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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1907)
Lrl-ii Results. C.:s Cent a Wcrd. - The Weather Rain and ' tonight; Saturday ahowera, VOL. VI. NO. 27. By 77nie President Finish ies Grill ing Enemies little VJill Be Left of Five Mm DogLloriey-VJall Street Likely to Force TInrfl vv ' ' ' , '. ; (Journal Special Service.) 1.',- : ' ' , Washington, April 5. President Roosevelt is preparing to fol low up the coup sprung on the trusts yesterday, carried exclusively uvthese dispatches. ; By the time the president gets through grill ing the men accused of planning to defeat his policies, the $5,000,000 slush fund will have dwindled to small proportions on account of withdrawals. The president's right-hand man today said: .... "As soon as we get additional facts we will give them to the 'public.".-",,-,;, : r'-y-".:!;;. -.v-r.;' . v- i'vvV'vs.r-":-' This statement is regarded as , equivalent to an announcement that the administration has satisfactory evidence of the big plot in its possession. - :'r. ''-'' .: Senator Penrose's application for a membership in the Roose velt Ananias club was turned down at the White House;" Cortel you put in the blackball this morning, saying; , k v ' '5 "Penrose's denial is of no interest; here.s His name -was not mentioned in the nevs we gave out." r -v .;, -V .' ;'.".. ? .Force a Third Term. v : ... . .. ' Unless ,Jhe Harrimans, Rockefellers, Morgans and other "un friends," as the president calls them, look but they , will achieve'the one thipg'which,: beyond all others they wish to avert and most dread, the nomination of Roosevelt tdsacceed himself. ' This opin ion of thinking men has been-strengthened by the developments of the past few days. ';-- ' .' -., - ' v..' , . A a matter of course the president has' been supplied with a long string of hot air stories of the machinations of the trust mag nates and Hearst. There fs enough of truth in the stories to war rant the president's fighting back, but many of them are merely the .effusions! politicians making talk.;.., ' . '.-j ' V.' :,' '"' ''' . , One of these politicians is Senator - Penrose. . It. is believed it was Penrose who gave away the weird plot extending" from coast to coast with money in the banks to beat . Roosevelt in every state. After the banquet one of Penrose's friends, also a friend of the , president, protested and Penrose blandly. said "n :;. . Sidelights, on Plot. "fri'V'.', f . ' "Why we have $25,000 in the bank to get your own state," This morning Penrose says it is" all a lie. However, it is a habit of Penrose's to talk "through his hat" ; ; , Roosevelt does not want to be president for another term. ' This is .certain, but the trusta will force him to enter the fight if they do not watch out ,' ?v. . ''''''"" r ''" i i y c --i. .. ' : Among the interesting sidelights- tfdded today to the current revelations concerning the allged-interest of the great corporations in the campaign of li04 is this from one on the inside tha certain trusts tried, through campaign contributions, to cast an'anchor to the windward, so they might later secure immunity. v 4 ; Cortelyou saved the administration at least one embarrassment when a representative of the tobacco trust onered a check for sev eral thousands for the fund. Cortelyou refused it without explana tion. Afterward it developed from papers oh file at Washington that the tobacco trust was among the possibilities for prdsecution. :r A These papers are still in the hands, of Bonaparte, who will de cide whether the government has a case or not. Many similar In cidents hive been revealed in which the offers 'were always rejected. PI1I0L1 SHIP OfJ THE PACIFIC '.. v ; , ' . Mirage ; of Full Rigged Sailing Vessel Is Seen Disappears as If by Magic, Then Reap- v 'pears. . '.'