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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1906)
'1 THE OREGON DAILY1 JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING JUNE 8. 1SC3. ORIENTAL RUGS. OMKNTAI. vu renefred cleaned by a'rre expert.; are Mr th orlgtaal vaeetab u.iuUc- wool for eur repatrtiut;- all work lutrtM teed. Tall up ODMltl m pan-lng ., pacinc osa PHOTOGRAPHS. CLMINO eale eMMal photographic vtrwe of eeOMSlttftO. Mowlf poetrarda, WW wok, ill, matte reduced Brieve, , Bxpesllioa (or. MereWon st. PLUMBERS. ' . DONNERBKRO RAI)EMACHER, TSBWved No. BOB Buraald at. ,. . rOX CO., eeuttary pwmera,BSl acB4x, SH. end Balatoe. oregee raoae msiai evua. . FINNIOAN PRO. A CO. XS Third . Phou Mill Snos. nowoec see "',"!; PHYSICAL CULTURE. RINGt.RR OYMNARIUM -Prleste elees sad IB- tflTMMl iBitrOCUM. -BOB aiWT BX.i, PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. W. K. REACH A CO. The Ptoaeer Paint C.s wlsdow-glsaa u4 glaelsg. las ' rtrat at. rasas l.t " RUBBER STAMPS, v , l r IT1HP WORKS. B4S Alder at.. BBea M T10; nbM etamp. seeie. ereneiia, ni ' tra s cbecsci m ror oaiaioirno no. ROOPING. TIN BOoriMa. rattwins. repairing "4 gaasial 1 fobbing. J. mil sis Jern . SAFES. DIKBOI.D SAFES ALWAYS BEL! A BLR. Bet In TRl'ST. Norton aad Beekeye Jecke.. Metal - Offle fixture. Repairs. I'Uooe Uilt 1W. Jeha E. Da Tie. Agent. 44 Third at. si T STREET. PAVING. WARREN Coaatracfioa On., etreet paring, aloe. IBS Barber Aaptaalt Paring Co. a OrSee 6B Woreeeier hi. SIGN PAINTERS. COLD SIGNS, winnow lattarlMr. dork aaauece. Acoajomlcal reetrl 1en an alga c iu kind Bade anlrkly. Poster Nlelear. rtru Bed BTaratt. . Phono Exchange BS. W. P. BERtlER SON. SB4 TanMU at. . of all kind. - Pboo Parfne 1383, ' Sign SCALP TREATMENT. Baf, railing balr( tnaift lrnm . tog, anaalrartof. ehlnpntir. faea war' fl. r, ana tD" naarrw, -' Boaa tt. Phana PaHBa BSa. annlgurlnf ir A-i Pranrk all vtlelva. ll-It Orti4 tbcitn bids. Mala S4TL-J9oura, SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. aad atom flxtaraa aia4a ta aroa. Tka Latka v aUBafartmioc On., Partlaa4. r .-r-.i-.- B. B. BIBD8AIX. daalmcr: iftnt M. Wtntar Lambar Co.. T Hnmlltna pMi. Mala 5o89. SECOND-HAND GOODS. " Pkoaa Pnclfla 4M. . tjiOHeST" raaa iirlc ml (ooda. Pkoaa Eaat OTT. Id for aaeandaad 1M Uklo ara. TELEPHONES. TBW aelf atrhmlaa ralapnoaa kaaaa. B.-B. Blaavto Tatapbe Maaateotaria aaa paar. M- flfta at. TRANSFER AND HAULINO. Iiru. c la ana aat fimiltw aantovttvsta iMcfteel rwar for akloplM aa4 ahlpnad: araataad: lara-a. a-atnrr brick . all warvboana for torafn. Offlra BOB Oak at. C U. Olaaa. Pkoaa Mala MT. THK BAOQAOB OUIUBDB VRANBrBB OO.. cor. Blitk aa4 Oak ata.; baa-Kan cbarkot fraai katol ar malnaai olrort to ioattaatioal paaaaagara tbarafora avoid rnk and aaao aaoa at doaota. rrinl Iiriian BB. Oi O. PICK, afflr M Prrat at., batwaaa Brark aad Oak tn.. pbaaa M; ntaaaa aod faraitara BMal4 aaesod (or. aklpptac; aaaAawdloM prwa warrboana wita aaoarata Iraa tonaia Croat aod Qay ata. OR BOO If TBANSPKB CO.. IM Horrb BlTta. Pbaaa Mala Baarf bnaUaa aad aanraca. P09T BPBCIAl. DKLITKET Ha. BOOtk Vaab tactoa at, Pboaa Mala MB. CTT rata a bonaabold vooda to all aolnta . aaat: i raka up rarloana: aporlal room for : . tranka wblla waltlnff. Orra-na Aato-OrOBateb, 1 Flrat at. . Pbooa Mala !. TOWEL SUPPLY. CUA TOWRLB DAILT Coaib. Brush. Bl per Bottt. Part la ad La an dry aad Toural - Supply Co.. Ktntk and Coach. Pboaa 41Sl TYPEWRITERS.: WIR3 AND IRON WORKS. ' BAST PORTLAND PCNCB WIRB WORKS, IBS n. Water t. Phoao Boot BU. LIBERAL ARRIVALS FAIL TO AFFECT SHEEP. Local Demand Continues Up to Receipts Hogs Remain Firm - With Few Head ; Coming.' - PortUnd rnkm BtorkysrAs, Jane . Uve stock receipt: t . . .. . ' Hog. Cattle. Sheep. Today ............. Is ; 1T0 , 1..14U Work ago........ .74 14 021 Month. g ....... . 7 ..; Xcar ago...,...,..,.,.,, Bl 00 1.B77 Kxcellent arrival war noted la a beep and cattle today bet )uat IB bead of bogs earn la the yard during the 24 konre. Hoga aod aheep remala tra, erea today' liberal supplies falling t affect value or demand la the lat ter line. Cattle are dull and tb price bl Bade preesar. Market uacbanged, however, rrwlay 10 hui ea cssss Is. - - r- . t . Ofuclal II restock oootstlons: Hogs Beat oaateru- Orecoa, gT.O0fT.B5: blocker end China fat,' $4.60; atecker and IedeTa,u.5JlW. TtleHrlrt - res let tTlfi viwTTiwnTTf. OOTl best rows sbd helfera. 13.26; stockers snd feed' era. SA.U". onus, fs.oi. ebaep HbafUni, tw4c; lamb. dHOte. EASTERN HOGS FIVE UP.' CbioaTe Ksrkst aUrODdr Cattle taedy i: - ' ' Ihaep trout. , ; ' ' Chicago. ? . Llrtwtock reectpfet i i Mocs. Csttl. Rheen. Qilrag .w. ...Z2.IMSI Stt.0l II Oiin Kaneaa Clly... lUfO K0' 4,0110 - Omaha . . .r-.. S.ftoe tS.2oO -B.0Q0 Hog apaaad troug to Be Bp with 1 000 left ever. Receipt year ago wee 32.000. To. dar e prices: Mixed. $! 