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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1907)
19 " " : . ' 7 ' ' ' " THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENINO, APRILS, - 1907. B a-"!85585 FOR RENT. BUSINESS CHANCES. NEW TODAY The ts whet eavrriea an the wmt earns U kia yoeM ook, AomsI m a Bala) kTS TM7 BHk MT OaAXy. Komt la stve yoetoti tmptt to ipnt The Better war "P" Aoeomst uritk aa -deposit an ths wk yoa mom's actually mm and jrouH be. sarprUed kow your aoooaat wtu grow, i ' ' ' .' ' INTEREST- ON S AVINCS ACCOUNTS ON CHECK ACCOUNTS - omonn ' 5. THORBURN ROBS ...PraaWent ceoROB H HILL, tVtew-Preeldent T. T. BUKKHART Treaaurer NO. .. aUTCHISOB ...Moratary - . . - ' " Baoklnc koaaa, A m. to 4 p. nv Saturdaya, I aw a, to i p. an. 4 Batorday arantoca, te o'clock. TOe Guarantee ft Trust Co. 444 Waattftgtom t. (Com. BweoadT), ' tOMTLAXD. OBBCHfB. - Change of Address Stevenson-BrownCo- Vara Bdmuorwa from. 1M Beooad 2$' Minglon St. SUvenson-Brown Co. 6.000 Block In St. Johna, ISO by Ito. .. ', 1 - T.2SO Twa tela. OraneV-Taq-Ma-ky : . so. ' , J5.500 EH'-00"1 houno. Baa 0th. 93,000 Forty era, tl mllea acrutb roruaaa. 93.5OO Two and trae bait aaraa at . ,r Glen wood ( Park, , 914,000 Sir modern 8-room hbuaem, rood; location. Thirty acraa at Jennings lodia; tanna F. H. Meader Bid. Only $1,250 FOR TEN ACRES ' Tarf aholea ivral, rlok kiarlia- it Hi lirUAT new wo van wlra fanoe on two aldaa. Will maka tha flneet oklakam ttuaok la Oraaroav It la aa ideal homo plana, onlT B0 to BO minutea tide on tha trolley car from .Portland 1 near bxkxI aohool and okavok. Juat think of It, IB acraa for tha pitoa of a aub urban lot Coma In and I at na show you this tract. It will Bait you. Eaary tarnua. , INTESTMENT CO., 244 Start Street B. IJVAOXBNBUa Praa. SUNNYSIDE NOME Dellgbtfnl naodarn d-room fcoosA flrvaly hUakadV katwaan two ear llaaav f2SOO ' Baa oaxrafk fruit trooa tha crop from , whiek will pay iBteraat. .' , . a XJsT W BZOlf TOT. Hala Mb. ttk And) WaaMriBtoa Bta. THURJMAN ST. BAA50 A OOim 100x100 BASTO OW tWMTl-lTOI) STBIII, 4.000 oaah down. Thla oornar will , aoon bring f.00. Buy It now and Mvako - at rood nutnk oroflt. InTaatlsrata for y ml ran If aad aaa If Ton can find an other aneh a corner on thla "lUre" atraat t thla kind of a prioA Baa asa At ooaa for full Information. - - ' H.-W. LEMCKE COMPANY Blztk and Washington BtA Main tl. tlaivthorhe Realty' Co. Tha finest -room aottnga a aaat Ida; mod arm in arery way; new, can be tinted to trait ptirchaawr. tl.SOO caab. Balanca to suit at T par cent. BAWTBOBBB BBAXrTT OO. f kiarguarUe Ara., Cor. Hawtkorn. Tabor SI A 4 IlaVthornc Realty Co rineat And ohaapaat quartar block In huelneaa cantar on Uawthorna Arm 1'rloa low. ' , MAWTBOBBB BBAX.TT CO., tn biarauerlta Ata. Cor. HawthorBA Tabor 111. ' n -CI or f. AT ST. JOHNS lUiSiOvJFor $1800 A comer of 1008180, Iiousa, and four-room OWBBB, SOT Bant ChartestoA. r.UN HOON MUlC CO.v mattinra, ailVA Japaneae fancy jgrtcWIo rw at fc? Nonh Blilk BC, Bear IavlA , ,,.ne l aA-UiO iei. , .. ,, San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 789Markct,St.,bct3d&4th AJDTTTISmniwT AITS- rCB- icurnoii MOBITBS. Oraconlana whan in San Franolaoo can hara niaU.aant la eara of Tha Journal offica. ARTHUR U FISH, Rapraaentatfra. WHEN A WAT FRQM HOMH Copl. f Tl) -oorori .bUlnWI la th. (olknrlnv tflM .ad towns oat.14. ot Oraaaa. Tba JoartuT would appiwla). Um rarslpt mt raporu ot fallora to .btata cuplaa at tka paper at an? ot tbM nl.cMt COLKAX. WAolIISliTO! A." W. Klnr. WALLA WALLA. WA8UINOTON Walla Walla Btatlomrr Coninan: IUfrra-How.U Onai ' panj; Hot.l Iacrr. M.wt ftaa4; L'nUat C1(U Btaad; Cntral N.w. toipanj. TAt OMA, WAMHINOTO! Hot.l Tacoma Xawa BUMt. 11 U Boott) rnarth atnwt. SIATTLk. WA8HIMiTtNK.taU 1 Oraad Nawa , ataad; International Nawa Aaaary M.wapapar Wtm; Hotel Beattl. New. Htaad. eOLUrlELO, KKVADA Loula Poon, Nawapapar iAN?TEOO. CALIFORNIA Aawa Mswa Coov panv. Nawapapar Waann. - SPOKANE, WAKHINOTOM Jca W. Orabaa Co. BOISH. IDAHO Joaapa Olllna. MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA II. I. Oaya- nanjrh, 60 Third atrrat, aoutta. BT. LOUIS. MISSOURI I. T. Jtt. tM Ollt atrrat: lorfa L. Aritrrmaa. KANMA8 CITY, MISHol'RI Yorna Nawa Ooaa. panr, Nawapanrr Wacoa. Clin AOO. iijJnoim P. 0. Nawa Oaaipaay, 17 tarbora strast. DCNVGB, . OOLOKADO TTaloa Dapat Nawa Btaad. LOS ANOETM. CAUPOSXIA Aam Nawa Compaar, Newapapw Wa(o. OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA iaM Nawa Ooav panr. Nawtpapar Wagon; N. Waaatlar Nawa Ooeipaar, Nrwapapar Wira. AN WRANC1HCO, CALIFORNIA tt. Waaatto Nawa Cmpb7, Nawapapar Waaoo; roatar A Oraar, F.rry build Inc JoBaaoa Nawa Coav paar, 14S1 Flllraora atraat. ALT LA HI OITT. UTAH Mra. Lartaa. Nawa- Cpar Watoaj O. L. Davtaa, Hotel Kaaroa; irrow Broa.M Waat Bacoad atraat. aoota. OODEN. VTAHGraj Nawa Oanpaajr, Dapat Nawa tanit. OMAHA, NBBaUflKA aflOard Boael Btaad. NIW TORK OTTT Artbar HotaHnf, Hi pa par Waeoeau WEATHER REPORT. - Tka Cava Mattery dial aitw ana la aaw aaatrml arar aortaaraT British Columbia and a aaw etora baa formed aver tba Teiaa panhanjlla. The dlatarbanaa Taatarday aar tba lower Mto alaalpnl TaUey baa awrad artbaaatward ta aaatera Taanasaaa. and tba Lafca Baparlar blrb Bieaaura area has adraaeed te Ontaxle. Tba baromater eootlmaaa ratattTali bt(h ait tba Oallforala aoaat. . . Tba toUowta.' aiaximaia wind aalocltlaa bava attnrrad dartna: rba last M kaorai North Bead, Tl ail lea, southeast; Tatooeh lalaad. 