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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1907)
pr.izz.s o " r.iso iit'casi-i -ArvS-oFFsruLD- BV-T:iE:jouruj-E, for the photog.:-..: THE MOST BEAUTIFUL- VOMAiriII OREGON-SEND .US .HER PICTURE IF "YOU III JOV II El' - IMa Issue of Tlbie Gunday Journal Comprise ' G Sections GO Vzzs 'Tha Weather Occasional rain to day; southerly "winds, -r .. " X VOL. IV.' NO. 4. mi Wagnon Declares No Mistake Was Made in Drawing Up the Free Water. Amendment ( City Attorney McNary Confirrhs the Discovery Made : by "The v Journal of the Disastrous Ef feet That Would' Be Produced " by Its Adoption by Voters. - PH'ISI! ' ELIMINATED .' , '". ' 'v... . 7 i, -. 1 " , - - According t the atatemeat mads by City Attorney MoNary last night It ttoa free water amendment to the city char 'tor, which annuls the levy of a 1-mM " tax for bridge building. Is adopted In : June, about 1100,000.. worth of brides construction and bridgee now- under 'oontomplation will be Jeopardised., The adoption of the measure would mean the cessation of all work along ' this .line until private property owners could i ndjust the matter themselves and bear j the expense of the much-needed stmo i turea. ..... ' -"'i -,' , , . ' : On t-p.pfljr. McNary'a asserMons .:, coma this aatonlshlnK statement from v H. 07 Wssnon that the matter of pro viding for a asocial brtdca fund waa ; '' not left out of the proposed amendment ' to the city eharter by mistake, but lrt '. tentlcnally, beeause he considered It a "bad piece of ltlla.Uon." lie adds that C EL 0. Wood, who drew up the amend ' meat, eleo objected to inoorporatlng It In the measure. ' : Mr. Wood's absence- from the city - last nlcht. however, prevented a veri fication of the statement, and In view of. the fact that The Journal waa the first 'ta make sublla the en lesion ap pearing In the Wavnon amendment. It is doubtful If many of the t.700 signers of the petition knew of Its real Import , and the disastrous bearing Ita adoption would have on alt bridge improvements ' la the city.. , v. . . ... -t ;., In discussing the matter lest night (Continued on Pat Two) . , Federal Grand Jury Expected to Confirm the : Charges; Against ::; Lana Law, vioiaters in Sensations for Portland cltlsena will be furnished by the coming ' federal d Jury which will undoubtedly In dict men whose namea are known, fa miliarly not only In Portland, but in all parta of Oregon. ' Never before- has such care been taken by a United States attorney In preparing hla evidence for the consid eration of the grand Jury as has been exercised by Attorney William C Bris tol, and It la said that aa '.a result of the work and study he haa put In for the. past several months, a great number of Indictments will be returned. Including men whose reputations have never before been questioned. .- . . , X.and Xaw Ytolators. '" 1 ' It Is expected that altogether the In dlctmenta will number over - 10. ' Of these, 17 will be against men who have been arrested . and . are either In the county Jail or out on ball. Of the re , mainder moat of- them will be agalnat JFAMOUS INGUBATOR V BABY IS WARDED TO , MOTHER BY COURT ". fflunt Km ay toBft Leaesd Wire.) ,.J Topeka. Kan., April . The etate su preme court today decided that Mrs. Charlotte E. Bleakley of Lawrence. . XJiiims, la entitled to th famoua "1n , cubator bnby" exhibited at the St. Louis world s fair, this reverses the decision of the- Doiia-las county (Kansas) dis trict court and upholds the deolslon of the circuit court of Illinois, which held that Mrs. Bleakley is the mother of the ' child. The decinlnn ends a most Interesting fight for possession of the baby. James O. Barkley and Hflla Barkley, hla wife, who were In chnrae of an ehlhlt at the world's fair. m the bahy In the Incubator cnnoi"lnn. - 'I hoy I n'i'1 hla uppourd pnrffil i e i Mr. Iv '('.,!' y Of 111 I -f. X a a X - J v ' LOED TO BE Uncomplaining, But . a Long Suffering Sec retary; Will t3ear the Blame of Plot - Publication , of Alleged : Con spiracy; Created a Diversion and Diverted Public Attention From Roosevelt v Harriman Controversy" ' ' ' , 1 - , (Beent Kews by Lsagest taessd Wire.) Washington, April.. -The president, despite the Incredulity with which the charge waa received and the denlabithat have come from - Senator Penrose uid eliwwhere firmly raalntalna that a' oon. splracy la -on foot, to oppose hla poll olea and nominate a man in the next Republican convention who -will oppose his program. - Be i Insists that tba 16,000.000 . fund. Is no myth