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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1906)
ZSQQDSlllI OF CIRCULATION TO ADVERTI' t- GOOD EVENING Journal Circulation .. . THE WEATHER. " . " . ' Fair tonight; - Friday : fair and warmer; northerly wind. VOL. V, : NO. 80. PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 7. 1906. SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS, v 8M5n5KI WES PfHv ' ED U U LI 1 U FRAUD Kim PUTER NOW IN COUNTY J ML ' .. , .. mmm - Tn; ,nnnTrnT . : v , . -:i ii um ii i hi i r. 7. III I hill I III X c ; 'm :1irtj:rm f Hi;r--T W wTrV:- iZ Sond Notice bfCorUestto ! 'if" ' I p' " "Sheriff :WorJ this afternoon makes the following statement: I am mak ing n chum of any kind in the elec tion concerning : fraud. The one question in my mind is of the ballots that coOntoTtEe pox andTthe count - that raa made-of them. ; Out of about 19,000 votes cast, if a mistake . , - of. but a single vote in each precinct -rrmadr would raake-ardifferee4 of 90 in the result. With a majority ' of "only ""fiver? votes in'Iavor" of Mr. V Stevens, I know that the public is no "rJi. more inclined., tp test satisfied than I -am till a recount is made. I will, therefore, aay that if the reault ahows favorable to' me, I want the office. If it is favorable to Mr. Sfcvens I want him to have the office. , If , the votes ; show him to be elected, I will be the -? first man to take. him by the hand - and anything that he wants to know about the office, both myself and the V men with me will cheerfully tell him, and do everything in our power to "T"mooth 1hewajrf or himrat he- enters . -upon the new duties. , ;.'s v A petition for a recount of the vote ; tfor sheriff was filed this morning and the legal contest for that office is , now on. According to the returns as ' Trtified by ; the ' canvassing board, Sheriff - Wordhaabccn defeated five votes by Robert L. Stevens, the com . plete- count j-staading -'as follows: rensL960Wor(il).255. Asaoon- as the : official footings . .. were announced. Stevens hurried to the county clerk and asked that hd be . given a certificate of election at once. . II is request was granted, and unless a decision of court intervenes he will Vjake possession of the office of sheriff i nif the firsl n5rtffayofTrcxrTnorithr T This gives him aa advantage, for if the '-dispute is not decided-by that . time their present positions will' be '.." reversed and Word will have to do h J the ousting. -. - It is , the -' expectation of Sheriff ; Word and his-friends that a recount """ I will give him a decisive majority, and " that a' contest involving the legality ' of the vote rast in Various precincts '7- will, not be necessary. Word in hi '-petition' expresses a belief that, irreg ularities, favoring' Stevens were com " mitted in all the precincts of the county in which elections were 'held and that another- count will increase ' his vote and decrease that of his bp- I1 jonent in a proportion that will give tint the. office by 500 votes. -; 7 I. .' gteveas Also Cries Trend. -' Stevens, on . ( ther hand, says that he haa bo fear of a recount. He chsrgna ' that frauds were commuted In behalf r i of hla opponent and says that a re- : count will Increase bis plurality from 7 five to tOO. He. however, does hot go v into .detail regarding frauds, hnt eon- i- trnts himself with a general statement.. f it Is'a matter of liommon knowledge '-'"v- that-many Illegal Votewere caat In ; iwm' prectners Anit'that the election 7 " I of fleer a Spparunlly tiafl -trttla regard ... jo. the law In others. In precinct ' 19 .. the election officers let the law wait " ' while' they-satisfied the cravings of j. .T (Continued -on Page-81 .-- TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS ' OF MEN'S PASSfONS ? ( . ' . " (Joaraal Special Sn1ca. . rhicago, June,- I.Chleago Theoso , phlsts flocked to tha society's rooma in 7 nx.'lted throngs througlmui the day-to ' learn facta In connection' wfth the sen national expulsion from the society of y Charles- W. . leadbeater, ths, 1rtlllant author and lecturer. 