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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1907)
THE' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 6. 1907. 11 FOn BALI! REAL ESTATE. t'OH fiALKKKAL tSTATE. FOR SALE FARM3. FOR SALK FARMS. BARTER AND EXCIL1NGE. PERSONAL. DENTISTS. ROSS ADDITION. ' Adjoining Bellwnod on th tt Deatrabl ion. to ijmi; inataiimenr. reier nuuia, Bank of Sellweod, local agent. . E3TACADA, , Terminal city ef the 0. W. P. dlvtaten ol the Portland Rallwer. Light Power On. 86 ml la oootheeet of Portland; manufac turing ngur In tba beat farming eectlun of Oregon. , Let nd rrg fr Ml on tnetallmenta. Eetaeada Stale Bank,' local b.vm . naaJrahto fawa modern suburban dsoee for eel at bargain, cue-half block i ram car una. Eighty acre m' O. W. P. Eetaeada dlvl- ton, suitable for eqbdlvldinf Into five- cr fruit farm. ORBOON water power COMPANY. TOWT.SITB Room 4 and B, 1KS rtrat at, Cor. Alder. .. Phon Mala . - . COMB AND AUK I RHt'T TUrnt . Let 601200, with S-mom bona, mm bear. ua iron iraaa; will a 11 for each. Lot 100x100, with 8-r. for fl.690. pars saso. Lota BOxlOO, ou and etfhtly i price I ear Una, fine aoO and T-roaaa cottages, small eaah pay mania, belaae ana pa la awathly payments, a yon an paring for reat bow. Ooad farm Beer MeMlBnvHla, from 40 era as. cneap lor cash. ' Ala thra anna tlmbar ' delta rallrxrctsh maata aaar Myrtle Point for $000. ' Twa million feet of good "" timber. lVt mil from Colombia rlrar, 00 mil ap. BBAVBB ERAL ETATB INVESTMENT cuaraai. Bo. 4, 16TH Fir at.. Portland. Or. STOP PATINA BRNT. . Lot 100x100, amall house, fenced, aa B ear Una! fin rjttle homa; solos at $000; finished Blcaly. i Lot 100x100. (mall boa.' water, Be ear Hai flae home; Uttla money; cola at 11,000, Let 02x100.' amall hoaee. lawn. Be ear line; rant will par for It) foiuf at I860. ' v ... . . ,. , . Let 100x100, 4-room booaa, trait, ' cornet lot, $ooo. - .. U aeraa aaar ear line: T-reora booaa, barn, eblrkea-boaaei fralt treea; fenced; traveled road; 1 back, borae, 1 eowa. t heifer, all farming tool, eblcken; all foe at eooia ad aa tU, . - ' 'Y'" '' Acreage.. I to' 400, Improved and anlnv preved; 04 Inta betwaea Boaa City Park and the city, half dletaaee, at $300 a lot. V"' ," $04 UOHAWK BLDO. ' ORRlf AROAINa OS OOOI TERMS. Tba propartlaa mnat be aold wlthla 10 (4.400 bloc. T room bouae.' Ueed and Water at. ... 3.700--T-reoa booaa. plced for yaa, eewer, ; food baaamwt, mat front, lot 100x100, fralt; lraatrd on Mallory are. I1.6U0 0-raom modera boa, eoaerete fena Oatlna, cellar all cemented. T feet blab! lot 60x200. eoraer lota, all feared; laife eblrbea park, bar! heaa laaured for $1,200 tor I yeare; term a, (300 eaah, bawne BMrta for or 6 year at T per rent, , , W.O0O 6-room eoitaaa, .,lot. .10x100,; ea orb at. . , OTTO.. CROCKETT V HABESOK. . . ..." IMS Flrat at. . . . lit BOOTH PORTLAND. . ST.TB0 Bleeant reatdence. T rooma. BMdara, lot OOxUt. brantlfnl eaat etew. fin Interior flnlabi eonatraetlea the eery beat. 12,160 K aw modara 6-room bouae. a a eor aer. eaaaeot baaemrat (a, porcelala plamb 1d tbroutrhoot, lnrlndlnc bath. IX. (V 10 On a OSxino lot, a tVrooa boaae; tbrra 1 room for two mora hooer aa tbla t. . THESE PR0PEBTIEB FOB. BALI XX- CLt'BlVEtT BY -- , H. W. LEMCKB CO., Slxrb aad Waablnatoa 8ta. Mala 650. List Ycnr City.Prcperty ' .With . : i T. A. Lautterland S04 KEW BUCHANAN BLDO. We Haye Custcacrs : MODERN Toom reatdence la Hawthorn Park) coaetractlMi the eery beer, practically aewi fureaca, fin fireplace, both-a and down atatra, foil cement floered baaament, lot . 6O1IOO, aonth farlns, cement aldewalk and .U- walka-Prlca tkl wee - 66,600;- waif cash dowa. O 101, J unreal. FOR BALK Cheap, a new banealow. f2,T50; flea rooma.-lot 80x100, aoieIala bath aad Slnmblnf thronfhoot, double floor, etc., wae nllt for a borne; la a alee hx-atlue near the Hawtborn are. ear Una; fl.600 eaab dowa, balance at per eent, . A 161 JcaraaL ' rOB BALK (. M lot, fenred. eleajed and eaHlTatod, . 4-room hone, city water! neat Fenlaealar ata . tln en Bt. Jobne ear line; M.oriO. Choice wanbnoa loeattna la Lower Albla. B. COLLINS. lew Buaaell . tJUAETIR block at 17th aad Eaat Cllatoa , at a., ane 6-rom and on tVeoom eottia, fnll basement; theoa era nmderai notbtng - " Blear la 5at Portlaed. Price) . $5,000; eaa alra trraia. Bee O W. Barer,' awncr, IM aut aaorrwoB av., viiy. lot and 6-mom eattare. rood ntcket fenr. cellar nndar part of boil, rood woodahed, nlr lawn; a anap If taken at ooce: locatloa Iarelwood Park, 4T Hoyt at., Mt. Boott ear line. Q 161. ear Journal. I RATE a food Troom nndara. home, Int. Eaat 64th at.. 6 bax-ka of Rawthorr t., I block W-R car; 800 .react, balance " eaay. Ut Stark at. - A BARGAIN Lot on Beatea at., la. Bbaffer'a dilltloo, one block from car line. Jena, , Trimble aV Trimble, 411 Marqnam bld(. FOR BALB BT OWNER .New, etrtctly modara 6-room onttaew and one 4-ranra aotUf: tarm. Pboo Tabor S36. , FINE enbdlTlalon propoaltlaa on O, W. P. ekiaa In, II cr; laeel, aa araeeli barf a la ' for ajnlck aale. Vaadoya h Waltoa, 616 Chamber Commerce. Jl'RT THINK) Lot 30 each, at tl per month, aaar Salem ear Una, ao farther thaa it. Jobne. Apply ta awaar, W. Boldt, Waatv ln(toa bldf , . , , OWNER bt bllrd to aei reaMeaca alta 11T 'r k'tov, im m ininrivu, DOtD aiT It will ro-npara with anything In tb etty. PHa U Uu. Phono BUat It A T la journal. ' FOR SAtE Pnll lot, Mallnry and Beeeb. erm, for a few flaye. Addraaa T 14T, care JoaraaL : '' ' Crestca .... . ' 700 eaab. nno ea eaay parmaara, B yen re, a I 4 per cent. 8-mora modera bona la Croat. Inqnlre N. Peterann, owner. Bear Creatoa St. - tlmt. aa Mt. Scott earllae. ... Eastncrrlscn 100x100, Jaet aeroa brtdca, meat an (i s tow prtc. ROOM STa) COMMERCIAL Bt.aT. ' . IfODKRN B-mom eottace. Raanyald taawar die trlrtl; IIM) down, balance like rent. A. P. Smith, owner, 414 Commercial blk. ' 1 FOR a few daye I will al a earner loorloo an Thurmaa at., eaat f tM at., for I0.460, B 1BI, JonraaL FOR SALE Two-etnr-r bona, corner