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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1906)
c:.rrc:i daily jouhiiai;, Tcr.TLAKD. tue:dav evz::i:;q, August r, isci a. TCI: CALS TAHi 81,80080 mm, IB nil frora Fortlaad, seres Clsared. IS acres sisshed. burned a .4 seeded, balance) fine S"b swale; 40 scree win a names wires, eoaau trees, m 1 I niOtl hNM. saaall ham. ft ha ad caff 1a. horse, plenty o( As to wis lac Ail stock, isvsl una, count roea oo X sides at plsce. "4 of a nil to school ui church. B. F. D.. tele phone la hone.; half essh. bslsoca oJ ww. ox wui case pars la yortisaa cii FT"". gtoa & Oregoa Realty Co. rr BBS. Washington St., Boom IS, Portland, Or. and 100 Mala St., VaaetniTar. Wash. FOR 8AXR BY OWN1R Srasll highly Ira proved farm 0 ail lea tram courthouse. V 89, ease Journal. VDR SALB190-aTe farm to tnUoa (toas Vaa- , soever, a miles front railroad: goos eecnara, -..running wstcr; 1.800. , WUUaa, Clique, . saocsinaoa. waaauauaa. , ' TBGBTABLR AND HOP FARM on WlUaxastte -river, aaar bostlsndtng ana railway alatlon, 88 sens; amail bonaa and barat shsre of crop to buyer; land rich, will grow anything:' taka , " aiornlng .boat, latum evening train; 860 par " eerej Half fitrwm. liotna lend CM,, 14tH First. PARKS NEAR VANCOUVER. . SO acraa, 8 allies from VaaooaTar, a fine - gravelsd road and 1 ml la from railroad town 10 seres sealer bleb ststeof cultivation, bat- anoa la pastors: naw-4-room house, anod bar . woodshed, chlcksq-bouss, ate.; family arcUad -..-iaf ssearted fralta la full bearing. 8 acraa of strswnerriee neeiass. lota or other amail rruite ; H mlla from church and school, la fins Bslgh- borhoed. - Price 81.800. . i M acraa, .10 mllaa from Vancouver, aa good .. rose, and A mum rrom eonntrr town charcb, V school, cresmsry. itoraa, ate.; 23 acraa under - nne atata or euittvatloa. s acraa choica tuu ' bar, balanca vary aaally elaarad; oa mala 1 , road; living watert telephone lloa by place, : Thla la a anan: If vest ara lnoklna for a wall. " .nested place yoa sen 'so no battar than aaa , thla at your akrllaat toevenlsnoe. Prlea SI. 000: 1300 can atand I reals. If pes do sot aaa what yoa Want la tha , a bora, call or .wrlta for prices oa farma aud saty property, Wa eaa ault yoa and ears yoa , mono. . THOMPBOW W1, foarrb ana kfiln .. TancouTor, Waab, Bafaraoeat . Vanaoarar National Bank. "V ; ' HOOD RITES J. W. HriT,nanNs A m ' - . ' llt-it Lumbar Bxcbanga, aaeoad and Itark, 1M ACBBB bottom land an Colon Ma rtrar, H I mnaa from Portland, with nw T-room bonaa : all ranead: with atock, S.oaa Par aartlro- wra aaoraaa i. T. Bmttn, Iatourall Faiia. or. ."FOR SALE TIMBER. ' und briti nnrranT - Awn bnt.n. AM klnda of land acrlp wantad aad for aala, - tocladlaf approrad foraat rmm and railroad " land aertn, for aomyad, arararrayad, ' tlm. . ncrad and pralrla land: approrad Unltad ataiaa miutary noanry una warrants; ra aarrlflad anldlat-af additional aomaataad acrlp, ' H. 11. Hamilton, tha Portland botal, Portlaad, vraana. - CEBTIPIBD arteaa. W. aerlo. any alaa vlacaai 0. Bowall, Ma Cbambar of Com- f IMBER LAND Par aala. 100.000,000 fort tr a uti nmoar; aaa oa loffgaa mm uomn Ola. Addrnaa tor parti rulara, I 10, Joarnal. HORB aorarnraaat laad Juat epaaod for antry aa. tlm bar clalma; aararal cbolca elalraa that will rat from i. 000, 000 to T.OOO.OOO foat par ciaim. ror aarucniara call at lhfl Marruoa. umbo aariy aad aacara ana af tnam. HOMESTEAD allaqatahmaat for aala abaap) ooa iimnor. oa runnuif watar aad aa railroad. t, earn Joarnal. HORSES, VEHICLES." HARNESS WANTED A taam la trada for atrbtly lota la a-Orrfoa City. Addrcaa Mr. A. lilUlan, Eata- aaaa, uracoa. a. r. u. no, I. I0R- BAXEJ A aplandld atnsla iprlnff wag an. caaap. a., aza Eaat auui at. ' TBHIOLES of all klnda, now aad aaaaad-hand; r"- largaat atock, kaat prlcaa: borara aad rlaa " ranted by day ar amaaath. ' TomUnaav, A Caa- aiaay, ui waaungiaa. ' racina tat.- HORftEa at balf Miea. Union Btoekyarda. Xoa wui una bu iinaa or aoraao. roR BALJB d wall nratebad-aad warhbrokaa taaaaa. IjSOO ta ponada. Addraaa Bam airamn, TrootdaM, or. B. W. a.. Mo. 1. WANTED AT 0N0 A taam aot laaa than 1.400 ponndai amot-ba raaaoaabla. Call at ' turk'a, oa roatar road, 8 mllaa aaat of ' Lanta, or taka Eatacada caf to Oataa, g - aoutn, Torra noaao oa roatar roaa. TQ EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE S00-acra folly aqnlppad Brat . elaaa- pLaear mlaa,- tor Port land propartyi ' mlnca ara dlrtdrnd-prodncar and will aUnd ' rnraatltaHon: water rtchta of tba baat, Ad draaa p. O. Boa g8I, Oraata Paaa, WANT TO EXCHANOB atock la good aom- pany la racant lot la aubarba. Sua McKay PINE bloc of lota la Bt Jobna to axebanga iov aoaaa ana m. uu at i ruta at. WILL axebanta waat alda lacoma-baarlna oroa. arty tor city raal aataU ar farm mortgages. m vf, cam aoarnai. KBW donbla a-room modara flat, walkm dh ; taaca, waat alda, for good rabarhaa acraaga . ar amau farm aaar rortuad. oa Oamawr- - rial nidg. MINES AND INVESTMENTS. I .It Stocks : WSICB WB CONSIDER ROOD BCT8. ' no Amarlraa Da Foraat Pfd ...5 V 9or American Da Poraat Com......... IN 0 Horat Ant. A A 8..rMr.....,a ADO -1000 OaHca Conaolldafrd. .0S4 a- aimetia oetannnataa.,..,,,aa,,, .irr 8000 Caacadla M. A Day BOOyOrafoa Raeurltlaa. .09 Bono Wtalta Boar (B. C.) ,(M ftooo Alaaka Pat. A Goal (Traaa.)..,... .IT 1 000 Alaaka Pat. A Coal (Pld.l MtU SflO Tabor Practloa - .