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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1906)
13 lfe 8 A. M. Folding Leach Doxcs for 9c Each Special lot, of 500 Folding Lunch Boxes, bett model; regular' 15c values, on .sale, Qf v from 8 to 9 a. m. at this low price ..... .74 , On sale in the Basement Store. No mail, or telephone orders filled. .-Come early.- Craai Vdacs fa Women's Edts Women's Gold and Silver Belts, with metal buckles, all sizes; res;. 50c VaL, on C. . sale at this special low price, each. .a& Women's Embroidered White Wash Belts, U sizes, gilt buckles; best 35c .vaL, each.. Vh!:a Handbags t 33c Each Small lot of Women's White Duck and Pique Hand Bags; great special values, 8 01 to 9 a. m. only; at this low price..'.. SVJW Small v lot of Real Pearl One-Piece Belt Buckles, pure white; great vaL.e9af( Two Eargaias fa Pecrl Bnttons Small Bullet-Shaped Pearl Buttons, suitable , for trimming purposes, all colors; 15c Q. ' a dozen values for 2 dozen for ,.7v Good quality White Pearl Buttons ;Teg- 9gs ular 10c vaL, on sale at 2 doz. for,. ...a CLSirca's Z2t Lfcls Hose at 18c 500 pairs of Children's Silk Lisle Hosiery, in tan, all sizes, o to yy, pretty styles; regular 35c grade, on sale from 8 to. 9 o'clock a. m. .only at this unusually low price, 1 O ... w C3.C0 Ssit Cases at $6.40 Each Bright and early you can buy a High-Grade , ;uit case at a saving 01 ti.ou, tun stocx, leather lined, shirt fold, brass lock and trim mings; best $8.00 value, on ' 4C A f sale Jrom.-SLtO-9JLJn-at.. OtVV Tatla ffc?!dns at 40c per Dorga TwdundfedozenrKey - kins, the greatest Values ever offered for the money; buy all you want of them from 8 to 9 a. m. at this special low price, Aftf per dozen ..................... 23c Ecx Payers for 9c per Box Special lot of Box Papers, all finishes', ruled and unruled; values up to 25c a box, your ' choice from 8 to ,9 a. m. at this low Q price, per . box -. ............ u. .'. . .,7C 2 P. ftt Voaea'a $2.95 Hats for A55c SpaelaTTajisbrtnient of Woman's Hats, ' trlmmad In flower and silk ribbons; black and eolora; , IJ.SS valuaa, on aale from I lo I p. o. v at, this ridiculously low pries, ach....Jj jQ :; ' i', Saeond Floor. ; Dress Cobda ReauunU Half-Price Half prioe sale ef Mohair Remnants, from t to 1p.m. Lnrttis i to I yards plain and fancy tries In treat assortment, all trades; Brand . and exceptional values, at one-half regular prices ... Hnlf-Pricc Voraea's Union Suits 2 7c Each Women's fine white ribbed Union Butts, low neck, no sleeves, laee-trimmed umbrella pants, all '. slses; treat special value, from 2 to J 'f . p. m at thla very low price, per suit. C '. i .': i-. : Take advantage,-. rL i 75c 5-Inch Ribbons at 2 1c a Yard Special lot of handsome 1-Inch plaid and polka- dot Ribbons Immense assortment . to choose from; regular Boo and Ho values; en aale from t to t o'clock p. m. at thla extremely e . low wloe, per- yard r. '. ... .. .. . . . Boys Vacation Salts $1.10 Each Boys covert Norfolk Vacation Butts, made in mili tary style and long panta; fine , garment for knockabout wear; ages t, to It yeara; great . special value.. from te I -p.- m., 11 f ' ' - i-1 - iu iwiii. mA tu.. a ' at this low price, suit 2d floor. Craaclated Sugar 21 lbs. $ 1 .00 tons dry Granulated Sugar, to be sold at a low price, t to t p. m. Full weight guaranteed; bay all you want of It. 1 to p. m at the rtdlcalotisly special low pries sj t AA. of 21 lba. for fIeUU ffpeclal lot of Children's Olngham Bleeve Aprons, beat patterns, ages J to I yeara; beat aprons for children ever offered for the money: 1 ft. on sal from t to I p. m. only at, each. . (JC I W r it & r. rvju DAILY 9 a. r.i. -;;:;:tdi:';L; to a. r.i. S4 end 5 Auto Vc& tt'81.15 Small lot of three-yard length Automobile .Veils, in red, green, black, brown, beautiful . i . 