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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1907)
the: orkgon daily f journal, Portland; Saturday evening, may n, 1007. 10 San rranchco Of ficc Oregon Journal: 789 Markct,S t, bet 3d tr 4 th , BCAUPTIOaTS MOMTIB.,' ? riree-nninna hn in Baa FYencleco can liar their mall at In r of Th Journal omca, ; , ARTHUR I riSH,. Rprentattva. NEW TODAV. A;L,QTOE ; 92GO0 'A nice 6-room cottage, modern, tm lot ,"45x90, ltf blocks" to car - Ifn' vn :fianrrihein avr?nue. near Knott street, rented for $18 per " montnj iuuu casn, paiance -on time, - - ' . . ,: : : ?2400 A 4-room cottage and good barn with 6 lots, all in small fruit and garden. To look at it, take W.- v W car. eet off at Raymond ave nue, in Lexington Heights, and go two blocks east Easy terms; a snap. , : 42100 8 ; 100x150, Mallory train. 97250 A fine vacant corner 100x100 ; on inurman ana sirccis, twv cash, balance easy. $2850, Nice home Of 6 rOOmS.' COOd COn- dition. on East Morrison, between S5th and 36tn sts, l Diocic to car, 50x100 feet of ground ; half cash, . - good time on balance.' v . t?2G50 2-story : 6-roonv Nice modern house, on Rodney avenue, near - IMUlllUIC, u , W VSli KUUU condition, 40x100 feet ground. Terms $700 cash, balance month ly payments. ?275o ; "p-1. :: ' 'A nice home of 6 rooms' in good condition, plenty of fruit, 'good ' barn, close to car line, 100x100 feet ; of ground. Terms $1000 cash, balance time. . . 2400 ' A brand new 5-room house, mod ern, on car . line, in - Sunnyside, ground 1 33x100. Terms $1000 cash, balance in 2 years. - - $3150 A good modern 7-roorri house at 174, corner Hamilton and Mabel streets; in South PortlandVgood condition, " renting for $25 per month, ground 00x80 feet Terms $1500 cash, balance 1 and 2 years. 'i. $4000 ' " A nice 8;room bouse and 60x100 feet of ground at 782 Gmmercial street,:, corner, lot, ; modern and well made house, built in 1905, on car line. Easy terms, , , $5500 . 'A fine lot 50x100 feet on south side Flanders street, between 20th and 21st streets, in fine neighbor hood to put up flats, close to car. Really a; snap at above price, f ?5000 iTwo cottages; 5 and 6 ' rooms, rrrA trr 4 1 ft An Ym fnM aaa,)4-a for $28. per month. Union ave-l nue, between Stanton and Sell wood, ground 60x100 feet Plenty vi iruiu ; , $2000 Fine vacant 60x100 lot on S. W. corner of Wasco and 22d streets, in Holladay Park. A lovely cor ner tor a nome. Title Guarantee&Trust Co. 840 WASHINGTON STREET Corner of Second ' FolrSale; by Owner New modern 6-room house, thor oughly well constructed .and" fin ished, modern conveniences, nice ly located on East Taylor and , East Seventeenth streets, within a few blocks of High school. Price $39850 INQUIRE 660 E. TAYLOR ST. CARD OF THANKS. A CARD OF THANKS To oar many friends sad nelghbara, we thank yon. one aad all for Kur kind aad loving sympathy. In our . lata rea.-m.nt. la tb kas of our little dsush ter Myrtle Fera, who baa arlsea Into the r'' Wr- Oeorie . Ht1- - Uud, M First t, dir. V. . , V SpIendidBargains Immediate Sale beaUtirUlly-Iying lOtS , mSKing Jb followln cltle nd town Md of Orcoa, WHITBON-May 8, to Mr. at r 17- I vui "wjd appreciate me iwreipi - Whltaon, 880 Fnextn a treat. , OH COrner Of tailing and j report of rallor to bula copla tb paper J PACTIoZMaV Tto Mr and StrretJL Th S S a bar-l'il," JrXlXfZZ- . - ""tK" acow north Jof North r -" ' i w.r j a, rraaajPUivpA. 1. bidwi "'I WlT NEW TODAY. WEST? PIEpMtiNT lOOxlOO Two corner lain on JCerhv street ?JZ2 cocr On XVCroy BirCCl $265 cash, terms on balance. Less j than market price. : ; . - 6. L TERRIS ' f 20 Washington Building HoIIaday Park Residence 8-room-lfew house, modern every, particular; iwxiuu corner, East 26th and Wasco. Set out to roses and fruit For sale by owner, O. L. FERRIS 20 Washington Building BrtlCe'S Add It Ion High, level, wld atreata, alleys, water - . - main. ' $10 Cash, $5 Month ,t..,' UtT BUUW IUU, PURSE & CO SIS Chamber Qf Oommaroa, WALLA WALLA, WASHINGTON Walla Walla catioaery Compaay; Bofer-Hoewll Com pany I Hotel Dacre Nw Stand; L'nloa Clfar ok. piano; cenrrai new tompany. KATTLB, WASHING n)N--4-.tarr Orend -vw 9idii,. inivrDviionmi nwwm Airaocy Newapaper Waroa; Hotel Seattle Newa ataad; Eaetern Neera Al SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA A mo Newe Coea- i 8POKNaWWASmNaTON John W. Graham hinnapolis. Minnesota- i. wrrajri2 XZlk.?ni.H o, treat; Georae L. Ackermaa. S. W. Cor. Elrbth and Olive ilwh KANSAS CITT. MISSOURI Ton New Ooav Kny, Nwnper Waton. Union Arena w Co. onnoalte rfnlnn CHICAGO. ILLINOIS-. Oi. New Cbnpaar, IT nMrfM itMrf l11". . COLOBADO Union Depot ' Hew w anobles. California aos nw DaaiJSU. ' CALIFORNIA OAKIMND. CALIFORNIA Amo Newa Oom- Pany. Newspaper Wagon; Hal News Co. BAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA N. Wbeetl new woaipaay. Newspaper Wagon; Foster a Orear. Ferrv balldlns: Johaeon Newe Com pany, 1461 FUlmor atreet; Amos New Ce., News Waanne. 4 , SALT LAKE CITT, UTAH Roeenfeld Baa- on, newspsper wagon; , O. L.