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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1906)
Ti:S OnzCON DAILY JOURNAll "i dlaAUP. VJZDirZZDAY EVEimiO, JTJN3 C 1CC3. OF SPillfl Portland . Woman Nursed Her When She -Waa Injured While Young. IS ACQUAINTED WITH OTHER ROYAL, PEOPLE Says Queen Victoria Wat Not Fault- leas an4 Alexandra It Always Sus- """pfcioua-Becant- She- la Somewhat' ' Deaf Praises Alfonao'a Bride. r. There Hvee at the Commercial hotel at Lownsdale and Washington streets a woman who talks oulte familiarly of klnsa ud nUeens. nrlnoes and prlnceseer dukes and ducheaaee. -their estntee and ;.' thetr mlafortuneo, and can rattle off all kinds of title and their connection -:;- MrsJ Jullue JO, Davie, who haa .been lately one of the nursss at the Children- r. home, hat hae recently - remarried, haa . lived A life of activity, and though Bhs haa now an annuity ' from the English overnment and is -writing personal ,in rraaaione for mAgaalnee, ahe regrets bat aha haa not enough to keep her : busy elnce her marriage and that her life la ao aulet and inactive. Mra. Davla haa many intereetlnf rem Inlaeeneea to tell of her travala. which vmr, extensive, but probably none ia more notable than the lacl tKBT-ahe-J- waa for a few houre the nurse or me . Princess Enn. recently made queen of Spain. In May, 13. ahe was the aeo- ond nuree In charge at the Royal Lon ' don hospital. On a Saturday morning at- o'clock the little nve-yeer-oia nrlnoasa want out riding ' and waa -thrown from har horse, She waa picked up by her attendant and rode borne ana nothing wag thought of the accident : - alnoe the child aeeraed unharmed. She went up to the nursery and fell eleep and when her aurao tried to awaken her In the afternoon the cnua maae no re- SDonse. : Dr. " Richardson, the - anally physician at Osborne bouse,- where the . royal family waa tnen ' staying, waa mrfif.iriiili Mil it was. found -that ahe had Buffered eonSuaalott -OT"tha brain.- The head ' nuree or the royal .liOapUal. Miss. French; was Bent for. . but In her abeence Nurse Carmlchael r (now Mra. Davla) came. . . Tiotorla Hot Without mult. - - Mra. Davla throws eome Intereetlng " V llghte on the domestlo side of the royal : family, with Mrhora ahe waa thrown In ' contact at thia and at other times. Queen Victoria. - ahe eaid, of whom everyone " thinks aa a perfect woman, had not A -saintly, temper and waa ratherjdlsagree- abla to live with eometlmes. , Princes . Alexandra, who la now the queen of England, waa very lovely, but her deaf ness r-r-t hr auspicious of every on a. - - - Fee the araall'prlnceaa whom - -r. Adam 7" nursed ahe haa only worda of praiee. A L beautiful golden-haired, blue-eyed little - child with sweet disposition." ahe grew into a lovelier woman. She and her -'- little brother were well trained and ex cellently disciplined.. .' , ST ever Torgb the jTurae. - ' The' little prince remained In her - - heavy Bleep from Saturday morning till ' " Tuesday morning.- Miss Freeth came . later to relieve Mra. Carmlchael. but - Princess Kna refused to forget the first nurse.,' Bhe waa paid by the child's father. Prince Henry of Battenberg. it . for her ehort' eervlce of a few houre ' and ahe haa elnce threaeured the note v,- that acoompealed It la the- handwriting , of Princeaa Beatrice heraelf: "With many thanks for kind atten tlona to my child. BEATRICE." After the chlld'a ' recovery eh In- elated on being taken to see the "nurse J with the curly hair." The mother . brought the chUdTto lhefcoerttar