9 Bllas, aaarbweat; Beattla. M trtlt,- aoatb: Portland, a nllaa. aoatb; Walla Walla, at) mllaa. aoatb: Lewaitoa, ao mllaa, waat, sad Focatena, 28 Sallaa, aeu LL eel. . General ralna have fallen "aa" lb-Padfla lope as far sooth aa Baa Lota OMape. Bala has faltoa ta tba aaat Oolf atatas sad tba Vtreialaa, and an la reported la North Da kota and aortbara Mlaaaeota. It la warmer abmc tba aaat akwa ot tba Becky nooatalaa and Barb onolar ra tba Naw laflaad and ailddla Atlaotta atata. . Tb IndteatJofia are for nsVnal rata ta abls alatrlet tooajht aad Bandar. Xaaop. . Mas. Mia. Pfarln. Baker 0ty, Oraroo. 44 Charlaetoa, Boorh Caroltha.. T4 S3 M . 3 .03 T .0 SJ T. 40 .01 m a M M tut , a . 43 ,.oa aa; .m v i. V 80 T. 4 .0 r Bt-T A U .04 Chicago. Illlnola Clnarnaatl. Ohio ...... Paarer, Colorado Kaneae Cltj, Mtaeonrl. Knoxrllle. Troninii . lit 2 4 Tt Leader. Wjoraloa Lewtetoo, Idaho ....... Portland, Oreaxa Roerborf, Ore iron Baarameato, California St. Loola, Mlaaourl.jj MARRIAGR LICENSES. nr. W. B. Bddy at Baa Flsaalsaa, BS. aad Llaala May Lelnwabber --.-m . Joaaph Da. 1A ih M. nmpaaa, si. ana . 1 - W. O. Bm! rtb Oa.. W d Waatingtoa mgtoa kl I Oa.. nortata. for nawara at at) klnda. US BUtk at. Ctarka Bros., Fluihits rtus flowers and floral daalgna. ASB Merrtaea at. - Pan drees antra for rant, all aeaas. . Daaaoa Tallormg Oa, BOB Stark at. DEATHS. WRIOBT At TToutlUle, Or., Aprfl A MOT, H. H. Wright, sgad T yaaia. ranaral from M. B. ah arc n, Troauaw, at 11 a. m, apru T, IftOT. x Interment Maaaala aeiiielery. Bandy roaA POLIBB la this etty. April A 100T, John J. Poller, aged 00 yeara. raneral notice bare- after. FTTNERAJj NOTICES. COLUMBIA LODOB NO. lie. A. P. a- a f Rtt-l.l commnntearloa Sunday, April 14. at 3:80 p. ., Maaonle Temple, for tba purpose of aondnctlag tba funeral of oar late brother,' Horace Lea tmr. . aamltted from Bbanandoaa. lown. Funeral S o'clock, Plnley' andartaklsf parlors, ttanoato Rlrrl.w. By order or W. M. B. A PAOCB, Baey. BCHTXTrj ta tats otty. Aprtl A taat Mala at., tba residence at bar daugh- u. Oraraa - HelrnberaeT, Carolina I J w- .a ri .-.-a. montha and 10 dara.' aad aealntancea rerectrallT . . a- -ai . K. ranerat eel rb'ea. wbloh will be nam u ""y- r . r - a.odar. Anri. T. Interment Lena Ftr ISST. ataa at lea narma ""J"-""" 100T. batng BO years old. Paaeral front reetdeaea at p. an., Bunday aaati Interment Blrei new cemetery, Irtuussis, laelteA All trienaa. aapamauy UNDERTAKERS. rui..te atrllnrea A Oirbenab. nadartakars and ambalmeret morlara In arery detail. Barents and fine. Mala w. Laay aaauiaat. . Aldar it. Fbona Mala Bias. .Lear amieiun. Ptnlrr A Hnna. Tbrrd-and Madiera Office of county enroaer. Pboae Mala B. yr BelW-Brmaa Co . fnnr,l directors, amsaii Co..' funeral dlrectora, embalm era, ZT1 Reeeell. F.aat 108S. Lady aaratanu A. B. Hematnrk. funeral director. Beat 18tk ad Uauttllla. Phone Belhrood Tl. Lady aaalatant. Bdward Holaiaa. adartaker, ttO Thtard sc. CEMETERIES. B. Mareenele, Woraaeter block. Laao. ereeiaeet.. B0AB CITT Single gra-e, 10; family lota, 1-3 to 78. Bupertntendent at eamctery, anr "aer et Freraoat St. end Cully road. Phone labor -zoa. For full In formation apply to Frank BchlageL 003 Commercial blk. Phone Main tH. REAL ESTATE TRAN8FRS. Fred Bents et al. to Robert T. Un say, aoatb 81 feet at tot 8 and all of -lota and T, Meek 1A North Moan . Tabor $ Bats B. Everett to B. T. Mnaey, lots 18 snd 1A black 10. Sunset Park addition No. 3 BOO Harry B. aad Henrietta C. Coleman to Anas A. Rnedr. lot 2. Cenar HIU. also part ef M in. Cedar inn BOO J, W. and Hattls B. 1 timer to Vlvls K. Will, lots II sad 1.1. block 4. Hlghlsnd Park sddlttoa , . tM Brims A. Pairs to Jobs Palm, east 46 , , feet of let L, block 30, Llacoln Park , Annex ., - 880 I, U. Wsgo 'a Ciena Wheeler, lot 18, block 1. Pnngslow 0l,de. S.SM John and t'hrletlna Berkstrom to OlS Aettahoa. lot A bleak II, Mullaoasah.. A 008 A BITKB VIEW Stagla graraa, $10; family lots, 1100 to 1 1.000. The only cemetery la Port ind which perpetually melntalaa aad earaa for lota, ror fall la forma Moo. apply to W. ally. W. M. ' 1 1 MKKTIAU XMtliLiV- I ..vra.evso. i -- 1 - - . . , ,- - i mnwiiw.ivi Arleta Land aoapaay to foabaa aad Bllaa 1. tDlleabark, kit 26 aad Ha, blue 8, Ax la la park No. ........... Joabua and KUaa i. Dlllenbaak ta A. 11. Campbell, lota W aad M. block X Arleta Park No. "VJAV KaU Ward to Abraham U Back told, lot 4, block t. Maelewood Ml W. J. and Lacy A, feddloord to Mjrtla BbonwUer. lot A block A Oo" aabdlrlaloB ot lot A Oleowood Park.. W. J. and Lacy A, Paddlaord to Oara M. Darlaan. lota t and A block A Uoaaatt'a aubdlrlska at 1st A Maa wood Park ;V"."L Aaron and Carrta B. Ulnar to John Link- 00 00 later, north H or lot aa, metroee.... y oaa City Caojetery aeeoclatlon aa Abbla Carll, lot , block T, sacoaa t D. aaM cameterr Vl,"il':.