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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1907)
THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, ArRIC 3. 1D07. ROOFING. 'S MARKETS With Unknown Insect Attacking the Yards,; Labor High and Scarce and Prices Low Hop men Are Plowing Up Fully Thousand Acres. tit KoorlNti. xmterlng. repairing and imnl )..(.!, mj. I. Xm,. 212 Jeffcreoa at. h. 14X4. TRANSFER AND HA CI JSC. 13 TODAY HiW KAU'IAOS OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., nnnr Klith and Oat eta.s kwpn checked Iran boiai or reeldence direct M deatlaatloa; paaeangere therefore a Told rwah tail annoy ance 1 1 depot. Privet exchange OS. - BAPEM. plana and furnltnr moved, packed ready for erilpplog an4 eblnped; all work guaranteed; large B-etory brirk fireproof werebeue foe torac. Offlr BOB Oak at. Olaea Boa. Phone Mala MT. . fL O PICK, office s rirat at., bartweea Stark and Oak ata.i pawn MM. Piano and farnl- ara anri aad narked for efalpolnx; eoaai dlou brick wareoono arttk etrat Iroa rroat aad Clay at. RATIONAL TRANSFER a 8TORA0R CO., WW , Oak at. I telepboo -au 44u. ireDeiarriug and at arms. . OR (WO THAN- CO.. 14 Berth Sixth rf. phone Mala 62. Heavy baalleg and atoraqre. INOKfKNDFVT RAOOAOR TRANSFER CO. Storage. 834 Stark at. - Mala 47. .,. POT SPECIAL nRLIVERT. Mo. 200 Wax. tn4oa at pinole Mala 8ei2- "TRANSPORT ATIOX. ; Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS 5 T1UPS ? ft. a avnokaa, 14 Si July la, 8J Aug. . Quests, July la. iroxa BOTJTB. K. SL Senator. . . a lresldent ... l 1,000 ACRESTO BE PLOWED UP Many Hopyards Are Being Abari. doned by Growers on Account y. of Unknown" Bug..;: vvC S. B. AXABXA BOTTS. Ekag-war. Sitka, Iumi and way port. Sailing- 1p.m. . Sf. g. S. Co.'a X am bold t.. .May a, it, ta Cotter City, aria Sitka... Kay , It, 31 City of Seattle. ..April ST. Kay S, IS, 08 ' saw raAjrcxsco botjtb. ' Balllajr .. rroat Beattle. TJsatUla. .........April SO City Cfflos, S4S Washing-toa St. . ! For Astoria K OaT FastSteamerTelegraph Dally (except Thursdays), Leaves Alder street dock T a. ta. ' VXOBTB KAXat 968. Colombia River Scenery XXOTjXATOB U1 STBAXXBS. Dally ear ilea betwaaa Portland aad Tba Call, exeept Sunday, leaving Portland at 7 a. mH arriving a boat f p. ne- carrying freight and paaaeneere. Splendid aeeaaamoda tlona for oottlta aad Unatark. loek font of Aldar at., Portland; foot of Court at, TL Dallea. rbaaa Mala Bid. Portland. Str. Chas. R. Spencer , Waating-toa-atraot Sock. Daily, aitcept Sunday, for Tba Dallas and way landing, at 7 a. ra raturnlng 10 p. m. Fast time, boat service. Taoaestf Kala. S184 Home, A. 11. S4. - IMn VACmC STBAKBXZV O&V Steamships ROANOKE -X .. i: ; , and U0. W. ELDER . Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and tos Ana-oies direct every Tueaaay at a p. m. . Ticket office Itt Third, near Alder. Phrnea M. 1111. H. YOUNG. Asant. KEVADA MINING STOCKS IS THE FRISCO MARKET .: . . v.-:' ; - Saa rraaelaea, Aorfl Weaada atana bid - prkxe: GOT.PF1KT.O niSTBIOT. -ftmudetoi m, Te; Red Too. $4.00; OraoMa Mt, He; Jnaiuo. $4.Au; Jnmbo Kit., ti.SH; Vr : net 1'eanayWaDla. He; OoM field M. Co, - (l.ftO; Kendall. 4Ne; Honth, T2c; Bloe Boll. 4tte; Adama. lUe; Bllrer Pick. $1.15; May Qneea. 2( . Nevada Boy, 17c; B. B. Bt., l.He; Klna Bell, 3r; inula, lie; 0. Colnaibla. r aaked; Hl ' bwnla. Me; Bt. Itm, f 1.46; Oonqoeror. Doe; Bit 1 Kock, Tr; Lone Star, 88c; O. Wonder, 4c; Pot larh. TOe aaked; Oro, agri Keadall Ext, 4c; ' Kandat. Kit.. JOc aaked; Mayne, lXe; Atlanta, , Kir; Ureat Bend, lOT: Rmplra, 17c; Red Too Kit, 4e; Florence. a.6i'i: llaa'( B. B. Ooa., . :uc; 4. lMIy. 2.00; - Larona. 1140: Conn. , ' ract. $4.2H: Gr. Bead Kit, ie; Or. Bend Ana., ile; Mlllatorm. e; B. B. ltonanca. lor; Kewanoa, ll.NI; Katoera Ida, Me; Portland, Me: Cracker Jack. 24c; Praada Mohawk. 1.40 aaked; Red Hill. Ve; Moaawk Ext., 22e; Loe DUkm. IV: Grandma, file; 8. Pick Kit., lOe; : Y. rVe. 10c: CoL Mt. Kit, 7c; UoUU. Cona., , tic; Xilam't. Trtanrle. 44c. COM STOCK DISTRICT. ' Ophlr. Mexlcaa. 87e aaked; Ooald A Curry, te; Cob. V train la. 1.0O: Saeare. 2c . Hale A rorcroaa. Tie: Yellow Jacket. .': R terra ' Act., file; Excaeooer, 70e aakad; Union, Die. BTJ14.FROO DISTRICT. Original. IV. Bolir. M. C. 24c: Moat. Bnflf Te aakad: Nat. Bank, toe: L. HarrU, 4c; Ame- . ihrar, 44c; Mold Bar, 1.0A; Utelaway, lHe jiaked; Dearer Bar. A ax., lie; Bonnie Clara, 41c; Marti. Coa.. Me; Moaty. Ohio Ext lie; . 