- Davie. Hotel skenyon: narrow Bras, 8 wast Becoaa Street. Aonth OODEN. UTAH Gray New Cempaay. f Depot News Stand. OMAHA. , NEBRASKA-Millard Hotel Stand. , BEW TORN CTTT Arthur BotaUa,' N paper Waroo. NORFOLK. VA- Krof A Gould. WEATHER REPORT. The Brltlah Colnmbla srorsi baa adyaneed aaaiward to Saskatchewan and the barometer h again relatively low over w eaters Waah Ins- ton. General rains hare fallen In the north racinc state, except In boo the a tern Idaho, and light rain ha fallen alone the California mart a far aonth as San Lalg Obispo. Tb Minnesota high prewnre area bow occnplea the lake region., and fair and cool weather prevail In that section. Kllllnr froata are reponeo. m ma wwer iaa region. Heavy frosts la the opper lake reeion, and lhrht frosts la the apper Mlaaiaalppl valley. Unsettled weather continue la th Atlantic stetee, snd rain has fallen nearly everywhere from Maine to Florida. It Is mach cooler In southern and eastern Ore gon, eastern Waahlnaton and In northers and southwestern Idaho, and correspondingly wsrmer tn Utah, western Colorado, Wyoming, Montana end the Tteknfaa , .... . ' .The Indies tlona are for orca atonal rata la this onnricx lonignt and nonoay. Temp Max. Mln, Preclp Atlanta, fleorirta ....... Boston,. Manaachnaettl- . Chicago. Illinois ....... , m . T2 . 42 . TO . T4 . 68 . TO , SO , T3 . 48 . , M , T8 , 84 . 68 , T2 , 60 ; T4 . 84 T8 1 , . , , ,,. , l , l WHEN A WAT FROM HOME .' t. " - x-' ' BIRTHS I - fataailaa Wa tx. .kA.luJ 4a I ' 88 . .13 88 .T8 88 0 80 .0 42 .0 42 .0 48 . .0 06 .0 42 ,T4 SO 0 40 .0 42 20 82 T. 49 . .41 84 .0 80 .0 AO 0 62 .01 48 M Cincinnati. Ohio ...... , Denver, Colorado........ Kansaa City, Mlsaonrl.. Los Angeles, California. New Orleans, Louisiana. New xora. New York. Nome, Alaska ........ '!' Omaha, Nebraeke Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pittsburg, Pennsylvania ... Portland. Oregon St Loan. Missouri....... St. Paul, Mrnneeot , Halt Lake, Utah.. , Ban Francises. California Wsablngton, D. C REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. The Victor Land company to 1. T. Hug glna, lot 26, block 22. Tremont Place.. $ W. E. snd Mary B. 1. Mankell to Mel- vlna Shumway,' 3iM feet beginning at a polat 62 rod north of Powell Valley road and 80 feet east of sub division line dividing east M of aeo tlon 30. north and aonth. la baemahln 1 aonth, range 4 east.... 238 uiane . ana uciu r. Atwoed to B. P. John, south Vt of lota 11 and IS. block 8, Hawthorne's First addition... 2,160 u. rr. ana Latoenne uaynes to v. J. Bagarty, lot 12. block 18, North Irv- lng ton vi, .-i. ' 1,000 Oregon Ka Estate company to Albert - Law eon. lota 1 aad 2. block 23T. Holla- day'a addition 1.800 Esther i. larnox to William perclval Bchrader. lot 14. block 40. Sell wood. Mrs. 8. E. Davidson to W. H. King, lot 8 and 4, block 1, .subdivision to - St. Johns HeiUta..... 460 J. . E. aad Mary Dnnin to John Nagel, lot IT. block H. William Avenue addl- tlon T50 Minnie Anderson to Frank Nelson, lot 27. block T. Arleta park No. a........ ISO Security Abstract 4 Truat company to Andrew Llndboim. Jot U. Dlocx SI. Rose City rark. ............. ......... l Secnrlty Abstract Trust company to Alts A. dancer, lot 1H. DlocK BZ. Boee City Park is.. . . v.i... . . ..; .... 427 William B. and B. ' Maria Bramard to (ienrsa ' K. Kavner. lot 11 and 12. ' block T, Tarailnna addition....' TOO Investment company to Georce Baamtia- aen.. lore 11 and dlL. nines 12. flefl-- mont ................ 760 M. L. and Mar W. Holbrook to B. F. Bellen. lot 8. block 16. Beat St- Johns. COO George and Annie Bcliarer to William HeUhere. lot II. block 12. Alhlna : ! Homestead ... 1.800 alien. Norcroas to ' William HcIIberf, : ' "' lot 8, block 6. Alblna........... 1,600 A. A and Dora Belle Hoover to Tjncense Maatrandrea, lot ft, block IT, Smith's subdlvlaion and addition to Bast Port brtd ....a.. SSO Joanna and J. K. Flynn to T. L. D. Tbomaa, lot 88, Haxelwood. ........ .. 1,000 Rose City Cemetery aasociatioa to Emails -CLurch lot 22, block ST. secrJoa D. -Rose City cemetery.. it .' 60 Edward Stone to Ernest Stein, land be- ? . f," " corner of block " . BUckUtont 'a addition.............. 4,000 GV WV. f Slcer Edmonds to Tomash feii. bo'r' to" 8. snd f, FounUln " stl 111 ' l e. . e , . 1 A00 ' tJJ" " Ac B'T Bowmin "to Cbsrlrt H. Everett, lot 84, block 15. - Clevetdale Extension No. 3... ' 800 Lsn d A. 8. Jacob to J.G. Whit- -hurst, Iota 8 and 14, block T, Ivanoeh. . , 2,000 Ftoley-O, and Emma P. McOrew to Po llto snd Rosa Perls. Jote 11. 18. 18 '"H block Zobase a4diUoa.;, 840 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. John T. and Ingebor Ho to Richard Vngemarb. lot 3, block T, Hawthorn a i'lr.t addition ...... ileorgeannn and William A. Buppert to George Bishop, lot 16, block a, , Nil 1,450 Portland Truat Company of Oregon to F. W. Gorman. Iota 1 and 4. block B, subdlvlsloa of lota 8, 4, T and 8, tract D Nmlrh'a a.lriitlnn , it Mary . viola and wiiiiau Scbmeer to , . ( beginning at southwest corner or, kh iu, nan. view addition . . i . S.600 Moor laveatmeat company to Olive H. Cm. Int. ft. 10 and 11. . block 11. - Vernon . i,,, . ... . ...... , 818 Jemes J. Bill t 0. W. : Noeber. Iota ' 8, and T. block 18. Canon Height.. 1,800 Jnex, Mabel and L. S. Cook to Frank b. 123, Stephen' addltlea..., ........... I.S80 Mahal t. and L. M. Solllvan to R. L. Cain, lata a and JL black 1TB. Oooch'a addition ..... 