42 tiB..50; rough. oxf.sju.15; light. ... ... . ".- . lettle Riesdy., . ( ' Bueep Strong. j . BAH rSABClBOO MIWI1IS BT0CTKo '. Baa Prahrbw. June B OfBrlsl closer BM. I . Hid. Belmont . ... ,.U. 12 V Opnh? -.1. .. ...I it . Her ..... .15 Too. Kitenaloa. 10 VJl . idea Anchor,, .M To. Nevada ,,.l.i5 Crowa M et End. l.M Jim Ratler . .... 1 m Adams ....... jm M.Naeta .... 74 Hlu hell .IT Mtaar t Sfl Coiumhle Mt ... .15 V.i,i.a .f l.n IDIsBvadSeld ... hvtlk Bur r... .) I . ' --.' .... 4 r--1 , - ' . TODAY'S MARKETS HALF CENT GAINED ill POULTRY Receipts Are Fair but Demand Is : Better and Price Begins to Ascend. v STRAWBERRIES DROP iNWEAVY ARRIVALS Sale of Waihington Hops Reported . at 10 Cents, bqt Reported Buyer 1 Denies Still r Another Drop In . 'Cheese.,. v :";.- tV' ,'1 'front Btrott, Jaaa . Tba arlnflpal faatbrra of iba rarlUnd wbolnaala aaarkatp today ara:. Btraarbrrrtaa ara lowar. . , Hop crop la crowing frtfT Wbaat and flour Tory flrat. t - Hay la Uraly; piieaa anMtia factory. Aaotbor ernt caaUloapao arrrron. ..; Poultry raarkat rh-BM aad blfkrr. Stilt aaotbar drop la ebaeae. ' Ordinary no ta torn aall vary low. (lardaa paaa atlllnf lowar. Boauiar aoadiac la piaplant. ... . Aaparacua coailnf la bad ahapa. Cnrnmbor anppltra oary Bhoral. VarttrTtajTwprpoftaI aold. ,. v. Poultry Market rinaer aad Xifaaf. Tbere 1 a aanrar fmprorrl too ta the poultry Barket. - Bocelpts ara e"e fair, bat eeouad I takkif all that (novae, a stoat sales today were aaade at o adoaaoa la yaatarday'a fUurea. ttemaad for poultry terluua aU linen, bat the moat atmrtb la la rood-alnnd aprlnra. Bod mixed lot and la bena. Small aprtna. while not exactly weak, ara sot a firm a other Ilaea. . - , . '' .' - - allfaa VkOTT"'XaeTlMaf-' 4nWfcr" man mannioi The oerr top of too strawberry market today eland at (1 .AS per crate of S4 boxes. This price waa obtaluod today only for very brat onalHy; sood etnff orllms as low aa $1, while poor atnrt Cora to bawsrrs arcana dw h craio. Bome fairly food quality was . show '. pmonff today'a artiTab) frooa the Tullay, bat Hood Rlrar stock a wore aneent aa arroant or beery tt by gausislly anderstoou a moos the trade that tale week will ooa the beery shlpaaets and that prices will thea hin t. tUBb. 'T ..Szxwmm i. v ; Waahlsctoa Hap Baperted Bold. -A report ssys that Harry I Hart af this city has purchased a small lot of cbeep-qualtry la Wasbinstoa at loe a poaaa. To lue Journal Mr. Hart den las the aal aad aays fee bss Bade beolotelr no purrbeaaa. n portal reports reeelved by The Journal say that bops are srowloB Tory 1 aat at valley points sod that tbere are fewer mlaetnf hills tasa ordinarily. Goncrnlty sprnktnf, (roarer are aiata paying atleatloa to their yards. Wbaat aad riaar Tory Firm, ftieataJdrBsnd for flour JiTrfy .beary and s number of food-atsed aales hare beea reportrd awo to apaa during ue paat (too re. locsi trade eoatlaaMl good. . Prices earn. . Wheat kf flraa with Mai small miller paying a slight premium erer printed auotatkma la order to obtain - Immediate ennnllee. Hay 1 quits actlre wKh prleas troeattefactory.- Quotas uoa prntM ar ratner nominal. '" Anather Drop ta diaeie. Many aale of rheeoe are reported today round llVke a aouad. . Ilaeelnta are ara In ta- rreaalng, but trade la quite good at ta new runtres. af the aiauufscrnrers af rsnry eulsid creemery batter hare followed the adrane of lt snsoe by eltr cresaaerla aad ar today quoting their product at SI He. Others still selling at aor. Country stars butter la Inquiry at advance quoted yesterday. - ftardea Pass Mere Plentiful. Local gardea peas ar eomlas 1 trailer and in pnee u lower. Pieplant Is srrtrtns from Anmntr la larear ama. ueuarsiiy auotea around ue a aouaa. Hotaoua ca cumbers from meal aolnta n ncarr arrlTsl today aad arte M down. 8UU some scarcity la supplies af string hsaaav out pric m s irsnioa on, Another crate of caataloaae. too aa read -So arrive in tnia city thai waaoa, came la today. ma urn oa cam i rearaoa-pag eonpanT ad today's rrljral was for Pace Boa.- price m so a crate. Asparagus Is roaiag la Terr bad ahano and PTKa are sower sows. v- , t Ordinary Pstat 111 tew. '" Tbere I a fair moremant of old mtatnaa to in tar aorta tooay. Rales srs being mads at very low price ha order t more. Rome good shipping stock was disposed of by a large handler today at 46e per 100 pounda. Bracks ar sprouting vary raet. It being aeceoeary to xfnov ueauoa aa ararag OX twlcs a week. Tb trad pay the following prloaa ta mil street. Prlra paid produtwr are Jess maalar . Aeaailea tV1sh..aB aaau W-M WHEAtwCtnU. 7nere; r4 Bt.kW.aa. T0e; BARI.IT Feed, 134.00; tolle brewlnr. 124 00. " . CORN Wboi. 34.B0i (racked. ton. . s . RTB II SB per cwt. ' l.B0 par OATS Producers' prlr a. 1 white. 110.00 j.wi.'hi: grsy Sen.'4V.uu. FLOl'R New eaat era OrefSV pateurs, Wo; stralcbts. 