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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY . JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 6, 1907. 13 . MUSICAL. ltin wruKFR Tl'mo Mandolin, kiK u:tsr losiracitcoa. 4tHo Steablae-tea st . i'lAVH, vtolla. amdnHa. tnmiboo , rtirlwt. OffTEOPATHIO PHI8ICIAN8. 1R. UfLKHKILB P4TTR80H. epaelwt on n-rroo. acuta w4 eknlt dteeasea. Office 217 Pantos blilg . . Phone Pacific lit. IK. ADIX PJOETHBtiP. 4IO-1S-1I P.e I.: I, 111 Ira aad Waablngtoa ta. P" Main Kxammatloa free. pArjrrtxa ayi paperinq. p. A. DOANB. SMS Yamhill t opposite Jour nal el flee Wall paper, painting asd tocrrt iuc. i'boa aa fur estimate. Paclfl 2830. FOR reller.1 work, reasonable price. Sbaeliy bras., iM VamsUL, near 4th. - Mate SU74. PLUMBERS. . FOS CO. Sanitary pram bars. Ml Second, net. Mala asd Salmoav. Oragoa phone Mats B001. DONNKRBF.RO BaDEMACHEB No. SoS Burnable at. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. P. BEACH CO. Tba theater Paint Oa.l window glaes and f laslag. US rtnt at. Phone 134. ' - " v - pRi?rnNQ. Ht MOIigRN PRISTEBY Arthvtle printing. 24 Iwl M.lg, Poarta and laorrlaua. Pboe Pactrle-63S. - , -j.-. V" EVEKTTHINO II PRINTING Proa circular to catalogue and newspaper. Metropoiltaa Printing Co.. 14T Front at. . OOILBKB BROS., prlii tan Card, billheads, ate phon Mala 1868. - 145 First at. ROOFING. Ti! ROOFINO. guttering, repairing and general Jobbing, t, boall. Six Jenersou at. raa. ie RUBBER STAMPS. P. O. STAMP WORKS. M A Mar at.;' phe Mala Tlo. Rabbar stamp, seals, etaaetls; bag. gage, trad checka; braaa algae a4 plates. REAL ESTATE. aaaaaaaaaBKij PARBISH. W ATKINS 'CO., BHO ALDER ST. Meal eetais. ran ism, sauna naa iiMaruN. Wa make a epeclalty of handling rent a la and property fn residents and noo-reeldenta. Katabllabad 1872. Phone Mala 164. BO. I. BOHABFER, raal Batata aad fir taeas aaoa, S17 Chamber ef Oammarea. . J COOS BAT NBET.".y " I. W. OOn.BEB, raal estate and loanai estaa llabad las. la&tt First at., room 11. BPHJrtE AOKMCT. dealer la raal aatata rental. S06w Stark at. Mala S1S4. FOR PABMS OP BVBRY DH8CRIPT10N. - W. W. E8PBT, tl Ooaimarrlal Md-. ' SAFES. PORTLAND SAPI CO., aola acaata for lar-rlnf-B all-Mania aafsa and Maana Btaal Sara Oo.'a bank aafaa; 30 aeooad-band tlra proot aataa and bank aafe vary rbaap; aat than or writa aa. M ttarantb at. C1KHOI.D Maacaaaaa and flrapreaf aafaa: lork aota opaned; matal flztnraa; aaolt and )all work; Jacka. J. C. Darla, 68 sd. Mala 1655. STREET PAVING, t WARREN CanarrartloB Co..' atrrat paTtn. alda walks aad eroaalaca. SI 4 Lumbar BacaaBja. ,THB Barnrr Aapbalt Paring Oa. el Partkud. ufflea CM Worcaatat bJx. SEWING MACHINES. TITB WHITE 8KW1NO MACHINR AOEXCT. tSO Yamhill at., cor. 4th. I' boo Mala 4102. Bariralna u all khtda ( aaw and aacowd hand aawlnf BtactUnaa; a fr llhtly da acad, rood aa aaw, at (raaUy raduoad arioaa. PHONB Pacific XTS and f poraoaally wlU aH and rapalr yoar aawlng niarblna: work gnat- aataea. B. nama, aajuaxar. i at. STENOGRAPHERS. EXPERT atawographor aad typewrltet. Mala 1271. S14 lku blxlg. , SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of arary 4acr1ptloB bank, bar and ator nxtaraa atade to ardor. In uaua MaaatBetarlac Co Portland. ., t . R. H. BIRDSALL. daalrnar; axwat M. Wattar Lam bar Co. t Baailltoa bide Mala 30. TRANSFER AND HAULING. IHI BAGGAGB OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO, - auraar With aad Oak ata-r bitt rbarkad froan natal or reetdaac direct to doatlaatloB; . pasaencni tnarefore avoid rnab and annoy ance at depot. . Prrrate Exchange aa. BAFFS, plaao aad faraltar axTrad, packnl raady for ablpplng and hipped! n work . goarantaad; large S-atory brick fireproof warenooee tot atoraga. Office SOS Oak at, ulaaa di Boa. . I'boa Mala S4T. C. O. PICK, office SB Pint at., betweaa Stark and Oak at. I pbon 594. Pianos aad feml- ' tore nored aad pecked for skipping: om mo rn mi laick wareboeaa with asperate Iroa rooma. Proat aad Clay eta. NATIONAL TRANSFER STORAGE CO, MS Oak at. I telepboo Mala 4400. Traaaferrlng aad atortng. OREGON TRANSFER CO, IM North Sixth at. poone Mala Hoary aaallag aad atereae. 1VDFPENDENT BAGQAGB- TRANSFER CO. . Storage. C34 Stark at, Mala 407. . poT SPECIAL DBUTBRT. Na. BOOH Waah Ingtoa at. Pbon Mala wSS. ' TOWEL supply. 1 CI.EAN TOWET D A IT. T Comb, hroeh. Map. II par amath. FertUnd Leandry Towel aappjy ua, aiau ibi 'qm. - w.. TTPEWRITERS. h : r ; PJ E ADOT7 A RTERS for aaw aad yabom 1 -. writer of all aiakesi see aw windows It pea ara gerng at bay a aaw type liter see aa be , Ion keying; we raa ear yoa away; we kan parte tot repairing all marbtnea; a fata ' agants for tba Vlall.le Fox: we buy all klrnl of typewrltare. - The Typewriter Eirhange, ' In,, K. i. BUlaoa. ataaager. 