(IS Bono Bnowatnrm (Coanr d'Alcaai, S.Stl 1000 Btawart (Ooanr d'Alana) 1.3S Will bar and pay eaab for any actlra min ing ar rnduatrlal storka ar bonds. ; TIic C; J. Ice Co.- t "- ', Brokaraga Dapt. r -10-11-13-ia-lO Xafayatta Bldf. -Portland, Or. Ha W. Donahue, Manager STANDARD SECURITIES CO. , - . Slv Waahlngtoa Btraat. stocks aju) bonds ; , we-will sell , 100 Amaricaa PaPorast (Pfd.) I ft.M, 100 Amartcaa DaPoraat (Com.) 4.M 10 Amarlcaa Marconi an. TO 100 t'anaolta Marconi 000 Ookaorls Oonaollrlatod ....... 200 Harat twitch A Signal ........ ifinn Oregon BaearltlM - 1OO0 Caacadla M. A M. Co..., gooo Standard ConanMdatarjh (000 Alaaka PH. A Coal .TB ..OB 14 a.i-i .iou .I2'i .90 WE WILL BUY: Simwatorm, Standard ConaoUdatad, flaattw. Bnatna Coppar, Tamma Steal, Ooloonda Caa4 Oragoa Socnritia., Iliirat Sarltrb, at al. Sa. na a-ror btiylng or nailing. W. bea dle all mining atorka from Meiloo to Alaska. BURST SWITCH BTOCK SOLD CHEAP I buy ad loan money oa approrad stocks; gold ' dnet aad pracfAn. atone, bought I dividend ' paring atneke enld; proapacu af merit pur ' rhaeed: Imonrtaat InTantloaa aromotodr coa- ault ana for nrofltible Inraatmaata; member ' Portland Stork Eicbanga. - W. J. Cartls, SIS 7 Commercial blk. Phone Mala 834. . WILL nail t.onn Mt. Pitt. 1M) will aaH 10.000 Oregon aamrltlea, T will sail 600 Coppero ' polia, iocs two aharea J. C. Laa atock. faoOj - will boy - Harat Switch, Caacadla and all . marketahla stick, t. 1. Cattrrlla A Oa., 1M ' Ablpgtoa bldg. WANTEDA anod mlalna aroaoaltfaa a la anrpsrats sad Sssaca. . A. AaUap A Ce del Lam bar Bxcbanga. rca caliu-i:::c;lla::zc-- WB print- yaor asmo aa ft all' mua, proper alaa and atjrle, i ; ? 0 bu. . a erd. 11. ' A. W. ScbOMio Co., tad rtrat, Partaaad. Or. WESTERN OBEOON arlMNd A MI1XJNO CO. headquarters; etock for aala and InXurmstloa at lira at. Pboaa Mala ldSo. - BILLIABD AND POOL tablaa for rent or lor IdE BBUMwTl K BALKE COLLBNDEB CO. 40 Third at., Portland. ARTISTS' materials, ptcraroe aad framing, H. Moorboua. A Co., 1 Aider at. WB need fnrnltnra and will pay fall ralna. Phono PaelOs Tba.. Was tars Balraga Ca.,.aT j Waehlngtoa at. BOLDEN'B RHEUMATIC CURE Sure . rheumatism. Bold by all dragglata. BOOKS bought, sold nd archengad Old Book Store. t2 XambUl at. at tba SHOWCASES, omiatera. fltturaa bought, sold or tichsagsd. Weetarn Salrag Co.. tin Wash gtoa at. Paclaa TM. PURNITVRB W. still bars a few places Irlng around loose for aala cheap. Weetarn Salvage Co., 027 Waahlngtoa at. ' , TTPEWR1TEB. good ss new, at as than halt ooat prlea. Inqulra 333 Waahlngtoa at, COW far aala, cbaap. ' Alberta. Apply Bast frth aad MOVINb-PICTURB MACHINES, dime, . song . slides, gas eotdts, etc., bought, a.Jd. ranUd ;. and axchengsd. Newman. -146M BlittLjStiaas Paclfte IMS.. - . .. . POR SALE Masoa fruit jars, quart. 6fi par doaan; lds snd rubbers complete. Crane Bot tle Oo.. corner lath aad Coach. Mala 2288. W)R SALE; CHEAP Double express wagon Snd harases, Crass Bottle Co., 14tk and Oonch. Mala E28S. . , . . . . POR SALE ie-borapower - runabout, abaft driven ; aa everyday machae; excellent hill . cllmberi owner baa bo uia for It. Address O. J. A., Vsnsower, Wsab. SECOND-HAND furniture of all kinds: also a complete Una of . new furniture and home auppllee at lowest prices ; everything moat aa sola, us rroat at. POR SALB Steam eohosner. first-lass. 1,060 tons capacity, anglnea 11x13x41 sbO, Oa. B. Cash A Co., Inc., 10 Concard bldg.. - BH0WCA8ES AND FIXTURES mads ta orders eeeona-nana goons ror eaie, -larjaon m aw atrom, 338 Couch at. Pboaa CUy Six. , HOW TO REACH TUB PABMERt Send . for Xaatoa'e Rural Directory: 160 V. D. routes, with IB 000 ciarett - names, t Rural Directory . Co- SO Ablsgtoa bldg roruaaa. uregoa. POR SALB Freeh Jersey and Durham a enrw and good, milker. - Apply James Hultt, larqusm's Hill; taka atapa at bead of Wood si., bouib roruaaa. . PERSONAL. FURRIER Ladles, have your furs remodeled ana repsirea ay practical ramer ana expert Stteri SO years' exparleace la thla branch snsbles ma to guarantee entire sstlsfsrttoa: will rail at rasldenca snd give estimate. If desired. A. Ralaar. Lewie bldg., . Morrbwa ana rara. rnona racinc wi, ANT aaa or woman eaa ba strong and happy ny using aexine nits, ma great ionic; price il a Box, boxea D, with lull guarantee, ddreee or call J. A. Clemsoeon. dragglet. roc aesoaa aaa xamniu sis., roruaaa. wr, DETECTIVE AOENCT ConBdantlal Invsstlra. none: resorts mrnunea on ladivtaaaie. their character, reeponslMllty. stc. ; bad debts col lected; missing relatives located; charges resaoseblo; eorrsspondenes solicited. Oregon Detective Service, of dees S0S-S04 ,Flledner bldg., 10th aad Waahlngtoa at. Pboaa Mala Sdla. MANLY "rigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Narva Olobtlaa- One month's treatment, )2; 1 montns. So; sent sscnrsiv aesiea ny mail. Agsats, Woodsrd, Clarke A Oa Portland. Or. MOLRS. wTtnklea, saperflaoas kslr removed. Let ms tell eaa haw. No chares. Mrs. M. IX. HUL Salts L SeUlBg-Hlrach bldg. Psoitis ISA SBXINB PILLS, sura 1 forma at aennee as ilar weaknees. Pries 81 a box. 8 boxes SH, with fnU gasraa. tea. Address or sail J. O. Osamsneoa. drag gist. Second sad Xamhin Sta Peatlaad. -Oe. eviv eeeeai wniia J"1 we,,, ova. taww akirts areesed, 0c. minert. loeiM anna abi aeat is (josus. . rnona racud sunn. ; . - . DISEASES OP WOMEN Private maternity hoepltslj. ojilet location and special cars. Dr. Atwnoa, boom Morrisoa sxH room a. PsctBa. 