1:. 1 fv J e Vk 1 - sale from "9 to-10 a. m. at this 1 C low price, cacn v $1.00 Peltfagt st'29c the Ycrd Special lot of New Fancy Gold Beltings; all .the latest styles; values up to $1 a )Q ', . yard on sale at this low price, yard., aw 71 ,- On sale in the Trimming Department No mail or phone orders filled. Scabonatts for Only 13c Each Women's and Children's Sunbonnets, la red, blue, pink, lavender, tan and white; 1 : great values, 9 to -10 a. m., at....... Ji Special line of Women's Sailor Hats, trimmed witn siik riooon D.an3.;y vo,tu.aHr" XVtxh Goods Rciaaaato Hc!fPrio 2,000 remnants of Wash Goods,-all styles, all - grades, all lengthswhite and fancy colored; ' take your choice of the entire lot, 9 to 10 o'clock a. m., at this UlfPfi'VV low price, remnant. I4iIIri IWW Meier Q Frank Coffee' 22c a Lb. Another great Hourly Sale of Meier A: Frank's Celebrated Mocha and Java Coffee, equal to the best 40c' grades sold elsewhere; buy all Uyou want of-it, 9 to 10 a. m r0 this low- price, pound.............. w ChSirea't Shoet at 50c a Pair 400 pairs of Infants', and Children's Shoes, in red kid, blue kid, tan and black kid leathers, hand-turned soles, sizes 2 to 8; values up to $175, on sale from 9 to 10 a. m. CAm -at-thi-kw-priee,-pe pair, innrr.r Two Earsaias fa the - Bateiaent TIardwobdTTower"Tlollers7500 of " them ; great values, 9 to 10, at ....... 1 IV Special lot of 1.00 Monitor Steel Coffee Mills, medium size; great -special value, ,9 to 10 a. m., at this low price, ta...Vl Pretty Vata SiSt at 29c Yard l,500v yards of pretty Wash Silks, for suitSr waists, etc, handsome patterns, in good as sortment of colorings; 'marvelous val., 9 to 10 a. to at this low price.. svyC 3 P. M. to P. M. $3.73 ShlrtwaUt SdU t 11.38 ItS Women's Shirtwaist Bulta In fin chambrays; .. watata made pleated, round yoke affeot and - trimmed with fancy colored braid, skirts with i French flounces and straps of braid; best col ors; fl.7l valuea, from t to 4 p.- m. at.. $1.38 1 5c to 25c Wash Goods at 8c Great Waah Goods Sate, t to 4 p. m. IS pieces ' of Voltes. Foulards and fancy Cotton Suitings. v beautiful styles, grand variety; regular lBo to 2 to values, on aale from I to 4 p. m.. - st this special low prioe, per yard tl.OO EngEsh Mohalrt 49c Yard Special offering of 44-Inch cream Jacquard Eng lish Mohairs, splendid style; regular ISo and tl.OO quality, on aale from to 4 o'clock p. m. at this unusually low. price, per 49c yard . 25c Allover Lace Hosfcry ct 18c Women's AUover Lace Hose, In black,' white, red. light blue, champagne all alaea; beat Ike Hosiery In town, on aale from t to 4 f A J. p. m. at this special low prioe, pec pair.- g OC " , No mall, o phone orders f pied. . , . , , Women's $2.00 Wrappers at 48c Special lot of percale and flannelette Wrappers, gray,"blue, black and white, few reds; alses 21 to.ll. only; .values up . to $2.00 each, en sale from 1 to 4 p. m. at ths extremely Jo low price, each .QiQC Two Pargains In the Basement 100 Japanese Teapots, glased, decorated, green . and blue; wonderful value, from 1 to f Q I p, n, st thla very low price, each... Qfj 1,600 desen wax Fruit Jar Ringa; great value, t ' to 4 p.. m., at thla low price, per dosen. 3g 1 2c Octfa3 Flcanel at flo d Yard 1,000 yerflrfT f fine quality bleached Outing Flan nel for gowns, petticoats, etc, etc.; . beat 12a quality, in It-Inch wldtha; grand value, from t 4 p. m. at thla low price, yard. Be .12 C" rani lCtOlNM I NO Ijf JOUruXt, rCHTLAKD. TUZI.V illiPi )l0t0lHMaW io a. r.i. 11 A. 1.1. Women's $25.03 Sdts C8.85 Each Special lot of '50 Women's -High-Grade Tailored ; Suits Eton, blouse , and jacket, effects; - also three-quarter length coats in loose and tight-, "fitting; black navy, red.'