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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1907)
II 1THE' OREGON 'DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND MONDAY EVE NINO, APRIL ' 23 1507 PEflGE GETS GOIN for, missions People of First Christian Church Give Oyer Fifteen Hun- , . ' ' dred Dollar. "s ONE THOUSAND HAD ; '. LOOKED APPALLING Industrial Promoter Make first Ap pearance as Raiser of Money for Missions, bat He Succeeds la ., Loosening Ptueeetringa. V Hon. Lefe . Penes yesterday proved his gift as a money raiser m tb First Christian church. ,11 waa tb plan to raise 11.000 for foreign missions, a bur den that at first fairly made1 the mem bers troan with its Immensity, but after Mr. Pence had loosened his rhetorical gifts and conducted the actual means of raising the money, l,(0t - had -. been raised. !k " ; , Mr. Pence kept the audience ' In ' a (rood humor with his genial wit Ha said hs had raised money for Democratic conventions and raised money to buy suits for baseball clubs and .several eth er things, but never before 'for forelrn missions. - v; , i .' ' ' - -If I were to telr you," hs said. hat I know of a field that we could buy with 490.009 barrels of ell in It I would not bavs to pass the first 'row In the aisle,, so many of you would want rfo subscribe for stock In It; and I am here to tell you of a. field where there are tto.oos.ooa of, souls, and. only 400 people to lasso one soul each. -. This Is a most wonderful, church for ' raising money, for I saw you last July whsa the thermometer was 0,ln the shads raise enough money to. pay for a fur naoe In 16 minutes." Ths rneetlagat ths church yesterday morning took ths form of a missionary rally. A letter was read from Rev. O.J B. Balrd at Chu Cheo, China, who la the missionary this church Is support ing. He told of the changed sttltuds of the natives- towsrd missionaries which is now one entirely of respect Hs recently, made a trip across ; the country-with Dr. Macklln pf Nankin, a missionary" for 10 years. They went the 100 miles on mules, carrying their bedding, and sold trscts and Chinese cal endars with Christian teachings printed thereon.' Their supply seldom equaled the demand. . . ' - . ." ', - " . ' a. W. Haller followed this letter with statistics about missionaries .In China, saying that they were not admitted as such till 1841, and ' then only in four ports. 'That year there were l'mls slonaries snd six converts. Fifteen yeers later there were 140 mlslonarlee and TOO converts, and In 11(T the Americans, had ISO missionaries, .the Chinese' 180 and there were 4.000 converts. ' Today there are about 1.100 whits missionaries.!. 000 natlvs workers and 110,000 converts. Miss Overholt. an ea-mlsoionary from Jamaica, told of a church at Boiengi, Africa, probably the only tithing church, where 121 members support SI mission- arlea. one to each 10 members, snd 'of anothor In London, . Ontario, where 110 members t gave fl.m.t0 Isst yesr for missions. ine pastor oi imi ciiuruu. msde up of wage earners, was a col lege mste of Dr. E. & Hockley. , The relating of the liberality of these two churches bad Its effect on the au dience, and they responded .with their tl.fOt. - At the close of the service a picture of Seer,-a.. B. Balrd was un veiled. ,. , FIRST- PRESBYTERIAN ELDERS' ARE INDUCTED At the Flrat Presbyterian church yee Merday morning J. J. Ross snd B. A. Thaxter were -Inducted as -elders, and J. 8. Meek and Louts H. Lamberson were Installed aa'deaoona, 'The elders now In office are 8. P. Lee, 8. R. John ston. 8. T. Lockwood. Dr. O. M. Wells. Dr. C M. Templeton, Robert Living stone. William M. Ledd, R. K. Warren, E. Quackenbush, F. K. Cooper, J. J. Ross. Miller Murdoch, J. P, Ewlng, B. A. Thaxtsr and A. 8. Pattxillo, clerk of the session. The deacons ef ths church ars John B Davis, -Fletcher Linn, Df. A. 8. Nichols,' W. D, Fraley, Louie iL Lam bereon and J. 8 Meek. ' . . , . s ?" - The- annual -contribution 'was '' taken for the Men's resort. . .The . sura of SLT00 was realised. ''-Announcement was made , that Rev. . A. . D. Boper , of : the Men's resort - Is about to retire from that work, -In order to take a .pastorate. 