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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1907)
m ' gJj ( -Vu'il iournAl Circulation: ; r-'.. ' Will XsSUS Of :'.,.":-.,;.. Tho Sunday Journal ' ,'r; .'; Comprises ,v ... 5 Sections 54 Pcnss Saw- .e -J'" L I lh . I J,.r W . "V -nw ' ie s ' 1 1 SJ . , - w W II V . I a BL. isksBa- aa r" I - i The Weather Sunday, rain- southerly winds. . VOL.' IV, NO. 9. ' tj -r n IPROSECUTIOM". ED, IMOLISIS III SSSISi Not a Caso of the" People, of : Idaho.4 Against . " Moyerand Hayvyood. but the Western Fed eration Against 'the World in the Eyes of Many Members. : ' : - 1 . By Hugh CNHL ' - (Huh 0'Ntll, special correspondent of Tho Denver Post and The.Portiana . Journal. Is an. Encllsta newspaper man and tnaalns writer who has been til America four years. He has traveled In - Boiith Africa, Australia, New Zealand and the south, seaa.) " Bolae. Idaho, May .ll.-l-Tnere'll be hell a poppln',; he a1d,:with the high crow f war In his voice, "Jf they find them men rullty, thre ll . be eil Bonnln. I tell you that" , . He was a ' mnbr. ef ' the Westert Federation of joiners; h was In "ood s Standing-;' he spoke with first claai " authority; X can vouch for all that, And . ha i said that If Moyer, reuiDone maa Ileywood were found'- ullty of aesaa slnatlns Steunenberit. or If any one of ;them was found uty, there-, would be -hell a iKippln'." It waa midnight In h hi vacant lobby of the Idanha hotd when ha said It, and the prophecy aia nnt ummnt to trouble him creatly. nut if the evidence provea their Itulltr I said.. , - t ' fA , nt can't" be anewered. , Hut ir it doea: if It Droves It with . ahadow of a doubt, wont , the .j.tii Mit ft. than?"' -J- - He 'jumped at once Into a hundred nthnr matters, covered the wrongs. . vi.hta ani faiilM of a dosen years proved to himself that Justice In Botee, or out of It, for these men was im possible.? He seemed to think that the conspiracy agalnat . them was national It was not the people of Idaho versus Moyer, Pettfbons and Haywood. It waa the Western- Federation of Miners against the world.; " Vadmtlon on Trial. - ut," I aald, "the federation Is not ' on trial. It la those three men." -, rhav are rolna to drag It all in, "Coeur d'Alene, Cripple -Creek,. Qold .. field. The witnesses they bare called '"OnlVsa far as V will prove thai terrorism and sometimes murder were l ta mMnoa or nm wnw vt,w BUT PEHniLESS iHlT$ PROVED George Westfall of McMinnville, Heir to Large Estate, Robbed - n Buffalo and Reaches Here ; Without Any Money. , , ; ' George Westfall, -for whom attomeya of Buffalo, New ork, had, been hunt ing for" three years' to receive his share - M an -80.000 eatatSi reached Portland yesterday after a rvhilt to Buffalo. 1 Though I'he ,1s to receive a large sum ronrVho eatate; Westfall was without funds when be arrived here and applied to the county, board of relief for aid. ' ' He was ariven a ticket to his home at ' McMinnville. s' "r George WeatfaU Is the brother of ' William jWestfall, who died In New Torky over threa years ago, leav fcrooertv valued at. JSO.OOO. The will rTi probated three years ago, but the 1 ..... , M WukA.aa Oeorge Westfall; . the missing bother, could not be found. ' When he was finally, located at Mo Mlnnvllle, Westfall went east and em ployed a firm of attorneyato look af t.r . him t. lntarasta. ; Heachlna Buffalo, the Old man was robbed and as secured ISO from his attorneys with whioh to pay his expenses back to Oregon. This money was nil rone when the old man reached Portland, and he had to apply to the county for aid. :, ; .. Among the beau eat a In the will was 0ns of 130.000 to the Burnt Hills church, tut it Is said that the deceased brother had repeatedly declared that ' be In tended to leave the church only 110,000 and a determined . .effort will be made to bave the balance of 120,000 added to tho estate which-is to be divided." occasional run i. "But they can't prove trfat, be ,told ma. . : , '. : - . . . 1 ; . - - . "If they fall,' so much the1 worse for them,"-1 answered.. "You have nothing to fear." .