1.400J.OO; export. 13. 10: valley. $J 15: graham. Vs. 11SO; whole wheat, 3. TB; rye. BOa. $ft.00: balea. $2. To. MrLUTt7FFS Braa. 11T.S0 Ber teat mid. dllnca, 1Z.00: ahorta rounlry, (20.00; city. $lft 00; chop., ltk.OO0il.CO. HAT Produeers" price Tlmothr, Wlllametta valley, rsaey, fio.ooejig.oo; ordinary, f7.0Ot) t.00: asatsra Oregon. 114 DOQlft.00; - mixed. M0.0; clover, tSOOQB.OO; grain, fa.00) s.WfctBrau- ea.vw, Butter, Egrs aad Poultry BUTTER EAT g. o. b. Portland gwsat cream. 2e; anur, ISc. , BUTTyR City creamery. JlHe; outetd fancy. aOe: -ordinary, ITHc: at or. 1214c. buus no. x iresa uregoa. candled, 1BHO rCHk'tSB New Pull rresm, fists, IlUAISp; Toung America, J2t0Uac; Callforala lata, lliAc. - POULTRY Mixed chicken. 12UM1V per th: fancy bans, 13c per lb; roostsrs. old, 0e per in; siaa, iir per ip; xryvra. jnfrxuc; brerl ers. ixct Mir per in: io aurxa, iHMl per Th; soring ducks. 18tf20e per lb: e-eaaa. fnste per n turkey, 17c per lh dreeeed. 11 Q23,; per id; ODnaoa, c.0Uw".w per ooal BlgeoBS. 12.00 par dos., ' . ,, Heps, Wool sad Hide. HOPS Contract, isoo crop, loejJOHe per id; lew vnrn, i.nuiov. WOOL loos clip ValUy, oars t Bhsdlaaa, tV; One, BTc; eastern Oragsa. 10021. , MOHAIR New, BOe. BHE I I'll KINS Bhesrlac, ISOJlOe each) ebort wool, 95040c; awdluuk wool, 6Gj7oe each; long won). Tocagl.OO each. TAIXOW Prime, par lb, tHct He. 1 and grtaae. ztrxc " V,7.", ..?ci.?gr ITHc per lb; dry kip. No. 1, B to IS lb. 14c dry cull nr. no. t. aanor a id, isc; ite4 L a rider B lb. 18c: saltrd.hldra, AO lbs and over, lott I lei eowa. sound, BO lbs and over, lOQIIc maHe: etaga and bulls, aoond. 04JT kip, IB to SO Iba. Sc; calf, aouad. under u lb. He; greea. ana a I ted. le lea; eulle. le per lb leea; horaehldee, sslted, escb. 1 Z01.T5; dry, each. fl.OOai.tO: oolt hides. 265oc; goal; skins. WEDNESDAY PRICES IN I THE WHEAT MARKET July ' Sept. I '.I1HB f .10 .s .1 - ...... --.SI, LMt .I1HA, ...v. rhlcs New York Pt. Louis. ;... Mllwiukrq ra ( Minneapolis . . . Iinloth .82 ....... Liverpool laid s4d Kanaas City... .74.- Saa Francisco. M.! Decenvbef, .Jprcrmbr brty. JOURNAL'S DAILY : ; ' TIPS ON MARKETS a By 8herk. Gai Graham. Thar baa bora qalta a acarclty Of dreaaad real durlnc tha paat waek and all arrlvale found ready market at top prices, but buyer refuaed to purchase when hijrher flBurea war asked. We look-for n advance soon, however, un less receipts should, sreUy In crease.. ' ' ' ' -J!. " It Is ad weather for straw berries and little satisfactory fruit in this line is belns; re- " t w -The demand for-country store d, butter' Is somewhat bettrr and ergs hold Steady at from X to 0 oents. ' - ' 4 roormoa, each, lOttlBe; Angrs .saca, BBcO f 1AW. - - ' -., fnilts sad Vegetables. POTATflgH , PJna. wM II In Utll pro. dueers' arli-e tor car lot BOe per cwt: ordinary, 8i46; produrers' prloe, (; -bow. potatoes, IONS JoSblnc-price Oregea.'' Ma t. law; nrotlneore' nrlro. No.' 1. 12 B: Ko. f. U.OO; teiaa, le per lb; aew Cajlforsls. fl-TS; garllci erw per id. ' REH rRUlTfl 'Annies t2.50O8.00 erenaaa. fanca 13 754,4 00: eeedllnC. 12.76: Medlteirsaosa. IS 15QJ23; bananae. Be Iti; Icmona, choice. Wi4-B0 per box; fancy, 15 15ns 60 per box) llmea. Mexican. $" per 100: tangerine. ; pineapple. Mexican. W.iS; Hawaiian. t atrawoerriea, sa.uuuj&v v crate; gooeeberrlee, 5oc per lb; eberrlee, l.Z'; plume. Vi.tM per erau; apricots, fs.w; pe-cea. gllft ii' I rWTBTlHl tiT,.,ln. new. 11.50 nor Back carrots. - 1.60 per sack; . beeta. I1.E0 per eerk: paranlDa. SI. 50 per. ssrkt "re- coo rsdlshes. ado oar doa: csbhsc. California il.Ms2.00 per cwt; Oregon, $2.00; bell peppers, in2ie lt; Mexican tomatoes, z.tdij.u; Pba-lds. s4.60: osrsnlns. 0tl1: string besns. Be; cauliflower, $1 dos; peaa, 56Se lb; beree- radlao, ae per lb: sxtlchokr jm per ooa; hot nous lettur. f 1.25 per box; cranberries, feraeya. tie 00 per hoi: Con. bay and Tilla mook, flO.tO; sspsragns. Oregon. 076e per ooa Bunches;., wsus wsiia. si.oo per dox; squssb, H4c; spinach, 75c per. box; green onions. Ore coo. 12V4e per dot bunches; cucuta- bere, M7oe per daar-celeryrsl.lo' per dos. DRIKD rRUITB Apples, eesporstsd. 18) 10c per lb anrlcota. lSQloc per lb; pescnes, 13A13UC uer lb: aacka. Ua oer lb leas: Drnucs. SO to 40. THct'He drop oa each sixteenth smaller six; tlx.. California black, f 7e lb: Callforais whlu. Be per lb: "dates. goIdeaT Be per -spi-seres, fi.aa per lu-ia ass. Bros arlaa, Vuta, Eta, f - TftT KBacl-Ba sIsarnbeTo: BO ; powdered! 15 15; fruit granulated. fo.lB; dry granulated. aa.w: roiii. a. sn.m: neet wrauuiareoi. weatern. K5: Hawaiian. ISS-; eatra , 4.SB;-golden v.; v ysitow, ss.oo; on is, we;. bnts, 25e; boa. 50c adraace on aack be.1i, leea 25r per cwt for cask, IB days; maple, 1401&C per lb. -1 Ahov price soplr t sales of less tbsa Car lots. Csr lot at special price subject to uuctuaijoua. J . . . .... - HONT ll f per crate. rorrBK Package brand, lid - SALT Coarae Half ground, kOOs. t. 00 per ion; ooa. en.011; tame, aairy. rww; 100, HOTS; Imported Liverpool. 