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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1907)
thi: orxGoiT daily journal; Portland. Monday evening, afrit m. iztt. PORTLAND LOSES PITCHER'S BATTLE Nagla Hid Shade flie Advantage ( Over the Giants Slab Artist if , SCHIMPFF TWIRLED 71 - A VERY GOOD CAME Los Angeles Gets Busy and Sends ! Two, Rum Borne In the First In " tof, TVnile Portland's Ixme Tally Came fa the Second, " ijonraal Siwrl.l bmia.1 f Los Angeles, April 11. flohlmpff and Nagt engaged In a pitching contest yesterday end the latter cam out On top. Los Angeles mad bar two runs In tha first Inn Inc. After that Sohlmpff was verjt sffeotlvs and blended tha Angela 'v . :.. .--V, - Portland sent bar only- run across tha plata In tha second Inning on Mo Cradie's single and Donahue's double. Ursa crowd witnessed the same. Um pire wrrlon waa on hand and managed iuwd orosr. una score: . LOS ANGELES. A U U XT A .:::::::fi I'l l I . . Pon. It i s 1 ,v",h' 1 f I l0 0 j Delmas, as. 14.0 4 11 ' l?f. I ;4,v4 t i 2 4 runt-is, p. , , $ , w 0 0 . . a - Totals ; ., ....29 PORTLAND). SiU1 ' , . AH. R. H. PO. A, E. , Bhlnn. ss. 4 4 4 14 Jv,,t cf. i t 0 1 ; 0 4 ! 0 i; a o juirvrwaie. rr. ........ 11 I 1.1' t f 10 I iron ii::ded io ti:e TRu::xr.iAXERS he Troy Myers. Was in Fine Form and Had Opponents at ' His : Mercy. s v The rrafces and Trunkmekers met yesterday afternoon at Recreation Park and something seriously happened the makers of trunka. ' When tha amoke rolled away the soore stood 1 to 0 favor of the milliners. Ths-Frake showed superiority In every department of tha same, their opponents never hav lng a chance. Hers is 4he story In de tail; . . AB. R.H.FO. A, & rr, as. .- ,,,.... . A. Parrot L lb. ....... . I'arrotu jr. Oliver, rf. ........... I C. Parrot t. f. Houston, lb.... t 11 Manifold, 2b, Newell, c. My ere, p. " Totals , I 0 0 i t TRUNKS. is 11 a: u t n-l - UriKKh CI. .......... Jameson, c. ...... ..v Heltsman, ID. t.mrlqii, . ........ Van Norlhwlck. It, 1 lay. so. ... Brown, rf. Fleming, . Herndon, J(. xayior, p. AB.'R.H.P(5.ATK ,0 4 1 Ta 4 SO ........r.. I' I 17 1 I 0 1 ; 1 t J 'Totals i ......... Prakes .10 14 1 10 JOT INNINGS. ......a p w v v v -15 'II runka . . :::::::Uo nil. Hits . 0 110 110 1 BUMMART.--- . ' . Struck outBy Myera,- I; by Hern, don. 1: br Taylor. 2. Baaes on ball Off Taylor. 1: off Herndon. 1J off Mr era, 1. Two-base hit Kmrlok.. Iouble plays Myera to Mangold to Parrott; Heitaman to Day to lleltaman. - Stolen by pitcher Fay, KewelL Innings pucnen juy -layior, si oy jnernaon. j. Base hits Off Taylor. (; off Herndon, 1, .umpire ;neyne. lunleavey. It. 4 1- 1 - 0 1 h Donahue, e. .......... I 0 1 11 ii 1 ' v Ct 71 ' ...... w 1 ; riohlmpff. p. ToUls t 4 .......31 1 I 11 17 f . BCORB BT INNINGS. ' Jxa Angeles .....1 I ; tins . , ,. 1 0 0 toil 1 Portland . .......a llHHt 04 , f Hits , DlllOOH 14 , BUMMART. .. i ' Two-bass bits Donahue. Brashaar, Cravath. ; Sacrifice hit Delmaa. . Left j On oaaes ls Anglna, Br Portland S . Raws on balls Off achlmpff, 1;, off- ( isagle 1. Ptruck out By Nagle. I) by m;lilmpff, 1. Double plays Schlmpff to McClelland; Delmaa to Dillon. Flrat ' pas on r roi a-. Lrf Angeles, l:..JPort - S land, 1. -Ptol bssea Delmaa. lira- (near 1. lime or game Ons Hour and 0 minutes, Umpire Derrick. , f Iarleta ball teaw : ; i tl . , : WINS BY BIG SCORE , tTha Arleta team defeated tha East (Portlands yesterday afternoon -by the ' seors of 14 to 1. Hare is the lineup and -, score: - - ; f - , , EAST PORTLAND. ' AaR.H.PO.A..B. VornbMjh. o. ......... 