and visited themirae-endthe chlld.iald: They eouldn't tell me your name, but J wanted to see the nuree with the eurly heir." and aa a personal gift ahe left It. The accident left no evil re ,'. suits.'' - - .. . . Their, nurses were all Bcotoh, who - took care of them in the nursery,-a large airy room, very plain, with eream and white, carpet, and nothing but neat : boxes all around the room faatened to the wa.lL In these the young; masters, -and mlaa. for-tbey were never, called prince or princess by their nurses, were '. made to put away all their toye every evening in order. Then Lady Ethelya Gordon, one of the lad lee In waiting, -would com In te examine the room and .see that all the duties had been prop ; erly (performed. But all day long they ' were under the care and Influence tof the practical Scotch women of the bet ter claea of the peasantry and with good educations. -. r , SCHOONER VOLUNTEER IS ASHORE AT BODOZA HEAD Oeeraal Cpevlal aenire.) . Volunteer, which Bailed from this port .. Sunday, la ashore at Bodoaa Head, near the mouth of Russian river. ' A tug haa '. a;one. to her rescue.- : t eianasty Wlna Bult. UoenMt Spetlal Bervlee.) ' -Kew York... June (.A verdict ' for tlt.OOO, aued for by Lawyer Delahunty from Richard Canfleld. the New fork erambler. haa been returned in favor of Delahunty. . The h the borne circle is tueo. ... t - Get KC to-day! 25 ounces for ,25c. If it isn't ail that we cUim, your frocCTrefundsyourmoney. -- m -.vuauivr- Send for JAQUES MFG. CO. Ckleaa .1 .f. f FEMININE By CELE.H tLWTZE HINTS FROM A HOSTESS.. " The fact hae been lamented that peo ple are groeJin lnhopltble: that en tertaining for any length of time la be ooralng more and more rare, invitations for a visit unnumbered daye being now very eeldora extended. Thla growing dlatasta for - entertaining la especially marked In households that do not em ploy a retinue of uialda and footmen. One explanation for thla state of af faire la erifcb raced In the experiences of a Portland hostess, noted for her de lightful house parties and rare grace la entertaining. She haa found the aver age guest to bo a somewhat lawless spirit In the use ot bar borne. A few of the waya in which visitors show themselves wasteful and destructive are quoted from thla hostess" list and should prove of value to prospective guaats aa hlnta of what not to do: . - Invariably gaa and electricity . are Used, without the slightest regard for economy every light in the-room will be turned on when dressing for dinner and neither turned down nor out; even tnouga tne oceupant of the room may not expect to return before midnight. Frequently guests wantonly waate con venlenoee provided for the toilet; using. for Instance.-a whole bottle of violet water and Ave towele for one bath, and leaving sponges, towels . and talcum powder atrewn over the floor; one girl persistently washed bar handkerchlefe and Uttle collara la the bowL using the hastes! .nnetL-jrand of toilet eoap, 8U11 aoother left the t6oth-pasTatUbTePt of the Oermau weesv oa the aide or the waahatand, where Its contents leaked down on" a handsome rug, aad the wall waa aadly bespattered beoauee of the ea,reloely bandied tooth brush. Hot ourllng tongs repeatedly laid en the polished surface of the dressing table seriously ' marred ' that piece of- furnittrre.