1. Sceoler. le: Monty. Mt.. lie: B. Da lay. lAri Homeatake Cona., fl.lfi; Yankee Clrl, Se; Nna . act, e; Tramr Coaa, gat; Victor, If aaksd; Bannrc. 60c aaked; North Star, 7e aaked; San "Bt' TONOrAH DI!TRICT. Ton. We 20e eked: Moot., Ton, 13.4TH; Ton. Ext.. xx 40: uacnamara, 4nc; Midway, f 1.40; Ton. Belmont., 4.23: Ton. No. Star. S7e; tthle xoa., c yrwi r.n t,ona., ai.x; neecue, ' ixr; Ton. A Calif, Lie; Golden Anchor. 84e; Jim Bailer. fl.lii: Too, Caab Boy, lie; Ton. lioma. f)c; - Boat. Ton., 12c aaked; Monarch . 1'lita. Ex, IVc aaked: Mont. Mid. Ext., Be; Gulden Crown, 13e; n. T. Too. Cone.. 10c, ' , . MANHATTAN DISTRICT. . Martha. Cona.. TOe; Hank. M. Co, lie: O. Wcdd. Or; Heyler Rump, Sc; lextee, 18c; I, 3m, 3c; Creacent. He: Combination. S4cAl branny, 12c; Montana;, S3e; Uttla (iccy, 21 r; m boy, 6c; oria. nana.. 1BC; Broncho, lcj J nmn. Jack. SncA; Plnenat, lSe: Buffalo, oe; - H. Itog, 2AcA; Y. Home, Sc; Indiaa Caxsa, 11c. YARIOIS DISTRICTS. Falrr. 5Jlrer Klna, 7e; fntrt. Eafle, f: Nevada llAJJa. f4.XS; Kit Who rg KllrrT Peak, 1.H0; So. Star Wonder, lie; Eaxlea Neat. TS--r. H. noreace, SOcA; AUce of Won. 0r, Or A. ' ' t-. ' - ,t TJK1TXD STATES OTXRBatEVT BOBSS. . New York, April 2.OoTernannt boada; Tma, relatered " -" n vim. couii'in ... IhrMO. rexiatered ... A' eoiipoo ......... "Tlirt,, amall bnnda concha ......., rn, rnitarad, old . C" '0 ............ f-ira. I ai.ipplne Tvna, 1'aoaroa, renjtetered f. ...-a. nw resmeree....... ivjb do omana ........ iww 104 imw IVM Ut KX 1 llf KWU ..... 1DIS IIICIiJ 104 ..... Jm 1112U 11WU IHO 1.1U4 1'T lol 14 uit 1IMT lol W 102 1014 13 , ..... 14(4 1U4W 104H ICS FORtXAKD BAVX STATEaTZBT. ' - ; H.ln.MJfiS . 7J.S11J f'learfrra today :..X. learii.xa year ago... Cla today ftsianeee tooay ....... lu laneee yeat ace . . . 'Tolay's market featnrea: :m J : ; ; Tuouaand acme booa plowed . 1 Hop srowara are aiech dlnnenragad. ,,' Cbeen to anire alreafy aold. :.. Batter will probably drop Toeeday. Potatnaa are weak temporary. Halibut 1a dowa Vie. ; Sharp decline la local" prortatooa. f Spot tontatoae Be adraaeed. T' v -"' Ztg market aoldlna ktaady..-' ',,. J';;.' ' riawias Vp Old Hep Tart. The xneclal reoort la The Job real yeeterday telllDf ef the ettaektne; ef the' bopyarda 0 the raller by ' aa ' unknown lonect, la balnf eonrimwd oa aU eXlee today by dealara, rhoxe repraaeautlrea are eeadlnt thaat la the name kind ef Information. Aceordlns te the raporta 01 Oy the old yaraa are hetns anacken. aa in theaa the mieains ome mrw " "T" aa ito make profitable workln of the J area almort Imooaalble the coniiug aeaa. . Aceordlua to V Information . to Tne Journal thin morula fully l.n. eeraa ef eM yar will be. plowed np thla aaaaoa. and acme of the newer once wlU be almoat abaadoaed. Thla euta. not fully a fonrth of the etatee hop acraaea. and will make THt tJfferaaee IS the auonut prodacea. ,' r' .--1 "'. Xooerewera Are Dtaeauraerad. THarooraxcment la abowa erarywhere by bap- crowera. They are not anie te aur "- fhr mi tn enltrrata the raroa. ana 11 ue h.nH. mild he . aeenred tbay will aak encb waaa Tbat with the preaent proapecta for bop nrWa the erowera can not afford to pay fhent. ; A few yeare aco' hopsrowere aeenred all the regular banda they needed at X) wau and board, bet doable . theae Waxca will not brlnr the U bur at thla time. The building of the elect rle railway from Salem to Portland baa taken away moat of the term tenor. While the ecaretty ef labor la a bis tbors ta the aldee of the bopfiewera, the ateadlly ad rancins ralnea ef the a tuff they amat aao In bopcrowlns la caualnx them' mnca alarm. Sat phor aeema to be about the only thine seeded by arowora that baa not made a tremendone advance la the paat feWj year. . Bop eloth that formerly eoat Oe a yard la Bow ooeted firmer at i:Hc. Twine te etrfn the arowlns hope today eoata' 1 and lie, while It could be readily porchaaed .a few yearn aire at lSe. Back twine haa advanced te a pnand ta recent yeaxa, the price Bow etandlnr at SSe. Hop aarka are sew worth toe. while they ware a drug aa the market a few yeare ace at Sac Kiln, cloth Is now SH a yard, while It was acareely 4e a few "yeare ace. Bven bop prnaaea bare' advanced IS each. Sharp Decline ia Prevlalone. N Tba