and that It is now a battle te a finish between himself and hla enemies,. r While the president tnsdt no -statement today, and this Sudden silence.J said to be due to the urgenfpleadlnga of Secretaries Root and Cortelyou, yet it waa learned from those wlthlft his oontidenee' that he has not receded one Inch from the position ha took when be announced - that c such ' a financially backed plot waa drawing. .On the other hand, the politicians see In thla sudden creation of a bugaboo a docp laid maneuver. ' Soma assert that the president,' moved by the activities of Foraker and others opposed to him. baa suddenly created thig laaue to get a . .Una vs. Ha . haa, they assert, be fogged the lxsue and swept, aside tba dlacluaurea of the Harrlmaa letter and turned public attention to other mat tera. . ',; ' . : "y,- Te Make a Monkey 'ef XeW; '." - As for the story of" a drunken, aena- lor babbling the facta about tba fear some conspiracy and the glgantlo eor (Continued on Fake Two.) Well-Known Men. men who have boon guilty f. violating the land laws, while a number will be for other offenses agalnat the law. - It la said that Mr. Bristol haa been preparing ' Indictments . for a month, which Indicates that he la taking great care to protect against all possible mis takes la points of 1ft w and to present to the grand Jury such evidence aa will only aerva to return Indictments, Here tofore , the work of the grand Jury haa been carried out with a lack of preparation on the part of tha federal attorney's offloe, due chiefly to a lack of time. ' The present occasion will reveal an entirely different state of affairs and, while anxious to protect- the Interests of the1 public. It is safe to aaaumo be cause of the thoroughneaa which Mr. Bristol haa used, nothing will be dona that will Injur Innocent persons. (Continued on Pag Seven.) to sign a deed of adoption to Mrs. Bark ley. The baby had been placed In tha concession by a St. Louie- midwife, who It developed later, had told Mra. Bleak ley that the-jchlld had been born dead. Mra. Bleakley, uncertain that the child waa hera, and wishing to aid Mra. Barkley to gain possession of him from the midwife, signed the adoption papers. Later, Mra. Bleakley. becoming eat laded that the child was her ownt sought to retain it. The HUnola courts gave Mra. Bleakley custody ot the child. Tha Kanaaa dlstrft court finally -gave Judg ment fnr the Berkleys, but Mra. Blnak jor kidnaped tha child and eecaped to Illinois. Kiiane Ware, former rnmmllnnr of ponHlons, fln-.i'y trk. Jtrs. lileakley's cae before the Kmi if ' court. v. ooceSe f i i t i mm- -s. x f a, - jsi . r ; PORTLAND, OREGON,; SUNDAY, MORNING, : JS THIS YOUR IDEM OE BE A UTY7 ' rSrv,: - f'Av - - x - - Tj aV- M MM M M M M m It J I I M M gr a 111 PS f. - I SB I 1 . 'This youne lady. has been adjudged the most beautiful i womaiiln -Washington, District-of XolumbiaUCan-Oregon. producej&L7f auer woman ?jDo you iiink .so? Who? .Send her photographo The Journal., 7 : ; : 1 ''f;--:fr: ,TJhe - Last Sunday's -Chicago Trlbun aayas - " , ' . . ' . Th Portland Journal haa now entered the beauty contest. ' This makes It new pa pare that- are conducting local contests to find a more beautiful' woman than Delia Carson. The winners in' each contest will be . sub mitted to a national. Jury -that will settle beyond dispute the question a to who Is th most beautiful woman ' tat America..;.. .'...:'. '.'.. i " : ''''"'.' ; ' ' ' ' ' ;;..'. ',:-. - ' - i ' " ,:. These are th newspapers that - Boston Herald - . ,, ' Detroit News-Tribune . :, ' . Buffalo Timet . k ' Louisville Courier-Journal. - Cleveland Loader Milwaukee Sentinel . , -Columbus (O.) Dispatcn Minneapolu News Denver Post " New- York World ', ' . Des Moinea News' ' ; Omaha News - In oouraa of time pictures or beeutlee from every section will be printed on this double pagsof th Sunday Tribune. - The newapapera are finding prettier women every week, aa th St' Louie five printed here today will -' : prove to you-- The three New England beauties presented by the Boston Herald are also worth your attention. These local eontesta are being conducted with great energy. - Tha Boaton Herald already haa-had nearly' l.0 photographs, of New. England beauties from whloh to choose. k ' .. "'- ' Local pride Is aroused la every section. The Milwaukee Sentinel haa secured the cooperation of 100 newa- -' paper in Wisconsin In Ita quest' Th newspapers of Ohio are lending aid to the Cleveland Leader In its ef forts to prove th Buckeye state the national beauty center. The Indlanapolla. Muncle and Terre Haute' Stars, -which are In a combination to uphold tha reputation of Indiana beauty, are meeting with cordial support from . Athar Tndlana Mvtra" v - - t ' V ' , ' ' . .'