-The water front an verturaed rose bowl waa negligently allowed to disfigure a mahogany table. One out-or-town enthuelaet did not re move her hobnailed ahoea after coming indoors, and within' week a time the hardwood floors were badly damaged One . visitor . took naps . on the . white counterpane without taking oft the duety shoes, which tasted aa-alnet tha preitUrf CguiOtf Bilk puB." ' A wet considered a linen towel the proper thing with which to clean soiled boota. One benighted soul struck matcbee on' the art-finished" - walls, while another scratched them on the side of a msv hogany desk.- Almost Invariably muddy boota . were unaoraped . before : entering and -tramping over delicate rugs and stair covering, leaving "footprinta In that hall of mine" and dripping um brellas ware left to-drain joa carpets.. Ana au tneee tmngaHotwitnBtanaing that -umbrella stenda, - doorsnata and scrapert. duat clothe - and match aafee ware liberally eupplled. 'Aocldenta will 'happen ' even for guagtarnaatd-thta-TJoi her experlenceai but I would more easily pardon thWverturnlng of an Ink atand on the carpet than the ruining of It through heedlessness, aa one volumln on a . letter writer did. He Invariably dipped the pen. down deep In the . atand and then ehook off " the auperfluoue ink, letting the dropa fly where they might. which waa usually on the carpet, though one tapestried ehalr la Indelibly marked by hlg Inexcusable . habit,. I ' do'-not think I am over-fond of my "household gods,'' but the reckless despoiling of them ..will eventually mean lesa .cordi ality, on. my part-, in the extending of Invitations. These careless - habits would surely not be permitted by parente or Indulged In by wellbred. people were It not tor the , vice of thoughtlessness, . and alnca the week-end and eummer visit ing period la at hand It would be kind for Invited gueata to took well to their Individual habits- and to allow ao lacoa- elderatenesa to mar the pleasant rela tione of entertainer and entertained. CREAMED POTATOES. A certain epicure declares that pota- toee -are-the- best - things to eat In the world. - Bhe allows heraelf potatoes an Indulgence, as they are too fattening for dally fare. , One of the eploure'e favorite recipes la for creamed potatoes. which, if carefully prepared,, form a veritable dainty. Put potatoes (In their skins) in oold water, add a little salt. and let them cook slowly. When done eet away In a refrigerator for two or three days. When ready to use peel and chop " the potatoes and put them In a 1 pan In which haa been melted a gener ous quantity . of butter. - season with salt and pepper, add a half cup of cream, mix thoroughly, cover for 10 minutes. and -aarya... . -7.,-t, .,, -"i r---Y , dainty; summer: curtains. One of the newest and prettiest ma terials for a dining-room, library or living-room la the sheer, almost trans parent madras, either tq plain shades In rotors) oeoigne , in lihrsnr madras curwuna In which deep green e and Bof t reds predominate would be attractive If run on brass rods at top and bottom and fitted doe to the glass. Or, If It ia more desirable, curtains of bobblnet can be pat on rods In the same way,' with the madras curtains hanging from the easement. tn m. 1lv1nvrAAffm ' HiHklfit irtalna attached to the lower amah are - more tn keeping with the room than thoee dropped from the easement.- Unlike the Dome I Ike where rood cookingr h kmdV where the, fafnily ofT finest 'Of bixtrhs, dous-hnuts. cakci. and pks and other &rood thfavt crerf ' day. The baking b alwafs CdlzUaa and wholesome because!' " . K C Daklng Powcrv the baking powder of the wave ' I a el a a - - " .' -''- "Book of Presents." :FJ1ITII-T0 MINIS Tented City at Woodburn Scene V of , Enthusiastic Adventist , , Camp Meeting. PROMINENT MINISTERS, ' , FROM MANY SECTIONS Large Pavilion Haa Seating Capacity , of Over One Thousand and Smaller .Meeting Placea' Are Provided for i Children and Foreigners, (gneetal Dlsnate te Tbe yeoraai.) -Woodburn, June (.Through rain. and sunshine the meetings , continue with unabated Interest at the Adventlat camp In Fash's grove. Each day la devoted to the consideration of different phase of work. In addition to thla the regu lar hours - for -preaching - are- wall -at- .The principal ; speakere' ao far have been George A. . Irwin of' Waahlngtoa, D. C-; O. A. Bnyder, late from Auatralla; W. B. White, president of the North Par clflo union conference, and O. , A. Telt from CaUfornla, , ...., , s - , ' Recent arrivals are Dr. Froom. medi cal auperlntendent of the Portland Banl tartura Professor M. K. Cady, educa tional secretary of the Paclflo union conference: Elder Haffner. auperintend. The Adventtsta are thoroughly organ ised, and show a ateady growth In 'all b ranches of their work. V- Agatnet Fatant Kedlohiea. -: Klder David Nettleton gave aa ' Il lustrated lecture calling attention to the large per cent of alcohol used In patent mediolnes, which he convincing ly proved waa. a great factor in leading many Into the waya of Intemperance. -. - Monday wa-flevoted to missionary enterprises, Profeaor Phlllina from Colo rado belng : the leading spirit In, the day's oxercisea. He proved equal to the occasion, and delighted bis hearers. . , HeeUoae acta ealeaeyi otodto Uieraedlcai 1 and ' aanltarlum interests of- the denomination.1- These interests do not in any way break into the regular preach ing hours. - Some prominent e'tlaens and buslnesa men- have been in attendance at these meetings, and voice an expres sion of .appreciation On the subjects presented. - Every hour of the remain ing daye of the "camp meeting will be slued.- ,....-.. .. The proverb, "Seeat thou a man dili gent In his business t he shall atand be fore kings." la Illustrated In the work of thla people, aa their work la well organised and represented in every na tion under tbe aun. , ine atanaing committees were ap pointed to plan, nominate and direct tn the. work for, an other year. '"There are over ft tents pitched and the ecene la that of a tented city. The largo pa vilion haa a seating capacity of over 1.000 and. two other mettlnr pavilion are for the Scandinavians aad the youth. aoout vv ox ue latter Peine- in attend ance. .- - . ' : An Interesting feature la the dining tent where many enjoy the rood thinn served, all strictly vegetarian. me nresiuenc F. B. uurch. aava a brier but very encouraging report of the conference work during the paat year. onea la tbe library the "bottom' ahould be bung Xree. The curtains proper, of cretonne that matches tbe slips used on the 'furniture .or oorreeponda with. the other hangings, or of madras In conventionalised tullpa. or roee trees in natural colors, are effective. Tor the. fllnlnr-roorawlndows madrmi In pronounced shades and flgurea, with wine Doraer, is appropriate. t.uce thoee for the llvlng-rootu. They may bang straight or be draped back pret tily. The eaah eurtalna in thla apart ment are a matter or cnoiee. STORES CHECK DOCS.' Pet doga can now te checked- in tbe Kew York stores while their mlatreaaea shop. Thla plan haa been reoently In augurated la some of tbe large storaa. and la conducted along the aame lines aa the nurseries for tbe amusement of children, bo that the mothers -will not be need when buying. . : It la not