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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1906)
onrc-:; daiLy journal; Portland." Tuesday evznk.-o, 'august 7. x::. rrrsr today. ;LT,ON aDDITION ON SUNNYSIDE AND MT. TABOR CAR LINE Ctrlctly Inside Property at Strictly, Inside Price To Oee Is ,to : Buy This beautiful addition has just been re-aurveyed, and It now placed on the market at prices and upon terms that cannot tail to attract thecareful inve toror ; home bvfte,-'-!,- v;,. Seine of the Advantages 1. Close to business center. -1 A Five-Minute Car Service.' 3. Streets Graded and Sewered. . ' Bull Run water, Gas and -r?v Electric Lights. -L A reasonable building; restric tion. ; " 0. Perfect Titles. . 8. Only Eight Blocks from the new $100,000.00 Cast Side High School. For Maps, Prices, Terms and Full Information Apply to. a t THOMPSON 040 MISSISSIPPI AVE. Phom Woodlawn 3Q3 Or mi thC Zrtxnck Offtea om (A Prmlt F. O. PARKS, Resident Agent (Twenty-Second & East Morrison THB . MAN WHO READS DEMAND CECURITV For his evrtriaw and tnToartmenta thorn U no thine aa good aa FIRST MOB.T- OAOB flBCURITT. You hold It your Belf. It U soanuitMd. It paya tha hlghaoT rata of Intaraat consistent with abaoluta aafety. It la dua at a apocl- fled tlma. Ton aelect tha pariod your- alf. Thara can ha no alamanL.-ot ylak. Tha TTrwat Dead clraa to aaoara moor Inveaunant la not Marotiabla. wa out not ra-dlaoount or mla-apply funds. ' Coma In and lat ua explain exActly what , this ' manna to you. . , . . f.'crthwestern Guarantee Bid, (i floov), S. a. Oob. ad aad 542 PER LOT 40n 00 feet tar BAB. There are ealy 44 lota left naaold aat of a tract ed TOO Iota, aad tho Blbernla Baruaja Bank baa ordered theaa lota eeld without dolayt therefore the prtoa wlU bo $43 per let until every lot la aold. Theaa lota are located oa emrtlne aad practically on tha rteer, blah, abrhtly aad VreeL Ah aaab la repaired. No torma (lrea. jiua awrecv. ian en m. a. v nenu, A, McKay bld(.. Third aad Stark ata. Alberta Red Wheat Cotmnaada hlahaat iiea baeanaa tha aou audi eiimauo aonaitions produoa tha flnoat qu&llty. Liow ratea. prteaa rlarht. Tarma aaar. , .f ... W. Q. IDE, 251 Alder St. M aif ! an tha ear Una) no rrmwal, Una . roam uwr-i par acra, . Uaa a ma 10H-aro traet, fronta 121 (aat on tha car Una 18,744. ; TOWNS 358 MORRISON ST. ForSaIe-2000 Ft Tha baat aawm,Ul propoalMoa on tha Willamette trevr. Oood atoraga (or log; can ba purchased (or laoa than 11.00 bar front foot. Thla property will double In ralua la mi yaar. Partlculara of C 18, JOURNAX. OFFICBL , WEATHER REPORT. Tha low preeeure area yeetorday erer Alberta baa apparently united with a aew disturbance, the aenter af which la bow erer Brttleh Oelnm. bin. Tha low item are area yeetorday arer tub bea moved aonth. aad Ha center hi aew wear northern Arthaeuv Aa esteaaloa from thla disturbance be, truaa,8 the Rocky mountalno and aearllea the middle Mlenenrl valley. The hatamator eentumea high at the aouth Atlantic . autre aad tho Lake Bopertor realoa. Pair weather eeatlnaea to tha Pndfle atatea, eaorpt that It at cloudy aad foggy along the entire cneet from Cape Plnttary eouth to Baa Dlrfo. IJgbt to moderately hoary relne bare fa Ilea In aoathora Arlaoaa, aorthera New Mexico, Tezee, Oklaheaaa. Banana, Hebreeka, Booth Da keta. aorthweet Mkaaeeota, Iowa, Mleaomi aad at wMely aeattered alaeoe la tha Atlantic and yilf ataree. The tempernturta la the Mw - Laarknd wad-aiddw Atlantic atatea ara from to 18 decreee a bore normal. Ta had teat tone ara far fair traatber la thla dletrtet tonight aad Wednoaday. Ohaarratlomf taken at 8 a. m.. Pad He time: Temp. , PtaMme .. Max. Mia; Predn. r -r City, Oregoa.. ...... n 63 . . . A 1 hi 'eaarbaaatta M T3 ' .0 I u mole 74 Tl i .04 I r, rowrado M M . - 3 ' T. ee Cttr, Mlaaouri...., no 10 m f e -e. California. ..." 0 ; m M ' e -earn. Loel.leu.... Of T .11 e lera. New lfork 1 T4 ' .0 nd. Orea'oa , ., , m d 1 43 ; M . it. Orea,... .40 00, X i. Loeie, Mieeoart........ M T4 .44 I H Iko. tub ...... 44 at r I e eraarWo, Cllforala.. 43 48 .Ol I V aeMnetoa M M- .0 Wano'ngtoei. ...., -s, ..; 44 , - .0 e We. Waeaiflurta auTtaa.. rm , so Water Front V. ... lagtea, aV 0..,,..... H UARRlXOB LICENSES. Sllbert Kateaa Beaumont, 384 Mala 4treet, aa: Flora UtIm Bell. S3. James a. Kreua, Areata. Oregon, 48; Barrlett w oitemsa. eo. ' Daniel C. Shaw, 410 Salt Mala etreet, XT I Jessie . uarnca, Mi. . W. A. Trliee, 44 Goldsmith a trMt, 43 Bekka Gulanee. 38. ' M. L. wills, tarn, Colon do, M; ' Fa; BtaSB, SI. Wedding Card. W. O. Smith Oa.. Wash ing tea bldg.. ear. Fourth aad Washlagtoa ata. Weddtag and calling cards engraved or annua, a. x. nasatoa, arc wasoiagtoa ac Vise Bcrtka Martin, iwa lit Alhtkr Mac. Stamping and 4oe needlework; lii sauna llMa, BIRTHS. EOBEET July 81. to Mr. aad Mrs. Lyn Egbert. US Lincoln, a ctrl. SUMMERS Aaguat 4. to Mr. aad Mis, Wll nam camntrv Ml ri eacott. , a aor. KRIEMBHINU August 4. to Mr. aad Mrs. rrank Kriemnrlng. hi Twenty-firth aaa Half itrM a alrl. . .,v' MARTIN Aaguat 4. to Mr. aad Mra. IibmI B. Martla. KM Halaay, a girl. . KRINRR August 4. to Mr. aad Mra. Adolpa Krlner. aA East Sixth, a hoi., . .. MA LI.ETT Aaguat 6. te Mr. aad Mra. John, Mallett. DEATHS. VIVfl a4' Ua " OuttU t a vi iinr s ( jtbe lay ciuapDliaii nrattr. Anraat , Wtnlrrad M. Wnw, (orawrly T thla city, alatn tf Dalay B. and . H. Wlnff. Fanoral notlro latr. PA RISK Annat a. Joba Pa Rlaa, 4 aratha, stv naariaaa, yaatro-ntaritia. . Mt'MA Aniraat 4, AUea Muaa. 10 month foot of Mill atroat. cholora tafantnm. ajaitdt Aoruat 4. Laura SJaatadt, 14 awatha. IANO Aacnat 4, Im hb laag, U yaara, ll HM mitral raanraltatloa. TAYLOR Annat 4. C. W. Taylor, ao mam. North PanfM mill, rnwhlnc of thara. THRALL Aoraat . Ktbrin4 O. TbralL : t yaara, Bt. vlncant'i haapltal, pantoaltla. puneraiTnoticks. CRHRCHILL I thla city. Ancwt a. IBM Laalla Roaa. oa lor4 aon . of Wllllaaj and Bertha Omrchlll, arM a roara, 11 month, and 8 daya. Tha fonara! aarrleaa will ba bald at riawy-s rtuiaal At 10 a. as.. Wadwadar, Aaa-nat (. . Prlaada larltad. latarmant Blrar law. UNDERTAKERS. Daanlna. McEntaa 4, Gllbaofh, aadarUkwa and cmbalaara: and Plan. Mala 4a Lady aaaUtaat. - w.. mm in fnrr nmu. n. ...i. . B. Hamatoek. andartakar anA ambalnMr. Baat Thlrtaaatb and Unatllla ara. Phoaa Ball, wood TL Brtckaoa Cndartaktna Co. . nnd ambalmln. 