50s. 117.00: loos, f 18 50: 224a, (10.00; extra One. hhla. 2s. 5s, 10. 14 505 5n: hulk. 820 lbs. 14.0O25.nn: aaeks. 80s. 66xMe: Liverpool lump rock. 118.50 oer 1 tnai: au mjon. sosi; nwau,... . rsBAIJI BAUH lalcotta. puoioe, : RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1. Sc: No. . 8014s: J!w. Orlean hssd, 7e; AJax. Be: Creole.. te. r .. - ....... - BEANS Small white, S4.50; large whirr. 14.00; pink. tl.OO; bayou, 4.00; Umas, 6.00; Mexican reda, 44e. N1TTS Pesnuta. Jumbos, tt oer lb; Tlrgtnla. SUKtOSA pee lb: raaated. BiSBUe nor lht eoeosnuts.. Minsoc per do; walnuta. 1BQ1B pu in; pineuuiK, ivwiiinc per in: niegory ants. lic per in; CDeaxnurs, eusrean. inaiuc per lb jtrsxii nuts, is per in: n inert s. 14U15o per lb; fsney paeans, ISHQlOUc; slmcrods, iit "a -; - . . Palate, Coat Oils. Xt. R0PC Par Manila, 144c; standard, lSUet alaal. lie. -" COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cssea, lSita pet gal; water white. Iroa bbbt. 14c per gall wooucn, lie per gaix aeauugot. - iiueegi 31 He per gal. 0ABOUNB 6-deg, ca S4U per gal. tro bbls. IV per gal. 1 h BENKlNrE l-deg. cases 23e per gsL Iroa bbls 1RU.C per gsl. TURPENTINE la cssss Bsc par gal; woods bbls 91c per gal WHITE LEAD Ton lot. Te per lb; BOO-Ih ana. cc per 10; less Mua. bus par. low WIRB NAIW Present ..basis, at 12 53. LINStfli OIL Pure' raw, ta S-bbl lota. Met 1-bbl lot, (Mc raaee. 88e per gsl; genuine kettle boiled, cssss. 00 per gsl'; B-hbl lota B4c: l-bhl lot BB per gal: ground rake, car lot. $20.00 par nra; tens inaa car lots, gw.w per to. Masts, risk aad rievUleaa. A PRE8H MEATS Trout street Beef (rears, 4 3 5c per lb; cows, SiuJAe per lb: bogs, fancy, 8Ut0e: orilinsrv. TUtflci poor. 77tie per In: bulls, 8w8Hc per lb; veel, extra, TQTSe per lb; ordinary, 6H per lb; poor. Be lb; mutton. fancy, nsync per in: ismn. vc. HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland pack florsli ham. 10 to 14 lb. 15c per lb: 14 to 1 lbs. 14He per lb: bra k fast bacon. !nH20e per lb: picnic lOfic per Jb; cottage, 10V,o pot U; reguisr snorr cieer. aosmoseo, itnae per lb uHWfa, imi V" iv, 't . wvu, .onuafa, lows oer lb: smoked. llHe per lb: rnlon butts. 10 to 18 lbs; ansmoked. Be per lb; smoked. Be nor id: r tear Denies, unamosen, lie oer 10: atnoaea, 14c per 10; nnouraerivac per in. 4U Urn, IBs pa i I lb! 5a. 12HC per lb 60 lb tins. HMc uer b: steam rendered. Wm. lie , per lb; 6a, lllAc per id; compoona, xva, suio. . ; CANNED SALMON CoramMa river. 1-th tall.; ?-lB xaim, sx.fn; rawry, j-id dots, si.wu IX Ik . - kl IS. tmam I Ik .L. I.M Alsska Ulla. plnk.aot390; red. 11.60; aomiual Xa. tall. 12.00. -i . FISH Hock cod. Te per n; son nd ers. Be per id: asiinut. dc Dec 10: era Da. si.oo aer Ana: triped bees. llV4e per lb; cat fab. T per lb) salmon. Columbia river Chinook, 94e per lb, steelbeeds I per lb: herring. Be per lb; sole. as per id; snnmpa, ioe per id: perm, be per lb: black cod. T per lb: torn cod. Te per lb: liver a melt, Te per lb; lobatera, 10 par lb; rreea aiacaerei. no par 10: erawnen. e doa: shsdV Ae-per- IKt atnrcaoa. 10c nor lb. ' OrBTERS flhoalwater bay. per gal, per ears. n. in. lijajii naraufii, L per . box. a. UV lama. 12. OU per boa. i ' ' " - , BOSTOsT COPriR MA1KXT. Bostoa, Jua B. Copper do: Hid. Bid. Advsntare I 80 00 18.50 (Old DomlBloa.. 4Z00 Atlaatlc , oacaois ...... 111.1m Blnghaa . ... Calumet Centennial . 34.2S Psrrot 28.78 Qulncy 23.0O.. J Royal. .. 100.00A r- 80 00 Copper Rang. 78.62 Trinity ....... 0.00 I tak 82 TB ' Victoria 7.TS Winona SAO Wolverine . ., 180.00 V. B. Mining. 80.60 Hair west .. In. 70 18.00 f'ranklln .... Ireeno 0oa.. Oranby ..... 20.S-71A 12.87 usss Mobswk .... n.oo a BO 19.00 S3. BO Tenn. Ooppar. Boa ton Con..; 80.28 Nereda Oeo.. North Butte.. US. Pitts. 80 OOA . BABT nAJtCIBOO IOC AX BTOCXB. 1 t Baa Francisco. Jane 8. Local atocka: Bid. Aak. Coatr Coat-Wster..-..-.....r...... 47 . 47 ffnrlng Vsllry W'alrr 1 7" Clant Con Hawaiian Commercial. . Ilonokea Sugar.... i.e.. Hutrhtnaou Sugar, ...... Makawell Sugar....!,.. Onomsa Sucar... Pssubsu Sugar..... ... I, a ton Sugar Alaska Packers'. ....... PsclfK State Telepboa VVITXa RATES OTIRl'atlNT XOIDS. New York, Juae fl. govern ment bonds:' xraie. ma. iwfl "ins leoa 10314 Ak. Twos, rerletered. . . do eaupoa. ...'.' .. Tiree, reglstcrad,. do coupon ..... . Twos.( small bond. Fours, reaistersde., - eeil iWMt ........ lOfllg 18 iieii l'fl 108 102 ion 'Z 120 120 v 1808. 102 HK114 1807 a.... 1807 , 1828 102 inn i2i 122 Fours, reslatered... do coupon. Ptetrtrt of Columbia. I 08 1B 111 100 it.'::::: Philippine 4s.. t... ' Bterllng Zsshsag lata. . - New York. June 8 sterling xrhnre: aaud,v4U.o04ao.76l SO daya, 483.60tf4S2.78. , POITLAVO BABE: STATEMENT, learlnrs . . 