4 1 1, 1 Holmes, sv- . 4-1 11.1.0 v, Lavegettq, lb. 4 0 0 . Fryman, - as. 4 '11 Vlllaoa. lb. .,.,.. 4 1 I i-Vornbeok. . lb. .11 v C 414 r. ! S 1 rtnp. or...... 1 (oeys, . rf. .......... 1 Totals . f HI I I . . 4 Jf r ! ; AB. R.H.PO. A.E. Rusch. .".., t I II 14 fitampnr, p.. fi I I 0 1 fichawb.. lb. I -1 0 10 1 Meullen, ss, ......... I 4 4.11,0 Oroat. lb. ........... I I 1 1 1 1 : Vanbllllard. lb. McLlnton. If. ........ I liesamer, of.. Dakes, rr. 14 0 1 4 14 I 19 10 0 ........ 4 Totals . ... .....:..! if l II -1 I . ;, i. BCORB BT IsTNINGS. Arleta . .. 0 0 14 10 1 I II ; Hits 1 0 I I I I I 411 Pat Portland ...I 000140117 V mis . .........1 oiiisoi 1 1 '.' . BUMMART. i Struck out By Holmes, t; by Stam ber. 1. Baaes on balls Of f Holmes. 1 ftt Stamper. 1. Two-base hlta Holraea jMcLlnton I, Busch. Meullen. Three-boa bit McUnton. Horn run Oakea Facrinca nit stamper. - stolen Oaaei Meullen, MoLlnton. Strip. Pasted balls Busch 1, Vornbeck I. Wild pitch p tamper, -unit 01 game une nour ana 40 minutes. Umpire fichorlingv 8cor- sr uuscn. ... . Palmer rs. Bradley. " (Jooraal SbmUI Vwrlea.) - Phlldelphls, April 2 Jack Palmer, the English heavyweight who went town to defeat before Jack (Twin) Sul llvan at Los Angeles recently. Is to bare another chance to show bis mettle 1 before the Spring Garden Athletic club this city tonight. His opponent will Bradley of Boston. Though not ofrho tall bra of Bulilvan, Bradley Is believed by bis friends to bs capable of keeping ths Jinguabman, busy for tha scheduled six rounds. AMERICAN LEAGUE ; f -jt V ' ' . - '- ,'. "- , . Won. Chicago.. ............. I Detroit ... I New TorV . 7 , Philadelphia 7 Cleveland . . I'. Washington.. ......... 4 - Boaton . . 4 - St. Iouis . .......... 4 Lest. ii . PC .492 ,111 .831 ,131 1417 .400 .14 .lT ' n. h. e. j. . ' At St. Zrfrals. First gams . , St. Louis . .4 Cleveland . . ............. ' Batteries Powell and Steohens: Hess and Clark. . . it . , . Second rame H. 11 E. St Louis . 1 1 Cleveland . I : 4 Batteries Howell aad Etenhana: Thlelmaa and Clark. -1 - u. ,,1 "i; At Ohloago. j 1 : . R. H.H. Chicago , , .....,........! 8 1 Detroit..,, .1 41 Batteries Owen, Walsh and BuUl- vaa; KiUlan and Schmidt. - .. . , ; ? NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE -,a esattis." . - PoatUa .........4 110000 018 4 4 Butts ... . ......olioooJio 1 1 I Batteries Bush and Stanleyi Kllllay and Valley. Umpire Ehrot. . -, . At pokaas. , , : R. H.B. Tacoma . 1 ......140110000 I 7 4 finokana . 4 10 0 4 0 4111 4 4 Batteries Cllflln and Renlker: Eriok- son and Altman. . Umpire Man airy. un team Duv;:i3 THE EHEIVERS AGGHEGATIOTI Charlie Moore Shows the Keg Handlers How to Pitch National Game. The Cheapest Form of Health Insurance , Ths EL Johns team proved to bo too strong yesterdsy for ths B re were. The gams wss played on - ths St Johns grounds. Moore was in ths bog for the victors- and pitched a fairly good gams. Tha support aouordod both, pitchers was poor.. The score: ' - ' ' . . ' BREWERS. ; ,'.. ' AB. R. H. PO. A. R. Van Riper.. If. I 1 11 4 1 Kelt. O. ............. 4 tleiser, ID. .......... i rry, as. ., Wood. 2b. McHolland. ..,,,.. M a Griffith, 8b. ......... I Terrell, rf. I Robinson, p. 4 0 1 I 0 0 1 1 1 11 0 111 Totals C. Moors, p, O. Moore, n. K. Gains, cf. 4 Adama. If. i Clarke Moors, lb...... 4 !", rf.. ..... ..,.,,., I I 7 U can buy Health Insurancs now. . 