v Bhoep Steady. ''"lytXSi" , vvl i . . ., at. u . r., 3d pra. -do lat preferred..... St. L. 8. com,..-. do preferred ........ Southern Pacific, com. do preferred . . . .... Southern Ry., com... v. do ure f erred. .... , . Tenneaaeo Coal Iron. SrVT TORK BAVK STATEMENT. New York, May Il.--Bauk sUtetneat: :--. ., . uecreane. Reaervo .......-...................$ 1.6A.V6O0 Lem C. 8. 1.109.900 Loane ,, ; .t .... ,. ..,., .... V. -.; 14,f.l't0 I Virgin Li-KtiU ... ,. .,Vv. .. ."-vm.v' 1.9H3.l(0 I ttmiKlll i ,. 16, 1S(),N00 Circulation ......... 61,200 do TrffTd. . . , Union Pacific, com. do preferred.,,,..... V. S. Rubber,- pfd,..w. P. 8. Steel Co., com,,., do preferred....)....., Wabaan, com . . . do preferred........,, Weatera Union Tel...,., Wia. Central, ,oota. ..... oo prarerrea .......... , ila Chemical ...... 9Tff 179 xs 80 61 U. 124 I8V4 107 8. 915. I24U 138 68 I 68 18314 23 88 I 85 . Open. January 1088 feDruary .... ... Marcb .......1087 May JOftg June ........ 1069 July 1075 August - .... ..! September . ,.ioou October .....100$ November . . .. December ....1073 ntrt. 108$ losi 1074 1071 10T7 1053 1066 1070 Low. 1077 10R7 1066 10rt ; 1067 1048 1061 1064 1072- 1065 May M 10 1078 1079 1080 HlKO 10H5 10S5 1071 1006 '1071 10B7 . 1073 1070 1053 1050 1060 1050 lOAfl 1066 1068 1066 1087 1067 WHEELS CATCH CLOTHES 182 150 3 T3U 62 83 84U 11SV4 29 634 144 91 - 101 87 100(4 13? 182H 35 91 84H V3 10654 Ml, lis 0 53 Z 142 1WH 100 83 1614 I Peter Swan Frightfully Injured by Machinery . In ; Ports- ; -l mouth Sawmill,', Peter Swan, foreman of the1 Ports i mouth Sawmill company, - was terribly injured yesterday afternoon by becoming trtarjsled In some machinery in th plant and now lies at HL Vlnoent's hoe I pital in a precarious condition. Swan's left arm was so badly crushed that am putation waa .necessary, . the operation being performed by Pr. Byron E. Miller last night. Th unrortunat man also suffered a compound fracture of the left olarlcl and poaslbl internal Injuries. Whll woritina about on of th ma- ehtnes tn the mill, Swan's clothing: lit som manner caught in the rapidly re volving; wheels. -; Before th machinery eould be stopped the foreman's left arm was horribly lacerated. 1 - H RECEPTION IN HONOR r , , OF MISS WILSON A . reception will b given, at th Young; Women's Christian - Association rooms Wednesday evening by the mem bers of th state and city associations In honor of Miss Elizabeth Wilson, on of the mqit prominent and honored-' of the national secretaries. Miss Wilson will address the guests and prospective 20 U 1 secretaries will b given opportunity to 86 A laoeak to her about th work. - " - Tomorrow, Iher will be th uuI at horn In the afternoon, for women. Miss MacCorkl will speak and there will be a violin duet by Ml Sue Larabe and Mia Louise Howland and a song by Miss totamslanajjv. ' -y...- Tutal aalea for tbe day, 207,800 abarea. . Bloral Wave Hits the Right , Spot. v - Special Dlapatch' to The Journal.) '.Aberdeen, Wash., May 11. -The polio mad a raid oa th restricted district last night and even men who hav I been living on the. wage Of their eom-, dulged In a tirade of abuse. Patrolman Barter was called, and after a fierce struggle with th belligerent fir 'fighter managed to manacl his prisoner. In th polica court this morning wood entered a plea of guilty,: and Judge Cameron, after hearing 1 th details of th affair, Imposed a fine of $20. i ""-" imm ii ii GIVES HIMSELF UP UPON LEARNING OF WARRANT TT Ttcav i tfihlatman fAt-mawItt am. Ja 4 - wa wa . mm b awva viuhh avtiuww Vlll ployed by Frailer & McLean, aurren- dered himself to the police yesterday afternoon upon learning that a warrant had been issued for his arrest on a charge of assault and battery. Porter waa released on ball In th pollc court this morning and th caa continued until May 14 for trial. tt, is' alleged that Porter, believing that R. K. MoPheraon, aged 88 years. had been instrumental In causing him to lose his position, Jam in wait for tb old man -at Fourth .