64 Third at. BI.K'KENflDKRFER 'Typewriter AgaBcyt ana. . plWai rapalr. Rairlxb bilg., atn aad 1UBUO STENOGRAPHER. WS eel) Raalnatona. Smltb-Pramarra. Dna anrra. air., lowar than any other company; lanatlgata. Underwood Typewriter Co.. i oth. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. V M. A. OttNUT A CO.. DlSTRinrTORg of FINS riGASS. PORTLAKD, OREGON. SHTRK GRAHAM CO. I The.) OrmtaUaatea sr-t,anu. JoMwra of fralta. prodnce, at. I ron.iaeiU aoltrltad. 120 Pkoat at. EVrKMNO tt FARRE1.L. produce and eeax nilaab.n Biarchlnta. 10 Front at.. Portlaad. Or. l-bone Mala ITS. ' Cilll-';ON Fl HMTCRB MANIFACTI'RINO IX). , Maonractnren of turaltur (or the traa PiirtiaiHl. tlragoa. l'Mt to, whole. i grarara, aieae-tar-iurer and oinimlsaUei nairnaBta. Fiajrtb and " ata. fi n nrms manafactnrln and apelal order. I ltneriky a runliur fartwy. aol rroet at. i IV I I F'.Yl. ainailwre and nmoeee bm i.:..i;a, Krol aad lavl ala. l oTtlaua. Or. 'I M-K rrociierr and alaaaware. PraaL 9 ft i, aariiami, ui.fna. 'mi ,..s. erii Whnxtoa (. Whole- .i . i ui iriia aad as. BANKS. iiui. bum a. ut ruiiiMu, va.w-. t , Nortbwaat rornar Third and Oak Straata. - ' , M r,-.. "''' Oanaral Banklnc Biialnaaa. DRAFTS IHHfTKD Arallanla ta " SLtlSIl4 P Ewmpa. H.Hirk.m aad Manila. Collection Mad ',rr,SwTi -: OT AINSWORTH l Caablrr f3 Vlea-Pnaaidaat r. LEA BABKtS Aaalataat Caahlrr ..W. A. Caabh-r A. M. WRIGHT LADD ttttOI. BANKERS (Eatabllaa la 1US.) ' ... vTraaaarta a Oaaaral Rankin Boalnaaa. Cnllartloaa Bwd at all aa fa ?V?Z .... "T,"1". . eradit lud arallabla la Bnrao and all 'MriT SI" ' Omaba, Saa FranclM and Montana Bad BrliT.b Colambla. Eiehaaa awa oa LondoB. Parla. ttarlla. Frankfort, Hontkonr. Tokohaaw. Manila and HonalaM- MKtCKANTr STATION AX BANE Portland. Oraaaa. j ' i. FRAKK WATSON PraaMrfrt I R L. DrRHAM...., t'7rTaiSahllr , W., HOIT !"!:: .Caahlarl OBOROB W. HOTT AaaUtaal Caablar S. C. CATCHING., Raoaad Aaalataat CaahUr. . . Ttanaaeta Oaaaral RanHn Baalnaaa. Draft and Latter f Credit. Iaaa4 AralUbla t All Far ta of tba World. t ABEEES' XITMBEB TEN'S BAEE Portland, Oracaa. Cornar Saeaad and VZi Trial and Sarla DapartaMot. Lttar af CndM laaoad AralUbU ta All Part I! ' Conmarrlal nr World. " " ' ' i i palilalia i FRED R. Nfirnrnirn Im . i v. riLmt. Ptaaldant JOHN A. KEATINO ... Baron, Vlra-Prealdont I TV BAint OP CALIFOENIA EataMIha4 IHi Hand Offlaa. Saa rraaakraa, PH'"; - Capital naM ap M.OKt nno ( PMrplna and BBdlrldrd pr"flta.. . . .tiO.lM.Sia Ornaral Ranklnr and Fitrtianaa BoaiBraa Traaaaetrd. lntiwt oa Tlma Dapoalt, i ... SAVINUS DEPARTMENT AmanH Bur b ananad f I") and apward. . K.i v k . - A. rn.M KntMliia?. . ' Hf. R MACRKA ... I CnitT NATIONAX, BANK Portland, Oraaaav I- . : CABITAt AND SDR PLCS fl.S0O.000.00. DEPOSITS fl4.000.000.00. A t jm,M. '....Prraldant I W. C. AT.VrtRD....:.-....i..Aaa1atair MhJ J.W. NBWKlBK.:.....:..:::."....CaahlaT B. P. STEVENS. . . . Baraajajataat Cab'' TRUST COMPANIES. t01TUTB litiT fflimuT M nirnAt I-',., BEKOORCES OVER Sl.SOO.onO Ornaral Ranklnr. Two par rant lataraat oa rharh bo. " ' ronnta ara fcandradal an dallr halaaraa nf S " r. Lattar of eradlt aa an nam of tba world. Sartna accounts . Tlnj rartlflral, S to 4 par rant ; ahnrtrall pa dal cartlfk-ata. .V)6 or orar. i to 4 par aant. Coll for Book of "lLLfSTRATIONS. . Hontbaaat Oaraar Third and Oak Straata. Phono Prlrat Exehanc T; ,a. RENT. I. COHKN Praatdra I H. U PITTOCK ; . JSSSl B. I.EB PAOET .r....Sarrrtarr I I O. flOl.TRA.. ....AaalaUnt BwatarF SEOTTKITT SATTNOS TBVST COMPART Morrlooa Straw. PortUad. Ontoa. Tranaart a Ornaral Banking Bnatnraa. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. I"V,1v7?... - ' Tlma and Sarlnga Acronnta. Arta aa Trnataa for Eatataa. Draft and Lattar of Cradlt AralUbl oa All Parta of tba World. . , , C P. ADAMS ;.,..)... ....... .PraaloVBt I U A. IBWIH. ..'.Pint "J'IJ" A. L. MILLS. .Rneond Vlra-Praaidaat R. C. JUBITS Sacra tary GEO. E. BI'SSELL Aaalatant Sarratary TTTLB StTABJJtTEE TRUST OOMFANT Waahlartoa Straoi, J-''- . , M0RT0A0C LOANS oa Portia ad Raal F-atate at Lowoat !... ' '. ' , Tltla Inanrad. Abatracta Fnnfl-nad. ' - .I : J. THORRDRN Roaa ...Praaldaat I JSO. B. AlTrHI"0I k..Saratra OEOHQH H. niLtiM-. .....Vli-a-Praaldant .BONDS AND INTESTIT5TS. M OKJUS BK0THE1S CnimVar af Ooaia Mnwlctpal. Kaflroad and PaMIe Srrrlr Corporarloa Boad. TV OWKDCG-HOPKXJfS COMPANT KataUlaaoa U - STOCKS. BONDS, GRAIN Booght Prtrat Wlraa. BOOM 4 CHAMBER LOUIS . WTLDK HOME TELEPHONE BONDS BANK STOCKS. ; Mambar Portland Stork Excbanga. - ' ' Cornar Sixth and Waablngtoa Straata. Portland. Oragoa. Oycrteclc Starr &. Cooke Co. U i'Z r&:"M-. atunr. pmovW)8. cotton, stocks and bokss, - "-a '.', . ; " VI DO A St-UCTXX C0MMI88ION BVSXNEbS. . T . ; , , " , OMrtlaaoaa Karkt by Prirafa Wtra. Ok arrtro. BEPERBNCRS Ladd Tfltoa, Bank vummamm " and Paltad Btaiaa National Bank -of Portland. - - -- - SIGNS AND HOW CARDS. noxD a. rw mtawm slVaM(t W aaro bollt ap tba Urgaat lga boitaaa la tba