-'. . ' ; .,."'"' (Jwiraftl Bpell arrl. ' Lee AnaalM. April R1dnU of -Oran Park.1 Venice-and BanU Montoe ware eUrUad yiUrdy erenln. by a trlltlna apparition t aae. It waa a, phantom Np. four mailed, -with aalle t, beautifully ; ellhouettad aaalnit tha VHlm aky toward Santa Catallna Island.-. C W. Banton, H. B. Cbanay and W. H. Fair . ef Venice at flrat alfhted the mlraite, and ware amasad te ao large a sailing Tassel la those waters. ' , ' . i . ' Tbay took strong marine gtaasea and ware mere emaied when the lenaee re realed only shluunerlng waves where the naked eye beheld a handsome' full rifged craft, apparently apeedlng be fora the wind. . . Crowds collected on tbe beachv and 'WI they were-gazing tha ship dis appeared from, sight like a moving pic ture, vanishing Instantly, and then slowly drifted Into view attain. This wiridorful Bpertsrlw lasted an hour-and ti r'fiwtlun a p-nn enveloped In t', P-.'r.,,- f.. . .,, . t l.. llVd li at ! .. , . f t.i.. tr'.t -QUl'VilAI. TI-2IL PIiOTOGP:A?Ii OF THE, MOOT BEAUTIFUL WOMiN YOU Ili:o .711 : OiIlL OF THE 0 150 P R.I ZES AND B XL CO 12 E, FAMOUS; OVER THE VOI' Costs Ozly warmer Term 6y Tactics SHE REFUSES TO ADL1IT IIUSBAdD i . ; r-;-v--.-- rfewly Elected Female Justice of . the Peace Will Not Allow Law ' yer Husband to Practice Law Before Her Court.' " . " i - (Joernal Raeelal atrrte.) ' ' Chicago. April Mrs.. Katharine Wau-ht MoCulloch. the well known Tawyaress" baa been elected Juatlca of the peece In Evsnston. , She defeated William Moore, who eent her 10 doseo American beauty rosea. From Rev. Kate Hughee. pastor of the Unitarian ehnreb at Cable Grove, Illinois, Mrs. McCnllocb received a telegram saying: , "Read Proverbs 1S-I." , This passage says: "Many daughters have done worthily, but -thou neelleat them alL" Mrs. MoCulloch haa no fear that tbe governor will refuse to sign her corn mission end maintains that ; there Is nothing In the lsw te prevent a woman from holding office. - My huaband, Frank l MoCulloch, who, like myself, la a lawyer, will not be sllowed to practice before my tri bunal," ahe says. , Another. Walsh Indlctmrnt. " Unreal aperttl Hrf.' Chicago, April . Another indictment conlAlnlng US counts was retuTnt?!! to d!iv niritrit John R. Vfilah char-ng him i it , ! hi i uropr I LI ii or $l,&oo, (M0 n 1 ' ' r , nrls to.tiie comptrol- . ' ' ; - ' ' " ' ' 1 ' '' - -: ' ' i ' ' " t ' TfnfT f? Mlr? !55o5r.Tf ( lSIIWiYTrfl J" Circulation-: PORTLAND, OREGON, Senator Boles Penrose. PENROSE HAKES ABSOLUTE OrrilAL Pennsylvania 'J Senator .States That He Has Always. Been a , Supporter of ; Roosevelt iand ;Hi3;PpIicy. ' , . . j'7eanai. gpeeUl . get.) . . r .-t. -. Philadelphia, - April I. Senator. - Pen rose said:" ' "It la , absolutely " nntrueb' when asked concerning .the statement that he waa the man who gave a way the trust plot-. against Roosevelt at; a dinner. . Penrose rsald: ' 1 have always been a supporter of Roosevelt and hie policies.. . ;.: - '. ; The senator -denied' that- he had ever heard of the '"rich men's conspiracy to prevent .Roosevelt from'- naming ble successor or that he attended tbe dinner at which It la said a bibulous diner "enlohed.' - He said he never beard of the IS.900,000 slush fond. . - Borne newspapers of Washington and New York "and Washington - correspond ents of papers ere- hinting, derogaUvely that' the .."president a nervea- are un strung and hie -mental condition such that he needs absolute rest, t The gen eral i body: of ,i correspondents . do not share the' above and fully agree with the president; -r y -,... - , ;'. -j ' . , HILL'IS ARRESTED: T Stenoftn.pher,rToeecuted for Giving l , Letter to Paper. . -j .. S '' 1 ' ' ' ' i ' '"" . , tJnersat a-wlaTi bnlfi.t ' ; New Tork. April ; 5. Followtng - the publication of ' E. H.