1 V . , T , Seyertl food "Accidenf - Companies soil It. . Sixty dollara per year will bring you $23 per wecMor ovary weak you are alck. , BuU' your time alona may ba worth far moro than that ' ' ' And $200 per week might not pay for your suffering. ' That's why . "Cascaret''. Jnsurgnco, which prevents Sickness, Is worth ten times as much money ai other "Health" Insurance.--'-' '; Yet "Cascaret" Insurance will cost you lost than Ten Cents a week. . That gives you a "Vest Pocket Bog to carry constantly. , ; '. One tablet taken whenever you suspect 1 ; T 1 ,.'.....14 BT. JOHNS. ' AB. R. H. PO. A. IX ......... 41 1 1 I 1 fcorterfleld. lb, ;,., 4 4 j 1 1 Bmlth. lb. ............ I 1 1 1 1 P. Galna, aa. 1 14 I 11 Totals you need It will lnsur: you against 90 per cent of all other IDs likely to attack you. , Because 90 per cent of these Ills berjn In the Bowels, or exist through 'poor Nutrition, . .. ; "i';,- Cascarsts don't purge, dont weaken, dod't Irritate, nor upset your stomach. : No, they act like Exercise on the Bowels, Instead. They stimulate ths Bowel-Muscles to eontraot and propel the Food naturally , . ......1 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 J8 1 past ths Uttto valves that mix Digestive, i'.".'.:X'.;o 0 4 0 0 I 1 $ 7j Julcej with Food. ' ; .i ! The time to take a Casoaret Is the very minute you suspect you need one. ,' When you have a touch of Heart burn, Cat -belching, Acld-rlsJnglo throat, or a Comlng-oo-CoId. , Carry the "Vest Pocket', Box ready for business where It belongs, just as you would your Watch, Pocket-knlfa or Lead-pencil. -I :, 4 ;. It costs only 10 oents. At any drag-fist- ,' :;, -V:.;v . Be sure you get the genuine, mad only by the Sterling Remedy Company, and paver sold In bulk. , Every tablet ( stamped "CCC." ' V . - , b74I . ...........13 7 l 17 BCORB BT INNINGS. Brewers lilts . St Johns n , , ...... ..v v 1 v 9 e ' s ' BUMMART. Earned runs Brewers. I: Bt. Johns. I, Two-base hit Porterf leld. Home run Fry. Btruck out By Robinson, T; by woore. 5. uoubie clay unrntn to ueiser 10 uriiittn. umpire nanain. BUNKER HILL MAROONS ANNEX ONE MORE GAME The Bunker Hill Maroons annexed fa- other vlotory yesterday by defeating the Homestead aggregation at Homeataad. The score wss 17 to I. Hankie, tho tall, heavy Bunker Hill southpaw, pitch ed a good game. : He has spied, curyi and la bound to win mors than a ma jority of gamaa - Tbs bitting of the Maroons was tha feature of the game. Adams, Gay, Jen nings, Boggs. Jasman and MoBrlde con nected heavily, swanaoa and the ran- broke brothers . wielded the stick for Homestead. Tha line-up: - Bunker Hill, , . .," Homeataad. McBrlda ......,...e. ........ Penbroke Henkle , , . .p. . . R. Ogle, Walker, y y i, - - Penbroke Jasman- ......... .lb .Penbroke, Walker Adams ....,,. ,4. .lb. ........ Walker Gay ....... ,...,.as. Enrich Jennings ....... ., Hwanson O'Nell, Howard . ... rf ... ....... Smith Boggs .cf.-k. E. Ogle Redmond ........ .If Wert STETTLERS TOO STRONG FOR THE TROUTDALES I, C 8tettlers baseball team defeated the Troutdaie Sluggers Sunday on the Troutdale diamond by a score of 10 to I. The StetUer's nine won the game by timely bits and fust baas 1 . running. Troutdale fans were betting I to I on weir team. ...... .... StetUer's team appeared In their new uniforms of red and white for the first time this season, and they mads a aDlen- dtd showing. The feature of the game was a sensational one-handed running VOODBURN DEFEATS THE BRAINARD CUBS fft,chfLl5Lr4 Manl Stattiers. NATIONAL LEAGUE V ' '" o Won.