'Ills expulsion "titnl as a igreat ihock. Friends were told that the only one I who coillil give them complete Snforma- tlon concerning the charges of groea " immorality brought against Leadbeater 1 - :(''".. : 'E p ' : RirimiiiiriiisiioM a mm .. a r a aaa . . -mr mm -mm .mw mm -mw m m m m m m m i - - - LocaL University Soon -to Be Enlarged and Jli&teade Leading t - Sectarian Institutions of tfiFNation- - Columbla-tmlveraltT, the Catholic In stitution which atanda on tha eaat bank of the; Willamette river, la soon to be enlarged and-extended to. a scope equal to that of the leading aectarlan Insti tutions In 'the United 8ta.tee.V If the plans of the Very Rev. OHbert Fran celit, hnad of the. CVH.DdO. not mla carry. It will become the Second largest college operated by that order . In the wentern hemisphere." , . ' '.'' Columbia university la conducted by the Order of the. Congregation of the Sacred Crosa, which' conducts a- eon alderable number of hlgh-olaaa- educa tlona.1 ' Instttutlona throughout the United Htates and in other sections of the world. It also engages in foreign mlxetoiiary work. The Very Rev. Gil bert Ff ancals, whoae office Is entitled "Superior Oenera.1 of the Congregation of the Holy Croas Throughout- the World.'" name weat several .weeks ago, -Visited Columbia nnlversity and" looked over tha ground with a view to recom mending the extension of that Institu tion. -' Freeldea Qninla Tmnaf erred. The reault . has been.- that the Rev. M. A. '-Qmnlan. - prealdent-of -ColumWJti-haa been tranaferred to a university, in the oast,, and thers will be another pres ident .appointed. "to .take charge of Co- HE COULD ' was R. A. Burnett, member, of .the exeo utlve committee of the American ;aeo tlon, who took from l?hlcego. the. affi davits relating to Ieadbnatej'a ' life while here. Burnett la still in. London an will not return to Chicago. Leadbeater believed that the paaalone of man could be photographed, aa well aa their antral bodlea. This, and even more peculiar belefe held - by Leail beater, are said by noma Chicago thenao pli tat a to demonstrate that he la auffer Ing from some form ot dementia , JOHN D. LANDS IN lumbla: Another .result ' Is , that the Very. Rev. Gilbert Francaia - baa gone cant with the atatement that Columbia wlU become the second stsed university of "the C. 8. C in America. .'. .The matter Will be paased up to the general session of the' heads of the orjflerjwhowjlImet this' summer at Notre Dame on -August a. Another head. of the order, the Very Reverend Andrew Morrlsaey, who up to a year ago waa preeldent of Notre tMme, wae here with Francaia and looked over the ground with him. He hag expressed the same opinion about the future of Columbia as did his chief, and when he atteifd the general chapter he will do Ms part to. see that that future la realised. ; Though the details of the changea ' to be made are : wholly in definite, it fa believed in some quar ters that the Very Reverend Andrew Morrtaaey will he the next head- of the locat Institution of learning. Father Qulnlan will go .eaat"afew days and before resuming hie new dutlea he 'will visit his alma mater, Notre Dame. . . ;;: , .. s.r- THREE PRECfrVCTS MARION UNCOUNTED (Spertl Piapatra te Tha JoarotL) ; flalem. Or., June 7. Three precincts ar 'yet to be heard from -F.lkhorn, Nehama and Breltenbush,' which la re ported 'to have given Wlthveombe 13 and Chamberlain 3. The official .count will be- started today.1- ; CHINA NAMES FOSTER .. ; 1 AS REPRESENTATIVE (JnaraaK Soeclal BeeTtce.) . . .Washington, June ,7- Kx-ecretary of, State John.W. Foater has been appoint ed -by the Chinese government, as lta representative at the Ildfiie- peace con ference. . ' - , ii m i i ' ii ' Sjeeeioa Bads la Xalyi . , Umai Splal rtee.l '' ' V Washington. June 7. Speaker Can non today announced, that congntss wuulJ ailioura by Juli li. - ., - .. .. , . t EUROPE AND JEROME STILL, SLEEPS BY FL Cloudburst V Above i Johnstown Wrecks Houses and Carries " Away Pleasure Resort Woman Is Killed, .y ' 7 - - j -. tJoarnal SpecfaTTIerTtre' Pittsburg, Pa., June 7. The weather bureau, haa received af telegram from Johnstown stating that a cloudburst oc curred along the Concmaugh river early thia morning and thu stream rose 11 4 feet between t o'clock and o'clock this morning. - - ". . ' The cloudburst occurred at lioovera vllle, on Htony creek, II miles, above Johnstown. Many' houses have - been damaged and a pleaaure resort . wiped out, 80 far aa. known there are no hu man fatalitlee. the people being warned in time to ttee to the hills.