recent eat In the price - ef boas has enabled the pack era to eat the price ef regular liama He a pound today. , Piemen are dowa the aame amount. Breakfaat bacon la dowa lWe a pound, and dry oaltr eared mean, oieare, clear barka aad cxnorfa are dowa the aame price aa hama. Pickled tmxrnea are ine blffher at noe. Compound lard la 44e advanced, bet regnlar rard la enchanted. . . Dreeaed xoaata of all kinds ere an owing n wonderful tone, all arrlvala readily moving off at printed raluee if ef good quality, .1 ' Totatoea Are Weaker Temporary. -Potato prleee la Baa rranclace are being mantpnlated from preaent Indleattone, The price there for beat bow atanda at 12.21, while the bulk ef thla grade ranges from 1 80 to Raatern poutoee are weak at thla time, loeanlly toe potato mre ia aoinmg lta own. althonrh the tone la not firm. - With fully two months to see the old crop the trade hare la not a ait rngnrenee at xne receipt of a few cars from the eaat. The onion mar ket at San Franeiaoa la reported broken to pieces at I2.B0 for top. - , rive care of bananaa arrived ta that, morn ing from Central America. All but two were very green, bat were In good ehape. . The ripe oaee were ef fine quality. ' '. The market ' oocned thla xoonrlng with s scarcity of aaparagtta. but the arrival of the expveas replenlabed auppllea aamewhat. ' la the wboleeale giotery market spot canned tomatoee are fie a dnaea higher, for standard Hc. . Snnpllca ta the sonth tare as mall that price la making farther edrancee. -Egg market ta holding steady, with receipts aad demand eTual. There wlU la all probability aa a decline or Stye a pound te the price ef city creamery batter tomorrow morning. Some eelllng flret. grade staff as aacond today. Thla chows the trend..,. " '.,..- - s The Tfnnmenfe eteemer Is ta Astoria this morning, and the ehlpment of rbeeae will reach thla city tomorrow morning. All of the prea. ent cargo sold before being shipped. . Hallbot la dowa Vi ponnd today. The trade pay the following prleee to PYent atreet. Prices paid ahtppers are leas regular eemmbunene:' , v " :: . , fyraia, neat aaa reea. . ORAIIf BA08 Calcutta, Po, large fetsi ensaD Iota, 10c. WHRAT CmK T374e; red Beaataa, TSet bloeatem, TiB77ei valley. Toe. CORN Whole, szdw; craeaeo. gxa.os per ttARLFlT ttew reed. $21.00022.00 per tea: tolled, 2S.on24.O0; brewing. a2g.0OQZ240, BTB si.oo per ext. OATS New Prodecere' price No. 1 white. t27.Mi200 per toe; gray. l2S.B0iftn.80. ITiOKbV Kaatera Oregon ' aatenta, H; ntralgbts. 23.7B; export. S9.SS; valley. a.S0l; granam, a. aa, wo wnoax,; rye. ooa, ao.i"', oniea, e-fo. MIU-BTlirr Brae, IT.O0 par ton; mid dllnga, 2& 00: abarta, roaatry. 120.00; city, 1B SO; clwp. 1S.O0v210. '. . HAT rrooncera- price iimorny. winamerTe valley, fancy, fl 4.00 1-00: ordinary, f 12 0 14t eastera Orexoa.; mixed, K 10 SO; . clover. SS.eoes.00; grain. fS.004J10.OU) eheet. 18.00. . : Batter, Bgss sad Wtiy. BDTTBR rAT t. a. a. Portlaad Sweet cream, txit; aoor, rltye. v - BUTTB City creamery, T; aeeonda. 22He; 021c; eutalde, fancy. . IHISo; eeeoada. 20c: atore, IS. , r.(Kin Extra fancy, candled, ISc. .1 " ' CHKBSB Sew rail creen,. fltts, lc; Younx America, ITe. .-. . FOUI.TKY Mixed chlckese. l4Ve par Nv fancy hene. Ise per lb: rooatere. old. Iiejl2e per doai eld ataga, uJ(i, per lb; fryer. WHAT DEALERS SAY 1:, OF-LOCAL MARKETS 'By W, B. Olafka Co. 4 : The r tttt market showed a 4 shunt reaction at the start of the week wlthbeavier arrivals. 4 .'but aon account of the hesry .'; ap storage operations, snd the urr usually heavy consumption, the price went back again and now stands about at last . week's 1 4 figures. It was jrenerslly ' be- d ltsved at this time that the ma,r- 4 ket will cot make much - of a move slthar wsy In the near fu- 4 ture. : . While there wss a small In- e crease In the receipts of hens : durtne; the past -week the in- crease was hardly noticed, so. 4 scarce were supplies. Jiowerer, 4 the trade does not seem to be 4 quite so anxious to buy at these; 4 flcurss, and this may " rneaR i d some reaction In the pries later on. .- -! . .... . 4 Dreaaed meats show an un-' usually good tons .considering ; 4 ths arrivals and the time of the ' 4 , year.-. - 4 Butter market-; la holding Just d 4 . about steady and1 unchanged., - 4 ' ' ' 4444e444444444 f.lllOT!r.llilfl6 IS .If LEADER Ten Thousand Shares Sold at Fifteen J. C. Le Company V Ten Dollars Lower. doe: enmmer sanaah. 