- ....... .;...n tT, Think of the hun ( 1 1 ; dredsof new brands -vei ntrodaced erery J ear then remem er that for rnor ; ' r than thirty-years the ' OIANCELLOB . Eldest and BeeVV has bedn known and ' smoked all over the conn try. Doesn't that mean consist. A t- J - Every box of Chan- cellor Cigars is now fiamped with the "Triangle A'! merit mark in recognition of its superior and , uniform quality. Bold in the best cigar stores erery-, wherfc in various a - sizes; at 2-for-2."c, -,3-for-25c and 10c straight. , , it 1 - A3IERICAN CIGAR COMPANY Manufacturer Chicago . New Vork Pittsburg , v ............ 7 Philadelphia . . ........ 4 Boston ........ I Cincinnati . , 4 St Liouls I Brooklyn . 1 Lost: , P.O. .841 .784 .700 .148 ..800 i.m .zoo : .100 . - At OlaotaaaU. - . . .. .- v.-'- R. H.B. Cincinnati , . .........l I I Pittsburg . . ' v.... C 10 4 Batteries Mason, Esalck and Mo Lean; Willis and Gibson.. , ' ., ' At St. Zionia. -. ' ' First game -. v '. R. H. E. 8t Loulsr . ....... ..i'...l 10,4 Chicago . . .....I 10 Batteries Beebe and Marshall; Tay lor and Kltng. Second game . '. , R. H. B. St Louis . ............. ...V...0 1.1 Chicago ''ii 1 4 1 Batteries Promo and Noonan; Praser and Moran. Umpire ODay. , , PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE ''... Won.' -Lost' P.C. ! Oakland . ............ 11 7 - .150 Loa Angeles . ....13 7 .4150 San Francisco '.11 - 10 " ..824 Portland II . .117 (SnerUI Dhnateh ta The iarasl.t , Woodbum,. Or, April In the presence of about sue spectators - we Woodburn team defeated the Bralaard Cubs yesterday afternoon in this elty by a score of 4 to 4- The game waa full of errors . aad attended by eon. elderaMe -wrangling. It was " a poor exhibition of the national game by both sides. Conoannon for Wood burn struck out - 4.1 Kroger for Brslnards 1, . and Straight for Brainard 4. Among the spectators , was President Wbitmore of the'Tri-Clty league. Morrow of the Brajnards made a boms run. The score: . . . . v -. -v .. R. H. B. Bralnarfla ..1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 "1 4 I. I Woodburn ..I I I 0 0 I 1 I 0 I 17 Batteries Woodburn, Concannon and Huddleston; Bralnarda.i Kragar, Straight ana enes. umpire wgnnwi. . ' ' .- 'i Troutdale. Mitchell ,.........e. ........... Trlger La JUau .p. Wallace Laraon ., lb... Moore Deraglscb. ....... .lb., Chapman Watson ....8b............ Miller Sebott ....... ....s Pagatt artl If.......... Hubbard Issaksog .......,.af Rllay Lawton ......... .rf . Jennings StetUer's 0 1104111 I 10 Troutdale 10041114 1 I H u rid reds Game We Saturday 're Jammed Today Bargains brought them. Our alteratioa sale is not a myth. It's genuine and the people real ize it fully, .The old reliable conservative Chicago never says anything but what it means every word of it. , ,". '.