0B Aldar at. Paoa Mala 41 U. Lwlr aaalaUat. J. r. flnlor Bona; Third and Madlana atn. Ofdca at oonaty aoroaar. Paoa Mala t. Bdward Bolaun. adartakar, 130 Third at. BITIBTrXW CKJtlTXBT. laala mm Ho:1 Famllr lota ITS ti, ai fwn Tao only conutary la Portland whirs nor- Ctaally maintain, aad earaa for lota. Par full farautloa apply to W. R." Mackaoalo, War aootar block, city. W. M. Lndd, proaldoat. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Hanaaata InTMtmaat 4 Traat aompaw w aiwia w. atouaaa, aw is, uaca a, Wood lawn ........,. .fc Aim Harold to P. A. Huaua jr., lot . oT Mock , Portland City BanMataad. . I. aad Emma Bcott to P. A. Mar- X" " -4, kaaek Ta, Portland -CUT Honnaataad - , ... Mmnia L. Footer to AacnaU Bolbara. aaat SO Coat of lot aad aaat 40 foot of aontk M fact of kt 4, block 104, . Carntaara' addition to Portland, aa laid oat br Boath PortlanA Baal btrnta mm. aorlatloB 1,000 A. B. and Helea D. Manloy to William Mackonata, andlTldod H of 10 acroo, bctiaalna at a polat oa baaa Una 440 fcot oaat of aorthwaat aomor of nee- tloa B. townahln 1 aonth. rmmmm f 80 H. B. and Ida M. McBwaa to Laatar A. ' Bhlnler. lot 10. block a. fllmn. ia.k. 1 aofl George w. Brown to rredcrlck Bnneea, ,. ' leu S aad 4, block 4, Laurelwood Park : 111 weorge a. ana Emma . Ihoaiaa to rred erica Hanaoa. lou 1 aad S. black A Laurelwood Park rrr::.,m.-T....77T. 380 onert Oroond to Edith B. Blcbarda, , lot 4, block 1. Park addition to Alblnn , 300 lioweu a. end Cella B. Young to Maybell C. Borger. lot 8. block 3. Atrow- brldge a addition BOO u. U and May w. Holbrook to Oeorre -W. Btheredge. lot 14, block 1, St. Johna Park addition to Bt: Johaa ,180 W. 1. Pat ton to Hane Jobnaoa, 38x108 feet la aontheeat corner of lot 1, tract ' O, Oreenway ' 800 Title Haaraatee B Treat company to Wll liam Lepoart. lot. 3, block 40, Boaay. aide Third addition , 878 William and Boalna Oelaer to George T. Felta, lot 1 block 4. Baratega addition ' 180 Bab LnnA aompany to Poalaanla Lumber . compear, 104.44 acrea la aectlone 1 aad 14. townahln 1 north, range 1 aaat. 118,000 W. M. and Belle Lacy to Ina C. Colnua. . lot 14, block 8. Uirtland Park , 1,080 Title Oaarantep A Treat aompaay to Leonard Newklrk. lota 1 and 8, block. 4, Lexlogtoa Helgbte 338 M. L. and May W. Holbrook to Plorenee C. McEachera. tot 14, block 3d, Hol brooke addition to Bt. Johna ISO M. L. and May W. Holbrook to Plorenee , 0. McEachera. lot 14, block 34, HoV breok'e addltloa to Bt. John, 890 Joe a Landgrea to Secartty Bartega A Traat company, aortheaat H of aectloa 30. townealD 1 aorta, range 4 aaat. containing 100 acrea 8,000 Emanuel and Amelia May to Henry Mela i tor, lot 14, block 81, original town of AUtlaa Job a aad Martha lone to W. M. Bohr becher. lot 1 block 3. WllUama addl tloa No. 8 J. H. Deeming to J. Louie Rhafer, 3 acrea . of Beldoa Murray'a donation land claim, aectloa 1, towaahlp 1 ooetA, range 1 aaat Angelina B. Blehardaoa to Arteta Land company, right of way for railway acreee aaat H of north weet H of aec tloa 34, towaahlp 1 north, range 1 aeet Katherlne H. Morrta (family Kara H. Bellinger) and W. J. Morrleoa to I. H. . Middle ton, weet H of north 40 feet of . lot 8: alee oaat H of north 84 feet of aald lot 8, block 344. Bolladay'e addl tloa to Beat Portland 8,380 W. P. Plledner to Ellen MeTeae. weaterly 1H4 reet or lot a and eneteriy it reel of lot 7. block 804, (Vmrh'e addltloa.. ttoo , B. and Alice M. w riant to u, B. Labba. lot 4. block 13. Irrlneton, aad 8 feet of lot B. block 138. adjoining.... . Oeorre B. and Kathleen M. Durham to . . Wilbur Man ley noon, lot 1, biocA It, Woodlawa -v.... tss 1.000 W. H. Darlea to Awanam loanger, lot 0, block 15, Paradloe Bprhtge tract.... Richard J. Latonrell and wife to Newton Courter, Into 38 and SO. block B. La- t fmtrel! Palla . . . . . . . . . . . 400 Carl W. rnraherg to Hiram A. Falter, lota p and 10. niocg a, uTormoa aaai ttoa to Albtaa - 3.000 Oct roar Inenraaco aad a bell acta to real eetate from the Title Guarantee A Traat aompaay, 340 Waablngtoa etreet. coraer Second. MEETINO NOTICES. BOMBTBTNO doing tonight at Oeorge Waablngtoa camp. Bet ter coma. Tlaltlag aelghbera welcome.' Woodman ball, Tenth and Waahlrertoa ata. B. 8. AAhoN, C. C. ' H. A. FKIDBICH, Clerk. M. W. A., Oregon Grape Camp. No. 4.078, Mob. daya. 17th and Mareball: daltore welcome. W W A. BTEROREEN CAMP. BeOt . Wedneedny aeealng. Allaky bldg.. Third aad NOTICE. R0T1CB of TMaaolutloa af Pirtnerehlp-Th, Arm heretofore exlattng undrr the name aad etyle of O'Hare Bobeon. doing baelnem In the city of Portland, Multnomah county, atata of Oregon, ee plela and ornamental pMoterere, la thla day dleeolerd by mataal canaeat, Mr. Joha O'Hare baring parchaeed the entire latereat af Thomaa Boheoa la the aald Brm. JOHM O'HARB, THOMAI BOB40N. , Dated Xaly 10, 1804. - NOTICE Pereone karlag goode or marc hand tea etored with ma at my wareheaae, 81 North Pfont at., are hereby Botlflod that I hare leaaed the pcamleaa to othera, and that tbekf property muet be removed within 80 dar. All goode remammg ea tbo premleaa Sept. I will be ram need aad a tared elsewhere at I thank yea all for patronage aad the aaifldeace rauaaad la me. eeoe TEiLcro areimany vKo voulcil lillc, to room and board in a ilice private family NOTIClt BALED BlOB will bo rocalTad by tha atato board of public bulldlnc eommlaalonora, at the capltol butldln. Salrm. Orecon. nntll 12 , i.''