11.1 18. JOB 81 Bs liases ,,........, U1.MB.8B 7S 80 .......... lOlI 11 U 18 88 .. .. 18 17 . 49. ' . . .. Nl M ..78 .. LIVERPOOL START HELPED TOHE Wheat Market There' Opened at an Advance and Chicago ' Prices Were Boosted. . JULY: AND SEPTEMBER. FIVE EIGHTHS HIGHER December Rises Hslf Cent at Close LWerpool -Loses letter in the Day and Closes Under Yesterday-Rains General in ' Great Wheat Belt BELATITB WHBAT . TALTJEB. '' j ) 1 Cloaa Closs ' Closs " JOala - i Juu . June B. 185. Jan. 8. Jnly.. .1B8 .88 y .OO ReDtember,... .H0 . .79 A .-. .' December...., .BIB .811 - ..82 .,' .00 Chicago. Th wheat aarket acred better from the etart f today' aeaaloa and tb market cloaed higher. Liverpool had a very rood start sad thia worked wonders la . local sentiment snd ksd th effect of chancing loeul trader from beara to bulla, lb later reaction RalD ar geacral through aioat of the wheat belt and there are fear In some qnsrter that damage may be the result or too moca tuoiatur. At the closing here today both tb July snd September hart a gals of , while December I4e per r tmsdel. - Official s notations by Over beck, Btsrr Cook company : I- S.7T -TWVl lr 8.80 , S.80 - 890 8.8ft - S.77 8.87 MESS PORK- - Jnly 18.27 Sept 18.1T . 18.60 18.18 : 16.4T 18.18 . - 10.11 .. 18.83 SHORT RIBS. - ,"'. ' : .0.60 B IT .-, 9.47 ; , , .82 ,. , 9.18 , , 8.80 , : 9.18 9.0B 9.1B July....'-. B.4T 9.18 9.0B Sept..... Oct...... - Llimpuul. Jan S. Official Brleas:.. ' WBBAT. : v Close Close . Cloa Loaa 'JuneS " June 8 Jan 1 JaneB Jnly ...-..., 8 8d 8e 8d lembe ... a IU4 mn December i.V S Bd Od . CORN. . July 4s Bd -a 8d eds Bd : BeptaBbar .. 4a 4d - as oa . e s4 Gain. PRntART -ORAJJI MOTZMZXT. Chi car. June B Primsrv recelpta: . . s , (.'.' .' Junes Ter are " Rush. . Bnan. Wheat .'.,......,. BW.ono . a5.ono Corn 88,00" 824,000 Hhlnmanta: ' l Wheat ....... 889,000 - 807,000 Corn 908.000 828,000 American clearance: Wheat. 138.0O0 bnaaelai corn. 78.000 bushels; flour, 6.000 barrels: eats. 80,000 bushel., - Vy '''' CHICAOO CASH WXXAT. Chics go, jane 8. Cash wneat; . tJ , June S ' ' Bid. Aak. Jbn 1 . Bid. 31 .81 No. 1 red ....... .87 f ... No. B hard. ...... a..,.,,. .84 ,88 No. 1 hard. - .SO .HI No." harT.-.v.T7;-.VT--.78,' .at- -r-.-TS . No. S northern. No. B spring... -.82 77 . .84 .81 .81 .77 BAN DEAN CI SCO ftXATB? MARXZT, '.' Baa franelaca, June 8. Official prtcss: " " WHEAT. .. . .-. ' - I Ooen. . Hlch. m. . Close. December.... 4110 81.80 1.80 11.80 v . . BARLET. . December jBS .93 .98 - .98 CklCAOO BRAIN CAB LOTS. Cblosgo, Jane 8 -'0011 ear lota: . Cars. Orada. Est. Wheat 19' 1 21 Cora .". 8K1 821 804 Oats , , 223 ' 108 188 Wheat ears today! Mlrmea nolle 12s. Dnlutk 14. Yesr sgo: Mtnnsspolls 146, DuIutk-8, L'blrage aonea b i-.-.. - OTTON FUTURES ONE TO SIX POINTS HIGHER Open. ' 10.87 10 41 ...... 10.47 ....... 10 50 , 10.62 High. 10.46 10.43 10.60 10.60 10.67 10.48 10J18 10.27 Lew. Close. 10.88 10.48 January February March 10.40 10.41 10.40 10.44 1037 10.48 10.61 10.61 16 ICMT 10.88 10.84 an ulr August ...... 10.41 10.31 10.27, October ...... 10.28 10.27 November December OflJ '" li York Cash Coffee. New York. June A. 4'aah eoffeai No. T Rio, 8c; No, oantos, se. . w Tork-Leadoa Sugar, . . New York. Jane 8. Bar silver. Mill. Laa doa, SOd. . The following permits to sreot build ings hsve,been Issued: - tt nrftlken, two-storjr dwelling, ' Sast Baeventh between Thompson snd Eu gene, cost, $1,100; John V. Boals, one- tory dwelling, Cypress . avenue near Powell, cost, 13,000; 8. W. Retch, one story dwelling, Dawson, corner Stan ford, cost, 160; A. J. Teellng, one-story welling, Borthwlck near Skidmore, coat, 1.100; Mrs. Inglefsnger, one-story dwelling, Bkldniore near Mallory, coat. 1.000; J. R. Caples, repairs to dwelling, Crosby betwvjeti Halsey and McMlllen, cost. $100; 8. F. Dors, two-story dwell- I Ins; F"i XaylotV cojrnar. ITourtaenlh. I coaCT Ig.WO'rTranK ,WHBTfig.tW0-H0Tr dwelling. Elevent(j between Harrlaon and HslJ. coat, $3.(00; Luclle C. Kern, one-story dwelling, Maryland avenue, corner Jarrctt, cost. 11.100; L Q. Bwet land, excavation for store, Fifth, corner Wsshtngton, cost. $700; 8. TJ. Downs, two-story dwelling, Fsrgo near "Williams avenue, coat, $1,600; Ed Jsnesch, two- story dwelling. Twelfth, corner Market, cost, $1,110. 1 - I Office Opened Here. For more than SO years th Corvallis Flouring mills have enjoyed an enriablo reputation for high grade and general excellence. The plants at Corvallis and llverton are equipped throughout with (he very latest snd. most lmprored ma chinery, Including the ' famous . Alsop electric process, by means of which all flour is sterilised, .rendering It abso lutely free from germs and' other dele tertouB matter. To better handle tho largely rncreeslng'demand, officer have been estahllshed at 511 Lumber. Ex- change, with Ralaton' Cox as resident manager. ,Ths trade' will receive piompt sod careful sttealioa 1 , WHEAT. I ; Open. High. Ew. . Cloee. July...