- Harrlman's letter to Attorney Sidney Webster In which Harrlman stated that , Roosevelt . had solicited i him te raise funds i for" the presidential, campaign, criminal pro ceedings, have been Instituted agalnat Frank W.-Hill, a stenographer, who Is charged with having gold the letter to tbe newspapers. Hill. was arrested on a warrant a worn to by A. Millar, aecre tary of the Union Paelfle railroad.. Hill is married and lives, In Brooklyn (Continued oa Page Two.) S- t. ' V ' ' ' to own ( ' Circus Comes .rsTaKaTi , a .i . T FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL Bottom of the Clouds - Seemed to Drop Out - at Noon-Whole Coast Feels Storm ; - Vessela Walt Off Mouth of Co- lumbla for Opportune Time but Are Swept by High Seas When" They Cross the Bar Into River. ;l ' '-' " Xlght-huadredtha of aa tneh ef rata fell In five minutes la Portland ahortly before noon today, . Th!a waa ene of the heaviest downpours oa record. At I o'clock thle morning t It rained ' for it) minutes at the rate of . an hour and .74 of aa inch or three-quarters of an loch fell from I a, tn. till noon. Dur ing tbe relgbt of the storm people hur ried, for cover and those unable to, do so were properly drenched, ambrellsus of the ordinary, kind .being of little value. Tbe rain waa driven along- by a" heavy wind, making It doubly disagreeable. j ' ' trale sTweeps City. : The storm U' still raging and Indica tions are for a continuation over night ar. tease utriy tnis morning, the veloc ity at Mono Head was 84 miles an hour, while here It aped along at the rate-or ao mues aa hour. Considerable damage was vronrrbt In different parts ef the city, a number or paruy nnisbetf building faring tbe wvri Biungiea icn oa roore were aoaN tared ever - the surroundings and Inse curely nailed , scaffoldings , were wrenched dowa like matches. Houses exposed te the) full swsep of the wind rattled and groaned under , the pressure and there were times when the occu pants considered themselves none too secure within the trembling walla, - , District Forecaster - Bests says that this Srlcinlty has been vUlted by two distinct storms since Wednesday night, although one followed very closely upon the beela of the ofner. Indications ere that another will follow tonight, high southerly winds being predicted for to morrow. '.,., '',., . ; Worse oa P-ajret oaad. A sew disturbance of a decided char acter haa made Its appearance off Cape Flattery and Itwill move rapidly east ward and cause' stormy weather la this district for another 14 hours. General rains have fallen as far south, as San Louis Obispo. The disturbances yea. terday In the middle weet continue mov ing eastward. th northern one being now central over New England and the southern one over the lower Missis sippi valley. The Washington eltlea felt the blow even more than Portland, for yesterday, the velocity of the wind waa IS ml lee In Beat tie, tl miles at Walla' Walla and 10 miles at Spokane, whereas the hlgheet speed attained here waa SO mllee. ' So far aa known ao damage waa sus tained by shipping off the coast but reports of disasters mav yet coma In. Tbe bar was very rough tbla morning but there were no vessels In sight bound for this port, ao the lookout, at North Head reported. Hie report also stated that while the bar waa breaking fearfully, the wind had died dowa to S mllee aa hour. ' All ef yesterday, until lata t-n the evening, the gale raged off the mouth, of the river to the delay of shipping. The ateesn eehoonsra Aurelta and North. land laid outside . until almoat - waiting for a lull In the storm when It would be comparatively aafe to cross tn. The . Northland crossed In at 4 -OS and the Aurei la followed is minutes later. Both were swept by tremenduoua breakers -that tolled la from the en raged sea but escaped .Injury. The vessels proceeded ap the river ' last night the Nortland going-to Kalama and the Aurelia to Vancouver to load lumber- for Ban Fraaclace. 