18,000 Unlveralty Land company to A mil L. .. niorny, lots in ana iv, paica a, .vhp - veraltr park ' W for . abatraeta tltla maaranc r mortis loana, call on Psrlfto Title Truat acmpauy, 804-a-o-T ralUac bldf. . Oct ronr Inaaranc and abatraeta re real in "tt&nV i Tram Second. HARRIAGB LICENSES.' Swan E. Bart, Cnrrmltr Park, S8, and Elal veiaon, xn. R. r. Htraina, 49T Klrfay ttratt, 11, and tiara u. nayiay, si. ..' Emcrlca Unquiet, '818 Qolmby Itreet, , ST, and Mlnnl Crown, 28. Fred Lnrkafnaar. 98 Elcvantli trt, 86, and Hannah Btendel. 20. Cbarle E. Downina, St.-Jobsa. Oraroo, 8L and ttodl Wllaon,. . A. B. Orme, 810 Oak atreet, 88, and Berth M. Khikeafl, VS. , Wddlna Card. W. O. Smith at Co.. Waatv tarton bld( cornet Fonrtb and Waablnt to at. All knda of planla for aale at 418 Veaeogvnf are.) price teuonaow. . rooae caai aatu ' Tonotth Co., kind. .138 Slatk flortata, tor flower of . a& Clarke Bra., FVrlet Fin ftower ad floral ooalcn.' D llorrlaon et I Foil dreaa enlta far rent, all elm. 0ntjol Tailoring Oo 808 Stark et. WEDDING INTITATIONS Lateat and beat; $8 per 100. A. a Hawk on 161 Tbirtt at. and Mr. boy. Mra. Herman Portland mill. riscilBB Mar , to Mr. and Ifra. Goata Flacber, 1300 Delaware Tnoe, a boy. DEATHS HAVILAND Myrtl Fern HaTfland. ad I year. Mar T. TOT First etrect. Dnenmonla. I 8KILLIN Cbrtarlan Sklllln, aed 88 year, May THOMAS (Jlyase S. Tbotnaa, aged 14 year. May v, 228 Adam atreet, tabercnloal (pu)- raonary) rffiJJiSfJ 2E" nlakoa. FUNERAL NOTICES. WALDMAN San Francisco, May S, J80T. Mr. Berth Wsldman, aged 88 years; friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral , aervlcea which will be held at Holmsn's ' chapel, cornet Third and Salmon ata., at 10 a. m., Sunday, may la. interment anavai . cjbolom Cemetery. - BRADBN At Seattle, Wash., May 10, Eva Fernau Bra den, aged $8 year, wife of Frank C. Braden, - daughter of Mr. and Mra. C. ' Fernau and eleter of Mra. J. Penny of th! city and Georg Fernen of Seattle. Friend ' of tb family are reapectfullr Invited to at tend the funeral cervices, which will b held - at Flnleya chapel, Sunday, May IS, at Si p. m. Interment at Lone Fir cemetery. UNDERTAKERS. - Donntng, MeEntee h Ol'beerb, ' andertakera and embaimers; modern m every detail, neveota and Pin. . Main ou. laor aastataat. ' Erickaoa Undertaking Co.. and mbalmlng, 408 avaoer at. raone bisib mo. May a 1st ant. J. P. FJnley Bon. Third and Madtssa ata. Office ef county coroner. ' Pbone Mala 8. . Byrnes ( Bosssll. funeral director, embalm- era. 271 East 1088. Lady aaalstaat. A. B. Bcmstoek. funeral director. Bast 18th and Umatilla. Phone Bellwood 71. Lady aaslstant. Edward Holmaa. undertaker, 220 Third at. CEMETERIES. BITER YIEW Single grave. $10: family Iota. iuu io i.wv. ine oniy cemetery la port land which perpetually maintain and earea ror lota. For full mrormatlon, apply to W. a. BtBcaemie, TCoreasiar oioca, city. w. at. Ladd. president.. BOSB CITY Single grave, $10; family Iota, -x w sio. Bupermtenaent at cemetery, ear ner ef Fremont at. and Cully road. Pbone Tabor 80S. For full Information appl pbr to Pbone iraoa ii legs, bus vommerciai Pis. Main 2823. NOTICES. PORTLAND, Or.. May 6, 1 90T Sealed bids will be received at the office-of the School Clerk, City Hall, no to 13 m.. Monday. May 18, 190T, for conatrnetlng addition to th Montavllla school bnlldihg. . Plana and VZ?!lc?,?f"' fT."m..e'iv,M'.n. J "w' " w vaiitv! wj-m vast Aiiuu mu rrvjv, crjr t arate bids received, a follows, via.: First Plumbing and drainage. Second Olaa and glaslng, ThlrdTb balan of work to be done under one contract. All proposals must be accompanied by certified ST? mT f L ""nnt of pro- posal. Tb School Board reserve the right to reject any and all bids.. T. J. Jones, ar chitect. ': -y. DISSOLUTION Or PARTNERSHIP Notice la nereDy given tnat the partnerehlp heretofore exiacina oeiween ueorge oensppert snd 9s. A. ncnapperr, aoing nuainess at 847 Second St., m rortiana, or., ander the firm name or v style of Berlin Dye Works, Is this day dla- soivaa oy mutual conaent, the nndersifmed, M. A. Scbsppsrt. retiring from aald business ana an connection inerewltn. 1 v Dated May 10, MOT. ; M. A. SOHAPPBKT- NOTICE The cooarrnershln of Caawell a Rails SrJ. i!. n 5 V.... "L.01 consent. Mr. Caswell baa retired from the . firm and Mr. Kelly will continue the business t 354 Morrison St., corner Park. , I WILL pay debts contracted only by myself. J. Pruka. . . . MEETING NOTICES. PORTLAND COMPANY NO. 10T, W. O. W, will give a military whistparty Wednesday evening. May 15, In the Wl O. W. temple, inn si;, oeiween wasningtoa and Alder ata.; dancing and refreshment Admission 16e. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 6,466. meets 1 waanssaay evening, aiiaay bldg.,, Third and v afnrrlann ata. :-. .. 1 M. W. A. Oregon Grape Camp No. 6,978. Moa- oays, inn ana aiarsnau. visitors welcome. , LOST AND FOUND. - ' FOUND A place to have hair mattresses reno vated ana rernrnee aame day , 228 Front st. stain . roruana nriea-iiair Factory. H. Metsger, proprietor. , , t I.ORT H4-rear-oJd b elf ex. all brown nn a,.. nviDm 10 a. ' cioivuu, mriie rara station. Hcwara. - - - LOST A Scotch collie pup, 10 months old; . mtanmA 'tmni Ortmeler ab coll. e . a s - - - . - - 37 Nona ninta eu . LOST Boll -plana and specifications for Bell's house. H Beturn to . .. iqyrs architect I office. i; Kcwara.