unusual for tbe attendant to say: .Madam, If you cam tell me about what time you will be ready to leave I will know just bow long to keep your pet on the playgrounds. If tbe mlatreaaea are to be gone but five er tea minutes there la little to be done except to walk the animal tip and down in the aunshlne outside of . the store, but ahould the ahopplng tour extend over several hours the doga are amused la royal fashion la a larg play around eet aaldA 1 or them en the roof. There they can run and play wltbouf leash, for rubber balls, dolls of . the eame material, round hardwood pteeee for them to retrieve with are furnished for amusement. Or If the dogs seem tired then there are soft cushions covered with pretty colored denims on which they can rest and aleep la com fort. - . .". ' Even refreshments have been provided for thoee whose mistresses waat to buy them. . . . . ;, SILK PETTICOAT ECONOMY. A etlk petticoat may be made to serve almost twice Its usual period of useful- neea if It la lined aa far down aa the bottom ruffle with aun'a veiling .or some other lightweight fabric The eeht .of the skirt is not noticeably Increased, nor does It spoil the fit about the hips If carefully aone. vi. Anina? thla -the eklrt Is kept In ahapa and.ih're will be much leer f.nH.nrT to aoirr aTTKriTB B." BT'TBTiTT that -la ao commonly developed in silk petticoats, especially tnoee oi taii.ia. NAVY' COMMANDER TO BE BURIED IN MID-OCEAN Uoaraal Bpeelsl sVarrte..) Vallalo. CaL. June tm Rear Admiral MoCalla baa telegraphed for permission to bury at aee the remains of Com mander John II 1 Boloomb. who died eeveral days ago at the naval hospital at Mara island. ' . The request for authority to bury tbe remains la this manner waa made at the instigation of the widow of Hoi oomb. " . If tbe department grants the reoneet, the remains will be eewed up In caA- vai aad will be placed aboard a tug and taken out to the vicinity or tbe rural lone Islands, where, heavily weighted, they will be consigned to the deep with only such simple service as would be bold If the burial wera made Xn mid- TEACH ALL ;NOTi0E: FOR We will" treat -any single uncomplir ' bated ailment for $12.50 for the fee. r 'V . 1. :.We never disappoint oar patients!.' ,7 I , 2 ;' We accept no incurable cases! ,r-v-. -f XiZ :j$':lWep&rtr hold out false hopes ! : 4. We never fail Bi.000 roxaov, bkut Bzaaaaraa, loaia Trwrama, miorvBa. TAmzoo ODZ.B, TmooBa, ibitovi saoxora. wumu vxuia . on oaaono xtzamaaaa or to nonrt an noiTAta. . ooaam noon asts uvnu aTavazra, vobtxujro, oaaoov. We ee nnt effa res env nn TUlt 1111 OBATOBt, .tber mini awthod. 'hlle othwa frr th.y M.nnt linltat. ear moerlor methnd. ef eer them, eennt Imltaf. ear enperior meuinos er wn Aai THK X.0K0HT IOOATEQ AMD OLDEST FECIAXlSTa IK rOBTLAMP, kavlng timii tin. lull m .. W. rtn unt lwtia. cheap, lnrtrlor trealant. bat we ftm all tb. rwilts ei rr ef ripe xpr Iraea, t la lb. ealit ot raiar t". eaad f setlMta We five ear skill a4 ability la the tMatoent of etaMax. ef m- for a fair fa, vhlrh mtr ba la ay way tb. patient SMtree. IaTIgTIOATI OU MTTKODg AJTD LXABV THAT WX ABB ALL W CLAIK TO BE. AND WKEM TOO PLACE TOTTB OABB IJI OTTB HABDI TOtT ABA BUBB 0 OETTIBa TBTE BEAT XaiATAUUI TBAt CAB MM OBTAOTKO AAtTWaXaX. . , .. HODBga a, av te I a.' aa.s ' Bvaatess, I hi; under. te U asea. ; Qf I mile UED,CAl .coBjrza tioojra a :TAapix. -BIoodrSIiinrNervoos andpedal Diseases of Men ' WE DO NOT TREAT ALL DISEASES of the human race. - but make -apecialty. of- treating land" curing NERVOUS DIS- EASESB