-1. Oeorf. and Margdllana Oarbada ta Ber tha Eahner. rata aad A block Wh Balch'a aodltloo ;.. ...... .; c0 Ales O. Bona to O. B. Walling, lot 1A block Id. Willamette Heights addition 100 Ootllb and Molanle riouiiell to Jamas T. Kmart, lot , block Co. BeUwood. .. aBO BlcBard Ileal ta Curtis W. Miller. kt ' . T, block 31, Multnaaab 10 H. and Bra Greaimel ta Conrad Teat, - toe 14, block ZA Uarola Park I,ta0 Kllaabeth M. and Walter P. Braea to H. P. Palmer, lot . block 81. Bellweod BOO Nellie Hall ta Charlea Maaba, bt A block 1A UocoU Par A............... Jacob H. aad Llna Oofton ta Hilda Hal Toraon, aaat 3, of lota and 10, block. T. Macgly High land William and Mary Tlola Scbmeer te ,. Jennie B. Hollar, lot 1, block ,. ... BchmMr'a addition " aoo Real Batata InTestment asaoctaUoa to AUaabeth M. Braea. lota A A IT aad ' 18, block OA BVllwood.. ...... XB Clarence W. and Krancee J. Boot ta Martin Cabin, lot 10. block 18. Alblna BOO A. N. and Mary Compton ta W. B. Markwaod. east H of block O la M. Pattoo tract, excepting M teat att - north and l.auu Bub Land company to Bamoel J. Raf- . fcty, lot 1A block A WUtamatta l-. " erard Aerea 0. B. and Loalas T. Oamond ta Wank J. aad Paulina J. Berr. 10 aeraa eoath aaat of aontheaat of aortbaaet H f eeetion 10, townahln 1 south, range aaat a-000 Lonlae Vooa to Ales Scott acres be- -ginning at point ia rode aaet of a atone at northeast corner ot Hompton Kelly donation land claim..... A TOO Mercantile Truat A loTeetment company xir r ia !. a . hlnee: A - Mannlna'a addition VD M. L. and Mary W. Holbrook J A. W. tierls. lot 10. block A Com Place. ' St. Johna il"A"l' Multnomah Cemetery aompany ta C. A. Barrett, eaathwaat at lot A bleak B, aald aasaetarr ;'"i;"i'-"ll Brneet B. and Laura A. Hajdea to - B.4tb. Intm a and a. black . Panlnenlar addition No. t... ., . 100 fames P. and Helen M. Andrews ta B. L. Btalnhoft. lot f, block U Ooldea Park addtUoa ..,;............." Martha C Oobb ta IVraaca L. Day, lota M aad B0. block to, Tremoat Place--Bmar B. and Mary A. Malkwy ta Bob, . rm a aiwalL bat At. block 14. Alblaa A800 B. O. and Vada Mitchell te Ida Dlekt eoa. aaat H at lot Id and north 10 . 1 - IX t a hktfk 11. Central AIMna ABO0 Isabella Leelle to Sco-McChna Lan aompany, let 1A block 1A Columbia Heights '. .VtilUl'V'i "lm Annie C tlsenar at aL to Victor tand company, lot t. block X. Portamouth . TI1U .Bxtanaloa aw aKaimcta. title Inaaraaea or Bon loans, aall on Facine Title a, Tract aampany, B04-O-4-T Palllnf bldg. - -- Oat - roar ktaaiaaca aad abatiatt as aetata rrom the Title Guarantee A Truat near. 140 Waahlnjttaa at- aoraar SeeoaA real NOTICES. BHBBirra BALB-la tba atraott eoart of tba state of Oregon for Multnomah county. F P. Dabnar, plaintiff, ra. B. 0. Bell. Mary A. Bell, bamael Good aaU, Ada OoodaalL H. JT Craaa, Ada U Craea, Thomas Day. Onion Log A Lumber company, a corporation. B. A McQowaa aad Mary Doe Mcttowna. aa- fradant By '-: . . , tim I, i -e ".JTTft: Cuil-t-S -i- t. irTlrd Aa'Sr thV'Sd W. - VuW to me dlrecteo ana aareo ue a-w day of Marah, 100T. upon a ladgment ren dered and entered In aald court on the Met day ef March, WOT, In fa ror of- P. P- Dab nay, plaintiff, and agalaat A. 0. Bell. , Mary A. Ball. Samuel Ooodeell, Ada OoodaeU, M. V. Craaa, Ada L Creaa, Thomas Day. Union Log A Lumbar com pa ay, a corporation, H. BV McOowaa and Mary Doe MeOowaa, da feadaau, for the aunt ef 1.2.0, and the further aum of BITS attorney'a feaa, aad tba soeta and dlabaraementa ef thla eurt, tax ad at Bob. 00,- aad the aoats et aad apoa thla writ, commanding bm ta make aala of the followlnf deeeMbed real property, t-wlt! The aertbaaal Quarter IH. . U) ef the aertb waat quarter N. W. H) ef aectloa twenty foar 434), township en 1) south, range fhre ( east, aootalntag forty acres. Lot three (!) et sect foe four 4) aad the aaat bait (B. HI at the aorthweet ouarter N. W. Ia and lot one (1) of sectloe nloe (). la township one (1) north et range sis is) aaat ef tba WUlanwtte arrldlaa. Now, t hara fore, by rkrtne et eald eaaao tlon, tudgment, order, decree and order ef aala and In eempHunoe with the eom meads ef said writ. I will oa Monday, the Bth day of May, 100T. et 10 o'clock A m. at the front door of the eeuaty eoartboaaa, la PortUnd. Maltoomah county. Oreeoa, eeB at rahUe aactloa eubect te redemption) ta the Igher bidder for caah In band, all tha right, title and Interact which tha within named defendants (or either of them) bad ea the let day et June. 18. the date ef eaerafloa of the mortgage foreclosed by the decree herein, or elnee that date had la and to tha a bore deenibed property or any pert there of, to eattefy aald eieeotlon. judgment, or der and decree. Internet, eoaa and aeenriac fa. la STB TB ITS, " ' Sheriff of MnHaomah County. .Oregon, Dated thla frith day ot Mareh, MOT.. Fir teeue, AprO Bth,- loot. Laet.tnsue, May ath. 1BOT. IN THB district eoart of the unites suras tor tba aiatrict ax vrusoo "' . : 1 the estate ot Chaa. H. Cooper, bankropt. Tba aaderalgned will receive scaled bids at bis office. No. T First St., PortlanA Oregon, ror the stork of merchandise, ernialstlng ef dry goode, aotlorja, clothing and farnlablng foods, amounting to $8.68.01, toretbsr with the offleTend store futures of 131.19 psMatntng to this estate, ap to IS e'eloch aeon at Tbors- . day. April 11. iwrr. - . Terms, caah. eobjeet to affirmation by tbioort. a certified Uieck for 16 par cantf tba amouot offered nrest accompany torsatcry at the property- eW aooa. at my offica aad tha stock may be inapaetea at Aetoda. Oregon. All JTSoss I M plainly marked. "Bkl tor C. ft. OacpW atoek end flatorae." B. L. BABIN. Trustee. kklaal ..... HI arranayw CANTON PLACBB A PRBUejINO "'r"Vi A spselsl meeting of the t,?ld!Jj5 the Nuggst Osnyon PUaer A Dredging com pany has bean called, apoa request In writ ing ef tle owaera at two thirds of the cspl .T -. - ,.14 cw imearJon. - to be held it s tmrr at the hour ef 10 T. m" In room T. at No. 18TH Flrrt . aweUnit. Orsaea. for tba purpose at dissolution of aald corporation arganlaatloB ef a new corporation aad aw - ether busi ness sa may properly some before aald ape- . "HABTBT BATLET. Pfsstasat. Attestl I. H. CLARK. BecreUry. TBB county eoart ef Multnomah county will receive seeled bide ant 11 It o'clock Boon, the 12th day of April. 