1 Tody'IIamnton, greatest of press sgents,',has writ-f4 '.ten for Tnie, Sunday Journal a series of stories about the Itircus as hekknows it -and he does know it;' r :i r These articles, are not descriptive they rare intensely," ,-litiraan and personal, full of anecdotes of Barnum, Bailey -and other great showmen. ',. . Did you know that Barnum knew next to nothing about a drcus? It fa a fact. But he knew how to advertise, and Tody Hamilton helped him. He even wrote his obituary afT"" which, the dying showman laughed heartily. ' ; The illustrations are a great feature. They are diffrr - cut." John Cecil Clay, who draws the fcest covers for T :.ier. J has sketched clowns, animals and all the characters of cncu.v life. ',. , .v..".- - -; . . ' The first of the series, "Barnum, -as I Knew Him," In the Fascinatinn Sunday Journal There is also a delightful ragtime melody, "Ev'rv Morn I Bring Her. Chicken," a coon answer to "Violets, in tlir music supplement. . 5, A 1907, TWENTY ' PAGES. CUPID LAUGHS Although her I ather.TBtuy'vesant 1 1 rlman . from control-of tbeUIllnolg' Central: railroad, Mlaa-Marlaa Flsh. whose picture here, appears,-haa not - let t the .railroad klng'a , campaign j agaioat her family Interfere with her-romance. ' f. She haa aurprlaed teri parents by announcing, her-engagement to the son of Judge -Gray." It, la J aald that, although Mr. and M re. Fish had no objection to the alliance, ' they bad not suspected that the young people were in love. ' v POLAR BEAR HAS INDIGESTION Small Boys Can No :Him,M Small boya "and- otherg' wlU hereafUr be prohibited 'from feeding peanuts to the monkeys and : apples , to the polar bear In the city park. - - .." : - - Tbe 10 monks have Been suneuea oy the nuts,-and they have refused to take their regular meals, .even .when ordered to do eo by Park Superintendent Mon tcitia - - t- ,'- ' ' ' " The polar beer - also ' haa refused to tflnchithe delicacies laid i before ' him. Children bed been. giving him, teo many tpples. Ths fruit ma not agree wi in him but he. ate- It Just, the same,' and be has been suffering from am attack, of scute -Indigestion ever since. - Tbe old fellow got mad - the; other -i day -.and wanted to fight when one of the keep era tried to - give' him a dose of medK rlne. ' ' ; ' -Did; the keeper try ooo-iiver oijt- Y PRICE . TWO I -: AT HARRIM AN . Fish, waa ousted , by E. 'H.' Har-, Longer; Feed 5 Apples to 14 i - A aaked Mayor Lane of the' superintend ent. "If -he refuses to touch-that. you had better keep- a way from him. tl ber' Here - a ooufile of - bosee " of - sardines would not hurt the animal" added the mayor with a smile. ; "He can't get any live flab out at -the park." ' ' The mayora humor wee entered 'upon the-record, and-then Commissioner -Day Rsffety. of' the park board, moved that tbe -American youth be prohibited from feeding peanute ' to- the ' monkeys - and apples - to " the - bear. The motion waa carried; ...Uit'- 'l r. ".: ,:,,. ?'.( . The board declined to . purchase 'one bull and-stx cow slk from I. H. Faulkner.- ' of ; Olympla. The city ' now has about' a doten elk. ' In a scrap at ths perk the other - day . two , bulls locked their horns very tightly - and -one of them , waa . much - worsted ' before . the keepers could separate them. ( . Mrs. - Sarah 'A. ' Miller, ef Baa . Diego county, CaL, offered to , sell the city six reedrunnere - and ' guaranteed . that they, would kill ' anything on the . road exoept a bulldog. The roadrunner la a bird between the slse of a pheasant and a euall. . Dr. Raffety and Commis sioner Wilson ssld it waa a pretty bird, but It waa of no use to the city. The offer wae declined. . , PENDLETON COMPANY TO - BE ORGANIZED TUESDAY fftiWt1 Pdtpatek te Ttie mLI Pendleton, Or, April (. A oompanv cf the Oregon National guard will be formed here Tuesday evening, April a. It wlU be known as eompanv l and will become a rrt of the Third regiment of infantry. rVflnlte Information haa Juat been received. Nearly 0 have Unl fled their Intention to join. . Plnaatroua Fire at Stevesfon. Van.ciiiver, H.