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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1907)
CCOir DAILY JOVllllAV. rOSTLAIID. MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 3, 1DC7." ran o;j SAGE ; CKJIML OilEGOi TRAuSPORTATIOI RAT CROOK MS GO FAST T , """aSJBBBSBBSBSS . Homeseekers Load Every Stags Uncls Sam's Varmint Killer Boat Trip Demonstrates Feasi bility of a Stretch .of .,. '. the River. ' 'A Promises to Come and Get Him Pretty Soon. IntosThat New Land of " Opportunity. SWARMS OVER FIELDS PUBLIC AND IMPROVED T MONEY BEING RAISED TO " AND LEAVES BUT RUIN - TRACTS EAGERLY TAKEN CLEAR COURSE OF SNAGS Fifty Sent Alive) to Biologist Piper, Many Go In for Timber Lands, Yel Klamath Lake Company Belies Busi - Now Busy With Ground Squirrel ' In Washington, Who WU1 Mll lUt low Pine Tracts Hitherto Turned ness opportunity -mamaui f alls Car Lines to Be Operated by , Down Looking Very Good- Irrt gated Lands Draw Immigrant a. ' Medicine, Too. ' Horsepower at First. v. -V ABOU maw yV y . - - ' A - ' (Special Dlapateh to Tbe Journal) Madras, Or April 19. That an effort to rid thla part of Crook county or tbs 'sage rat pest will be mad under gov ernment supervision seems probabls, . 'Correspondence la in progress between Interested parties here, and Stanley E. - Piper, assistant In the United Bute biological survey, now at .Pullman, "Washlnrton. where he is encased In field work. Inoculating- the around squlr rels of eastern Washington with virus Of a fatal contagious disease. This cor- respondence lias brought oat (ne fact that the department la anxious to test the virus on the sage rat. and In case laboratory tests prove satisfactory. r. Piper promises to some to Madras and personally direct fleid work for the extermination, of the rata in this seo- UUU. .... Tlfty Bate to Try it On. . At his request 10 or more live sage rate will be expressed from this place to the Pullman experiment station in a few days to be subjected to the tnooula - tlon tests by Mr. Piper, who expresses the opinion that the virus wiu be of 'great assistance in combatting the 11 1- ' tie pests. 1 The sage rats, have assumed conslder r able Importance throughout this region aa crop destroyers, not only to cereals, but also In the Irrigated alfalfa fields, as the roots of the plant appear to be more to their liking than the stalks or seeds, while their burrowing also de stroys many, plants. .- - . While It may not be ponrole for the government biologist to come to Madras this season for field work, he announcea his Intention of starting aa eariy cam- ' palgn on the sag rata In the spring of 1(01. - . Thousands sUUedj irons Kissed. , The sage rat is a small, brown, go--pher-llke squirrel, which lives In bur rows In the ground ana multiplies rap- Idly. To Inoculate the rats with the germs f a fatal and contagious dlsesse and i allow them to spread the disease among ' their neighbors by natural association seems to be the only practical way of destroying them. ' .., Two farmers of this district laM. sea son kept- eount of the sage rats they killed In various ways and know that i they destroyed over 1,009 of them along their fields, and yet, they assert, there "were just as many rata remaining there aa where none bad been killed. , Preferred Stock Canned Ooosa. Allen Lewis Best Brand. (special Dispatch to Toe Journal.) "-', Madras.. Or., April I .- Central Ore gon Is reoelvlng a share of the 'thou sands of homeseekers now pouring into the state from the east, as a result of the great colonist ' movement Inaugur ated by the several 'railroad companies. For several weeks stages out of Shanlko for the interior have been crowded with land seekers dally, many of whom lose no time in acquiring lands by purchase or by filing on government lands open to settlement under the homestead laws. Many are attracted to the Irrigated lands under the ..Deschutes' Irrigation A Powsr company's segregation on the desert south of Crooked river, where they either purchase land direct from the Irrigation company or buy Improved tracts already put In cultivation by the original settlers. ' Several - such tract have recently changed bands at prices ranging between $40 and $50 per acre. - Soma Pile Timber Claims. - Others of the newcomers are looking after timber claims, being desirous of using -their rights before a possible threatened repeat of the - timber and stone act by the next - congress, and claims heretofore passed by as inferior are now being eagerly gobbled by parties Who have lived to witness the depletion of forests In Micblgsn and Wisconsin. Crook county timber attracts the claim hunters for the reason that It is soft yellow pine, which, with the advent of railway transportation