- & 1 LOST Gold brooch head and twe pearls. Re-; ward at aa norm 1010 si. LOST Gold bracelet set with brilliants, Thnrs- j WANTED Competent girl for general houie tlar evening. Ketura Bannou A Co.. 888 work in small family. Pbena Bast 1028 or t MorrlsoB' it-. Liberal reward. - - .v:Jt-k !-;i'call...00T. Et:..Twlor gu--rrr.:.- LOST Black coclrer apanlrl. male dog, with abort tall; license rto. von; return te 1T4 N. 15th at.. Phone Mala. 6848; reward. f.OKT Necklace of coral beads on Fifth, at. valued highly by owner. Finder please raturB , M jetuaai exuea. - Aiisarai rawaro. . MST AND FOUND. LOST Whlta ball terrier bitch nnnt enrs I eentiy clipped: tnawer to Mirk, wreemey A Orswford. 304 u Wasblngtoa at. Pbons 1'aclflc 888. t - LOST A moan t a la for, o. Baa Lin or tlon LIB mad. Finder return aam t front at. and receive liberal reward. S00 IIELP WANTEDMALE. WANTEDTwo ooo rellabl" 1 rprMntatlTa ; noaaaiB( aeiung anility ror city ana country. . Call on faneral repreaentatlTaa of 1. F. Tor ma At Co., 218 Tllford bldf., corner lOtb and alorrloa ata.. or writ your anal If lea t Ion i and In return w will and yofl fnll partlcn- -lara r(ardln( war propoaltlon' D 188, journal. WANTED -Bora 16 to 18 rear of are to work .4a factory; food war, atcad work. Apply at one. - Am-Harrla-NTU1 Co., Finn aud . vara eta. FIREMEN and brakraiea M ratlroada IB Port . land and tlrtnlty, to fill vacancies canaed by promotion; eipiienc nnneceaaary; ar,e . over SO. orrt 140 pound, 8H ft or orer; firemen. 8100 monthly, become engloeere and earn t'MO: brakamen. 7tl, becom cooJtnra and earn 8JW); aim poeltlon preferred, - Ball- way Amoclatlon, rare Oregon Jonrnal. FIRST eta fraternal Inaaranc solicitor for work la city. Salary to man or woman who ma S't the nnaineaa, ana rurnien reeou. mendatkma. Inquire room -O06 Commercial nuiidinff. WANTED Sexton for Trinity church. Apply ; by letter t Bet. A. A. Monieoa. 808 Brerett at., city. k . LEAD glarl.r and cotter wanted I food ware r nrai-ciaaa man. racinc arc uiaaa wora, Flrat and Yamhill at. , y WANTED An carpentere and eon tractor to know that oa May 18, ISOT. and thereafter the wag ecale for carpenter hn b 84 per day and half holiday on Saturday, $23 for . 44 boo. re' work. Boainee A rent. PACIFIC RTATTONEBT PBINTIN O0 908-aOT Second at. Phone Mam 831. We deelrn and metal! the taoat modera and (mproeed office aytmt eomplere Use looee leaf fUlni derlcea. WA NTT5D Saleemen ! many make 8100 t $150 per month : eome even morel atoct claea grown oa reeerratlon. far from eld orcharda; eaah adnnced weekly: choice of Territory. Addree Waahlngtoa Nareery company, Too- .penlan. waenmgtoa. , MEN AND WOMEN to wara tb barrier trad m elrbt wk; tradnate earn rrom lis to tZTTreeaiyi eipert inerraerru cataiogne rree. loler Syatem of Colleges, 80 North Foorth at., rortiana. WANTED High elans salesman for choice ter ritories; highest commleetoa paid; everything furnished ; eaah advanced for expense. A rare opportunity. Addresa, quick,, Oregon Nursery, Salem, Or. I HEN sn$ bora wanted to learn btambtnt, plas tering, bricklaying, electrical trades; free - catalogue; posltlona seen red. Coyne Trade Schools, New York and Baa Francisco. MACHINE ebon, electrical and stsam enrmeer- Ing positions open tor young, men wishing to learn the noaineee; gooa pay mr oegmnerm "Bona but clean young men wllllnt to stofly peed spplr. INTEBNATTONAL OORRESPONDBNCI SCHOOLS. u Office 614 McKay Bldf. v A SEVERAL .men to prepare for Portland post office crimination. May 11: a few day only. Writ Pacific Stats Schools, McKay . bldf. WANTED A man ith $SB0 to seen re a steady loo ana one nsir interest in gooa, toor-etrfan lisned and weii-paymg nosmeaa; profit 813 to 320 a day; skkoess. Address 1 1ST, eara Joarnal. WR get work for out members; eperlsl mem ben. $2. I. M. a A.. Foorth and Yamhill. WANTED Boya over 18 years to work Is randy - rscTory. Aiaca -canay tn.. iota ana unsan. i . HI . i -mm WANTED At once, a first -class earrlagt ' ' 1 WANTED Railroad rerntr moras help! oar graduates get $66 t J 78 per month; eaa do I tbl for yon. wealth bldf. Oregon College, 808 Commoa- MORE young men to begin bow to prepare for railway mail eicraa; aeatrsnie employment to eligible ttrong men. Write Pacific States Schools, McKay bldf., Portland, Or. WANTED Horseshoer for floor work; wage fs.ou per aay. ian 12 nana Bevento at. WANTED AT ONCs?--tock boys.' from 18 te 20. Roberts Bros, Third snd Morrison its. EAST SIDE PRINTING CO. wants press feeder snd apprentice. Apply izift Grand are. WANTED Two first-class pants-maker at J, Pollvka a Co, 249 Morrison at. WANTED Ice cream Washington at. maker. Beba'a, 810 WANTED Experienced carpet man to aew ear- pets, oadaby Hone, First and Washington. WANTED AT ONCE A first-class loom' fixer. a nreeeer tenaer, aiso a wool sorter; steady work, appiy union wooien nun, union, or. BT wanted; faetory work, apply American i;bw tJO.. IOOI 14U1 Te ' WANTED Boy with bicycle to carry packages. iinoert areeniana. mua and waaningtoa ata. over reinenneimer s. WANTED 1 good stripper for press-room. 3 strong men for warehouse work. Portland Linaoed Oil Works, North Portland. OTHERS are making from $10 to $100 per I evening with motion pictures. If you have a email amount or money voa can do the aame. Particulars Newman's Motion . Picture Co, 145H Sixth st. , BOY for law office, snd Stark sts. 81 Ooecord bldg. Second WANTED A competent tinner and sheet metal . worker, capable or using cnarge or tinabop; married maa preferred. Apply to the Sexton Waltber Co, The Dal lea. Or. WANTED Apprentice ta-learn printer's trade. American Typ Founderi Co.. Second - and Stark ata.'