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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1906)
I DAILY JOUIIX. rCTLAirPe TUESDAY Z"Zi:ZZ:3. AUGUST- 7,: ISC1 TODAY'S' MARKETS IllLiD OOUGIIT DY PACIFIC COAST Independent Concern Sld to Have Been 'Absorbed by Big - Cracker Company. TUDriTPNINA WAR IS AVERTED BY PURCHASE Report Says Portland Selling Agency ' of Inland WU Be Abolished at v : Once Pricea of Latter Placed on '- Par With Others of Narthweslv ' Front Street Aug. T. The principal feat area of the Portland erbolessla markets today re: - Island bought by Psetfl Bleeult Creamery butter higher. . Shortage of California fruits, I, Cappabs supplies ara scares. " r-gfs-botd rather duU. , ,. Spring chickens ars wsskar. , -,.- - - - Hothouse cucumbers drag. . , , ; - Hop eoatraets reported-at lie. ' Cheap grade apploa hart price. . . . Fraah pranaa la larger supply, Cantaloupe market la higher. ' ' Green core of better quality. Crabeppleo eoms In good ahapa. .r Pressed meats very slow Ja coming. , ' Onioa supplies srs scarce. ... : Potato movement la larger. ' Wheat market down a cent. ' . t Flour trada holding fair, v ' ladapaBdaaH loackt by Peoifie Biseun. According to good suthorlty. tba Inland Crackar company; tha former Indspendeat eon- cra of Spokane, baa paesed Into tha kasda of tha Paelllo Ooaat Biscuit eompanr. It to on . daratoad at thli tlma that tha Portland aelllng ageaey of tba Inland company will ba dls eratlnuad and tha concern will withdraw from - all tacrlaerv eras a tha flaaeedaa. aonflnlna Ita ooaratlona exchtslvelv to that territory. Tha price named by tha Inland company -ara . eauf V wa a ivT.i wki iuum wan w iu big Pacific ooaat oonearn. Up to ' this tlma thay warn considerably lower. Thla but trans ection alao removes, tar a tlma at lea at, all prospects for aa axtsusivs eraeker war la thla territory. The purehaee af tha Inland eompanr by the Pacific Ooaat Bteenlt company gives ' tha big oonearn two factories nt Spokane, one of which will likely be closed.- The Inland Cracker eompanr was started few year ago by man who bad formerly been connected with the Pacific Ooaat concern. . At that time the war In prices began, and It was asserted . by officials of tba Pacific Coast eompanr that . the way was etarted by the Inland company fast to compel the Pacific Ooaat to bay them oat t handsome profit. BeToral attempts hare been, made by mtetde cracker factories la the Bait a . heeak Into thla . tarrt trwv and aeveral price ware baas boon Inaugurated by the new people. Considerable money was lost fat this wav. and tba Mault 'waa that when - fonda. ho. came low aa agreement as as prices, was the bartage la California Traits. Owing to tba blocking at the tunnela under the mountains there bes been n shortage 'of California frnlt In thla market daring the peat M boars. Local cabbage snppllas are eery small, and efforts to seenrs stocks from Call- traffic. Cemmlaaloa men claim that tha rall ' toad company will not accept shipment of par lababla anode at this time. I-rrora meal pmnrt to or nettac The eentaloape market Is a fraction higher today, owing to Terr short supplies. Prices ; today rsnge between 11.60 end t3.38 a crate. Beeeral can of watermelons were das from - the south this morning. ' Qissmmy Bvtts Klgker. -' Aa adrance of IH was made in the price of beet sreemerr batter by one creamery thla morning. Of this Mr. Towneend of the Town aend sraaaaare aaaat ' "Doming trm enttta la so mnrh better thaa enppUra that we wars forced to rslaa the price. Batter Is now at Bsc s pound. This price Justified by pres ent condttlene. Cream m abort, owing to tha drying np of tba ranges, and wa aaat advance . the price la order to get eopnlles to fill orders. " Owing to eery beary supplies of cheap-ojuality apples,, prices ara a fraction' lower on the ' better grades. Paney Grarenetetas today top the market at 11.60 a box. A ahortags m shews la supplies of onions. The blockade of ths railroad to California has ' etnpped ahlpmenta from that direct ton and ' Walla Walla gardener are holding . sat for higher prices. oPtat offerings ara aoaelcr, bat the local trade Is absorbing all arrivals at the price. ' Freak pranaa ara In larger supply today from local points. Quality first claaa. Hothouse, encumbers are a drag oa tba mar ket, owing to Tory beery sapplles of eatdoor grswa stock, notarises selling slowly st BO0 .36 a dosea. and ethers at a boot 0e a box. B print chickens are weaker, with aoma dealers asking lower prices. Bans eootlnae wanted. Eggs remain slow la market, with pricea . past asalatalned. Wbeet m down cent for all grades except Willamette Taney. Only new variety will be avnted hereafter. Floor demand from Chins Is about tha same as yesterday, a Um sales lots being sold by the local trade. r - gsrersl bop contracts at ITs ara reported . at valley points. . Market rather salet. kow- ever: Cron eettino amaller. . . Tnmatoee ara In allghtly better shape with prlcee ranging between 75c and 11.00 a box. ; Peafa demand la good, bat email slsas are noted alow and dnlL Ths trada pays ths following pricea to Front street. Prices paid shippers ara lass regular - Crabi, Flea and Teed. ORAI BAG" CslcatU, 4ei baying price: selling. 