1753. ; . - - . BOLDEN'B BHBTTMATIO CURE Surs rheumatism. Bold by. all drug slats. TES, Palme Tablets make yea fleep perfectly! they rare aervousness and make yoa strong; ance sue a box. a ooxea ansrsnteed. An droggtsts, or address Brooks Drug Co., 8T nerta 'intra sr.. rortuna, uregoa. HUMAN HAIR SWITCHES Pay after yea re ceive tnam; sena a sample 01 your aair ana ws win send yoa one or ear i no switches, tu ex., SS Inches: exemkse Hi If a big bar- Eiln, remit: If aot. return. Address Ladles' fair Emporium. 124 Dearborn St., Chicago, DB. O. T, ,K ETC HUM rarsa promptly private sieeeees, aiansy, nerves e,- exia ana apeciai femsls troablea. Csll or writs. Of Ilea not, Third at,, aor. TambUI. Pboaa Padoe 2228. TURKISH BATHS, Sno Oregonlsa Mdg.t ladles asys, gentlemen aignca, mala law. DOLL'S HOSPITAL Repairing .ad dresaiag. SSI Tsmhll at WANTED To know ths whereabouts af George Harold Roberts by bis mother, Msry aj. Holslngtos, Prlasnns,1' Oregoa. - HOLD ON Thar. Is ens thing thst will rare rhenastlsm. Ask yoor - dragglet ror berk tonic or address or cell J. O. ClsawBxoB, drag glet, Portland, FORBIDDEN PRCTT.,r"A Oay Lothario," "Ktory ar a Blare," "Mabel urny," "Moo era Monk," "Agnes." ''Women of fire." BOe each; lieu free. A. W. Srhmsle Co., 228 First it. MADAM ANNA LCCKBX Cea be found at 4AS Hall St., prepared te take patlenta; room and board, best ef rare snd trestment! besntlfnt privets boms. Msla BOIL. Would ilka a -eh lid ta board. , TURKISH BATHS LADIES ONLX. Msessas, Ihampoolng. seslp snd fees trsstments, cheat development, manlearlng aad rhlrepody. SM Wasblagtoa, betvreea lftth and 17th, Mala T048. , MISS GIBSON give, expert scalp treatment Room 02, Tba Cosmoa, 288 and mseaage. Morrisoa St. MASSAOB, rhenrnatlem cured, steam and auk pnur ostos. aes tarsad ave., eor. mviaion sr. SKIN dlssssas. rbsamatlsm cared; grsdaste mssesgs ef New York school; - sulphur snd steam bathe. 488 Grand are., eor. Division st. XOCNO lady from Chicago hs -recently opened msnicnruf asriors. Wi Marruoa at., loom 14. 1 -!-, - BOTH time and money ssved. with a free shine. wniis gstnng gnsvea at toe atoaei fjsrner Shop, l Sixth at. bat. Btarfc and Oak sts.) sbavla 16s. XOUNO lady rives tdsotlSe msmsge, msatenr- itw asa peaicnrtng. lasb tuxta si., set. Morrlaoa and Alder sts. BALM or riOS for all femsls diseases. 828 Esst Belmont. Pboaa Esst 4014. MISS ETHEL WARD, firs and scalp nuaaags, manicuring, chiropody.'. Boom is, 16 t sixth. BEST eommlaaloa, psld agents oa all msgtaloe r auDsrriptiona. 4onea- uooa store, zvi Aiaer TWO refloed ladles give electric, vapor snd megnetie ussimentn. usii st as waes Ingtoa st.. aear First, rranne 1-1. Pad Be 114. CALIFORNIA Medlcstsd Healtng Snap, toilet. satn. erimpiexion. armory. Ask your desler for It. Moors-Helta Co.. geaeral agents. 2714 Morrison st. Paclfle 1B71. LADIES! -Use Cktcheatar'a EaglbsV PIllaBestl f Bareet! only Reliable I Tike no other. Buy ef your Dnisslat or send 4c, atampa, for par tlcnlara aad Booklet for Lddlea. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Penssylvssls. -. LADT would Ilk. tn shsre Id Ilk. to shsrw axpenees with mlddle-eged laflv of good repots lng Besch; will asrhanga refer congenial mid tlon at Long Peach; will exchange eneaa. aaqreas u xu, rare journal. AUTOMOBILES. COTBT A COOK Motor Car Co.. Plftsestli sad wsshlngtoa Agesta lor Cadlllsa, Pierce, Greet Arrow ssd Btsvena-Dnryes motor-carl msrhtase ran ted, rspatred snd stored. Msla 84A8. AS3AYERS. ie--eaefc,... a, M. -a. a alaaaaaaya ARTtN CTABIDB BXTBACTIOft CO, -ad aaoatsna atony vumaa see merramm ss, - PROraessOB R. MAX MBTER, SB Alder. Portrait and landaoapa artist a1 teackee. AKCillTECTa H. B. MEMUaVt, ' Arebltoct. Ill Second at. 'BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE DAVIS A KILMAM, loa-lll Saenad as. Blank book maautacturara: aaeata for Joaaa Improved Lonee-Leaf lodgers; see tba ass; Eureka leal, tba beat aa tba market. BATHS MASSAGE. XOUNO lady slvea Taper, alcohol aad madias tad , oa ma. rarior xi. anata aura ss, XOUN LAD LADY, stranger la elty. artvea tab snd vs pot WaAilngtin. hatha.. 110 Pourtb at, ebraar Rhenmatlam an red by maaaeae by yoang Oat man lady. Sol SUrk. 11-23 Taeoma OBNUINB Swadlah mssssga. Turkl.h and tab natna; uay attanaant. avivb .oirq sc.- THH 8N0WDEN batbrooma;. Udy attendants. , SMTH Alder at. A MISS RAYMOND fires bathe and treatments. The Cosmos, 36SH Morrtsoa St. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BVERDINO A PARR ELL. produce and oommls eloa mercbsnta. . 140 Prunl at.. Portlaad, Or. Phone Msla ITS. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. Binwww.r fa ' rn . Largest bachsrs' supply bono, oa tba aosat. BUTCHERS' BUPPA1ES Adolpb ' A. Deknm, 181-1S3 First St., carries a full line and com. piste assertmsnt st lowest market prices. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., lergeet pUst os tha eosst. Larlng sod Herding sts., tele- psoas Bset x-ej iarpeta sieinea. reatiea. sswer Sad laid: both steam snd latest eooe- . pressed air proessa: renovating met and fssthsrs a specialty. - SANTTART carpet clssnlng, auction aad com. prineed sir combined; ear peri cleaned en Soar o: earners Msla feSs. without repiovsl, Msla MOO. . HUNTER, steam esrpet aad msttress. Vieener. ew ,fllffren. B-DO-xe mmmm a . a. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN A FLOTD Carperitere, Klnera snd carriage work. 88 BU at. Phone Pastas UOA a CARMICHAKL, contractor aad builder: .tore and efnea Sttlngs. 