!0',,.B!" 14. 19u4. for bnlldln ad- ' dltloaal laTatorlea and hatha at tha aaylnta i nnd Inflrmary bnlldlora and addition at . tha ajuarantlno, bulldlos at tho Orecon atata Inaano earlum Balem; nlao palntln( tho out eld of the main nnd other bulldlnc, located at tha aeyhua, and aaylua faru; alee for . paint mixture. Plana and apedacntlona eaa bo oeea at tha ofllce of the clerk of tho board, nlao at the ' Offtca of tha 1 ti m auMrlntanilent and tlip office of Deloa D. Neer, architect. 1844 Plct at., Portland, Orejron, from whoa tot mm for i aina may be obtained. Bide mint bo acoompanled by a certlnVd nrieiiure cnern aa Teanirea py tne apecin - veiiuw. vioerwiee wm aet. v eoaaioerea. Br order of tbo -tTATB BOARD Or pCBLtarJnJtw , vvimmi air i v.a a ao, Atteeti W. N. GATBNB, Clerk. " LOST AMD POUND.. LOST Saturday evening, (old bead neck la re. rTencn coin aitacBea: rtwara. a care Journal. adya watch eat" with year la, water afata roe; ' return ti buu at.,, aaa rocotea ro. wnrj. LOUT Brlndle and white bnH terrier doe: U eeaoea cottar i . aart croppeai . rewara. av Iron at. - LOST Prim wnlta via. Ratnnt to Baa Fran. claca reetaaraat. Vl nrat at. Bewaro. . LOST Sunday erenlnf. (old watch and chain at Lyric tneatrei monoaram an inco u. m.j ' reward. Return to A 24. Journal office. HELP WANTED MALE. PTLBDBITBB foreman. 14. free faro; 4 bridle carpenter, tor ua uewiatoa nrin(e, nee fare: 10 boon carpentora, country, $SJ0: 10 roufh carpentora, 8: 10 helpera without tnola, 4 T6; 4 aaacblnlata, 40e hour. 0 boura; blackamttb, $78 and board; 8 blackemltha, 88. free fare; machine drill aharpeDer, 88: ai . man for aurrey party, 39 and board: wooda mea and nawmlll help, 8S.S0 to 83.80. Maa aad wife aa weoda laborer and cook, 8100 a month, for email crew t her porter who ren oerre drlnka la mornlna. 806; 8 col ored waltera, 885, fared paid; kitchen help, cooka. ata. .. i . Hansen's Employment Offices W NORTH BEOOKD BT. ZOO BUKNBIPB BT. Bettor come round for a aood Job. Lota of them. A Job tree to any able-bodied maa who la broke. WANTED Men for brickyard. 83.80 par day. Bereota and Boaeell ata. Jamea AnderaoA. . WANTED Experienced cook and aood dlab- waeher for flret-Uee betel In Willamette, to commence Aaewtt 10; wage accordlnt to ability. Cblneee preferred. Phone Mala 4, Albany. Or. P. 0. Box 168, WANTED 8 experienced bricklayer, oa ' ! re in, too. newer; late unnfwa car oa snai jth at. WiNTED Toaac men to teem telegraphy aad , railroad aeoeecttnf ; enlarlea 8TB. 00 to 800.00. ror rree aataiona aaarana more voiien oa TeUerapky. 804 Uta ab, -Oakland. Cat WANTED Twa or throe ftret-elaaa, an-aroaad taeniae men ! parmaaent poainoa, (ooa wacea, Orecon Farnltara Mfg- Co., Macadam road. WB (at work for eat memberet apeelal mem ber. S3. X. M. O. A, Poarth and Xaaahlll. MEN AND WOMEN to learn barber trade la eight weeke: gradnatea earn from eio to in weekly! expert lnetrnotora; eatalogua tree. Molar Byatem af CoUegee, 88 North Fourth at., PortUnd. . Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH BT. omnlmrment to oar Detrone. ' weekly ratea: voom, up; rem board. 84.80 up. Andareoa, proprietor. aad WANTED Mtllmea, 8338 per day) and Bp. Boat Blda Miu a Lamner co aeit WA BTBP fotiwga maker, i ateedy North Front, corner af Daria. WANTED S well-dreeaed mea to call baalneea aad profrealoaal men la reaponee to lacjatrlee regarding a bow and attractive book propoaltloe; only maa capable of earn- . lag 840 to SM per week aood apply. Call only between 0 a, an. aad 1 p. m., 414 - OnlnmMa bldg. a --,. . . REOT8TBBBD phermaclet wanted at tha Brewer Drag Co. 'a rtore, Salem. Oregon. WANTED Toung maa. erladow-trlmmer and eerdwrlter, general etora; ealary, atate eiperletce and ad dreea. Thompeon, Beard A " Bona, Napa, CallfornU. . - WANTED Tarpon tere; long Job, good pay to good workmen. Ineolre 828 Chamber at Com mereo, PortUnd. Oregon. WaNTtnv Banetienced maa o ia hotel or furnlahed -room baalneea. 187 Front ml. Apply to SALESMEN to Introduce tha world'e wonder la fmlta Bnrbnak'a bow atoneleea plnm i Miracle). Choice of territory, Oaeh weekly, ddreaa Waablngtoa Wareery aompany, Top poolab, Waahlngtoa. - Wiwrem 1a bora torn nnarentleea to an American eteaawra. They will occupy the poeltloa of petty offlcera oa board. Mnat be Amerteaa bora and ever 18 yearn of age. The term of engagement aball ba three yaara. Wagee 1 30 per month flrat year, 8M par - month aacoad year, 80 per month third year ' and a bonus at the and of the third year of r. For term, aad condition, apply to Hosier Flitch, secretary Steamablp Aaao elation of Baa Pranclaeo, 114 Baat etreet, .' Baa Fraaclaca, CaL WANTED Moving picture marhlne-operatore; . will teach yoa the baalneea; terma very rea eonabla ; poeltlone eecared; good aalary. New. maa, 14BH Sixth at. - --- -- AORNTS wanted to aell auperlor, blrh-arade aornery etock; complete outfit rui furnished free; eaeh weekly; write today for choice of ter ritory, capital City Bareery