23.00 see box: crannerriea. aju.waii.uu . per - narrei aprouta, Ste per lb: aaparagua. Bttluc rhabarh. Sc oer lb: ereen onlona. 16c dvai: lorlda bell Dennera. 2&e ner lb: anlnaeh. 11.2.1 per pox) neao lettuce. 4e ooa; Botnouae. aa.uu box; eueanibera, tl.602.00 do; raUlahea, !0c oca onncoea: eggplant, xac per in. PRIED FRLI1S Applee. a vapor a tad. ' StytJ Te per lb; apiicotn. 18ve20e per lb: peachee. ISai3Hc per lb; aacka. He per lb km; prune, SO te 40, 6'stoc: He drop os each 1-10 amaller aiae; rig. California black, per in; anrornia white. et6He pee n; Satea, gotera, M&0 per boat tarda, tl.a0dl.B0 per IB-lb box. - Oroearlaa, Bate, Bte ' ' S0OAB California at Hawaiian Cabe. I5S7H; powderel, (t.Cli; berry, AA7H; dry granulated, 3 oa; Ktar, (3.2241 coot, a, 13.22; extra B. S4.22H1 golden 0. 4.77VkS 0 yellow, S4.A2H; beet granulated, S0.22H. Weekern Cube, S5.87U; powdered. So.&2H; dry granulnte.1. $S.U2H: P. C. , I&.22HI St. Franc la, $SJ24; con feet tooera" A. SA.I2H! extra 0, 4.h2V; golden C. S4.T2H: D yellow, S4.S2H; beat granulated. SS.22V! barrela, lOci half barrela, 20ei noaae, (oe esvsaee aa sack lata la. ....... Above prleee are SO days bet cash enote- tlona.l ! , . . HONRY dS.SS per crate. COFrua Package brand, flS.SStfl SALT Oeree Half poaad, louv f 11.00 per ton; See, til; table, dairy. 80c. $18.00: lOiia. I14.T8; ha lea, 22.00; Imported Uvarpooi. Sue, HIS.U0; loua, l7.0u; 224. gld.OO; aura floe, bbla, 2s. Oe and 10a, S4.50.B0t Uverpool tamp rock, 2o.oO per tea; ftO-Ta, reck, il ou; luua. 110.60. v-' (ADO,. eac Iota. fluctnatljina.l R1CB Imperial Japaa, Be. I. Bel No. S. ftc; New Orieaaa. head. Ta; AJag, act Creeta, He. I BEARS SmaU white. tt.SO: large white. fl .26; pink, AC 20; bayos. SATBt Umas, eiie; Heiiran reoa. ee. NUTS Peanata. Jembe. sue par 101 vw toay par price apply te Bales ef leas ta: Car krta at apeclal prices sebjeet '. NBT LOSSES. C. Lae Co-.tlO.eO lor, city Mill... Sl. Morntna jOOUIHullloa -m Copper King-,. .01 Wtlappy Day .... -Ooa ' NBT GAINS. Aaeociated 00,. .2S Mammoth ,...,. -H 0. K. Con..... .00 H I Baownhoe ..., v - Trading wee ea a larger ecale oa the local exchange today. Total aalea were 20.01S MammuiB wa the leaaer, ana a oeaw aharea were tiliked up at 15c, an advance of 8H over the former bid. Manhattan crown Point was active. Potlcio Mlnlne was agala a feature, with S.OOO ah area aold. J. C 14 Co. kiet Sill In the bid. " -- Today'a aalea: Tea tboaaand Mammoth ntl8e, 1 Aaeociated Oil at 241.78. S.OOO Manhattan Crown rolnt at iric: 1.O00 same at lee, aao at 184e, S.00O Poticle st .lette. Offlelal prlcea: , ; 1 v. - ' V-.AW STOCKS.,.-;! Bank of California .....Srt0.00 Banker' A Lunibermeu's.,..,. 108.00 Merrhanra' National , 170.00 flTS. Oregon Truat A Having , - : 180.00 United Btatea National. ....... 200.0 i 118TED 8BCUB1TIES BONDS. ; ' I American Klacnlt (Vl a....... SS.80 IOO.OO City A Suburban 4a..... ...V.. Home Telephone Be O, R. A N. By. 4. b7. o! W. P. A ir. oa":.. ....... 100 "0 Pacific Coaat Btacult ts.. Portlaad Ry. 8a allSCEXLAMEOUS STOCKS. Aaeociated Oil el.00 Roma Telephone .............. 88.80 J. C. Lee Co....... '00O Pacinc Mtatee Teiepaoaa....... , wa.w Puget Bound Telephone MIMNO BTW.n.H. ..(. Lakevleae '.. Manhattan Crown Point.....,...; .ln"t Pntlrle Mining ................ .Jw Waahougal Eitenaloa. .......... .28 . TJN LISTED STOCK B. YaanJna Bay Telephone........ 8. 28 Oregoa City Mill A Lumber.... Alaaka Petroleam .18 , Brltlab Columbia Amalgamated. .W Caaeadla ..,......... -20 ' Mammoth .... ,n Mornlne - .OS Standard reaealldated .......... .07 Tacoiaa Steel .10 COEUB D-ALEKB DISTRICT. Bulnoa .08 Copper King .................. .10 Happy Day .04 . K. cooaouaatea.. ........... . RAIN IS CAUSE OF WHEAT LOSS . " t : 1 ,-' - " i ' ii " 'BssBienx.xajesxaw , -A Moisture Falls in Southwest and Trade Sells Heavily In Chi cago Price Drops Cent. ' Chicago, April 18. Rains In the southwest todsy and the 4 sharp advance the market haa - maintunaa or in le and the bad breaks today in Liverpool, all contributed ta tha selling pres sure in whest at the start of ths week.. ..... CHICAGO WHEAT TAXTJES. May July Sept Dec April . April 27, ...2 -70 ... ... .Stf ... - .bo, ,ma . April 27. Una. t J"H Ai S .. . .eaUiB .on ' -t ' .S4H .01 1 .00-. .01 01 ISO. .TS - ' .77 92.00 S8.00 100X10 108 60 100.00 8.00 42.00 40.00 26.00 ' 40.00 .21 M 4.00 .17U .08H , .24 .08(4 r Ml Snowahoe . Saoeratorat .47 S-00 . .06V4 ' .68 8.10 CI nee. TSVi S3 86 roaated. lb; Japae glnln. 