-'.''. ' ' Probably the most Strenuous efforts are being mad by th Loulsyttl Courier-Journal, ' WMFrn ( ailltar. Mtrona snnnort la being given by other Kentucky editors. Naturally tha Sunday Tribune welcomes theae efforts to disprove Chicago's eminence aa a beauty center. , For, If Mlea Carson wlna after eucn a vigorous quest, th honor will be greater. And, It she loses, th winner ' will be unquestionably. America's most beautiful woman. And In th meantime our readera will have th pleaa or. of having In view each-week -a-retnarkabl gallery'of portrait of th handsomest women- in -the- United x .stteB..iJ;v, 7 . , ITS A' GREAT CONTEST ONE WELL WORTH WATCHING I - 1 r ALL GAVE ' meant News by bmml Leasad wire.) Ran Francisco, April "Nearly ev ery large corporation In Saa Francisco contributed to th fund, used at tba Republican primary of 1904. . I went to many-of them personally -to, aeour money. Th average amount .paid waa U.ioo." -.', r Fairfax Wheelan. the moving spirit In tha bringing about of tha fusion ticket of the last municipal oampalgn, made thla atartllng oon fee I on to the grand Jury today1 whll under the fir of Prosecutor Heney. "But, gentlemen," he added quickly, Once -the confession was out, 'there was no dlshoneaty about that There wer bo promise of any klO't. Th cor Natibjial Beauty have challenged the sunaay TriDuna: V - '. : ' 1' : - 1 : , 4 - : TO DOWN porations were simply looking for an honest ticket That la why they con tributed to tha primary fund." , - . "How much did you get from the Horn Telephone companyr asked Mo neys '. . i "I went personally to the offtce of Mark Oeratle snd there met Oerstle, Frick and Detwller. ' I told them that w needed money, and I asked them for 11.000. Thsy gsve ma only 1600. I knew, however, that they bad already contributed U.OOO." " Tbia waa Whoe lan's remarkable reply. "But do you mean to say that the Home Telephone company put up this lanto sum of money at a primary elec tion without having an agreement or r r r t i i i r I Li I - I V v OV 1 I I i. I I I I II 1 il till r I I. II - APRIL 7, J907. 'JHTfil.H Quest Thiladelphia Inquirer ' St Paul Newa Pittsburg Gaxetta-Time st Louis Republic .1 ' Portland (Or0 Journal ,' Sur League of Indians . Providence Tribune y' . Salt Lake Tribune -J 7 San Francisco Call, 7 Wasbinston Times -' of which Henry 7 - ',' ' .... . SCHMITZ being assured that It would reoaiv Its franchisee . provided ther- ticket carried at the fall election f V j "I tell you there waa no agreement and no understanding," returned "Wheel an. "We . mad no prom lees. . We simply told all the corporatlona that we would see that honest candidates were nominated." Fairfax Wheelan a exami nation today and th confession he made during Ita progress wer the dlrwt result of th testimony on Wed nesday of Mark Qerstle, president of the Home Telephone company of San Francisco and Robert N. Frick, his law partner. Oerstl told th grand Jury (Continued on Pag Seven.) Yesterday t r Walla Walla Woman Refuses to Testify in "Court Upon Her Sab bath Day;:;-,;, Sent to ; Jail for Twenty Days ' Because She Refuses to Obey ' Order of Court and Talk Tells Judge Christ Is Higher " Court Than He Can Be." " fSpsHsl TMepsef as Tka loarasW) ' ' Walla Walla. Wash.. AprR . Claim ing exemption aa a witness because It waa Saturday, Mra. B. N. Thompson, a Seventh Day Adventlst for the past two yeare chambermaid- at th - Delmontoo lodging house, - refused to teatlfy In the William Ford negro (Criminal caae before th auperlor- court 4hia morning. The scene waa one of the most spectacular in tha history of American Jurispru dence. ' . . r '' ' t . - . . Mrs. Thompson was ' brought into court on A bench--warrant, and -ooenlv 1-oeriea-juag urenta she declared. In reply to a question whether aha would not obey the law: - 1 - "If It don't conflict with th law of ood. That 18 a higher law." ' Pacing, no and down th clatform. Judge Brents delivered a brilliant ex tempore opinion. Th members of the court - and epectator hung on every word. ' The 1 woikan aat quiet with a stubborn aoowl on her face. Tha Judge aald: ',''.-" , . .-,w . . "Tou don't admit that you know tha law of God. Who la to aay what tha law of God la to you or to ma? Tha Bible aaya to help a horse out ef th pit on tba Sabbath, yet you would let a, man go to the penitentiary rather than tell something that might save him simply becaua of tha Sabbath habit People plead tha law of God when the civil law la not "to their lik ing. Wer vrybody allowed to In terpret hi own law murder would be rampant". .,."