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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, . MAY 11,' 1807. j. 2A ' ' i aaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaj i n u ihim ,l i ' , ' m C3l 'BEATS PORTLAND - i "mmmmmhMm - Fall to Win in Ninth on Accoun of Poor' Base Running Twelve Inning Came, v YESTERDAY'S RESULTS., Portland, I; Oakland, 4. . ' Los, Angeles, 4; Ban Francisco, 1. STANDING OF THE CLUBS, . x-y.' -A Won. Lout. P. O. Los Angeles '..... ...20 10 .668 Oakland ... , . ....... .,18 .' ' 1 4 :: .S3 But Francisco 18 .,' 18 .618 Portland. ..'..v..:,. 4 .184 San Francisco, May , 11. tt.look'' 11 innings for Portland to lost again and fof. alx of them the More atood at alL Thsn Devereaux rapped out a two bagger waa brought In a mlnnte later by Smith's tingle. The Bearera got two hits In the ninth, but poor nass running prevented them from tax Ing the game at that point Soorej I .-i .,!' f '( i . PORTLAND. ' AB. R. It PO. A. B. eninn, aa ( 0 0 4 3 Levett, cf 6 9 Casey, tb ........... ft 1 MoCredis, rt . . . . . 4U(K DunlPixjr, 8b ........ 4 1 rue. a t a irolL If 5 o Careon, lb .......... 6 0 Gum, p ., 4 0 "i ' A- ' ' A j " . ' ' ' ' f "tmm- - ' Totals ...41 I 10 SS 15 2 OAKLAND. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Smith, If ...... Van Haltren. ef HeltmuUer, rf Ei?an, ee.,. Pllea, o . Hale.' b ... , Blgbea. lft--.. Pevereaux, lb uogan, p u t 11 , , ToUla ...41 4 II 18 18 Runa and hlta br Innlnaa: Portland OeiOOJOOOCOO I Hits ... 1 1 100 1 9 02 01 010 Oakland 0110000000014 Hlta 11110101100111 SUMMARY. Two-baaa hit Van Haltsen, Donahue, Devereaux, I; McCredle. Sacrifice hlta HeltmuUer, 1; Donahue, Oum. Dun leary. Baaea on balls Off Oum, 1; off Mogan, 2. Struck out By Oum, T; by .iogan, 1. Hit by pitched ball Egan. Double plar Smith to Bltae, Casey to Carson. - Wild pitches Hortui, 1. Time of game 2:15. , Umpire Perrlne. SEVENTH STRAIGHT FOR CARNES, ANGELS' PITCHER Los Angeles, May 11. Carries won bis seventh straight game today, allowing but four scattered hits. Score: I RH.E. Los Angelas ,.0 0 0 0 1 1 8 0 4 6 4 San Franclso 0 1 0 0 0 r 0 0 01 4 I - Battertes-r-Carnes and. Hegani Quick and Street. Umpire Derrick.. AMERICAN LEAGUE l-ninago ............. New York Phfladelphl .ii'td'.i:'. Detroit . , Cleveland , Won. Boston . Wanhington .......... St. Louis 10 10 8 6 Lost. T 9 10 n 15 P.O. .808 .ST8 :US Mt .524 ,260 Dne nf the fit exoerlences of :Bill Sauires. the Australian fichter, who has come to America to meet a good heavyweight with the idea of qualifying for a meeting with Champion Jeffries, was an automobile ride. -In the above picture Squires and his manager are being shown the sights of 'Frisco. In the front seat of the motor-car are tne cnautteur ana w. w. JNaugnton, me lamous writer on pugi lism. In the rear seat, naming the men from the left, are Squires, Manager Reynolds and McNamara, at whose place Squires is now training. ' MOHARCHS iR SPRIHG I Webfoots and Columbia Mee Thursday Night to Play Off Their Tie. At Cleveland. Cleveland New Tork . . ; ...... . Batteries Llebhardt and Clarkson, Barger and Klelnow R. 8 1 H.E. 14 1 I 1 Clarke; NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago . . . New York . Philadelphia Pittsburg i. noston Cinoinnatt Bt Louis Brooklyn Won, 17 18 11 8 8 8 4 1 Lost 8 8 7 8 10 II 16 17 . PC, .850 .842 .611 .671 .444 .860 .111 .106 At Boston. . , R. H.E. TlAiitnn 6 8 1 Cincinnati ; 8 11 2 Batteries Lindman, Flaherty and .Brown; Coakley and Schlel. At Philadelphia. Bt Louis '-,. Philadelphia .