city ay flraKlaaa work and korplng wirroSSaa. Oar price, ara rlgbt. Plflb - aad Ereratt ta. Phon Bxehaag - UEOROB WBBEB. JJODEBN Dlffaraat Shop." S08 Foorta. PaclfK Mil. "CARDS THAT CATCH THE BTB" OSaat wort ' la toe tlly. itana, ouu -a- . Betta SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" Portland Slg Co., 2T SUrk at. Pbon PaclfK IM TRANSPORTATION. Alaska (907 EXCURSIONS 3 TIUPS .' U. aTpokhae, JtUM 14, SB I JtUr f. Ml Aug. S. Mt, Joap a botttb. - sl sl snttra. . . i.aTRSw X . apraaUlas.. ..Tan 4 m. a. jTr" movnu ' V sjkarirsTf aBtka, Jub wmy Bwrts. a.lHa B ta. Ra. 1 M.B. . OoZs Xnmboldt. . . .Aprtt B-1S-SS City ef BeatUa ,....AprO 1T--T uam rAAjroTsco movra. , .ii a av. aa. STona !, Olty Ui ...AprU -M City of Toj-R.. s..,..AP10-BS URxatlU Apt "- . oity Oflla. S4S Waahiartom ar. Columbia Dlvcr ftcencry ' uaTTXATOB XJBTal aTTBAlOnSaa. : . .. , tm BWrlaa aad T"K DallaaT e leapt Sunday, tearing Portland at t rr..o freight ana paaaaiiaw. n,u. tlona for ootlt and Uaastock. - . m al A Una an aaaWlalfat " fxwW sit: CNurtatn Tba Dalle. Phon Mala S14. Portland. woaxapal fierflO aTTaAlUXXI1 OO." Steamships ROANOKE . j at aaa ana ae. . ana ar. apt .f-j. ana utu. w. lluck Ball for BuTk, Ban PYBrtclaoo and Lo laale. tHrwot avery Tueaday at p. m. Ticket office III Third, near Alder, lion, at 11X4. H. TOdNO. Agent, ..saw v.nrai rural AW VMABtB: UTMPOor, Moy, W.r.?,i If' New ateeiaan iinu.' " inwiarTS rrlnkaerrw tarblna anglnae. and TUNISIAN, OOBSICAN and IONIAN, """" her. oar eainnga are nvrmtj . nanlng down the partBroaqoe St. Iwreoce rrrer br darUxnt. Accommodatlona aaaar peor4V Bates: SaJooa 6t 00 aad apward a; acrnnd rahta (40 anward Oa elaa Cable B reamer. o.oir ana ,pwi ILlAJI A COMPANT. IT JaekBOB baaX, Ohloega Str. Chas. R. Spencer WaiaBB-Biraw X0V Deny, xeept Bunflay, for .Ta Dallaa and way landlnr. at 7 a. m., returnlnt in n m.' Faat time, beat aerflce. , . Pkoitil " Btaia. BXMl Koxna, A, IX, 4 DEMAND ON LIBRARY -CONSTANTLY GROWING mmlMr meetlns of tti board of directors of tha public llbrsry wms hald last Wadneaday avanlns.: R. a f .kl M ' whA WAS elected to fill tha vacancy caused by ths malsnatloii of A. 1 Mills, was nrawent tor tow iirwi Ths library Is trowlnf tsonstontly both In attendance and In the elroula tlon of book. A total of M.tlt books was drawn for homo use from the ra rlLUS department durlna; tha month. and thrw ara now a,u "" . Uwm nnh which VU in Baiiwuim ........ opened on March II U In active opera tion though all or xnm nwa.e ue-in been purchaaed for tha branch here not yet been received. books, nowerer, have been borrowed from the central li brary, and the) opportunity of ancurlng DOOKB ny reqiiepi IB largely iann u- vantase of. ' Tha library la open every dav from J until and from 7 until SO. Preferred BUM Canned Ooeds. AUn A Lewlf best Urand. -I Col Irrttona a Fpaciaiir. -f H. C VRS. ,,.,,. ..:..CBBblf n. v. a"".""... n n .TnuDT ..I Aaalataat Caablav IT-ATT Pt.ATT. rnrsii i"wuari I T IirRTCrlAEM,....;..Aaalan Manarar Oldcat Nitlooal Bank oa tba Pclfl Coaat. - TVa 'mdaatTTB""Ooaiaap--ti- T. T. BrRKH ART. .Traaaora BnlUlac. lW BROKERS. ' aad Sold for Cash aad aa Margta. of COMMERCE. Phono Mara IT. A AT THE THEATRES Iast Time Blanche) Walh Tonight. - Tb farortt aetreet, BUaehe Walsh, will tir bar last performance of Clyde Pitch' comedy -drama, The Straight Road." at the Helllg theatre, .Poarteaath and Waablngtoa treat, toalght, Cnrtala at :1 o'clock. Seats are bow etUlng at tba box efflce of the Helllg theatre.. , . i . , . j Swedish ComptJy Tomorrow Night. ' The Swedish comedy with maatr) "Aaderaoa, Patarsoa and Laadatrem, will be girea at the Helllg theatre. Fourteenth and Washington street, tonwrrow (Sunday) algbt. ' Brerytblng wlU be apokea ta Swedlah. -Cnrtala at S:1S a ciorx. Beata are now Belling at the box office of the HalUg Ueatra. ' Tho Free LAnce" Next Week. Joba PbUlp 8onea-a ateat military comic open, "The Pre leasee' which, with Joseph Cawthora a tha atar of the original cast, ta aula factor of which ara Nalla Bergen. Jaao atta Lewrle. Albert Hsrt. Georra TallmaB. George Schiller. Stanley Marpby, Mont Elmo and- a euembl of SO, which ' will be the ttractloa at the Helllg theatre next Tharedav, Friday and Satnrday alghta. April 11. IS aad IX with a Bpecial-price matinee Saturday, Is de clares, ny saany erudite anal lor era his beat work. The origins) east, enaemble and pro dactloa ara gaaraataed. Seat aal opeaa Bait Tuesday at tha box off lea of the theatre. , One Mopo of "Leah KleshnA. u 1 "Leah ICIeahna" cloaee tonight at the Baker. Thle means a greet deal to thoae who ban not yet witnessed this remarkable attraction. It era tad a eeaaattoa an orer the eonntry whea played by Mrs. Flake, and Portland knowe the Baker company a well that It I enneceaaery to aey It kv betas earn patently preseatad at tba Baker. ' ,- - Morosco