company, oaiem, Oregon. TOCNO maa, 10 to 18. for wholeaala office; addreaa own handwriting, state age aad ex perience. I 80, care JournaL WANTED AT ONCB 10 carpenters aad 10 , carpenter-helpers at Caaadero: wagea for car penters 88 and for carpenter-helpers 83.50 per dar. Call at Engineering Department, Oregon Water Power A Railway Co., Flrat and Alder ate., for particulars. ; WANTED Toung people to prepare themaerrea aa bookkeepers end stenographers; have had 848 calls sines September 1; placed 360 In positions. we will place yea wnen com petent. Day or Bight. Oata logos. . Behake Walker Business college. WANTaTD Boy corner Daria. steady work. 88 N. Front, BOT wanted, IS or SO, automobile shop. Alder St. - - 4P8 88 A DAT. few hours' tlma. Addreed Medicated jbsow CO., aaa ataia ei., rnruiao, ur. WANTED Placer or quart, mining man who baa nerve enough to In rea t 3600 aad make 310.000. B 34, cars Journal. - WANTED A few good carpenters at Eaat 37tk and Cltatoa. Take Woodstock or Kicomood car. WANTED Flrat-rlaea rent a' furnlablng aaleamaa. -ranabte Of taxing cnargs or am- partment; good salary snd permanent poal tkm. Apply to Frank Smith, manager Chi cago Clothing Co. - f -MIDDLB-AOED-mnB for, farm werk; Oermsa preferred; good nome ana eteeny work (or right man. Apply 417 Mohawk bldg. ; WANTED Asslataat bookkeeper aad stenogra pher: the position off era a good future to a brtrht, energetic young maa: p lease give ago, reference end ealary wanted. I 13, Journal. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CIRI.8 WANTED Operators to work aa shirts- snd overalle. Laaone given to Inexpeneaeeo. ' Apply at Standard factory No, 3, flrsad ara. and Baat Taylor St. - e TBB BOMB LAr-F.S' A0BNCT. Female help furnish! free to employer. Registration Free. 108H Ponrth at., apstslrs, room 38, Mala 8830. SJ OIBLS wasted to work la paper bog fac tory; stesdy work, F, C, SteUlar. aoraat " 'Tahm tk aiaAel sUltahnl Bh HELP WANTED FEMALE. fllBLS a boot 14 yaara of aya to work ia fan tory. Apply, at eooe, AaMa-BarravMaellla Co.. rutb aad Daeto ata. WANTED Gtrle to make 'Bona of All" alia at 74 Flrat at. ' A FIRST CT.A88 lady cook wanted at BOB Mar- aat, aetweea Third and rourtu. . BBND 10 rente rof Beeuty erret formula ah . circular of 100 other valuable recetpte. Li Aagelea Receipt Co.. Loa Aagelef, CoL WOMAN, over 38, fair edacattoa, eome boelneea knowledge, mnet dreaa neatly, to take poalUaa - at once. S3 Lewie bldg. BANBBN'B LADIES' A0ENCT. S48H Waahlng. ton at., cor. Seventh, upetalra. Phone Mala ; 3483. Female, help wanted. . WANTED " Good woman cook; ana wha eaa : take complete charge of eelact f boerdlng bouae; 140 a month. 388:81xth af. WANTED 3 cooka. boarding bonee. 840; 8 rook,, private famlllee, 4S0; aevond girl, 838. The Home Lndlen' Agency. Mala b&d. . WANTED Idlea to teach at M, B. mhMrina avenlng erbool. Apply erenlnge, 247 Va Stark at., near Third. WANTED An experleiiced reetanrant cook, German "referred; give phone Dumber. 0 30, cora Journal. - , LADIES' elnthea Irooer. Tel. Beat 1047. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP Wanted and cupelled, mala or female. B. u. urnse. zuou) vvaaaingtoa at. raeine i.f u WANTED 400 hop-plckera by Sept, 1 beet yard la Oregon; good accemmodetlona. Apply to Andrew Kaa At Co., 387 Morrteon at. BETOUCBEB and art lat. competent to work oa prlnta, not oa negatlveo. for commercial en graving. 81 Balelgh bldg., Waahlagtoa and Sixth. . WANTED Hopntckera. Call at A. A. Church at to. a, ana luyior at. BOPPICKBBS wanted: good camping grooada; about 14 daya' work. For partlculara ad dreea Harrlaoa Broa..v North Yamhill, Or. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MAN and wife Oeeire gentlemen', private place, maa nrat-ctaae eoraeman ana geracner, who cook or maid; city aad aaburbaa refereaoaa, A 84, care Journal. EXPERIENCED tlmbermaa wlahaa Job aa.hook- tender. Addreaa 870 Argyie at- a. a. Hlnnua. ; .. ... s POSITION an alght watchman t ' aeonatnted wita au ainoa or rata macnineryi reierepoe If neeeaaary. C 31, care Journal. GENERAL handy man aay place; packer; one tooln, eta; i care JournaL anied aa. J 10, WANTED Situation by aa elderly maa at light work where he can make hlmeeir .oaarui ana agreeable to bla employer; beat of city refer- Addreaa K. B. v.. Bt. cnariee bocm. WANTED 18 young men to board and at tha wood lane;, toe Meet eacneiora' corner Sixth and Madleon. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WIDOW.. 34, Want, position as bowaekeepcr for Fourth St., upetalra. aulte 28. ' - A SWISS woman would like work to help la kitchen. Mrs. Brneuner(er. Arieia, vr. . WANTED AGENTS. BIO PAT to one agent la each county working . for the Investors' Gaide. , 811 Marqaam bldg., Portland, Oregon. ' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. -' -- mmt THB Portland Bmplormtnt Co., 300 Vh Mcrrlsoa at. Phoaa Pseldo 338. HANSEN'S EMPLOTMBNT 0FF1CI FOB MEN. 30 North Second at. Phone Mala 1B3S. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO BINT Hoaoas, sot tares, flats, stores, of flees, rooming hmiaaa, ata. , Load lorda will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT OP OREGON. Phoaa Ex. 73. B. B. Cor. 3d aad Oak. , HOUSES, flats, rooming-houses, stores, of. flees, ate. Prompt attention assured, phone .Mela 1171. Ltndhard Jack, McKay bldg. WA NTND House of S or 0 rooms, soma yard, all modern conveniences; mnat be In beet destrsbls neighborhood, oa west aids; to occupy shout September IS. 0. W. Talbot, 348 Alder at. A LADT would like to take ears af a rooming. Ing bonee; good manager. 