-green' g O fC " and-nuxturei; $25 val., 10-11 a. m...vUeVfJ Women's $3.50 Shoes at $1 i Pair- 500 pairs broken lines : of Women's Footwear. shoes. and Oxfords, In patent colt, box calf ana . vid kid, with patent tips, tans and blacks; also ' Patent-Leather Oxfords; values ' f 1 ; AA up to 13.50, 10 to 11 a. mVpsir....V lVU $2 Long S2c Cloves gl.39 a Pah Women's . 16-button-lengtb Pure Silk Gloves, " Mousquetalre style, black only, about 200 pairs in the lot, all sizes; regular . $2.00 values, on sale from 10 r n a, m. f r 1 T.Q -pair , . , ... . w.t: V 05- Barscias fa the Picture Dep&rtiacat Bry son's Colored Posters, in ' passe-partout bind ing, 8xl6-inch; great value, 10 to 11 S2. Colored Pictures of Heads and Colonial in. Dames 7x9 in. fancy oval frames....... IliC Panorama of Portland, a copy.. ........Sst 12c White Goo!s at 6ca Yard Special offering of 50 pieces Fancy White Goods, this season's prettiest styles: regular 12j4e qual ity, oa sale from lOVto U a. m.-at (CLl! . this low-price, per- yard.... ........U4I Exceptional value.' -. 1 -'". Women's Undervests at 10c Each 50 dozen Women V Fine Ribbed Undervests, . low neck and quarter sleeve, all fixes; great 1 special value, 10 to 11 a. m., at......... 1 UC Women's Lace-Trimmed Umbrella Pants -OSeT "with French bands, 35c vaL, for. s?JC $2.00 Teadoths for $1.32 Ecch Special lot of 150 Hemstitched Damask Tea cloths, in grand styles; best SZ00 values, on sale from 10 to 11 a. m. at this C 1 trsordinary low price, each........! J safsV No Mail Orders Filled. 1254c Flacaels for 6c Per Yard 150 pattern in Flanneline, for house dresses, ki monos, etc., Persian stripes and dots, great ss- ; sortment; regular I2yic value, Ton aale i? from 10 to 11 a. m. at this low price Vw 3 Po Me to 4 P. tM. Women's $4-$5 Shoes at $2.48 Pr. Women's 14 and II tan Oxfords, tan patent kid. tioi ana unporiea nasai cair leatnera; welt and turn soles J. AT. Cousins' famoua make, all slses; grand - special value, I to 4 gW A O o'clock p. m., at low price, per paJr..Zjaaa0gj 2000 Yards 10c Laces 3c Per Yard 1,000 yards of machine-made Torchon Laiee and Inaertlngs, also Point de ' Parle toe and Ineer tlon. 1 to 4 Inches wide; valuea up to lOo a yard, on sale from I to 4 o'elook p. m. at this ro- markably jow price, per yard --jC Women's Silk Cloves 63c Per Pair Women's double-tipped . two and three-clasp 8Uk Gloves broken line of eolora and alaea; grand valuea for women who can find their else; " I to : e'clocK p. m. only, at tnle extremely raw, m 63c . special tow pnoe, per pair. . SI .00 Foulard SO 49c Per Yird 1,090 yards of beautiful Foulard Bilks dots and figured effects, la attractive colorings: valuea up to 11.00 a yard, to be anid from I to 4 o'clock. ,t p.. a. ai-no exceptionally special low 49c price or, per yard Carpet Sweepers- for $2.45 Each Special lot of ' handsome reller-bearlnc Caraet Bweepera, nickel-plated side plates; easy runnlnav- every en guaranteeupDesr II.7S yaluea, on aale from I to 4 o'clock p. m. at this g Aj A gf extremely low prioe, each ijatS.'J'J Complete Cropiet Sets for 79c Special lot of - Croquet Set complete set. great special value, from I to 4 o'clock p. m... at sA this romarkably upecial low price, per t gZfC 200 Rush Shopping Bags, best'Slo and 'Ho values; on sale I to 4 o'clock p. -lav, at... IQc Men's Fcacy Hosiery at 1 flc Per Pdr Greet special offering of 100 dosen If en's fancy Half-Hose very latest patterns. In great variety; hosiery most