10c. WHBAT Old clnb, T0e red Bnsalsn. Tct blueetem, TSei valley, TOc: new club, Ac; red " Russian, 67c; bloeatem, TOc; valley, Tic. BARLEY Feed. f2o.00s roiled. ai.OOtmOOt brewlag. 124.00. Com Whole, tMWl era eked. Ml 50 not OATI Nsw Prodocera' in Ofl- erav. 131.00. pries Ko. 1 white. FLOUR New as it era Or egos uetests, one IXl stralfhU. bs.dJ-oo; export. a.lS; valley, M-65: graham, &a. 8 IW1- whole wheat, HS.TD: rye. ir'm. au.vvi vem, f iu. , MILLBTtTryS Braa, flT.60 per ten mloV dllnga, . 186.00: shorta country, f30.O0 olty, l.5o:-cbop, 11.00(a.60. ' , HAY Producers' price Timothy. Willamette valley, fancy, JltOflr ordinary, HO.OOfl 10.60; eaatera Oregon, $10.00(8 IT. 00; mixed. flO.OOO 10.60; clover, t grain, 7.60tlA0) sheaf, IT.OOOa-OO. ' i Baft, Zggl and poultry. . sniin'ts rif v . s, Smi, Team, tia2Jl soar. 10He. BUTTBR City creamery. saCUm eut slde fancy, tl,QZlW. ordinary, aoct st a, . UHttlle. BOGS Ma, 1 freali Oregon, eaadlsd, 121 Q J2c; eastern 10Q21C. CHBE8B Mew Full cream, flats, li014c; Tonne America. lSffllSHc fancy bona, 14(14U lb; rooatera, old, 10'e - nsr In: atsc. llaTUVsc nar lb: frrers. llatloci nroiiera, jdviwj ri tot as- oasee. jr lb) tnrkaya, lac per lb: dr eased, SOe per TUESDAY PRICES IN ' , , , THE WHEAT MARHET -" ' Pan. a d Chlcsgr) . .71 VnrW Tlat d V.lvsrpool ..... Is IHd IXMila .tk , ,4b . Kunsas Ctty...v a Ifllwaukea ... .THa . .71 H JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS 4 With t Urn Mr cent of tha 4 d : crop already . contracted for d thsrs la but Mttls doln In tha -d 4 hop market- Bora contract at ' d 4 IT cents a pound were reported s a at "Wlllamatt valley point dur- , d s lna; ths past t hour, but th d prospect of . a ahort crop causa 4 grower to think twice befor 4 4 letting go of their holding bo- ) d - tor they ara produced. . Outalda d marks t ara good. , . ; " ,., ,' -f ,.' sssdddd4ddd lb; squaba. t3.60ae.00 per doei plgeeus, ft. 00 per ' dos. . Heps, Wool ul aTUee, HOPS Contracts, U0t nop, 16Q1T 1006 orecon. ixmoe. WOOL 190 alio Teller, enaree to madloja, BSc: tine, tec: eastern Oregon, BOOSls. . MOHAIR New, aomlnaL ' aHEEPoKINB Shearing. 18 O Joe each) snort wool, ttgaoc; medium wool, 60T6s sah long wool TocQtl.OO each. TALLOW Prima, pat lb, aH04a; Ho. aad grease, He. , CHITT1M BARK 1006 etock. It) Pec Ibi HIDES fry. Mo. t, 1 lbs and op, lHO IT Ho pet lb; dry ktp. Ho. 1, 6 to Iglha, lei dry ealf. No. 1, under 6 lbs. lsci aaltad hldaa, ateera. aoand, 00 I be and over. lOdllei eowa, SHOOUc: aUga and bnlla. aonnd. Q7c kip, 16 to 60 lbs. Per calf, aonnd. under 16 IMS. lie; Eraen, unsa)tedH la leaa; culls, le- per lb leas; oraehldee, salted, each, 1 2RWI.T6; dry, each, tl.ooai.AO; colt hldee, 8tt60et-goat kla. eommos, ssch, lOQISe: Angora, each, UcO 11.00, , r- trait aad YsgstaUss. POTATOES Kw, BOcQli no par sackt pro ducers' price for car lota, T0tiT6c per ewt. . ONlONAWobblng price New Walla Walla, 11. SS par sack; new California, red, U.60J ell vara, 1.60t srH. IQae per a. - - FRESH PRLITo New applaa. B0c1.50j oranges, Yalencia, a4.T6Q5.00: bananaa, 6'd He lb; lemona. choice. .W5.I boa; fancy. M.OOao.frO parlboai Hmea, hfellcsn, !. pot 100; Hawaiian, $4S; goossberrles. Biaoo lb! cherriee, 61.T6 per box; plum. 60&1.1 crate; loganberrlea, $1.40; eanuloupee, $1.6002.36; raapberrlee, $3; black figs, $1.60: grepee, $1.86; blackberries, fl.2Afel.85 per crate; watermeinna, lHe. crated, Uc per lb: aprleoU, $1 .00(9 101 peaehaa, OigOOs; pear. $1.T6; pranaa. bulk, to lb; packed,. 90s boxi . hawklsbarrles, 12it. .- , VKGETABLES Tnrnlpe. new, $1.00 per sack! carrota. $1.60 per eaek; beets. $1.60 per sack; S iranl pe, $1.60 par aaek; Oregos radishes. Oe par doa; cabbage, Oregon, 6c; bell peppers, lOo per lb: tomatoes. Toe toil. 00 . par ' box; ' paranlps SOcCtl.OO; string . beanaV . Oregoa, Te per lb; eaall flower, $1.00 per dos: peaa. 406c; horse radish, $070 per lb; ertlchokes, T3 per doa: aquaah, le; green onions. Oregon. 