Play at Baker. ' . . Beginning tomorrow the ttractloa . at the Baker theatre will he the Morose play, "The Jndra and the Jury," which waa ae ktghly praised la Los Aagels. where It wa flrrt prodnccd. The seme of Ollrer Monece Is so wall known sll orer the Pacific coast that hi play wa witnessed first with cariosity tad thaw with anstlnted praise. All next weak, with matinee Saaday toaorrow) and Bator. dsy. . , , . . . ' . Inside Steel Globe. ' Belle Btoae win repeat her marraloas and daring per form a ore ef ascending the epical staircase hi a ateel globe tonight end tomorrow for the last times. Thte act Is the. headline attraetloa at the Grand aad ea the bill will be fraud some of the most Interesting enter tainer of the year. .The bill M not weak la any spot and there la aerer a asoment wba the audi esc doe not receive Ita money's worth. TJsosl matmeea aad Bight . aerformaacae to- i . i Hnrry for 01e Olson. Good old 0le Olaon," starybodr' favorite, doses at tba Emph-e tonight. The weak at tbla popular bouse ef entertainment haa been particularly sacceaefal, for Ben Headrirks generally admitted to be foe best Interpreter of tba famous character ef Ola. .The special ttee bare dream forth applause every day. There'a Jest tonight left - ,. ; See Empire Show and Laugh, ' ' Thar' k time to laugh for ereryhody and next week te the time at the Empire. ' "A Strang ar la Towa." that happy comblnatloa cf mnale and mirth,, with Prank Beamish ae fan maker la chief, will be the attraetloa there U next weak. "A Btranger m Tows" I her- Wed ea one ef the very bast show ef It kind ae the road. Matin Sunday, Wednesday aad Saturday, ::; Wlnchestep.,, ' , ,--" I Today, dad- tomorrow . ar 111 be ths .fast per. formaBcae ef fht military drams, ''WlBcbester." st the Star theatre. Ia this play the A Ilea stock company hae a precinct loo which - be packed the theatr te the doora t erary per. forma ae. end It I one ef lue moat stlrrlug and patriotic plays ef the aeaene. "Wlnchts ter'.' has Its scanes laid near that towa. whan SbeHdaa mad hi fanwaa rtde end eared the anion troons from bring rooted by the coated. eratee. "Winchester" Is ae good aa a kesene la history. , ' . 4Caprnen, at th Lyplc. ' Toalght. tocaoTmw matinee and eight ar the last chance t ae "Carman" at the Lyric. The prndoctloa baa Jmaa the talk of the towa all weak. It anrpaaae anything ths Lyrle ha ever don before. Two parformancae toalght and tomorrow Bight the first beginning at 7:14 e'clerk. Seals may be raeerved by telepboo.. r ' V " .j : Tli Gamekeeper. A Beginning Monday matinee ftia bill t th Lyrle will be that mceessful drauut of English country life, "The Gamekeeper .',' Special at tantloa will be glrea te eraolcl detail. Beat aal enene tonMrrow , morning at the theatr box office. . ii ii n -- i i r - - "- rri is s Taking Orders for Good Coal. Tliii Rock Springs Coal company Is taking orders for good coai. ' Call up at Hi. FLAG OF CZAR AT L7AST HEAD Russian Steamer Selenga Under Charter to Load at This V ;v. , Port WILL BE HERE SHORTLY FROM PORT LOS ANGELES Several New Charters Announced ' -Among Them Betas; a Number of Sailing Vessels- to Load Cement , and General Freight la Europe. flavaral charters wars -knoounced thla mornlnaT and rumors of vessel already fixed ' war confirmed. Tha f eaturs of tha transactions was tha charter of tha Russian eteemer Balanga to coma'' bars tnm few-day a ta oa seneral carsoor North China and Siberia In tha Frank Waterhouae Una. - Tha SeJenga la - at Port Leas Anseles awaltlns orders to proceed to thla port. She reglaters 1,170 tons net. 8h will take tha cargo originally In tended for tha German steamer Eva whlob was fixed eometlma ago ta come here. For Soma raaaoa bar charter was cancelled and ah Is on Pucet ound opea for - engageraent, havlnc recently returned from Valparaiso, whither aha went with a cargo of lumber from thla port soma months aaro. ... - . v . ' It was also announced thla morning that In all probability tba Norwegian steamer BUdra will come here to load wheat for tha orient. She was reported eome days ago nndar charter to load lumbar but according to advloaa received from San Francisco thla morning bar cargo will constat of wheat. Confirma tion of the report of her coming has not been obtained here but It Is generally understood that she will. Tba Nor wegian steamer Homelen rft now an-, route to this port from Port Loa An geles with a part cargo of cement. ' She Lain probably reach tha river tomorrow morning, so far as known sha la not chartered for outward bualneaa, ' Conalderabla business ' was dona ta sailing vessels today and yesterday. Meyer, Wllaon and company chartered tba French bark Marc hale da Turralne to. load cemeat and . general cargo ax Liondon for Portland, and Balfour, Quth rta and company chartered tha French bark Jean Cordonnler to load at London for Portland or Paget sound. Both will commence loading; at once, sa it la un derstood. : Other veeaals chartered la bring ce ment and general freight from Europe ta porta In tha Paolfto notthweat thla summer are tha French bark Margaret MoUnos and the British ships Glen cairn, Cathness-ahtra, Edenmore and Port, Cale donian,.'" -.