$ .80 a . .Siii I .soit I .siAB Sept...., .TO'. - .80 -TS .BOil Dec..... .SoiJ Mil - .BOiZ ' .SIB May .S3 .Bit, ..2i ' tVl - " CORN. f - ' juiy.r:4ir' .w, r. mn Rept... ' .4 .OOiJ : . .4H OS' Dec..... .4T4 4 .40 :- July....', ' .84 9M .14 " .85 . Rept...-.". .82 3 i8SZ, nin JUUt Doc..... , ;. .Sag B8h .e"- niy Bill, Sept.... 8.80 v Oct......" STf - ,- As Predicted by The Journal the Poultry Market Has Touched the Bottom "for This Movement and Today's Prices Show a Rise SI. PAUL IS OVER 3 Bullish Tone Rulerln New York ' Stock Market and Prices ; Are Higher. 1 ' 1 : DENVER & R10 CRANDE HAS A HEAVY ADVANCE Union Pacific Is Tipped or a Rise and Gains One and a Half Points American : Locomotive Up Same Amount -Money Rates Slow. L NET GAINS. - ,. 1 Norther Pacta., 1 Anaconda Atchlaoa . i. ...... Skiiiunoia csntrai..... a Smelter V Meileaa Osatrsl.. Car A rouadry ... Brook It ........ l Katy H'NorfoIk .,........ Baltimore ........ fit. Psol ......... 8 N. X. Central...., Ontario A Walt,., 1 Pvonaylvanla n. w. J Canadian ........ 4) People tiss...... !, Colo. Booth ...... I Reading Denver .......... Ba I Southern Paelfl.. Locossorlv H4llnloo PaelBc ......IV Cottoa Oil IU. S. Bleel. pfd. N eo-ejOSS Eg 7 Amalcamated IPrlBc Mall gall lead ...... itael Colorado Fuel ... Rock laiaad Central Leather V. S. Bte Texaa A Paelfl .. IN Vfaoaaa, piu ..w Louisville Win Street. New York. Jon 8 This was suite aa active day la the stock market. Tb bail, latere was la control from tb opening and advance began early la th day, Ualon PaelBc, at Paul and Denver A. Rke Gread a leader aad each awdf a notable ad vance. Largest gain for tbe day wss made by St. Paul, which closed with a aet rke i..a.. oolnta over Taster day. Americans In Londua war aomawhat klgha. It la beueved thst th aurckaaa of 1.000 shsres of Con- solldsted Osa by Da rid . Haras atarted th upper BoveaieBt la that laaue. Mooy rate war rather alow around 8as Per cent. -.. OfflcUl . quota rJoos by Overhoek, Starr A Cook company: DE5CRIPTI0N. naconda Mlnlne- i Amal. t'aeoer Co Atchlorra, com... , - do preferred........,, Am. Car A Found., com 4 preferred..,..,.... Am. Bugsr,. ooo. Ab. Smelt., com do) Preferred Baltimore A Ohio do Preferred Brook lye Rapid Transit. (.anaaua racine, Ckl . I. .1 . I ' " es vw emt. ivn I Thl.; Mil. A-Bt. ' Pittl: int. at northwest:, en Chesapeak A Ohio...., dole. Fuel A Iron, com Colo. South., colu. ..... oo z pre r erred, do let nrefai red Delaware 4k - Hudaoa. DeU., Larka. A Weat . B. U., cob. .... i do or af erred. Brt. cob do Ed preferrea..... do let nr. f erred .... Illinois Central... Leu Is vl Us A Nashville.. usnhattaa Ry , Mexlcaa Central By Missouri PadBc..... .. K. A T., cob... do nreferred. . ..... New York Central.... Cottoa Oil , Loroaiotlve ........... Federal Smeltera , orfoik A Weat., com do nreferrad. ........ North Amerlcaa....... N. T.. Out. A West... Psansylvanl Railway. I . w., ju. a v. vM.tul freaeta nteei car, coxa do Dreferrcd. ....... Pacific Mall 8. S. Co. .J Reading, com . , do lati preferred. . . Rep. Iroa A Steel, eoB.. do preferred Rock Inland, cob....... do nra f erred Mli On 1H 99 it Son t ber a Railway, com., do nreferred. ......... 88 8T Southern Pacific. ....... 8T do preferred St. L. A S. P., 2d pfd.. St. L. A S. W., cob.... do nreferred 120 130 SB 68 66 84 Texas ft Pacific. ....... Teea. Coal 4b Iro.. Tol., St. L. A W. era.. 84 167 167 183 oo prererre Unkm Pscine, cots - do preferred ,,,. 161 180 Central Leather, eaa.... 43 43 do peer erred r S." Rubber, eoB.rr. . do preferred . S. Steel Co., com.,., do ursferred. ...... 2.. 1110 106 1 81t iiii 41 108 104 Wheel. A L. It., cob. , 111 34 36 18 84 do 8d nreferred . . . f . . do let preferred...... Wisconsin Central, cots. 38 Westera Unkm TM. ... Wabssh, coa 31 61 21 W do preferred Northern PadrVe. ...... 81 2ioiaii Total sales for day. 814.600 shares. CsU Bwnoy. eloeed SC1 per cent. ' s EXCURSION TO SEASIDE. euaday, Jnns 10. v'-' Another - popular 11.89 excursion ' to Seaside via the A. m C R. R. will leave th Union depot next Sunday at a. m. Ticket, sales limited to seating capacity of train. Tickets on sal at 148 Alder street during the"W8lrnd-at tb union depot Sunday morning. For Information telephone C A. Stw art, agent. Main 108. NEARLY BROKE SCHWAB ON ROULETTE WHEEL fJourasl Stwrtal Service.) London, June 1. Th Express prints dispatch from NIc saying that Charlsa M. Schwab la caualng a snl tlon at Mont Carlo ' by high, play at roulette. According to ' th author of tha a(nnC3Ali-utaUJaiZ3n8jllrttUm on a number and maximums on . all transversals. Oa one occasion he won 10,000 by this method. . ' When he first srrlved her ho had a bad time. -He lost so much by backing No. 11 that he waa obliged to reduce th stake to I francs. His table la always surrounded by an Interestsd crowd...