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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1906)
i. IJlAy- cons over. Tiir, city 1:1 :y vzziig tiic-cugiily ans all oves the sYate'soTis two "months acq, and i ! -tj:t s ay "the journal n : 1 ; V ' cul'ation the people like the paper'and believe in it. and that t means much to the advertisera journal advertised ; r - GOOD EtfniJIIIG , TII3 VSATIIZ2. Fair tonight and Thursday; great winds. VOL. V. NO. 113. Sheriff Stevens Asks More Than Did Vord for Feeding Inmates ; i of County Jai I -yyy Commissioners Pass Bill, , but 'Will Probably Advertise for Bids 'for Feeding Prisoners, Accord hg to Provisions of the Oregon Code. -...-. ' v ' -S . ! -;'" r.f ,J. . M,-::, . ... .iJt..S V .While Sheriff Stevens has not dt raetiy replied to the county coram le ' ; Blonars recardlnr th faedlnf of the . county prteonere, be presented a bill to - County Audor Brandaa : yeeterdey afternoon for tba prtaonera board for July In which ho aska to be paid at the rata of tS per woek par prisoner. Thla . la aa Increase over the old charge of cent a day of more than SO per cent and Sheriff Sterena action In aaklng the Increase In the ooat . of - feeding prisoners haa brought the quaatloa to a ' v " audden focus. Thaxommtaalonara and Judaa wabator will moat thla afternoon to discuss tho . new phase of tho altuatlon, . and It la believed that tha court will Immediately advertise for blda for boardlna the prisoners .ommlulonra - Barnes, .and ,-. IJrhtner aald thtT roornin that a deflnito plan of action would be agreed upon at the coaauiUtton - with Judge Webster. They would not admit that the Intend to advertise for blda. bat V.1 u). thai Y,mA a Intention of re treating rrora their announced poattlon. -' which was to lave thr takpayera money ' In tha feeding of . the county prisoner, i In view of tha repeated declarations . (Continued on Page Two.) WATSONflS Jury Returns Verdict With' Rec- ommendatlon That the, Court . Show Mercy Notice of Ap peal Is Given by Judge Ben- V.: nettr-Attorney f or Watsorh- Charles A. Watson, who proved up on i Wheeler county homestead claim without over having discommoded blm i telf by living upon It, stands convicted .if perjury. The verdict or guilty, which was returned at 1:10 o'clock, thla morning, la houra after the retirement of tha Jury, carried with It a recom mendation of leniency, and therefore Watson la In no danger of tha extreme penalty of flva years' Imprisonment and a tt.009 f Ine. Tha trial of Watson was unuaually . ahort for a land fraud case, laatlng only two daya. United Btatea Attorney Wil liam C. Bristol took full charge of tha ' provocation. In tha abaence of Aaalat ant Attorney-Qeneral Francla J.' Heney, and carried It to a euccessful conclu sion. Numeroua wltneaaea were put on to teatlfy that tho cabin on tha Wat eon claim waa never occupied and that tha claimant had Ignored tha homeataad requirements of residence and cultiva tion. According to thla teatlmony, Wat son, in awearlng on final proof that he had compiled with tho law, waa plainly guilty of perjury, but when tha prose cution reeted yeaterday afternoon Judge Bennett, attorney for Wateon, arose - and aald: : m -t ".- We atand on what wa think la tha weaknesa of tha government'B caoe." United Btatea Attorney Bristol, tn hla opening argument, ably reviewed tha .teatlmony, and pointed out that In tha absence of contradiction avery word of It ahoald be taken aa truth. The do- fenao had promised to ahow that Wat aon had ranted hla land for tha purpose .of having It cultivated, but tha teatl mony of government wltnesaeo had " ahattared thla contention and tha de fense had by throwing down Ito hand 'practically aald: "We hava no ovl , dence-."- ' aaasll Argasa gar-Waiaias Judge Bennett. In arguing for Wat son. declared that tha government'B case waa weak and that surely a reasonable doubt of tho defendant's guilt attll re. malned. Ha spoke of tho Wheeler coun ty belief that eeml-annnal vista to a . homestead claim constitute a residence and Inalated that Watson believed ha Jtad complied with tha law.. Tha gov ' emment. ho aald, waa .obliged to prove , that Wateon had willfully and knowing ly sworn to. something that he knew - waa false, and thla It had failed to do; therefore ha asked tha acquittal of Rla client. . - . i ,-r . . " a United States District Attorney i Bristol (n his closing argument declared that' to aanotton tha aeml-annual visit ' custom, which waa plainly an evasion of tha law would be to encourage per. Jury. "If tha government' case waa weak," j , .