- - , MANY DECKLOADS LOST Gales ' Play Havoc With Steam yhooners Off the Coast. " Thousands of feet of lumber were lost during the big storm of two weeks sgo, when tha steam schooner Coqullle River nearly .' foundered off tha Columbia river bar. Half a dosen steam schooners were caught In tha blow and tba sea ran so. high ' that despite tha strong lashlnga many deck cargoee wars torn loose and carried overboard. Evidence of the storm In tha shape of drift from these cargoes Is stlU .to be seen along tha ahore from tha coasting steamers. Captain I W. Bodioh, master of tha steamer Aurella, confirms this state ment and reports rough treatment both going and coming, on her laat voysgo to tha Bay City. Sha arrived at Van couver yesterday and bar skipper cams over to get supplies. . , . . "In all my days aa master, in these waters" said Captain Bodlch, "I never saw tha glaas go so low aa on Friday of last week . whan off tha Columbia river, starting south for San Francisco. It fell to JS.S snd waa followed by ona of the fiercest galea ona could Imagine. Ths blow hit us off Tillamook Rock and for a whole day we drifted back wards a distance of T mnee aitnougn our engines were going full speed ahead all tha tlma, It took us five -days to - make the Oolden Gate, whereas It usually takes about thre st tne moat i ne steam schooners Aeme and Wasp loat their deckloads snd were mora or less dam aged. Luckily ths Aarelia did not lose a stick overboard. -" "Returning from San Franc! boo tha Aurella ran Into another fierce storm but tha wind waa mora favorable as It cams with us.- Wa remained outside all of Thursday becauae tha' waves ran too high for u to attempt to approach the bar. Tha i steam schooner North land was there too and wa both crossed In about ( o'clock during a brief iuH." v STORM OVER AT UST Shipping . Is Reramed at Month of , v the Colombia. The storm has blown over snd again shlpprhg Is moving at ths mouth of tha river. Three bar bound steam craft got out soon after daybreak, although at that tlma tha bar was still boiling. The vessels were tha steamer Alliance bound for Cooa bay and tha ateam schooners Coaster and Johan Poulsen bound for San Francisco. . Tha wind reached an awful velocity off tha Columbia yeeterday, according to tha captain and officers of tha steam schooner Cascade 'which arrived up at Goble thla morning to load lumber. She was off tha river all of yeatarday dur ing tha blow and tha seas ran to an Immense height- Being light tha Cas cade atood tha racket well- -although now and then tha waves broke- clean over ber. ' She crossed In over tha bar last night with tha favorable tide. So fsr no reports have been received of any disasters off .the coast duo to tha storms of tha past few days, but tha government transport Dtx haa re ported at Sand Francisco thst on the first of this month when- off tha Ore gon eoast bound from Seattle- to San Francisco, she passed rs vessel bottom up. Tha hull appeared to be about 110 feet In length. The Identity of tha vessel will not be made out until soma vessel engaged In tha coasting trade falls to show up. It la supposed that tha derelict turned turtle during tha gala ef about two weeks ago when the steam, schooner Coqullle River nearly foundered off tha mouth of the Columbia river. - .. - .- - . , V. CAPTAIN FOUNlTgUILTV Charles Forrest Will Servo Term ta State) Penitentiary. Special risBtrh The Journal.) Astoria, Or., April The Jury In tha case of Captain Charles , Forrest, moater of the nchooner -Annie Larson, charged with killing Oeorge Flaher, one of ths crew of tha gcbooner, brought In a verdict af msnalaughter this morning. Ha was Immediately sentenced by Judge McBrlde to an Indeterminate term In the penitentiary. Thla in cans not leea than one year nor mora than It, subject to the discretion of tha governor. - Captain Forrest la well along In years and for that reason may be shown 'some leniency. Ha claimed to have killed tha aallor - In self-defense sfter having been bothered by him repeatedly for aoma money. - TAKEN OFF ROUTE Launch Coloma Comes 'Here From . "ladependeiioe., i. ' Salem. O.. April It seetna that boat transportation projects between Independence and Salem ara . ehort Hved. Whether this Is on account of the little trafflo or tha ezpensa con nected with tha operating of boats eannot be determined. ' A. D. Pettyjohn A Son have sold their launch Coloma. which , piled between Salem and Independence, ta Captain Mitchell, formerly of thla olty, who will use