.' WANTEDBrlght boy about JW Ian oM ! for office work. Answer la own handwriting, giving telephone number. Postofflce Box 90. WANTED Pharmaclit, reglatered In Oregon. : Cottel vrug uo., f irst ana Basrmaa ata. YOUNG MEN Don't be satisfied with a email aalary, do aa thousands of others have done, ' let the International Correspondence Schools of Scrsntoa explain how your pay may be bicreaaed. Local oflica alt mcaay oiag. iNTETJi a barn maa to take care of three teams evening and do chore around the hara dnrlnc davt 10-bonr day: SAO ner month: 1 light lob; out man preiersnis. v. n. rotrage, s-commercial ai. want to let contract for clearing bruah land. Hood Blver; no - stump machine or powder required; can give all aeaaon Joo; none tint those meaning business need call. M. Wal ton, 616 Chamber of Commerce. YOrjNQ man of irnod reference and character wanted ror traveling position. Appiy room ISO Hotel Perkins, w a. m. Monoay. BOY about 18 years, $26 per month. H. W. Co, 194 First. V Dayton THREE good carpenters wanted, don, 498 Eaat ITtu at. Apply Got- HELP WANTED FEMALE. PLEASANT suburban boms glvea to woman, elderly or crippled, or child,- In exchange for '. Jlght services. Apply Young Women's Carls 1 'tlan Assoclstlon. . : t.v,- i' v.. WANTED Housekeeper--'' for genUema with - three small children. Apply after 6 evening. V 800 North 28th t, " ' COMPETENT ' girl for general bonsaworkl good . wagea. 8S1 East 14th at., north: tak Irv logtoa C Sroadj cax, rhoaa Saat 927, . - ; ,nELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTHrt YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN TELEPHONE OPERAT- . INO; GOOD SALARY. RHOKT : HOOKS, PAT WHILE LEARN , ING; LUNCH HON SERVED - FRKI OF CH A HOB AND LOUNG ING AND BEST ROOMS IN L . CONNECTION. APPLY CHIEF r OPERATOR. Tltlf BON1 PI.DO., WEST PARS AND Air ' deb Its.. . ., 8 - 1 16$ I j I A .'- . OltflA WANTED FOB PACKERS, LABELS BS, ETC. WORK CLEAN AND UOHT . : GOOD WAGES CAN BE If ADS , PAcrrio coast bisctit oompamt TWELFTH AND DAVIS 6T8. I BflLIJNBRT-TRIleTMBRa wanted for day or evening work; big ware; tnoa emplAyed dnr ih( da elsewhere may eara good pay 'or 1 trimming bat erenlnga, T to 10 o'clock. Apply today at the Shafer-Wblttlar Co. 'a Big . Bala jtuunery, un vaaniD(toB at., apetaira. EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATB DnPERS HIGHEST WAGES. GEORGE A. M'NEIL COMPANY. WHOLESALE CONFECTIONERS, 110 M. FOURTH ST.. NEAR. CUBAN. FIRST elaaa fraternal Inaaranc solicitor for work In city. Salary t man or -woman who eaa tt the business, and f Ornish rseom ' mendatlon. . Inquire room 80S Commercial i bulldlns. .,''... 1 COMPETENT help for general hoasework, fam iiy g at wage fza. apply out Epnnf et. Phone Mala 2U8T. , . . ; WANTED At S30H Bnssell t., woman b.tb aay. , rnone Bat ih. GIRLS WANTED to learn finishing oa pent; km eaperlenee. Goldstein, SOT Commonwealth. HANSEN'S LADIES'-AGENCT. 84814 Wash ington at., comer Seventh, apetaira. Phone Main sevx. Female help wanted. STRONG sir Is for canity factory. George A. McNeil company, wholesale confectioners. 110 - North Fourth, near uuaan. - . LA ROB btulnees firm desires a womaa not ander 80 who Is trustworthy and energetic; experience on necessary. Addres by letter only, glvlBA- Ulepbooa. If. Kabjbt, SOT Tll ford bldg. , GIRLS WANTED Operator to work oa shirts and overalls. Lessons circa to tnexnarleacad. Apply at Standard factory N. S. Graad are. and Eaat Taylor at. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard factory No. S,Oraad are, aadeaat Taylor ak WANTED Orrla to work oa hemming. rita-Wn factory. T6 First. faquir WANTED Girt for bouse work, sm.ll famUy, adults. 86T 10th, Phone Mala 6027. JACKET and skirt band wanted at once; good permanent positions to competent and rellabl people. Apply to Olds, Wortmaa King. A GOOD willing rtrl or middle-aged woman to help with light housework at 460 Fifth at GIRLS wanted; factory work. .Apply American ian uo, root lata ex, .- ' . . i SEVERAL experienced salealadlesi hosiery, aa derwear. fancy goods: also sin , tor pattern counter. . Apply 171 Third et. ONE body troner, competent stsreher, and one ladier ciorne ironer. Apply at racine La on dry, 281 Arthur at. WANTED -Girl for general h nose work; . good ' wages; three tn family. 683 Hawthorn are. WANTED GIRL FOB GENERAL HOUSE WORK: GOOD WAGES. 138 14TH ST. PHONE MAIN 8448.. 1 ' i 1 11 1 GIRL for eeoood work. . 2S8 King at , Phone Main sou. WA NTED Experienced eniiaa aaree. tea Everett at. HELP WANTED Unloa Laundry company. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. aaa I C. S. HEALTH a ACCIDENT INSURANCB CO., Bsglnaw, Mich., aell best dollar per month policy on market; atock company. See Aldrich, western manager. 309 Marquam Agents wanieo. 