0 23, J on real. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB WILL SELL year property, no matter what It la or where located. Bend deecrlptlon now and we will do tho rest. Inveetore' Oulds ' Co., 811 Marquam bldg., Portland, Oregea. GOOD income and reeldeaea property, lota, farm lag and timber Made. LINDHABD JACK, McKay bldg. WANTED Baalneea or residence property la the dty la exchange for good farm lands; can handle anrthlng from 81.000 to 880.000; we also bars eome excellent bays la timber snd grsslng land. Call sad see as; , wa went to get acquainted with yen. TTRNRR 4V WALKER. , Boom 4. 404V, Wsshlngtoa at. WANTED To buy lot or bonee aad lot ea eaat side, walking distance. B 22, ears Journal. -7 WANTED A residence, modern, la Irrlngtoa or Tlolladay. or lots suitable for residence. Addreee B 84, care JournaL - 88.000 TO 830.000 CASH far a west-etde, , rlose-la rssl estate bargain; I am an Ln- veator. not an agent. Boa 64. city. WANTED to bur a 4 or 7-room bouse, comer ' lot. la neiahborbood of 15th and Eaat Morrl eoa St., or good building lot. comer; give VACANT kits on eaet nnd wast side, also mod ern houses. Have buyers welting. Lamoat ' A Harris. 107V, Sixth St. I WANT a 0 or 7 room home on eaat aide: give price and location In first letter. D 80, care Journal. . . t WANT a hH or quarter block on east side, aesr, not further out than 44th; If pries M right will pay cash. B 28, care Journal. WANTRD Honaemovlng. raising aad silling, J. H. Scott. Phoos Tabor 370. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS. WASTED To bay bores, harness and strong bualneas buggy, or long-body road wagon. Address" 28. carer Journal WE WILL BUT. SELL OB TRADE ANT 0X THING. WESTKRM SALVAOB CO., 427 42 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TPS. WB WILL BUT your fnrnltnrs any old tlma. Was tare Salrags Co., 427 Waahlngtoa at. PAINTING, spraying and whltewaahlng trees, basements, barns, docks, etc; largaet gaeollne spraying outfit oa the coast. M. O. Morgan A Co., 823 Union are. Phono Eaet 017. Mala 8408 Mala 8490 rtJKNlTURE WANTED tor spot cash PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS ill First st. Mala SSBS BIGHP.ST erice nald for d-haad goode, Phoos East 0077. 138 Uaton ara. jrHO IS Mj O. MORGAN a, QQ.X FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TUB GRAND, 46t North Third at. Boo ma Oar aemieinen mi.xa per wee aad up. . , 81 AND UP Nicely fnrnlaUad rooma. 108 ltth ax., aei. waaa. m BUrh. Phone Padna 3840. NICELl famJabed rooau, alngle or oa aulte. "to " ueeirear rree Data ana pnona, trio Ughtn. Mm. Brown. 80S 10th it . - THB BICHKMKU. 88H North Btxth et. Ele- B'aux lurnianeo; ateam Beat and be the. . "THB COBy." IAS Seventh at. Mlcelv Car. ' Blehed roona,- nnltable for twa gentlemea or man and wife, with aae of piano, bath, etc.: wo oiocan irom poetotrica, aae rrom Motel ruriieeu. raciim ivoe. . NICRLT furalahed rooma, fine table board, boat "cea. eon uih at. FOB BEST One alcely funiMhed room, gentle- oi.b preierreoi. roc parueatara ido waaB' Ington at. . . n ' awnanmanmBannamamxssmnnnnmBnmnmxa FOR 'RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THB MITCHEtU Ploadera aad ' Seventh itoorea, houaekeeplng nnd traaelent; m renienti prlcee reaaoaabla. LABOB elegantly furalahed houaekeeplng- rooma; gaa range, raanlag water. The bowae- eaie, oua Aioer at, fl.SS PER WEEK Large, eteia furnlahed Bouaekeeplng-rooma ; , lanndry , aad bath. , 144 Sherman, Boath Portland. 11.00 WEEK UP. clean furnlahed boueekeep- ing-roome, with yard, parlor, laondry, bath, furnace beat S08H Staatoa at. 0 car. THB JErrEBSONIAN. 814 Jefferana at. Nicely lurnunea euitea of two or three rooma with all roe Tenia area 1 cheap. NICBLT fornlohed boaaekeeplng aultee; large. ugni, airy rooma, per weeK. za union avo.' - - . FOB KENT 8 far d hi bed bouaekeeptng-rnoma with nice yard, clone In. Phone Eaat 8414. 480 QUIMBT Boneekeeplng aad single rooms. woii rurnianea aaa clean. - FOR BENT Unfornlabed aeaoekeepug-rooms. . walking dlstsaca from poetofnoe. laaulrs 8B4 SUth at. . . FUBNI8HBD aad anfurelebed houaekeeplng and sleeping-rooms, 1 wsek. McCoy, 371 m Mor rleoa at., room C. FURNISHED . housekeeping tents balance, of season 33 per week; pleasant location. Lewis and Clark Camping Grounds. Mt.. Tabor. Phoaa East 4128. FOB RENT 8 furnished housekeeping-rooms, ground floor.- 148 Sellwood St.; L car. 881 SIXTH, Urge doable parlor suits, 810 par ..month; smaller suits 310; walking dlstsaca. A 38, care Journal. PLEASANT room for S working girls i central, cheep; baths, laundry, phone. 33 N, 11th. ROOMS AND BOARD. ' The Bachelors' Home ' ' Tha Woodland haa recently been changed from a family to aa Meal bachelore' resort. For splendid, spacious apsrtmante, choice board and beautiful lawn, coma to Tag Wood land, corner Sixth and Madleon. NICELT ' furnished with or without . board; rates reasonable 303 Tillamook et... CHOICB board at tbo Woodland. 828 par month: transient, 81 per day: largo furnlahed rooms; entirely new manage merit. S64 Sixth Bt. BOMB wanted for boy 14 yaara af age. , dreea 0 84. eare JournaL Ad- UNFURNISHED! ROOMS. 880 SIXTH, 3 unrurntahed rooma. ground floor: sink snd water; gs per month. 0 10, cars JournaL ' FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. PART of shop to rent, sultsbls for pslntsr sr plumber, goo roarm at. OFFICE-ROOMS, aa furnished rooma gad sample rooma for rent. Goodnoagk bids. Apply a le vator. TWO dea treble aad well-toeated etoree en tha aest side. ' Apply to Hart maa A Thompeon, 8 ' cnamoer or commorca. STORE oa Union are. : good location: rente for 817.80. Apply to Bartman A Thompson, . 