100T. for furnishing one , poller, not laae than 10 tone weight. and fitted with oil burner. The ooouty re erraa tha right to reject any and sll bids. Hide ebould be addressed to tba anderrlgned. and marked "Bid for Roed Boiler." ana mnrsmi riEI Dg o.,, clerk. NOTICE Is hereby siren that enleee charges in one lot of scenery stored In Manefeetorere building, at Lew la and Clark fair groaada, and one lot pressed brick stored by John Hunter In Mining building, asm locality, are psM - before April A 1107. we will aefl aald brick " Portland Develops! cnt t). Fair grouads, alts- N0T1CB. The Bddyrine mohah- pool win be enld April 1A Ijn.flj nxvTAfiD. rVerat.ry. WIIHOlT SPRINO MINT RAL WATKR - . i . fli.rh and Reraurh. B i I niars a... - - - - - Phone Pacific 1688. Elmer J. Wallace, agent. INFORMATION wanted ef the whereabouts of - Louis Psllant by bir brother, Joseph raiiani. Knlsrse, wssa. meeting Notices. ACMK ASHEMRI.T. United Arthwna. will give cm., alrht I3ih Inst..' an entertainment dance nnd card party at Ita new ball, corner Front sad lbhs sts. ' The publb? Is lorlteil i i.n .nd aa a eond nmcrsm snd good - iBiuelc bare been arranged for, It will be an anjnyabls accsslon for all. M. W. A. EVKBOREEN CAMP, 8,41. jneeU , Wedneaday svcnlng, Allsky bldg.. Third sod Motilaea sts. ALB1NA LODOB Na 101. A. F. A A. M. elteted eommunlcarloa . thla (Saturday) evening, S . a' clock. In half et Oregon com ma udery. Third and A tiler ata. rialtlng brethren cordially tn . Tlted. Br order W. M. A.' J. BANDLAti, Secretary. M. W. A. Oregon Orapa Camp No. A OTA Moa days, lTth and MarebaU. Vbrttora welcome. LOST AND POUND. FOUND A place to here batr mattraeaee rane rated and returned aaraa day . 338 Front at. Main 4TA Portland Curled Ualr Factory. H. Matagar, proprietor. ' . LOrTT In Irving ton, diamond and pearl area at . phi. Retura ta Bed JJroedway and racel-a raw aard. LOST Black ooraced triplicate order book. Finder pleaae leare at But Washington at. Top and Bottom shoe. LOST A handbag and pone containing $700. BewarA be turn to Journal office. FOrND On etreet ta Portland, watch. send description to Bos M. Bheruaa, Or, LOST Gold watch and chain, "F. A. A." on . back, pbotoa laelda. - Notify Qoeea Clip Dye Works, 8MB Grand are. Berfard. , LOST St. 'Bernard dog: yellow irather eollar. Addraaa 0. M. Hyakcll, eara JournaL ' HELP WANTEDMALE. r w.imn ar AMCa a.MkAf, MttaM aratfaa tin par eorar araaay-worfcr nrory - eeteim - cooperage uo., ataarna bug., rortuno, er i WANTBD Balcameni many maka $100 to $1H0 per month; soma a ran more ' stock clean, grown oa reeerratloB, far from eld erchardat cash advanced weekly; choice ot territory. Address Waehlngtoa Hnreery aompany, Top penlab, Waahlngtoa. ' . - WANTBD Bxperhmeed eemeait and concrete Malabar; a man to finish cement aldewalke er to arstsss the eon at ruction of the easie; o toady employment; good wages. Apply Mr. Carey. Bltoa Court hotel, 11th and Yamhill eta., batassa A and S p. as.. Monday, April A TOTJrfO Bm, railroad poalaona as tolearaph era aad aaants aecored after completing et Instruetloaej day aaa evening good waree. OHBOON OOLLBOB, SOS Oaausoawaaltk bldg. A rTTW aaaa wanted to ment ncelrkvnet aire twi PaHfle Butaa Saboom' department B, Me- aaoirc BMvwm v w Bay bldg., Portland. Or. WA?fTEI Four young mea who knew account ing aad waat good poartlena to learn to operate the Comptometer comparing machine, a. London Dalley. agent. S4 Third at. W A NTED Three reliable soMcltofai thoee wbe ondaratand Induct rial Ufa prerer Inerrr- anca; aaw propoeltioB, good future! reference reouh-eA SOB Marooam bldg. WANTsT Particular people to try "Ardmore coffee," lbs. $1. If this means you, yea wlU can at Boyd Tea Oa., 00 FVat at. - WANTBD Hlgfc-elaaa sa learn aa for choice tar ntoriaa his beet coram tee ton aaldt sewithhag rarnianea: casn aorancea ror espsnaaa. a rare opportunity. Narear. Balem. Or. Addiese, aula, oi . PA CI no 6TATTONBBT PBINTTN9 0O, B08-3OT Second at. Phone Mala 031. We design and Install the most morlara and ' Improved office systems; complete Una loose lsaf filing devices. $1.00 A MONTH PB0TBCTS TOT . Agatnst accident, etckneas aad deerh. Write or call and. Investigate. North wee tern Health A Accident Aesoctatten. Boom 81. 908 Stark at. A genu wanted. l mmn rn wtmmr. to rearm wee Durr- U -alrb -weeks; gTsdn,tea saru frora $ I IMS reekly: aspsrt bMtrncror?; eatalogoa , By OolW. M North P MEN AND WOMEN to leara the barber trade 810 n free. Poofra Portland. WM get wort for ear members t apadal mem ben. $A T. M. C- A-. Fourth aad Tamhlll. ALBS MEN make big money worvtng for as esnerlaaee anasosssary. raoina m ev. claTlon, X84 Lomber srrcbeae kldg Port land. Oregon. STUDENTS of the International Ooi i copoadonoa eebcau dealrtng praaacai espwiepoa are ru- rieated to list thetr as mas at oar local office, 14 McKay building. MEN and boys wanted to Mara prambtng, plas tering, hrtekiaytng, electrical ireoee; tree eaulorac: positions secured. Coyne . Trade oboolA New York and Baa Francwoo. WANTED Tree eablnrt maker. Rose CSty ramltm-s Mtg. Oc, rtraa ana vtowa m. TOREB food srrrertislne - aollcttors at - uii s i a wo Geodnough bldg., after S A I ADTSRTTSINO solicitors, eash . city: printing, nawapapar aeip. Brokerage. Goodnoagh bldg. Newspaper OOOD barn, as makers and saddle handei top waaaa. Chaa. L. Maetlck A 0a- wbumsale leather. Front and Oak ata. aw ..mp1im4 havich hand sad framamnk Apply, at oner. Portland nasa at aieor m,. Cnion are. aad Bart Taylor at. ACTTTB ataa to sail sad eoOeeti aruet fur- nlsh boree ana Washlngtoa at. 408 WANTED Two er three tobeeea eti I opera work at Bt. Jonna, a.ppiy