tot. Inn. nraMa; cheap If pnrrbaod at once; bonae In prt-l or1er; eltrle llahta: on btork r-m car line. E. C. Minor, ItMMl Belmont at. fil FIVE tot, corner Ifb and PnxlerVk eta., on block from car line, iiwner, puon Eaat I CON8IOKR TnR FOM.OWtNfl OOOD BUTS WIl.tT 1.4 Yol R OIMMONT 6.2&017-rooni bonaa, oioora, rented for 6 yrara, paylnf 10 per rent; Itircetlxate thla. lu ran have teruia 11 fl-lrao. 4H.T&4 IKutla a tor bullllni. rented for $A6 per aiontb. with amall eajicna tbw property 'win nav 13 ore cant. Vu fWaj Two nice 6-roora ' cottaffe. lot , Mi1.k. wcac alitr. rent M) par month) a honia or an InvcattncHl. , ii.ikio 1 brae nk-a bonae on corner, pay i iter cant; ean build anntnor Doua oa aam yround; a fine uivcatmcnt. Bt.T&u Doithla atore, pajlu 10 per cent tbla la a atian. ' I alao bare aoma rood bay In recant tota , and amall bomna nd think that 1 eaa eult yu If yon will cell and took orar my ua(. . Turner, 3i:iH at aatilnfttoa at. 1 BOOMING-HOfBES. - $230 T room boardlnf and ' lodclns-haoaai 642.vll rooma. all full. . " ' . f 1.179 lft-room boardlns aad lodging booaa; tnrtim 1'jnA monthlr. . 6X250 T rooma, 6-year leeae; eleara 1100 per mouth. 42.700 2J rooma, near Parkin hotel, food leaa; terme. 42.60010 rooma, lon( la, htxh-elaee rrana. Tbeaa are only a few of the banjalaaw HABPEB ' O'DONNELL, S ' Benaoa klrt..- riftb aad blorrlaoa. . flno SNA P B-room bouae. completely far- Biattea, two tola.' each iwv, loorea, (aroea, lawn, treea. woodabed. water la yard, ear Una. 4I.tK0 Naw Troom booaa. barn, chlrkee booaa, fruit treea, tot 60x130; ranted, per cent; a (nod buy. 41.600 T-roem boo, fralt tree, ban,, lot 1DX1W). , ROOM 10, .H0U THIRD BT. ; Pbona Pacific 2t4. ", "". WILLIAMS AVE. BSAPS. BOxlJO aear RuaacU, pay 164 per month, $20.001,. . 46 lifts aeer BueeelL " pay (96 par month, ll.MMt. 100x100, 67.000; ' BOxOB t-S eoraer lot pay V per month; 44,400. . ? ; We bare more ood nay la earant tota than any other realty Co 01 pa ay ib roruana; that eooorie blv. but try na. LArAYETTB JIEALTT CO.. " Ml Waablnftoa at..-corner Sixth. BTV JOHNS INVESTORS. Tab notice f laa, locatloa. term and frlee of cloae-ln let w are now aelllna; la a lim ited number. - 1 -' lata, 1 btork from aew acbool . and poatoftlrej 10 per cent dowa, 110 par month, at ftTS each. HAQEM A Nl X BLANCH ABD. -.. 01 Fifth at. . .. ' - ' kxlzr U:;'- V BNAP9. 1 ' raoto corner for twain and home ta thla beautiful loecttoa. Term. W. B. Beat. SV3 Portland boulevard. Pbona Wood lawn IIM. ALBINA Modera bow beoae a eaar teroi! fin rooma, lataat pa tiara la pantry, pore lain bath, (Ink. baaln, pataot tollat. ood - kolat and laundry tuba, full baaemafit; fin 60x100 lot; trf work done and paldf riant Y (2.600. IW0 dowa. tS moothl. Host Lead VO- XWn firat at. . : St Jolinj ! iw lot Jaraay it.fcentral ' Btnrlni OlaUlcL HENBTLB HABRIBON, , ' 21T Abington Bldg.7 AO GOOD 0-room bona, alee yard, oa fraded atreeti water la booaa and yard; con venient ta car) fralt treea and flonrara. Thll low price for eaah tf aold aooa. ' , ,W. J. Day & Co. : f ' 14SI4 Fourth t. ' T-BOOM bonae, almost new. fin Email lot, betwec Hawthorn and W. B. car; only 63.000; 1500 eaah. SO Stark at. ANOTHER BARGAIN II acrea, raoatly cleared. food bona nd bars, tin aril, meet a . cheap. Tlx Tula Aba tract Co.. nam 4 Mulkey bid-. Second and Montana eta. FOR SALE A new 6-room hone aa Mt. Scott car Una, No. Ill Fifth e., Lenta: prlc 6A0; $250 eaab, balance monthly payment. Owner oa prornlaee. . FOR RENT New modera B-rooa cottaee. close In. Pnone Main 6090, ar caU 13th at., ' 80 t). m. Owner.' - . , FOR BALB CHEAP room cottar. B tota; most - ll on account af atcknae. . 8 later 'Harris, Arlata, Or. ... $22.000 BUSINESS property; -tot' 60x0; na Grand are., aear Morrleon. Room totoa, Mobawk bids. - ' WANTED nomeeeeker ta writ to Willamette Valley Real Katat Exebaag, Woodbara, Or for reelaed llat of farm. . . . ' $100 BIV'OW ralne; eoraer tot. -Call outbweat corner Et Lincoln and 64th at. B0RB CITT VaRK tot that era choice aad tba price M riyut. a is, car j on mat ton BALli FARMS. x GOOD HOMES AND INVESTMENTS. SO acrea, ralle from city limits, 11c fin for plattlnf, IS acre cleared and lb fruit, balance eery aaally cleared; fin 6-room aona, barn, prmve dryer, etc.; city water. Tbla ptara Ilea fine for plat tine: and to a money maker for aomaooe: the owner la nearly 60 and enxlooe to Mil; prlc $0,000, teruia to suit parcbaaer. SB acrea. 16 acrea andar fin atata of culti vation, balance freen timber; piece a. 11 feared with board and wire fence; fin family -orchard -of -aaaorted fralte-as full beer met yood 0-room bonae. fair barn, rruitaooee na II other ontballdlnts: yood well, windmill and tank; S acre In rapberlea, H acre In atrawberrlea; plow, barrow, cull Ira tor, drill, waaoa lmoat aew, I ataada of beee, etc.j -.pap a J 700 19 acrea. . all aadev cnltlTatkm, family orchard, place all fenced and araa fenced; (rood S-room houa. bara, chicken aad hoc booaea. araodahed. etc.; 100 yards from action). 1 1 mil from cburcb; team of ftn mare romlnc 4 and 6 thla anrlna, aew rubber-tired rmrxy. alneMe and double barneee, waeon. (tow. harrow, coltlralor. and yond milch cow; mile from country town, church, I. O. O. F, hall. tore, blaekamlth sbopa, t. prlc 62.M0. . 63 acraa, 4 nllea from thla dty, 40 acre cleared; T room hooae, yood baaement, eblrk-en-houae and yarns to the amount ol $2.nno; Bern SUXOU. wnonaneu, r ' . , uu, r J . 1 . ku, n.1. ta m Mm Wit. 'I wanri pnni a.i'v. u --1 wner Mlllnt oa tcoount of alrknaaa. IWor baylnf a bom or a4 aa niTeat menc. aaa w . d TH0MPS0W a. SWAN. Cltlaana' bid, VaeooTer, Wash. FOR SALB AT A BARGAIN. 