-. . ' Only Three Days More v UNTIL THE WORKMEN GET BUSY WITH THE ALTERATIONS AT THE CHICAGO In that short space of time we must move stocks of Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Furnishings, and the few prices quoted here are only an inkling of what's doing at The Big Store in the Middle of the Block. ?.V' - : AMATEUR GAMES I The Meier a Frank ball team defeated the Multnomah lads by the score of 5 to 4 yesterday. The feature of the Men's 15.00 Suits New. grays for men and young men, in plain 'effects and handsome- plaids and stripes, Scotch worsteds and neat silk mixed worsteds, all wool blue serges and fine black Thibe'ts, in single and double-breasted - styles, ' ordinarily : priced at $13.00, all go at ?8.85. Men's 20.00 Suits These Include the season's newest styles for men and young men. Made from the best wearing fabrics, including Scotch tweeds and cheviots, handsome qualities of smooth finish worsteds, nobby patterns In gun club checks, herringbone weaves, fancy mixtures and the ever rtady blue serges; also fine qualities of unfinished worsteds and Thibeli : In plain black. Make your selection for 11.85. :.-';. ,v.: v.;-v Hens Pants Wbent Waere t Save jrow seen sweb prteea wtad oa Mea'a Fantst Tneeo are the freateal valaee ever offeree, by this great store la all etut 14 yeasa of saeoeaafal saeTCbasidls- lag aad value giving. Men'e Dress Pants, : In new spring styles,- with or without cuff bottoms, in cluding all wool worsteds. ' blue and black cheviots and - serges, neat stylish stripes and checks; values up to 14.00, all 41 OC go at ........... 71Od Men's ftne worsted Pants " In II distinct ' patterns, ' the new peg top styles ere . also ' represented In this great lot; values np to It.oo, all o at .... Men's imported , English corduroy Pants, guaran teed not to rip, in dark and Ught shades; worth UP . to at... ..$2.35 . $2.95 Vas OhioagVs 4rea AMsraOlom Sale at Man's bos wtu be a gala that Is to saake mm history) a sale that hasn't a parallel la modem merchandising. We're going to alter tbs aa for the most few days down, aswa. down, aw the prices oa footwear, aad wnal wo kere la only the smallest part eg aha saost lnteresttnaT tataaa that will take nlaoe la out saoe aepartsseas, '-'v .f .-vv-v.;'; -f ;. a v-'-.. : SHOESii as C1 O CZ Man's $2.80 and 11.00 vlct kid and box calf d a Q CT P leOO English welt laee and blue her style iboM...ttl,00 Men's II 80 to 15.00 extra quality fins bench made shoes in all the newest swing; toe lasts, all the newest and Men's finest quality band-sewed shoes, ths finest and ' ; beat makes included In this great lot; patent eolt, gun- best leathers Included In this lot Tour , 47 -5C ' metal calf and other good leathers, m Oxford QC lj choice for,.,., ,.,,,...,.......,.,..,.. 7'vJ and bjuoher lasts, at i..,.,. fi03 Honohoes the Doors i : 69-71 THIRD STREET ;K ;;:& ? jatisfadlon ' or Your Honey Bad game was Mooleys good work. Krentg and Eller were the battery for the win ners, and Nelson and Malonay (or the losers. - . -.11 ... - Tbe Stephens nine defeated the Parks yesterday by the score of II to 11. The game was won in the ninth Inning when the - Stephens team rallied and scored three runs. . . r " YESTERDAY'S SCORES 0F ' . - v ROD AND GUN SHOTS The following were the scores mads yesterday by the Multnomah Rod, and Gun club snent ; Shot at Broke. Pr.CV 1 CALENDAR OF SPORTS Monday Jack Palmer vs. Fred Brad ley, round- before the Spring Garden Athletie eiuo, Fhiiaooipnia. a. a. u. boxing ehampionships of the L'nltJd Statee. at Boaton. ' Tuesday A. A. TJ. boxing Champion ships of. the United Statee. at Bos ton. '- . - -v ' Wednesday Bench show of the Miss issippi Kennel club, st St Louis t con tinues four day a Pennaylvanla. Ohio and Maryland baseball league opens Its season. - . - Thursday Western