tha launch for a milk boat used In tha earrylndr of dairy products from Government Island in ths Columbia river to Portland. - -. , : ' ' ALONG THE WATERFRONT; Colonel 8. W. Roaasler, United States engineer, went to Fort Stevens this morning to lnvestlgsts ths damage dona to tha Jetty by the last storms. The Harrlman liner Columbia sailed last night for San Franotsco with freight and paesengers. . This was her laat evening sailing out of Portland, tba schedule calling for morning , sailings hereafter. The Oregon Railroad A Navigation company has libeled tha ateam schooner Coqullle River to eatlsfy salvage charges for towing the vessel In over tba bar after ah had bean disabled In a storm. Tha craft was .riding her sncnor in comparative safety however, when the tug Tatooah went after ber. . The Tonarue Point Ldimber oompany'e tug Lottie arrived at Supple'a boatyard this morning from Astoria to go oa tne ways for general repairs. Tba government snag boar Matbloma will be bauled out for general repairs before going into commission asaln. Bids for the repalra have been Invited. . Captain Oeorga Pope, formerly Lloyd's surveyor at this port. Is reported to be seriously ill at bis boma near HuOMro. During tha month of March there were 17 cargoes ef lumbar, totalling lt.t0,l44 feet, ahlppad from the mills In tba lower Columbia river district ' As a result of tha prolonged rains tba Willamette will show a rlss of about two feet la the harbor during tha next few day Tha Columbia rlajbr. too. v will rise slightly ; on aeconn of ths rstns. - - 7 " MARINE NOTES ""f ' Astoria. April Balled at T:ll a ra.. steamer Alliance, 'for Coaa ' bay. Sailed at T:40 a. to., ' steamer Johan Poulsen, for San Francisco. Sailed at 7:18 a. nt, steamer Coaster, for Ssn Franclaco. Arrived down at 7:40 a. m., steamer Columbia.- . K . i Ban Franotsco, April (. ' Arrived, steamer Tiverton, from Astoria. - -, Aatorla, April I. Arrived at 4 and left up at 4:IS p. m steamer Cascade, from San Fraholseo. , . - Redondo, April .Arrived, sblp 81n tram, from Columbia river. Port Los Angeles, April 4. Ballad, Norwegian steamer Homelen. for Port land. . .. ' i , . . etn -Francisco, April I. 'Arrived, steamer Redondo, from Portland. Sailed at : p. nw ateamef South Bay, for Columbia river. v Astoria, April . Condition of the bar at l a. m., rough; wind southwest; weather cloudy. . . t . REVOLVERS WD : " BY BOTH OFFICES City and Government Officials Want Weapons and Wrangle r " 'Over Them. -r Incensed by tha refusal of tha federal authorities to return tba revolvers taken from two of the Saiiwood poetoxnee roo bers to tba municipal court, where tha weapona wera secured for naa at tha preliminary examination. Judge - Came ron baa directed Clerk Henneasy to de liver no pistols to discharged prisoners unless affidavits protecting 4he court from responsibility ara filed. - -Tha first person to run afoul of tha new order waa Hugh vennison, wno yes terday put in a claim for the revolver taken from H. H. Wllaon, arrested for sloping with Mrs. Tarn Taylor. Dennl aon waa subeequently taken to New Tork on a felony charge.' Henneasy ab solutely refused to secede to tba requeat unless Dennlaon embodied in affidavit form that tha weapon waa tha property of one A. Olbaoa. who had loaned It to Wllaon, and that' tha revolver waa loaded at the tlma Of tba loan. Dennl aon would not eotnply with tba provlaloa of tha order. , v Tba revolvers taken from - tha Sell wood suspects ware of tha latest Colt's and Smith A Wesson patterns and prac tically new. - Detective Hellyer secured the weapona on tha representatlona that Attorney Bristol wanted them for use at the preliminary - examination. Upon making a demand for sha guns after tne court proceedings United States Attor ney Brlatol refused to return tha pistols. IDAHO WOMAN BEATS r ; SUIT AND HOLDS JOB (Special Dtepateb h) The JewrnaL) ' Bole. Idaho, - April s Tba cae brought by the town of Kendrtck against Anna E. Nelson, former treasurer of that place, la the district court of Latah county for failure to turn , over the reoorJs of her of flea to her ''suc cessor snd decided Iny favor of tha plainUii. waa reversed today by tha supreme oourt and tha action ordered dismissed with costs swarded ta favor of tha appellant The Kendrtck trustees bad declared tha office of treasurer vacant . because tha .roasurer did. not file tha ' monthly report required by law. Miss Nelson refused to turn over the records and ths suit resulted. - . y OAKS SKATING RINK ' Oaoe Xaslde ths Bis; BUak tha Weather tm Forgotten. , Although tha weather Is bad. skstlng continues with luat as much enthusiasm at tha Oaks Rink aa aver. There will ba a grand tlma Saturday night and tha rink will ba open all day Sunday. Now Is thar-tlme to buy a skats book at tha special price. It tickets for li lt, ltew Bank at Aberdeen. -' (pedal Plipetch te The Jnnrual.) , Aberdeen, Waab., Arrll t.