atorea would aak lOe a pair A , for; buy all you want of them, pair. , , , . g XC YKOi ft mm 9 1rJlH IIV. , S w A 11 A. XI $1.50. Pearl Bnttoas at 19c Doi 4arge White and Smoked Pearl Buttons, coat. " size, large variety; values from 75c to $1.50 -a dozen, your choice from 11 to 12 o'clock a. m. at this special low price, per JC 50c Preach ChaH!as at 29c a Yard 2,000 . yards of All-Wool French Challies, in . light- and - dark colorings, pleasing' assort . ment; best 50c grade, on sale from 00 , 11 to. 12 a. m. at this low price, yard. 4WC Takeadvantage -r -V; '-.,!'-'.'- ' White Mocatahi Rcirlgtrctors Special lot of 12 of the famous White Mountain Refrigerators, 30 in. long, 21 in. deep, 44 in. high, solid oak, latestimprovedmodela $25. :emgerwor, on sale trom a pic fx A. to 12 - m. at, each . , Ribca Rcaaaats ct Half-Price Great lot of Remnants of Fine Ribbons, -all lengths, all styles, all grades; from 11 to 12 - a. tn. take your choice of this entire lot at one ' half regular prices, Lflv Dmim phenomenal values.!... MnLGlmmy ICw j Doys' ' Knee Pants at Cflc a Pair Special lot of Boys' All-Wool Knee Pants, in fancy tweeds, cheviots and worsteds, ages 3 to 16 years; regular $1.25 values, on sale from 4 to 12 o dock-a. mvat this lowt AO. " price, pair... OUw tUJah" Sg2a at 49c Per Yard 1,500 vSrda of the Stylish "Rajah" Silks, to be . sold at a ridiculously low price; brown, blue. , green, red, old rose and gray; wonderful val ue, -4 l-to12 a. tn," at this - low-yl Q price, per yard ..if rCJ 25c Rcbdry Dcth Towels 15c Ea. 100 dozen of the Celebrated "Rubdry'' Bath Towels, best bath towel on the market: reg ular 25c values, on sale from 11 to 12 o clock a. tn. at this - special low price, -1 $1.23 Potted Wats at 49c Ycrd 45-inch Figured and Dotted Nets, white1 and ' cream, for waistings and gowns; values up : to $15 yard, on sale from 11 to 12 iO a. m, at this special low price, yard. 4 P. Mi to 5 P. M. 1000 Tooth Erruhes at Be Each 1,000 four-row Imported Tooth Brushes A ladles' or gents' slse, great apeolal value. Q "Tetlow's Antleeptlo Cold ' Cream juat the : ming to taxe along en your outing none better for sunburn; H-lb. oan... 19c ttiahroldery lUmaaats Half-Price Entire stock of remnants ef embroidery edgings . and Insertions, aa well as allover flounclnga. on sale from 4 to I p. m. at this special low. : price good - lengths beau- a r Uful designs Jfj-ITlCO Two Dig Toilet Articles Specials Metal Back Combs, extra heavy, assorted widths i and lengths; best comb value aver of- A) ' fared at this very low prioe, each , tie hard rubber Dressing Combs, coarse 43c and fine teeth, special low prioe, each, j $1.50 Rtonlsh Shirts for 29c Ca. Special lot of Women's Mannish Shirts for outing wear: good styles In plain and fanor eolora. -an sises; values up to il.te each, on sale from s to s p. m. at thla very low prioe on sale In Men's Furnishing Department. , , 29c 400 Axiahsstcr Hcs at 92c Each Special lot of 400 Axtnlnster Ruga, In Oriental 4 - and floral designs; Tary larfs: aaaoitrnent; else' llxss, in wonderful values, from 4 to I o clock p. m., at this unusually low ' price, A A. each . 7evC 90c Waste Cashcts for 59c Each Special lot of handsome fancy Waste Paper Baa kets, great aaaortment; beat lOo valuea. on sale from 4 to I p. in. at this extremely ff A. -:- special low prioe, each "JfC Basket DepartmentThird Floor, - T ; 10c Ccnacntowa Yarn 5c heh Special lot of bermantown Zephyr Tarn all col ore aicoept black and white; regular lOo value. en sale from. 4 to I o'clock p. m., tit this. - marvelously special low price, per skein. 