- C. Airil h ' Mo-'. at-ir" an-1 -i f ' 1 f CENTS. t' ffiBSMralSB "rr- ' Butchers Feel Arm J ot the Law tor Putting Poison Preservative in th-i Meats J - Second Market Proprietor Pays Hie' Fine of Tvventy-Rve Dol lars In the Justice Court This Morning Bailey . Declares People Poisoned by Sulphites.' The efforts ef State Food Commis sioner Ballsy to protect the people ef Portland from unprincipled butchere le reaping an abundant - harvest. Meat I men In all parts of the city are Toeing 'rounded up. In the Justice court. .The offense la the adulteration of Hamburger steak with' sulpbltss, to preserve it , and make It. salabla when it otherwise 1 could not possibly, be .sold oa account of its putrefaction. -. I , Joseph Stampfer." who conducts a market at 412 East Morrison street, was fined 2I thla morning by Justice . Raid on a . charge similar to the one , cited above, George I Parker, pro prietor ef the market at 141 First street, waa fouad guilty-of adulterating ..Hamburger with sodium sulphite and . waa fined tiS, which be paid. Wedne. day, April S. Paul Welderholder of tbe Empire market. S61 First street, waa found guilty on the same day ef the same offense and paid a similar fine, John Henry ef tbe People's market. .First and Taylor streets, baa been ar rested. - He denies hla guilt and." has engaged counsel to fight ths case, Ed ward Crede of 127 First street waa en Bailey's list, but baa evaded the. au thoiitlea, , as Deputy Constable t Slir Werthetmer haa been unable to locate him. . - I - . i Mr. Bailey aaya that people are be ing poisoned dally by the butchers, who continue these practices, but that the smaller meat markets are not so prone to adulterate their Hamburger aa the larger ones. Further attempts will be made to catch criminal butchers In ether ways. . The fine for a second offense la usually 160. ' " ',, .. MINNESOTA LEGISLATURE . DECLARES FOR TAFT " Joarnal Special Service.) vfit, Paul. Minn.. April i. A poll of the Minnesota legislature today on Re publican presidential candidates, Roo.. velt - being-esoluded. resulted aa fol lows: Taft ii. La Follette IS. Root 1. Hughea a. Cannon a. Dolllver 3. Fair banks, Beverage and Cortelyou one each. For Democratic governor. John son it, Bryan i. . .-- - THREE MINERS DIE IN ; ' ALBERTA EXPLOSIC; . rBpeelai rHanatrh te TV. Jeeraalt ' .Vancouver, B. C-. April (.An rr-Vision of gas occurred in No. 4 coli of the International Coal Coke c -pany at Coleman. Alebrta, yeater i., causing the death of three miner-. Eight other tolnera were taken out un conscious but all were resuscitated ana will recover. TRIAL CARRIAGE incoRPORATior: Eugenic Association , of Cali V fornia Incorporates for Pur- poise of Furthering Trial f"ar rlajea.'. , . ' oereal Bpertel BWvtaO San Franoteco, April t. A enrtwira. tlon. the eb.lect of which la the f-iru r anoe ef trial- marriage pr1n-irla, c pleted lte organisation and tl'" ! ar of inoorporatloa yeeterday. 1 he t tors of the association are Pan 1 Cisco, Onkland and Sn Rafiel reni : who are named the I.ocnla -The eorrxirete name of the orr" i te the l.ugenlo AasociMn cf nla, whlih la defined In the ar mean: The science ef ao prop-'-''" r ' human rare aa wll I- -1 Hi et attai iinnt In mi l!ml '' irtental!v, rn'-r-- 'ir a I I ' ? r i!rr'a-. ' f f -r- '