12HC pet doa bunches; eueambere, soajOOo box; celery, T0QT6e per dos; green eora, 16e don; aam- 5ier eqnaah; 75cfl 11.00 pec box; eggplant, 2.T6OS.0O per crate. DRIED rKUIT8 Apples, evaporated. ISO 14c per lb; apricots, lsttQlSe per lb: peaches, IlQlSttc par lb: sacks. Vic pr lb leaa; prunea, SO to 40, 9e: He drop oa aerb 1-1 amallsr alas: ara, California black. tJfH,e per lb: California white, aH per lb; datee. goldea, TMs pet ibi farda, $1.40411.60 par 16-lb box. Oroosrtss Huts, Eta. STJOAR Sack basis Cube. $6.20; powdered, 18.06; fruit granulated, $3.06; dry granalated, 4.06: conf. A,' $4.6; western P. 0., $4.66; Hawaiian C. O. $4.66: extra C. $4.46; .golden C. $4.46; D yellow. $4.48; bble, 10c: ,bbla. net boxes, 60s advance en seek basis, lees $6 per ewt for aaah, IS daye; mania. 14Q16 par lb. (Above prices apply to sales of leaa than car lots. Cat lots st special prices subject to actuations, t HONEY $80 per crate. COFFEE Packaae branda. $1T 15.T!1. . SALT Coarse Half ground, lots. $0.00 pet ton; 60s, $0.60; table, dairy. 60a, $12.00; 100a, $11.76; Imported Liverpool. 60a, $17 00: 400a, $1A&0: 824a. $10.00; extra flno. bbla, Sa. ee, 10a, 6-4.604)5 NO: bulk, no lbs, $).005.onr sacks. 60a, 65T86e: Liverpool Inmp rock. $16.60 per ton; 60-lb rock. tt.OO; loOa, $0.00. RICE Imnarlal Japaa. No. 1. act No. S. Creole. 6 Vie. BEANS flnian jrhlte.' $4 26: large white, 3.80; pink-. $2.78; bayou, $4.78; Lima. $6JS; lexlcan rada, 4 Ha NUTS Peanuts, Jumbo, So per 18; Virginia. He per lb; roasted, lt"HC per lb; Japa nese, 64t6He; roasted, TQTHe per lb: cocoa. nam. BotlOO per doa; wslnuta, 15410 He pet lb; plnanuu, 10412H per lb; hl-kory nnta, lOe par lb; chestnuts, eastern. leCloc per lb) BraaH ants, 16a per lb: fllheote. 14tt(6s per lb;faacy peesna, 16c; almonds. ISQlTs. f . Paints. Oeal OIL Its. BOPE Poe Manila. 14e; atsadard, l$Me alssl. lie. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Casea lay, pet gal; water white, Iron barrels 14e per gal, wooden ITe net gal; headlight, ITO-deg, saaes 11 He par gaf. ' OASOUSE S-deg. eaaas MVs pet gaL Iroa bbla 16e pet gaL BENZINE OS-dec. eaaaa BS pot gal, lroa bbla lHe Per gaL TURPENTINE la esse 6a par xaL woodea bbla 03e par gaL WHITE LEAD Toa lots. T per tb; 600-lb Iota. Se per lb; leaa lots, SHs per Tb. WIRE NAILS Present baela at $2 68. LINSEED OIL Pure raw, In S-boi lots. 66c: l-bhl lot, 6Se; ceeaa. 66e per gal; gtnaine kettle boiled, cases, 0s per gal; 6-bbl lots. 64c; 1-hbl lot 66e per gal; ground cake, car lots. $20.00 set ton; leaa than ear kta, $30.00 pat tea. fasts. Flab sad Provtaleas. FRESH M BATS Front Btrest Hogs, fancy, aHeoe: ordinary, THdSe; poor. TTHs jmt lb; bulla. SQHs not lb; veal, extra. THtJoc lb; ordinary, Te per lb; poor, 6a per lb mntton. fancy. StYSHc per lb: lamb, ve, . HAMS, BACON, ETC. Portland sack (local) heme, 10 to 14 Iba. ITc per lb; 14 to 1$ lbs. lOHe pet lb: break fist beeoa, l(Mt21s per lb; picnic. I2HS per lb; cottage, lOe par lb; reguiar abort . clears, soamoked, lie per lb; anioked. 16s per lb; clear backs, nnamoked, 12c pet lb; smoked lSe per lb; Union butts 10 to IS lbs; u ns rooked. So per lb; smoked. 6 pet lb; cleat belltea, nnamoked, 14 per lb; anioked, 16e per lb: shoulders. 12 Ha pet lb; pickled tongues. $6.00 quarter bbl. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10s, 12H pet lb; 6a, l2Ho par lb; 601b. tins. 12c per lb; steam rendered. 10a. HHe per lb; 6a, lift per lb; compound. 10a, SVte. $1.60; t-lb tails, 12. TB; fancy, 1-lb Is to. ll.pil; , 12. TB; fasey, 1-lb lata. $1.1X1 1 etto atei a IK auB.sai s4 Tl Alaska Ulla, pink. asajOO. ted, $1.$0 aoaUuai is, tall, $2.00. 1 FISH Rock eed, Te per Tb aoanders, 6e per lb: kaUbnt, 6c par lb; crabs, $1.60 per doa; etrlped base, ItHe per lbt catfish. 6e pat lb aslmon, Columbia river Chinook, 6c per lb; eteel haada, 8c per lb; Muebeoka. 8c per lb; herring, ee per lb; soles, 6c per lb: snrlmpe. 10c per lb; perch, Sc per lb; black cod, Ts per lb; to mood, fs - per lb; sliver smelt, Te per lb; lobsters . par lb; fresh msckersL St per lb; eraarflah, 80a per dost shsd, Ss per U; ttargeon, 10c per lb. . OYSTERS Bnoslwatst hay,, par gaL $2.28; per 1101b sack. $4.00. CLAMS Hardshell, per box. $100; rtxor clama, $2.00 pet bog. BAJT f RAjrciSOO atTRTRe XXCHARaX. ' Ban Franclaco, Ang. T. Official prices BIO. Bid. 8.46 .84 .44 .M .18 .40 .18 .08 .06 ' .44 " .4 .14 .4S ' .os ' .18 .66 ' .18 .11 .11 Belmont ......$ 8.87H Ohplr .........$ Caladonlt Excbeaner Noreroae ' Gold Crowa..., Oreat Bend .... BUck B."Ex."r Tramp ' Sold. Belmont.. Montgomery Mt. lunset Iceptrs ,, - Manhattan' .... , Baylor Hum.... Cash Boy .14 Golden Anchor. .64 71m Butler .... 1.60 Maenamsrs .. .74 Midway ...... 1 22H Montana ...... -162H Norta atar ... .as Ohio .60 Tns. fjx....... - 6 50 Nevada 16.15 'West End..., A 50 Atlanta .80 Bluebell Id Booth ....... .61 ColumbU Mt.. .26 Con. Quarry.,. .18 Dlemondfleld , ' .66 Dixie " jM IDexter I Granny I Gold Wedge... jlion Star , ' Br 44- do aitanalea. .87 Kendall ...... .' .6.1 lagans ....... .81 May Quees .... .IT ' Mohawk ...... l.PO Red Top ..... 