r. t. s-utarson Co., St. Johns, Oraajoa. BILLING mechtne euerator. who less la hnasai otste age. ernanrnce. rerersnces. salary oa poetaA Address G 188, oars JournaL WANTED A turner In futultaia factory. can at 108 North 11th et, $10 TO $38 FBB DAT Bona! tor. lady or ren tlsmea; 100 par eeat ta lnvestora. T loo, sue a on real. BOT with bicycle: must be well aeauahitad wtta City, Tmaan irys worms, sao aniru si. BOT wanted, wrth wbsel. Jonee Boohs tar a, 381 Alder -at. 7 . . BOTS aad machine mea wanted la fa, id tare factory. CaU at 108 North lltk at. EXPERIENCED blacker for barnaas factory. The F. J. Cranio Co, 148 Front et. WANT15D Tvrs boys for. wort Bt Mandry. Pasoa Laundry Oa. - BOT waated at Nsa'a drugatocei meet asTe wheeL Sixth and Morrison ata. WANTED WsgoB-msksr. Oall 480 Belmont St., Sunday at ,10:30 a. m. WANTED Boy, $8 per week. 86 N. Front St. HELP" WANTED FEMALE. LADIES Positions secured ae commercial trl mnhN, after aomnletlns? coarse of ta- st motions In ear collage ; day snd evening classes. , , jj, poLLEOB. BOS Commonwealth bldg. WANTED A young lady for at flee work, ply 148 Grand are. BABY FOB ADOPTION A beautiful, flrl baby. Dr. C. H. T. Atwaod, Idg., t&ott Morrison st healthy S Lewis WANTED Olrla to lay macaroni. Apply 108 North Blxth at. wanted Tonne lady stenographer! ana with some experience In mall order business pro- f erred; state aalary sad experience. Aoaraas V 147, journal. . EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers: highest . wsgea: permnnent. ueorge a. Mrioeii to.. 110 North Fourth at. Bear Gllaaa. Wboleaaia confectioners. AN old aatabllahed bouse wsnta a bookkeeper accustomed to businese msmrKie; gnon wages. Apply, ststtng experience, A Ion, journal. OIRLB to work on dressy gowns: oar while . learning te girls who srs handy wtta the needle. 1TB 17th St., enr. Tamhlll. WANTED Two flrst-clsss makers st Art Mil. Unary, 400 Stearns bWg.. Rlitft and Morrison. A GOOD girl for houeework ; na children. North ISth st. 184 OIRLS wanted to work 8NS First St. . tn paper-box.' factory. HANREM'fl LADIES" AGENCT. 84IH4 W.,n Inrton St., corner Sevenlk, nnatalra. Phooa Main f8X Ferns k help wanted. COMPETENT girl for general nonaework; sow! .area. .1 Fa.t Utli atu north. Phooe East B2T. Take Irving toa er Breadwsy ear, Ql RID WArTTEDperstors to work ea ahrrts and overt Ue. Leaaona given w uip-rivwi, 1 Apply at Btaadard factory No. X Orand ara. and Bast Taylor St. 8HIRTMAKEBS waated. iailH Stark at. Jacobs Shirt Oa., SIRLB WANTBD Apply Standard factory No. A Orand are. aad Bast Taj lor st. MATUBB womaa, refhMd, ef good addraaa, to ' give part time for orgealalng work with AM aucletlee. Call BUB Tlllord bldg. WANTBD Olrla to work doublc-erltru. ne. eblnea. Inquire Flta-Well factory, TB Plrst. WANTBD Bookkeeper. Call on V 1 . ..)." I O. London 84 Third at. w a v-rrrv TMrl or . work; good wares. Apply AtS Fourth at WANTED Womaa or girl to de houeewerh. Btaplee, tba Jeweler. ' '- WOMEN part er all of their time; best wages. . B83 Bast ISth St., north; take Alberto cat. WANTED Competent girl work. Phone Beat SOOT. for general bouae- tlPlIl-Nl'FD alrM wanted to work ea Teats. Ualoa Tailoring Co., 806 tu- SUrk at. OIRL for general housework; washing sent eat. Phone Pacific BIS. .... - WANTED On-1 for general heuaework. Mill at. No 'Children. sao OIRL to si-tut la general houeework; no eook lng. 183 First St. . XZPBRIRNCED trunn KUS Third St. Naw York Millinery, - - ES,18 -1 PB,.I: -kJTt-ys!'!i Pay. X0T Commonwealth bldg.' OOOD girl for general hooaawork. 138 14th at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. GENTLEMEN and ladtaa wanted to personally solicit orders for fine phonograph; exceedingly attractive proposition. Call IDS Sixth at. LADIES and gaatlemea wanted to work! good aalary guaranteed. Oall at 881 Taylor at.; - hours, to It a. as. and 1 to t p. m. HELP wanted and supplied, male or female. R. O. Drake, 300H Waahmgtoa at. Pacific 1870. . SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED Te de poor house repairing er ra modellngi will do It promptly and guarantee aetlafaeUon. A N. Roa-rs, earpeater aad builder. Pboae Mala BftoA TOtTNtt etatunary anglnear wlshee smp tor ment; ta elt7 prererradj aaa turn lab , rafar a. lea, journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. POSITION wanted aa booee keeper. ,. Oall B04M Float et, room Be, WANTED AGENTS. AOENTS make big money handling our eulck sslllng household epedaltlea; csulogoe snd pnae net - rree. aiaaaara msu . uroer ls-, iios S8A Lake City, Colorado. . 0NB hue tier In , seek . towa ar locality to haadM sMOiclnas ar asapl wrrre quicsi nag y. A. M. rrammar, sou Thira sc. AGENTS, ladles and jrentsi good men y-makiag propoelttoa. uaJl aooH First et. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT OO. ' Legging camp aad farm help a specialty. SO North Second at. Phooa Mala 83UA We Bay all telegraph charges. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFI0B FOB MKN. 8 North Beeoad st. Phone Mala 1B3A PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT 0FFICB. eneu Morrison st Phone Padfla Vl ST North Second et Phone Pacific 1800 O. K. EMPLOYMENT OFFIC1 I Hslp fan BA Fbene free te employers. - StH N. 8707. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED. TO BENT Bouses, cottages, flata. auoraa, miicaa, ruomuig-siieses, ova, issr lords will do wall to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone Bx. TA S. I. Cor. Sd and Oak. WANTED Te rent small aereaga with bones end bars! erect do wit run is muss ei rwt Isnd: state pries and locatloB ta letter. Ad dress Boa 868. Salem, Or. WANTED Te rent for term ef yearn, with privilege of buying, smsll farm near city, with team and tools furnished; good refer an asa. Address H. ., BM Clinton et. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED From ewnera who'll aUi sued bouses, escsat lota. Ins proved farms and In come business Bcopartles. Horn 14&H Iire st. IF you want to sell emlcx, hat with F. Farbs, sails. Morrxesa St. OASH for vacant or Improved residence prop erty If pries m right, winks, 400 Lomber Exchange, , W A NTED Houee and lot Bear car, sot ever $1,800: owners only; state location, eta. AA dress M 183, care Journal. ' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTBD To buy farm ef from 10 to 40 acraa, improved, wtta tooie and stock: neat road and school sire fall dsscriptlos. B 181, eere Journal. WANTED Furniture and household goods of every ueaeription bought, sold and exchanged. The A 333 First at. Mala 8ST4. $ WB haul dead borsea and cattle free. Fertiliser Works, or notify Carney's Veterl aary, f earth aad Gllaaa eta. Mala 198A - HIGHEST price paid tor sssaad-haad bt cyder. Phone Msla 43S0. : .. ' CASH for bouse sold S46-S4T First st. goods. Savage A Pa Poena Paelfia 880. OAN aaa $8,000 worth furslture this week! high est prices paid la city. Weetera Barrage uo. racine tba HlGHEtrr eash price paid for an kinds "second, hand goods, phone Vlaia Sill. 83 N. Third. WB WILL BUT, SELL OR TRADB ANY OLD THING. WESTERN 8ALTACE CO., 83T-838 WABHinUTU.11,, PACIFIC T. ' MAIN SWA , ' OA BR. AND LOTS OF IT, . . FOR FURNITURE. PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS, Sll FIRST BT. MAIN 8886. - MAIN 8868. THB 0BAND FURNITURE CO.. 411 Hawthorne -Ave. , nays the highest cash price for ascond- cano nirnrture. Aaat sou. r WANTED A hot roast ara tor saloon. HoeeeU St. 138 SECOND-HAND portable hotel ringr; nraai be oounie ersa ana in gaoa aoaoutioB. Aeoreea K 166, JnurnsL FURNISHED ROOMS FOR BENT. NICE newly furnish sd room for one ar two gentlemen: rant reasonable; beta, gas. .1 Marshall sU THB BICHELIEV. 88 North Sixth at. Ela- gaaiiy inrsunea; stsam heat ana peine. THE GRAND, 46V,. North Third St. Rooms for gentlemen, gi.xo per weel eno ap. IJHB ARCADE. 146V, First St., near Morrison-- rumwnrq rooms, sac so gi; trsnsieui. THE STrTW ART Housekeeping and furslshed ronmsy trsnsirot sod slngls. mH rrssn. NICELY furnished room", walking distance, for one er two men, 800 Fifth st. NICELY fnrntahed rooms: single end ea suits 808 Msdtena st.) phooe Psrlfic 611. THE GLADSTONE. S18 Navler st. Nice clean furnished rooms, slnrle or don hie. from $1.38 per week itp; free phone, gas snd parlor. 183 V F0I' BTH ST . Foml.hod . ronma. dar, week or- amathi prices reasons bis. Pacific 2va. . . ... : . . JOT SIXTH ST. Nicely furnished rooms; rss, belli, phone; centrally located, near pnetofflce. -1 SEE these moms; electric light; $1.38 aad ap. Phone. Pscllle X08U 148H SIXTH ST, corner Alder Rooms for housekeeping and sleeping at low figures. SOB FIFTH ST I-arue aunay rooms, bath, gaa, phone, $1.60 pe' week. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. OOOD houeekeeplng-rooms and A S and T-rema eottagea, on west sldej fnrntahed or anfoi aiebcA Apply 804 North Bark st. W eara to win. torn lelt bait block. TWO er three furnished housekeeping roo mat gas stove, bath, phone, everything for asei ao ebUdren! two noma $1A three $18. 001 fifth St., corner Sherman. rTJRNISHRD room tor rant, for e leaping .or light housekeeping. 187 Fourth at. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping -rooms, rant $10, wlU water and gaa. . lOufe Market et, room A FURNISHED I thorns a vs. for boneekeeplag. . BOB Haw FOB RENT Three no frjrn baled house keeplng rooms, $8 par month. 813 OolomnlA at. $30 LOWER floor of boose, nnfnrntahed. four t roous; bstb; Third, near HalL 440 Thu-d at. TWO or four front rooms, newly - furnished, ft housekeeping: gaa, bath, pantry, sink; easy walking dlsUace. HI Sherman st. TWO furnished housekesptng-roome In private boaae; yard, bstb, phone, basement, first floor. 808 Second at, near Madison- ' FOR RENT Suite ef honaekeepmg-rooma, fur nished; rear vlewl gas snd wood range: na children;, suitable for A 848 North 17th at. 81.60 WEEK CP Largs, elssa fomisbed bouse keeping lueme. laaaiTry and bath, Wi- Shea I man-at., eooth, Portland. $1 38 WEEK UP Clean Furnished bousakaee-lng-raoms, psrlor, bstb, laundry, fornaaa aaat, yard. 808 H Staatoa st. V ear. THE hi ITCH ELL Housekeeping and transient rooms, reasonable. Seventh aad Flanders ata. FURNISHED for booac keeping; Mt. Tabor) 1 Phone Tabor 116. - NEW Arosm Hat, $U atae other rooms. . Market St. 180 ATNTURNISHED ROOMS. tARfia mat room with tara ball. nisbsd, In prtrato raaldenaa. ' 80S North 19th, THREE anfurnlahed rooms for rant. 488 Bast I. Beat ioib. ROOMS AND BOARD. WANTED S or S children to board, none ever years; prefer lnfsnts: will grre tncra n mother's best carol pries $10 per arantu. N loo, eara Journal. WEILL-FURNISHED rooms with board! aU mod ern convenience? good borne eoosmgi raree very reaaoneblei gentlemsn preferred. . Call 443 Jeffereoa at. TT1B MORRISON, formerly the Hes series Large comfortable rooms, single ana on suite, newly fnrnlened: best table board: prices moderats. 838 Morrison et, earner ITth. WANTBD Children t board aad home and school a at itA-fieet AM at. few- blocks away. Gall NICWLY fu rule-hed with board;- atrlctly borne cooking. 175 14th ex. Phone Pacific 1080. ' MIDDLE-AGED lady wsnta 3 er 8 children between 1 ana 4 years 01a to oosru; com fortable some: no other children... 