-.., Ba,tterles Beebe and tfiiger and Jacklltsch. R. H. E. , 14 4 ..4 8 Marshall; pit BOULAN AND GLEAS0N WIN HANDBALL TROPHY " Br defeating R. Jones and Morelnnd . . . -. . . . .1.... In., . .h t)An. i in. rvi u t Lit w in u ii .ui and Gleason won a nanasome goia meaux apiece, aa wen nn.raBnu three times cup. Tne 'score was ai-io and 81-11. The Winners had a handi cap of 8 points, so If the two teams bad been matched on equal terms the con test 'would have been' extremely close. Holbrook and Moore won the Cleland cup last year. They played In the tour nament this year, but were defeated. In order to become the permanent prop erty of any team the trophy must be won thres times. , : v " ' ' St. Lawrence Winner. The St Lawrence nine defeated the nine of the Blanchard institute yester day by the score of 16 to 8. Blanchards. " St. Uhwrence. Kelley ';.... . Lacock Ireland ......... ..P. Twltchell Patterson . rs".rt ssr. ........ Mascot Barratt lb, Russell , , ... . 2b ... Percy ...... 8b. . Cliff ........... '.... Hurley . ,...., Jones ....... '.....rf... Meagher Carmody , Marco Redman n-ui - ........ Bttuie ..Trr. Hoffman V. Last evening the Monarcbs and Web' foots met In their final match of the Spring Bowling league and the men with the big feet succeeded in taking the series from the leaders by capturing the first 4w6 games. The game wers well-played through out and very close, with the Webfoots showing ud strong at critical times, While the Monarch team, by capturing the last game, cinched -first place, the Webfoots have been coming strong late ly and If the season was not so near the end they would undoubtedly have given the Monarcbs the race of their lives. Next Thursday the Webfoots and Co- lumblas, who are now tied for second place, meet and the contest promises to be a bard fought battle from start to finish. This contest will close on of, the -moat successful spring tournaments ths Oregon fowling association Jias ever held,-- - - - - ' Meleea of ths - Webfoots bad high score, 806, and tied with Capen of ths Monarchs for high average, xne roi lowing are ths scores made by the two teams: MONARCHS. (1) (1) Raymond 173 188 Dolphin '....l 170 161 Talbott ...170 161 Rows 174 182 Capen . ......178 101 WEBFOOTS. (1) (!) Stammers ..........165 198 Meleen .....106 186 Dearer ..188 154 Armltage .......... 178 162 Lamond ......186 202 (8) 188 167 146 189 191 (8) 161 178 170 168 162 ave. 184 15 160 182 190 ave, 174 190 152 164 187 FIRST NATIONAL' LEADS BANKERS In Sixth pome of League Series Consolidated Bank Goes Down to Defeat. Lost. 0 .1 ' 8 . 2 Ave. 1,000 .666 .883 .000 Won. First National 2 Consolidated 1 Merchants' . National. . . . 1 U. 8. National j... 0 , The sixth game of the Bankers' Base ball, league was played on Multnomah field Thursday afternoon between the United States National and the Consol idated teams. Both nines put up a good game, but the field work of the Consolidated was the better and ths re sult was a win for the latter by a score of 10 to 7. The IT. S. National battery was composed of Powell and Catterlln, that of ths Consolidated. Doby. Bishop and Fields. Next Tues day' the , Consolidated team plays the Merchants' - National bank on Multno mah field at 6 In the afternoon. MANY" GAMES PUT OFF . ON ACCOUNT. OF RAIN All the ' Northwest league games scheduled for yesterday were postponed on account of rain. The Chicago-Philadelphia, Detroit-Boston and Washlng-ton-SL Louis , games of. the American league were postponed on account of oold weather, snow and rain respective ly. The BrooklytChlcago Tund the New York-Pittsburg games of the. National league were not played because of rain. SPORTING NOTES Local and Otherwise. May Sutton sailed for England yes terday to oompets ones mors for the tennis ohampionshlp of ths world, which she won In 1806 but lost again In 1806. But Miss Sutton will not have ths pleasure of contesting against ths only woman player who has ever beaten her Miss IX JC Douglas, ths present cham pion. Mies Douglas a short time ago became Mrs. R. L. Chambers, and