1.68 Sandstorm e. . . - .66 Silver Pick..., .60 St. Ives .68 O. Boll Frog., 1. .14 4 Stelnway .40 Con. CsL Ya.. ; .60 Mexlcaa ...... ' .6T annex;... OT .11 8 .18 .02 .0$ .86 roo .04 .m .60 .04 41 Creeetnt Cowboy ....... Denver Annex.. Built It Bears. Black Reek.... N. Y. Ooaaol... Maneoa ...... Little Jos..... Mayflower .... Jumping Jack.. nea mp an.,, Mnatang ...... ' London Bllver Market. -' London, Aug. T. Bar silver, $0Hd, 6a sd- vence of Hd sine Friday. . v r k ' ' ' .'; '.. - Liverpool Oettea Lowar. . "Mvernool, Aug. T Cotton futures tloeed antat, 10 foist sows. , , 1 rjllffll RISE 1G1I0 CHICAGO Market Advances on All Options Despite Receipt of Much : Bearish News. . LIVERPOOL OPENS AND CLOSES WITH A, LOSS American . Market in Bencr Shape With Adrance of a Half in Septem ' ber and a Quarter In Other Options ;e Caah Market One Cent Higher, RELATIVE WHBAT YALl'ES. Aug. T. ..$ Tfavt .. .T6 .. .7Va Aai no. A - 10OX ' Cleln . ioptember.. Decs ui ber.. May $ .72 HB I M , $ Mt .T6H .84 H 004 Chicago, Aug. T. Tn wheat msrkstf eloaed higher today after a good opening. . Early cables, ware peartoh, Liverpool opening and cloe Ing with a loee for both Beptembet and De cember. Primary reeelDts were eonalderablr hesvlet thaa a year ago. Newe la general was Deans a, an axovpiioa so uus peing in avaacs of la la cash wheat. The August report I for Kentoeky Wheat yield 06 per sent, everags quail avsrags quality good; condition a year ago aft per cant, whan mere waa crop or 10. 000,000 bushels. Ths Record-Herald aeysi Exporters snd sash grain men In general are predicting that yes terday Strength in the American markets would bring m n moeh better demand for eeah wheat from abroad. Continents 1 bid showed s better distance, quite a number of them be kit bat a cent below working lines, bat ths subsequent sdvanes hers carried them moeh further out of line. All the English market will be opened this morning. A big exporter oeyo: "The only wheat that etende chance wHh a of finding a market I tb bard winter wheat. New York aad Psansylvanla both have Immense crops." - Official quotation by Overback. Starr Oook company 1 1. .. . . , WHBAT. ' open. man. ..$ .T2H .T8H .... . .754 .T8iJ ..... .TBiJ " .TM Open. High. Low." ' CVee. Iept...$ .72 H $ .78H $ .72 1H I -I? ?4 TH uee. May r.T6A T , CORN IS. , Sept... Dee... May... Sept... Dec. .. May.. A .4flH AM .40 "...46' .4 2J .40 A .46 OATS, - .81 H 43H - -J4H8 1T.IJB ' 14.20 . 8 ST A S.P2 8.67B .: .62 - .64 MESS PORK. Sent-.... 1T.0S : 1T.12 1T.08 Jan...., 14.60 : 14.60 1A20 LARD. ,- - Sept.,... 8.60 600 - $ ST Oct S OT ST , Jan..... 6.62 6. 82 AIT SHORT RIBS. Sept.... S 6Z6 S. IT Oct $.T ' .T 05 Jan...,. f.61 tZ-T.Mry I.6J BRAD ITE EXTl ORAUT REPORT. Chicago. Ana. T. Bradatraat'a tsnort af arara vlalbia supply : ineroass. bo. ' Wheat - v Beet of Rock lea. 1.576,000 Europe aad afloat , SOO.OOO Total .....VTTrrn.-.-.r.i-r.-iTre. -676.000 OOTal , a a aR ) a , a a 01.84,000 Oats e 146,000 Deeraaas. : PRIMARY tlUT KOYXMZRT. : Chlesaa, Aug. T. Primary receipts: Today. Yssf ago Bnah. Buab. Wheat f5.000 446. ono Corn ;.06,000 20.000 Shipments: Wheat ...... ............... .656 000 810.000 Cora 106.000 6M.006 Total clearances: Wheat, 62.000 baebele; corn, 32.000 bashals; Oeta, 1,895 boshelsl fkmr, 10,000 barrels. . - , . XXm00t ORAni atARXXt. Llvorpool, Ang, T . Official WHEAT. Opoa . Close Today. Today. - 6s 44 6a 8Hd 6a 6Hd . a 4d ' Pro. tM Cloae. 1 Today. Sept..-.. Dee Sept...... eertQawere 6a 4Hd 6ljd ; CORN. aa 6Hd aa TH4 4e 6d 4a T"Jd Ohleag wrala teas. Chloage, Ang. T. Orala car lots; Oars. Gride. Bat. 10S. Wheat .04S 6M 60S 46T Cora 60 .65 846 864 OaU SOS 886 400 4TT nrrrzs statxs MTZauriayT bordb. Raw York, Aag. T. Oovai nuiaat ... Dote. bonds: Bid. Ask. 104 105 u 1044 106H 106 H 104 108 H 104 104 " 104H 104U 104)4 WHH 120 160 126 1 180 115 108 Twos, registered ...108 coapon ..........1608 Threes, registered..... ...... 1008 do soapon , 100 Twos, small bonds........... ... Fours, reg1etered...,,.....,.iaof do. coupon. ................leoT Foars, regletered... ....1625 do coapon .......1026 District of ColumbU......... ... Philippine 4s , ,, .... PORTLARD BARX STATXatXRT. Clearings ..... Balance ..... fSS8.S41.TT 67.601.68 BIO PRICE FOR SHEEP. Trm and MmU . Obtavliiatd a iaa- . aUaOR. . ' (Special Dispatch to Tha Journal.) Pendleton. Or., Aug. T. -One of the largest eheep as lea mads la Oregon this yeer was that made by A. Bmytbe & ions sf Arlington yesterday to F. C. Ax man a wall-knowm Chi cago buyer. Das P. Smyths sf this city Is member of tha firm celling the eheep, sad the desl Included 18,000 heed of mat ton sheep, to be' delivered st ths Union etock yarda la Chicago by May 1, 1007. The excellent quality of the sheep brought 63.50 per head, ths larg est price oa record this oeseoa. , , 'rxw.torr: oottor mar rxt. New York, Aug. T Cot toa futures ejossd to 13 points lower. . -Official quotation by Over heck, Starr Oooks compear: , Open. " High. Jan.. '..10.18 ' 10.16 Feb..., .... Mareh..l.3Ti- 108 Low. Aug. T. Ang- A. 10.00 10.01 10.11 ...... 