- 7 Caution, Piano Owners. -r Word has been ' received again ' that. asm as a few years ago, soma clavsr and glib-tongued solicitor ar calling upon piano owners, making them bellevS thst their pisnos ar moth-eaten, or rusted out, and offering, usually for a POinTS UF Dal2Tll2TlfJWllT0L, I X-F D . I III 1 ' . I 184 188;i86llS 1..,., . V V' ,r 4 J A il : t i6 i6,ist i6tt. .-f.'-X, , '';-. J r---r:: ..... ii 119 119 nag n 'T-:r'ek " I cob. lOSSilioo 108 109 I - . Si I assLl basaI da ua I s f t ...... I i- 2 T.' , I .nfll s...Pnic mi. 1 1 -r - I iui i isv v I big amount of money, to restore them, and furthermore, to "moth-proof' and "rust-proof them W wish to caution our patrons again, aa w havs found) front experience that most of such work Is nothing mor nor less than an at tempt to obtain money snder fslee pre tense. As a usual thing, a great deil mors hsrm Is don to-, plane by such trnjirp tuners than good. , Ellers Piano House, .-ii-..- v . , : , -, ' ISTFREE TO Y0TTV THE LONQER THE IJESSER-A TVUNDESat DISCOVERY . , . , s . --. ' V f ' ' After many years of study sod practice a prominent Virginia physician ties f1!cord tbocnra for all forma of Constipation, It I called Chase's Constipation Tablet. "I do Dot mean, said th Virginia Doctor to a versl of his euUeaguea aanuuncing his sum asi that this is a fake otir-eil. guaraataad to cur every thing from pimple to paralyala. sauosr qo l mean lust aaotnet put woicn cnao luing-ew apocino' wuku novor xaui. that they perform then natural function. spocitio' which never tails. taUeves hnmerlinlely and in short time - The THE IIORE THE LESS Japs aTl ehery, and makes life a burden; It tbe body too weak to resist them. THE VELVET TJ 0 R K l R ii.uiMam i ii. Miu. vaavvr v oraeca. Doat shuffle along with this great btrrdoul be healthy, be strong. b happy. LIFE T70RTH LIVIIIG uuu vw mi j wtiii a is aw xmauxiiui ana mat n w BO gooo to.lly. Ko man or woman With torpi4 liver, constipated bowels and poisoned brain and nrva over feel like that. .. . . Go to your druggist and get s bottle of Chess's Ceaatlpatlen Tablets, and If after a fair trial you find the remedy la not all It Is represented to be. yourdraggiat will refund money without Question or argument, lq watch shape bottles, that fit the vest pocket. 16 cents. . .TRIAL f - OFFER To any reader who sends us his or her name and address with Ave stamps to cover poatage expenses, we will at once mail a full six lucent bottle of Chase's .Constipation. Tablet, th velvet worker that cares. Not a sample, mind, but a full-alt 25-cnt bottle. Let ua prove it to yott, Writs today, ad- """""CHASE MFC. CO.- " ' S3S Threes Ave. BrMklyaJiew Yark. Hake Your Hduse as Pretty as a Picture By beauUfylng it with Bay Stat Paint and the beat of all Is that you can da It all yourself, as our paint Is all ready to. be applied. Any color or shads you wish and thex. are all. extremely -dur able, standing sunshine and rain with Impunity. . , - ,. . "XM BIO) FAIJTT ITOBI. . . Fisher, Thorsen & Co. raoiT aid ifomjuaomr tb. C. GEE WO - "' Portland's " - Widely Known . . and Succtssf , Chinese . ; Medicinai, , Root and'. Herb Doctor Rl famous rstnedies, th Ingredient of which w Import .direct from tha Orient la Urge quantities snd prepare and pat up for use In bl up-te-dst Isbatory. No asreury, poisons or drug of any kind used. Purely vegetsble. The Doctor treats successfully and guarantees to cure ail siemsm troubles, cstsrrn, ssrnms, Inng, throat, rhsumstism. act roue nea , liver, kidney and leat asanheod, riMAXX TROiniLFB ANT) Alt PRITAT1 . DISEASES. ' Njt, fala ' or misleading - etatetnenrs le tb afflicted. A aafe and lasting cure la ths quick, est aeaelbl tlaae- and at tb lowest cost poe slhl for boneet treatment, ' If yoa cannot rail, write for symptom blank and circular.- Inelos 4 cents In stamps. Tk0r 0ee Wo Chrnee Mlelnr-S.r 183 . first St., Car. Mervisan. Portlana, Or. please mention this pseer. TEACHERS NAMED IN h WOODBUP SCHOOLS i Special Dlapstrk te The Jouraal.) Wood burn. Or.. June 8. The -Wood-burn school board' has selected tha- fol lowing 'teachers - for tha - enautng - term of nine months: Wlrtsm Parker, prin cipal; Miss McKlnney, high school; Miss Wild.-primary; Miss Uvesley and Miss Simpson. Two more teacher are, still to be engnged. 8. T. Berry wss ifeap polnted Janitor. ,". charges against;"- Umatilla saloonmen - i ' . ' i (Speelal Ptapsfch to The Jonmsl.) : Pandleton. Or.. June 8. -At the circuit court session In Psndleton for the June term in Umatilla county It 1 rumored that on of . th chief duties of . th fiW.WEATHERLY. t .GPECKv Hsary 'ltM.ri it.MiI tBk7 inA' I I 111. 1'sTW ' ' " - m 1 fl U .'..