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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, TORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. ArrJL' l XCC7. DIOCESE F COf.lES JiEW WAY M ID -m e a-a mm Dregon Episcopal Organization Will Raise Neoded Money ' ' by Endowment. ' " Tha Ore com Epleor-pal diocese la to (make atrennoue effort to remove s e-reat embarrassment. Hitherto the en dowment fund of the diocese ha bean inadequate yleldlnc only about half of tha salary for tha bishop, and tha per. I shea have bad to ba assessed a very year to ralM tha remaining amount. tnattar of humiliation to tha dlooess and em barrassment to tha btshoD. , . v . Thla year It la the great purpose of tha Episcopal church W eelebrete tha three hundredth anniversary of tha aa tabllahment of ngllsh Chrlatlanlty on : thla continent by asking for a treat effeiing from the nan Interested In tha work, which offering la for tha pertna ient endowment of any ahurch tnatlto tloa or fundar the building of rectories. Every giver la permitted to name to what purpose ba wishes bta aoatrtbutloa devotel- Tha committee of thla diocese ' liaa decided to appeal to Ita own nan In behalf ' of the 'endowment of the ' Fplecnpal fund of tha dlooeae. " Thla . fund at present yielda only $1,160 a year and about f 1.100 ha to ba ralaed by ae aeaament to make up tha blshop'a aal ary of tl.000. with tha allowed him for travellnr expenses. A rift of 1250 represents one missionary thank i offer- , Ing already given to tha .diocese by Wil liam Richmond Patera of 6t Michael's Rot. William Richmond, formerly rec tor of St. Mlohael'a, organised Trinity i. i nAi.t , - t t eti 8ome offerings from friends In Chi rago have been designated for tha Ore- to-nM AlmJ mA It im AtMirfAJ .Hat th.M will be a good deal of ontslde aid aa well aa from tha parishes of tha diocese. J Otters have been sent to various bish ops calling their attention to the need f this diocese, and a systematic ean aa of Trinity pariah In Portland will begin work. May X. . . SOCIETY NIGHT TONIGHT C read Ohost Carnival, Oaka gkatiaf Biak Thursday Blffet. . . ' This will again be aoelaty night at tha Oaka rink and a pleasant time ia anticipated,.. The epeclal beginners' class will open every afternoon thla week. One lesson. Including afternoon skating, skates and instructor, o cents. The crista of tha aeaaon will take place Thursday night la tha way "of a grand ghoat carnival ahaet and pillow caae party and general masquerade. There will be elegant prises given and a wild, weird and wonderful electrical effect has been arranged. This mas querade will ba the area test aver given. The masks are elm pie and cheap but tha effect will ba grand. Don't fall to arrange to b at tha bis ghoat masquer ade. . JUDGE FORBIDS RETURN OF THAW EXHIBITS f Journal Speck! bom lee.) ' V New York. April I . Justice Fits gerald today denied the motion of Har ry. K. Thaw'a eounael for tha return of all the axhlblta used In the trial. They desired especially tha letters writ ten to Ielmaa, which Dlmas Included In his statement to tha lunacy commis sion. V ' v " ' , . , Millinery Trimmer Wanted to Work Evenings. ? Big wages paid every night r Apply tonight 7 o'clock, ready to work, 8JI Washington at (See Mile. SUbersteln, head designer for Tha Ghafer-WhitUer Co, ; .- . , . , WILD MAN CAPTURED NEAR JUNCTION CITY (Bpeelsl TMsoatea ta The JearoaL) ' Junction City, Or, April 1. A. tnaa named Blmcox. who said ha was from urday at Harmony school house, where he had -taken refuge after keeping tha neighborhood In a state of alarm for some time. He was taken ta Eugene to ba tried on a charge of Insanity. Hives, acsoma. Itch or aalt rheum aeta you crssy. Can't bear the touch of your clothing-. Doan'a Ointment cures the most obstinate cases. Why aufferT All aruraisia sen it , i U ur clotmn g receives In- ctant recognition by people , ... oi taste. .. , .'; , : "Correct dress," said ChesJ 'terfield. "is the best letter of; .introduction." : . ' ;- H ' Here are all the new ideas for spring in men's and boys : ''wear. ' .. " - ,' , , ' This week we make a spe cial feature of Brock's Union- ;Made, Jland'Tailored Suits ; for men at - - , $12 to $25 ?: LI01 ClothinnCo Men's and Boys' Outfitters. 