1 BELP wanted aad supplied, male or female. R. O. urate, aa waaningtoa at. Pacific 18T0. THE International Correspondence Schools can sssiBi yoa to s oettsr position, call at their oitice, ion rirtn at., lor a areolar. WANTED A firat-claaa jacket-maker and taO- oress ax eonason oroa, iei rourth at. STENOGRAPHERS, both male and femaleV good I poaiiwDB open wiin oesx nrma; no 'Charge. vuoerwooa xrpewnter no nixta St. SITUATION WANTED MALE. wanted aituatioa as gardener; ' fully ex perienced. Address M 180. care Journal, EXPERIENCED band saw flier wanta position m mm or 00 x rectory, h. i. rniierton, No. . norm Becoaa ex., eitv. LADIES and gentlemen plain sewing, mend- ing and washing. Address 884 Williams are. YOUNG man. 29, wants a position collecting or office work; reference, addres H 186. car Journal. . , . - . . " ' 1 1 1 i ... 1 1 GOOD Japan laborer want steady Job on logging railroad, sawmill or farm yard. - JT Kato, rostoffice Box T8, IndspendMice, OrJ SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. LADIES' and gentlemen's pi fa sewing. mend ing, - washing and piece work neatly done. 1 . Address wunsms ave. , EXPERIENCED Burse wanta work br the day or week. Sea Salt baths and maaeaga to I : ladle only. : rhone Main UZ8. - WANTED Situation aa . housekeeper . by lady witn cniia. Aanress sirs. n. a. uonoier. general delivery, city. . llll I 11 "1 I FT- U ' " 111 1 TTr-ir-TflrMBS' : 'EMPLf5xTIENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR MEN. - , 36 North Second at- . Phon Mala 152$. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. ' JWH storriaoo at. ....... .Phone Pacific r 2T North Second t....... Pnon Paclflo 1800 - ' RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Lorging camp and farm help a specialty. SO North Second it. Phon Mala 6286. . W pay all telegraph charge. 1 j O. Ki EMPLOYMENT OFFICE-Help furfilahtd free to employer, a . Zd. rnone 8707, WANTED AGENTS. handle 'medlclnee or soap; write quick! tig rnone. u. si. nominee, aov inira at. WANTED TO RENT' WANTED TO RENT House, eottagss, flats. a scorea, ovrice, rooming-nouses, ate. - Laad- . lotds will do wen to can on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone Ex. T2. S. B. Cor. 8d snd Oak. MBataTnTnW t"J ' i-TRBSa--TSB.?lKt tVSJF JaT!aV , r . - V -w '':WANTED-REAL ESTATE. - WANT cottage, eloee ta, not to exceed $3,000: good locatloo; bo agents need apply.- Main 6303.,'- ; . WANTED Good lot or lota In south, cottages on (not aoq far eutn . F, V. Lassen A Co, B74 Flrar at. ,' . , - , WANTED-REAL ESTATE. IF THERB la anyone, that really want to aell . a soar 4 or 6-room cottage, with not lees ' tbsn two lots, any good suburb, Mt. Scott ' liner Ssllwood, ' woodlawn or reolnaula; w r deal re aoineon that wanta money and ready ' to aell; must be a bargain; appiy si once, Ither at th office of The" Dunn-Lewrence oompeny. 148U lirat at, or No. igaT Belmont it Phone Union Vii, after 8 p. m. WANTED Good lot or lota tn Sooth .Portland to build cottage en (not too far eat). P. 0. Lsessn Co.. 874 First at WANTED To buy 8 or 8-rootn modem cottsg. mil-alsed Improved kti $00 down, balance tnatallmenta; state price and location. , Ad- dree V 1ST, car JournaL . . WANTED MISCELLANEOrS. WANTED Fnrnltnre and boosehold voode cf every description bought, som ann exenangva. - The $. 233 Flrat at Mala 6374. $ WE hsnl dead bora and cattle free. Oregon Fertiliser Works, or notify lamer s veren nary, Fourth aad unsan sts. nam ivoos WAVTf-n Snot eaah nald for roar fnrallnre, etc. fromnt attention aiwsva girea. see But Clay t. Phone Eaat 106T. CASH for hooaehnlfooda.' Savage Pennell, B40-MT rust St. - rnone rscuio aou. HIGHEST ch prlc paid for all kinds second. hand aooda. Phone Mala Xiu. -Ma it. num. DO voa want voor money bark, with Interest, which you hare paia on rnaraiimenc oontrci for lot oa ui penmsaia r - vre V"7 nn " . assnme the "contrset. . Ohio Realty Co., 408 Commercial bid. CASH FOB ALL THE FURNITURE WE CAN GET. PORTLAND ADCT1UK ltwi MAIN 8858. ) WANTED Men' castff clothing and aho; we also buy household furnishings; pianeai price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 02 Third. Phone Pacific 1T23. PRITATB $800. 8 per cent loan wanted ea east aid reaiaenca, tworta j,uw. aaareas V 188, care jonrnal. WANTED Fnrnltnre -and household fobd of any a in a. ee jonneoo oerore yon seu. ;s Union are. rnone vast Htl. ra pay the hUheat prleee for aecond hand clothing and shoes. See oa at 71 North Third. WANTED-x-A large disc phonograph with reo da; most be cheap. Paoae racine zozo. WANTED To know what brand roej drink. Try "Ardmore Coffee," for Bale by Boyd Tea Co, vo First at. . LACB cnrtilna washed and stretched. 188 Ivy St., Alblna. Pbone East 8T2S. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. THE RICHELIEU.- MM North Sixth St. Ele gantly rarnlaned: it earn beat and baths. 1 1 i11 1 THE, GRAND, 4Bty North Third at Room for gentlemen, $1.26 per week and an. S NICELT furnished room, light, either ea -suite or single; reasonable; also housekeep ing mites. , 608tt Aider. 189U THIRD, comfortable, front-and other outside rooms; doable beds, low rates. THE KING, Set Jefferson St. Nicely tarnished rooms with every convenience. for $2 a week and ap. FURNISHED room is a private family for a young gentleman, reaaonable. Phone Main -428 between T and 8 p. in. NICELY furnished alcove suite, for two or ' more persona. 180 Park sf. Phone aad bath. 1 ' NICELY furnished front room for rest. 16S 18th t. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. A SUITE of S rooms, newly renovated, $9 per monin. ou Btepnen ROOMS AND BOARD. HAVE on large front room: good borne cook. ing; ratre reaaonaDie; table Doe ra f per weex. 4s jerrersan si. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPINCr. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, a room salts, ground rioor, i.oo per wees, sot sasi uex at. $10 THREB large roams; ga plate. (teel range, oia- oevenm n. jaaia ac-u. FURNISHED housekeeping room, with phone. 10 n.viuta. ., ..,. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, nice ground. ivo dc viair it. roono aaaia sain. $1.60 WEEK UP Large, clean furnished bouse keeping-room, laundry and bath. 184 Rhea. man at, sou at. roruaaa. wxisa ur -jieea rornisned noasekeep- ing-reem, parior, nara, laanary, ruraace heat. pard, 203 H Stanton at. . C car. FOR BENT Unfarntsbed hoasekeeplng-reome; walking dJataaoe itom paatofflce. , Apply 894 oiiia ei. . , THE MITCHELL Housekeeping and traaalent rooms, reaaonaoie. aevenia end Flaadara sts. .Only TScaWeek , 14 rt'cs. ry noaseaeeping room, gs. bath. ani ana 001a wsier, new ouiiaing, t&oom 7, FOB RENT 3 housekeeping 'mitts, on 4 mil One 9 rooms. 149 llth at.WPbon Pacific I 1080. HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS, lowest rates; electric iignts ana pnone inciaaea. oi water at. CNFURN SHED nooaekeeplng-rooms; gas, bath and phone. USH Hawtaorna are., corner caion. . . . . ' .. 212 SEVENTH ST. Two very nicely furnlshH boaaekeeplng-rooms; every convenience. Phone main ziuv. i ; - ' FURNISHED and .Bnfnrnlsbed housekeenlnc suites also single rooms. . 409 Bast Salmon. S NICELY furnished boukeeplnr rooms; $15 pjootn. 5 uo i-ara sy. rnone aiain sow. FOR'rENT HOUSES. STRICTLY1 modern 6-room cottage, Sunnyside: imi ojown, naiance ssmo aa rent, a P. omiio, owner, oiu vommerciai oil. VI rent aad aell" pianos. 8bermae, Clay a Co. :. S - Room house, good location. modern, $23. , rnone aiain leiu. FOR - RENT A aouee and lot. " Inquire 461 xtawtnorns ave. . rnone aiasr-zuz. -B00" houto for rent, furniture for sale all room re-rented: bargain; centrally locaieu, nm mi., aiaiu ouio. $16 NEW ' modern 6-room cottage, Mock from canine, Woodstock. . I. O. Hoy ce, 1168 rrmce. et. BEAUTIFUL' $-room cottage; bath, range, gal iur voiisuig, 911. . not juaai, -jiayior, cor. aftn. I 1 "11 ' t AM going east; will rent my 8 -room modern bouse in i the suburb, furnished: very rea-1 anna oie so a coupi. Koom zu, ma atark at. The Home pbone A41TZ. FINE 6 room houae, cloae to car, alee garden, everytning modern, rem f 10, . uwner, room o, ooti - wasnington at. - run; kmt iew 7-room house, all conveu-1 lencei; large lawn inquire 80 Eaat 18th at. rnone east suvu. FOR RENT FLATS;7 TWO modera 6-room flats, upper furnlihed. ' 846 rourth et., - between uouege and Llnenla, racine Z76B. - HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. rFURNITURB of 6-room flat for nla, cheap. till lorenoons. 11 uia. ai. .-; j j,- , ... 10-ROOM house tor rent, furniture for aale s a I bargain 'If sold at once, aa parties are going esn-- aw namaon at. FOR RENT 7-roem bousef furniture; for aale, 807 Jefferson St. no. sgenta. e FOR ' RENT ST0RE8-OFFICE8. : I K FOR RENT or lease,' store In flnt-elasa loca- tlon for meat market ee grocery, Thlid at., near Flanders. Inquire of Portland Wlr A Iroa works, 8oon4 and Xrerett, FOB RENT -ansCELLANEOFS; ' , BALLROOM and lodf eroom, new, with all , modern conveniences, on car Hue, piiona Main 3u; Automatic A-IS80. ... FOR RENT SO acres, all la cultivation, fme '- oil; house and barn; 10 mile out. - 0. H.' Pfaffl. 208 Third t. . . . " , BUSINESS CHAJTCES.7 Lizzr ana news stana Make n an offer for the cigar and vibdq. et ivi ciiaia rorner oi Disrsv-is . ,ja 'i paja oat must do soin. ror particulars a v .- .,- v DIETZ-MUBLLBB CO., . ' ' . 608-8. 8 wetland BldgA w . :'. - k MINING STOCK FOB SALE la th nines with future; . th greatest mineral Bone of th , ' earth, carrying; such noted live dlatrlcta a , "Goldflelds." "Tonopah." --Coeur d'Alena," "Le Rol and the famed Klondike. If yoa want mining stock, bny among the produc ers In the producing aonej buy ef miner who understand their bualneee; . bny of a repot. 'able and well-knowa mining Company that haa the "goods" and eaa deliver them; stock will positively advance 100 per cent within 90 dare; you can't miss it If yoa bay now; Ky no attontlon to the pie-faced "knocker,'1 t bay now and be "In" on the great" atrike; 38 per cent boons la promotion stock - to all who buy this week; no agents. , Ad- dress Cardinal Gold Mining Co., Portland, Or. IF YOU want Butt Boys Consolidated mining stock at 10c, take It now; .this of flee Is SoO ' Eaat Morrison at. The direct ore ef the eoas pany,. owing to the continual Increase of value of their ore and tba development work done aad being done, have decided to rale the price of atock to 16 oa May tb 6th, and may be takes off the market eve at that price aay day, - If yoa want It, get In now. Butte Boys Coasolldsted Mining C.. Son Baa HOTELS OUB SPECIALTY. If year hotel I far le. la or eat ef the1 city.