-and -- Taylor' streets, Thursday night, and struck him on tb head with a scantling, McPherson sus tained an extensive .lacerated wound of th scalp ' and ! was rendered senseless from th blow. -Bystanders found Mc Pherson lying In a pool of blood and took bird to a nearby surgeon for treat ment ' , LA BARGE IS SAVED , FROM SERVING TIME "'V:-.'Va , a 1 ' ' r'!;':ti.,,'?f J Judge CI eland lntn circuit court yes terday afternoon - revoked th order by which -it waa declared that -Bert La Barge had broken his parole, thus sav ing La Barge from serving th peni tentiary sentence which hangs over him. La Barge was sentenced to an Indeter minate period In th penitentiary ; v on April 1$ and th parole was given .with th understanding that he was to go to work at Boring. Instead of doing this La Barge secured employment with a firm in this city, and when th facts became known he was arrested. After Judge Cleland decided that La Barge had broken bis parol and should be punished. Sheriff Stevens Interceded for the boy and It waa agreed that ' th parol snouid continua, - LA GRANDE'S ARTESIAN .FLOW IS STRONGER ' ' (Special Dlapatcb ' to The JosrnaL) La. Orand. Or, May 11. -Th flow from the artesian basin struck at a depth of 849 fees by Contractors Miller & West has increased to 824,000 gallons per day. This -Is tha well projected by tho O. R. & N. company for the purpose of securing a supply-of water for th railroad yards. Th voium na -neen teadily increasing and It . is belivd I cur functional weakness In men. I know of no other physician cur ing this ailmnt Most doctors treat wrongly. They give stimulants and tonics. These things can't cure. "Weakness" Is a symptom of pros tatic disorder, and th ' treatment must be local. Thla Is a truth that I myself revealed. I hav perfected th only system of local treatment that cures "weakness." A few doc tors over th country claim to cur by th same method, but their treat ment, Is only an Imitation of th genuine "Joslen" method. Th gen uine Is her and Is administered by Its originator.. .Don't hop to find It lsewbr. -'. Specific Blood Poison No dangerous minerals to drrv th virus to th Interior, but harmless, blood clea islng remedies that re move th last poisonous taint. - MT TXM IB OSXT (My SaV T1TLOB, Th X.dlng socialist, I Never Guess Expertmct or tak chancea of any sort. : I attempt to cur only those diseases that 1 hav been curing for the past sixteen years, and I beltev I am juatinea in saying mat i aav learned aU txut them. War I lacking In knowledge pertaining to my specialty I would never hav at attalned - my present success, nor would I today be recognised a th leading pciallat treating men's dla easea. If afflicted, you can depend upon It that th service t offer you is th aervlca you need, and la servlc such as can b rendered by no other physician, if nr amy mrcoicpucATZo cakb Yon Pay wbed Cnred: ' ' My practice is the largest because z invariably ruimi my promises. Varicocele : TJndar my treatment th most sg gravated case of varicocele are cured in a few days time. There la no pain, and It 1 seldom necessary that th patient be detained from his occupation. Normal circulation Is at one restored throughout all the or gans, and th natural processes of wast and repair are again estab lished. If you ar afflicted with va ricocele, consult me at one. - De lay can but bring on ' aggravated conditions and nervous complications ana Involve th general health. Contracted Disorders In th treatment of disorders I of fer a servlc such as no other phy sician can render. The -remedies I mploy have a most thorough and positive action In cleansing the mem branes of all Infection and subduing all inflammation. My manner of ap plication Insures absolute thorough ness, and removes every possibility of relaps or a chronlo stage. My cures ar not only thorough, but ar accomplished In th briefest time posslbl. ' r VV. CONSULTATION FREE Offlc hours a. m. to S p. ml Evening T to l uadays 10 to X only ' Ue DOCTOR TAYLOR co. 2MYi Morrison St., Cor. Second ; Portland, Ore. DENIAL THAT DR. HAWK IS A TAILED T Story Arose From His Coin?; Forth to Straighten Out an 'V Affected Brother. , U will rise to i lvaUon desired. The Tpni I CV nFFICI&l -TO water Is hot so cool a surface springs, tr.Ui.UCi I UrriWtMl.O I U locreiao. : .' y; .jr-. i; jfew Terk-lenlea llvr.!"