88$ Etd wsll are.. BeUwood station. - f CAN acoommodste a few more day boarders at $4 par week: strictly Borne cooxing. ine Cbrypler, 80 Taylor at. 'L FOR RENT FLATS. LOWER flat, $ rooms, basement, 8A8 Nortbrap St.. sis. inquire at 001. j , . FOR RENT HOUSES. A S AND T-room sottarss. newly papered, fur- amhed or aoruraisDso. on wast sine, u soon neighborhood 1 alae noarekasprng-rooma. Apply 884 North 3tb at-t W rars to 38tb, turn left halt block. , ' SIB NEAT 8-room cottage, nvodcrn; 418 Bast aintn, nsar urint. , THB DUNN LAWRENCE CO., ... litis First Bt. GUARANTEED ae advsrtlsrd. " We eon rent or sail your bonsss, rootna, nam, o races, etoraa, farme. acreage, total itat now tor aaatera sdvertlxlsg. 304 Mohawk bldg. FOR RENT Half of bouea. 8 or 4 CaU at 4TB East 10th at. A BL Campbell. S-BOOM cottage with bath, BOB Market St. Kay at 816 Market. FB rent I Co. sad aell pianos. BhermsA Clay FOB BENT $18 f OS Bast 31 st St., T-room hones, large yard aad fruit. Brooklyn ear. FURNISHED HOUSES. ; $10 Three room furnished flit, close ta: One Ttow. Phone Best 16JT, 884 Seventh st. FURNISHED 8-room cottage. InBtro gov orsgoman Bldg. FOR RENTFARMS. FARM FOR RENT. - 800 ACRES WILL DIVIDB. ' -100 scree. 10 acraa cleared ; good B-reohl honsa, fine eutbnlldlngs; cash rant $v0. 110 acres, sll cleared: good 4-room-ouse; cash rant $100; this piece la located la the great boo district Bear Gorrsls on the 8, lets electric line. Further particulars to- quire Manning," . v FRED t. KING. BOB Commercial blk. Second nnd Wtantnfrtoa, FOB RENT Farm, 10S scree, an fenced, good K stars; 10 scree cultivated; email house, ra; wall watered; enea p. Owner, 831 Bast Eighth at., north. Phone East 3618. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. FOB SALE FurnHurs of 8-room flat ea Ser entb St., S blocks from poe toffies; desirable location! house strictly modem: rent reason able: ao agents. Address T 14A Journal. FOR RENT 8-room mod era flat, only 8 min utes' wslk from pnetofflce. end furniture for as Is; this M a bargain. 200 Vs Seventh at. WB need farntrnre st any prlret Portland Aac tloa Rooms, 311 First St. Mala 6666. NBW furniture ef mod era 4-room apartment, private entrance, close; suitable for bachelor apartmenta. Pacific 80A - FOR SALB Furniture of Aronsne In fist ef S rooms: rent $30. Phone Mala . FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. omen ROOMS anfaml: heel noun and eaav pis-rooms foe net, Goedaough bedg. Apply elevator. . . . FOR BENT One, two or three birrs afflre rooms, sultsbls for Job printing offices or other lines. Inquire Portland Gaa A Bicycle Co.. 181 First si, . . . ' . " STORE, with or without living 24T Grand svs city. FOB RENT Good office fronting aa Wash ington . st. $11 Commercial blk. BUSINESS- CHANCES. HOTELS OUB SPECIALTY. If year betel ta for sale. In or out of tba city, bring It to aa and we will procure a ' pnrrbassr without publicity. Reference, Be ' tel Men's sssoclstloa. F. L. AUSTEN A CO.. Original Hotel Brokers, Suite 123 to IBS, Ablngtoa bldg. Phone MaJa B4HA IF T0U hers $4 a month to invest I waat your name and address to submit so you aa bonoe alde aad legltlmsta bus mess proposition. I will . not worry roe el III a personal Interview. Full In form at Ion hull be mailed yoa and If after iiirretlgatlon you deelrs aa interview yoa ran write and I will make an appointment. . t'ostof fire Pox 881, city. GENUINE SNAP We caa show yea family hotel which Bande gnsrsnteed Bet profit ef aver 83.ij0 during pst year; st present profits sre over p" per momni en.v ca.n reonlred. Those desiring to mvestlrsts ami produce financial relarsaosei ae ages Is. B 168, fats Journal. A CRACKER-JACK stock hardware, sash, doors snd Implemeota; price. Including hulldlnca. $,000 cash; no tnde considered Got to give ' op business ea account beeltbl If yoa desire . a good business, bars Is your ebsnce, 1 Do not , answsr anleas you msan basuvaas. Address owaer, D 184. cere Journal. BEST cigar and confectionery stand la town, doing large business and thoroughly sstab llahsdi must be sold at ones; will In roles: rent $80 per month; living rooms la eon nectlon; reason for srlllna. other builuees in tor rats, G led. Sara JournaL PABTNEB wanted to kelp manage my Seattle and Portland hotel brokerage business 1 es- perlence not secessaryi ita a uaa 1 want. not his F L. AUSTIN A OfA, 128 Ablngtoa bldg. HOTEL FOB 6ALB. We have several high -class hotels xs and eat of the city ranging tat price from $8,000 to 856.000. Information furnished et P. L. AUSTIN A 0a, 128 Ablngtoa bldg. BBTTEB THAN COPPER STOCKS. A WORLD'S NECESSITY. ; Immenae profits: small eeptuUsarloeJI only 30.01 10 ahares allotted to the whole Pacific coast. Write quickly. A, Pos toffies Bos '80A Boaebarg. Or. STOCK companies taeornoreted. Ifyoa nnre . stocks or bonds for sale, let me try to sell them for yoa. Gsors N. Kellogg, Broker. 80 Ellloott Sqanre, Buffalo. HAVE the bast opening ea tba aoaat la well eetahlishsd snterprlaei amatt eapttol re quired; write for sartloulaxs. F. L. achat t, 404 Bast Morrteoa at. FOB SALB OR TRADB Hotel Hstssr. 108 miles frora Portland oa Boetbera Pacific! a modem un-to-date boaae. newly furnished t baa goad commercial JraJo, Address Hotel KAddrsss Botel Hslssy, Hsisay, ur. OCT this eat aad bring It with yea. - I bare a . 10,000 per eeat Investment la a manufactur ing company's stock 1 mechanics having small ' amounts to tares! preferred; office open Bat. urday evanlngs. Apply te Was. G. Psler- . hsns, 316 Commercial blk. - I WANT a nartner to a goo store. Nelaoa. 