Association " of BasebaU clubs opens Its season. An nual golf tournament at Atlantic City, N. J. I continues three days. Friday University of Pennsylvania fnterscholastle tennis championship tournament i Annual track meet of Corn Belt AthleUe association, at Springfield. Illinois. . ,' Saturday AUnntlo v baseball ' lea rue opens Its season. Harvard university Interaeholastle tennis championships, at Cambridge, Masa Tale Interscholaatlo champlonablpa, at New Haven, Conn. Columbia - university Interaoholaetlo tennla champlonahips, at New Tork City. , Raeo of Tale 'varsity and An napolis first crew, at Annapolis; dis tance, two miles. - Track and field cham pionships of Southern aaoclatlon A. A. U.. st New Orleans. - Pennsylvania. Columbia track . and field meet at Ithaca, H. T. ' Harvard-Dartmouth track and Held meet st Wllltametown, Masa Annual tnterscholastlo track snd Held meet at Missouri State university. - f . . " ' J Two for Oaklaad. San Franclaoe, April II The Com muters took both games from the Seals yesterday. Scores: - . t , Morning game x R. H. B. San Franotsce ,.11114011 4 1 I 4 Oakland ....... 1044441001 10 1 Batteries Jones and Esola: Wrlarht and Bio-bee. - . : , , Afternoon game R. IT. 5V San Francisco.. 0 1 4 4 0 4 1 0 0 I I 1 Oakland IIOOISOO 4 10 . 1 Batteries JoV and Street: IlonnifiJ Hackett Umpire Perrlne. Abrahams ...... ,140 Culllaon 100 Shelton 100 OaldwtU 60" . Smith W... f 60 , Mrs. -Young ..... . 100 Dr. Cram ........ 100 Thedbetfu 100 . Winters ........ .100 : McPhersoni ...... 10 Young k 00 Qelaer ' .......... . ; f S ; Stemler - 10 '' Fechhelmer t..,. 100 ; Thornton 100 . Shearer ......... SO - IT 14 f f 4 ' II ' i 49 z. 47 HIGHLAND TEAM WINS , FROM IRVINGTON UDS Jhe Illghlsnd team dereated the lr- vington nine oy ine score or i to t yesterday, t The line-up; - -v trvtngton. ' ,' .-' Highland. Jacobs9n ........ .o. . Baty Gross p. ......... Mitchell Scott ............ .lb. . Barton Stevens lb, .......... Savage Brick Thlee Peterson !, ....... .as,,,, Moody Puarrla .......... If . .......... Brown Spady -'-.. f ... ., , 4 .rf . ,,........ AUen Maurice . ROSEBUDS WIN THEIR ; . TWENTIETH CONTEST : The Rosebud' Bulldogs ,won- their twentieth atralght game Saturday aft ernoon against Columbia, defeating the young collegians by the scors of II to I, Brail waa the stsr of ths game. Rosebuds. .; .1 .. Columbia. Bateman e. ....... Chris ten son Brill p. Horten Allen ......... ,'. .lb. ...... .Whltteiaan Pink .. .v.. ...... .lb. i.i. ..,.. Dolan Roberson .. ,,lb.... ...... , TJnger Spady ...... as. Brink Heine Smith .V.".V.V!ir.ifl".'.T..'.V. Bray son rf.t Rolonhoff Weston . .ef Dooley BOXING CHAMPIONSHIPS ARE ON THIS EVENING (Joe-real Special Bet-vice.) Boston. April II. With a list of entries that is regarded ss of higher class ss well ss mere numerous than In former years the nations 1 boxing ehampionships of the Amateur Athletic union will be pulled off In Mechanlca' building beginning tonight and continu ing over tomorrow. All arrangements have been completed by the Boston Ath lotlo association under whose auspices tha events take flare. Events will be Contested in the usual classes, namely, 108, 118, US, 135, 148 and 161 pounds and heavyweight class. Guaranteed Cures' (or ; Men NO UNCE2TAINTY. aTESIMENT1NG or GUESS WOM OUR 1 r In Most FBE K Cases WB PBRMANBISTL.Y CURB Varicose Veins Local Dropsy -Atrophy Nervous Debility Ulcers , ,. Blood