-;f:!:v1;'---Kew York, stay li-ila silvsr. ) Lr but l not warm oreven tDpld.Ttt Is clear' as crystal. V its main peculiarity Is a alight mineral tast which 1 up posed to b from sulphur.. A quantity has been shipped to Portland for analysis- . This project has been watched wifs imAKl.i intorost - hv the : aeneral panlons ar now In tb city Jail. , A publlo aa Veil as th raUroad company United Rallwaya, hav been ordered to numoer or tn asm una or, men took I and th actual realisation c arissiani appear wion mn jur 'th train out4 of town thla morning. water Is i Joyful vnt, .. ,ia tha trolley graft eas and (Special' Dlapatch to Tba Jooraai) Tha Dallas. Or.. May, Utr-Th dls- nateh from Bookan stating that. Dr, W.' F. Hawk, pastor of - a Mthodit church of that cMy. had bn xpeUed from th church temporarily or becaus he had "taken up -' Wlifl m , nioaara vn.iai which - unholds tht spiritual doctrine of speaking with tongu. hss1 been proved to be, incon-eci, ir. mi was formerly pastor of th Methodist .kh m The Dalies ana nas very many friends here who were greatly as tonished on reacung nw aioyatcu. - Rsv A. A. Luce,, th present pastor of the church in this city, called up on the telephone this morning Dr. Kimball, pastor of Vincent church In Spokane, and h emphatically denied th report anjjjronounced It 'ridiculous. ;fs i -It seems that Dr. Hawk, In company with others, went to th littl town of r.atah to "traighten out a minister who had become attracted toward the Tanaled , Tongue" and from this . th report started. Pr, Hawk Is known her a a man of cool temperament and venr conservative In his religious opin ions and on who would b th last to fallow any form of fanaticism. . , TALK TO GRAND JURORS A - . (Joarnal Special Service.) Ban Francisco. May 11. William M. Abbott, assistant general counsel. And George Williout, secretary of the Francis and McDermitt, tha-stenograph-ra, must : answer -certain : Questions along th same Una. , This waa the de cision of Judge Coffey yesterday after noon, but was modified by the state ment Of th court that the order was without prejudlc as against the rights Of th witnes to us th statutory privileges and refuse to testify. r ,. On of th sensations yesterday was th statement of Heney that th dis trict attorney has no right to guaran tee immunity to anyone and: that th escrow agreement held over the hads of th supervisor Is without fore. Thl will mean probably th arrest of -th surtprvlsora If Heney' affidavit la, true. ELECTRIC CLOCKS WILL ' , TIME HOOD RIVER ; : fSpedal IMapatch to Tb JoornaLt X Hood Rlvr, Or May 11. Clocks In Hood River will tick in unison shortly. Ten ; business firms her hav give n order for electric timepieces to be op erated from th Lick observatory. Thoy ar th Butler Banking company, tu- Hood River Banking A Truat company, th First National , bank. O. Arth Clarke, - Frank A, Cram, th Waucoi" Mount Hood and Ramon hotels, lc. i Bragg ft Co. and Hall ft Esson. -P-v.-other firms ar also contemplating i installation of th electric clock NEW METHODIST CHUncil . TO RISE AT ADEHC:: (Speclaf Dispatch fc Tba Jnnra! Aberdeen, Maytll.-i-The Mei; . . t . ranlration her will oon rt la. present place of worship wl t i a , and modern church to cost t"". paranag will.:"be movol to t of "th lot and ths ehuf( rs i to wner tne parsoni?8 ruw t b uaed during tha time t lng of th new ehurri, -pectd will take atx-ut t new church wi!l cr, ;f , t hood Cf 125,600. " "'- You run n-'u--. t rad the -f JaurtAj, 11