(CanttnaeA on Page Two.) ,. XM north -:onj 0 rie : T Ho u sap d Being Returned to Native Land at Expense of ; Chinese- Government Only Those Sixty Years of Age and Over Will Be Transported 'Free Of Charge to Spend De clining Days in Peace and Die ,at Home. .'-I'l'j- 'U-'i . About 1,000 aged.Chineaa are prepar ing to leave tha Parlflo 'coast for their mother country. They are being taken home at tha expense of tha Chinese gov ernment. The exodua la limited, to Chi neaa 10 year a of age or over. Tha object of tho Chlneaa government la apparently a benevolent one. - It la desired to care . for tha old men who have grown too feeble to work, and are without , meana of t subsistence. In the American' acheme of publlo charity no place la provided for tha decrepit Chl neaa, and hi home government haa rec ognised thla. fact and la taking mean area to look after him. ... Tha acheme la aald to have been orig inated by tha Chlneaa minister, 81n Cheng Cheung, at Washington. Ke hax enlisted the aid of tha vlce-oonaula and prominent Chinese menchanta, In . . the task of Hating tha old tnea and arrang ing for their deportation.- Charley Twin Wo of Portland haa taken an active in terest Jn the, wont, and la now at Ta ootna In behalf of the .Chlneaa minister, to direct the - listing of tha old men there. Ha rlll finish his work and re- (Continued on Page Two.) - GUILTY OF PERJURY Charles A. i' " J41 Ivfl'flW SWGER DROPS DEAD i ' Memphia, Tenn., Aug. 8. Juao F. Edwards, the leading: tenor of the Royal Hawaiian' band,' dropped dead of heart disease in hit room ', at the Windsor hotel here today. He had lusf ealetf f heartjr dinner"; and had retired to his rooni.' He reeled and fell heavily to he floor,' ' dying before his comrades could reach him. ' - " - : During the forenoon Edwards visited points of interest in the city with members of the band. Entering a church, Edwards made slighting rr-mark abOuTThe" edifice t self, and remarked that evil would !"! Il-1 i I ' ! I ' 1 ( 'v ii ' . r i x PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST ISSi IliFFiCE Coast Heads of London and Lancashire Dis gusted With Conduct of Their Concern Eastern Speculators Buying Up Claims" Against the Defunct Traders Insurance Company, Offering Sixty-Five Cents on the Dollar.' , ; ' ; i : ' (Kpeelal Dlspatcb te The learaaLt i San Vranclaco. Aug. I. Colonel Wil liam McDonald, Pacific coast manager of tho London Lancashire, haa -. re signed. Hla next In command, B. B. Miles, haa followed hla chief e example. Extreme dissatisfaction with tho com pany's course during tha present crista la given as tha reason, though neither McDonald or hla aubordlnate offera any atatament. - It la alleged that while tha London ft Lancashire holda a place on tha dol lar for dollar list Its aettlementa nave not now and for soma time past been on anything - like-a doU4rfor dollar baala. '. . , ' Tha company haa available assets of 112,000, 000, yet from 100 cente on' tha .dollar, at which. figure tha adjuatera aet- tlad some loaaea directly after tha con flagration, the baala of Battlement haa gradually dropped aintll. yesterday It waa reported that tha adjuatera ware de clining to do bualneaa at laaa than from lzte to 10 bar cent discount. Eastern speculators are In San Fran cisco, many of tham buying up tha claima of policy holdara against tha defunct Trades' Insurance company of (Continued on Page Two.), Wataon. and"lmniediatelr reproached him--2 surely overtake him. . 'a AW--' a ' f at -tf-Jaa. 1 The taller of the two youths is Thomai" Reeves, aged 18, who aays ha fired tfia fatal ahot' The, ahorter ia Hugh Saxon, aged 18. Below ia a photograph of aged William Powell, the victim. - On the right is Wil liam McFarland, the special deputy who,' with 'Sheriff Fiske, chaaat) the fugidvea. Photoa by Gourley, Foreit Grove. ' . Another Pittsburg Millionaire : in Trouble. Sued by Daughter-in-Law for Alienating . Young "Man's Affection -1: i: (Jeerasl Bpedal Berries.) -' Mew Tork. Aug. t Another Pitta- burg millionaire la In trouble. Ha la Ollbert T. Rafferty, known aa tha "coke king," who resides at the Waldorf-Aa-torla., Rafferty's daughter-in-law, Doro thy afclntyro RaJTerty, baa aued htm for 1509,000. - She chargea him with, having alienated tha alTectlona of her hue band, George B. Rafferty. who until lately was a private in tha United Btatea army hv Thir Phtllpprnea-and-rt now living at tha Hotel Imperial in thla dty.