-The Grays Harbor bank of Aberdeen has been In corporated with n capital stock of $S0, 600. Its trustees ara Franklin P. B. Cyr and J. C slogan. . SIR OG fJEGRESS HOLDS (IP LIEU Contortionist Muscular Enough 'to Pinion Mart to Wall While Robbing Him. ' KNOWN TO BE A - CLEVER PICKPOCKET Colored Girl Jnst Arrested Speaks German TOough Her Father Was - aa Irishman From Cork, and Her Mother a Tennessee Negress." ' Marguerite Washington, a pretty na greaa who says sha was a contortionist with Black Pattl's troubadours, but al leged by tha polio to ba on of tha cleverest pickpockets - and highway women In tha country, was taken Into custody last night by Patrolmen Ander son and Thorpe In a notorloua'den at It Flanders street on a charge of lar ceny, preferred by Mark Bodsf ord, who accuses tha woman of ' having robbed his of 10. , , Tha prisoner was positively Identi fied thla morning by Edward Togel of 17 North Ninth street as ths woman who forcibly robbed him 'of IIS and valuable papara tha night of March 11 at Seventh and Davis streets., alalf Zrlah. Speaks Crexasaa, ' ' ; . - Tha Waahlngton woman la . regarded ae one of the most dangerous criminals ever operating on tha ooast ' According to iler own statement ahe la the daugh ter 'of an Iriehmaa from tha County Cork and 4 Tennessee negresa, and has keen engaged in acrobatlo work for a number of years. Slight and apparent ly frail, yet by- reason of her gym naatlo work, having . musclea of ' ateel tha prisoner haa been dubbed tha "Col ored Hercules." As aa aid to her al leged operations . aba speaka German fluently and In tha caae of Vegel this prWed a valuable asset .. - j Tha night of March II ahe I alleged to have decoyed Edward VogeL a middle-aged German, into an alleyway In tha rear of Eaate Watklns notorious north and diva and despite tba fact that her victim lk a well v developed man weighing over-110 pounds, pinioned hla trail to hla eSrVrs by aheer strength and. then rifled hla pockets. Two men who ware aeen In 'the vicinity are supposed to be tha aooompUoee of the woman. ' - Tears Woa Xav Uberty. ' - Laat Monday , night Detectives Jones and Tlchenor. found tha woman loiter ing ' In tha shadow of several lumber plica In tha north end and took her into eustody. At - police headquarters' sha put up such a bold front, backed by tears And entreaties that Chief Grits macher allowed her to go upon tha promise to leave 'the city at once. Laat night aha was found In tha Flan ders street house by the officers. In" company with May Klhg. Beatrice Lewla and Irene Crawford, colored den liens of tha north end. well known t the police. It waa upon tba complaint of Bodaford that ha had been robbed that the raid was made? All of the woman found In tha place wera also locked up. . Edward Vagal . poaltlvely Identified tha woman this morning as his assail ant of last Sunday night and eomplalnta charging larceny and robbery have been filed againat her. Tha caaea have been put over for hearing until next Monday m online). .'.-'; . . -.- PREACHER REFUSES AN ? . INCREASE IN SALARY , " BBBBBBKSBaaBaBBBaBSBB (Journal tinsel aj Sorrte.) : Los Angeles. April . Jr, '. Robert Mclntyra, tha well known divine and lecturer and pastor of the First Meth odist Episcopal church, yesterday af ternoon did ' an aim oat unprecedented thing, avea for a clergyman. - Ha de clined politely but firmly a subetantial Increase of salary offered by his con gregation. -.". ,A - - Dr. Mclntyra Is recognised - ae ona of tha ableat man In Mathodlam and la said not to draw a salary commen surate with - his . high - standing and great drawing powers. Ha explains his position -briefly,- saying; Tbat I am receiving IS sufficient far my needs." . His congregation Is perhaps ths rich eat in Joa Angeles. Ha attracts mora people to every aervlce than can ba accommodated In tha eommodlous edi fice in which ha preaches. . . FATHER DIELMAN'DIES v AGED AND REVERED ' - -- , . , . - - a . . (Special Dlapateh' t Th fcuraal) Astoria, Or.. April - . Rev. Father Leopold, Dlalman, head of tba Catholic parish of this olty for ths last IS years, died at St Mary's hospital early this morning. Father Dlalman was born In Belgium Tt.yeara ago. Ha was a class mate of Archbishop Rlordan of San Francisco ' snd Bishop Spsuldlng . of Peoria, Ilia Ha was ana of II children, sll now dead but ona sister, who la living In Belgium. Before coming to Aatorla Father Die man served, tha parishes at Tha Dailea, Baker City and Salem. Catholics snd Protestant silk mourn his death. Ha waa a man widely known all over tha Pacific ooast ' Ha had been 111 since December lsst snd gradually failed until tha end came thla morning. ' Ths funeral will take place Monday, with - burial In Greenwood cemetery. .... HALF OF SEATTLE'S THIEVES ARE CHILDREN 1 MMM-MMM ' -'' . 