Imme diately after her marriage she an nounced that she would not play again at Wlmbleton. A number of sports who paid 830 for seats at the Burns-CBrlen fake hive employed an attorney and wlU try to fores McCarey to give them their money back. They ought to get It, and a com fortable sum in damages besides. The finals in ths billiard tournament at ths Multnomah club will begin tor night at"7:S0 o'clock. Art Jones, win ner , of ths first class, must make 80 points; H. Moore, wlnnsr of the seoond class, must make 45 points, and Clif. Nichols, winner of ths third class, will aA,-;. ,..v; , .f:..:....-.v!i;' -.V- 'A ';V'v Bom ' .. . MBi . .Si. r V . .' . .'.'? ,.'..!,-,vV" '-'.- ?""-' i ' r. " l i. .. i f,- V A A The Best Scooring Soap Mads 'A: A (f - ' ASconrinjf Soap , A Metal Polish -A Glass CXt.att'. - i .-.. play for 40 points. v Te Oregon Agricultural college -and the Washington Stats college will meet in competition on field and track at Corvallls on Monday afternoon. It snowed at Detroit yesterday and the Boston-Detroit gams bad to bs put off. e e Thirty-one high schools are entered In ths lntsrsoholastlo field and track meet, which Is being pulled off at Full- man, wasn., ioaay. i wo nunarsa ana forty-six athletes are entered. Sunday morning the Stettlers White Sox will cross bats with ths undefeated Montavllla club on the tatter's grounds. La Keau will be In ths box for the White Box and Mitchell will do ths re ceiving at the home plate. Packey McFarland of Chicago whipped Maurice Sayrea of Milwaukee last night. The fight was a 10-round go, There were no knock-downs. e "Twin" Sullivan of Boston and Hugo Kelly of Chicago fought 80 rounds to draw at Los Angeles last night The even was pulled off before the Pa clflo Athletic club, which conducted the Burna-O Brlen fake. Athletic sports are now attracting considerable attention In the schools of China. At the annual meet of field sports recently held at Nanking uni versity, mere were present 1,800 visit lng students. At a track meet held at Canton 47 schools were represented. The newly established Chinese bureau of education is said to look with favor upon the Introduction of athletics , Into government schools. The first International contest be tween American and German yachts in German waters will be held in August The arrangements were completed -by Rear Admiral Barandon of the German Imperial Yacht club, and Henry Howard, chairman of the race committee of the Eastern Yacht club of Boston. The races for the .cup offered by the Ger man emperor will Start on August 16. America, will be represented by three boats. e The Columbia university versus Allen preparatory school ball gams was post, poned , yesterday on account of rain. The next game of the lnterscholaetlo league will bs tlved next Wednesday between ths Portland high ana tne east side high. .... v' " Work on ths ground In England where the O'.ympic games Of 19Q8 will be held has already been begun. Ac- EVERYTHING READY FOR NEWSPAPER BALL GAME e No Admission Will Be Charged But Kindly Omit Flowers and Eggs. ' Ths baseball gams between Ths Jour nal and Telegram editorial staff teams will ba 4 called promptly at 9:80 o'clock tomorrow morning at ths league grounds. Twenty-fourth and .Vaughn streets. No admission will bs charged, but friends of the newspaper men who are present will be liable for any dam age to the grandstand caused by their own negligence. Two new baseballs to bs used In the game tomorrow have been donated by the Honeyman Hardware company, with the wish that ths worst team be de feated. This gams Is ths first of a ssrles of six to be played between ths teams of ths editorial staffs of Ths Journal, Telegram and Oipgonlan, giv ing each team two games with each of th other two. They are playing for the championship of