3 Chamber at commerce. . LABOB store, brick bnlldmg. rent 330. Main 8404. 843 Front si.; FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDERLT TRANSFER CO., prompt aad ra . liable plana snd furnlttnpt-movera; also stor age. Pbona Mala 1484. Office 110 N. Third. FOB BKNT a-room cottage, between Hayt aad Irving. No. 148 18th at.. Apply aext door. NEWLT papered T rooms aad bath; beet con dition; 330. Fred Vlereck, lost Third aad Ash sta. 88 S ROOMS aad bath. Bnnnyalde. on Mount Tabor oarllne. Inquire 1140 Belmont et. MODEBN 4-room cottage to rent. Kenllwnrtb. Key next door. - Phone Best 780. flS, 318, 830 Three modern beuees. newly painted and papered. Sixth and Caratbera sts. Phoaa Mala 4820. 48 Pi-ROOM bones, largo basement. - Key . O' Nell's grocery, corner Hoed and Orant. NEW 8-room modern Hat, baeement, gaa, walk ing distance, west slds,- 314.00 month. 402 Commercial bldg. FOR RENT FLATS. 838 10-ROOM furnished Sat, modern et venlences. near B. P. car tracts: also 4 room cottage with fruit. Phone mornings " and svsnlngs, Baat ouoo, . NBARLT now 4-room thoroughly modern flat, lower 8th street, corner: fine tncelity: cars every few minutes; walking distance, snd this fist Is thoroughly equipped. Portland Traat Company of Oregon. Phone Bx. 73. CINCINNATI COURT, coraer loth and Harrl son sts. 4, 8. 4-room apartments; hest, water and Janitor Berries furnlahed. ; Inquire ; aa premises. .- .-j. CINCINNATI COURT, corner loth end Harrl aoa ata., 4, ft. a-room - apartmente: beet, water and janitor servlcsev Inquire ea pram- 0 ROOMS, northwest corner 13th and E. Stark; tnewty paperea; rent reeaonaDie, aa si 1 in HSie m iuuji a amsnmaaaaasma H6USES FOR ' RENT FURNI. TURE FOR SALE. : , COMPLETELY furnlahed 0-ronm Oat. fnrnltnrs for aale. Sat for rent; this Is located oa - Waahingtsa St.. close In and Is cheap; rent reasonable. H. O. BROWN A CO.. 647 Waablngtoa St. Pacific 800. 3750 NEW furniture snd lesse of 11 rooms; cheap rant, g"! ,iHAZhlr , , FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. BALL and ballroom, ee pa rate or together! new and with all conveniences. Phone Maid 804. SUMMER RESORTS. LOCKSLEX HALL. BEA8IDB, OREGON Under aew management; concerto. Oehlng, elambekre, picnics, tennis free baa Basse, Sll trains; 100 elegant outside rooms; prl ' rsts hatha; electric lights; Sanaa overlor.klng the sea; cottages. For ratea, reserve t lone, address Harry T. Butterworth, manager, or pbona Mrs. Carlisle, Portland. PactOe 088. RECANICUM INN. Seaside. Oregon House di rectly feeing ocean Sowers and epedoas , grounds, electric lights, sandy beech, home .. cooking. Mlea K. Damans, prop. Oat off at Necsnlcam station. THB BR ITT. family hotel. Long Beach. HOTTX SALT AIR. Centerrllle atatloaf -finest accommodations. - THB PORTLAND, leading betsl. North Beach, BOTPir, W1CKKAM, Newton ate tloa; etcsllsat aaC 1 A3 Ll lzIzt "Z:zz zzl t:zzY a IT AUCTIONS. ; PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. ' . A. SCHUBACH, Prop. 311 Flrat at. Phoaa Main 4438. Aectloo dally at 8 p. m. Highest caah price paiu ror auruuuru, else gooaa sola oa COB' aignment. BUSINESS CHANCES. WRITE aa quirk about re real tmportaat de--vvelopmsnts of tab Hunt Automatic Switch A signal uo. ; our giock . before big advance. e. r. nnrsi m ca., zun MeBay bldg. MEAT market for sals chesp;.S48 VbIob ara., eisi sKung goou . nonineea. FOR - SALE Halrdremlng. - manicuring ' and eeowiT- psnon; a apicnnia propoaitioB ror a person understanding the baalneea,, D ,30, WHO IS M. 0. MORGAN CO.t SAWMILL for sale. 33 miles from Portland muat aell for good reseon: capacity 14.000 3.000.000 feet of yellow fir. 30,000.000 feet more can do nought cheep: mill almost aew: good local trade; prion 37.200. I 31. Journal wil.1. asil eome stack of mlntng company . awning large group M meritorious clslms, ele- gant showing. 10 eeafs, par value 1; guar antee at least 30 per cent profit;- 3 yeers should be worth more than per: - yen have tin opportunity ot making Tor each dollar Investsd aad absolutely no leas; all . gala; stork) fully naM; write today; don't aelay, 1 7, care Journal. - FOR laformatloa or for shsres of the Nicola coal mines, limited, write to Paul Bockmler, manager,, Pslouse, Waah. . - 87 H SHABES la one of the largest wholesale nnainene Douses in tns city; snnusl aaleo 8250.000. - This stock will be eold at per value of 3100 per share, snd with this stock a goon poeltloa caa he bed by. a a export a need young man. Cells! 107t Third at. FOR SALE Bakery and confectionery la (row ing .aiiey town, aomg a cash trace; no oa- livery. Apply or sddrcea aoe Eaat Alder St. 83.200 BUYS sn old-rstabliehed exocarr hual Bess, good location, chesp rant, long lease: If yon ara looking for a No. 1 grocery look this up. can at iviu 'iDira at. - . ' . . FOR SALE A general merchandise at ore; stock novices snout a.oi), cheap rent, in town within 38 mllea of Portland, oa Bon thorn Psclnc railroad; paying btwlneaa; goad rea eons for selling. Address B 38, ears Jooraal. FOR SALE Jewelry aad loan office baalneea the very eeet enor in the city; cheap rant. roooe racine xzar. . . CIOAB STORE, Ice cream parlor and Millard room; win ecu at Dig. aiscoant; awaa must leave the city; terma If desired. v v v;- H. Morehouse 1070 B. 18TH ST. PH0NB SELLWOOD 74. HURST SWITCH STOCK Buy of owner aad aeve Dig commiaaioa. Hoom T nuaamarg bldg, corner 17th aad Washington ata. CIOAB and confectionery store, well located; esou requires, uwners.. raoaa nasi luog. WANTED Sawmill to ms Address Martin Thompeon re to good location. aneaas, ursgoa. FOR SALE A good hotel la a live coon town; will bear strict Investigation. For partlculara call at room 3. 