- . L IP VI Va IV 1 AW I BVA R. AT.aewaw aa gwj B . BP r aaaa, a - spbb Aa. aA mm t S S5 80 S?5 Wf ASSURE OUR CUSTOMERS PROTECTION REGARD- 2 2 HI ? ? 'v less of "combine" or competition t--1fe'"-v-7'-' 0 T0 TO TO - . i; : ' - 11 31A- 313 318 t-eassaeaeaa , , , sgfj ffl St - THAT? ARE FARMS 44 48 46 46 ' J0. t TTTh i-klf?JL- ' I ' A cnut rlklrv farm of ill Icrsa lot ' I Tl.l Tltil Tl t JT Av - "W X i. u ...T i ,i 1 . i iV.a i i 'i i i - r m -mw m - r 1 in cultivation, uv iv;iva wvii i 140 141 140i40 1 J S .11 V "J . ' 82 88 82 83 - .--Ja?gii BMi m 1. I T0 T2 TO 71 a . j-V2. jC' 5 s r Ft :r:: ::::: S' fl u.' .jm&i . sl bi i bi 6i s ifxije XirJua i8 188 183 iaa 'JCsFJJi I if I tl 98 98i 98 ss t rlr,JtVNk'J'a' Ft & M M"'m JTr 11' I 98 98 98- 9K "J TTlr.J Y T 80 89 89 89 KaXT f StAi9 i4s 144 i4 i , ..,.MiWlr..; (3 sen. ,, 2 Dreeaa uis pui Baoit;" my remedy at a cur fur oy ganuy xoDewg in aigaatlve organs ao It restore them all to haeUUl and stranarUi. By gently toneing the digestive organs so cur ConetipaUun, . . . f v . . - more vott take the lee vou naad antfl Bona for yott ar cured. My effort all along waa to avoid tb vQ of th ordinary remedy which pamper organs already weak and so make the patient a slav to the pill. Ketsetuber Mature expects every otaan to do iu duty. Ts Physicians have long rwonrnlsed the fact that son. atlDation ia at tha bottom of noorlv mm HJ..... TI opens ths doors to all evu germs aad gbta - . -.-. ........ ; ' This Saw dUcovary la In small tablets; -r takes, and they are packed In watoh-ahapa bottle which fit th vest pocket. Tha tablet Is mild, all vegetable, never gripes or injure the most delicate organs. But it doe th work I 8o naturally ' and soothingly they atimulate and regulate and etrengtheo that they have been Whenarnn,llvr working properly, th bowel arrgrilar and th kidney ar active aad healthy, what a Joy It Is ta livw. Yoa set up In th morning feeling rested and bright aftar a good night's sleep, witb a keen appetite for breakfast and a healthy relish for each mouthful, and when you BO out th air Smells good and yon BU your lungs with pleasure; th sun shin: th birds sing, your every sen is scut and appreciative, ths blood bound through your veins, carrying life and activity to every minute cell and tissue, your hope are high, your mind dear, your spirit high, you step buoyant, and yoa thank God I have never need Chase's Constrpa. - .oa a araeuk- juao. anrinaSL.iiyi uu suaaootua. ; My druggtot sD them. rtmmm oa ' Address BStAastdkaASe MtMt 4w City- se tn..89t8Ml9BB8MHS :1 dafjf dnXjfgfct iisewwiMdwSji tA4drMiBeeBeMsesj pierse .IIU, 80 erree now being slashed; place well fenced: 100 tons hav and feed: new 9 mwm. I ,. Si B barn 12x84 feet, room for 40 cows; farm' will support 48 cows easy; IS milch cows, if of them Jerseys. 7. other head of cattle, span horses, small drov thor oughbred Berkshire hogs; all . farming Implements and tools' go with -placo; 4 good, springs near house; fine mountain stream crosses farm; one new 110B . cream separator, with buckets: good S room house, half mil to school, 9 miles , to Oregon City. 11 miles to Portland. ' gravel road to both places MO , pee acre, with terms. , Be about tills place at once. " S44-aor stock" -farm A t Sprtn gwater, -one-of the gratewA owtfita -for-a-stook-farm In Oregon. 0t our terms. ; , 81 nm One mile from ear line, with fin river frontage; good house, 1 good barnar- cellar, well,- plenty- of fruit of all kinds; sand loam soil; 11 acres under'1 plow, 10 acres In good pasture, with running water, balance timber. This , farm- ta-4n-d shape and a bargain. Price U.OOOf terms. - 17 V4 sores On county road, 1 mil to railroad station. 1 miles to eleotrlo car line; fine river frontage; good houe and barn and other buildings; 1-aer orchard, balanc plow land. - This place will make a fine home for-th-lucky-buyer. Prlc 12,100; terms.: . Wj have many other fin farm for sal on easy terms. Olv us A call w guarantee a "square - deal." Deacrlp tlQQS and literature sent, to any a4drsa 'on application. . trsoss, -. " :1 . Oregon 01ty Orefoav ' ' . ' WE LEAD THE WORLD In this section In quality "and variety of our hardware display. . "From a tack hammer to an anvil. It's complete, and . th prices w rriak hav a ring of sav ing that's pleaslntTlo th sars of th most careful buyere. ."---' -- . AverytQiGb- 48 TaTTJtO ST NT. FTBTM AMD AaTStt MONEY All work guaranteed for tan year a. Ldy attendant always pressnt ' All workrdons sbsolutsly without pain by specialists 0f from 13 to 18 ytkrs' aa. psiisnc. - - , :" '" Is Oold Fillings. Brldgs Work, Oold roivns. Artificial Teth, - ' - BOSTON PAISLtSS DtNTISIS 111 Morrison St.. Opp. Meier A rraaa and Poetoffloe. . grand lurv will - be to ' Inrestlsrat charges against va number of saloon., men, some having beenv alleged to hav sold ll.iiinr to minors and committed other off user I'v. 'J..