- ; V, But he did fear. He waa somber In the convlatlon that the people of Boise and Ada county wero determined only that these men should not have a fair trial. ' I told Vm of my own search among- the people of the town for some light on the opinions of the people, of the search of other correspondents, of how we all agreed on the splendid tn per of the people, of their will to see nothing but equal justice done, i ... - Federation Tlewyolat , '. V ut he would not be4 comforted. He took no pleasure sven . In the thought that there ware the "locals" of several trades unions in 'the town. , Trades un ionism and tho Western federation were, he 'aald. very different things, Trades unionists ; were, h said,, the "aristo crats"; of labor. Ther were exclualve. The federation was based on' the broth erhood of man. It made no distinc tions of races or color. : It had no ob jection to the "open shop." It did not limit the number of apprentices. It took In workers of-every kUid. Its en trance fee was only, $5 and Ita sub: scrlption only, II a month. It did not desnjsa the unskilled laborer as trades unions did; ft - bold out the hand of brotherhood to him. It did sven more than .that. . It stood for the unskilled men, getting ; as good a wage as the skilled man, and why should it not? The cost of living waa the same for both. ; He proved to me very clearly by the earnestness and fervor of y his speech that he : was convinoed of the extreme righteousness of his own views. The federation stood to him for truth, for equity, for the uplift of humanity. The ' thing was dogmatlo with him, ana Ilka every, man who stands on dogma (Continued on Pagre Eleven.) GLu AMD EN DEBATE OF LE Voters. Demand of , Political ManageifTiiiaf Lane and Devlin Argue Campaign Ques tions From the Campaign, managers, - Republican 'and Democratic -alike, are meeting the al moat universal suggestion 'that the. two leaders In the' coming municipal battle be T pitted against : each other ' In ' open battle. , X'--' I e: ; v. ' ;ft- :i i r Friends j of Mayor Iane are anxious to see their champion face Auditor Dev lin upon, jthft rostrum, - while, many sup porters and backers of the Republican candidate would , go long distances to see him train his forensic guns on the "Litti Doctor.' : V5 ?-r.f; r,'v-:w, :- There are many reasons that urge the voters -on both sides the political divid ing line In asking for the public battle of words, . Mayor Lane is known to bo skillful man with the English tongue and ready to .use his gif t Mr. Devlin haa the reputation of being a forceful speaker at all - times and capable of reaching the realm of oratory when spurred on to ' effort A meeting be tween tbe two would undoubtedly mean a most Interesting and Instructive eVen lngs entertainment. Want Folloles Explained. But aside from any wish for? enter tainment alone, which the voters may have la the deeper and more insistent call for information and Instruction. The day. has paased, ' they argue, when all that waa necessary for any candidates success waS his place on the party ticket' Principles and policies of admin istration, official records and the. per sonalities of candidates gd far to make or break In present day political battles. . Tbe votera of Portland 'do not all know either Dr. Lane or Mr. Devlin, and this Joint debate asked of the managers " 1 . V PORTLAND, OREGON,- SUNDAY ; MORNING, iS CASE HOG-TED Detective Asserts He Can Send Defendant ; to Death Orchard Is Star Witness. . ' 7 By Oeorge H. Bhoaf. ' (Oeorge H. Shoaf la staff, correspond ent of the Appeal to Reason, the leading Socialist newspaper. He reports the Moyer-Haywood trial from a Socialist viewpoint for The Journal) ' Boise, Idaho, May 11. Personally leading a number of : deputies. Sheriff Bhad Hodkln Of Ada county spent today serving papers on tho 100 veniremen or dered to appear In court Monday. It Is plain that the fanners and business men are not anxious to get on the Federation iry.-rom the way they dodged ' the sheriff and bis deputies today. , The character of the case and the lack of time to give It attention are the rea sons why. It Is alleged, Ada county oitl sens are Indisposed to answer the sum mons of tbs court, i".'.;" . ' ; . . There were no new developments In the Haywood trial today, further than the efforts of the county officers to se cure men for Jury service. Attorneys ror the aerense entertained toe press reporters cordially enough, but asserted they knew very little more , about the matter now . than they did f when 1 the Federation leaders were seised In Colo rado a year ago. . They are waiting for the state to abow ita hand.' Attorneys for, the state, while friendly enough,. are apparently not as anxious to ex press opinions or give out information as formerly. , . . , . ..... . Knkertoa's Claims. Detective McParland, manager ef the Plnkerton detective agency, appears to be the . only man in Boise who looks like he knows anything about the fa mous case. He . confidently predicts Haywood's, conviction and says he has a' great "surprise" -to spring at - the proper time, ' but concerning the nature or of n tents of this , "surprise" he re fuses to talk. . ' a He aays he will prove more than enough to aend Moyer, Haywood and (Continued on Pact Eleven.), " 11 1 s 1 1 ' Same.f latform; 4- would serve as a grand Introduction. At It the people of the city could see and hear the two aspirants for. the highest municipal orrice the voters can bestow. They could contrast the candidates side by side and hear from each the story of what he haa. done, for Portland and what' he plans to do. At uch a ; meeting each candidate could outline, his policy, point out the plans he has made for Portland's bet termentand defend his course of action against the criticisms of his opponent VT?- Debate on Xduoatlon. ' : . A Joint debate of this charaoter, it la argued, would do more to educate the votera of tbe city regarding , the quali fications of the two candidates for the mayoralty than all the . partisan meet ings ' that could be crowded into the campaign. -: :- ; :v i-.'.t; -u,; -t 'What will be done by the party nta-agera-lb satisfy , ths increasing , , de mand for this Joint debate la not known, an ' urbane smile being T tbe answer given when the question ' Is broached aCelther headquartsra, but an Inoreaatng number of electors of the class who stand for an Intelligent grasp of publio questions . and policies are asking that the two candidates expound these dootrines Jointly.. 1 , t f s i Tbey; argue that the-' eandldatea should put away gumshoe politics and stand on their platforms in the open, ready to Joint out their paths and ahow why fhe one la superior for the better ment Of Portland over the other.' They say they want to See and hear at first hand Just where each candidate stands while asking for th favor of ' their votes. NASPS Tti romrkbl cgrtoon, , draw fered for sale last night at the very time that many Shriners met deatb-la the- Southern;. Pacific: wreck at "Honda California. In .tbenppeV left -and.. coraer"; ts-a 'dcsl'rVdeplcti&Kj JyMrXjZil tophelea polntlng'to a bag ol OiMutS rWVWw:&Wi IBRESIDEISIPIAKISIOM ?S':-..?;:. i ' ' 1 ' -I !' .' "'V Tlf',i' . (Pnbllahers' PreM hyy Bpeelal , Leesea .wire.1 Hughes wlllbe a candidate for the Re publican . nomination ; wr presiaeni the United SUtea. President Roosevelt will have a fight on his hands If he attempts to awing the New York delegation for Taft at the next national - convention. ' Hughes, .ino.ia.hanriAA.-bv anneals to the people and refusal to be drawn , into political intrigues, has: overthrown the power of the, New York Republican organlsa- uun m ture met and is today the unharnessed leader 'of tbe party in his state. Theae thraa facta were developed today at a most 'sensational meeting of the Repub. llcan 8Ut committee at which former Governor B.'B. Odell ;Jr, offered a res olution pledging tne support n mi or nntaatlon to Hughes for the presidency developed tn spite of the fact that the resolution was-tawea -ny-a vote or si . ( Tnnmps xor asugnes. ( The 'arguments against' the ' resolu tion was that It was ill timed. The res olution followed tne action or tne com mittee in endorsing tne administration of Governor Hughes mnd specincally going on record as being in favor of all the important reform measures advocat ed by tbe governor. This alone was a great triumph for Hughes and was the result of tremendous, pressure - brought t bear upon the politicians. . .- -" The suggestion of Hughes for the presi dency Is no new Idea. - Recently It has been the. subject : of .muoa speoulaUon MAY 12, 1007a 'j?V -y CARTOON ;OF DEATH -ON-THE, '.RAIL u nby Thomas Nast many years ago, on the part of politicians who' are usu ally found .upon .the .front seat of .ths most popular -band fc Wagon. .The mere fact that the resolution was Introduced, even though v only fouf committeemen went on record , as favoring-It is. re garded as an event of easily Interpreted , significance,;" ; Ur-tUt) : 'AS ,;;;'-t-; ' XooseTeirs Part in ' JTust ' what "hand" Roosevelt -had tn bringing . the . party men '. in line .for Hughes- is a ' question of 'great, doubt Tbe fact rema .t that halt a dosen ot the leading Roosevelt men of the state arrived in Albany at the same hour last Wednesday and shortly afterward, the Republican ' senators decided ' to- bold .a conference at .whioh they adopted' a res olution promising to support the gor ernor's publio utilities bllL the meas- ure on ! which, the : great fight . has: been waged. -1 '. ?;:- ...h v.. ij-Vi,,-. .-rT'he turn ln affairs came with SlghlB' cant suddenness.'. It. has become known that Hughes as declined Indirect over tures of aid : traceable to 'tthS White House. But ? the ' assistance came any way. Hughes declined to enter into any alliance. He has fought his fight along this tlns He has conducted bis administration on lines hitherto unheard r-f in the executive chamber at Albany, because he has bad absolutelynotblng todo with politica S't'Cz-. (PoMUhere' Prem by Special -Leaeed Wire,) .Washington. May lt-The presiden tial situation has reached a climax, ac cording to the belief of tbs political ad- t'lTX '.W- 1 A was. by,a, remarkable, colncIeut" ot ) visors of President Roosevelt .' Tbe ra pidity with which the Hughes boom has grown In Hhe Empire state; has upset carefully ,lald . plans, i It Is feared the president may be forced to make for mal announcement of his preferences as to . his successor if . he U to stem the anti-admllilstratlon tide admitted - to have set w m strongly., in a number,of important Tstates ' i The -political peril attending such a prohunciatr.entum is fully recognised by the , administration followers. They talked tbe president out of . Just such an. Idea some weeks ago when, he was confronted; with , an acute auuation in Ohio, .j , . - The president wajs told that, dec laration. in favor of any one man would result in a combination against his can didate of tbe Fairbanks forces and those of altjfayorlte sons',' and that It would create a sensation in those, states which are. strpngly pro-jRooeevelt but which would demand, a show 'for - their second preference. The president at that time felt that, his idea was: right : It is un derstood he, still believes SO. - . . i Developmentat in the last few days have convinced some of the president's advisers that the so-called reactionary" forces, .particularly in the east have selected Hughes as the-most available candidate to pit against -the president in tha fight he la now making for a four ; year .perpetuation , Ot his present policies. ;; -..,' ,;- :' .. . Continued on Page Eleven.) ( j 1 . .PRICE ' - FIVE CENTS. .... : 221 RED ; ........... IN DISASTER Extras Train Derailed at HondaCars Pilb Together in Heap. Shriners and Their Families - From Buffalo, Cleveland and i - . .. ... , Reading Victims Train Crew . Also Suffer--Many of Serious ly Hurt Will Probably. Die. ( Xdst sf Dead. BO 3. A -Wesson. Buffalo. N ; -W, Cutler and wife of Binghamton, N. T. , Mrs. Flaher, Cleveland. . Miss Young, Cleveland. ' Charles Lowing, Buffalo. . 7 ' f - Austin, tourist agent -, ; ' J. W. Hippie. Reading, Pa. . . . , V. Stoffe, Reading, Pa. . Harry Hendle, Reading. Pa, Oliver Kauffman, Reading, Pa. Oeorge Hacerman, Reading, Pa. " Harry 8Iots, Reading, Pa, : .' Harry Miller, Reading, Pa. A I Roth, Reading, Pa. . . . Henry. Lebanon, Ohio. . Dining car conductor and two waiters. making It in all. ; . : ", Ta injured..', .v .. Miss and Mrs.k Hemmel ' of Reading, Pa. (Hemmel was killed.) Miss Hem mel had a leg broken; Mrs. Hemmel. shoulder dislocated. ', Brakeman .Brlckford. back broken. A. Raffle, Bemls Point, Oregon, scalp wounds. '. .. . .. - Mrs. Raffle waa unhurt 1 J. C. Hobbedita, Reading, Pa. . , ' t ' H. ' N. ' Lee, Ogdensburg. Pa., leg broken. Mra. Snyder. Reading, Pa. -Twenty-two are severely Injured and eight or ten . more slightly. 4 Some : of the seriously Injured will probably die. (Beerst News by Longest Leased WIre. . Ban Luis Obispo, Cal., May 11. Nine. I teen persons were killed and more than a score wounded, some of them so se riously that they will die, in a wreck that occurred at Honda station this af ternoon. -':.!:. ';-; y.-. f. ;;;,'.,; . ' '. .s " Four cars of passenger train No. It on the southern .Paclilo coast lino to gether with the engine and tender wera hurled from the track, , when the rear wheels of tbe locomotive hit a loose swuca rau. r aiany 01 mose wno escapea Instant death In the first crash of the I wreck were fearfully scalded aa they lay. I (Continued on Page Fifteen.) ' ... . ,. . nilDT Tfl Tit ' jJl t yl jl I I II Ut I Oil SWEEflV STAFF Former President of, the O. W. P. iiCompany Has Practically Ad: 4 cepted Offer of Position . in New York City. l . ; . , ; 1 A position with "Charles Sweeny, at a salary i understood , to be ; betwenn llS.Ooe and $20,000 a year, haa boon tendered to .William H. Hurlburt forms erly president of the Oregon Wter Power A Railway company. : It la Suit! Mr, Hurlburt . has practically acceptPd ' the position. , His headquarters will bo in" New York, for which city he mill depart next week. . ,. , When eeen at the Arlington club last evening, Mr, Hurlburt, who was dining with a party of friends, positively de nied the story; ' He remarked with characteristic vigor: f ; I would rather be a barber pole in Portland, Oregon, than to be the mayor of New York." . 4 When Mr. 8ween was asktd to con firm the report of Mr. Hurlburt's as,. polntment he admitted that the I known Portlander was to become a r-s, ldeht of New York, and wouht Iniiii- ately take charge of the Bweouy . flees there.' lie said: r;'-r . AS Private Secretary" ...;Jlr.; Hurlburt' goes to New Yc . my private secretary, II,? u t ready to leavs Portion 1, an 1 , ; abiy go within a ww;i." It is salt! Mr. 8 f .y for an abwos-ce of a country, ana that he v Atlantic ! t 'i I ' f steam yacht, st!.l t l. i I Contlnu I n