PoliCa -Fa'ling Hlr. Pimples . Eczema' Kidney AUnnentt PRBB CONStJLTATION I TABICOCXI.B WHAT XT IS "Varicose Veins," a' condition prevstent In man. Is a dilatation or enlargement of the veins, which from various causes become corded and knotty. It usually occurs on the left side snd produces dragging sensations In ths groin and back. It often Inipalri the general health and then causes mucn worry ana you may grow - soondent . ,... . , ' DOBTT WAIT No sensible man should wait Be should realise - that the longer he delays the more the parts affected will waste away. Don't - live and linger, DEAD to the Joys of health, when we have a good curs for pour varicose veins and weakness snd can make you a nnppy, manly man with mental aad physical powers complete. We euro witliogt cut ting. Come for one visit . We cordially Invite consultation, We sure after others fall, . : , i NERVOUS DEBILITY OR WEAKNESS ' There Is usually a pain across the smalt ef the bank) blue rings undo . your eyea; specks before your eyes; your sleep does not rest youi you gel up In the morning feeling tired; your mind at tlmea wander si ydur mam- - ery Is poor; you are losing flesh, hollow-eyed; Whites of your eyes sre ' yellow; you are fearful, always expecting the worst to happen: Very nervous, vou have bad dreams: startle In vour sleen. an4 1 dream very much frightened; stinging pain in ths breast: no appetite. feel like thisT This condition will not ' Do you know what causes you to ii.iuiui. ui ,i vwn t.vuiu. uui rui nir Rrow grSQUSliy WOrSS. d eventually end In nervoue debility or neurasthenia. If vou have eve get sored perhaps 11 Is because you never T1l,n.n..,v . i . . - . . . j . . . . 1 took treatment at the St Lout from the , tlon free. taken treatment and failed to get eurei a from the old .treatment taught years ago. wT, treatment la dllf.Mnl cordially Invite eonsujle- KIDNEY. AND URINARY DISEASES , Such as snlarged Prostata. Cystitis, or Inflammation of the Bladder with resultant kidney affections, drains Snd losses, receive meet skillful expert treatment and a perfect and permanent cure Is guaranteed in every, ease taken. Our method of treating those complloated ailments la painless snd without resort to Surgery. The afferted centers ars stngdeaHhyelr-tUr1 T,UUtjr'. th tleni made - OUT-OFJOWN MEN VISITING THE CITY Consult ns at once upon arrival and maybe you can be eured bsfnee . , turning borne. Many cases can be cured In one or two or Mora vlaltT Consultation and advice free, . w" r "w 'islta, OOVBTOTATIOW Awo IWXTBD Our reputation Snd work are not a mushroom growth. We have- been coring men for 18 vearV ...W.rUft lt f""0 C1L .A correspondence atrictly eonlfdennal Snd ma i repuea eent in plain envelope. JLnciose 8-cent - office notms si.nw to II noon. ' S tan in ts insure rsnlv. m. to I p. m-i evenings, T to l:ll Sundays. I ST. LOUIS MEDICAL and SURGICAL DISPENSARY comrom nooars ao tikhu iruin, roirun, oaaaov. f (A :::: lM.i I, i l'.m i BANK AND OFFICE RAILING : WIEED IRQ!, FEXCIXG Barbed Wire, Wire and Uwn Fencing, y; ; Poultry Netting, Etc. " , - PORTLAND VIRE AND IRON WORKS rhone Main 2000. ! SECOND AND EVERETT STS. Be a Perfect (VHaoi With No Dack Pains No Nervous nessNo Waste of Power No Loss of Ambition But With Plen ty of Life and Energy and the Vigor of Youth. ' t , To be strong and manly is the aim of every strong man. and yet bow many wa find who are wasting ths vitality