840 seres ta the- beet wheat belt of Rher atan county. S miles from town snd re II roe d etattoe; 640 acres la cultivation, 826 la fall wheat aad 210 to be eummer-fallowed: well. Improved food booaa. bara tad ombulMln plenty water, larae elatern, windmill aad water piped to houa and etock; will aaO oa eaay termet IU health obtoet la aelltaf. Ad drees Eaterprla Farm, Box 44. Kent, Or. . FOR .SALE 11T acres -rich bottom lead. 62 sores aoner euiuvanow, ,v uup.iv,.ui.. land borders oa Willamette river, about 60 seres food sab Sad maple tlmbar; rtoee to town and school: In center of Willamette valley; 42.600 will buy It If take anon; pie la a fenntne bare- In t don't mtee It. Cell oa ar addreea. t. D. Wtna, Bneaa Vista, Or. BEAT email farm bey -la Oreyna B0 aeraa. BMetly cleerea sno cuitivaTco. aojoininf Town site of live valley town; fine fruit, eprtat, creek, wood, erbeele, ehnrcbee, railroad; T tares eewmlll aear; bnlldtnta worth $2,000; -, only $2,000, Inquire 248 Stark at. FOR sale or trad. verre ranch Bear Beanr . , 1 n..tln. .. IOW. BWM "TO .-.w. 116 ACRE8, 80 aeree la Cultivation:, balance aek and rir nmner; neat 01 irnit aw; i. . no acres, 100 valley, balaace oak, fir aad radar timber; wall watered; 4-1.000; 400 aeree, close la, SO acrea In cultivation, 400 acrea fond timber, be lance, brush paature; aa foodimed: 42.1 per eere. J. H. CHALEER-Oreeham. Or. FIVE-ACRE tracts, 6 mllee eneth of port. land, nne son, water pipva no aoca o-acr tract) this land to one mile wrat f Cla-ia. Bias at at loo and railroad and ea the Port land end Oreron City waajoa raad. Price frost 4100 t 420 per here; ea eaay term. For further partleulare see 0. W. Barer, 600 Eaat Montana at.. City. 40 ACRES, bonae. food be re, 4-ere orchard, If ere cleared) food water, poultry Bon, timber on place; ne hoar by train rmm Pf t land) choo Join IBd; prlc $2,600; $l.ta) eaah, $1,000 on time, eiddrcea box IS, route 4,- Sherwood, Oreron. F1VB aeree. I mllee from etty limits, $ rnra- . Btea wan TO tl, v . r. line; level lean, near Mark Boll, alt tn rnltivatlon. anme berrlee ant fmlt treea; ' splendid alrhllv place ea food mad. Owner, T 161. eere Jnarnal. A RANrH for aal or trade 20 Btrvertoa. 40t uawiaorn are. . . Y2Slll2St03. h OrCgCal ,EaltC0.-:;.; '106 Second at, Portland. Oreyoa, aad 604 Mela at., Veacourer, VYaah.v ' Pbon Mala 60. $1. TOO 64 aeree, 1 mile from Waahoef ai Clark county. Waahlnitoa, 18 acrea elaarad. balaace paature, all fenced. S food aprtnra, Jod 6-room ruatlc heuae. nice barn soxM ruatle and painted), other eutbutldlnya. amllr orchard; floe locatloa; food well at 1 door, aew mower and rake, 1 plow, bar ro. other email tool; 1S mllee to boat iandlce aad railroad: aod nll; term, half eaab, balance 4 year at 6 per cept, This a anap. ( . , : $6,800188 acre.- mile from WaatyroyaL 40 acre cleared, eome ereea timber, balance eaally cleared, all fenced, all leeel; fin aprlny; 4 room houea, fair bar: family ar elianl; team, waaoa, barneee. S eowe. cream eeparatnr, aoma boaa aad eblrkeaa. 100 aacks of anmla; beet of black oil; Bear acbool. B. F. D, i . j FT 400114 acre. 8 mllee north of Tea. eourer. IS ml lea from Portland: TO acre - cleared, 20 acraa fond timber, tie I a or eaally . cleared. S acrea bee rtn orchard r yom frame Jiouae,' 6 rooma, eond frame barn, small bora ; bam. other ontbulldlnaa; S food walUt all fenced with wire aad boar da. all level : oa Biala county road. B. P. D.. nee ecbool: fond team worth 63A0, 6 cowa: all farm impm meoU; fin locatloa, beat at eoll; flea taram, 18.000108 acrea, ft mile from Waabouy al. In Clark county, Waahloctoa: 48 acrea , cleared. 10 acrea frees timber, balaace aaally cleared; all fenced, all leeel; two-atuey 1 6-roea houea. fair bara, S acrea or char. 4 boraee. S wayona, new mower and rake, cream aeparafor, all farm Imulementa needed on a farm, 60 head of rattle. 86 milch cowa. 1$ 4 boaa, aoma cblckena; on aula county mad; 8 food aprtnra, one near bont beat of black . oil: e mile- arhool; half eaah. be la oca 6 year at per cent. . , , " Aboea baryalna are but few of tb farms . aa oar llat. Wa bara the torxeat lhtt of farma of any firm In Portland ar -trinity. Price rsna from $300 ta 6BO.O0O. Writ ar call if yoa are la tba market for a farm. , ..... -., 1 1 1 . $3,40016$ acre aaar' Woadlaad.' Wash.! 18 sere la cultivation, aeree beartnf or Chard. 60 aeree food plllnf timber, balance Baatara, aoma river bottom; new 4-roooi roatle bona, food bara 66x40, fralt dryer, ether bulldlDxe: fine wall; 44 mil to acbool aad rroeery atore: food team, wayoa and harneaa, ' 8 ew. 1 llcht waeon. farm Inalamesta. fin . dairy farm; 62.000 cash, balance 6 years at ; iejr wui. wiu laae pan u excaaafa tec rwiwaq city properly. . . - $8.400 10S acre, 1 aoflaa fmra Dun dee, Tamhlll eonnty, mil from railroad eta ttoa, mile to ehooL boat landlnf ea lace: OS acre In cultivation, variety orchard, all ' fencad. 6 aeree bops; five terms at per .ami, eaa, wa PHI. . 4000 40 acra. 10 sntlaa trim Tawaaatewr. S mllee from railroad etatton; 10 acre , cleared. T acrea freea timber, balance anally cleared; 6-room bouse, smsll stable; 1 acre beartnf orchard. 20 acrea bottom lead; beet K BOH. i . ,. , . ; . . $4,800168 acrea la Clark aoanry, Waih.; 60 acre la enltrrattoa, 6 aeraa beartnf apple orchard. 4 aeree prunee: 1 H-atory B-rnera boose, bara 48x48, 64-tray dryer, other oat bulldlnya: 6 eowa. 1 boll, 1 wayon, mower, reke, cultivator, $ plowa, harrow, other farm mpiemeuu. . , .. . $00040 acres aear La Center, Wteh.t 1 acre cleared, some food timber, creek thraarh place, soma fruit: aew 2-room hoaee. aome lumber on froaad: food eoll; terms, 83ta) , eaab. balance 4 year at S par rent; a snap $1.B00 18H acrea, B mile free Newberx. 1 Tamhlll county: 16. acre cleared. 6 acre timber, all fenced erlth $ wires: IK-etory T-room house, bara 14x18; aoma fralt; 1 mile to railroad etattoe. B. F. D. and talepbona. near school, aa county road; heat af eoll: (le , food ttraa,, , . J , V - , i- " -""...'.' i ' -''T 1 v.. '-' - $000 40 acre la Clark county. Wuk.l t . acrea slaehed sad buired aad la jrrasa. aoma freea timber, 4 acrea fine swales 1 mil treea acbool and atore, 4 miles from railroad ata- thin; naw t-rooul houa ssxw; aaet f biacf - $2,600 ISTVi acraa, 18 mllee from Van couver: 11 aeree la eeitirauoa. 