1004 10.13 10.18 10.18 10.34 . 10.14 10.86 . ,10 21 10.68 60 60 - $. GO TO 8 60 63 663 , B.sjT 10 61 8. ST . 10.01 88 6 0S 10.06 Anrll. May.. ,.10.84 Aug.... 71 Sept.... tOO Oct. .10 03 Nov.... 10.04 Dec.. ..10.00 1066 72 ' 00 1002 10.04 11.10 HUSBAND'S AFFECTIONS .WORTH HALF MICtlON (Jooraal Special Serrlce.) Nw York, Aub. T.--Ollbrt fT. lla fsrty Sr.. tha "ooka king of PltUburf, a fvermanent rasldant of tha new Wsldorf-AstoHs, la balrif auad for tlOO.OOS by hi dsnghtsr-tn-law, wlf of Ooorg B. Rafferty, charglttf aliena tion of her husband' af factions. Tha young man' parsnt objected to' hi msrrlag. which .waa, aocrst. Raf fsrty left his Wife In 1108. ntarac th army and aor-rad In tha Philippine. fraferre4 aTksek Oasusael Allsa ds L wi'; Bast BraadV Purch&s cf Inland Crtcfcsr Company of Cpo kant by Pacific Cotst Clavcutt Removed Im mediate Chance of a C,racker War Her. GATES SELLS HOD PRICES LOSE Early Advance In New York Stock Values Is Cut Just Before - ; the Closing.'-. MONEY RATES WORK UP AND HURT MARKET X Good Movement in Northern Pacific With One Point Advance Retained at Cloae-e-London Market Good for Americans This Morning , KIT SAINS. Amslgaaasted , j Rett, ore Aicnison .,.. Car A roondry.. Bsltlmore Colorado ruel... St. Paul. 0. A N. W Chaeapesks ..... Canadian Cole. At Southern Brie Illinois Central.. North ara Pacific Katy. Missouri Pacific..,, Norfolk ! Ont. Western.., Penneylvsnls ! Pacific Mail. J.... Reading Rep. Steel, pfd.... Sonthera Railway.. St. U 8. W....T do preferred ..... - 1 .. S Tel as A Pacific... Toledo, pfd ! 1 LO68ES, Anaecada Sugar ... ... IfclN. T. Central .. Rock Ialand. pfd... Smelts H Southern PaelfU. Brook Ira a Unloa Pacific...... KiU. S. Steel, pfd.... National Lead... Oreat Western. . Wall 8 treat. New York, Aug. TAftar eoa sldsrsbl strsngth snd a good advance la prices ths stock market sold off lata la th day and lost aomo-ef Its early gala. Belling by Ostss wss supposed te he raaponslbls for ssnms of thla latter decline, bat th higher atoaey rstss con tributed tbelr share to th dowafail of vsloee. Amerloaa stocks ha London were strong early with a sharp recovery la Britiah consols snd general London sentiment laa pro ring. There is better dam sad for aonds, especially ka a mail a mo ants. Reports from Denver Indicate that Colorado fuel At lroa surplus for tha fiscal year ended June 80 Is very largo. Official quotations by Over beck, Starr ' 6 vooxa eompanr; DBSCBIPTIOR. AmaL Copper Co aiiira ana. tar round-, do beef erred . . 68 Am. Cotton Oil, com.... As. LocoaMUvs, ooaa... Asa. Sugar, com. ....... Am. Smalt, com........ do preferred Anaconda Mining Co.... Am. Woolen, com Atchison, com....,..,,, do preferred... , Baltimore A Ohio, com.. do preferred , Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt. Canadian Pacific, com., Central Leather, eons. ., do preferred Chi. A O. W.. eora.... CcL, MIL A St. Paul.. Chi. A N. com.,.. Chessnssks A Ohio Colo, ruei A Iron. som. Colo. Southern, som.... 3SH ii" 68 H 101 H liUH 1004 LeOte laota 8M is 1864 166 aorv. 167tf 666 T1H de3d preferred oo ist prera Cora Produeta, ' do Drafarrsd '. Denvor A R. O., som.. do preferred. Brie, com.............. do 3d preferred..... do 1st preferred..,. Illinois Central. , Louisville A Naahvllls., Manhattan Railway.... Mexican Central By..., M.. K. A T.. com:..... ito pl"Vf VtT4! a a-a Missouri Pacific , National Lead ., New Xork Central...... N. T.. Ont. A Waa tarn. Norfolk A Weat., aom.. do preferred. ........ . North Amerlc a , Northern Pacific, com.. Pacific Mall S. 8. Co... Pennsylvania Railway. . P. O., L. A C. Oo Pressed Steel Car, som.. Beading, coon..... do td preferred....... do lat preferred Bop. aroa A Steel, som. do preferred Bock Ialand. com do preferred t. L, A 8. r. 3d pfd... do lat preferred S. L. A 6. W., earn..... do preferred Southern Pacific, com... do preferred.,... Southera Railway, smb.. do preferred.......... Tennessee C. A 1 ., texaa A Pacific i It L, 6 W., ooaa. SO pff GiTa! eetaa Union Pacific, com do preferred .v. TJ. B. Rubber, som do preferred V. B. Steel Oo., som..., do preferred Wabash, com... do preferred Western (J. Telegraph., Wteconotn Central, eosa. 4H 4M 44 ITTH 1ST MS MX TTti 166 1 44H 414 106M RECEIPTS AND DEMAND ARE SLOW ia YARDS . Arrivals of Nominal Criaracter, Especially in Hogs and Sheep -Both Markets Firms Portland fnloa Stockyards, Ant. T-Uve-stoek receipt! nogs. CstUs-Shssp. Today 38 304 Week ag 864 n 600 Month