- t . - . . ' - ";. : . He Is It years old and hla wire la II years hla senior. Bne formerly ran a 1 1 11 ACTOR WHITAKER ELOPES Well Known Actor Runs JexanMihtonaireTO v ' a Suit for Absolute Divorce - IJoaraal.Ipeelal.Jrvlce. El Paso. Tex.. Aug. S. When Carroll, head of' tha electrical aupply house hero which bears hla name. Bled hla ault for divorce this afternoon from Jennie Carroll, society gave a big gasp and learned for tho flrat time that Mra. Carroll eloped last . Friday with Ray mond Whltaker, leading man or tha Washington Park stock company. Fol lowing thla a atory began to be, whis pered about that Mrs. Carroll had a past and had been a bareback rider la a clrcua an4 society was stunned again. Carroll admlta that his wife waa con nected with a' clrcua, but aaya that she a musician. Mra. irron Became enamored ot Whltaker when aho saw him In the preacher role of John Btorm In ."The Christian." Whltaker la an actor well known on the Pactflo coaat anants father la aald to be a. surgeon at tha Hare Island navy-yard. Mrs., Carroll waa a leading light tn U Womao'a club aad a member of tha - - 8, 16C3. -FOURTEEN PAGES. PRINCIPALS IN COTTAGE GROVE photograph gallery. Young Rafferty, it la claimed by tha attorney for Rafferty senior, declarea that ho waa drunk when ho married. In 103 Ura. Rafferty brought suit for S2&.000 damagea against John Hay den, who, aha allegea, drugged wlno that aha drank. , She allegea that Hayden then told her husband that she waa In toxicated. Sha . also allegea that Hay den than told her It would mean 118.000 to him if he eould influence her husband to leave her and ha waa willing to di vide the amount with her. ' Rafferty senior la worth between fit, 004,000 and $30,000,000. . Away With Wife of Daughters of the American Revolution. She gavereceTmonaat aiili'li efaiybwly who waa anybody atruggled to be aeen A letter from Mra. Carroll to Whltaker, found In tha effects whloh tho actor left here, contains such Impressions aa "Happy shall be the time when I may lay aside all pretense and I ahall - be yours completely:, Whisper but once to me, 1 love you." Tho couple left hero on - tha north bound train and waa last heard from at Albuquerque. ' . '. ' ' CARDINAL'SXARSTBOXED-n-BY INDIGNANT CREDITOR Roma. Aug. S. A man named Bar baeel - called upon Cardinal Dollavolpa today and demanded the payment .of a debt. The cardinal denied the existence of . tha j debt c and Barbacct boxed ' the prelate'a ears aad fled. v.. ... . '..''.. . ' , " ' ' ..... ...... . - .... ; v - r PRICE TWO TRAGEDY 0(!E II1DICTL1EI1T FOR OIL TRUST BY GRAND JURY Nineteen Counts Against Stand- j.ard'for Non-Payment of Stor- . age Charges to Certain Rail f oadsnTherebjr Procuring an Unfair Advantage. ; (Joarsal S pedal gnrlee.) Chicago. Aug. I. One Indlotment con taining IS counts waa returned against tha Standard Oil company by tha federal grand Jury today, charging tha non payment of atoraae chargea to certain railroada, thereby procuring- unfair ad vantage over competitors In violation of tho Klklna law. . t George Roberta, government tariff ex pert. . and C H. Blausson, Lake Shore freight agent, teatlfled 1 at tha ' grand Jury investigation today. . SHEA'S OPPONENTS - BOLT CONVENTION ' ' (Jearaal Special Bervlee. . Chicago, Aug. S-Opoonents of Shea. inoludlng the CTcTPded Belegatea fiuui Ban Pranctaco, bolted " tha taamatera' convention today and started a separata convention. President 8hea haa post poned tha regular aesslons In aa effort to restore peace. Tha bolters claim Shea's rule Is too arbitrary. Tha ma jority ot the convention remained under Shea's lead.' .. PROSPEROUS YEAR 1E1 Record Crops of Wheat and Corn Causo -.TrafncJflana&ers to Figure on Fifteen Per Cent Incase in T .' (Joaraal BpeeUl amies.) Chicago. Aug. I. Tariff directors of tho New Tork Centra; Santa Po,.Har- rlman lines. Rock Island, Illinois