10 acre tim ber. 40 acrea swale, balance bra ah; lu-etory 6-ronm bona, new bara 40x42; family or ' chard: amall creek on place; 1 borae. 1 aew. 3 doaea chickens; mower, plow, eultlTatoe and small tools; 44 mile from railroad station. mils to school, aa oooaty road; (Ira term. $8,00040 aeree, 18 miles horrh of Van couver 1 22 acre cleared and cultivated. 16 ere alaabed and needed: aew 6-room booaa, 20x40 aad aew barn 10x20; peraenal property, rod team, 6 eowe, bull, 1 steer. 2 calves, new wsyons, movrer, cream ee pare tor, aew harneaa, plow, cultivator, blaekamlth forye : and tool a; arency of cream route af Haael wood Creamery Co.. salary 636 per month, S tripe a week; aseacy for cream aeperatorei all fo with plc; near acbool, oa county road; beat of eoll; half eaah, balance $ 4a 6 yeare at par eaat , t a. '.v c v Fain v;, : 1 m acrea, s'n food soil, all feared, 29 acrea cultivated, 20 acrea paature, orchard and berrlee; food house and bara; watered by well and- evrtofe) 1 fol teem, S eowe, 1 heifer, t hoy, S doaea cblckena, 1 Weyeo 1 hack, 2 ptowa. 1 aew stl barrow, 1 eulH. vatort all email too la: oa food road, mllee from eourtnonee, Portland, Or.; 2 mile from rellroad statloa aad boat laadlafl all foaa now for $4,000, . , v Henkle & Harriscn : 21 T Afclnglon Bid?. ; portTRT RANCH S aeree, out Foster road. ' sptiaf, plenty wood: rail anap; nly $400, with fardea tool $426. Horn Land Caw, 14&a First at. . $800 BUTS 40 acre an mile from stacads; fooo eon. Bonus vraBco. ewavaaa aua th timber; part eaah, balance easy term. Bex 168, Estaeada, Or. BIS as for farm land. Improved or aatrn proved; tale er trad. Janaa, trtmble et ' Trimble. 411 Marquam bids. , . BT OWNER S04-eera Improved form aa Wlt . lameta rtver. heart at valley, flea soil; 1 00 ' eere la cultivation: vary cheep for eaah, T. t. Jack eon. 4T6 Hoyt at. . IMPROVED land na north beak; level, rich, . beautiful; will divide Is salt; turn. T. B. Cooa, Hood River. Or. HORSES, VEHICXES, HARXK8S. FOR SALE T-yar-ld bay feldlnf. etyllab driver and aa eeay keeper; also harneaa snd rubber-tired runabout. Inquire B. E. Fulton. Archer Plae. Mount Scott car Mae, ee ad- dree al Arista, Or. . ONE mare. 6H years eld, weight 600; price $38. Apply A tolla east aouty prtaoa, aam aide of rood. FOR KALI CHEAP Robber-tired buff and. barneee. Inquire 87 Waablnftoa at. DRIVING hnrea for aato. $T0; email on. $21 - llsbt wna and haraeaa. Corner Eaat 224 aad Psoitis ata. FOR BALB On team and xareoe wsfna. Phone Main aVWO, er eaU Slat aad Johaaoa ata, Oencennon'a atora. DOR8FS aad Imvaiaa tar rent by day. week snd month; epeeial rats to bnviaim biuna Sixth and Hawthorn. . Eaat Tf. 'r BORSFfl FOR BALB B0 head. 1.100 4a l.anO pnend. Ovartoa. between 16th aad 14th; iaks S ssr. Fraedmaa Bros. WILL Exrbanye $400 tot' la Cb leers for fond driver and open rtmahoet complete, taveatl fate. . Call kit Third street. ENTiBB terk af arlrttly damarad hare and eeeveaort will be aoM at-t 4 to U art retnlar prlc. . Keller. Haraoaa 0w 4B North ' Sixth at. FOR BALB CHSAP ood erea)4-bea4 top fro, eery way on and Ityht rprlnf delivery wacoa. Inquire 40 Belmont at.- A noon eenreaa wssna and haraeaa. - Inquire 2ii Market et, room 10. tJOOD - horn, watrtit 1.200 or arore must b abMB, 1 son Vioodlswa 6a, .W, W. Espey.: BOOM 616 COMMERCIAL BLDO.,' -Corner Beeond sad VVaabloftoa. ata. 280 acraa. about 100 aeree plow land, bal ' a nee tn paature aad timber: 4 mllee from Coeval! la, 4 mllee from Ayrlcaltoral collrxe, ' m mllee from railroad depot and evhool, county roe da tbrouxb tbe place: large 4-room bouae, large bare, plere wall fenced, ronnlof water la every field, creek run a tbronyb the place; water pined to the bouse and bara from a iprtof ; larae pear and apple orchard, boat variety; plane Well drained; no white land en place; can be Irritated If ao dee tree ; ' well adapted for dairy or etock ratelng, or - hay, frafa or corn; 12 cows, 100 boys, 00 Sheep, 6 bore, will cell to tb buyer of tbe ' place at a very reaeonabla price, and all the farmluf machinery; near railroad etathm, phon and R. F. P. mall; price $40 per acre;' ' food term. 440 aer, a food T-room houss nicely paints - ed and a combined woodabed and frulthouve, ' S aew barns snd ether outbuilding; food faraeo, 2 orcharda, old and young; oplendld aprinf water oa thla place; fine etock farm and frees ranch; all under food fence; plenty of timber for 11 purpoeea; outaide range; Marv'a river rune through tbe place, on C. A R. R. R. abm: fond place for all klnda of atock. Prlc $20 per acre. ' . ' 162 acrea, food 4-roora bouae painted white, ood large bara aad ether buildings: TO acre 1 growing crops, fenced, srebsrd, food 470 land; plenty of timber for all parpoaee. Prica 420 acre; ti mllea to atatkaa oa 0.. 19. --S0 sere cor land. 16 or SO" hi raittvsrtojr 12 la vetch and oats. 6 scree In timothy. 20 or more slssbed or seeded to free, balance , fir and oak timber; paeture, ell well watered; fair bouae and barn, rlilcken-boaae, woodhouee end other outbuilding; orchard, beet variety; S mare eat In foal. 2 now now milking. 1 yearling heifer, 60 fine foate. 6 doner) chickens. 4 fulneas, 13 boys; incubator full of egra,- 120; 1 wage, aprluf waron, 1 bugcy and tamaas. Plow, harrow, email loo la; 4 mile from railroad atatloa, Tamhlll county, OrsfOB. Pries $2,000; finest af trait land. . ' BST acres, of wblca 200 acrea era hot Una ' land, ISO acrea food timber, remainder open ' paetttrer moetly seeded to tarns Brasses; ranch well fenced aad croee-feaced; live a print hi every paature, email creek through the place; mile from here are thousands of acre of free government ranee land, er cattle ran re, from mlddla of April ta mlddl t November; ' T mllea from Bberldsn, 11 mllee from Mlnnvllle. food level roads; R. f D. msll dally, telephone at hooae; cream root, wafoa cornea twice a week for cream; H aille to acbool; S-rooa) !m, S new barn. 2 good (re a arles. 