7 He par lb neao. DfflOKe: roaateo. lft7vae nr anta, 8-rao, rer aaa. waTnute. CallforaU per lb; French, IBe per lb; pine suta, I4ine per lb: hickory Bote. lOe per lb; eneataata. eaatern, l&ulue per lb; Brnall ants, lfto sec lb; fllbarta. loc per lb; faaey pecana, Fh02ve;' le ltftilH :i- Keats, liak aad ftetUleaa. 'r FRESH MEATS groat Street Hogs, faery. SHaae per lb; real, extra, S8wc par lb; ornlonry, THe per id; poor, ee per to; mut ton, tancy, ocave per in; apnng lamna, uimtee. with peiu, per lb. - 7 . UAMH, BACON. 1TC. Portland pack I local) hama. 10 to 12 lb. ISc per lb; 14 te 1 Iba. 16He per lbi 18 to 20 lba, IS He; break! a. t bacua, 16i921e per lb; plcnlca, aiHe per lb; cottage roll, life per lb; regular abort clean, anemoked, UHc per lb; (muked, I2H? Pr lb; dear backa. aneraoBed. 11 Ho; amoked. 12 'e Ih. lb; Colon bntta, 10 te 1U lba. auam-aed, e nee lbi amoked. Se per lbi clear bellle. en amoked. llHe-per lb; amoked, 13 e par lb; ahouldera, 12c per lb; pickled tongue. SOe each. lb; Be. LOCAL. LARD Kettle leaf. 10a. Into per 1IH per id; du-ib una, , iae par in; team rendered. 10a, ISlH per lb; Sa, 12e oar lb: eomnound. 10. (We per lb. CANNKU SALMON Oilambla river, 1-lb talla, 1.S0; lib telle. 12.78: fancy Mb flata, I.IK); H 'b fancy flata, fancy l ib ovale. 82.76; Alaaka talla. pink, aOfjDOei red. SL60; nominal, 2a, Ull. 2.00. . riSH Rock cod. 7 per lb; flouBrlera, Se per lb: aallbat. 8 He per lb; craba. 1.00ai.B0 Der doe; gtrlped baea, 12c lbi eatfUh, 10c Ibr aal. moa. freah CWnmbla Chinook. SHe -per . lb; atealheada. Be per lb; harrtng. Be oee lb: solee, 8e per n; ahrioipa, lOe par lb; Aercb, -Se per lb; maca eoo. Ifl par in, wflnm. le per lo; lobatera.- 16c per lb; freak mackerel. s per lb; erawflah. 20e per eon; eturgeoo, lOe par Ik: black beaa. 20c pee lb; Columbia river emeft, Se par lb; ahad. Sc OYSTERS Shoalwater bay. per ganoa, XI no; ner 100-lb sack, S4.MI Ulympia, pa calloa. 2.28; per 118-lb aaek. 88.8UtJ8 Bagle, be. SS.eO; rasa ted. lOe eaa, 87.00 doa. .AMR HardanelL par bra. 8 clama. 8X00 par boa. ile per dee. . . Paint, Ceal 00, Xte ' ROPE Pare Manila, 18K etaadard. 121 SlaaL 11c COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral Caaea, ISH per gall water white, tree bom, 14c per gal; wooden. 17 par gal; headlight. 170 deg, eaaea, 21 He per gnL - i .... OAROI.INH mi oeg., eaaea. e per gal) b-oa bbla, 18e per gal. BBNZINB SS deg, aaa, , BBS per gait Ires bbla, WH ' ' ' TDRI'KNTINB la caaea. ids per gal; weedea bbla, sue per gal. WRITS LEAD Toa lota, 24 pee lb; 600- keta. Se per lb; lea Iota, SHe per lb. WIRE NAILS Preaent baala at 82.88. LtNSRED OIL ParS raw, ta 8-bbl lets, SOc; l-bbl Iota, BSet eaaea, 88 per gal) geanln ket tle-boiled, caeee, eue par gai: a-ooi mm, oael 1-bhl lota..8r per gal; sronnd cake, ear lata. le-bolled. caeee, SOe 220.00 per tost ieaa thaa ear lota, Sdo.M tOBV ..;'..,' , ' .... - ' BXW TORX COTTOV VASJtXT. ' r 34K.MO.aa 12O01 1.49 TO. 772)7 - ' HtlliVore Pool at 80 Canta. milehoT. Or, April 2 - The lllllabore ma. hair t'l which wax e..i-l here Karurilay went te Wlllwaa ef Teliae for 2')c a pind. BawTark Far Silver. . war York, April SO. lnr ellrer, Mi ten-,DH id doa.; broiler, $4i (Urn; eld ducka, ma 14c per lb.; aprtag d. ka, 18c per lb.: geee S4 lOe ner lb: turkeya. 17c per lb for eld; anaaha. 2 00 per doa: plgeoe. 81.00 per doa. . Dreaaed poultry 101H periB BHtner. Hop. Weal aad Hides. . ROP8 1008 crop Prime to choice. Sc- dlom to prime, SH'ei saedlum. OttSHc; tracra. 11107 crOB. IOC. WOOL iwt cup vaiiea, itejwc; eastars Oregon, limine. ' MOHAIR New IWI-2OWir- BUKEPMKINS Rbenrlas. 1AJ20 each ebart wool, 34uc; meoiom- wool. BOffTM aacst long wool, Jocajll.uO each. T-aLLOW Prim, per lb, SMa4ei Me. S aad greeae, 22H. ' - , CHITT1M BA RE 6e for ear total email tola. Be. : HIDES Dry, Ka 1, 14 The and as, ITU ISe per lb: dry tip. No. 1, s to 10 lti. lEQIMr; dry calf. No. I. ander 8 lba. SOc; aalted bide, ateera, errand, 80 lb and ever. SHCSHe; eowa, Select etage and bulla, aoend. 