88 Fifth St. Pactds Sua. CLEANING AND DYEING. Portland Steam Clesatag A Dystng Workst prac tical batter la cenaectloa. Sll 4th. Psslas SOT. CLOTHBS eleaned and nraai It par mo ta. Unlaue Tailoring Co.. 147 Wash lagtoa at. H. W. TTTRNER. prnfeeslensl dyer sad elesaes. SOS JePereon st. Phone Mala SBU. CAFES. THB OFFICE Waahlngtoa St., pboss Msla T71. Samuel vigneux CHIROPODISTS. CHTROPODT AND PBDICtTRIrTtl.' Mrs. V. . Hill. Bolts Belllng-Hlracs Piog. remaaise. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery snd glasssrare, PraeL Hegsls A Co.. 100 to 108 Fifth, eor. Stark st. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. svtai A rsrar DATS ONLY. , A SPECIAL- SA READ! NO FOR 81. t ALWAYS CONSULT THB BEST. I PROP. B. KHIMO. I Ores teat - living sstrsl desd-trsses elslr. I TOTBUt or xa are;- avtiaan ' ' p . a,r., AND ALL AFFAIRS OP LIFE; whom yoa trill marry. Row to ooatroi tas- ens yog aove. Seen thoneh mllea awar: reanltea the asp arstsd; - gives secret powers to eoatrol. I eeill ate, all others advertise te do. and a rest deal mors. THB ENTIRE WORLD HAS BEEN STARTLED WITH THB POW ERS OF THB UNSEEN FORCES I HATH AT MI COMMAND, aa. i prove u w ysi wtia He hearlne mar NAME TOLD (Tit FULL) JUST WHAT YOU CAMB FOB, aad give yoa advice abselntsly FREE aerors yea aemae to bsvs a reeding. WHO CAN OR WILL DO'MORR TO CONVINCE THB SKEPTIC t DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY, AS IT WILL NOT BE OFFERFIf TO IOU AUA1H. PROF. R. KHIMO. Permanently Lorsted In His Own Home. HOURS. 10 TO S. DAILY AND SUNDAY. No. SS8 Fifth St.. corner Msdlsoa at. NIBLO 238 FIFTH ST. ' WoBderfnl Clslrveysat. Pslmlat, Healer Wllhont Aaklna a Oneatloa. Wltboat any previons kaowledge aad aevtng no aatoral me an. ef knowing who yoa are, whence or for whst yea cams, hs tells your asms, age. occspstloa aad what yoa called for; In net, everything; ha tells yoa Barnes at Meads and enemies; who Is true and who Is fslss; . tells whom snd when yoa will marry, living nsmea. dates, facte and loca tion; restores 1 loot vital force; builds ap good lack. PROP. WALLACE, 1 ' The Cnemea, Morrlaoa. - Bee thla gifted msa. Hs sslle yesj by Bams. 1 He tells year asst. present and futnrs. Telia yoa who ere yoor friends, ens mica, rivals. He knows at once what yoa called for. Tells who aad when yoa wilt merry. He tells yea everything. Ths greatest living clairvoyant, spiritualist aad pslmlat rssde for BOe. SEE HIM TODAY! REMEMBER THB PLACBL 110U FOUBTH ST. 88.80 resdlng $1 this week! beet desd trsnce clairvoyant tn town; tails yea ex actly what you call for, your name and age. ""'llOVt FOURTH, COR. WASHrROTON. MMR. BTNOA, Egypt los seer ess. medium, pslm lat, cisirvoyant; nesiing inroup-n psyenis for oei readings dally. S88H Morrlaoa, Cos mos. ever Royal Bakery. CIQARS AND TOBACCO., M. A. OCNST A COa Dla trios tors ar FIRS CIOARS aorflsBA Oreaee. COLLECTION AGENCY. UL Li 1 I -I Ii i "I 1 ll i ' - DOES ANYBODY 0WFJ YOU MONET t WB COLLECT BAD DEBTS OR NO,CHABer. CITIZENS' LAW A COLLECTION CO., C1TI. BENS' BANK BUILDING. ROOM IS, 122 Ve GRAND AYE. PHONE EAST t88. COAL AND WOOD. ALBINA FUEL CO Dealers la ewdweua. coal end grees sad dry subvrond. R. H. ana Alblns svs., S blocka aaat ef terry. Beat 174. STEEL BRIDOB FCEL CO e. Peelers la anet, eordwood sad dry .labveod. rbeae seas axe. 0RE0ON FUEL CO. All kinds of cosl gad wood. 884 Aider st. none Main an. aflf Mil .I,.., ...... St. R. WosS Os. Immediate delivery. rBoae aa ssia. DRY stevewnod already split, 11.78 per load, load. Phone Pscina Ka a. usnses. . Big . THB PORTLAND FUEL CO., Siicreesors to C. R. DAVIS FUEL CO Phone Rsst lev- XT R I DANCING. LpasoNS ta dsndajr at penr home, or at mt realdsnce. c, r. amita. recirie 11 is. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIE8. PACIFIC XLECTRJO CO. Engineers, eeatrac. tors, repairer, elect no wiring, supplies, es First, eor. Stark. Msla SoB. B. H.Tsta, tngr. FURNITURE-FACTORIES. : ORROOR Famltare Masufeetorlng ; Cempaay Manufacturers 01 ruraltttrs lor IBS uaoe. Portland, Oregoa. I - rCRNITURS masnfactarlag and special orders. b. Hurenax nruittrs (aesory, siu grew st. T aJe-aTeA Cia 3. BOTNTON warm-eb- frienacea ears fuel, I, O. Bayer Furnace Co., Iwd Beoond. Mala 481. DBTHOUSB F"ATIN( PlPrS. made te order by J. Loall. SiJ Jefferson: Panne Padfls dat. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB A IRON rVORKS 23 FUodera st, eor. Third. Pboaa Mala ZO0. BAST PORTLAND FENCE A WIBB WORKS. ISO Baat Water at. Phone Esst 821 "GROCERS." WADHAMS A CO.. wholesale grocers, msi fsctursrs and eommlssloa awrcbanta. Fourth and Oak sts. ALLEN A LEWIS, eommlaaloa tad produce mer chants. Front snd Da via ats Portlaad, Or. STEIN A WAYNE Jobbers grocers. Sop Bemad st. GASOLINE ENGINES. STATION AR IF" snd mariner-OJttle - B pedal" gssoiins unncb, 1H0; . eecana-aaaa eienrw uuncass ana nuiis. BB1ERSON MACHINERY CO , . 184-d Morrison St. HOTELS. THB BELLETUR , . fourth sad Salmoa; alee clean rooms by day, week or month. Pselad S100. HOTEL Portland, Amarlcaa plan; SI, SB per day, BELVEDERE; European plan: 4th and Alder eta. HAY AND GRAIN. B. U COOPER A CO. Potatoes, feed aad Soar. 1M Union ave. Psoas Esst U1T. - - HAT FACTORIES. HATS cleaned, blocked, msds llks new tor Met expert Panama bleacher. 54 Third, aaar Pins. Branch, 124 First. PsdBc 18. HARDWARE. aa.iaali, a.,.., a., a, i. I, .1 a,a.a, a, Portland Hard wars Co. aollctta orportsnlty ta quote prices. T4 Sixth st.' Paclfle 4fld. INSURANCE. ISAAC b WHITE, Are laaaxaaaa, SOB Oekaaj IAS. Mel. WOOD, employers' liability and In dividual accident surety nomas, as aia aiavas. Phone 47. SOS McKay bldg. -MONEY: TO LOAN. MONET TO LOAN ' ' ' . Oa imprevea city property ear ror a-uraius porposes, for from I to 10 years' time, with privilege ta repay all ar part of ansa after twe yesrs. Loans spproved from plssa snd money advanced aa building progreeeee; gsortgagea taken up aad replaced. ... FBKD H. STRONG. Financial Agent, . . S4S Stark St. THB STAR LOAN CO. . Aay eslarlea employe, wage-earner, eaa s aa bis Bote, without mortgege Month. M Month. Week. SBO.0O Repay te as, Sll.M or 80. BO or 13.J5 128.00 Repsy to a7 f 8. or M M or 11.85 16.00 Repay to as i 4.00 or 2.00 or $1.08 110 McKay bldg. rfiNFTfErTTAL LOANS on salarlse. Ii policies, pianos, rurnirare, wnrsnouev rw eelpts. etc.; sny deserving person amy ascwre a liberal advsnce. repay tug by assy weekly or monthly Installments. NEW ERA. LOAN A TBrST COM PANT. 90S Ablngtoa bldg. MONET ADVANCED SAIaABIED PEOPLE And ethers upon their own names wiuiooi security; cb repeat rates, sssleet payments) offices la ft! principal citlea; aave yoarself Doner by getting our terms first. TOLkLAN, 223 Ablngtoa bldg., 106H Third at. imvniaea mi ain.T toiNL. Money ran be borrowed oa esey psymeat pUa, lowest rates: strictly confldsntlsl. .. ' CRP.SCENT LOAN CO.. 4-a afebawk bldg4 eor. Third aad Morrlaoa. MONEY tO-losa as tlT-ieiat and entlstersl : aecurlty; special attention to chattel mort . gagesi Botes bought. C. W. Pallet, 804A Fen Cos bldg., 84 aixta ax. MONEY tn loan on Clackamas county lands. R. F. aad F. B. Bilay. 808 Chare bee 01 com HIGHLY respectable place where Isdles and . gents aaa burrow money e. diamonds snd iewenry. lwi rerai Leaa dbu, sjbw new ngtoa at Pboaa Black Tl. tIWEST rstea on fnmltnre snd rdsaos. Eaet. era Loss Co.. 448 Sherlock bldg. Psclfld Ills. MONEY . to lose on all hinds st security. William Holl. room S Wsshlngtoa bldg. TO LOAN Rama to salt na chattel security, R. A Frame, Sid ths Msnrusm. . Money To Loan private fuads on Improved property. J. U WELLS CO .84 Orsnd ave. - ,' MONET loesed aslsried people on note! cheap, est rates. F. A. Kewtoa. 484 Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY LOANED AT S PER CENT . - - On diamonds, wstcbes snd jewelry. PORTLAND LOAN OFFICB. T4 THIRD ST. ISOO TO Sd.000 to loan ea teal estate aecurlty by privets party, .1 w per esar. - suz merrlal bldg. MACHINERY. THB 0. - ALBEB CO. Serand-hsnd ma sswmllls, stc. S4S Orsnd svs. chin L TKBNKMAR A CO. Mining, aawmlll, log- Ing machinery ; hydraulic pipes, coating; all Inds repetrsd. 104 North Voorth. MUSICAL, v EMTL THIELHORN, pasU of SETCIX. vloll. teecber. Studio 1S Sixth. Tel. Main S8AS. FIAKO-TUNINa, ' repairing. '. reflnlahlDg snd rllehlng; est 1 mates gives Johnson, witter Porter. STS Third et. Phone Pacific 2W1. MONUMENTS. NXtl A KTN08LXY, S8S First St. Foruaad'g leading marble snd grsnlts works. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. ARNOLD LINDSAY, rra sdnste ef the Osteopathic college of KlrkavTlle, Mlssnort, who M a specisnsi oa rnenmsusm, etomscs sne sll female diseases. Office 410 Felling bldg., aaa... a Ttit r A a-S Vk' aa V, I n .,na ata' . ORS. ADTX A NORTH RUP, 41B-18 IT Dekom bldg.. Third and waahlngtoa sts. rboae Main 848, Examination free. OPTICIANS. DR. GEO. RUBBNSTE1R, reliable opttcisa; glsssrs sdluated ny tne latest ecientinc sp. pllances. l8 Fourth St. PRINTINO. THB MODERN PRINTERT Artistic printing- td Rnsssl bldg., roarta sns Morrisoa. rnoae PsciSs isas. - . I ANDERSON A DUNIWAT COMPANY, print Ing, ntnogrspning, Disnx books, none mais 1. IT. SUE Alder St. - "TAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. r. B. BEACH A CO. Ths Pioneer Pilot Co. t wlndow-gBss aad giasing. isa firsi si. Phone 1834. PLUMBERS. DONNERBERO A BADEMACHEB, reawved ta No. BOS Bumeiae st. FOX A CO., sanitary pMimhsrs. tit Bemad bet. Mala .na Bauaea. uregoa raone staia wvou FINNIOAN BROS. A CO., tM Third St. Pboaa Msla xooo, . r lumpers ssa nesting engineers. RUBBER STAMPS. r. C. STAMP WORKS. 148 Alder St.. pbons Msla Tl"! rubber stamps, seaie, eienciiey naggags, trade checks; send for eaulogue !, to. . FINANCIAL EAII-S. f "I eXXROHAaTTS' sTATIOVAT, 3LUTX, PORT ill t. FRANK WiTxaa aw,, i A. W. BOIT ;:.":..Caanisr 1 Saasial BaakmgVssteeej. Drafts All Paeta ef the World. u BITID STARS BATIOBAL BARS OF hi , m w.., v-arwer Tans TT, ill a A. l .. , i Ncrtbwsat Coraer Thtrd the rnlted Bute, aad Euronev Hooakons aad Pnatd.., t . " . Vers-Presides.'. v. AinawuHTn l R. LBA BABNB8 I Amletant Cssblsr BAMKXMV A LTMBXBMExTS BAJTK Porussd. Orsgaa. Coraer Beeoad snd Stark strssts. ComaMrctal and ssvlngs department. Interest paid en savings amenta. Drafts and . . Wttera af eeedlt lasaed svallabU la aU Berts at the world. , Opsa Saturday evsalngs from n wJZl JJ?!. aoeom medstloa ef enatsmars. eOHN A. KEATING Second Vlee.Praa.M.ot I THB BANK OB OAUtoisti iw.ui.k.a I 1CP',-I,' ,aP-v 84.000.000 .. ' A.?arI Benkina sad Exckasge Its. Aeoonata onened rortuad Branch Chamber gy- A. MACBAB........ Manaxsr I J. P1"' stATIOBAL BAVK IP POBTLAMD. s a awa-a,, mmm as evaiaaetf, vaerw-,, ' a - Paslsnated Deposltesy snd Pmaaeisl Ageat e the United Btsteev- - i T.i AV lT M1LIA I Caahler.TTTT; ''.. tasutsat Csshler.... ,vjy. C ALVORO Second AsaleUnt Csshler..... B. F. STBTBNS Assistant T - .a n ... . .. . . . . J'slit Erctiane and -Telegraphic Transfers sold oa Ksvr York Bostoa. Chios gs. St. LamM t. Psnl. Omshs. Bsn Frandaco and ths principal points la the Northwest. . Sight aad time bill, drawn la auma to wit .a Loadoa. Paris. Berlls. .Frsnkfort-oa-tha-Maia. , Honrkoog. ,5CoAohama. Copenhagta, Cbriatleals. BtoekaolBv St. Petaraburg. Mosessr, Butich. LADD A TILTOB, BAaTtTJlS (EstaWUhsd ta 11.) . , . , J Traaaaeta a saaral Bsaklag Baslnsss. Colle-rlons mad. st aTl pofuta os fve. -gble terms. Letters of credit leaned available ta Europe and aU points la the United Statea Bight Exehssgs and Tslesrephle Tran.faed sold oa New York. W.shlngtoa Chlcairo. . St. Loan. Denver, Om.hs. Ssa Frsaclaee snd Mvntsns snd British Commbls. Exchange sold s London Paris Berlin Frankfort, Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and Honolulu. . TRUST COMPANIES. POXTtAbTD TRTfST COMPAlTr OF ORXBOsWTha Oldest Trost Oompaay la Orsgsa.'' . RESOURCES OTFR tl.SV) 000. General banking. Bxcbsage eu sll parte of the world, t. SATINOS ACCOUNTS. 7 Time eertlrlcatee. S te 4 per cent! ehort-eell saseUI aarUtV estes, tsoo or over 8 ta 4 per cent Csll tor book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." . Southeast Corner Third aad Os' Streets. Pboaa Private Bxchaaae TS. P.ENJ. I. COHEN ....President I H. L. PITTOOt............;...v1ce-Presldeap B. LEB PAGET Secretary I J. O. COLTRA Aeelatant Secretary SICTJBJTT Trsnaso sa.Tlm. ICTJRITT SA TIROS A TRTBT OOMPABT a Oeoeral Bankiaue ' Tims aad Savings Accounts. Acts Credit AvsllsBls la C. F. ADAMS ..President I A. L. MILLS Second lee-Prenldeat I OEO. F. RUSSELL. TKX M0XTOA0X TARAsTTIX TRUST Trsnaacts a General Bsaklng Business, - ' rvn- . . . a I . a 1 1 UM.B, a , Ul leienB, -mmtm CAPITAL 0. W, WATT.BBUBY , Prealdeatla A LOGAN HAYS J -ststsnt Beeretsry Iks' Temple. Seventh and Btsrk Strssts. Pbons Msla 164. Opea Bstardsy Kvealnt S te A - fk Y0BTKWXBTXKB7 VARABTXX A TRUST COMPART Psrtl and. Oragea. 11 . taambee Exchanae . B. Corner Second snd Stark Streets (aeoofsd Soar). FISCAL AGENT FOR CORPORATIONS. Stats, Cosnty, Munlolpsl and Csrporstloa Bonds Bonght and Bold. Raw enterprtsss erg es las. . and flna need, stocks Tfll OUARARTTX TRUST OO MP ART IGAiiE UiANSaa-Pevtland Real lltlaa - laaarea. J. THORBf RR ROSS President .Vies-President GEORGE H, HILL BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M ORRIS XR0T1TXXA ChamVsr af Oommaroe Municipal, railroad and DOWsTIRMOFXTRS OOWARTKstapllskad ' STOCKS, BONDS. OBAIN Bought Private Wires. ' ' BOOM d CHAMBER iHX f. 0. in COMPART 18-88 Lafaystte Broksrsge Department ' See TTa Before Buying or Selling Stocks OTcrbeclt, Starr & CookeCo. OXATR, PR0TISI0W8. OOTTOR, STOCKS ARB BORDS, I Wi DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BTSMXaA. . ' Oonrlmions MxrheU by Private Wire. Quick LOUIS J. WILDE BtTTRICIPAL s. SCHOOL AND CORPORATION -J Highest Ratltrns ta Invsstors Co nslatent With Absolute Bafsty. PORTLAND A NORTHWESTERN BOMB TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH BBCTJRIT1XB, ROOFING. TIN ROOFINO. guttsrtas-. reps lrlng snd general Jobbing. J. Losll. S18 Jsff arson St. Psc. 1484. STREET PAVING. W ARRB.-a lamstrueuoai 1. P-l"e.- - walk a sad crossings. TlS Oregonlsa bldg. THB Berber Aephslt Paving Co. ef Portlaad. OIDOS OOO worosarer oia. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of "svery description; bsnk, bar snd stars natures msas te es-asr. .no MsBufsctarlng Co., ronuna. R. ft. BIBDSALL. designer; .goat M. unmnsr tje., 1 nasHwa m.,. second.hand goods. iTwiTit a CARL ftirnltare-hoass Highest rrrlcss nsia ror eecmia-nsnu lurau.Bure. kecend st, Phone Pacific 40". SIGN PAINTERS. ISOLD SIONS. wlBdow lettering, tloth Dsn nets. "I economical electric eigne and eigne of all hinds msds quickly. . Foster A Klelser, Fifth end Rvsrsn. rnoae s.arnsns 00. W. P. BEROER A SON, W Tsmnm ax, suras er an kinas. rnons r-acin .e TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWRLB DAILY Comb, reaeh. esse. 1-, p .r;"; a"5i r,.,io"w" pply Co.. Nlstb snd Coach. SAFES. DIEROLD Manganese and ttreproof safes; suo- ceeeful pvoarsss sgsiner. aargisr sou nre;rm-a-outs opened. Mr. Super, mechanical expert with J. E. Davis, 88 third. Phone 1858. rinuT aaeoidhand flrsuriiuf esfee aad t aemna-hsnd bang ssiee 10a saw aaaae, si iv Hlxth St., Portisnd. or. TYPEWRITERS. KBW typssilfsis, an makes, rented, sold asd replred. coaet Agency, xst stars, leu i-ji, TELEPHONES. aiia, a,n a, THB only exclusive tslepbons-hoase. B.-R. Eleetnc a Teiepaoae , aianaiflciuriug com pany. 9s yirta et. TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAfES. BiSBoa end furniture moved, pecksd aat.SV for shipping snd shippea; sn wari guerestrcd; Isrgs, 1-etory brick. Sre-preof warehouee ror storage, umcs mm vsa st. 0. M. Oken. Phone Msla S4T. , rtn .net erwufivirra v varr a rv eor. Sixth a so wa a sis.; esggags roorxea from hotel ear residence direst to dsstlnstleai aaesengers therefore .void rneh .ad aaaoy sare at depots. Private Exchange 88. 01 0. PICK, office SS First St., be twees Stsrh .SS USB SIS., poems caeei . i wr. moved and psrksd for sklpplsg; sommedlomi moved ana pscsse mr ssippias brick wsrsboase with separate tree ran ass, Frost sad Clay sts. OBEOON TRANSFER CO., 1M North tilth. Phoas Msla e. neavy arauar aem aiorase. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. Re. S001 Waah. Ins ton at. raone msia ana, ' CUT rates ea hoassheld goods te all points Saevi WS rSSS ep carjoeua; .p-iai pmej i trunks whlls watting. Oregon Aste-Despatch, 11 First st. Phone Msls T1A INDEPENDENT ROOAOB A TRANSFER Co. Btnrags. na sun st. sisia sin. a. WINDOW SHADES. OA IB WINDOW SHADE CO.. 1MT Balssea St.. plain snd fascr snsaee mane as araer ei Inwset prlcse. Phone Msla M78. WELLDIGGIN0. WILJaDIOQINO OeoTgs Robtnsoe, St, tev - - LAVS, a r. nraqit .Tlee-Preeldeat fiBOAOA W. mOTT -.Assistant Csneuae snd Letters of Credit IssaeS Collections a Specialty ' AvslUMe te POBTLAVD, ORXOOV. snd Osk Street. SH"I ,a a r. . . Tm i m. r'STi AeallabuS m An Citlea Sg ManlU. ColaMueoa Mads sa Favorable Terms. . . BCHMPIR cssnier ........ AeeUtast Csabler..... A. M. WBIOHT - .Cssbler Amtstsnt Csshler -, .General Co a nee I . PLATT A, PLATT aaaa w.aA arcaa. Ssa Prsaeiaea, Calif o- Surplus sad aadlvWad profit. . . , . . 9 !.! Buslssss Treneeeted. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. for mm af 810 and upward. a Coaoaoevee Bauausg. - . T. BURTCHAELL......Asslstsat Mas. rev 0BE00B. . a Bt.taa - ASS Msrrlaoa Street, lrtlsad, Oiagea. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. latereef Aiiewea ss True tea for Bststss. , Drafts aad Letters ef All Parte ef the World. . L. A, LEWIS., ....... ....First Ties-President B. O. JUBITB Bacrstsry Assistant Secretary COMPART BARK. ' inter eat Psld oa Time Depostte, SsvtagS . . .,., . . ,,.,., l . -- - aa - m,Mt..wiru " ,w aa. - 1100.000.08 . ' W. MILL KB Ties-President snd bonds gnsrsptoeq. . , 840 WASHTRSTOR STREET. Rststa st lowei wares. -7 aastrssta snrs.aaeu. . . , 7N0. R. AITCHI80N T. T. BURKHABT .ftesJfftsTa-wVFy j 1. Bldg. pnbllc service corporation bonds. ltl BROXXRA , - - aad Bold tor Cash aad aa Margie. ef COMMERCE. rboae msia Bldg., Fertlaad. Orsgaa. H. W. Donahue, Manager. . or Bonds. Can Always Ssve Jon Moeey. M rTriiT Service. REFERENCES Ladd A TUtea. BaaR. tl IJulitra DIB I nBiwusi Em n ws arxx-t nmxrvj. , Rooms 1. 4 and S L Fayette bldg.. ear. Sixth . aad Wash. Its., Portland, Oregoa., .DIYIDBND BANK AND JS10CKS, - CORPORATION . lOl'il DECOCMTS . FAV03 bryan's i.'o:b;i Strong Tariff Revision Platform Adopted Conservatives In . : . Control. ',-r; Mrasetael SnSelal B-e.l.a t Waterloo, Iowa. Aug. T. Tha Demo cratlo state eonventlon of Iowa for tha nomination , of candidates for gorarnor and other state officers aaaembled here today and was called to orddr by D. W. Hamilton of Blgourn.y as tsmpo rary chairman. Tba initial proo.edlngs Indicated that ths convention would ba a harmonloua gathering from Its open ing to its cioss. A strong Bryan aentl. ment Is manlfast and tha ' resolatlona ara expected to declare In favor of ths plea of whloh ha Is tha chief apostle. Ths Hearst alemant Is numerically weak and Is not expected to put up any opposi tion to tha majority sentiment. There ara several names mentioned for each nomination from ths governorship down and tte make-up of tha ticket la prob lematical. A spirited contest for governor Is be ing waged among ITlend. of Osorga F. Ball of Iowa City, Clauda Porter of Centorvllle and John Denlson of Du buque. During ths day sentiment In favor of Porter gained rapidly, but tha Democrats In thla district are reluctant to permit ths use of his name, aa they Want- to run him for congress. Oppo nent, of Ball ars making war on him because It Is alleged hla record In tha stats senate indicated corporation lean ings. Other candidates bains? mnstderarl arm? Secretary of stats, Leon Gerdston. Des Moines; lieutenant-governor, Donald MacRae, Council Bluffs; attorney-general. Fred Townasnd, AJbla; treasurer, 3. B. Romans, Dsn! son. A strong tariff revision platform has been adopted. , 11 iee ' 1' j ' f FREEWATER PEOPLE ; TO VOTE ON BOOZE fSpeelsl Dispatch te Ths Journal.) Freewater, Or.. Aug. T. A special election will ba held, In Freewater Sat urday. August 11, to rote oa ths ques tion of establishing saloons.' A peti tloa.o thla-eft eot hae been In -ctrctila-tlon and read, that, under tha law, tba mayor . and city council have a right to glva a license under certain eondltiona Ths city has had an attornay at work on ths matter and It la believed that tha rota Will carry for saloons. . Tha outcome Is being watched with Interest. aa many of ths rssldents of ths rlcln- Ity ara mucn opposed to tha opening of saloons. , - . , MILTON WILL GRANT TRACTION FRANCHISE 'Special Dlspstch te The JoeraaL) Milton, Or.. Aug. . The Milton dtp council met last svenlng for ths ttur- poss ef taking preliminary steps toward granting ths Walla Walla Traction cotn-panyirTPartr-frahchlss for an alec. trio llrfej Into ths olty. It la under stood that ths company has mads all arrangements to go on with, ths work of constructing ths Una and now hard rrswa of men at work la 04 (Cerent places where tne rum ox way. baa boo . se- ?0r4 Uttia.l tj lad n? nrrr" m Mm uLu John 0. Fetztr Jt In. Ccntrtl c - Affair of Defunct Chtca;? ' ' Inttitutioh. . ACCUSED OFFICIALS ARE -! NOT TO BE DISCOVERED Two Mea Ars Desd as Result of Ll' I6siirBoF MillioneDolIar Eborttci In Accounts of Milwmuke AvenoR 3 Depositoiy. ;. :::);' ' ' ' (Joaraal Spedal aerrtca,) ' ' . ChlcsRO, Aur. C. FeUer, A capitalist, waa appointed reoelrer . to day Of tha Milwaukee Avenue 'State bank, under a bond of f 1.000,000, upon tha application of two woman deposi tors whoaa balances amount to laa than