- . (Continued on Pag Savon.) n POSES AS : mm to HER FAITH CODII Ml Organized Labor Representatives. Charge the - President With Unfairness in ; Comment 7 on. Federation Officials" Indicted Portland representative of organised! laoor. are atrong In their condemnation of President Roosevelt for characteris ing aa undesirable cltlxena William IX Haywood and Ch arias H. Mover, of ficlala of the Weatern Federation of Miners, who ar soon to be tried on tn charge of murdering ox-Governor uteunenberg of Idaho. i Roosevelt la criticised principally . on th acor of unfalrneaa for insinuating th guilt of - th . men whom the law presumes to be Innocent until they ar proved guilty. Local labor leaders look upon hla action much aa does Haywood himself, who- aaya that while Roose velt proclaims himself aa. standing for a squar deal ha . doea nt , practice what ha preaches. . ' - Not one Portland lalpr leader could he found to condon th utterancea of Roosevelt agalnat Moyer and Haywood. Despite th fact that th Western Fed-, oration, of Minora la not affiliated with AGED SALEM MAN IS FORCED TO FAST FOR v PERIOD OF 41 DAYi (flpeeUl Ptopetck Tee Jeenal) KBlam- Or Anrll t. Considerable at. tentioa haa been attracted t the pecu liar condition ef aa aged resident of North Salem, H. F. McAdams, who Is afflicted with a terrfhle dleeae throuKh which- he la aald to have fasted for 41 day. ' Having passed the are of in years, the old man Is very wenk and 1 ! stomach la aald to be so sensitive ml In auch a condition that vn tt-.e of food cauae Mm evtrfn.e p-i. i that haa paasc-l Hn I ..a d i 4: daya la but a ' His. however. 1 r Ing for snv 1 but rather of. Btri t .. Journal Circulation r - PRICE iFIVE CENTS. ThurstonSoundsOpen- ing Gun of Campaign Against President at Philadelphia Not a Member of Five Million .Conspiracy Club but Says Country Cannot Have', One Man Power No Man Should 7 Dictate Successor." " " ' " " (PehllaDers Pnas by Spselal Leesed Wtrs.y Philadelphia, P.. April . At t din ner given by th Young Republican club Thurston of Nebraska, corporation law-, yer and a-friend of Senator Foraker. who fought the rat billj tonight-find the opening gun of the antl-Rooaevelt forces. He waa Joined by-Mayor John E. ' Reyburn of Philadelphia, former congressman and personal "friend of Senators Penrose and Foraker, whose plea waa for th elimination of Rooae velt as his choice. ; , . He declared that this country had no policy. . , .- - "Ther la an unsettled, anateady sen timent in ' tha Republican party," he said, "that la seeking to outdo oven tha eocialiatlo program of the, opposition. . We can't have thla any -mora than so cialism." . ',-.. j-. , Then a moment later the former senator cried: "S . v - "There should be no on man policy la tha country," and then, toward tha cloa of tha sensational speech, after averring that ha la not a member of th $6,000,000 Anti-Roosevelt Conspiracy club, be launched tha boom for Fora ker. . , .. Mo Conspirator. "I want to aay." be began, "that I am not a member of the 15, 000,000 Con aplracy club and that If I had made a statement of that kind 1-might hav made It $50,000,000. It would have been Just aa eaay." Her th speaker authorised and gav utterance to an epigram: "Tha speaker (Continued on Page Two.) tha American Federation of Labor and that th recent mill strike In Portlaiid Cava rise to some rivalry between the two bodies, looal repreaentativee of the A. r. of L.. not only question the fair ness of Reoaevelt'a action, but pUtinlv express their faith In the Innocence of th accused union official. . t ' 1 Wot Proved Murderer. . ""What more can;' you expect from Roosevelt T" said JP.' McDonald, secro tary of the Portland Federated Trad" and Labor council, last night' "nf oours Haywood la an undesirable cin- sen rrom the viewpoint of Rooeevrlt. He Is so simply because he is oppo. l to Roosevelt and hla crowd and all thv represent. Roosevelt stands for vxr- I Interests, whll Haywood In oppooed tt private ownership of public utilities. Haywood la a Socialist (Continued n Pag Seven.) March I by Vr. W. S. Mott ml Frank E. hmlth. not for thcun . aa first riven out. hut fr k , -which afiVcted o-.,) of hla f . t 1 csf,ltat.vl ire a.iipm,-ii!.,n . r Unr-e that tlnm tr.e ! I . entlv f .l i t , . until I I n 1 Ix.'d. The to a r r .. .1 1 1 n . t 1 ). 1 . OBJECT T0 AS il Klllll ROOSEVELT