Into this region, will be hurried to the saws and Into the markets of the world far In advance of the fir timber of western Oregon, there by giving quicker returns on the invest ment. . irrigated StenOs Brew Settlers. Immigration into this ' region last year was comparatively slow,, but since msrvaiousiy sucoessrui cropa.were pro duced on the irrigated desert lands last year and the country "Is thus, by actual results, beginning "to , prove Its merits, the, colonisation movement this year appears to be much more vigorous. and the Indications at present are that this season's close will finds thousands of new settlers In established homes in the central Oregon territory. Tin. .nbK . tlon weakens the bowels, leads to chron- They operate easily, tone the stomachi VS-av vwuaisaatvui ' i r Metsger fits your eyes for 11.00. Sixth street, near Washington. 1X1 n in two forms irl white rice paper, v W or that brown mais) but only in on quat- TjSrf iix '; itytlu best cigarette quality ever offered, . a in two forms--4toit& irl white rice paper, or that brown mais) but only in one qual '; itytAe best cigarette quality ever offered, ; : That's, because Sultan. Cigarettes are rolled from a mellow blend of the Very cream of the crop known in Turkey as '; "Dubec": the final, most critical sorting ; ;. of the choicest tobacco, leaves. I ' ; Look for" the word 44Dubec"'on the . box,- Sultan Cigarettes have individual ; mouthpieces, toot and are i . V .,;; 20 for 25c WIIY PAY MORE f - ( flubs and Good Tobacconists Everywhere - THE JOHN BOLLMAN COMPANY ,. C; r ' Manufacturers ' . " V SaaFrmndiccj . (aparlal Dlapatea to tht Joeraal.t ' - Klamath Falls, -Or., April It. To Port Klamath by boat la now a demonstrated possibility. h. M- Wampler took party of prominent citizens ud Mondav in his launch and the people there gave vnem a royai reception and generously subscribed toward a fund to be used la clearing the river of snags and bars so as to insure safe and speedy pas sage of a 60-foot boat which Peter reierson will have constructed and bv June 1 be ready to transport passengers t Crater lake and to Spring creek, the world-renowned trout stream. The In terest taken In boats and launches and the number owned by eltisens Is ons of tbe surprises often remarked by vis itors ana newcomera. . Two boat-build- ing nrms are kept constantly busy. Mr. Peterson contemplates havlna - barsres built, as hay and other produce of the Wood river valley could be transported to this city and sold at great profit The condition of the roads when such produce Is most In demand makes their transportation In the old way next to Impoaslble. . . The Klamath - Lake . Transportation company has secured the strateglo Tat ar's landing. M. I Burns secured pos session of this tract, consisting of over tog acres, when it was supposed that the new railroad would touch that point Since the permanent survey misses It os was reaoy to let It go. The trans portation people nave secured It. as it will be the shipping point . from . the terminus or the new railroad to .this city, transfer being made from wagon to boat there. This will continue until the new road reaches Midland, tbe first station out from this city, t The street railway company la having Its tracks ballasted and promises eoon to have - cars running. It Is probable that horse cara will be run for a time and. gasoline motors will likely be used later. There Is much trafflo between the lakes during -the summer and the osrs will be a great convenience. WANT LORD . KITCHEKER TO RETURH TO ENGLAND Kins Edward Wants Commander : in Chief of India to Serve on Army Council. . ; (Journal Special Service.) London, April 19. At ths Indian and -Service clubs the nam of Lord Kitchener has cropped up constantly of late. -It is well known that the king Has more tnan once expressed a wish that Lord Kitchener could oome home and act on the army council, which la badly in need Of a strong man and a J rest organiser, . ir any . or Mr. Hall ane's proposal are to be carried Into effect . - . General Sir Ian Hamilton is again mentioned as the successor ' to Lord Kitchener In India If that empire can be prevailed upon to . spare . the com-mandertn-cbief. - There was never any thought of making the Duke of Con naught commander-in-chief in India, mm his royal highness la anxious to retire shortly altogether from active service. WHITE SALMON TO VOTE ON A WATER SYSTEM ' special Dlapetra te The Joersst) Hood River, Or., April 19. A favor able, report having been received from the engineer, eltisens of White Salmon, Washington, wul hold an election on I May It to vote on the proposition of 4 UomeDecoralinn Is not a difficult matter when you Q ... ,; .. use ..