1G3 and 163 Third St. Mohawk Building Come (o fhe New Store Come (o llie New Store, WORTH OF BELATED SPRING MERCHANDISE THAT MUST BE TURNED INTO MONEY AT ONCE. Within the past six weeks we have received many thousand dollars worth of spring, goods. Not having room in the old store to unpack them they are now on our hands. v Under ordinary circumstances everjrscrap of this belated stock would bynow have bepn turned into money, and in order to make up for lost time we shall offer extraordinary sacrifices of values,. including in our new department such as gloves, hosiery, handkerchiefs, neckwear, underwear and corsets. Considering "the low" prices at which goods will"be sold, all sales must be final-f no telephone or mail orders will be acceptedno goods will be sent on approval. " ' : , -v" 1 ra, X iHVl -1 1 a3 HTl JTv -:,:::;J; y'.y :':.:7":-,';, ' lrl':-r.- " Great bargains in Women's Suits, Skirts and Waists ;::;: , , ' ort first ploor , s Women's Long Gloves : $100 Kid Cloves, 16-button. . , . .. '. . :'...' t .V. . ; . ; . I . . ,?2.D5 $156 Kid Gloves. ie-button..:,...;.C:.:.;...;.?3.25 $5.00 Kid Gloves, 16-button. . . ... . ., . . ?V. . , . . I . .93,63 . , . ... , Ask for Silk Gloves. Every pair reduced. :. . , i Hosiery Fancy Lisle and Silk Hose and every pair reduced Women's Neckvear v : Collars, Stocks of all descriptions. ; Every. one reduced. : Muslih Undewe Drawers and Skirls. Every ; Gar ment greatly reduced. '; Ml ON BALCONY O Worth up t $7J50. '.Opening Sale,, 3.00 Worth up to $17JJ0... Opening Sale. . . . . .7.50 ALSO FIRST FLOOR :JU v,:V-i ry; . Our First MiUinery Sale f(.Km.:the;:-Ne 100 Choke Trimmed Hats at 84.05 each. To introduce our : ' new Millinery Department we will offer for our opening sale a splendid lot of stylish trimmed hats, value to $8.00, at 84.05 : ON SECOND FLOOR W VUIafW Worth up to $35.00. Opening Sale ........... .....817.85 Suits worth up to $25.00. Opening Sale V. . i ....... . .$035 $50, $60, $75 Suits. Opening Sale v 837.50 Suits worth up to $15.00. Openin Sale .... . . ....... . . . ..... .$5.0 Skirts worth up to $70. Opening Sale i.. .i.i........f3.05 ' Skirts worth up to $15.00. Opening Sale .......... ; .80.05 surts worta up to za.U0. Opening Sale . . , .811.75 Skirts worth up to $35.00. Opening FUst Floor . 2.00 Waists Opeailag tale 95c . 1 t .s ev m - . . Bk w m w . a ; Worth wp to $UM. Opening Sale, ..85.75 The House o! Values 1 1 " l ' ' 1 Fifth and Alder Sts. CflNlflSSES AT THE ART MUSEUM refft Tn""'""" r V v- RSKfcaMfciJen)eb&V The Calf, by Lyall Carr. :f ' rha f aet la now for an lover a na art and davoteea of tbe besutll nl iii crafts t tha Art Museum. Fifth and Tutor streets. Tba aisolar of tbO arts and crafts which la la place nl the upper .nAma Inrludaa many of the choicest treasuree from Portland homea aa well m nnrtinn of the exhibit recently made at Copley Hall. Boeton, onder the .1... . tha Irli anil Crafta society. Ura. Hume ia aiso invwini a ww n-pr sentatlTe picture by 'American artists. Tha Bit or x arm me wntcn is re produced la by Lyell Carr. It baa a frank charm of lta own. William Keith ta shown br three canvases, beautiful landscapes. Mr. Keith recently exhib ited la New York at the Metropolitan Mnseum, and thee are from that ex hibition. V ' , . .. - ' The Couse ahaep picture is so ruu oi nM aimiivh that It warma tha heart. Portland people are always Interested In Mr. couse's progress ror ne is sun frowtna. Ha baa been known and ad- nitrad hare for many years. Mr. Cevae la a brother-in-law of i Mrs, Charles Kamm. - A beautiful bit of sunny wood land and rreat trees Is ahowa from tha brush of Warren Eaton. 3. 