4''- .t '' (Inerna! Bpectal' Saa ilea.) : ' - Seattle, Wash., April . Children un der It yeare-of age have committed half tha burglaries and thefts In Seattle during tha past six months aooordlng to Chief of Police Wappenateln. Judge Frster, of tha Juvenile court, has de clared that ha will break up all ths gangs of boy criminals now In ths city. This morning the sons ef three prominent families , wars taken before tha Juvenile court charged with burg lary. . Chief Wappenateln sssjnrts that tha mothers of tha children ara respon sible for their criminal tendencies, and that tha polios are unable to oope with tha altuatlon. ' VThe theft of .Jewalry.'draaaea.aad' a number of similar articles from ths resldenoeeaof Mrs. E. 6. Lewis waa con fessed this morning by Katie Xing aged II, and Lillian Struhm, sged II. Tha girls will ba triad ia tha Juvenile euert . eaarasssasawaawasaawawxwxe v Will Rac Auto .Again. - - Tha bl hit of an sutomoblla againat sksters at tha Exposition rink will ba repeated tonight In a most exciting race, for three mllea Howard Eastman, In a four-cylinder Stevene-Duryea. was beaten by a half A Up. No advanoa In pric. ' CGeeVo The WeU-aUw asllaale . , ' CHINESE Beet aad Berk DOCTOR Haa made a lite atndy of rest sad harha. aad la that atady dlscorared and Is flTiag. te the world kls wonderful r media. , B0 htlSCtrST, POTS0WS OB OBITOS WSTO X CUBES WITHO0T OPIBATIO. OA WITHOUT THA AIO OF A KB ITS. He guarantee t cure Catarrh. Asthma, taag. Throat. Uheaoiatlsi .Maavoesnaas, 1 Karroos Debility, Stomach. line, avldnay Trouble; alas Lost Manhood, Paaaale. Weak, asas and All Prlrata Diseases. - , - A SURE CANCER CURE ast Aaoalrad Froaa Peking. China Safe, aVata y , , aad BalUhle. IF - TOO ABB AFFLICTED, POUT DKLAT. DELAYS ABB DANOEBOUB. ' If you cannot call, write for symptom bleak . aad circular. Iocioe d esoU la atasiBa, CONSULTATION FREE TKX 0. OEI WO CHDfESB TtTVTVm OOs IMnl First' St.,. Car, Morrtaoa, s " Portlaad, Oragoa. . ,.; i - Please Meetlsa That Pasar, ' - Uc SadeasJ atatoraetad and should know anaat (no woaoaxTUa MAJtVTL WairUafj Ssvay I Ta new TM r-mtrm. Mjtt, naa ess aacrie. nasi wai -Most (-oarea lent. Aak raw srssxM ar K. It ba eannoiaurnly th MtatxL, a outer, but sand stamp for lllustralad book U4. ft f lill nartlculsrs and .llrsetmns la- Tstusbl to la-llaa. t 4 HV Kl, rta aa saaav.. aaw WOOSAAi), CLAAAE CO. ABO LADaVSATU - BAUw CO-4 ZOAKS. - Scctt's SLital-Pjsia Capsulss - A POSITIVE CURE for InrlamaatloB orOatarrb of the Bladder and lleeaeed Eld. Ban. BS 0USS SO rat. Caras Qulrkly aad aannaaentiy the sad ejlee. ae matasr of how ag steading, aotoiaieiy araileas. Bold by drasswnb 'rioa 41 on. aa ha xaaiL Baea. pais, sun, Boaaa, B..1A TEESAaTJU.S.C2L BsWrewatalas, OaaaV. by AU DTugglsts. ' -, ;-- Kldntr and Eiadiir Trcnblit Uni.'iARY mi OISCHARQES BELIBTBD IW 24 Hours mm Each Cap- aal bearg-MfDY theaeiaaaarSw: ALL DSCOOISTS. A BEAUTIFUL PACE Basd stamp for Particular and Teatinonial . af th eesMdy that clear th Coaprexlos, Ba- Bams Skis Imperfectloaa, , Makss Mew Btaod ' aad Improves the Health. If yoa take BEAUTYSKIN Beneficial aaealta ar gwarasteed at mosey re funded. , . OHIUUSTKB, CKtmttCiX 00,, :i- Madison PUoa. PMIadalphla. Pa.' ' , 5 FOR WOMEN ONLY rr. Sanderson's Ones pound SaVta and Cottoa Root Pills. Ths beat j and oniy rsllable tsmady for DB-v- LA TED PERIODS, Curs the most ; ' obstinate ra saa la 8 so 10 dare. . Price 13 per box, mailed la plain ' wrapper. . Address Dr. T. i. PIEHCB, 181 First street.. PortlaBd. Oragoa. ; f rif -St V' vi f ' as, 1- I. .-ii . hw ' .:- t yN Every rcVNr ,J I . SW 1 .-sol fi? w. . bTbTT --e-swSBlP m v .n -ui mr CSarRmrnBwr tba Full KravH taative rorno QcJ DtrwSCc44la ROSEBURG PRESBYTERIANS ' SOON TO BUILD CHURCH . Bnae4at Dlanateh ha Tsa InnraaLt Roseburg, Or., April I. At ths annual I eonsrecational meeting of tha Preaby-"W terian church in tbM -alty a special ' committee was appointed ta secure -a suitable alta for tba new ehurcb to ba erected this summer. They already have a conalderabla amount In tha treas ury and aspect to build aa flna a struo- tura aa any of Its kind In this part of tha state. ' - ' - j.-'-.,. - Tha following of floors were elected , for the ensuing term:. P, . Benedick, alder, and A. J. Bellows, trustee, each for three year; W. W. Thackrah. treas urer; Mm. W. W. Thaokrah, aaoretaryf . John Toamaend and W. M. Anderaon, ashera ' Therchorch la under tha super , vision of Dr. J. A.,Townaead, aa aotlvo work. ''. 1 .. '- V' - ' ; - Idaho T. M. O. A. CVmf erenoe. tSesaial Mapeteh te The JmraaL) - Boise, - Idaho, , April I. The Toung Men's Christian assoclstlons of South Idaho will open a two days' conference here tomorrow. An excellent program ' will be carried out. Ivsn H. Rhodes, secretary for Oregon snd Idaho,- will b ons of ths principal spetkers. '