304H Morrison at. FOR BALK Confectionery aad cigar atore, -cheap. 4B1H Washington at. " FOB BALE A ftrat-claae grocery buslaesa la soourB at invoice; aomg snout geo per aay; roo, mm per montn; 10 living rooms. Ad dress B 31. ears JournaL LADY wsats a lady partner In a good paying proposltloa; half profits to right party; small capital, a n, cere journal. WOULD exchange large rnomtng-bouas of 80 rooms for one of 14 to 3ftt want soma cash difference.- A 8i rare Journal. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 500 Homes For Sale Fsisie and clli niwueitr. THB INVESTORS GUIDE CO., ' 311 Marquam Bldg., Portland. Ortgea. CBANCB TO MAKB M0NBT. $2,500 , . . - S-room boaso, new; corner lot. 100x1 10, . Improved street, fireplace. gas..bsth tarma. :;'r - x $4,400 ' :.'':; 440 acred near Myrtle Point. Coos eeanty, with coal; terms. 30S Fourth. Tel. Pse. 3125. S40O S-ROOM Boaao, rtght on tho Mt. carllae, full lot. water la the bonee. . CALL AT 107 THIRD ST. Seatt CHEAP FOB CASH New S-room heusa snd .lot. 80x111. See owner, on premises, 1280 Willamette boulevard. Call avenlng.. IF BOUGHT this wsek 82.100 cash for aew, - modern, complete borne, 0 rooms, with lovely lawa. J- B. Hosmer, T37 Union eve. NV Eaet 0100.-. FOB BALE, 81.300, s bargain; lot aad 3 eleaa cottages, moetly new, Boath .Portland, Marquam Road addition Call on owner, F. Bontty, HI North Fourth St., or phono Pari Ac 121. - 31.3SO 4-ROOM houae In Bunny aide; 8440 caah, remainder saay terma. ...... . CALL AT 107 H THIRD ST 85.O0O WILL bay a new 7-room boose, modem and convenient. Including aew velvet corsets, shades, and scrsena; combination gas snd Meetrle Sxtarea throughout; has : four light bed roo me. tall cement baee ment, atatkmary tubs aad furnace; cement walk and sidewalk, good laws . and rosea; In a moat deelrsblo aelghhorbood, convenient - to town end five blocke from school; owner leaving city: mnat sell at ones; terms. 60S Broadway, a ear 10th. S-ACRB tracts, aesr electric line, 10c fare) - tae Estacada car to Oatea, Inquire for Ben edict. 38.800 HOOD 4 mom bouse la Nob BUI district, fall tot 80x100. CALL AT-107 H THIBD BT. - IF yoa want to build any kind of building, small or large, go to Amerteaa las for lumber, tlm- bar, doors, windows, plaster beards, etc. $700 4-ROOM house on Mount Bcott line; 1-8 oeinnce mouimy. . b v, cars soaraak t SNAPS' la t'nton sve. business property; 44Vil00 feet. Improved, well rented, for ''auw IftnxlOO, corner, anlmpreved,-32.800; Come quirk. See Magnlre, SOS Ualon ave., north. ' In St. Johns- ' 8128 Lot ea raay terms, neat rsrHns. 8278 Lots SoxIflO on terms, close In. 8tnO Lot 80x1(10, with 8.000 fact lumber. . 8700 Lot 80x100 on Irenboa St., close la. 31.400 Lot 100x100 and 8 -room .houae. Ilino 14 tots 80x100, 3 blocks from-ear-line. ' 42.700 5-rooro bouse lot 114x100. on Iran bos at.l fine lawn; modern thronahout, HOMB BltOKEKAOE CO., Boom 0 Broedea bldg.. Third aad Waahlngtoa. ParlDe Sooa FOB SALE 3 awderp 4-room bonsss In good location; hay of owner sad rare commission. Phone Woodlawa 300. ' Must. Sell; Kxcellent ' bnalneea coraer; t bits and , bones, en Union sve.; . 81.790 If bought from Sua sixth at.,- at noon or evening, . t FOB BALE. -, 82.400 Nlca cottage and big lot. Bod- act are. 1 1 i.sao Oond 8-room cottage and alee lot. 047 llorthwlck st. .. 83.400 lino house aad mt. 10s Monroe at. ; John A. Plttener ; ' 883 SHERLOCK BLDG. CITT property In Dallss; farms, ranch ea. tim ber claims ror sais. Dallaa. ur. Addreee L. D. Browa, FARMS. atock sad dairy ranches and city T27 Union are, N. property, i. K. Moamsr, 14 TiCBES near Oregon City, well Improved; with thla place gees 3 young horses, 3 sows, mower and tsks and other farming tools and the present crop, 30 tana of bey, already In Urn, all Mr 32 000. ' CALL AT 10714 TIRD ST.. FOB SALE. CHEAP V, acra at Meant Tahsrt terms.. - trwaar, sal - Baal Momaon. liawa ara, . : i 5c pov line FOR SALE REAL, ESTATE, BacMel &:;Ieras' 362 EAST nORRISOU ST. IAYE F0R: SALE- , TbeBalley bldg. on Union, svs ; win real J10 000' P Ui: " a hoday for '' 100x200 oa Baat Taylor at. between Sd aad ' 3d. a choice wsrshonss location for 317,000. - 5O1IOO. oa East Morrison bringing oa long msee 41 per month; price only 318,000; wll i be worth 825.000 one year from Bow. 3 choice lou on Best Morrison, corner 3d. . TWIth good buildings, bringing 8238 par month, prlos only 438.000. . . . . 50x100 on Grand ara., between Ankeay aad . Aah. 40,800. . .. , . . . ,40x80 mi Unlea ara., - betweea Aah and . Plae;.3.SO0. 100x100 on B. Conch with 8 alea kouaea, BM ' 314000: rents for 88 per month. .' 10Oil0O on Union ave. and B. Market for -87.4ti0; tneoma 4A3 per monthf , . IQOxloo, n. W.: eornar Tth and . Oayi . eheap at 84.400. v . ' 3 fine lota-la Flrland for 1SOO. an sear "Choice corner lot at 4id and B. Madiera ia., pairs timo; . terms 810 down; 810 per month: only . 140 feet from Hawthorne ara. - Tennlnits of North Bank R. R. . 000 acres oa tbo bay, 200 scree cleared, ex cellent water frontage with deep water, aad the ground lying as It doss msksa It a aatursl townslte. Remember It la at tha g. terminus of the NdVth Benk rood. Call room S Breeden bldgwond snd Wsshlngtoa. r-r. New and ' Kodern House 8800. caeb, bnlancs 828 per month, very cheep Interest; located oa weet clda aouth; cement walks, beautiful home, nice aelgh- horhood. H. W. Gsrland Co. . 