5c im. XXV-zaTV'ir'rrkA XOSr & "M. rf i p. a HBCeJNlslNG'll l W A. S j.. 1 III 2 P. II. Fosr Craad Statlcaery Darcdas Gray Court Tinen Writing Tablets, 1 - note and letter size, great value 1 vC Envelopes "fb matchT at,packageTlIt .V, , . Ss Roval Glue, mends everything, jar.,.,. ...8s) , Souvenir Tablets at. special low prices. ' 9.00 Trcahs fcr $7.40 Each Special lot of 30-inch Trunks, high grade, strongly built. Excelsior lock. 2 trays, linen . faced, Gem' corners; reg. $9.00 A f ' val., "your choice, 1 to 2, at..... y e-V .Trunk Department, Third Floor. ;; Three Pis Drcs Scadry Earners Wijch Hazel Soap, excellent for toilet or bath; great 'Special value.. 2C Olive-Castile-Soap, 6Se valuev-bai "Lustre," ths new piano and furniture, polish; great special value at,....,.i $6 Shirtwaist Sc!ts $1.60 EacK Special lot of 100 'Women's Shirtwaist Suits. - pleated waists, long sleeves, very full tucked and pleated skirts, best styles and colors; val ues up to $6.00 each, on sale. 1 gf from! to 2 p. tn. II yltvU 12-Ccttoa Lisle Cloves 47c a Pdr Women's 12-button-length Suede Lisle Gloves, two pearl buttons, Mouaquetaire style, mode, .gray and a few white; regular, 85c values, oni sale from 1 to 2 p. m. at this low Affg price, pair -.. are w Men's D2 Pants at 75c Per Pdr Men's Bib Covert Pants, best style and quality, for the mechanic all sizes, union made; mar velous value, from 1 to 2 p.m. only rat "this low- price,peT-pair.-;v ; ; . an " Men's Clothing Department, Second Floor. Boys' Shoes ct : $1.43 the Pair- 200 pairs of Boys' and Youths' Lace and Bluch- er Shoes, in boxcalf and vici kid, heavy solid oak soles, sizes 13 to Syi; best $2.25 anl $i50 values, on sale from 1 to 2 p. r t A C m at this low price. yliSU tSrie i Potts' Sad Irons 9Sc a Set 500 sets of Mrs. Potts' Nickeled Sad Irons, set of 3, with handle and stand; best $1.25 values, on sale from 1 to 2 p.m. at. this Q-0 " special low price, per set. ...... 7ewW 5 P. M. to 6P.U Mea'f 83.50 Shoeiet $8.13 Ptlr 110 pairs of Men's Xace and Blueher Shoes, la - box calf, velour calf, patent colt and viol kid; welt soles; all good styles and ail alaea; beet 11.10 values, on aale from I to I A A 1 o'clock p. m. at, per pair ) at?s 1 J Bargains In Suit Cases at $2.30 t4-lnch imitation Alligator Suit Casea, dark shade, t linen lined, braaa lock and bolta; beat ault oaaa ever offered for the money; phenomenal value, on aale from I to 0 o'clock p. m. A A '; g at extremely low price, each wgtya jj 4000 YarcY Tab lUtbons at lOo 4,000 yards ' of handsome Tab Ribbons tn all the best designs and color combinations; widths, Noa. and IS; phenomenal valnea, from S. to . o'clock p. m., at thla remarkably ape- 1 A ' elal low price, per yard J JC Congress Playing Cares at 39c Congress Playing Cards, the beat gilt-edged card made; . 10 different styles of backs, Inoludlng all lnltlalaj regular loo valuea, on aale front I to 0 o'clock p. m. at thla rldlculoualy A A special low price, per pack af rC Mea's Linen Pesters SI. 10 Each Special lot of 71 ' Men's Linen Dusters.' - extra " long, sias ll-to-OH best t.T8 valuea, tnrsals" v from I to I p. in. at this exoep- A f f A ' tlonally low prioe, each ......... 1) g 1J Men's Clothing Department Second Tloor. Men's 4-ta-Haaj Ntchwear ct 19c fifty dosen Men's white and meroerlaed Four , In-Hand Ties, In basket weave effects; apian did variety of colors to choose from; I0q val- , uee, on sal rrora s -to s o cioox p. m. -19c- t thla remarkably, low price, each, ' Chgirca's Drawers at 10c a Pair Fifty dosen -pairs Children's Muslin Drawers plain tucked, well made; ages 1 -to 10 "'years; regular too value, on aale from I to I o'clock p..m. at thla special low price, pair .10e .i ...... sae 19c AV fir iUA I II S9 V V. X