2 food chicken -booaea, ajllkhooee. abed, bee Idea smsll pens: orchard, old and young, of aebtct fralt; 2 food vegetable far ' dona; 60 acres Beaded to etover, 80 acrea ta crop, bat owner wants extra pay for this; to aeea ex came, la ar svma uaary ww, zs pigs ana nog a, iuu auaura gnaia. am.! . nsnniea; a sow wito pisa. w "'" ' 'chicken ead hoya; new cream eparator or- ' T50 pound capacity, wafoos. bafgiea, Dtnoer. mow, aeeders, barrow, rakee: aU eorta of tool, etc, too aamerous to mention! $1S per , acre, er all for $11,000. Tba beat buy aa tba market. 00 acres, 88 la cnlttvatloa, BO eaa be euHI vated. well fenced; food bonee nd larre ' barn 8lxT4, 24 feet talan. with food concrete ' baaement: tnothnu and potato-heuaa cooj r hmed: all blldlnr painted white, except bara, which to painted red; 6-room Bonae, hogtioaee; nice young orchard for family pu Boeee; aprinf water ta the bonae aad beu; water pined to the house: en Meal dairy farm. closete creamery: flneet potato hind , ta Oregon, or aaythlaaT else. Eaeten, Mult hoaxah. . . - . 1 .. -,'.,'." ' 100 acres bench land, flneet of anil, 26 : la cultivation. 6 acrea anew partly cleared. TO acre fenced snd cross-fenced. 120 seres can be farmed when clear: aot a ton or gravel, first-class soil; 10 seres la cultlvattoa or clover; water furnished at tba bouae anjt hern; ever-runnln water , throe yh a pine) younf orchard. 100 treea, select frntt. apple. ' prune, plum, etc, email fralt of ill klnda; land south stop; 6-room hone, fair barn, woodahed, rhlcken-houee. ether building: 1 ibm et food mar. S head of cattle. 4 milch cow nj a brood aow, pigs. $ Onsen bens, in ateiMta af baaat 1 cream separator, aew. 'with cream cana and teetert all milking ateo alai. about 60 eeeke of pntatoee for eeed. more - er leaa: 20 sacks of carrots for need, more or : less; several tons or nay, a wagon, a -i v; , tiarnres. harrow, rake, mowing machma. I hone cultivator, food ptow and mta of other farming tools aad machinery too snmerous . to mention; oa soon mil rouio, oo ' avvea school, price 634.QQP. " BOOM 21S COMMERCIAL BLDO.. Coraar Second aa Waablnftoa ata. TIMBER. FOB SALE Two timber rsllnanmhments, ptne .ii.ii., . .. a 1 AA ThMa AeN Merceatlto Agency, Abtnftoa hldf . Timber Bane. TIMBER CLAIM SNAP $8,000. Five million feet. Dnnglae county. 0. L. PARRI8H A CO., vfll Maxqoam bldf.' Fon Mala 222. FOR BALB at a barcam. 18.000.000 feet fond saw Umber la ana body, 60 mllee cat: eaay to toe. eeer to railroad. - O. B. Addltoa, - Lenta, OrTaka- Mt Scott jtar, 6c WANTED Rellnqolahment of a food timber claim; will act at once and pay .food, price. I B 108, Journal. TIMRER elelme In eoethera Oregon: win cralae 8.000,000 and aver; parry foua aowa in lew day.' V 161. JoaraaL - . . CERTTFIED scrip, aay alas, lowest prteee. Q, tlsweil, aaa tstsmoer 01 uommerc. BOMESTEAD aad timber landa. scrip, atone to loa. 608 Commercial hldf. BARTER AXD EXCHANGE. ... i-: Exclianre -Farm Bargain 80 acrea. IS acrea cultivated, acre part timber, part pastor, about s acrea onion lend, lead oa gentle elope, nice orchard and email frulte; aold 6200 worth of Btrewberrlee tat aeaeon; food boo, rastle snd painted, rye porch ea. pantry, water and alnk In kitchen, frulthBoa. woodhonse, hofhoosev 6 blooded hoes, lerxe chtckenhona and yard. 80 chicken, mchln and tnolbooa. food frm bara nearly sew (atone . foenda I loo, shlngl roof, roUlnf door). $ eowa, 2 calve. 10 tons of hay. front fence wire end large whit fa tee, matched team worth $400, food wegi'S, back, harneaa, mower, cultivators, plowa. harness snd all small toota) 10 mile out ea food drive road; new letrlc earllne Btarlsa to be on roroer of tbe lead. A cbelce Uttla farm; will take a home la Portland ee part pay 1 all (eaa aa above eVeocrlbed for 4 000 r ' t ' pINICLB HARRISON. "I ' 2JT AhlBftna Bldf. BXCHAN0B. 0$ aeree. all food land. 60 acrea eulrl vated, 0 acrea orchard; 6-roora plaeteved honae, t barns, running arrears of water and springs; t4 mils from Halem. Or.; a ehole farm: will trsde tor food Portland property. 110-acr Improved farm, 10 mile weet of Portland, Or., la Waablnytoa county; will -trade for a la rger tock farm. 140 acre. 60 acraa cultivated; food $ room hoaee, well ftnlehed. stons found tlof; food bara. stoae cellar; 400 winter apnle; a nice little farm Bear Lyle. WMb.t will trad InU a farm In tbe Willamette valley. Brick hotel, furnlahed complete, la eond enaditloa. In a t proanerous tow a In Wll lam.tta valley: will trade for a good farm; 60.000. ' Plqolry In 182x24 feet af around fa boat. Baea dlarrlct et St. Johns; trsde for ether rjHENR-LB HARRISON, , V ' SIT Ablngtoo bldf. FOR SALB ar enebance for cord wood, dry areperty. eat a-aoeaepewar siaunnary, en la bore power portable enf In. Call Bboae Eaat 424. or i 40 Alhlna a. WANTED Typewriter 4a exchange foe a tot: will take eea-ond-band typewntar 11 in good order. Addreea S 147, ear JoaraaL A REAtTTFTJL bora, large ground, magnifi cent vl w: eerneta aao rnrniture: mnet eell, going away; take tot or acreage aa part pay ment. L 164, ear JoaraaL TO exehana oa vacant or Improved tota. or I farm, a rood emrery o beat eaat aide carl Use; la vole about 41-ft00. C 102. Journal. I A OOOD T-reora hooae, walking dletasc fern bnemess renter: will raae nrai payment two as thra tot. $14 First L. ForUaed. A 6-BOOM bouae (new) ea aaey terms, aear car lln; will take one. two er three tots aa flrat payment. 414 riret at, Portlaad. MUSICAL IXSTRLTUENTS.' VICTOR Talking Machines and record: Stela way (or ether) piano. Shermaa, Clay A Co., filitk and Morrlaoa als., opp. P. O. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. FOR BALE A fond frees eow and calf; big milker. 241 Cook are. Pbona Woodlawa 64. FIVB freak eowa, gentla for womea, good milker. 040 teat Madlaoa at. FOR SALE MISCEIX-aXEOUS. ' $$$$$$$$$$$ - Wa have aeenred all of the Jnattreaaea that were damaged at the fire In a large factory snd ran eoll you a 81.60 wool top. cleaa new for $2.60: wool eonihlnattone. 4.IW, at $3.BS; a eplcndld cbance for martreaaea; alaq we have an aaarartmant of houaebold foods to aell cheap. Tbe Dollar. $32 Flrat at. Staves, rsufes, beds and bedding. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SINfTER and Wheeler and Wllsoa aewlnf ma chine office. We acll. Icaa ur rent new ma. chltiea; old machine taken In part payment: aecond-bend raarblnea $0 and op; other make af sew machines 426 snd ep; needlee for all aukee of machine; all kinds of mschloee repired and guaranteed. S. S. Slegal, agent, 60s Morrison at. l'hjoa Mala 2183. FOR SALB Bare ma la White. Binge ra. Devte, Wheeler Wllaima, Houaebold aad ether - slightly damaged UBlehlnee. The White Hew lng Machine offlc. II. D. Jon, 280 Tamhlll at, curner Fourth."- ' ' ' " . TALKING machine, brand new, elegant $28 machine snd 24 new 6O0 disc record. $10.00 -for 43T outfit; eaay payments; see It 106 Sixth L , . ' ,- FOR SALB 20-boTBOuo war ataam aawmlll, n re plete, t aew location: food tl market: ltt mile to railroad. Addreea A 130, JoaraaL W-B print your nam an B0 calling card, proper . else and etyle, B0c; i:0 boalneee cards, 61. A- W. Schmale Co., 220 Flret, Portland, Or. 8HOWCA8RN aad fixture, aew end acond hand. Cerlaea A Kallatrom. 214) Conch at. FOR SALB. CHEAP 4-lnch K a yet 00 water meter, prectlcally Bw. . I squire U. Mtagr, 220 Front st. . 8EWINO MACHINES bought, sold aad ex. chanyed, 49 and np. Waetera balvaas C, ' 027 Waahlngtoa at. , . . .. 7 SHOWCASES, coanters, ftxtnr, honaTht, Bold or xchngd. Western Balvaga- Co, 2T FREE FOR EVERYBODY Ring ap Mara 4280 ar call Cl8j Froat t. W buy aad sell far. aiiara, -caoining or any aid thing. BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rent ar tor ,aai on eaay payment. TUB BRUN8WICK-BALKB-COLLBNDER 00. . 40 Third St., Portlaad.. HOLDEN'H BHETJMAT10 CURE Sura car for 1 unwaiiKU. BMMq WW u uruggmu. OLD BOOK STORB removed to 168 Fifth and ' six Docona sis. - FOR BALE Cheep, 26,000 feet ham her. H. B. Stoat, T4S Raleigh et. Phone Mala 2888. BAISB SQUABS For $1 tnformartoa ' ta ' rats every aquas : none seed die. - Call or addreea uze awruwick st, city. FOR 4226 A Rambler aatomoblbt. laqalra 207 nan ay- ' 1 - FOR BALE A $70 trnwrltar, food as new, , for $30 cash. 233 Waahlngtoa at. CLEVELAND btoycle, $8. Apply T4T Olbwa at, after S o'clock. STEAM woodssw for Sato, hi flratlaaa mndl. ttoa. ' Call 288 East Eighth st, or pbona FOB SALE, reaaooable. on invalid chair, one invalid tricycle. 248 VamhlU st. GERMAN esnsrtos of fin onf. alas female r-nono mam tuoe. Z47 urant at. FIRST-CLASS photograph outfit, complete; mat be sold cheep. Call 1208 East Yamhill at. PERSOXAL. AN EXTRAORDINARY PERSONALITY. Are yoa la doubt about faiveetmente, leva er anyuiinf m lire? Wanda flviaoe with a euc eesa that atrlke an aa weird. She caa point wet ine way a aoocaa. r , , WANDA, The Famona Palmlaf, ! , y 220 South Fifth at. MADAM ANNA LUCKET. magastle. mental and electric vibratory treatment, rheamsttstn and all nervou dlaeaaea treated eucceeafnlly. face and scalp treatment. Preach paste for removing wrinkles, manicuring; aupposltot lee ; for married lad lea. 20v, ronrtb at, near iMiimoa. ms in suit. DELIOnTFUL and tnvlenrstlna treatments clva for rheamatlsm and net rua vsllments; run line or ostns. rooma ir aeairea, -vsantl, Palinlat and Ussier, 201 Third at., cor. Taylor. ' . 1 t NOTICB OF REMOVAL. A. Reiner, the furrier, wtll bmvo from Tew la bids. March 1; tookref for aoltable ocatloB: for present may be round at resi dence, 232 North 101b at. Pbona Pacific 2407. Will call aad five eetlmatea aa aanal SEXINB PILLfl car ell forme of nervosa r anuwcuiar wesanea. aer men ar women, Price $1 a box. $. boxes $6, wttb fall yaar ant. Addreea or rail J. Jl. Clemenaon, drug flat. Becood and Yamhill ts, Portaxad. Or. A REPRE8ENTATIVB of th an pr erne court of tbe Independent Order of Forester I In the city and would Ilk to fat tb addreea at mem Per ne tanging eleewhere. O 14T, . ear JoaraaL .... . - - - Mies GIBSON give acalp treauseat; daadraff. 208 Morrlaoa at., room 62. GERMAN hooka, manatees, nova la, etc.; Oee man, Bnyllah, French, Snenlah. Swedlah ead Itallaa dlrtlonarlAa; foreign hooka of . ail klnda, Brhmale Co., 220 First St. , MOLES, wrinkles, etrrjsrflaons hair removed. No charge to talk It ever. Mr. M. D. Hill, room 830 Ftoldnor bldf. Pbona Paelfle 165. DR. BINS CHOONO. Importer Chinee --rent medicine; sella Chines tes, cert e In cure for all dlaeaaea. 181 2d. bet. Yamhill aad Taylor. LADIES: Dr. Ketcbsm, yradaate and eegia . tared, treate any and all your eomplalnt ' with aklll and aoeeees. I70l( Third st, eor aer YamhilL Pad fie 2220. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerv Otobnlee. One month treatment, $2: S month, $8; cent eeeurely aealed by mall. Agent, Woodard. Clarke A Co, Portlaad, Or. HOLD ON There le one thief that wtll rare raenmttam. Ask yoar drafflat for berk ton I or addreea or call J. A. Clsaseeeoa, - drufflat, Portland, Or. A MIDDLE-AGED Isdy wlahes ta mak tb ac , qualnttac of an honor able yentlemaa with home. Address W 106, car JonrnaL BETTER rhan ayrlnge: valuable Inform fto4 for women will be given free of ebrg by eadlng address, htdoelny " stamp. D. Kyr Co, 2&40 11yd at., Saa Fraarlaco, Cel. DISEASES OF WOMEN; oafortunaf flrl and behle cared for; privet boapltaL ltr. Atwnml. room 6. 6MH Morrlaoa at Tel. Fee lft 1TB6. Srrrs areaaed while yna wait. BOe. Ladles skirts preaaed. 60c. ... Gilbert. 104V, Sixth at,. next to yuriia. i-none wain xue. BALM OF FIOS for all female dlassass. f24 Esst Belmont. Phone East 4034. TURKISH BATHS, 600 Orerontaa bldf .1 lad We days. fatlme Bight. Mala IB06. . HOLDEN'S BHEt'MATIO CURE--8nre ear for theamatlam. Sold by all druxgute. BEST maysilne rlnbe aver offered; eend for prices 1 agent wanted. Joa' Bookstore, 261 Alder t.t Portland, Or. . . PROFESSOR FEIJX K, E. Miracle, magnetl heallnf and auffeeuva, - ot mill eoraer Alder. - MRS. POTTER Maeaeuae. acalp. facial ma ag. rhlropody. 224Vi Waablnftoa t. MOLES, gopher snd aqnlrrla quickly destroyed br aalnf Whitney e Koaent lorpeao tni.t; foDr tented at 1006 fair. Address M. T. Whitney, Cbltwood. Oregon. MANICUnita perlnce for ladle aad gentle men, ztwsi Mnrrtaoa t, rooxa i. NEWLY opened meeeaa nartor. 