193U Fourth at. . , m ' NEW COTTAGE. 0 htrga noma aad bathroom e mnm looruerr . gooo acnooi, enurenee - sad . stores aesr: bouse not qnlts finished; only 31.800. Home Land Co., ISoVi First St., GOING eaat snd must sell at sacrifice. 4-room aoaae, run lot, ngnt near best esr line; tins fralt: 42.000. J. t. Hosmer, 737 Unlosr are. N. . Pbona Eaat 0100. 10 ACBES aesr Vancouver , all h, bearing fralt. au wen impreveu. rnie is semetniBA good. CALL l, A i 1U 107 THIRD ST. I HA VR two 4-room and one 4-room now modern nouses; , win give purrhsssr terma to ault. Owner. Pbona East 478. v . FOB SALE New 8-room boose; modern plumb ing, grounu loxi'Nj or iwiiw reer, corner; 8400 to 81.000 cash, balance per month. . Call oa owner, C. A. Zygowakt, Willamette sts. tloa, St. Johna ear. Call sveatngs or Ban days; A CONDUCTOB Just bought a lovely home for aa.oou; acroos tao etreet ia a nns a-room cottage with 3 beautiful earner lota lnOilon, with fralt and, flowers, far 83.800; tlnee en 31,000. J. B- Hosmsr. 727 Union are. N. Phone 010O. ,....,-.,.,..... ....... FOB BALE Oood 7 -room besee with ml or 8 lots, ixsy ssst Ham. 83.100 PBETTT modern cottage of T rooms: w motm. ru.n., hi, . j . , mmn eiwinv light; close la; easy terms. laqalra 381 Ivy st or phoaa Beat 406B. ., OWNER, let 80x100, tacbjdtng dty water section. . iw uirawooa. x aioeas aorta. BOUSES built on Installments, lots If aoalred. ail vmmerciu Bldg.. Mala lveo.. 8-ACRB trscta. near electric - line, lOe fare. Inquire Benedict, at Gates, Eataeada ear.- . :,... BHADT WOOD PARK. v.. - s - LENTS' NEW ADDITION. ' Oct yoa a home In the shade of tha trees . close to cor snd 10-room scboolbaaaei - those lets are large and fine soil: the smallest lots are 184x80 fort, plenty of room for gardes, or chicken yard: prices from 3180 ap. Cell aa P. A. KUbora for Information. Lento, Or. REDUCED to 31. 800, good Broom houae. one block room ear line., facing east; lot boxiooj -much fruit ; best terma. J, E. -Hosmer, 737 Ualoa are.. N. Phoaa Bast 4100. . - M. PETERSEN. R. W. MeNUTT. RIAL ESTATE. COBNELIUS. WASHINGTON COUNTT. Oregon Improved Farma aad Timber Lead. 1 44 acres, 13,800 Oood lmprovemente, (loss In. . - -. 3108 acrea, 34.000 1 mttee from Cor. aellqg; 70 acrea cleared, pert bottom, A-l, good Improvements; this la worth looking up, 880 acres. 44 miles tfrom Cornelius. 83.200: all cleared: part beaverdam. - 430 acrea la Cornelias; A-, Improved; -84.000. .: . 8188 acres, H mile from CoraeHns: 138 acrea cleared. One Improvements; 818,300. 0 200 acrea. 4 mllee from Cornelias; fair lmprovemente, good timber and piling, joining sawmill; part cash; 84,000, 7 340 acrea, 32.6UO Partly Improved; a . bargain. 8 SO acres, 38.000 t mllea from Cornelius 40 acres cleared, balaaca seeded; Improve meats O. K. 040 acrea. 81,000 Partly Improved, bel anas easily cleared; boose, barn, fnrlt. 8 ACBES oa St. Johns lino, cleared, level, elghtiy. Owner, room 800 Allaky bldg. FOB SALE Now modem ap-to-dstd S-roem -roo tage oa Mason st. aaa vaacogrsr svs. Boa owner, Shd Mason at. FOR SALE Equity la S choice resides ce lota. wnwifr .mm in pi, aunnv, rony vm soon. Inquire of owner, 344 Eaat 14th at. 41. MO LOT 48x113 feet, sice aosy 4-room now Bouss, nna an ana garaen, cmee to new t borne are.;' easy terms. 430 Commercial. 17.800 THREE 3-story kouaea, .with 78x100 reet in soutowest pari 01 city, wen aocaion and pare good Interest oa Investment. 34,800 40x100 feet, with 3 goad boneee, wall a I mated la southwest psrt at dty; good Investment; terma. - 8300 Modern, new 7-room bouss with 80x100 feet la Irving ton; good location nad pleasaat botnet terms. ; Parrish, Watklns & Co. " SM ALDER ST. . . 34 3ofl MODERN 10-room bouss on B. Msln St., a omcxs rrom car line: coraer mil, luuxiw; fralt, berries, stc; s bargain. Louis Salomon BOOM 330 LUMBER EXCHANGE BUKe.. 8. B. CORNER 3D AND STARK. 30-ACBE orchard, bonee. barn. near Boeeburg, will trade or sell, essy terms. H. O. Baat ham, 823 Chamber of C01 BUT TODAT. ' This 7-room strictly modern noma wltb lot 100x100 en Prescott st. for only 34.000. Ka place ea market Is this, ,. Desirable 0-ronm house, corner let, Irrlng toa, only 88, MO. , .-v-., - , 7-room home, best on Willamette Belghta, p caa bny bow for only 35.740, . H. C. Eastham " . v ' 833 Chamber of Commerce. ;J . FOR SALE For n few deys only, sight ehoteo lot,, eoxmi, six Bmcte trom eiu acott car line; good eoil; 812K esch, on Installment ' plan: one lot near Hawthorne. 8400; cheap. Smith A Holllngsworth, BPS Belmont. FOR SALEsa-FARMS. ' TAMHILL COUNTT FARMS FOR SALS. ' We have Hated some of tbo beet forms ta the county. If yoa srs looking for a farm, call an or writs 1 . . , WARREN STATES, CHEAP LANDS BtcB rancnea. rarma ana waeex lande In northern Grant county, Oregon, oa and Beer Joha Day rivers,, 38 to 10 per sera. For deecrlpUve lists write to . T. F. BALL, Long Greek,' Oregon.' , 812-ACRE FARM 80 seres orchard, mostly 7-year-old pitsenoerg s poles; 7 acrea Boyal Aha cherries; orchard well sprayed and cared . for; new fences, good Buildings, gltnstsd 18 mile seat of Eugene, aa MoKenala river bot tom, loamy soil: telephone. 3-day stages, B. F. D. roots. 1 mile erbool, 4H mllea ta railroad atatlon; price 41000; about 13 down, balance tong time, low Interest: will . trsds for Portland property. Address E. H. , Ingham, owner, as re Joornsl. - - , 1.848 ACRES aa Lawk river, all good lead. Bag -M . .1... mwmtmm iImmI . iWV, A.wt , . . timber on It, at 45.00 nor aor.. or will sell timber for $8,000. Browsing Realty Osm 181 Morrtara 4b . , .. ,y .... , v.-