7c; kip. IA re SU in, vc, emu eawi. awr io um, iici vraem. nnaalteo. le area: euii. le ner IB eeaa. aorea hide, salted, tecs. SI .onws.ou; dry, eca, 8l.otnai.o0: eolt Mdea, 284180c; goat akrea, earti. lOirciiwv Angora, each, 281 21.00; abeep aklna. xaeQCIl.av. rralta aaa vegwiauee, PoTATors Harm nrlee. eaetere Ifeltnn- SMh and Clackamas, select, fl.otl.08; Bell. Ing. fancy. x;ax.l"; uruinary. lonoing, i.eox 2. X(; eaatern Oregon. 81.BKQI. Bo; Minn. acta. SI. 78 l 2.00; aweeta. lea per lb; sew pota- toea. 6He per In. i ONIONS Johhlng price no. 1 Ufegoa, S3 no; Bo. 2, 22.T8t8A0; Texas, 8 per lb; garlic. 84ite per lb. APPLRS Fancy flood River Srrltnenberg and Yelkw Newtiwna. 82.80; fancy Willamette val ley aad aonthera Oregon. 21-8002.00; ordinary alork. WrMll W. PRRSH FRUITS Orange, new' narel. 83.08 US Id); tangerloe. l.28; baoanaa. Be per ibl lemon. t4Mf(fOt) per box; lime. Meiloen, tl.zC pr 100: n'leapnlea 84 fXxjS no per Anas rrape fruit. $1.2.1: atrawberrle. $8 per Crate ef 15 boxee; rherrlea. 1 per 10-lb oot. VF.;TAMI.IC(Tnrnipa. eew. Ortl aack; earrota. Jncal.oo per aarki r-eet. I 75 per aaek; parxnlpa, 1.0tTI.2.l: rabnexe, ilf(t8.23: 1matnea, Mexican. 8l.7:.'.(5; Flnr1.1a. 84'.V1; paranlpa. lewm II 00; ettin heana. lie e Mv caallflowef, II.2.1M1 i !: !". 6Wy Wew York Anrll . Cottwa furore: Open. Hlxh. . Lew, Apr.2M, Apr. 27. ' , 1042 . KlftS 1044) 1041 1042 . 1044 .... : : .... ' ftss -. .- m f8 STS MM ' SN8 PUS B02 PU2 liaai Nd ' K ... w2 VMt 818 1 008 POO Bl8 0112 . . - pug BtM) 1018 1002 1014 . Ke .... ' , .... 101S , 1012 1028 1002 - 1022 . 1019 Jaa. lm Feb. .v March ....1048 April . May ...... MS Jane ,.... SuS July ...... "S Aug. ..... 808 Sept. ..... M8 Oct, 1004 Nov. ...... Dee. ..... .1008 .. -'" " ' Uterpaal Oettoa XVewer. ''' ' Liverpool, April 28. Cot toa fa ture eloaed rt, 1 te 1H point lower. . . LIVESTOCK MARKETS VERY F Portland Crrloa Btocxyroa. April 28. Ltve atock receipts: , ' Hogs. Cattle. Sheep, Today ................... SO 2 . .. SOT Week ago B8 ' , 27 210 Year ago ............... - J?7 ,. Prevlona year 60 2oo DO , oaeep vvcvipxe wjtv . wwi, . totala ahowlng 207 head, aa agalnat SIS bead la at Monday, and Boo a year ago. Market firm. . Juat s few bead ef cattle came. Sad market continue very nrm. remain as Hoga arrival. Una as laat week. Light A year age today) Temporary wiaknaxe : fa cattle, price 28c off. Other ateady, -. Official livestock nrlcea: '. : Ilnga Beat eeatern Oregon. 27.281.' a tocher and feeder., 27.00; China fata, 27.08. rattle Beet eaeteva Oreeroa ateera. aB.0ft4B 8.28; beat eowa and keiaare, S4.nvq.zo: aroca era and feedera, 4.oo4.20; nulla, Sheep Mixed, OleCdHc: lamba, TH8C. LIVESTOCK IN EAST Chicago, Kansas City and Omaha Value Holding Well. : Chicago, April 28. I.tevetock receipts: ' ' 1 Hoga. , Cattle. fTheen rbleaae 42.000 .ot)0 22.000 aKnaaa-Clty 10,000 ' lO.OOO 1ft 0"0 Omaha1 ............. 4.200 4.600 8,000 lion are ateady. with 2.000 left ever froi Saturday. Receipts a year age war 4,800; mixed, ee.)ir.o2HI xteavy, eivKgANi) rough. 8u.t.45; light, 88.4088. ... , cattle aieaoy, Sheep, Btreag. ' v .- . : NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Union Paclfle Tjettder 'With Gain of : Fonr PotnU fop tbe D. , , The New York stock market was very firm today with s amall volume ef boa lr eaa- TJnlon Pacific waa me leader wits s gam or Borate. Reading. Northern Pacific aad St. Paul w. among the active on. Tbe market eloeed sroaad the top. . :-, Offlctal enotatloo by Overbeck. Stair A Cook company: DBmCRTPTTON. , matramated Coooer Co American le an let, BUYS 7,000 ACRES . OF YELLOW FIR : Ths Crossett ' Timber . eompsny of Davenport, lows, has purchased A tract of 7,000 acres of fir tn Llrm county from Mann As Montgomery of Portland. Ths pries paid waa something like 1300,000. Ths tract is ssld to be one of ths best located large bodies of timber In th state. It was cruised by J, t. Lacey -Co., whose chief cruiser, 3. It Tucker, mads a f avorshls report, ; Mann tfc Montgomery havs been engaged soma years tn segregstmg ths lands and acquiring title. The Crossett company haa shown Its confidence In timber In- vestments in ths Columbia river basin hv btivlng more thsn It, 000.006 worth of tlmbsr in ths last eight months. WIFE LURES HER INSANE T HUSBAND TO COUNTY; JAIL Donald A. bonalfl. a miner with s hal lucination tht hs is a firebug, wss lodired In the county Jatl this morning on a charge of Insanity, lie was lured trt tho coiirlliouse by Bis wife. ' who com Amerlcaa S.. coxa. American Smelt., com.. Atcniaon. flom..., Baltimore A O, com... Brooklyn B. T. Canadian P., com...... C, M. A SU P C. F. A I, com . Erie, com. ..i. ......... Mleeourl Pacific....... N. Y. Central Penneylvanla Ry. ....... Readlnr. Cora Rock laland. eom..,,. Soi it hern paciclf, com 1'nloa Paclfle, com..'