- i,- IIOR-E-LAC THE ORIENTAL WCCD HMSQ A combination of most durable Var- Q nlsh and Stains for Interior Wood Work, Floors, Fufslture, etc. L TI1S EIC PAINT STORE K JFisher,Thorsen & Co. y FROINT AND MORRISON STS. ttZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZXZZZZZZZZXZZZtZXlM bonding for an Irrigating system. Ac cording to the report, (00 cublo feet of water per second can be secured by di verting the water from Big Buck creek. The water will bo costveyed In wooden pipes, except where It Is necessary to cross the - White Salmon river, where pipe of Iron will be used. By employing pipe Instead of an open ditch It is ex pected to provide a "water system for the town of White Salmon as well as for Irrigating purposes. SOOTHING WEED LIDDED BUT NOT ICE CREAM - (gpedal Mpatch fci The Jearsat) - - HlUsboro, Or., April !. As a result of an understanding had yesterday morning with Deputy Attorney Wall the loe cream parlors throughout Washing ton county 'were 'permitted to do busi ness. Aa Mr. Wall oonstruea the law, the sale of Ice cream la not prohibited, and as lon as sales are confined to Ice orearar and soft drinks, there will be no objections to Sunday sale on the part of the prosecuting officer. The sale of tobacco and olgars has been prohibited, and the notice of the district attorney was generally compiled with yesterday. A cigar could not be purchased any where in HlUsboro yesterday, and the same conditions were reported through out ta oounty. -. ' 'Lsr:i who ,SV.3 " .'Si I ' . y j ' , : ' , V, ' X - I r , .... ' , , ''- A A : I ' . . ' I - ' ' - . ' : ' ,.. y I ' ' ' ' MADE BY MEN WHO KNOW .-;--".'' EXCLUSIVE PATTERNS MODEST PRICES ;,':$15 .tD!:$40 . ;;: lii . . . . Leading Clothier i . i H . NG yimmmntniMtiy; If energy and ambition Z . w laoting . " If the mind to doll, Inactive or de vttmni sad trifling sanoyancce " irritate sad exasperate, thea the mm " LIVEK la la trouble. The vetem 1 ts ctorgea wua aaaigcstea sad ' ; sa- .lecmvuis food, i . . . DeCastro'sSacred BarkTea Is the beet remedy tar tTVEa. treublea. It increaaceboth enerry end ambition sad Induces health ful sleep. It Is llll lilLU U i , is Cnrta at AS Drag Stares. MOYT CHEMICAL Ca H0QD RIVER COMMERCIAL CLUB'S THRIFTY BUY , eaaBBBBaBBBMSBBBBBSB) (nperlal Dwpath to Tbe Jooroal.) ' Hood River, or, April 19. A number of business men here, among whom are Leslie Butler, J. H. Hellbronner, J. L, Henderson, A. A. Jayne, H. F. Davidson, O. D. Wood worth, p. g. Davidson and F. A. Cram, have purchased one of the best business corners in town for, tbs purpose of providing a permanent home for the Rood River Commercial club. While the building may not be erected for some time. It waa thought best to secure property now. as city Iota ars advancing rapidly In value. BEGIN TRIAL OF MAIL CARRIER FOR MURDER y., ' v . ' Springfield, Mo April 19. The ease of Oarland Moore, the young mall car rier who la charged with the murder of his sweetheart, Clara West, last De cember, wse callfij for trial in the orlm- COFFEE . -. Good is so good and poor is so bad; ' have Schilling's Best , tomoi. row : fv' Tear trecer reisras year si like Ir; we pay Urn. seey If yea 4ml Inal court here today. The defendant Is barely 11 years of age, while the girl he loved and killed because . she would, not marry him waa it. After three years courting they had been engaged. During their last quarrel Moore slabbed her eight or ten times with a large butcher knife. The de fence, It la announced, will be Inaan lty. . Offers ; an extraordinary special r in IRISH DAMASK I TABLE LINEN COVERS for Tuesday only.' An im- ' mense collection ' of beautiful patterns to choose from. . Rich designs, 58x72 Inches, regular price $1.75. Special ' . ' i .. : t - . for Tuesday only : ',.;".,''' . 85c Eack Not more than 2 to a customer. No telephone orders rilled 'Eastern Tne More Want Ton Credit Is flood Cot. Washington and Tenth icrjir Qimirir is the ner tray of saying perfect paints, enamels, stains, varnishes per- lect irnenyou I buy, and Preferred Ctoek Canned Oooda, , Allen Tuewls' Ust Brand, HcrrrrzrsxxxiiisTnsTMiBMianwaiiJsrxsxsxzxsssz I Go in Our Free Tally-Ho TO WAVERLEIGH II ; Reserve your seats now for any day. r H. W. Lcmckc Comnanv jj SIXTH AND WASHINGTON ij Main 530 V, -' Home Phone A 2357 sscrrzzrsr3Ksrss:r:zsrrr:r;zrrr'rrrrrr"-z:;; L. j . perfect v in use and wear. , does f I mf"- A V"" r 1 AU' Vhatyou tThrl " ' .. 7 want in x ii. ' r- f ' t ii It 14 i I M It I! M H 1 1 ) , It does not KSM C'.'JT Vhatyou I w Ull to paint. you cm - under the name MC.VE QVAUTY" It na are.l ynn a cr nf th nar Kn..w t'l.. fv-lfctlnn f:. iu..... s 1 ( ini.i r-. ' Krr-iri. .i, II your i-re-t Imlrr r.n,.( ;v yon wiirt ti. "Acne N-vfrirtiV::: irt rim V, lirt'.aa, -4-J!U