84.1 W Mo eon at., room s. euae BiBryviiB l svoy. compllehed maeeeuee. LADIFS: Dr. la Franco' Compound: lata, . speedy reaalatnr; 26 ceat. drnralvta or mall; booklet free. Dr. La rraaos, I'hliaueliihla, I t. MANICURING, facial maeeaae end acalp treat- Try room 1, 6l3S V aaUlngiuo at, . AMELIA B. BROWN, elect ro-atainetle heeler; U etee of a ebroale nature promptly yield . to my aiethod of treeiment; eoam'i d children' laeaeea a speclslty. Boom 2. Hotel Ohio, Madlaua aad Froat eta. BATH parlor hav recently changed band at IMTJ, Third et, upatalre. room 14: will guar antee to pleaae all; ladle and fratbunen. MIRS RAYMOND Maeeeuee. 2A8V, Morrlaoa et, mom 14.: Phone Mela 8H. BECHNTLT opened manicuring partore; ladle and gentlemen. Bfii Morrlaoa St., ream 12. Bl'SIXESS PERSONAM. 1 C. H. 0O8BETT. engineer end eurveror; all klnda of earveylng. add it lone platted, mapa ' end eetlmatee fualabed. Ofrire 88 Whlna ton bids. Fourth end Waablngten. Beelilcnce Mkeaerood Park. Pbona alala BAral. INVENTIONS bonxbt and aold. Covenant Cea traot Co, 4T7 riledner bldg. Mela 21. ARCHITECTS. H. C. PITTRICH. rcjiltect. Bii William are., eor. MrMlllea at. Pben Eaat 4.131. assaterS. OARVIt CTANIDB EXTRACTION CO., aad Montana Aaaay Office. 180 Morrlaoa at. ' ' ART. FREE LESSONS IN 7 Embroidery Every Dev. " ', ' ' "HE NEEDLECRAFT SHOPr" 6M2 Waahlngtoa at. B. n. MOOREIIOL'SB A CO. Art late materrala. piciure molding, picture framing, etereopti- mntera aiuiea. six AMer et. AUTOMOBILES. PULLMAN AUTO CAR CO.. Bnfldera, designers aad re a tree af aU make f automobllee. Bod lee. tone, fender, daehea. lamp bracket, running board and f 1 front. Gear aad aU part f aate Baobiles made ta order. 8-70-72 74 N. Sixth st," eor. Everett. , H. L. KEATS AUTO CO.. AUTOMOBILES AND Bl'PPI.IE, Northweelero dltrlbutnra for Pope Hart forde. Pope Tribune. Pope Waverlys. Pone Toledna. Thnmaa, Oldamobllee. Frankllna, Botcka. 60-83 Seventh et, Portlaad. Oreeea. HOWARD M. COVET. A rent Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobile. Cad illac aad Knox. Temporary locatloa Club Oarage, 18tta aad Alow at. HAVE YOU BEEN ' BAKEB ELECTRICS? Capital Supply Co, 406 Alder t. Pboo Pa cific 071. Demonatrstloa by appointment. ATTORNEYS. 0. H. PIOOOTT AND J. A. FINCH 'Attoraeyo-t-Law. Practice In II court 4 Mulkey hldf., corner Second and Morrison. BATHS MASSAGE. MRS. OBROCK. fradnete masseuse; cabinet hath, aalt flow, alcohol rob. cream maeaax; - referetirea. ; ISO Seventh at. - Mala 4008. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES B. Blrkenwald Co., 604-800 Everett at.; largest butcher supply bouae o tb eoaat. Write for catalogue. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolph A. Dekam, 181-136 Flrat at, Carrie a full line and com plete assortment at lowest market price. . BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS KILHAM, 108-111 Second st. Blsnk hooks manufactured; agsata for Jones' Improved Looee-Leef ledger; see tb new Eureka leaf, the beet ea tbe market. - - CARRIAGE PAINTING. SPECIAL prteee on light earrtafe painting, bag flee, $10 end Bp. Richard, Fonrth nd A eh. CHIROPODISTS. WM. DBVENT A BSTEI.LB DBVENY. THE only clent1fie chtrooedit, parlor 208 Drew bldf, 162 2d at. Pbene Manx 180L CHIROPODY snd Pedicuring. Mrs. M. t. Hilt. Boom 630 Fleldaer Bldf. Phoa Pa One ISA. NEW and scientific method of treetlac Coras aad bunions. 2O0rt Fourth st, room T. ' ! CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD CARPET CI.EANINO CO Largest plaat ea the eoaat; Lor lug and Harding ata.; telephone Beat 2SO. Carpet a cleaned, refitted, eewed and laid; both eteam and I teat com-preaaed- Ir process; renovating mattrtsssa and fee there a epeetalty. . JOYCE BROS, proprietor ef tb Electric Oee fl ing work: carpet cieaneo no mia. eru orv and cocipraaead-alr cleaninf: carpet refitting Mr specialty work guaranteed. Pbooe Mala 2072 and A 2072. 270 Oraat t. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS.' CARPENTER rmt bnHdert baea a moelng and repairing. 1036 Eaat Grant Tabor 270. v wet TO Offlc. atore flxtnrea: re vnattlnf. Ol rivsx el. ruuee , aivu, . CLEANING AND DFEING. CLOTHES cleaned and avaeaed. $1 per moath. Cnlqua Taiiorinf ua, sua atara sr. H. W. TURNER. pmfe1onal dyer aad else aer, BOB Jafferaen at. Pbona Mala 2S1S, .... PORTLAND Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Work, ' 211 fourth at. - Pboae Paelfle SOT. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. .. Always Consult the Best. PROP. E. KHIMO. Ore beat tiring astral dead Irene eUlrvoyant ef tba age; edvleer on boetaoae aad all af fair of lire; tell yoar full nam d what yoa celled for. whom yoa will marry, how to control tn oaa yon lev, even thoegh mllee away; reanltee the or oersted : five eerret power to control: ao long delay ta waiting. Hour 10 to A dally and Bandar. Office. Na S end 4. Orand Theater hldf. 8A2W Wash., near Park it. Phon Mala 120T MISS MAY ANDREWS Card rssdlnf, S3. '285 Sixth at, corner Matn. CAFES. THE OFFICE 28 Waablnftoa St., phone Mela 17 L. Samuel vifaeax. v . " COAL AND WOOD. Telephooa Mala 608X ' , , ' . ' Bmltbtnf Coal aad Coal tor anip , ' ' a peUlty. . Th - -c STOREY A BROOKES FCEL CO. (Incorporated.) - .' ! Erelnalve agent for KEMMERER COAL. . COAL, COKE. CHARCOAL. Offlc aad Yard Froat and hearsay Bta. PORTLAND BAWDl'ST BLABWOOD CO, WA Froat, eucceeaore ao rnitoa r, boo to.; fir. oak, alabwund. oL Tel. Mala 1030. FOR prompt delivery et labwon4 call Main 7n. cms, eaa, rir a 00 enai. rortiena Wood A Coal Co, 16th aad Barter ata. OR'OON FUEL CO. to Bow eelllnf Welsh an thracite, beat coal on i&a aurket, 63 Alder at. Mala 6ft. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers a sordwsnd. eoal end free and dry elebwond. R. r. and Alblna .. 2 block eaat ( ferry. Eeet 674. BTEET, BRIDOB FUEL CO. Dealer tn ex), eaiilaoud aad dry e lab wood. Ptome I. at 4-. WESTERN FEET A FIT FT, CO. 