L OOD DIS EASES. SKIN DISEASES. KIDNEY DISEASES, Jf BLADDER DISEASES f ; and all affectlona of THE f GENITO-URINARY OR GANS of men only. ';: ' Men Cured Quickly, Salely and Surely ' ' There Is' absolutely no Inconvenience, loss ef time, hardship or uncer tainty, while results are direct, epeedy and permanent. We cure you of disease to stay cured. We waat to talk with every man who euffere from those affllctlona, due to any oause whatever. We want to explain I our methods of curing disease and all ailments of tbe kldneye and bladder. Our office la equlppped with everything science can devise and money, can buy that will assist us tn curing dfseasee we treat We are true ' specialists, and do not attempt to treat all diseases, but euro all we treat.. Our methods of curing are original, poalUve. absolute, All-Medicines-Free Until Cured - i Should you desire yon may deposit the fee with any bank or bualneea house In Portland, to be paid to ua after you have, been restored to health, or you may pay tn monthly paymente If you prefer. CONSULTATION . Office Hours a. m. to I p. m.: Sundays and holidays. Id a. m. te It. DrW.Nortorf Davis& Co.- Office la Tan Hoy Hotel, Bey. ThitA Ooimea? ttae, rertlaad. Or. ' Z Vv here - to TAann, the OAKS! ISABTS " In the- Otmt BaAB, Is a most at-J tractive place to spend on summer vacation. . B. BfABUPOBA Bails from San Francisco, July 1, with a party of happy people pa their way to wltnees the unique native fetes that take place Jury 14. The B. B. . BIAJUPOSA will remain over In the harbor six day a, affording ample time tn make the tHn around the Island and vlalt the native vlllaa.a Clement Wraage. the famous writer, says "Tahiti Is one spot worth while flrstlaas rate San Francisco to Tahiti at 12.60 to IS per day. Write for circular to -OCEANIC S..S..C0. I TRAIN HIGH SCHOOLS FOR COLIEGE ATfllETICS Interscholastic Meet In Prapara ' tion for Next Year to De 'velop Material. ... H ISpHai Waaatfk to T orat) - Or. June l.Bert Pllklng- ton. graduate atbletle manager at the Oregon Agrtoutturai num . ... .tHn throusn eastern ure- uab ea ylaitedthe h,h schools of that aeotlon ana compieiea arrani menu for the bU lnteroojiolaatlo high school meet. MayM. MtT.Ms Corvallla. Each school will be limited to a team of seven men la order to give the dis tant schools aa even medal wUl bo awarded for Br' and second placea and a silver medal for third. A handsome oup. worth Ha. will be gives to the school winning the greatest number of polnta. AU the traveling expenses and hotel bUla wtll STATB TOT A 00JO A does of Ballard's Horebound Byrup 111 relievo IL Have you a coldr Tn it for whooolng cough, for asfh- ma, consumption, for bronchitis Mrs. Joe McOrath, 117 B. First street, Hutoh mson, Kansas, writes: "I have used allard'e Horebound Byrup ia my family for five yearsv and find It the aaoet pal atable medicine' I ever seed. Bold by Wood ara. Clarke t o- - - c WE MEM CURE $12.50 We will treat any single, un complicated ailment under absolute guarantee. No pay unless cured. We are estab lished 25 years in Portland. CONSULTATION FREE in any case wi take! flUTIRSTl XXIOTklO BXXTU. VOlTt. et tieatMat. Oar ad ar ear ewa, a4 m btextta; pobtlato oaxoo. ALWAYS FREE la his Homanoe of the South Seas," In a tour of the world. $12i Is the aad back. : Good hotels la Tahiti loeS Broadway, Oakland, CaL Get beck your strength. energy, aroktbon. by using bASSETTS NATIVE HEEDS. Costs only 1 fcr three months' treatmeat loaey back If eVeeat cur. Also 2 Jc sue. At Dnvrats' (ia black bouajt