- bring It to aa and we will aroeare a purchaser without publicity. Riferancs Hotel Mea'a Aaeodstloa. P. L. ATSTEN a CO., -Original Hotel Brokers, Hit 122 to 126, Ahlnstoa bMg. Pboae Main S48S. FOR SALE Osrpet cleaner, beet, largest, mast up n asi in 10m eiry; wilt stand n-votes l a enap If takes at eaa. Address B 1T4. care Journal. , , , ,,- 7 BATB-MONET Aaytbmg. In Minting see Ma. Sea. Odd Fellows' Temple. First aad A Met ata. apetaira. a .. FOR SALE Our grocery department, stock and nxrnres; can tarn a good trad to pur chaser, booming mill town, 100 mile from Portland; beat of reaaona for celling. Ad dress T 188, care JournaL BARBERSHOP 8 chairs, mast . be sold this week. 406 Lamber Exchange. HAVE opening for parties, with small or large capital. In heavy, manufacturing enter prise, to Mtsbttah la Portland; will stand closest Inveariaetlon. For particular ad dress D 188, care JoarnBL - FOR SALE OR RENT- A gooa hotel, good tran. . aaar 4, Jay cook, 119! Oak at, Salem, Or. - FOR SALB Cigar store doing good bastaeas; K-ag wees, reaaonaDie rent; excellent locatlent 82.800. Address O 1ST, csre Journal. FOR -SALE Laneh eoontar tn a live lumber town nair way oetweeo Portland and Ta com; fin Chance for maa aad wife: electric llghta, aprlng water, low rent; fully equipped; a , i jiuaresa aara. allien vol- AN Intelligent gentleman who has ah capital to mvesi in a n-gn paying nnaineaa which will grow aad Increase year after year; thta la a first lass opportunity for tha right party;, none need apply except thoss who mean business and have the cash capital to invest. Addr C 188. car JournaL CONFECTIONERY store for sale: baa Ice cream parlor, living rooma ta Mar; reaaonable rent. Flrat It. , FOR SALE Reetanraat. and loach counter . wasningron St.; lease; gnoa piece mr twe (artnere; will .stand atrlctest Investigation: 760. Address G 188, care Journal. BAKEBY for sale, or win trade for a lot; good oven; everything first-class. Address N 188, care Journal. A PARTNER to a 14-ton boat, draft 11 Inch. v. v, wood, via William ate. GROCERIES, provisions and hardware atock for aale, 81,800, or Invoice; good trade estab lished; cheap lease. 884 TJnwa a vs., north. EMPLOYMENT and real estate business doing azou per roontn; too mncn otner boainessi must sell! $160 cash. .North Third at. FOB SALE PouRry -and fish market; 8 years excellent wcatiea. Mala Olio. AN , Interest In tba best laundry In Portland tor sale cneap: a snap. iwl JO. Conant. 10, os Btara t. FOR SALE Grocery etore with $3,000 atock and rixture, centrally located, doing-81,600 business; maat hare eaah; .agent need not apply. Address G 183,. ear Journal. . OTHERS are making from $10 to $100 per evening with motion picture., 11 yoa save a email amount of money you can do the asms; particulars. : Newman's Motion Picture Co., WANTFtlWartnee mtth eanttal for He nvtv. Ing picture show In Portland; big profits. 184. care . Journal. ? : : - , ' ;., REAL ESTATE bualneee for sale, a good one. at a bargain; come quick. . Room IX 862M Washington at. . ... (. FOB SALB A meat market doing fine business; sickness cause of selling. c. w, vail, carl ton, Oregon, . . r - . v.-- WANTED Partner tn well established real es tate office; have more than I can attend to; profit average $360 per month; the right man can get In esay .If good hustler. Call room no. 87, usieign oiag. HALF Interest la one i of the beet paying rea eatata offices in city ror sale: ownui biUiii other boslneas which calls htm away: T60O on easy terma eat ef th business. 8314 Third St., room 6. .. . . . v '- . . .. WB WILL ' guarantee SO per cent on invest ment; also a good permanent position; tnia Is no get-rich scheme, but a legitimate money-maker. 0 184. care Journal. FOB SALB 46M wlU bny a eaafeetionery. ke cream, cigara and notion puainea ea east side. Addres N 186, car Journal. FOR SALE REAL ESTATT. IF you want to buy, aell or exchange your property, can en or address Qeo. w. Turner, feoaiA Washington at,. Portland. Or. FAXON PARK lots 100x200, In cultivation. level and sightly; prices $800 to $876. O. ft. Addlto. Lents, Or Mt. Scott car. Be. 100x100, CARUTHERS St., near Front: some Income; only $4,500. : Poatofflce Box SST, St. T-ROOM honee. almost new, fine comer lot. between Hawthorne snd W. R. carsi aoly $3,000; $600 cash. 348 Stark at , -r ANY SIZE -- " .' We hire om very ebole build fng spots on wast slope or Mt. Tabor, between the earllne and Rase Line road. ' . - HBNKLE A HARRISON, 1 - ail Aoingron aiag. 1 - -1 1 1 FOR SALB New modern 8-etorv bona ..t jncateu; nice mv snmrmery and fruitr-near riignianu school aaaress r iaa. csre Journal. ANOTHER BARGAIN 11 acres, meetly cleared. 1 sw" uvuav ana ws, line SOU, . meal g cheap. The Tltla a Abstract Co., room 4 Mai key bid. Second end Morrbwa eta. 300 FARMS, email tract and lota; bargain en Oregoa Take Mt. Scott car, 6c . LOTS for saw on easy terms; eloee to streetcar in. aiiw.. Pi'ij -. u., viu ana surmaa ' ata. Take Alberta - ear- :,. --i. k "BW 6-room Mttage, tnodsrn. basement. bath. aietn- ijsuwu, not water; atreet Im proved: beaotlfal view of mountains and entire city; only 400 feet from e.J rT? J?. utei to Tbbrd snd Morrison; $600 or less cash, balance monthly; big bargain, no commission.. Owner, room 6, 828 WssbtagtonVL . FOR SALE A moat dealrable uburbaa horn consisting of a 6-room nlasterad wm. .' house and -farming -implements; 160 winter -eppi iroe. otner rruiu and berries, all Ja full bearing: chicken, duck snd north end of 60 earllne. Addre a l&a. ear Jearaal, . - ., Sai, Vi II 1 . vau .4k - h. -tv-t.