the press league and th silver trophy offered by Alex Bmiin, , A WomdeffM Oil Stove Entirely different from all others. Em bodies new Ideas, new principles Easily managed; Reduces' fuel ex pense. Ready for' business at moment cf lighting. . For your summer cook-', ing geta ; V Wick Blue Flame iOfl Cooli-Stove Its best 1 highly MHnM4 Does not srsrhsat ths kitchen. OA always at a maintained lerel. Three sixes. ' Fully warranted. XI sot at.josr dealer's, writs or nearest sgeacy for isscrlptrte skeular. , ' . ' t a, A:... ' .1"...,:.,.. Till K VHCTflth F Is ths best Isjasaw romnd honaahold ses. UadS of brsss thresghsot and beantlfnny nickeled. Per fectly eonetrscted shsoloteiy ' saM( noexeslled Is llght-fffiae; power sa ornameot to say room. Ivory lamp wsrrsatsd. If sot st ysw dealer's, writs to ser searsst agency. u ' 8TANDABO Oil COMPAIfr V aaoosvaauf a . . A X. .' A. All STAR TIIG-OF-IYAR TEAMS TO PULL HERE Contesting Giants to Be Best of All the Teams on the Paciflo Coast. The greatest of all tug-of-war con tests ever held on the Paciflo coast Is being planned by the. promoters of ths tug-of-war 'contests held here and In othsr parts of ths northwest during ths past winter. The pull Will be between two teams composed of ths pick of the tuggers from All over the coast Ths place selected -for ths battle of giants is the auditorium at ths Lewis and Clark fair grounds, the time May Z5. -Tbe pun will bs for a purse and ths ohampionshlp of ths coast. Ths captains of each team have been chosen from the tournaments recently held in Portland. J. J. Llbak, captain of the winning team in ths International tour nament, will captain the Vikings. J. W. Farns will . captain . the Alerts. The contest will be held under R. K. Fox's Police Oasette rules, written by A. W. Planck of Portland. There will be no limit to ths weight of either man or team. A. M. Planck will manage the contests. Oeorg Lewis will referee. MULTNOMAH BOWLING AVERAGES FOR WEEK Team. McCabe Monson Moore . Played. 88 , 88 ...88 Won. Lost . Brigham James ....... Oearin Lonegran ..... Glass , ..88 ..88 .11 ,.18 ,.83- 3 IS IS IT 18 IS 28 88 P.C. .109 .628 .688 .628 ,618 .464 .222 ,162 oooooooeooooeoooosst THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA FOUNDED 1864 Capital paid up $ 4,000,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits . 10,283,034.19 PORTLAND BRANCH CHAMBER OP COMMERCE BLDG. THIRD AND STARK STS. . INTEREST PAID On Savings Accounts......... 4 per cent, p. a. On Term Certificates Subject to 30 days' notice. 3 per cent, p. a. For a yerpd,.. . . Pf f ent, p. a, ; :A A-- A A A A As4sSsVssVSA A ASA ttfo -fhy tj"J, The Portland . T PORTLAND ORXOOIC ' EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY HKAZHJUARTERS TORJTOUIUSTS . AMD COMMERCIAL ; v.,,.-. TRAVLx:aa. . .,-,';' Everything te eat and drink, and It costs no mors In tho ; -, k A . . :, Portland Motel RsthsksDsr ' ' than elsewhere In the city. Every weekday night from 8:80 to It H. O. lOWtU, SCasaget. C.GeeVo li S-I1 WeU-Kaews -SfV . Kellskle Keet sad .Eats DOCTOR Bu mad stnilr ef roots ssd.swfta. ad la thut ttsily Siieovsrcd n la. fiTlog to the world fcla wen4rfal ramedlM. . SO KT.HCTJBT, POIBON8 OB DHtTOi TBTO xz ctrE8 ViTHotrr ortSATioir. os WITHOUT XKX AID Of A KHITX. Be gaariinCne to car. Catarrh. Aattaa, Lan(, . Tbroat,' Eho martin .Nwnwunnw, Nwttrat Debility, i Stomach, liver. Bldor TronblMt itoe Lost Manhood." rsale Weah. seat and All Prtvata DtanaM. A SURE CANCER CURE last Seoetfed fma 2c1ttas. Clshu safe, So - - aad SaltoVle, , w rou ars Amicrio. noiT ciuit. PKLArS ARS DASOtBODi. , 'If yos eaaoot eall, writs for aymptoai blamfe , ssd clrcslar. IdcIom 4 seats la aumo. CONSULTATION FREE 0,' OEZ WO CHrjTEBS sTESIOOT CO. m nnrt SW-Oes.' Matxlsae, Vortlaad, - Orasea. ' , , ' , flaaao Kaatiaa Thla rP. ' Evorv Vonan . litsiensUdaBd atraold kaow. . sooni ina woooamu MAKYU. wblrUaej Spray aMI afiaa. JHM. aS avrlio. Bnrt-.l. aat Moat Coaraalanaj a.ivrwftvc jub lixae saw laaalanMlil, If ha oannoi aatalr tbs othar. hok aaod atiunp for tlluuratad MwM. It full MTUaaiara and rftraflttooa In. raluabittolaxtlas. NABTII, CSX Mm sSm JtjEW luaa. lor Sals by WOOBASO, OLAAKE CO. AJTO I LAVtVOATU Bmua 004 BTOaZS. ' Scott's Santal-Pepsia capsclss A POSITIVE CURE BANK AND OFFICE RAILING WIRE AND ISO!. FENCING Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, Poultry Netting, Etc. PORTLAND WIRE AND IRON WORKS Phone Main 2000. - ' - SECOND AND EVERETT STgl xaMHAAi I i . M SB w 'JXt.l 8 BALL PLAYERS GO TO SPOKANE TEAM Dolly" Oray, ths crack shortstop of ths Multnomah club nine, and Asnsr Houston, the Flakes' third baseman, will leave tonight for Spokane, where they will Join ths Spokane aa;grrega tinn nf ths Northwest leaaue. The men were sla-ned last night by K. K. Qulnn, manarer of ths Bponane ciud, wno came to town to look for likely playars. It Is possible that be may sign another local ball tosser or two before be lsavss for home. : v ' . UnUl ths opening of tha Trt-Clty sea son' her Houston was a member of the Multnomah club nlns, but was expelled from tha olub for playing professions! ball. Gray received an offer a short time ago from Manager Dugdale t Se attle,' but be turned It -down. ...mi 'll i' l il ,- ':,..(- ' Miss May Haalett won ths ladles' golf championship of Ireland yesterday. IIJU'H - sold sy rorTnflammaHoa orOatarrliof tha Bladdarand IXaaaaad Kld- 10 CUES BO tar. Coras hm. qalcklT sad Barmaaantir ths worn eaaaa of sm ir ths ana )!, M mattar otbow XZm Rj,Lt fnr draaatata ana Df larml an Bellassertelas, Ohta Kltfnir and Efctfrftr Jrocblss UHIMR1T OltCHARIES KKLXEVED IN 24 Hours Each Cap. ""s tula bsars WIW ths name- ALL CSCOOISTS. . BLOOD poison Is the- Want dlssaas os earth, yet ths eaataat to ears WHEN VO0 KNOW WHAT TO DO. Many -tare plmplas, apotf on tha tktn, aoraa ths month. Blears, falliaf hair, bona pa tea, ca tarrh, sed don't know Bend to Da. BROWN, I la BLOOD POISON. oak arch St.. PhtlailolDDla, BROWN B I'USS, -w p" pom a; laaU one month. Bold la Portland only by Woodward. Clara co. Pansn - for per bot The Individual averages for ths week ending Ma are: MoCabe 187, Morgan l04.Oamdner lei. Ciemsja"r80, Benhara 148. James 147. O. O; Brigham 145.' Bal ley 144, James 148, Monson 141, P. E. Brigham 141, Cummings 141, Orton 141, Gearin 140, Moore 140. Glass 188, Keller 188, Lovejoy 187, Lombard 185, Sherratt 135. Trimble 115. W. A. Healey 133. Carlson l8. Ott 128, Clark lie, F. 8. Healey 116, Blagen 114, Harmar 114, Thorne 120, Peebler 120, Wennerberg 119, Huston 114. Routledge 114; Willett lllrfloott 111, Barrett 106, Surman 103. cording to the plans proposed ths sta-1 Pittocic 4, HUfleon ss, Berger su amm will - nvo'' sealing cia.Diiy w 180,000 0,000 mors than the one at Athens. It will be so construetsd that those In ths top rows will bavs as free a view of the field as tnoss in rront. No decision baa yet been reached asto whether the track will be measured" In meters or In yards. For the swimming contests an artificial lake 110 yards long will be built. COUCH WINS GRAMMAR SCHOOL LEAGUE GAME The Multnomah-Oregon game, sched uled for this afternoon on Multnomah field, has been postponed on account of rain, as has , also.- been the Brewers- fBrainard . game of tbs Trt-Clty league, scheduled fc. this afternoon at the coast league -STOUmhw ' m- " Collf(?e Track Events Today. Tale ys. Princeton at Princeton, New jersey. , ; Drawn vi AT: I : T. at Raaton ' University of Virginia vs. Johns Hopr kins at Baltimore, j .t u: Harvard Interscholastle: meet at Cam bridge. Massachiiaatta Naval acadsmy vs. Carlisle Indiana at Annapolis, Maryland. University of Illinois vs. university of Chicago at Chlcacv Tbs Conch grammar school nine beat the North Centrals yesterday by the soore of 8 to i. xnrss games remain to be played In the Grammar Sohool league. Yesterday's lineup was: Couch. North Central. P.Patterson ....... c. ...... ,.Roth C. Patterson ......p............. Davis Levlnson ....... ... t .... - McAfee Blbea ............ lb, , Stoops Warren .......... ss , j , , , ... . .; Brlggs Black ail . . . . . . . . .lb ......... . . Turner Qreer . . ..-.,., ..If .,. ...... Fisher Levy .cf ......... . .McNary Day .............rf. ............. Scott Couch ..0 60104 8 8 7 4 North Central.,! SJf 0 Q 0 a ' j Parka Wani a Game. Ths Parks' wouid like a gam for to morrow afternoon from, any team under 14 years old. Call up East 1208 and ask for Willie.' or leave word with The Journal enprUnc edlto -- . . United Sf .ales Congress Explodes Bom!) in Camp - r J ; of MenS Medicine lei Tbs popular aversion to ths drug msthod of treaUng disease la growing to tremendous proportional Tha United States Congress rscently sxptodsd a big bomb In tha camp of tha patsnt medicine men when they enacted thy law compelling theSs firms to give notice to the public of any dangsrous ingrsdienta their mixtures may contain. I predict that the present decade will sound the death knell of the drug system of treatment as it Is practised "day- It "seems to ms that' mucts argument should not b necessary to onvincs you who bavs for years piled your system with drugs and found no permanent relief from your ailment, that that system of treatment Is all wrong. But some of you stick to It, and whyt Becauss It was the custom of your father and your father's father. A matter of habit and nothing elsfc - Tour fore, fathers might J have bad an excuse, but for you there la none. ;fjoaJ Electro-Vigor Is at your command. If with you the arguments which I havs set forth do not takalroot thera Is yet another argument jnost .Potent W jtm oonvincing power, and that Is ths Galvanio Current itself. - I Mk ' J.0 come to my office and try It or send for Electro-Vigor and put It on your t .ody, as I will arrange It for you, and I say to you the man don t . Hvs Wh 0. onee be has felt the Invigorating effect of a steady stream of Electricity la JIS Tltaia will ever go "back to the drug habit. 'v -v'" 'iLiT'viu ' Eleotro-Ylgor la a dry-oell battery which yon wear about your body while you sleep. T it ia always charged ready for use. and --amsratas L"MJJW.' constanUy. Ton don't have to bother about charging It In vinegar or aold. r The exhilarating sensation Is felt without sting or burn, and I nave psrtectea it with a regttlatfng devioe which makes the current mild or stronf at wui. , , . I spent-bnndreda of dollars onr doctoraland drugs without getting any .help, and ,h,n J - physical wreck when I began your treatment . Now X am strong.' my kidneys give me no tJJ i p .... k i- . . Altretmtm nmnarl . i' , ..( . ... i ww Spragua, Wash. This appliance has cures in most every town and city tn tha country, and If rJ TknlS? testimonials, glvsn to ms by people that ars probably well- known to you. t.lSLj Rheumatism! Sciatica, Lumbago, Backacha, Kidney Trouble., Nervousness, Constipation. Indigestion and Stomacn Trouble. ' - ' , " ' FREE TO YOU Get' my 100-page book describing' Electro-Vigor and with illustrations of fully developed men and women showing bow it Is applied. This book tells In plain language many things you want to know and gtvea , a lot of good, wholesome advice for nev .-.?...":. -,.' - - - I'll send this book prepaid free, if you will mall me this coupon. :'. r;. ?:- Cut.4t out now. . - . S. A. HALL, Ll T , 1439 FlUaoro St., Sn rmr c; :ro Pleasa send xne ; prepaid your fre 1 j. Illustrated book. t-n t 1 NAMB . ADDRESS i