6RADUAT III OF SIXTEEN r.lEDICS Will Leave Willamette to Enter ' ; ' Professional Careers 1 on .".'- , ' v May First. ( QUARTET OF NURSES I WILL ALSO GRADUATE Senator Pulton Will Deliver Annual , Address i Alumni Will Welcome the Class to Active life With '' Banqnet--Tbe Program.' FOR fun vrrsnir en? .. i I STl he ksVUIkeU W WUIVkU ' 4 I : crt! L . . ... ......... Ann THROATi CI0W(S?S:i fLUrJCS FOR. COUGHS AMD. COLDS 1 V preveuts f;ieu;.:o;;ia i I Lad the most debilitating cough a mortal was erer Afflicted with,' and my friends expected that when I left my bed it would surely be for toy grave. - Our doctor pronounced my case incurable, -but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that J am ' an so and and well -MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, GroTertown,, Ind. v :v : , v ' - r -; ' v Prlca 508 and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GOARAnfiEEPI ; Trial Bottle Frea : 3 SOLD AND GUARANTEED DY E RED CROSS PHARMACY! i. .' Aalera.. April St. The commence ment exercises of the medical depart ment of Willamette university will be held, at the First Methodist Episcopal church In this city May 1. Tbs exer cises promise to be especially Interest Inav aa the class or 107 Is one of the lnrarest and most popular ever sent forth from ths college. A line program has '-been prepared. United States Sena tor Charles W. Fulton, will deliver the annual 'address. The chsrge to the class will be mads by Dr. I F. Orlfnth, M. D of this elty, who Is a member ef the faculty. The program follows: Piano solo. "La Suppliants," romance (Cowen). Arthur von Jessen. - , . ,' Praver. Rev. F. B. Dell. - Vocal selection. The Old Church Bell" (Chattawer), Fleur De Ls Har mony Four. ' ( Annual address, Bon. C W. Fulton. Piano solo. "Tremole" . (Oottschalok), Arthur von Jessen. , 1 Conferring decrees. President John H. Coleman, ".':,... Vocal selection, "Outside the Heaven ly Gates" (Chattaway), Fleur Do .Us Harmony Four. : - Charge to class. Dr. 1a F. Qrifflth. vPtano solo, x"Valae Caprtce" (Moss- kowskl, Arthur von Jessen. i . Benediction. ' The degree will- be conferred by President J. H. Coleman, "D. D., presi dent of the university, and the diplomas wilt also be presented by him to the nurse class from the Salem hospital r The members of the elaae of ltOT from the medloal department are ae foj lows: Mysta Louise Austin, Walter Herman Becker, Joseph Randolpn aBrr, David ' Arthur Forbes, - John Leonard, Georre Loiin. Leroy Howltt. Frederick O. Hewett, Rider Roy Hamilton, Wil liam C.. Kantner Jr., Smith J. Mann, William Howard Pollard. Henry Car Jyle Randle, William Carlton Rebhan, Osmar Kurt Wolf. Elmer Jacob Wain scott, Robert Lee Wood. The nurse class consists - of 'Nellie Arnold. Merle Fleener, Edith Graves and Laurella Holmetrom. At the close of the exercises, at the church - the Alumni ; association will tender a banquet to the ' graduating ; class ' and Invited guests. -Among the prominent Portland alumni I who will-, be here' to renow old college friendships and sing the songs of their old alma mater will be Dr. B. D. John son, president - of the Alumni associa tion; Dr. Harry