3. Ennek trg, a Boston artist, is represented by three distinct and pleasing pictures. One la of autumn woods,- another a hillside with fruit trees In bloom, and tha third 4 eiimpse of the Berkshire hill, treat rounded hill masses, flowing li'Sutumn color and draped, with ragged mist clou da. . . ., j .';.7 -( Three English acenea are ahowa by Honry B. Bnell. Oeorga da roreet Brush, who, It may not ba Inappropriate to aay. la Mrs. Hume's brother, ahowa an In dian on his horse, looking out over the' prairie, picture Interesting In composi tion and eoler. . . Others represented are; Charles Hollo Patera, Bar lain, Gladys T barer and War ren Eaton. The display will be open ta the mem bers of the Art association on Tuesday, and thereafter wlU ba open to the public. JUNCTION CITY'S BAD BOY GANG BROKEN UP (BpeeUl IHstiefa Is The sWnaL) Junction City. Or.; April It. Wltn the sentencing of Herbert Thorn and wtllard Letmier to tbe reform school and Ilalph Coona and four other boya to the eouBtjr jail Bsturdsr for the specific otfenee of atalltie- two kess ef dkeeg truia SouUiexa i'acUio Xialghi car hare. It la thought a pesUfsrous gang.! ef Juvenile roDoera no a oeen broken up. Their depredatlona had been In progress for months and their adroitness waa too much for the local sleutha. A detee Uva, Joe Rllev, finally gathered them up. Thorn, who la credited with leader ship In tha band, la only II years old, Ills mother Is dead. - Tbe petty th.f ta. It la said, date from last midsummer. Tha boya see mad ta steal only thlne good to est and drink, Oranges ajtd bananas, wUh laeioa ia ft N'- , impression by which Nthc home . is judged. . ; " If the curtains, ; i table and coiich covers are " Artloom, the closer theinsDec- N tlon and the more 1 ; ; critical the judge, the ; better they appear. ; ; Make it a point to v ; have Artloom Tapes i tries in your home. V'The rich designs and variety of J patterns - make a choice easy, V tnd enable you to V- 0 beautify: carry out any color scheme. Vi Tc,r rtisttc. beauty II , , . . . and wearing qualities are , the desire of ; mr n .n nrnnnrh'A m every housewife.: their modest prices.. ; The th ings that to your advantage to count for most arc lookYor the Artloom label tjie draperies: 00,111 sunds ; curtains, couch ;JPtry rerfecrion. ; .covers and table A$Un uy 1 ; Artloom Tapestries. . Covers. . ' . . Curtains and: couch'; ; These first meet coven at 3 and up. Table ; the eye and give the covers, $ 1.50 and up. ASK YOUR DEALER TO SHOW YOU ; . , ' V ARTLOOM TAPESTRIES y ; rsaazssixzssszssssasxssaUsagszZaiz: :xzzzzzzza 3 Go vith Us to Waverleigh g On the lg tally-ho. Free seats to all. only reserve them In K "advance. Let us know when you can fco.' - . ( J B : Z H. W. Lcmcko Company I ; sixth and Washington , , -i- Main 830 ' Home Phone A 8357 .rzzzrzzzxzsszzsxszzrzzzrrsrzzzxzzzzzzzxzsjxsztszia. their season, ware favorite articles tod Intoxicating liquors were never over looked, , - ' . , tetertiva Rllejr la aald else to hava tvidanoa against a numb si of growo- np boya,' soma ef them ax -employes is tha Southern P&ctfJo yarda tier. . The downfall of tha lads la due, a usual, almost without rraeption, to tha iaok of paranta4 carat IA addiuoa th yg)lii 1 m 1 COFFEE; TEA SPICES DAKItlO POVDER ' " "TYTrf!T!'" "1 bniiaMwiif. tfUSFRIGHr ; ; n CLOSSETQDJERS PORTLAND. ORE.' C '--at. i. , I 1 IVER c HekBeadaeheaad lelle-aan tbetreahtea (net in e a alllaae state nf tbe,sach as ItSMM after sauna, P.IB la tos BlOa, So. WhUe ssnsTsahls aneeess has bmm shews In eutoa SeSitasVe. yet CrWr-e LltOe Lives pttla ere aaaal ij valuable ia OonsUpMion, enrtsc aad te vuUaf tbl.aaaeTlefeoapUlatbll.thslse ' eometllllrarsa7tb..toms!htlmlatethe hwandrHalatetheeowala. Snalftheyealy . ana iUhetheywimldbealiBstpi1e.tMstekea.wsa bitter attitude of rrown tnen, soma af them emnloi'ea.. toward the railroad company. Is res&onslble. the hoys mor al eense imlag blunted la tha eutset anar from tills elswimlos enmrtslntt but r aaUlyth.lrfaedoeaidnainntendhire,siiaai!yM vbeoaee try tb.m will find these llttl. pill. val'e-. able in m many ways that they will not b. wlW Un(tedo without tbnaw Bntaftw all alch bead Is ka bane ef ee many lives that bare Is weaiakaenraantsoast. itarpUlsoureMwhUe . sot. Utkws L(tHe Uvea Wis are very email and ?T easy to take. One er twe trtlla nakea dees. Tbay areetfietly vetrMahleand do sot grirn ot piinr bothy tbetrcratieaatlaa) pleaseaU who See laees. V uirn xisieisi eo, m toit' ' '- aE h!!::i Hfi by careless remarks tending- to aaUb-' llah that frame of salad which can re. tard atalin from a railroad company and especially tha Southern Panlflo, if not as a, positive virtue, at Itaat aa na orlina. .