14th and Irving eta SAFE MONEY A ay thing ta srrnttng sea Mad dee, Odd Fellows' Temple, First aad Aldef ata. 1 epstalre, , 81 UNFUBNTSHED rooms, central toaatxaai rent reaaoasbla. , Inqalro IS Union eve. FOB SALB A soared loo cry and grocery store. stock $3,800, In good location; would trade , for farm.. D. D. Woad, 116 Boaeell aU, Pert , lanA Or. Phooe Bast 4804. a FOR SALB Msat market ta a good loealltyi eld sstabllehed trade I oaah er elty property. L 14T, ears Journal. . .. , FOB BATE Rooming-house, IB rooms, good lease, 88TB If token at enea. Pboae Psciflo . 1&8A FOB SALB Nearly new National eash register, small slss: bargain. 18814 Third at, $800 CIGAB, 'candy snd fruit standi good b rati en and stock. 188 Morrison at. $360 BUTS ap-to-dste little Job printing office doing good business. Address R 15. Journal. FOB SALB New snd complete nystsr boaae; bargain If sold at oaee. 188 v Third St. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE KB1U r-o 111, riai.B. . .. . . I hare 8 full 60-foot lots on East 4Tth at... near Hswthorne see., r.iat ought te be worth 8600 each 1 I will aell ana of these lots for . $800, $10 eash and $5 per month Install . ments, and In orrter to make this advertise ment Interesting to you I will make ths fnl lowing proposition: Each week, and until tha lot bt sold, I will derretae the pr'" $8 and Increase tha cash payment $8 until aa "sll ch" price Is nsched. The pnstle Is, whst will be the csh prion and when? Caa yoa name either without figuring It out I I. M. Plttrnger. Sherlock bldg. ' ' . 4 GARDEN OF EDEN Near Oregon City car una, a scree, - -' ... soon 1 ' hem: rural dellvsrv: Independent bbrmc.- gar den tools; fruits will pay for lilacs In three .veers If eared for; driving distance of Port, land; cheap for Ite location; $2,000. Home -Lend Co.. ltBV, First et. - $400. BUYS romfortable 8-room hones (that can os .a, f wv. i-w , 11 gardes sad yoang fruit trees one bkek et oar. Home Land Co.. leR'j hrat St. " 8-ROOK houee wtfh als fine tots 80x100, fenoed nnd cross-feared; growing garden, iswa. shads trees, 21 sorted fruit and not trees, variety small fruits; enteken-bones and cor ral, good new bonn bouse baa ISTcs psntiy. S closets, storeroom, woodshed and bssrmsot : price only 82.800; s blocks from ear and a genuine bargain. HOMB LAND CO., 143 First at. QUARTER block sear Alblna car barn, close ' - to car Una, north aad east front, smsll hones, null Bun water, streets grsdea. new sidewalk; s good bur. either for home.' in vestment or speenletlau; $1,900. $HS6 down, balance $30 per month. Adjoining lots ara held st $1,126. Owner mnst have a nttle cash at ones. Phooe Wood lawn 614. FOB PAIR. MODERN HOUSE JUST COMPLETED. Seven rooms, hath, plnroMnp, gaa, electric, concrete basement, etstlooary tubs, etc.; wss built for a borne; 108 feet from csr line, near Hawthorne are.; $2.oo If an Id by April 10; terms; no egenle. Phone Main SIX Sunday phone Beat 4148, aak for 41. . Willamctttf BoulCYard . ; v Large lota, unobstructed slew of river "and city. Oome eooa. W. B. Root. 02 Portle n1 boulevard. Arbor Lodge. Phone Woodlawa 1J".- F0R SALE Three acres oa 6. W. P. car line: - will "sell - cheap -for- cask. -'Can up owner, F.asA 4704. NEW sddltloo; best lots la Lenta, WnlPA only $116; a-sr ear; terms. 0. B, Addltou. Lents, Or' Take Mount Scott car. Be tare. HERB'S A BARGAIN RrsBd-new A room eot tage. fine plumbing, wired, nice lot. fenced, lawn; terms, only $1,460. Msiktajoaa, Cedar Park station. St. Johne. $7tS 41x100. WASCO St., near 84th; terme, $700 80x100, Proem house, Stewart' a ata- . tire. . 500 eosioo, , Minnesota are., aear nsia- Brnro.-. W. H. LINDSAT, Fbona Kaat 810A u arm a a eiema to Tancourer. Meal for ting, oa proposed electric ear line, $6.60t $2,800 down, balanee S yeara, 4 per sent. A 181. care Journal. AST TERMS Naw T-room modern boose la Creatnu. 16-ml note ride to city, P 184, care lonraal. BAST TERMS Nsw 6-room modern cottage hi Creetoa, 18-mmute ride to city. See owner. . Q led, eere Journal. BASY TERMS New A room mad era house hi Craetna. by owner: lAmlaute ride to ally. B 188, care JournaL - -- ; LOT 80x100, Beat Elghrb aad Falling sts- one hslf cash, balance yoor ewa terms. Apply . owner, 1071 Orand are., N. Phone Wood lawa 181. t S3 300 WILL buy iTneet Aroom hoass and. tot 60x100 In SeUwosd. Addraaa 1684 Bast IStk ; St.. Ssllwood. . Phone Bast 4608. , $1 tao GOOD well flalabad 8-room houee, large yard with fruit traea, close to ear; terms! will saU furniture ales. $11 Oreae sA. Moata- riUa. BEST buy an Ml. Scott tmnww closet. Beooad house north of Tremoat.. noon THREE lots st Arbor Ixvlgs. aesr St. Johns ear ltna. Bear riven $268 down. $B a month en each" tot tin paid If aold al once. Address L. stublk. 16T0 Oneoota sL, Wood IssrA Or.- ' - - - te on CORNER lot oa Frank Ua at.. 1 block Clinton Kelly school and ear llnat. cheapest , aorner lot In this rldnltr! terms. This la slnaa In property and finely Iocs ted. - v W. J. Day & Co, U8H Fourth at. , SNAP SNAP SNAP. 8809 oaah and $18 per month buys a baae ttful modem houee, rooms, walla tlated, fas fixtures In ovary room: east frontsgs. Afoot allay, full tot. one buck to car; yea' II hare to hurry. H 188, eara Journal. EAST SIDB BUSINESS PROPERTY. $8,000, thla week only, lot oa Eaat Burs side at., near Union a vs., occupied now by , A room bouse. ' , fJLPATxrrTB P-BALTY CO, 818 m Washington at. $n0 IP Invested this week burs kit 88x200 to St. Johns, leaden Brae., 414 Chamber at Gammers