ago. .v. ........... ., 168 ... Tear ago 18' 140.; .460 With receipts remslnlng of nominal char acter, cepacia lly In boga and aheep, there is but a fractional amount of business shown la the local livestock market. Cattle receipts wars somewhat better today, bat the t bee nee of othera helps this line. No changes la prices la say 11ns, however. Official llveatock quotations; . Hogs Bast eaatern Oregoa,- ST.SeOT.BO blockers and China fats. 66.60) Stockere sad feeders. $3 00: bulls, 8360. Cattle Beat eastern Oregoa stscrt. II 8nJ 180; best cows sad he! fere. 128003.16; stockers snd feeders, 63.60; bulls, 83.60. aheep Shearlings, 4aHei Umba, 6c . EASTERN MARKETS GOOD. 1 t UrarbnoR Sbow etTwBa-lm--aTgR aoA ' Sallf aTtVOar. . ' Cklcsga, AU.' T.-LIrsatech eeeslptsi Hogs. . Cattle. Bheen. Chicago ...18.000 4,600 M.OM) Ksnssa City .18.000 11.000 S.OnO eaaba 6.600 . 8.000 13.000 Hoga ara strong, with 4.800 left ever from yesterday. Becelpta a yeer ago ware I4.0O0. Today's prices: Mixed sad butcher'e. d.lot 63MI good asd besvy. 16.60-26. 10i toagh and hesvf . 66 664AO0! light, d.80fla.T8. CattleSUedy. , Sheep Strong. ' . ' CKIOAee CASH WXSAt. , . . Chicago, Aag. T Caah wheat Hi. Aak. No. t red.,,,,,.:.,.... .. .TJ t .T8H no. m .... .is 'i .te HmriuM... ,i .t , .n ..... .Ui .11 12 t;:::u mm .um iin-mm case Declares Administrator Has No Right to Continue Business . of the Deceased. la arsulng bafor County Judg wsb tsr that W. M. Ladd should b removad from -the position of administrator of the aatat of A. H. Johnson. Attornav -H. H. Rlddall daclared that Mr. Ladd ba4 Uksn aotlon regarding tha affalra of the aatat that wa clearly beyond hi authority aa an Administrator. . Attornsy Rlddell cltsd numsroua u prsma court decisions to show that an administrator Jias no right to oontlnus th bualnsss of the deceaaed, but that it la th administrator's duty to do up tha affair of th Ut at tha sarllest possible time. Applyins tha doolslon to- tha Xadd-JohnQr,contro Yrsr. Mr RlddaU said: , . r "It la no part of tha- administrator' buslnss to conduct' farms, hlr man, buy machinary or plant eropa. - What ha ought to havs tfona waa to cloae up tha arralra of this astata, pay tna croaitor and divide what waa laft amonc - th halra. .. Turtns the eourad of Mr. Ladd'e ad mlnlatratlon tha aaast 'of th estate hare dlmlnlshsd from $184,000 to l3, 008 aad In that whot time th only dobt paid waa that of Isam White, which was aatlaflsd by th sal of property under an xscution. . . "Thar aaame to hav been no logical reason for this ataady decrease and I think It waa caused by Mr. LAdd'a man agomant of th aatata. And If this thins wra allowed to co on long; anougn the ntlre asaata of th aatata would b rep resented by en overdraft on tha admin istrator. k , . ."Aalda from - twa amall proportrea, there was alway a deficit from the buatnaas of th property of tha aatata. All tha farms era in th districts whsr thay 'are eurrounded by ethar farm a, who owners testified her that they Rr making money. It seam pe culiar te m that , the propartlaa of the Johnson astata could produce only a da flcit during all of this time." CRIMES REPORTED ( TO THE POLICE Thomae KHiwa, a member of the Ore gon Grill orchestra, has reported the theft of 140 In gold' and 1 in silver, stolen from hie residence at III North Twalfth etreat. 3. Landlgan of 114 Sherman 'etreet has notified th authorlUes that his rowboat was atolsa from undsr . tb Portlland aawmlll. Hs euspacta a crowd of boy who ge in swimming at that point and offer a reward of It for the return of the boat - William Sherx of 114 North Twenty, sixth atrcst mourn the loee of a II cailbra rvolvr atolsn from hla trunk by a eneak thief Ust night John Carter, aa employe of Dr. Cox, at Sixth and Washington treat, fell a victim to th operation 0f light fingered Individual on Third atreet yes terday and waa relieved of Ala, by th pickpocket . "'. . . . . Offleeya OoaAaet oaaaalooal - (Jtnrnal Special Servtea.) A Washington, Aug. T.-8c rotary Bona, parte haa ordered the eourtmartlal at Mar Ialand Of . Lieutenant .Edward Dunn . of the navy, , charged with "acandaloua conduct" .. . cry VJczzn peis.geil4 ATahAaia tJaata axeas4aaO aal MAJtVIL winW-UM Sevev iTbanew fsgtsal Sutass. Avec- awa exes aecnoa. Baas gaf. ese m oat.invonMns, ansa lasaassly. lakn If ha oannot supply aianf as. aoua aiher. hut ssod sis iiuauraiea eoox eesiea. n Full oaruenlara and dlreetions an. valuable to ladles. MAM vat, COi ... mm vw ivsa. S. . SRIDMORR OOm Ul rRIRfl STRBXl. ARB WOO&ARA fll.ABRB 00. OdXtmmtt. Ttm afJierWaT TO) AIX. Taavaat'e Bawea al Oahaae earn Oepolba la gAPSuhss, slilin siaailisiaasaaiala These gloea, weaesa, ova. assy as asi j. a aw I. at Bewe A Martin's, 861 Weehlaxtoa at, Portland. Oregoa; or by stall from Th r arrant Co.. 44 HoAaaa sU Raw Vera. Pure Safe, Sure Dr. Bander son's Compound Bavin and Cotton Root Pllla. The best and only rsllsbls remedy for , Oalayad P. rtod. Cures th most ob- atlnat cases in t to 1 daya Ptie ft par box. mailed in plain wrapper. Ad dress T. J. PIERCE, M. D.t Itl first treat, comr Yamhill, Portland.' . W trost uecfuUy all PaW TATS, RrRXTOTfB aad CTRmORTlO SIBSABXB of men, alao BIiOOO, TOMAOM, BBABT, WTBaV, RIIBBTaT And TRCR.OAT troublss. W cur SYPHILIS without operation or pain in 18 daya. We etop dralna, night loeeee - and spermatorrhea by a new method In a short time. We can restore th sexual vigor of any - man undsr 80, and many over 84. , by meana of a local treatment Pe culiar to oursslvsa We Cure Gonorrhoea in a Week iiinecraiea eoox sisiis. ngree . i m 1 hll narueulars and direction, as. IkI ' Af n The doctor of thla '-Institute are all ' regtilar graduate, hav had many years' sxparianc. hav been known in Portland for 16 yeare, hav a reputation to maintain aad will undertake no case unlss cer tain cure can be fleeted. W erojuraasea a ease ta evary eaao We sutdsrtak ee eharge me fe. Ooaaraltaaloa fraa. '-...' Lettere confidential. Instructive book for man mailed free In plain eeanot call at office, write for question blenk. Home treatment SUCCSSSful. . A , . (. ' ' ' ', " 1 CONSULTATION ALWAYS FREE V Office bourei a. m. to I p. Bv Sundays and holiday, 10 a. m. to 11 m. Dr.W. Norton day is & Co. Offiee la Tab Noy Hotel.' IIH Third St, Corner Pine, Portland, Or. TRANSPORTATION. Cc!:3BiYerScfccry - Ci-eilsr Une Steoers TUB FTCTTRSION" STDAMER "BAiLeT OATZiiRT" maks round trip to CAS CADE LOCKS ovary Sunday, ' leaving PORTLAND at v bl, returning, ar rlvss 6 p. m. ' Dally servlo between Portland ' and Tba Pall xept Bundan leaving Port land at T a. m., arriving about I n. n., carrying freight and paeeenger. Splen did accomraodatluna . fog outSta and llveatock. - :. - ..- ' - Dock foot of Aider atreat, Portland; foot of Court atreaU The Calls. Phone Mala 814, Portland. .-. TELEGRAPH laturl ra Oa BlTtl ' The only steamboat making a round trip .,. 'V DAZX.T :. ; .'' Excspt Sunday Between : '' FOxlTLartD and ASTORIA . ABTO WAT atOnrTS.' Leave Portland...... . ....... .: a. ra. Arrlre Astoria, .........1:19 p. m. lava AstorU. ....... ......... 1:89 p. nv A rrlv .Portland.. 8:0 p. 6a. U-JM SERVED A LA CARTE i . ' Pertland Seaadlng, Aldsr Btrsat looB. - Alborls, Tiaadlng. OaUeada 9ook. B. B. SCOTT. Agent Phone Mala ICS. ALASKA" ' BAST ARO POPTJtAB STtAafSHir ' teMvs Seettl ' "JTETrtRSOli;"' ingost i.' V 'DQLSWM." Augaa 11. ' -' CALLIM41 II . Ketehlkaa. Janaaa.' Doaglas. Balnea, STtsg wsy.Ceonec with jj j, , pVsaav rot All Soethaastanr Alaska Ports. , Can ar eead for 'Trip to Wonderful Ala ska. " ."Indian Baaketry." "Totem Polea." -' THR AIAAXA 8. S. CO. , -' rrank Weoaaay Co.. Agents. ' 863 Oak st, Portland. Or. 80TTEXASTZRR ALASKA ROWTX. rrom Seattle at P- m. for Katchlkaa. Inneaa. Ska way. White Horse, Dawson and Fairbanks B. S. City of Sssttla, Aug aat 10. 80. 80. 8. S. Bumbo Id t. Augoat 4. 14. 24. 8. 8. Cottage CTty vta Sltkal. Aucuea 11. 36. . RTOMX ROUTX. S. S. Senator about August IT. t- . FOB SAM FRAROUOO 9IBZ0T. From SestUs at 8 A. m.-Clty of Paeblo, Asrejt a. ertlaad Of floe. 848 Wsahingtea St., BUm SS8, . m. us, xnae, as. . C I. DUMANiO, O. P. A, Saa rraneiaeo, ; Erie Railroad TO BTBIW TOBaT ARTS OnTTp - eVBTT xxoxa-x avmaax. IK WO PortlanfTs Widely, Known and Successful y Chinese Medicinat- Root-snd- Herb Doctor taaaooa rameaiae. the insredteata ot which we Import direct from the Orient ta larae anantltlee and renare and pat np tat nee la hla ap-ta-data lebetory. Re asereary, poteone or arags sf sag kind seed. , Paroly vegetanj. . ' Tn ttaeeee tseata aaeeaaefallv sad aasrsnrees te care all etomaeb troablea, cstarrh. sathme. Inn, throat, rheamettam. am tuonnsaa. uvea, kidney aad lest manhood. FXMAXR TROTTBtrS ABA AZX BRTTATB SIBRASaa, ' Re fakm ar atlaleadlag sUtemeats ' ta ts aft'etsd. A ssf aad taetln care la the eulch eet peaelble Ume cod at tba loweeS eeet poe- stbls tot honest treatmest . If yea eeanot call. wrlU for symptom blank aad elrsalar. Inrleae 4 seats tn stsmpx. . OORSTTLTATIOR FRXR. The O. Bee Wa Oklneee afedlaiae Oa., lSit Watt BU, (Mr, omasa, g-aniana. ve. Pleaa sMstloa thm paper. ScctfsSntal-Pcps!3 Ggsc!:s A POSITIVE CURE For Is8ammstoB erOsssnt of 1 the Bladder end Dtaaeeed Aid. 