and strength which nature gives them. Instead of developing Into the strong, vigorous, manly young fel lows that nature Intended them to be. they find themselves weak, stunted and despondent no ambition to do anything. , , They struggle aimlessly along, sooner or later to become vlo tlms ef that dread disease, nervous debility; their finer sensibilities blunted 'and. their perveg shattered. '. . , ; . I Cure Men's Diseases t have treated tiundreds ef men who have long buffered a gradual decline ef physical and mental energy as a result ef private ailments. Snd have been interested In not In r tha nukti general improvement that follows a thorough euro of the chief disorder. My success la suring difficult esses of long standing haa made me the foremost Specialist treating man's diseases. This sueoess ts dus to several thin (a It ts dus td ths study I bsve given my specialty; to my having ascertained the " nmiura or men s suments, ana to tbe original, distinctive and thoroughly scientific methods ef treatment I emnlov. h . Te those In doubt as to their true condition who wish to avoid tha serious resume imi may ioiiow pea tact I orrer free consultation and advice, either at my Office or tbrough correspondence. If your case Is ons of ths few that hss reached an tnourable stage, I will not accept It for treatment, nor will I urge my ssrvioes upon any ens, I treat curable cases only, and cure all fPSwewvsa IIP - 9M. TATXOB. Tha beading Specialise, I treat In Uncomplicated Cases Fee Is Only $10.0. YouPoy When Cured mono moos torso. No dangerous mineral! to drive the virus to the Interior, but harmlese. blood-cleansing remedies that , re move the test poisonous taint TAmioocaia. Absolstelf painless treatment that Cures completely In one. week. - In vestlgate my method, . It ts the only thoroughly scientific treatment for this disease being smploysd. FREE Ml colored ehirt, showing ths male anatomy and Affording an InUreet- Inf study In men's diseases will be given free upon application, . Tool's probably been treated f so-oalled weakness and helped tern, porarlly or not at all. aad the reasosi le very apparent when cause ef less or power In- men la understood. weakness la merely a symptom ef enrontc Innammatloa of the proetata gland, - which my - treatment re moves, thereby permanently restor ing strength and vigor. , . ' coaTTBAOrco Bisomosaa. Tee an depend vpen a quick and thorough sure by my treatment A quick sure is desirable because a slow cure Is apt te be bo euro at all. and a cbrenlS development will corns later. . I cure yoe beyond tbe possi bility of relapse and In half the usual time required. r : MTi.xx Artirta-ra Often the condition appearing to be the chief disorder la only a refl ailment resulting from aoma oth.-r disease. Weakness sometimes com-, from varicocele or stricture; k n and bone diseases result from tin., i poison taint snd physical and mn. tal decline follow long-atamllM functional disorder. .'My lung . pertence In treating men annhi-. rr, to determine the euot con.i- ; ... that exist snd to tr'at acorti , thus removing every djnms nf c , and Its effects. Consultation en. Advlca TRIE. Cell or Wriia Tr " . steurs S a. w. to S p. aa. Sundays IO te L ' ' : oo doctor taylc:: BJ44 voxmlaov stzt, coki sxco: FatleatS living eat of the city and coming tft Pot' Iiniiiu wita fine room free of thr-. direct to Sli 1 i-.-.. 4 y l, I c r "id fr-r 1 , k ,