Lena, Dr. W. T. Wil liamson,. Dr. A..C. Smith, Dr. Charles E. Hill. Dr. Robert Ik OlUepeie, Dr. W. F. Amos, Dr. J. M. Batcheller and Dr. Harry McKay. - ... . ; j FOR THE CEHEFIT OF THE TEACHER Eminent, Educators Will Appear' Before the Convention of - Western Division. AT SALEM THE FIRST : THREE DAYS OF JULY Surrounding Counties . to Postpone j Institute to Permit Their Teach ers to. Assemble at the Greater .' Meeting e4 the CnpttnL V (BpeeUl Pspateb to The Journal.) ' Salem, April It. The Marlon County Principals' club, composed of teachers In thle clty, has taken deep Interest In the sucoees of the annual meeting ef the weetern ' division ef the State Teachers' association, which will meet here July- 1, and t. Among ' the speakers that have ; been secured ere Superintendent I D. , Harvey of the Stout Manual Training sohool of Menominee, Wisconsin, and ' W. L Chancellor superintendent of the Wash ington ' (D. C) schools. - Elmer a.r Brown,. United States commissioner of education, is also expeoted to be hare. as-well as the state supeiintendepts of Idaho, Washington and Montana, Gov ernor George EL Chamberlain wll) de liver the opening addreaa at the con vention. Miss Clara Waldo, stats lec turer-of the Oregon grange, end W. P. Olds of the - Portland Arm of Olds, Wort man aV King have accepted places on the program. It has not been decided Where the meetings ef ths convention will be held. It le estimated thst 00 teachers will be In attendance. It Is 'planned to have the neighboring counties of- Polk. Clsckamaa .and Linn postpone their in stitutes, so that their teachers may at tend the Salem meeting., Committees have been eppointed to r prepare the plans for the entertainment of the visiting teachers. -The executive oora mlttee consists ef County School Su perintendent B. T. Moorea, City Superin tendent J. M. Poweis and State Superin tendent 3, H. Ackerman. ' Other commit tees are as follows: Finance George W. Jones, chairman; Miss M, J. Cooper, secretary; B.-T. Moores." 'treasurer: J. J. Krape, Miss LI la Swafford, '- . . Muslo Miss Sophia Town send, chair man; Miss Ethel Fletcher. Miss Ellssr both Topping. , r- . Information - And - Hotel J. & Ore ham, ' chairman; John XL Smith, Miss Emma Kramer, Miss Laura Bean, Miss Anna Fischer. Reception and- Place ef Meeting EL T.' Marietta, chairman: B. C Esatham, Margaret '. J. -cosper, Bva J. . Savage, Bertha C Byrd. T i , Depot--W. M. Smith, ohalnnan: SL T. Faltlng, Miss Alma Pohle, Miss Bertha Lick. Miss Ada Q. Dayton, John W. Smith. . -. . . . f , 7 fl , . .' . fl Blaclismitlic f Tl fl ctiers whecs work aAlu requires fjreat physical ctrectJi end en durance need tissue jfculld lr foods. -Amonj these there Is none so ood or so siistalnlnjj es ;'v: i' GhirardellTo Cocoa Cant look well eat well or feel well with Impure blood feeding your body. Keep the blood pure with Burdock Blood Bitters. Eat simply, take exercise, keep ciean hq you win nan long lire. Trimmed Rccfly -To -IVear a and Itaoela-Abou! Hats : .0 - VALUES IIP TO $2.03 On. Sale y liHt' i- .IWDUIIUW WUUI; VUC See First Street Window. Corner Tui vorMn nniiiiffiRY co. CORNER MORRISON AND FIRST STREETS ; ' V The Largest Millinery House In the. Weat ;' jlcsdlf Jo)(Sffrpss99 1?fp mmmmm Mmwmmmyw To all i subscribers,, old or new, to the and Sunday Journal paying 65 cents for a month's subscription in advance, will be given a " Teddy Bear" as shown in the ac companying cut . Get The Journal, the most popular paper published in "The Oregon Country" and- a "Teddy Bear," the popular novelty to old and Soung. Call at, or address The Journal office, as agents will not .handle the Bears. RNA' PORTLAND, OREGON 9 a S j rt T a