Cen tral and other great tinea, are unanl- moualy of the opinion that tho fiscal year upon which they entered a month ago will be one Of great and continued prosperity. - Thla belief Is not based upon hope, but grounded . upon " actual figures -secared- through, ..personal... ln- Vestlgatlon. ' The winter wheat crop, already har vested. Is far ahead of tha most liberal asttmatea, both In quantity and quality. It la figured that tho crop will reach TtO.SOO.000 bushels, agalnat StT.000.000 business last year. Corn la still In tha t MMMMrtMMIIMlMMMMMMMHmf MR UD G0NHE REFUSED DIVORCE . Paris, Aug. 8. Maude Gonna McBrida was today dcneld a divorce from Major McBride by the court. The decree of separtaion, pro riding separata maintainance with tha custody of their child, f ranted a year ago, still standa. ' X--oudeG.pnnei Ah J!ltihnf Ars.-ss sha waa called; wcti fatna during the Boer war, when Boers and stumped Ireland in their cnampion oi ina irisn cause ana extremely popular among ins i.. . peasantry. She married Major McBride, an officer in the Boer arr but the couple did not get along well together and after tha L.V; . , of their childsepBTated7" CENTS. VtStttH Boy Murderers Haunt ed by Cries of Aged Man; Say Spook Pur sues Them in Prison Youths Are Sullen and Morose, Assumlng ajTAIrof Bravado - , Even While Facing Death Perv ' aity- Occupy Same Cell In ; Eugene Jail as Each la Afraid. Eugene, Or Aug. I. When SherfS Flak arrived yeaterday ha had la custody the two. youngest murdeYera who have) over bean confined In tho county Jail here. They are Tbomaa Reeves and Hugh Saxon, tho Portland lads whoso brief careere as bandits wars brought to a sudden termination by tho traglo kill ing of aged William Powell near Cot- ' tags drove Sunday evening. Sullen, morose and assuming aa air ot bravado oven while facing a death penalty, tha lade want , to a oell and are languishing there with ample oppor tunity to meditate upon tha - crimson path that they : bad mapped out for themselves. At their own request Sheriff : Fiasr has permitted these to-eeeupy the. aama call. They are haunted by tho ' constant etlea of " theirdytng-vtettmrther de--elare. and fear solitude aa a child fears tho nlghf." Even tn their dreams, they aay, the old man la always calling, to. them, crying out In anguish that they have ahot him and that he la dying. In their waking hours they hear hla feeble calls for help and tho painful moans he uttered as, mortally wounded, ho tot tered blindly toward them and fell upon tha ground. Tho old man's cries rang In their ears during their flight and tho -chastly remembrance of tbelr deed eausee them to quake in fear; when left alona. Xaga Saxoa Talkau -"It Is tha spook of tho old man that la haunting oa and following us, I know," said Hugh Saxon, tho younger of tha puerile outlawa. "and it will fol low aa all tha rest of our Uvea. AU tho tlmo there la ringing In my oara tho old man'a sound of pain and terror when tha ahot waa Bred and hla calla for help as wa want running down tho track. ' "I shivered when wo crossed tho bridge where-it happened. Wo were oa tho train and with tho sheriff, but X couldn't help It Reeves shivered also, though ho tries to act Ilka ha don't care. Aa wa crossed tho . bridge ho looked at mo aad I looked at him and seat. - They, say ghosts can't hurt any one. stays around this Jail and near our cell and while wa were in tho Jail at Drain wa heard It calling ta aa all night long." In addition to tha ghost of , tha old (Continued on Page Two.) formative ataga, but promises a splen did crop. Tha railroada are frantically seeking adequate equipment to move tho vast crop. Conservative eetlmatea place tha year'a tonnage movement at It per cent over that of laat year, and an increase of It par rant In gross earnings. , Tha total value of farm products, on tho present ahowlng, reachea tha ennr moua figure of 16.714,160.000, and tha lnoreasa over, last year t71.03S.O0O. ' To transport all of thla agricultural wealth will require lt.IOS.f4t care. Tho total revenue which will be de rived by tho railroada from thla source la conservatively estimated at IStT.IOO, Slt. an Increase ot I10.0SO.0IO ovsr laat year.1-- y , ' , t '? . sha championed tho cause of I. J behalf. She has been a not;.! fHvMMtttmtt: : : -J-