'mmm a a aers. BO ouax as rax. (.ore I ' naa eteva, a mailer 01 sow V rfcag steading, Absoiately ra; harmless, sold, by arnaTista. VLrur aitrrit nroatai nft Pat Sals' by Wseaard. Clarke A Oo. $ CGI 1 1 v. .a. j Hla w - . ie-- s - ' L. awtasajaoaAai 1 AiaUnicrfPaisis 3Trains 'to he Et Daily-- ' Thiaoajb Patlmsa staadard asd UmbU sleeaa hg-cara daBy sa Ossaha. OUenao, BsA i sleeolng-eara aelry es Raasas Zkase reclining ahalreats (seata Creel la M Seat dally,' tbtft, Aleaao. ynion Dopes-. .,S i?"6-PertUnd Special far : Lea vs. -' Ajalra. to Beat via Bsntlngton. dir. :8e sat SaMem "V Flyer for .Raster - ,. "inrtua. Wslla Walls, -.,-. "of- Coeor arAmao a-- ; -: fnoksne y "hlortua, Lwle. , TIT" 'ortbeen aolnta. 4.11V B IS pm A sm Vi'rr ins m ns .. SZll'." ' for sTI v ,,, rWtteed. Setlv -tSa Bins pas , - '.U..mui. aivpa viiiww., ... ,trla and way pMnra, eoeaeetlas srMB Sft for llwase end Berth Reese, atesaas , " Artt. dock. Wave pVm. da. "sept Soadati Satoeda. te p. m. A ret re seat 8 p. ex.. aaeest eSradar. - ..y : ' - "MTTIX BITBR RftfTTB. ; mJiSL Oragaa CTty. and Tamhitt rWwJ . f'"''. tteas.era Rath aad kfodoe. Asca. ZSV s. as. dally, exeap Snaday fwaosr aov. Bsndiy?' " ,lT T:T' . ., ., saaase r tHfkm "TB ROlTTfJ. " '' ' S. lrl"'on. Idaho, aad way potato ream ; 'SIP. steamers Ssekaae and -Lewis. E? Y? J:t0 - or spea errlvst Train nT i.?8 Saturday. Arriva 4 a aa. datlv sxcapt Frldsv . ' . Ticket Office. Third and WseUagww st. 'v 1 TeVrhooe Mala T18. , . , nr. J wW. PJIfOSaJ, City Tleket Aaesc. jfJSJ- McMPRglT Bsnaral Paaaaaaias Agana, EASTv SOUTH Pnloa Depot - Ovarlasd Rxsrma Train P jsalem. Roaeborg, Aah land. Seers meats. Ogdea, Baa Franrlee. Stock too tea Angeles. Rl Paao. Raw Orlaena snd ths ssat 8:48 pea Morning train coaaeets at Wood bars daily except , Sunday with train for Meant AneeA. Blleeetne). S8:nat Browneville. Snringneld, Wendllng and Natron.... 8:80 km T:3Ssm augens peaaenrer ens- sects st Woodbrrrs with ' Moont Aoarel and Silver. - ton local........ e.tSam Corvsllla pamsegit....... T :60 sa heridsn p.eeeerer e4-ao pm . eatta am 118:80 pat roreatrorove star.. l':on am "Osny. I'nanv eveent wnuH9. .. , JPTFRRsJON-STRrTrTT BTATTOW. " ' 'For Dallae and Intemudlate nolnta dstlv T:S0 . m. and 6:16 p. m. Arrivs Portland 10:18 a. . and 6:60 p. m. ' For time aad card of Oswego sobcrhsa trains , spnly at City Ticket Office, or atatloa. . Tleketa to Rastern points snd Rniopst (Sas lanes, Oilna. Ronotohr sad Aaetrella. ' ' Oty Ticket Office eoraer Third ad Wash. tnta street.. - PImov Mala TIB, , . , . t C. W. STTNOBB. Ws. McMTTRBAT. City Ticket Agent. ' Sen. Pass. Aaeafc TIMECARD OF RAINS' (Saous aj-i 1 Lesve. . Atrtvaa VoVJ-Z T xivirivY Portlandr- tTnlea Pep si ' ' lempa ' ' xeuowsroas s-srx-Ksaasa Pty-8t. Louis Special for Chehalle. Ccntrella. Olym. . ",,'' pla. Orsys rJsrbne. Boat ' . ' , Bead. Taeoma. Beattts, 8co. ' -f-- kaae. towletos. Butts, B!- , , II. ga. Deaver. Omaha. Rao. ' aaa atr. 81. Leula aad ' ' ' . Southeast, dally SsSOss iB6pm Rnrth Cnest Urnftrd. elee- , trie Mahted. tor Tecoms ' v.. Seattle. Spokane. Batto. , Mtoneapolla. Bt. Fsal and , fie Beet, defly ........... 1:08 am taw SX Pnget Snand Umttest Aw , . . . CTaressmt. Cache lis. Can. 1 trails. Taroma sad Seattl ' ' dally :8epm S'jepm TwlS Oty Rxnrsss for Tee corns. . Seattle. Spot see, (' v ,j . Helena. Bane. mx. rani. ... Mlnneeporta. UneolB. St r -v Toeeph. Raeaaa City. Omaha.-- Bt. .team. allbont etiseee of csre. T1reeV eon- 3 ... . oeerlon f-r sn pernm . . - - peat eed aVaHSteeet. Aellv 1tr6 an. : aaa A. B. fTRARrTOir. Asatataat SeoervJ fwa. ssaget Agent 858 Marrlaoa street; sonar Third. ' Portland, isregna . .. - .-.,. n Astoria & Columbia v : River Railroad Co. Vstoa Ceaot Leave. . Atrrre, Far Maygera, Rainier, data. . kante, Weatpert, Clifton. ' 1 ' Astoria. Warreafon, via- - ' vet Hamas sod. tart Btesv ena, Gear hart Park. Seaside. 80 am II AS 666 Astoria end See ohm a. oa st aauy las pm wtawom) rortlsnd Seaside . rirev" SetsiaaP eaUr leaves Portland 6:16 ,. ' AlUtratoe Aelto. -t . . :. . J . I. t MA TO. O. F. and P. . C. A. BTSWABT COB Alder atreet. rhea TNK COMrOftTa4MX WAV 1 0 rtHsSat Tr.!i Di2 2 Taa Ortaatal Lhaitod. she Foat BUS ' VIA SBAT1XB ARB S FOR ARB. Batia. Petty. . , ' ' temssa ..Antes. Portland ttms silted ale ' To and from Spokane, . .l T' ; t. Peat Minneapolis. :. ' v-' tmrarh ssd sll eaa - ' Res via aeettle...... J-eOsm fiSes Il46 pas e:eem , T asd from St Fast . , Mlnneapone. Dalnth ! , r snd alt potat Bas ' ' vis Spohaa . ertspm 'ee. msg from Seattle fa Jasaa ami Chlss parts asd Maaila. eattytaa oaa aanaeea and freight - . S. 8. Dakeaa. Septomher S. S. S. Mlaseaess, Ootoear SA -! , - BTFFOR TT81R RA18RA ilapao MsO Bteastahls Ca, . Shlaaaa Mara wul all faaa about Aogust T for Japss sod Chlns mnmJ&'JPMLL???L rwaalavp) For tickets, earas, oavtl m - mn mm mm eSJeaea) -..nvaM. It m m a.: leg'" , Pertlsaa.' Oragoa. Fbeaa am v S. S. F. A. tCl!-:: Far Cos Bay. Boreas ssd fc Frac- Rsxt sailing from FortUad. Thorsar?, .' Root sen to teem 8a Ftsa. 1 . . mm gKrRr-:" ' , afreeawtca Peak A as a . 1 I .1 '. '-V. ..