M not, BJ aaa fSBX kf eraasj ilWreBarasCa Cat. f bspoid biie-0-A-OrAtieUo esssala tion. r The Inland Empire High school track meet. Including tbe Baker City. 1 Q rand a, (Jnloa aad Pendleton schools, that usually fakes place May 19. will be ehanged to a data earlier la the month aad need aa a try-out meet to pick men for the big meet at O. A. C The Corvallla meet will include tbe following schools: Baker City. Astoria, Ashland, Baker City, La Oranda, O rants Pass. Iades-yPe Oeogoa City, Pea dletoar Portland. Boeeburg. Baian. Tbe Dalles aad Union. Moat of the school a, with tbe exception of Eugene, Portland aad Roeebwr. have algnlfled their will fcngnesa to partldpata. The Idea la a new oao and there Is lftUa doubt of the feaalbUlty of the plea, elnce this will tend to aa earlier development of a thistle pro wees and aead from the high eehools to the marl ana soUogoa aaea well trained ul r ble of raising the present staav. . i atbletle lines. . Fierervea vmoea penaea r 'Allaa tvewU Best Biaa4. Dispensary J . r II f I f I I Caaaa I 1 r TRANSPORTATION. ALAS!(A EXCURSIONS a a Ipokaae. Jam 1. Cl July a. aS) Aagua . BTIAT ma BATE, onTKXAarzBB axacka rmt- awek a k K . aOUTBL Tom., gaaawsr. WalU ILaeaa. Dawaua . City t SMttla. 7aae 1ft, go, a. ' ' , a Humboldt. Jane , 14, 2E . a a City et Jegaka (rU gltka). tae U, BA aToara aovTx. " aessM eslUag g, g. geaabMr a beat e SB. tom aaar raABouco srazcx. Turn gMttW t f a. au., Jam , tl rawtllla. 3aa U. Bl City, et Paebat, Jans la. ialy A. , BwtlaaA Oraea, ate Waaatagtaa M. . " - - - a. bl. vat, rass. a rt, Art. .- (L-B.JVMAH. a P. A., .... 10 BtarkH Bt, ga rtaeiiaia. Steamer Breakwater San Francisco ' OaOy ,. BAY TTelght and paasengera for Marsh- fleld. North Bend. Myrtle Point. OoquUle, Bandon aad all Coqullla river polnta. Thuraday, June T, at I p. from Oak street aoaa, -jei..jaau iigv. NbrtlrPacififrSrSrGoi ROANOKE 2,500 tons, tha only first class passenger ship sailing for San Francisco, Los - Angeles and Eureka. Sails Thursday" Juna 7, June si ana juiy o at 8 p. m. Ticket Office, 132 Third St, near Alderr Phone Maln--131L H. Young, Agent. r ' r " " TELEGRAPH . raaaert ea the BUret v The oaly gteamboat making a round trip BAXZ.T Exoept ' Sunday Between PORTLAND and ASTOIUA t ABT9 - WAT rOZBTTS : teavs) Portlands. Arrive Astoria .. eels)aVaV Tttfft SsW Ma Ijsavs Astoria. ......... p. cn. Arrive Portland.......; t:0 p. aa. . VLJI IERVBD A 14. GARTH . IVrtland taadlnV, Aide Street goosV .Astoria landing, OeOleautee Beak. B, Bj, fiCOTT. Agent Phone Main IIS. "REGULATOR LINE" ITieOalles, Portland fS Astoria" Navigation. Co.r Boats leave Portland and The Danes dally, except 8unday, at T a. m., arriv ing about I p. m., carrying freight aad iissengera. Splendid aooommodaUoas for outflta and livestock. Book root of Aide ot Portland Past , of Court st The BsJlss. . Phone ICAla 014. Portlaad. BAST ABO POFOtAa STBAM8BIPS . ' Leave Seattle ; TrrTTBSo," Kay ITi, Jae 11 "POUHIB." sUy Mi as U U, M. : ciUiKa at way, Coaaaal 1tb W p. A T. root, gar aua. iw re an Call er tor'Trt te Wovsavful tlaaea." "laela. BaakMry." "Imttm Peies. - ; TAB ALAIZA a fc 00, z frask Weoawy OA, Anata SI Oek . ParUaaeV . S. SrF. A. Kilburn rat Oees Bay. Saieae sad Sea Fibbibms. . BTaxt BsJUag; froaa PortlaaA, , . ... vuaauAT, arm a, .-'t. BBBNODOB. Aart- Bieeaelsb Desk Be. A Pkeae alaai Ut. )DVED3P " fOf SPICES, VQ DAinr.DPCVDin; FlsOtriDCTR CLOSSnJU)IESJ - C POKTtmAHD, OMOON. -t INJECTION BROHJ GOaORRKOETind GLUT WITHOUT OTMBB TBBATMBMT ' Sold by all Drufcg1..t E ftMieiirririrsB4 BTtaema istaa r . aasu -,. V aa 7 1- 4 A f HI 4 aMaai, k-. 