. IT. S. Steel Co.- com... . do ore f erred hoi - Kale tor day, 12.200 ah are. T siPv 2al! 12A 1.14 H WOH SO ftftlA 1T8H 134 4lai ea 12814 1 1X4 H SH so; SO 17TH 1864 J 2414 T8HI T8H Iini4.nin IZUIIZ1 21 Sfl fl44H 8714 21 4 112 xz wt 14A asv; 101 M'S 3 12S mu nsii 178 H 24 TS 118 12SV I111V4 1 88 144H .87K, 10114 oTh S8 12TH PSk 60 177 1M en 24U 78 H lina 15 3 21', 141 8N 101 3 DALY AND STREETER . BUY BURNSIDE LOT E. X Daly and W. B. Htreeter havs purchased ths triangular plot between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, where Bumslds runs Into Stark 'street. Ths piece hss . a frontage of 60' feet on Stark, no feet on Bumslde end has a length of 30 feet on ths westsrn bouneatury. Ths conslderstlnn was It,- 000. Messrs. Daly and Streetcr are con' templstlng tha erection of a flatlron business house on ths sits. ' . SEVENTEEN ANXIOUS TO SERVE ON FIRE BOAT "Just IT men took ths physical sxamt- nation for positions ss stokers In ths fire, department snd on tha fire boat this morning:!. There are about seven places to be filled. Tomorrow morning the ap plicants will take the written examina tion, which will eenslst of questions a to their knowledge of ths firing; of en. fines. : ' , i- i. . John VT. Cummlnge, a prominent law yer of Fall River, Is mentioned aa a posslbls candidate for tha Democratic nomination for governor, of Maaaachu- Whlle both wheat and flour quotatlone ere unchanged today in tbe local market, the ton eentlnuea very firm. with Liverpool off there waa sot much hep for ateauineee In Chicago. The aonrhweat now hea rain and there ta aomawbat allaying fear of tha green bug. Broomhall cabled that the weefher aaa turned out fin la India. All iui neipeo oa tn calling preeenre la Chicago, that market . Cloatn nnr.ll. a mm, l.,W ium on oaturuay, . , Official unotatloue by . Overbeck. Starr A v . nwipenyi ,. ... v .. WHEAT. . Opea. High. May ,...,...,V fH , T4 July 2-H 2214 September SH 84 J" 88 86tt ' - CORA. ! Kay .......... 0U 4ft '4 to OATS. Mar 44 July 41H . 41 September .... SAU sb MESS PORK. Mar ....1, ......lues IMS July .... September t.ieoo- laoo LABS. - May ............ BS2 . xy July 877 877 September 87 87 SHORT BIBS. May ............ snn . ami July 870 870 September ...... 880 BW Kay .......... 48 July etial September .... 4r4 1 : CkJ 3 t. 4P( 4H iBToj 1R2 r-,54. . seo 878 I 88T . B8A . SK7 60 14 AOtZ. BOA 44B 41 '4 A 88HB 18811 162 : less 82 878 887 sn 847 B 880 - LTYXRyOOL OBATH ItABJER. - UverpeoL April 28. Official price! , WHEAT. , - .-..... Opea... Ooa. ' Apr ST. Kay SB 7d - Sa SHd aa iui July ....eed sa 6H4 Sa ! . r- , CORN, July ...... 4a t6 4a THd - da gud THd 4a Stud AI3AClAGC0yRjT yriXh us carried in any form of deposit gives you business prestige, and offers every convenience in carrying out your daily, money transactions. ; Whether in the form of . a Savings Account or , Check Account you can readily see the advantage over secreting it-jabout the house and subjecting yourself to possible loss. ' . Call and see us today with reference to opening . an account. . We place no restriction as to amount. We welcome large accounts and value small ones. To all our, complete banking , facilities are alike available. i .",': ! We mainta'ina thoroughly modern trust depar ment and do a general trust and banking business. - Correspondence and personal interviews solicited. ' v :.'r:f;'; .";;'T:iii':r;-"' ' ' Merchants Savings &nist Company ' 247 WASHINGTON ST. . CAPITAL FULLY PAID $150,000.00 ' - 1 .1 1 . ': ' , ' v n ' -K' ' - x,- " , . , r $ ."..(., - ... ',.',. . ...... J. Frank Watsari. . .;. .. .. . .v. . . .President R. L. Durham... . . . . ... .Vice-President W. H. Fear., ........Secretary S. C. Catching. ". ". . . .Assistant Secretary , "0. W. T. Muellhaupt. 1 Cashier ' September . 4 BHd 4a ' Brw Terk Beads.'''..'1. New Terk. Aprtl 22, Boada: Jap let 6a. .......... ............ ftau de Ut 4H-. 