- . vi A woman - holding .a :ch(ld, watching tha flood from a railroad bridge, was struck by a train: ahd kllUni, the inf thrown, from, her arms and drowned.' -Wild animals In the park soo were carried down the river on the debris. Railroad tracka have been washed out ATHLETE IS REFUSED T - 'ADMISSION TO AMERICA (Joaraal Special 4-ife.) '' ' Ne.w York, June 7. Franklin Murphy, 21 yeara old. formerly a 1 well-known athletn and gymnastic director of Bel fast, Ireland, who la now aeeklng to become a cltlsen of the I'nitcd States, la held Up at Ellla island on the ground that he is liable , to become a public charge. Vn I led Rtatea marine hospital iuirgeona aay that beeauwiof hla ath letic career .he la -auffeiing from" Heart trouble and a general breaking down of tissues. Tlte immigration hoard lias de'lcfcd that' he, must I ' uportel, '. He haa aimealed to WaMhlrtatdn. . Murphy arrived feere on the Caledonia from Olaagow. May f. Intending to locate here permanently snd become tltn repreeentative of a laccmaking firm In . . v -- - .-.. . Rockefeller Chews Gum, ' Indulges in Im--; promptu Verse, Plays Shuffleboard and ; -TrPanceS'JigS;Aboard-the-Steamer (Joorual RpKial flarvlca.l Plymouth,, Kngland. June 7. John V. Rockefeller, 7ho waa a passenger on the big liner Deutschland, won the hearts of - passengers on the voysge. Throughout the passage the . Deutech land -had an untiaually calm aea and Rockefeller escaped seaalckneaa. He haa . gained ' seven pounds In ' weight !n;fthe.jalled from New York. It has been a remarka6TeVgvags, this sis days' ,voyagapf the richest man in the wtjrld. ' It developed a new and hitherto un suspected side te Rockefeller's nature, which waa the talk of the ship. ' As if he wss determined, to win good opinions of his fellow-paissensrers. Rockefeller has- been ' almoat J constantly- on deck since the voysge began. He petted every DRUNKEN MAN YANKS COHAN OFF THE STAGE .(Joeraal. Special Servlee.l New .ToravJune T.-fWheti OeorgM. .doing song ami dancern 1 at ine Jienai . e"""17'1 - drunken man hurried down the aisle to the orchestra rail. "Before you sing that song, ,shakehands Wlthme, wlll I your he said. " ' "' 7'; ' """ H -Cohan walked to the fropt -of . . the stage and extended hla hand over, the hed of-th basa drummer.t The man closed ' hla flat over the actof hand and then gave a- quick Jerk. Cohan went sliding over the base drum ontp the floor., Cohan picked hlmnelf ua quickly, before the bfg man could get hold of him again, and got back on the stage. -. - V - -. MITCHELL IS SETTLING , -STRIKE 'IN SOUTHWEST '"'' ' ' J"r.t Special erlfO . . Kansas, ('Ity, June 7. President John Mitchell of tlid Mips Workers' union Jim srflved hero to settle the miners' trouble hi. t,le sonthwent. 11' s the dlfricti'lty affecting ae.fliii) men sill bo settled -iu a fiw hours. baby aboard and gallantly attended the lad lea. He even Indulged in impromptu verse-making and chewed gum' aa he paced the deck. He chatted, made Jeata, played ,ahuffleboard, pne4 -before the camera, danced jigs and geuerally con trived to make himself one of the most popular persons abord the ahlp. More remarkable than this fact that he waa the . central figure in. aemrmstratlun smong the eeeond eabls passengers on Saturday, . when at. the end of his second visit to them, the strange and unusual cry of "Three cheers for Joha ,D. Rockefeller", was heard.' "Probably for the first time in his life the Standard Oil magnate tasted the Joys of popular acclaim of the peo ple. Those in the second cabin made the ahlp ring with cheers for him REBATE SUIT AGAINST PACKERS AT KANSAS CITY ' . (Spectal DWvatrk s TS JnnrnlL) -Ksnsaa City, June 7. Th rebat suit against the-Armoor.. Swift," Morris was-taken up with selecting- a Jury. A submission wss made of agreed state. naenta or rsrta. HOPELESS LOVE FOR A PRETTY COUSIN S CAUSE OF SUICIDE (Joaraal pclT"Sevlee.) Pittsburg, Pa, June . j7.