1 - . - - - . , TRANSPOSTATIC::. IE 1 tA w5nir i Trains tb the East DaHy3 hJH!Sllk?nmm sWw Ur Oeaaba, Chleaav, BsekaMt ' taVMt eTi!''' eaalrear (saata tree) t f"' Walla Walta. BtuVZZZJ?"' iHtyraiaaaasBaav. t. tor tbe Bast KliE:? 'n.r..rvvrs:asi t:s- ri.iZ i " eai. ror an K"t7 Bigs, aad ' - rmiaaAVsanr .Ill mb Sitttfas "aw . wLfTVJBIA BrTBB DITIBIoit. let 'a5,t' J- atM S s. k e., JPt ."vsdari Betwdar. 10 B.SV ArrlaS " saeapt Baa4ar. - wiiL.zA"mi' BOtJTB.-- "- Im, ' ty sad XataatU ttver eeaoay.. .-. . ' - tT!AXt.,rit aonrs. ?v. ta III a'.i. t SPrtaae and Lra-to. Ticket Ofncj nitre aed WaahlagVaa skb TlnBem. Uala tit. EASTvu SOUTH .Arrive. vwland BprasTr.hI BalaBm. Imauf. Aaa- ';. Ijad. gaarasMaa. Ossaa, : faa rranclaaa. Stack Is jauHBsjeeysB, . Bal rasB, SJSest- seaet- Reeeay alet AaseL Bill BraanHrrllle. Drtar,lL Wwdllag sad Natrea.,,7 B:lsj Bntrae aaaa.weat eea ; . ""it Wobera wtia - Va Wal , - t-t aa OnrrallU paaaHrr,.,.. T:IW ! RWIilas veaamsar.. . 4:Oaei rI?t. 0r0T n"esw. tie:a TJIiat 10-fgsir HtMym - a i . JIliMpa tnuir. iniir .aaapi aeaear. IEPTBBB01trBEBT BTATIOW. wm Pauaa- and toterane'tat paaata Asfly e:iv p. a. ajtit. rerriana 10:10 a. si. Per time aad eard ef Oeweye saberkea tranat Spplr at City Tlrkat OrSce. OT atatlma. Ticket te lutwi sot at ane Baaeset alss fapas. China. BraalalB aa Ana trail. Cllr Tlrkat Of flee enrnar Thlr ajsd Wask- a W. BTTNOBB, . A. fc. CBAIO. Cty TVkrt ; arm. aa. Paaa. Aseat. TJMECARD or TRAINS Lea re. . Airtva. Park-Kaaeaa- Cltr-gt. Iml) Bpedal far - -CbekeH. Co trail a. Olraa- . ' - .- ' mlm fir..1. n.tkM Mnmt Bead. Taeeaa. BaaKle. Bna.. t..:,' ' kaaa, tewlatea. Betta, BIW Haaa. Daaiar. Omasa. Ka aaa City. St. Ual ad x aoatheeat. oally I :M aat diStaal laxrra oaeat uantee. aia Me Mgbtad, for Tameas ' haltb, Bpokaae, Batte, . Wt.ti-.enWa B4. - PaaA -aal . the Baat. eato ...... v ,: Ja eaj Paavt So ad UailML tat . . Claraaaefft. Cbahall. Va- . ' trail. Taeeaui aad Seattle ' ' eolT. ny SJSfSJ. Tarla atr Brerea fnr T. . a. aattla, Bpeaaaa, lass. Batte. St. Panl. isotia. ueenra. Jmb Eases City. Asia ba. St Leslsr wttaeei eaaace et ear. rmevt na wttaeet eet eea- luartloes n in ' aetata teat ssd B-enVaat. dally.. 11 tag sas 10:81 esl l n rrtAar.TOK. Aaa lata at Oiaaral he searer Agent. S3! Merrlaes street, ears Skate, rertleaav uragna. , i . .. Astoria & Columbia RiveriRailroad Co. Balolar, Clate. . CUftna, - .. iftaa. n. vel. ttantaaaM. rvra aiaw s ees. Oeerkwt Park,!.. S4asj atarta aad liaikeil, as ' 11 AU tnla Sallr. I. a MA TO. O. P. e r. A- Ajterla. Or. O. A BTSWABT, Cesaserslsl Aaeat, SsS Alas street. Pseae afaia Sue. 7 m ..... sfSurf-', x TCOIBfOiaAaXeWX , 'The OHaatal XJkaiaas. the Past atad" - VTA IBATTLB AND BPOKAHB. ... Deny. .- P.V. leave, Aartae. puaHssd tisM sekaesle i. .TO s4 Heea Beekaa. -Bt. Pael Mlaeeeeolla, bareta sa4 all aetata - Beat via Seattle Its. T OS aat T ead frees St Pea Mta KWBeiie, oei. tfc aa all vie Beak sas 0:11 pel Seteaei BiMt Bailkn gaaiakt CS. r Satnag frees- ae.rne tae Jaeea ewd Ckla pert ad Maalla. esnytag pes. Seagate sad lr.tgkt. . r , S. A Saaeaa, Jubs T. . S S. Btlaaaaaea, JV M. WIPP0B TTIEB XAIgwa (Jaeaa Mall aMeeal X) S. B. luaeiaa itars elfi afl trtm VaMl bnet..Jen IB N Jai-e ee4 rblaa pert, sarrytag ' aa freajtit " . . Per ejeketa, retsa, Wl laania flea, et... eaU ea a 4aa K. PfCltaOB. 0. . T. A JI M aa- Barllsaa OaW Pkeae sues a-fc s n r I trp t3 r t-va. ' r rafaa Pisa Tallawaaaea TJalea apei Pw klayfar. kaala, WPart Lmtomhrn. Wi i mm