21 H IP4 8ml ' L. P. let 4a ,.,.. ...... .102H N. P. Prior Uea 4a' Archleoa a. 4a.... .10014 44 44 Id 44 Atk. !,5 84 12H 102 ' 10nt a ssw m Sasvakai xwaassa x. . W J,t 1 dl J I . fee SU 4 1 Yes Sample. A drea Dept. g.y I a lacfkivl 1 CAaw.rS r ; ; The Shin a That Lasts Lonftestl $1.00 A WEEK $1.00 STBS AS. Stindard Jewelry Co. mm- Trains Daily ' TO SL Pan!. Minne apolis, Dnlnlb and (ne East? 3 TRY OUR Trains Dally -"-, TO Omalia. Kansas City. SL Lonls and AU Prints East and West North Coast Limited . ON YOUR NEXT TRIP. 5 It will pleas) jroo. Every want is anticipated. Electric-li'thted throujrhont. Standard Pullman and Pnllmsn tourist sleeping-cars. Dining-car, observBtion-cr, electric lights, electric fans, card and smoking rooms, barber shop, bathroom, wardrobe closets, library, and all the luxuries of a modern hotel on wheels. Call or write for "North Coast Limited" booklet giving complete description. Have you friends or relatives in the East who are corning West on the low rates this season? - If so, send their names and full ad dresses. Literature "and full Information will be given them. Or yon can deposit with any agent of this company to cover the tickets, and delivery will be arranged by telegraph. Special round-trip rates, commencing June 1, will be in effect from all Eastern territory, to this section.. ; ,;.'.' ."''" " ? -"''." t ''" v-v For any Information desired regarding rates, routes, etc, call on or address . - - .-.t "i:: f,..i-:;y,.'.;. ' Aa Ds CHARLTON Assistant General Passenger Agent, s 255 MORRISON ST, PORTLAND, OREGON. , FREE.TALLY- HO TO PRETTY NVaLverleigH Reserve your seats now for a"1 delightful afternoon's ride. H. W. LEMCKE COMPANY Main 550 SIXTH AND WASHINGTON --. Home. Phone A 2357 ts nzzzuKiziizsxzaanzzna rnnnzxzzzRzzszzuxaasn ti DON'T DO, IT - Any person going about crying hard times panics tight money-i-dull markets. etO- ; , is but depreciating the opportunities and resources of Oregon, a most wonderful state, of -i unlimited wealth and natural advantages. ' . ; ; Remember, now, that element which follows these panic cranks andall around pessimists ; will in, the next few years get badly left, The only- kind of hard times coming , are ' hard s times to the ml-doer. . . . , ' . ' r y t S Why should the grandstand plays between grafter and reformer, walking delegate and ' corporation, Wall street Bull and Bear, the big stick and the desirable or "undesirable" citi- . ' zen, the Thaw case or the Silver Thaw Telephone Company disturb the even tenor of the real V people who till the soil, furnish the manufacturers articles which clothe and, feed the real : ;-V people of -the real world? ;'': ,7-;,;, '.- '.'' ''''i '".- V.-''J C ' , - Captains of honest industry work for motives .beyond money consideration, arid that SyCCESS. You will nevery hear this class of busy people crying hard times, knocking thtf ; ' country and its future, or trying to disturb prosperous conditions because of the personal differences of a lew.;' ;. ir 'l v'-"-.;,.". v;;; : ,; - If J-ou believe in your state snd city and In yourself, do not be led astray by hard-times " " 1 talk. -Be conservative, but combine it with enterprise. - Live within your income and dare to ; , do right, i Hard times or the devil himself cannot harm you if you are industrious and liven , the state of Oregon. Make prudent investments, either in choice inside income real estateor". well selected public utility bonds, which give you a steady income in good of bad times, and ', Inhere your money is secured beyond any possibility of loss. ',';" ; ", ' V ; I recommend to the conservative investor Home Telephone Stock or Bonds. It is a 't' :r public utility based on the wants of the people, and is a hard-times proposition' absolutely; j in good times it flourishes--in hard times it thrives, because the fiarder the times the more ' "M the people are obliged to talk to make money. The more you talk, the more you contribute to the earnings of a modern telephone plant. ' : : - - ' , " ' C : 4 . i ' T Invest your money at home, where you can see it grow. ) : ; ' - y , 4 ' V ' A student of investments will never be led astray by anything some few may say.Doubts maice irauor 01 us an, ana ou we josc inc gooa we migni aiiain oy tearing to attempt. 5 Lafayette DIdj., HOME BONDS PORTLAND, OR. f I i a lbi , erttehokee. 73cii.ov ";. , -