'oee and blaekamlth male. Phone Mela lot. COMMISSION' " TUB OaniON r' . hi;ti 1 11 r! or t.r. ... , , 13 m l t DR. EARL C. MrEARI.AND. denl'.t. 710-711 712 Seretlaaa Pii..e v DRESSMAKING. MRS. U. B. At'.EN, the fnlnnehle 4 maker, hae letely moved to Woed.ewa. 1 r , teenth and W I none ata.; pricea re,at.e : perfect fit and aatrefactloa guarasteee. MRS. M. B. WRIGHT will open dreeemelr,a e partor in bar rooms at 47: u gaat Oik ( Roams 23 aixl 24. ( RS. VAUOHAN. a. per le need area, maker' '1 r.mtx niimsiae st. ntons Feat 4. J . DANCING. 1 Da NCI NO leeeon, 2ftei etaasea ar private; wait, to, two-etep. taree-etep, ate.; etag dancla. E.".'"?. I -w,n " 8penlab, Hlrhlasd fling, et. Proreaaor Wal Wll..n, . eldest recorulaed teacher. Ansky bids.. Third and Morrlaoa eta. . , WOODWARD DANCINO SflHOOIr Claa. Hon, Tbur. and Sat. eve.: aortal, fancy and elep dancing tanght: S aeetettnt teacher: elaee end private leeeon dally. Western Academy ball. Seooad and Morrlaoa ate. . Paelfle ItuO. POI"i,l'!',lB,, "6S BUCKENMBTER Leadfrif acbool. dally; new hall, beet la cltr. farand r. and Eaat Morrlaoa it. Kaat 6nT0, EDUCATIONAL. mtarlriW ITDVDV.mrran. ' Commonwealth buUdlng. etb and Ankeov, rhene Mala 6001. Telegraphy, abort hand. rffTwrl,.,B.,r' Peeaiarablp. Engllah brancbee. Individual Inatroct tone, special scholarship. HOLMES B1SINES8 COf.I.lttlE. ' - - . Waablngron and loth ata, FHedner bldg. Bookkeeplsg, Sborthasd, Typewriting and all Engllah branches Unght. both day sad sight. ROSE CITT BUSINESS COLLEOB. Pitman Shorthand bv Court Reportev. Tone), aeee Course. Special Scholarship; Poalttona Be. cared. Commonwealth bldg, 4th aad Ankeay. FENCE ANT) WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB A I RONWORKS Sscoew and Everett ata. Phone Mala 2000. GASOLINE ENGINES. OASOLINB engloee. all sues sad sty lee, at toweet prloes, . Rslrsoa Machinery Co., 182-4-S Uorrleoa at. , SHEFFIELD martaa engine. ' Aay propel lera. Fah-benka. Mora A Co, First nd Stark ete. . -. .. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. " M. i. WALSH CO, 811 Stark at. Electric and Oaa Fixtures snd Supplies. Mastels, TUlng. Oratea and Doftreas. PACIFIC ELECTRIO CO Engineers, ee trac tor, repairer. lertrtc wiring, euprjlle. 4 Flrat, eor. Stark. Mat .'. R. H. Tat, mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC' WORKS, 01 Sixth at. Contractor, electric anppllea. motora and dy Samoa; w lnUU light aad power pleats. MORRISON ELECTRIC OO, 201 Bast Morrleon - at. Flxtarae.. wlrlnf. rvpalrtnf . Bast 8128.a BARHETT'S. 408 Morrlsaa at. Phone Matn 122. BrarytbUf la electric wlrlaf aad lighting. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARB CO. eoUclta ermortnw- l nnn, .te V. l. K D I ... , , - - u...u - . a .,,) vw. HOTELS. HOTEL Portnuid. Astertcaa plea. 63. $3 per day. BELVEDERE; Earopean plaa: 4th ud Alder ata. INSURANCE. isAAO L. WHITE, fir tneuraare. toek bldf. , . . S44 Sher- V. L. PAOB. Ineorance: employ ere" llabtlitv, surety bonds, burflsr and accident Insurance. Pboas MsIb 828. 204 Falling hldf. JAB. Mcl. i WOOD, employers liability and In dividual accident erurlty bonds of all kinds. Phone 4T. 602 McKay hldf. . - LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for saw All kinds, tncrad in approved forest reserve rrip for aurveyed, an- -, aurveyed, timber and Inralrle government land. H. M. Hamilton. "The Portland." Portland. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. CHARLES L. MASTICK A CO, Front and Oak ata, leather and ektna af every deecrlptl.. ' for all purposes; sola aad tap- euttere; flading. MONUMENTS. NF.I1 A KINrlKI.BT HS Flear af aetld'a leading marble and granite worke. MACHTNERT. B. TBENKMAN A CO. Mining, aavrmlll. toe- Elng machinery; hydraulic plpee, ceetlnf ; all Ind repaired. 104 North Fonrth at. A. J. PAUL. 102 ytrat at-Eagloca, bollera. aawmlU aad cross-arm machinery. THE B. C. ALBEB CO. Second-bond m cbtajery, eawmllla, et. B48 Oraad eve. MONEY TO LOAN. MONET TO IX1AN Oa Improved city property er for bulldtng purpoeee, for from 8 ta 10 yasrs time. w'ih privilege ta repay an er part of toan after two rears. ' Loans approved from plans snd money aovsnren sa Building progr care tkn ap end replaced. , FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent. 242 Btark su CONFIDENTIAL LOANS aa aalarlee. Ivjenran-e pollcle, pianos, furniture, warenouee rec ' etc.; any deserving person may secure a lif eral advance, repaylnf by eey weekly er ' monthly Installments. NEW ERA IX) AN A TRUST COMPANY, . 206 Ablngtoo bldf. MONET loaned to salaried people J net en yoe own aama: dna't Borrow anfil yoa see me: my , eyatera la tb best for railroad men. clera.. bookkeeper, etreetcer am and all other em ploye: .business strict Ir courM-ntlal. F. A. Newton, Bll Buchanan M 'g, V. aaUlnytoa st, v between Fourth and Fifth. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and a there apon their own aamee without ur tty; cbeaneet rate, eealeet payment: fflee la 60 principal eft lea: ear youreelf awner by yettlnf onr terme flrat. TOLMAN. 223 Ablngtoo, bldg, lOBVa Third t. WANTED Not, mortgaye or eerce on . any kind ef real cerate hi Oregon end Wean tog toe; second mortgage purebaeed tf wail secured. H. E. Noble, 81$ Commercial blk. MONET to toes tn snma to cult. S end 6 year. , a tow 0 per rent, ea Improved rlty f""P- . erry. Mnulton A Bconey, got Columbia hi la , ' 6sS Waahlngtoa at. DON'T sorrow money ea eelary astll yoa ee r Huttca Credit Co. . 612 Dekam bldg. MONET to toani larva toana aneclaltyi a' bnii,iln loans; low eat rates; fir Insures -Wllllsm O. Beck. 612 Falllnf bhW. CRKSCENT LOAN CO, 2 M.mawk bhir - Money to lend oa er eavment pla t w. ' earner; strictly oefldnill. ..nnwM..M , . . .i.M.I rte: no ert-n- mlaaloa. Columbia life A Truat C.ri Lauiher Ei'hau bldg. . Ii v . MOIHY to loa oa !! k'cd of aeerl.y. Mam Holl, reom 8 Waehmxtoa bid. TO LOANSueis ta "N a chattel e K. A. Frame. 61 tbe Mernoem. A I OA N for the ,Hne-Salary a cl.ail Losu , 410 lieaiim hi'.. QI-ll K Vane on e'l c' 4A'" Xj.tsK? M !" en r r Bn. Z 1 t " ' r ' I ,