f too. A warrant aaa been laaued charr ing; Praaldent Paul O. Stenaland with the acceptance of depoalta af bap ba know tha bank to ba Insolvent, Praaldent Btensland and Caahtor Herring; are still absent and tha police ara lnollnad to tha belief tliat they ara In Canada. . Tha failure of tha Milwaukee ATenaa State bank for mora than 11,000,000 baa . oausad tha most Intense excitement hers and tba news that tha Institution has been looted systematically since 11 has created a Yuror among ths fl.000 depositors who have their small sarin ss of yea ra of toll placed in tha bank for safs keeping. Tha Institution had more than 14.000.000 la deposits charred agratiiat It at tha tint of Its Yailura. OaDolals ' Aeewaacl. It Is aaid that rroea malfeaaance an tha part of Praaldent Paul O. Btensland and Cashier W. H. JIsirlntT caused tha closing- of tha bank and thssa two-officers ara being; soucht and will ba re quired to'ahow their share In oraaUntT tha existing atata of affairs. Cfsblac Hsirlnxsr hauss IB Being; TJloselyapiartled ' by . detectives. Twe deatha wars caused bv tha fall. ra of the bank. Henry - Kcmeflce. a grocer, when he beard that the bank had failed awasplng away hla small savings, went to the rear of hla star and shot himself, dying a faw mlnatas later wane in an ambulance on tha war to tha hospital. J. O. Vlsser, treaaarer of the Royal league. Who had deposited tne omciai runaa in the bank, dmnned dead of heart failure upon hearing the news. Bom marled ZrrestlAsloa. f The InveatlgaUon waa started br Vlce-Prasldent Theodore StenalandV who , was in charge of the bank during the absence of bis father, Paul O. 8tensland. president of the defunot Institution. The Dana president wrote to hla eon from St Paul, the letter arriving Saturday, telling him that the bank was on the verge of failure. An Investigation soon proved that this, was true. - .i v -' Bank Examiner Jones, whe la prob ing the air airs ef tha Milwaukee Avenaa bank, stated this morning that It Is Impossible to tell Just how great a Bum has been taken from the bank, although It may be seen that the hooka have been Juggled. , ' t .i . Fictitious - notes amounting -to from -$700,800 to Il.oe0,00 have been found arid It la estimated that tha total deficit will - axoaad this sum as there ' is a rumor that Cashier Herring la short 1110.000. . . . , i NEW WATER SUIT TO ' ? - END OLD DIFFERENCES " (SpeeUI Wspateh te The J-aimaj MUton, Or- Aug. T. The Little Walla Walla Irrigation union and the Milton. Freewater - A Hudson Bay Irrigation company are bow oonal daring tha pos sibility of settling the Injunction ault brought by the Little Walla Walla Ir rigation unloTraarainst the Milton, Free water eV Hudson Bay oompaay " three years .ago for tha purpose of restrain ing the members of the Hudson Bay company from - cutting tha banka of the Little Walla Walla, company. - At that time a stipulation waa entered Into whereby the Hudson Bay company waa allowed to cut In the banks of the Walla Wtvlla, river, establish their bead- gates there and take therefrom two fifths of aU the water running therein from October 1 to AorU IS ef eavcbl rear. ThlarRtlrroUtlPTrWaa ToHmaIn in force until August 12, l0C whsn ths asms might poaalbly ba tried out on Its xaer lta. However, the present suit brought by the Little Walla Walla Irrigation union will settle all questions arising In the former suit, and tha present tve gotlatlona are being entered Into with a view of dismissing tha former ault and extending the existing stipulation for taking watsr from the liver ta con formity with the existing stipulation. If. A. Davia la representative -for the Little Walla Walla Irrigation oompaay and Attorney Godwin has been engaged by the Milton, Freewater A .Hudson Bay company. - The case will coma vp "In Pendleton at an early data, - if - ' in 1 1 " ; A NEW DEPARTURE. The Cost of ta ly Bedmea haldaeT Oompaay. .... Heretofore It has been tha custom of funsral directors to make charges for all incidental, connected with a funeral. The Edward Holman Undertaking com pany, ths leading funeral directors -of Portland, beginning July 1, 1S0. will depart from this eld custom. - When ths casket Is furnished by us Its cost will . Include all charges, such aa convey Ins the remains to our chapel, outside box. embalming, hearse to cemetery and all services which may be required of us except clothing. Cemetery and carriages. thus sfreoting a saving or is to 17 oo each funeral. a ' JfHE EDWARD HOTAJt.TJNDEBTAK-. . 1U lAJMPAni, - , , t i - 110 Third street, corner Salmoa, Officers SMtailed. ... ' .. ISpeetsl Dispatch te The Journal.) ' ' Waaoo, Or.. Aug. 7. Bherman totTre No. 117. I. O. O. F.. Installed the foUcrw lng officers Saturday evening: Arthur Fr-Watklns. 14V o- l r ft-Carr-. V. O.; J. R. Howsll. recording secretary: W. C Rees. financial secretary! F. H. M"sdir, treasurer; O. H. Rich, conductor; J. a. Walker, warden; I. W. Btorm, ens pis' 1. F. M. Loftlss, D. IX Q. M waa Inatt. ... lng offlcsr. Across Mountains by Day!v".:. The famous "Orlsntal Llmltel, ! - Sesttls for Spokane and all poln's dally at 8:18 a. m. This mag ... train, which Is msdd op of mo .j 1 1st sleepers. Standard aisepers, t date dlnlng-esr and observat.. 1 pariment-car croaees ths Case. Rocky mountains by daylight, t -Ins train leavaa Portland at llul 1 Tlchsta, sleeping-car reserve! full particulars from H. ' C. Aw U Third BtrtM, A .