--Tihdme O'Connor Jonea. the young millionaire steel man, took his", life because he could not marry his beautiful cousin, Madeline Iaughlln. who, on April 17. beoame the wife ef Rev. Dr. Mclvine Alexander, pastor, of the. First Presby. terlsn church pf ttsbin g. snd who 'm now traveling tn Huron with her hu" hand. Thl Is I he firm hollf of ,i"! Jonea' rlenUs ana'av'lualnt'iiLrs. CHEERFUL Has Lost His Careless : and Jbyous Air ,and L Deep Lines in His Face Tell of Suffering SillecesarHSaso Attempting to Escape - When :Captured.JbiulJD Sei.Hehey Believes McKIn-7 ley Will Come Back. " In ceU No. I at the county jail,' under the atrlct surveillance that la always given a federal prlsoncf, 8. 'k. D.- Puter, . , king of the. land fraud awlndlers. la ' awaiting sentence for uis complicity in the startling series of fraudulent land operatlona that enabled htm to lle in "I' tyl tnw m tllimher nf ynar jn the custody of a United. State- - marahal. be reached thia clty. from Ban Frah cleco thia morning. ' Puter la no longer the bon vlvaht " the 'dristltnr caVaiierrwhoae patolc ca- , reer In Portland waa for a time the envy of all roundera. - There are deep 1 )lnea In bla taae-dark. wrinkles benatl. his eyes, and there is a rapidly increas- -Ing quantity of gray In his hair. Care has laid a heavy band -upon blm and its Imprint-la deep, . . Haa XJttle to Say, 'There is nothing I can say at this -tlma," tie said. "I would be glad to give you a story or a atatement if I had anything to aay, but unfortunately.' I have not. You may state, however, .' that I went to California to aee Mr. Heney, not to get away. I would have . surrendered myself, but delayed too long.".. ; --He declared that -he had-never-talked withBewspaper men since he left Ore gon and that interviews from him were fakes. There have been ao many thlnfca printed about him. be aald, that a de nial or refutation of all the atorles would take even more- time than he had. He says -that there. l no truth in the statements that he attempted to injure Detective Burna in making hla escape in Boaon and that no one knowa the fact better than Burns himself. "I made no effort to injure Mr. Burna," he said, "and tha newspapeC storleg that I flashed a gun and made toy "escape are untrue. I had a hard tusale with him- an encounter that I will never forget but I, made no ef fort to hurt htm. " I waa merely trying to get away and I aucceeded." . Tfclaka MoKialer Will Betan. , He alao expresses confidence In tha voluntary, return of Horace McKinley, hla confederate in the land fraud opera- -tlons that embraced the greater part of Ub-Unlte4JBtatee, McKinley la aald to have -gone to China, but hia captive friend insists that M will return to sur render himself to the authorities. "I have knowq McKinley for many yeara and I believe he is Just the kind of a fellow to come back and give him self up." . said Puter. "He will know that it won't do htm any good to stay away and he know, what It ia to bo m fugitive. ""."' ' ' " "And speaking of being a fugitive It'a a difficult -proposition. Of courae, you can sever fully appreciate it until you have been one, Butlt'a aV-haxd game, especially if there is any one who Is dear to you and yon try to look after them while trying at the same time to escape a bunch of detectives Who dog your -tracks like fate. ' "If I , had had only myself to look after I could easily have gut away ' that is, if I had wanted to get away. But I never really tried to. 1 bad plenty of opportunities and If I Had " been trying to escape, California wouM have' been the last plwea tw which I would have gon& I knew Mr. Heney waa there and I also wanted to aee my people. . The . contusion . following the ' Are prevented 'my seeing Mr. - Heney, and my failure to. see .him finally led. to my arrest." X made nVffrrt to hide myaelf whHathcr-fc.butwentfrom almost every duy." ' (Continued on Page Seven.) Jones wss devoted to Miss I-stignl but both families frowi on the S' because ah waa his rln. It In 1 d'Tdtood that he did not giva in I of winning Ml Laughlin unill ) In, the Plrel Prehyt'".in saw tier become Mr: Ai he went hopie. with a ii collapsed.. Hill'' thett JiHl" l.-f l'i' elf. has broiul'd i lima of Ms li vt ; ' 1 lUig suklda. V: