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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1906)
fnis"or.i:GON daily journal.: Portland. Wednesday eveno, june 6, isss. 'av FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $1,800 SPLENDID room konas and 80x100 font 0rMf lot oa Unlus are. I eu:ellent busl Bee lot) greatest buy on Union . i Btot ' Mil It oar: will take down; Im - , COl.UMHIA INVEH1WBNT CO., Corner Aluewwth and Vuton Brs. 1 Tk4 Wood laws car. Plion WoodUw S2S. PIEDMONT lot I wo, $nod, $000, so u low uo; $100 dowa, 10 month; our lota t have htmurf OTfHr $1'J5 thla )Mr will to eraa othr 1100 before (alii bay la Pled aunt, 'tout mover will brlug yoa am 28 Mi ent; a greet tala Bow oa la Piedmont lot. Yak & St John er Woodlawa car. rUpreeentatrr ea tract every weekcdky tllj lata in tha evening. HOMB OVricfe 844 STAKE tT. - , Mala 871. PIEDMONT Great sal ar Piedmont lota, to '- Investor tl wall aa builders; sy tormsl ; buy thla week. INVESTMENT CO., 944 Stark at. LOT, la Pled moot km Increased la value ever ,. lias tbta laat 4 months. Why pat money oat at 1 par eeott Invested In Piedmont lota ' It will maka rou from 10 to M par cent. JNVKHTMBNT CO., 844 Btark b , , ' Taka V or St. John $1,830 EACH aaw Broom house, furnsee, 1i. ftreplscst fl0 down, balanca monthly, Eaat Mala. Phooe East US. - -ROOM borne; balk, toilet, bat and eold watart - honee aow ender co no traction and yoa eaa "arrant book to milt: It will ba a baaaty v and th, prte la only $1,000. with $160 eaah, ' balance $10 pat mouth; tola la laaa tbas raot for tha- houa. . . . - Tba beat 4-room bona la Portlaad for tha money) it'a now, H block from ear, and 1 , atrirtlv bww1m-b no-l-a-data. la a 8retn.laa neighborhood oa Kaat 17th at. ' Price only ' $2,250; taraia. . ; . ' $l.s60 bur - s modern $ kt Upper alNna. eluat to S rllne $200. caah, luilanee kill nee maath. 1 aar of ground, I - block : from earllne. all ta young fruit, barrlee, potato and 1 garda; twoo. only $30O each, balance eaay, Tha atwre ara all enape. Wa hare atbei ' food baraalea. Call ami eaa. aa. , f. t. STSIUMKTS CO.; . Tba Homeeellera, 1 Morrlaoa at. - $iaoo RBW BMdara . oodi , bouaa, eaniant baaement, but at Blumlila(. fall lot: Beat 4 Holladay addition. Miller, 714 - .Cbaaiber at SOUTH PORTLAND fin corner 1 00 100. on Saeead ft.. $2,000; alno eoraer lot ea kfao t adaai at.. tOxlOO, for $700. Traoa Klaaall, 602 Conumorclal blk. Maut HO rOR SBAt R0CKI - ' ' k MiJJuaala-U.aaw affared-at f Bummer yeeort. attnaUd 8 mlee aontt af Newport, . Oraaoa: hotel, bars end t ether bnlldlnca. wltk BOO eeraa af land, tome la '-iiitiwaibMit lm a-Mna- and kaatlna aroaada tlila place will be auld ekean. Jjb. order to , ' up aa aatat. ar rested to reapeaalbla 'wiLUAat O. BSOK, IIS ralllaf bid. f BBS VIKUMONT. v : "All ta Tea ton abonld eurely ra pinnunNT. ' ' Takt".St. Johne or WoodIaBcarrta leava rrery awe BUBBiaa, aaooaa ana m aaa lsatoa kta. s KO FARMS, email tract and lotai kartalna aa 0. W. P. electrle Una. O. R. Additoa, Laam, . Oregoa. Taka Mount Bootl ear, oa. ELR0AMT anartar btoCaV-eer. PMt Inth. IB Raat-coochi Very-.aea tUa. I no. aire S3S WeeMnatoa at. BlOmjlMD REAL EBTAT1I REeXIX. RENTALS, IN8URAKCR, .;' COLLECTIONS. . .., - Baatnaaa entraatad t mn - Bramptly attended to. rrm. SPISR. NOTARY PCRUa Phoaa Woodlawa Bf. SOU trnloa are.. North. Portlaad. Oreaea. THOBR waa waat me ta aeUot ebolea railroad land la Alberta for them abeald let ate kaow before ear Beat party coea, a una l. u. Brlcca, ISSVk Trat at. .. - JTOB BAi oa-TUaJa Wa oantially to . rated ! In tba towa of-. OoldeBdale, Waaa. Write ewaar, Jamea r, niaea, wiraavi Oraaoa, a,ar RANDSOMR Bowie, araad ew, well aa. raagea, eu mooara improTwori, mmm Br. Ninth and Bchayler. Holladey addt. tkint beat bay ea market at price. SOB Fwarta, ' Phone Pactne 115, ar Mala teoo. - 11,200 Nice new 4 -room eottairei bata, Sea aad electrla llfbt. Mable a treat he--l--iweea HamlltoB are. aad Seynwar. I bteok and arhooL Boatk Portlaadl terma. laqalre SOB Poorta. , Pbeae Padae SIS. Realdeaoa. Mala tBSO. BB1XWOOD LOTS, SB dowa aad $8 Btatitht from $78 te $200, t Sail wood Townalte C-, B. P. Palmer, maaager. Pkeae Bast 4704. FOB SALB CHEAP B sad T room ben; Xee era; part aaah. 870 OarBeld av. Taka Woodlawa ear. Phoae Bast Boat. BOY BR, river from PorUaad. Loco ted Ba lder N. P. Irrigating dttck and ea new north -r beak rallroadl frail goea ea the market three . ... M.iiM ik.. 1 ,n Atbeo ectlea. tarn -maadlag high t pelcea;. .Portland !ale by th. Co., Hty W tahlngtoa, beet pelcee; oauy ataa mere i w aere. iMivee a $S 000 B-ROOM HOUSE, tborongkly modern, . laelde flakthed lit a palace car. lot JOOxlOO, with all kind ef trait. Cell at 107 Third. FOB SALB AT A BABwAIN - - ' , ' A Boa atoek range, eoaealstag abaat 9.800 aereei all seder fence altnated aeer Rcae barg Oregon, - oa S. P. R. R-t thla I sa of the seat stock ranges ta the country; 1 la t bar anotaer gooa ateca mm eamm.! 1.4 to acre, which will b Bold at a rery tow Brio, r llar-ewaa - - - FOR SALB BIB bargela for ealck !Bto B-room auburhaa cottage, ground 100x100 feet, fruit aad akrabberr; by owner. O, W. P. Towa. id Co.. SIB Alder U- w- r. waiting raoai. . - - - 8400 FOB LOt 80x100. near ti arUB: $00 taaa. - balaae $19 B ajaaak, -.-n.., ., .. $e00-f tn lot ra'wegt Pledmoot, sear ear- barn; terms to salt. . Tine lot fa Hlghlaad; $28 cash, $18 Math.- : .-.;- - j .. 1 TOO for baslaes aroperty, eeastettag at tor sad living -rooms, ea Ualoa av., aorta. . X. THOMPSON, SM M totkarlppi Phoae-,WeodlwB S09. vi'V mil HOME 100x128. -renm hsnaa. good condition; 40 bearing frnlt tree. 80 rose baafcee; between Union and Graad avee., clea . In: arlco x.eO0; half csah, blac leag time; mast eeu. J. N. RJalr. 818 Abtogtoa ' l rT ana eraertnaal lota In Holladav' adcll. tloa. eloee Union Bra.) ea half tot, $0O; e -v. e.A. w at Blast 1 Ulill iin wvh7ot. uww - $t,8S0; corner, $L880l or whol quarter ".block, $9. oo. " ' -' (iuLVBR. 638 Chamber f Cbmxaersa. v- ttaray 9 etrletly modera beuee. 82S Stepkeaa t.l elegant teceptlna aU. peaeled dmfng-roooA. ga and electrle Sxture. far. sacs, etc thle to very flee aad a bargain. mL kleble ImnroVed: S-reom boo, ,T Kera. cklckea-hoBae, all kinds ef frnlt, eloee ' 1 to car; a some tea neeme, . - s totB-reom hoaeee, a mall payment dowa. . w-i- Mihhi loMttona all eart of city. - ' 2 koaee with S lot, aear Peelneoler ata- tloa: well Improved: will eeU seoerataly e - v u Mill rne elnaar-la. I .com InTeetmenta. W have them, cles hi aad dealranl at $11,800 to 418,000. . nt new e" WAlJf WABJISIM - " - 201 14 Morvxtoa St. r . , m ino.tnA B-aneni modata ' - u rv. .V l avail na. 100x100. 4 room beer eowa, ete, $v,St tarmaJ Aere chtckea raach near cur, IW Nice bam la Rellweod, teriea. . Small place. Bp. Prte ew hoo-sr. sen, lots J PwiVFu-t St.. Topak 19. anmr. BfXM t.AOXf TTI1. VP. (Want II It to betel ta WHUmett eattoy tewa? butMInf 90x00. w0 hrthtol: doing BaahB: DC ICO st.oo": ine eu ew mmm. rTO V CROCKETT. S4S Wsahiagtea at. p rS ACRES, orchard.- boose d kera. sr. iiw. . . T soo enrner tot. tw htatta. loth at, .-. n.ii eond bar. 7 88 000 10 acree fine toad ea Holrate si, .a tnltawtk ar will 1l Bert. ti gna S tote a Macadam at., ta Faltoa. " $AoO S aetae ezcelleat toad, all ka celt. - Tattoo, aew hews. Bear Reavertea. , gipoo 40-ecre farm, lo clear. 28 pee- - tor. 9H eeetiard: 11 Boos. gwM Bara, 7...J- h. WeahmaTtoa coeatr. $11.000 A good corner ea Becoawl at., north sa Mmam'e galcht s tea r worn. 4 torse toaaat i mctwee w,m " r - I wBUNDY-MBLRATB COk, ' . 948t Morrtsoa St. , an BNDID eoonrtonlty te get a little heme . ebeao; 8 irSwTBaf l"ed boa.. S lot, lot 1 8TU0- S200 ctl. balenc MIIBM. - ' OTTO CROCKETT. . i- Aj WauLBtmk 8$. . - FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. B0 ACRES T mllr eat em the O. W. P. eat I liar; in cultivation; oeiy flow par aare. I Call at Wl Sk llilro at. , PGR BKBT buy In Portlaad B room bamrabrw. aw. raoa Kaat im. BABdAlNR New - B-room - boue. larae lot. bars, fruit, earaen, eemeni wain, lawn; 'Dear rar line. $1.I&0; $00 eaab.. Othara $0 to SHOO firat narmeat. Houeaa built ea taatall- Bienta; lote faraiahed, If deatred: City Realty aUdU: Co., BIS Coeuaarctal Bid., Mala low. ' . but Bina FoiiU fzoo caan, oaianee fzo a aanini win aeror i B aew e-rvnm aooee ui a Browing luainoa, i Call seak Btark at. BBS Beat Side Real Rotate Oe. for eaat aide I property, we Bare wx rarnaa ror eei. rrom eae . acre Bp. 40T BawUMB Ta (kaa Keel 100T. , - . IKSTALLMRNT BOMBS EXCLCSITBLZ. "Par Beat to Teoreelf t " ' .' We wb knd-effer tor Immediate occopaney ea aaay anomaly paymenta the following aew B-room houeee, wrlh all awdera Improyementat Hiniae. iMtfthweet corner Hawthorne are. and . Slat et $8,000: $200 down. $28 par Orar boom, Vtt tTpabnr et.', price $2,860 Kdoo OoWB, ezo per anoiita Yellow beua. 0 Wllena at., jnat eft If. Slat. $X8o0; 2S0 down. $29 per mooth, TIDKUTT TRl-HT CO., eOd Commercial blk. pkeae Mala Ul. - A B-ROOM beaa with bath. lot ZotIOO, flne w-rkin. . lmttitre on nremiaea. aeo water vv.. aouth., bet. Arthur aad Meed. Price $1,400. 0NLT TWO M0RB of thot But lot ea Bt . Tamhin.. mmi mil na amn. at aew v each. Price advance Jaly t $100. . Pttpr -bob Stewart, luOOVk HelmoBt tt. , NICB little hotel 1b Coat county. 8 mile from county eaat; 1 acrea Of beaotirni grounda; nodara In every reapect; facing th CwjollU rtvarj $2,000. half caah. ;,-, ..: OTTO tt CBOOKBTT, J , , ' StSVk Waahlngtoa t. ' :, . at aon K smtu XI fil 'fun ml mtrA h avllaa. vata room, pantry; wt ioni, wm jmir ef fruit; tltuated oa prammcad at, , Call at 107 vt touo $8S0V-10 ACRES la lUaelwoodl all cart; tbli I tba cneapeat to acrea nt waa omnia. veu at lOTVk Third M. bat Nina romsw : - . $200 cah, balance fza a bmbib, wiu eecar i a saw B-room hoeee In a place aurrounaed I by good home. Can bbBH Bttrk at. Id -ACRES la 4tat of good- ealtlTBttog, -"f . prlng; with thla - place goea 1 boggy, 1 wagon, 1 mower aad rake, plow, harrow and pr stent crop: acree la orchard and - berrlea; good team ef young here: $3,000 will bay It. or will take a reeldeace la Por CBU 41 107 Tniru ax. BT OWNER, ecanca not tare, lot 80x100. arltb 10-foot alley; price $1.100., Addrte 1018 1 Height eve.. Upper Alblna. . - SAMUEL- SWETT et.Umg laUnd; raaltati . all klBda, 11 over, fieadquartara, BunUng tea, Leaa Ulaa. - - ' .. . . - 111 St.JolUAS: '90 Vita, los la. H Block freat esrlin, $11X80 per Jot. - . B lota overlook tug rlva. I Meek from aeetoMce. $878 per lot - . . 9 acre la South St. Jobna,, 100 fset from aar Line, aarouu. - T acre for tlltttlnr. $200 per 8 llnUB ttfil-lKClllf.B mifPANl Room B Breedeo bQg.7Tblrd"nd Waahli v r - Phoae PaclB 2088. - MOBB BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE hi block, Porttaod Heigh ta, at a berratm. - aer tracts on O. W. P. By.l ae them. re aar United Railway Una, aouth e.tbeelty. j - - MFOR 8ALB CHEAP 1,000 acre. 900 eader eul- k, 8L400 8-room bob nd S tot a Ba tiratio,. with crop, tool and tek. Appl : bow railway, snap. ' Lots la Bay PJtr ; . n. nui.i.eil... - BOB COMMERCIAL BLK. PHONE MAIN S49. -FpRSALE FARMj XookiflgioLaJm?.; 180 acre, ta Oowllt eoanty 19 alto t I AC Kalamai 19 acrea ander cultlTBtloB. all ircb.rdTTma.rbBY'b.r m.a! .La wwt ..ii- u nil. rrom the Kalama I river, school aear, R. F.- D.; bora and farm tool go with th ptoe. Price $1,200: terms. 100 acrr In Olumbln coeaity, and about T anile from Rainier: 4 acree under enltlva- tloa, 40 acre good timber, good eoil, abun dance af water: i mil from ecbooi and k mile to postofflc and tar thto Is Bar bargain. Price $1.000. - ; ' ; ' 170 Bcrea. ta Clateop county. St miles from Warrsntoai SO acrea under cultivation. 130 seres timber, 40 acre level, remainder rolling; some orchard la bearing; 1 H mllee from th beach; 7-roota noose, good bant and oatbaildlng: IB bead., of stock, meladlng good team, cows, hog, goata, ahlckaa, and all farm Implements go with the place. Price $3,600; terms. . . 140 acrea, m Clackamas county. S mile from Bandy post of flee; 22 seres cleared end partly cleared: J0 trait tree, nearly I ill ta-aearlne. la-abBadne ef between S.000.0M end 8.000,000 fact ef fir I timber ea th place; B-room houae. bara 20x88 tad Other building', all stock and farm Implements go with the place; 23 axlles from Portland. Price 88.800: terms. 100 acres 1b Yamhill county. 8 mUe from I New berg; no acreetenaer cultivation. acree lashed, affording fin Dae tore: good creek on tba place, water piped to tea hone; 1,800 I trait treee, BOO la bearing and Boo yoaag, S I acrea In atrawberrle and 7 acr In kono: I ' houee, barn aad other buildings: aearly an I of the place can be trrlgstsd; stock and ba- I Jlenint go with .th plao Price $4.400. -f 143 acrea la LI a a county. 8 mile northweet ar Hfcadd. it mil te rood crjooi: all Bi . ander cnltlvatloB. about 80 scree ta gratn, fuse bay toad, email orchard: good well aad rorca pump wiut wuramiu. t aemee, i ban and all seceeeary outbnlldlnga; about I RO heed of stock, which tncladee 18 bead of hlch tncladee 18 bead ef Jersey cows; all farm Implements. Price $40 per acre. 100 acree ta Wearer county, 8 snlto free peecbes. nraaee aad Engltoa walnuts ! prlnaa aa gooawvii; a aumoer et . acroa ca ne Ttrr1rated:4roonT boose, good barn and eat- nuuuinae, Bll anew iverv, Iran, s cvw - farm Implements go with the place. . Price $3,890. ... . - 80 seres ta Clerks county, ea - Teortk and 40 acre aader enMlvatloa. 80 acre swato tond: runnlBg water ad good well en the place; 9 acrea nt- family orchard; 4-room SoTVi r. D.; ." d f-.rm lm- , piemen ta go If wanted, Price, without atock - W. tcZ? mrtos from Bend, oa tha Deerbutee river: 100 acree Bader ; cnlttvatkm, 390 tillable, remainder graalng j nd timber tond: eettmiteel te be sort 9.000.000 aad 8.000,000- feet ef -reHeer- ea tne pmce; tieecaniee nver running tnrouga the place atroraa abuacant water tor irriga tion end Bower tor manufacturing nnrposea: ' shout 80 bead of stock aad all atctsaary farm markhtery go with th place; aroent boa, bara and bed; not furnltar to U It a wanted.. . rrtee 814.0W. . LANOILLB RAND, , . i BUtfe at- CHOICB BUYS. ' 83,000 00 sere la Clark county, wash Tar ton; 80 acree cleared, all level, all fsncel wltb S geod barb wire, 4 room house, - 00x40, ene cre verlef y orchsrd. good iprlng, H mil to school, 8 albs to ecu try store, I mile to railroad stattoa.- Sna team worth 81)0, wages, b races, new a seated hack, mower, rake, Bll aecessary toole that I needed ea a farm. B head of. cattle, , cbtckene, turkeve, keet of black Inem aoll; wUl ex , Chan re for grerery. ena half caah. good term. . IAB0O 00 acree. IS mile t f Vio tonver. 98 acree cleared, do eeree Sn ewale. taebed. burnt end aeened. all level, U feaced with 4-barb eke. ea county read.- mil to uiiw woo m . . irirviaan new T-reem. - 9-etory kowae. small bara. 1 haleacav. ea, aaw 4 -km ma. $1 980 90 acre, eoe mile from Yancoavee. I ino acree. a 14 mllee rrom cplemBH lite1, rbtrh ennntr. Waahlngtoa: 98 miles from ' Pertlsad: 80 teres In toe Stat of ceKreatlont all fenced and cross f seed; all hrvel; IH- tnre. It-mom hews, ht Bne hsp; new bar ftx79: vartoty orchard: 80- acre ht gram, en acres steaiiow. 9Vk scree srede; V mil to cknel: R. F. P i good team. pony. B mllbl B aelfera. I cslvee, 9 be lis. so B-yer. I steer) 9 warotm, bare, cream enaratar, I rake. diec. trm town, x prnw. a i cultivator, an, relet ena. otner area teto that to aeded en a ranch; thto I the beet bey ea the market: best ef eell, 9 Itvtee spihtg. goad well t dmr. Men timber. beV aac f land eaallr cleared: roveettrate this elee bereee bevies: gnsraareen aa aflvwrTTeen. THB W A SH IN "TON AND ORSOON RB4LTY rn.. 2ns w WaskMrtrnt Bt Portland.! 0 I and 800 Mala "., Taacaartwr. Waah. v rarn SNA pa 1 ft 0a Nte 80-Bcrs farm. IT allies free I ' Portlaad. cles eeltread tatv. ea easy terma. er exekaare for etty sreewrta. a nkaMVeeew feeua. new hntldlaas. good' towa. eaep' day's drtv to aad' keck Portlaad. .1 ror . F. rrcns 1aaH rtrrt et. ' 97 ACRRS cleared land. Be evsveT: B-eent toe: fin for plattma to bee traces- a Oewoty road; Plaited tot adbnmtng; 837B an Bar; one hall eeah. raea ewaer. Bias. FOR SALE FARM S. . PRU1T LAND BAROA1NS. $T0O 17 acree. 4 mllee from Hoed Rlrer, all aacleared: food apple land. $7 SO 1SH acrea, 10 felle from Hood Rrrer lot. acre cleared. B acree willow uid: T-room huuae, barn, cellar. chtrkcn-nonae; nr- acTra aoola land: a beraala. $800 eO acre U the Mt. Hood dlatrlct, H - bib from aaw mil J, Bear ecouoi, eiore r aad Boataftlcei Boll good. rich, black loam; eunie good aaw timber; tana . ' aprtng ef clear cold water; aew rough cabin; about 4 acre cleared. . J $30014 acrea. Mt.-Hood dlatrlct, all tllla .. kle land; eoese good timber, I acre ," , cleared; Bear ecbooi and a tore; plenty ef water for Irrigation. $1,400 1A6 acre; 8 mllee tram Heed Rlrer) v , about 18 acre leaid, to acre tllla V ' . - ble; 100 young treee; 1.000,000 feet "good timber, aear aawmlll; l.OOO feet ef fluiae; 400 rod et fence; room houae. small barm, eheda, etc.; all rolling land. . . . . -1,100 SO acre. 4tt ml) Booth ef Moeler; . cleared ready for treat; .fata ppl 1 ' -' lead; geod bargala. SUBOO HO acrea, B mile from Hood Rivet; B acree cleared; ISO 8 year-old npw . tree; email booh, plenty ef wate ' v btm,. '" $1.800 X acre. 10 mil from Rood Rlrwr; . 104 appl tr; good water; 8 room , houae; 20 acrea level, balance a loping 1 - ' Und; 10 acre Umbet eultabla lux lumber; ey term. W hare a great many other la an condi tion ef Improvement and cultivation, aad at all price. Aak about our 10 acre tract and monthly payment plan. . . H. HEILBKONNER V CO.. r s ' EOOOmiVEB AND MObMEB FRUIT ' . LAN D. . 818-18 Lombar Bxchaag. Second and Stark. ABBTONlB'g A ALB. : -v . , TIMBER 'AND FARMINtJ LANPS ' ' ..." AND CITT PROPERTY. V I arnev tn rloaa an aetata I muat sell with' In U nett 80 day the following described property belonging ta the estate tt A. Bburte, bankrupt, of ArUng torn, Oregon, to- 868 aere good, well Improved farming lead. ear Cecil. Oregoa. ' T 100 acre timber land la Hood River valley , IS mile eon LB of Hood River.- ' 53 acrea. farm Und, 12 mil Booth Arlington. - ... i'Vv ;,-'u-One a-room cottage, S lot. ' ' , One store and warahooasi 80-foet lot, . ,' One dwelling.. 86-foot lot. . ' . . ' - ATI of the above deeerlbed property moat be Bold. . - c . . - ' ' W. H. MOORE,' Assignee. For term aad fall particular aoaree K t. BIBF.TT. Btt Yttt Oak Bt, Partland, Or, y a n a an AIM IDS a ere, d 1th beet d miles from railroad aad nice bet wltb ! ef ae aakMaa, floret climate; good orchard. ap pieo, Blums, pear ana etoer rmiii sww neia boas, two barns, tool and buggy hd. bog houee, cblcken-hoaBe, etc.; mountatn spring water piped te the boa: one pair work wi w, Dliwe, wape, umKmf vw, -. , bar -rake, aew lw. barrow, -cultivator aad numeroua other small toolal three food cows, 40 Plymouth Rock ken: soil I et the very aad crop are float beet of atotk. jranf outside: aU goo for $4,800 If sold by July 4; 88.800 cash, balance oa eaay term It deel red at B per cent: half mile to church. 80 rod to school. Can oa Vs. or write for farther particular. . , CALDWELL A CO.. Philomath. Or. i 4 i i i 10 cret. d mllet west of Carlton) BO acre nt cultivation, good bulhsng ana orcoaro.- -wwii watered -eal feared prioe,-Wlth Crtttat crop. $27.80 per acre. Addrea lira. 8. A. Murphy. Boar 8, CrltoB, r. ' - FOR BALE OR TRADE A fine farm of 127H ecrea, bet lore t ton la tha valley. Address ' W. B. Lord, Irving, Oregoa. B. L. Smith, Sprlaiffleld. Orgoa. IMPROTKD rVrm. $S0 to $100 per arret S to 10 mllee oat. O. R. Additoa. Lenta, Or. Take Mt. Scott car,' B cent. . . i BEST BARGAINS O PTE RED Freest ranch In Cltks-etiatyTwaitaacltdTt.. Orta ,.J.K..A M Thlr. en equipinra, .u,uw. Ala eareral One home nroduclna food lacem. for halt th coat of th Improvement. -,, v . H. L BROWNING. . Room IT Waahlngtoa bldg. " - - 0" ' . BteUnoulahmenta oc B Baa CIS claim, t mil uw swee ai, caeep. a W. T. BCBNBY. . . t ?.Bora If Waahiagtoa bldg City. t-OR 8 ALB A good Btt-aere farm In Yamhill county; B0 acre la crop with etock ad farming Implement, good building, well : watered Bad fenced, all kind of frnlt' Far ' further Informatloa address 0 60, Journal. 820 ACRES In rait wheat belt ef Paloae coos try; all tillable, 978 acre la wheat, fair " Improvements; eloee to school, postofflc and tor; $34 per sere: terme. ....J.-. F. Ball, Whitman county, Washington.' ; Chcioinas County Farms ' Ctockama oounty tola Portland and Mult snf h county k . Portland IB th beat sad only wutrkat ta the northwest. Th Boll ta Chick. am county Is eery prndnctlve, and to second to none In th Mat. Th competing lnvaa et ire nanort ration maka frslxht rate very low. W kav farme of all deacrlptwn for eele ' st reaeonable prices, sad w dselr to ebow them to prospective purchasers. W hendl .farm tond of all klnda tor. naa-raaldeata. absrrsrtt of tltl rurnianea. , OREGON CITY TRUST COMPANY Oarae bin-, uregoa miy, ur. FOR SALE TIMBI flaaTfrrvrt scrtn. snv elaa Bleeeat price. , W. . Bawell, 688 Chamber ot Oem- . . , STOCK and timber men. m ocaerrs: JTw fnm I -"J"'"'"e . ; . gram Btneme aumnuw ow,"".! opea pin timber, - wall watered, at 88 per acre. W. T. Barney, room 17 Washington .bldg. ' I WANTED WWO 00.000,000 feet t - . . HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR BALE Tssm. 8 000 pounds; 1 m. 9.40 noaada. aad I cheap here. 1.900 Phoae Beat 8648. 22S Roseell at. HORSES AND COW 8 of " J ery reaeooakle prlcaB. Ieqatre 9TB Front St. YOB SALB-Top beggr with steel tire, te half I rnte. " e. "- -TO EXCHANGE.- (inn Ml 11 Ott TXiDk-i tea eereo of land, neerlv U anltabla tor tillage, all are 11 fenced; SS acree la crop, 80 Bcrea peat ore, TB ere Umber; stream of water, good T-room bouaa, new barn, 48xM tmmtt send aa-rktard. ale vard with Bower f and ahrab; good school $0 rod from th ' bones; 40 goats,, trie. see canes. bog. 1 wagon, I plow, 1 harrow. 1 mower. 1 rake, 1 eel barn: d miles to railroad station; ekiee to 9 aawmllto. 1 gTtatmlll. More, blacksmith hep. charrb: tn Benton - enanty; will trade; cash pvvc for 11. $8,000. ' 134 acrea AH good toad, all fenced and . -aa aarea en It tea ted. 9Sacre , mors very essy to get Into cultivation. 17 aere In bearing orchard. B-room boose, 9 good barn aad eatkoesee, epting water. S beret. S cows, on chtckeaa, 90 ton hay, farm tool. 84 mile from a seed town la XamblU county, ill goeo aow tor 100 eeree An good tond: 40 eeree aew t K et.. knM, anod barns orchard, etc. 1 mile from railroad, eejr 4 mile from good eoeaty eeet towa. la Wlllatmrtt vsl- Price ealy $8.9oa . . j 90 scree AH good tod! 180 cres cultt- Tm .lxtn orchard, tesals w tvr 94 a from Eatacad rar Use; might taka a email farm aear Porttond part pay. na mm., in Wed: lit sere raltl, ested. 0 sere iVk bottom toad. B acre beaverdam, right at railroad atattoa; good balhtlaga Beer Woodbara, . . mIm j nee sera. - Oregoa; s Ba. a all ta rrsit: seed Y tare sailer. woooVtbed. soring aed water? a ale heme. Bear Yaaceavar, BivM Ii aite SB acre, all choice tond; IS acres In i. - o taaaa. neerlv Ba: bara nd uthalldlnra: cor - location; er Yt aMii..f . will tradex. MO ecrea. all choice tond; Mas tovra of svBttwrlll. ea Wlllamerte rtver; wui xraoe. 83 eeree ef toad, pert Improved: running " stream ef water; houee, bare, orchard: 9n mile from )r-oB City, .""d; .72!? lot. a vacant 'Inr In Portlaad: trtt 1.800 l esrs iarm-snr- -.i....s Oregea. HENKLB HARRISON, .917 AMagtoa bM SB-ACRR FARM fe 1 or win evekaaare fee Portland property, elioated 90 mltae up the Willamette river. 47 ecrea la cultivation, 14 acre la hope a en Balance ta earleee other crepe. Baa eeebard and Bne prkBsV , Fries $,. CaU st Mtk Krw s. TO EXCHAN0E. FOR AUt or etchange. lead for dty aeoa- I ' erty. ke E. 7tk at. Berth. NICE corner lot ea Improved avc, Bear carllne. to exchange for good nurigni piano, v. a. ear Journal. rirmnnB. - 80 acre. H fin land, nearly level, pert I cnitivateo; nooae, barn; near, Wash.; trade for a roumlnc-houa. UklNKLB 1IABRI80N, , ' 211 Ahlngtoa bkig. FOR EXCHANGE. Grocery etore In good location. In eltvt tflTOlce $2.BtiO; good leas ea building; T nicely furnished Urlag rooma above store; will invt ivjt iinn, . . HENKLB HARRlBOlf. ; S17 Ablngtoa Udg. ' KXTHANOH. - . . . ' - $90.800 On of the brat farm !a' the Wfl- lamette valley; fine honae; farm an la aned condition i fine horses, fine cows, fine bogs. fine eep, fin culckene; every tb lug ' th brat; hnot atna. a county scat towa; will . trad Into a sawmill plant, timber lead et B goea eoBineee. HENKLB HARRISON, ; SIT Ablogtoo bid. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BILLARD AND POOL table tor rent ar ror tie en eaay paymenta. TUB BRUN8WICK-BALKB COLLENDER CO. i 48 Third at-, Portland. WESTERN OREGON MININO A MILIJNO) CO. headquarter ; Block for ml and Informatloa I at bub tint sr.- rson maia iot. BOOKS booght, aold and earhtnged at th Old Book Store. 228 Yamhill at. ,.- FOB. SALE OR RENT NEW AND SECOND HAND 8EWINO MACHINKS, STANDARD ' SEWING MACHINE AGENCY, H. D. JONES, ! 2l .YAMHILL BT. - . W! need furniture aad will pay fall valne. Phone Pacific T98. , Weetern, Blvg' Co., . 827. Waahlngtoa BHOWCASRH AND FIXTURES mad erdert second-hand good for .sale. Csrlsoa Kail Strom, 288 Coach St. Pboee Clay B7L SHOWCASES, counter, flrrnre bought, aold or. exchanged. Weetern Salvage Co., 427 Wash. Ingtoa at. Paolfle T8S. ..."' HOLDEN'B RHEUMATTO CURB Sore ear for roeumauam. .. twia ey an arusBieia. i PIANO, Mathnanek square grand. ewood caae, cost $r0; price ja,UQX1 awyer, atuiaey oiog. WB print your name oa M calling eerda. proper else and style. Sfles V bo.toeee card a. 81. I A. W. Scfamal Co.. S2B Flrat. Portlaad. Or. I rOR - 8 ALB . OK XZCBANUB All kind of - boo aehoid goods. Kara A Friedman, S48 - groat st. PsdBc SB. ' FOR SALE Aa elerant ktrae etreolar a bow esse, at a extremely low figure, apply in Mr.' O. H. Lowltt, Coldea Eagle. Tblri d and YamhIU st. TO BUILD hooeee er enttsaea see G. B. Black, contractor ana - builder; Bar some- lair "woodlawa SOB. 1208 HENDERSON Crpeater1ng end Jobbfng promptly attended to.- ResldeBce BS8 Mil wauxi sr. ax bobo. .. one third of cost. Ws will clesr out the fur. oltBra bought -by. a bUbb - tha.. Lewla and Clark fair at your own price snd on your triers leir as jour own pricwe nuu -vn own term. Apply et ooce Time Auction Co., third Boor of Gsuld V Co., eoothesst corner First aad Burnt Id. Ask for Joha Oka. HORSB. about 1.180 sounds. B veera old. Bound. rru and genti, single or aoanie, ; io i heavy SK inch lnmher wagon, used abont S I month. $65. 800 Front at. . -r-r FOR. SALE Fine canoe. Call Bp Main &3. FOR SALB Registered Shorthorn cow and half era. H. IL Ackerman, Pullman, wash. nigton. a. r. v. no.- a. PERSONAL. MADAMS ANNA LCCKKT Principal ot the American Beauty Parlor. glrr sdentlfle treatment for - removing wrinkle and facial blemlshe with th French paste: . alao Mm. KarraWa fltoous remedies. Electric and vapor hatha give. Patlrnta received, with treatment. Board and room. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tetl- menial from leading phy!c1B. Suit 18 Langs ltl, Sixth end. Washington. t. PheL Main 2011. : . " . I " -- -. " Cli l. Iw ai-v aim pressea, ouc. uunert. mno SHI w uaausj (oval ivhiji DN. WORLEY BENJAMIN, th Foot Specialist. SSOt, Waahlngtoa at. Hoot. bv aore tees B a Bonna. . na Pimrll snedsllat dlasaaee of women : ell lrreaolaritiee eorreetsa: bo exposure; in free. Cell or writ. Room S. .oii J Third L ANY. mas or woman cbb b' stroaf "Bad Rjppy by slng Bexlne PITIs. the grest toolcl prte $1 a boa. B boxes $8, with fan geeraBtee Addrea er call J. A. ear. Seeoad and Yamh Rlaassnsoa. drnrglet. bin ta, Portland. Or. DBTECTTYB c A0ENCT Oendeeal IsveetV avaktBenmm i iiiiiin xSA a rla axaBb mgt w mcYlvyinatl s lyuei' Bee er property 1 mlaatng relative located; k.j aka iui -k.Mraai n aaaamhlnT nv resaoadMce solicited. Oregon Detect! v. I Bervlc. offlree 114-118 Columbia bldg I Washlsgtoa t- ' Phone Msla 818. . Bmn nai o . ,n., ... ,,1.1 sere for few Bars; csoioet sis,' earu w c v. i as: amaurv ana warn tse wee ' itevena, . BOS oeds)a(h bldg.. Fifth s YaaukllL- . LADIES' Turk tab bstha. ge. kydrletrle parlor; atrictly rat-c1aee place w wn eelr. Ftot A. 881 . Waahiagtoa st- Betwoea 18th aad 17th A MIDDLE-AGED mechanic, with s good o. strvctlr teen Derate, weald Ilka to meet s asiar day with: would marry U saltad. Addree G 47, car Journal. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. rewrtaf Nerve - - - -f- niaiit 89: 8 an. .a uh aied be stall. Agaata, Bfeedard. Clark i Oe, PortUnd. Or. DR. G. Y. KETCBUM ceires promptly .kta snd prte1 dltistts, kidney, rem i trenoiea CI1 aw writ. Office ITOVk Third st, cor. YtmkllL Pbon Parlfto 9228. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oregoolaa bMg.i day, gentlemen nlgkts. Mala 1888. DR. M. T. COLB, 848 Bt 8M et.; mstersity r BonssB mires law, j -FORBIDDEN FRCIT" "A yUTtirto, Ktorr f a Flare. l1aaay Hill." . "Agaa. Womn ef Fire,"- BOe each; Itota rrs. t W. Scbmsl On, 92S Ftrat st. BOIL'S HOSPITAL Repalrtag aad diatslna. 881 YantklB a. BALM OP FIGS for sB female dim bib Eeet Beimoet. fbeee msa BINO CHOOHO. Imperter ef QIBee roe sxdl. class; ll cniseee re isst "ww . for TI dleeeooa. . 181 Secead tot XeaahUi aad Taylor. DISEASES OF WOMEN Priest maternity hospital; nlet tocatio ana peeie rare At woo, ivmi. marrmsa st, raw w. Pacta 1788. YBS. Paha Tablets make yoa sleep aaifearlyi , they care Bttetn aad mak yoa etvoagi price 80 boa. beeee 89 80; 8mrated. . ., - - - ..- Bl. . . fwoBl Claw 47 Berth thh rnieai ea rsruafls. vwww SEXINB PI1.IB car nil form of rarvwe or - - aw men or wemta. I " . I ' st a box. bote $5. wltk full gnaraa--Tl! 1 t eo tdTe eTi 1 7 ff iTaerm-arnsii-i gat. Second l ead YamhIU St, Portland. Or. aa,, rv a, h , a. Oil that Wll CW ikMaatsm. Aak roar druggtot fat barb fcK ee 4droa er call t. O. Clemina,. drug. gist, Portland. Or. PBOP. tYNEIL. teecbee ef yrmtology. menl curing aad beaaty cnltnr; c1ntlnc treetmeot ef the esotptoxlea. hair, ecalp d ekls; fee bleacnbig: aianaal ad electric gteeai . . i ,.i.l nuaalaae ner oavt erithoot leaving ere re; all I work poerttvaly guaranteed; keet veferencw given. Parlor. HI Etoventh st, ceeael Alator -Teat MalB 8087. " i DR. WALKER. 9Bv9t4jj$8ajaR 4jk4 Wirll BB4aaaBa nam hBBk. & . rpeci.tyTidy 11 rirtrt - ttf. MISS English, graduate cblrepodxtt aad mss . setle keaWr; glvee eeleatlfle treettsewj for rkenmatlaaa ad set swasaeee. XM Wak " lagtoa at. Pbeaa Psclflc 11. ar nrrrart Tt? B BAPNI"! HT. Ba. H. Btahl eeree every thing. Pkinms ttoxa eveclalty. 81 Vk Elrat st- , Ylrl RATION relk-ve sanmaaaed monerrwetloa. feusal wtakaoee. psralysls. ooeraftea;- eoneultatlna free. Faaifl 817. ..Vlksal lasalarraav, 10 West Park at, . . .... PERSONAL. MOLES, wrmklea, mperriuoa. hair rmevi: "f Bie tell you bowl ue ebarse. Mra. M. 1. HU1 tulle 1, dclllBf Hirer bkig. Pacific IBS. BOI.DBN'8 RHEt'MATIO CURB r ear rbeumatltBt. Bold by .ill draegmta. ri i r- n iiiiibh i ii bbiib iiiaggaaaaaaBa ART EMPORIUM. PBOrCSBOR, R. MAX MEYER, 848 Alder. Portrait end landscape rtlt and teecbee. ATTORNEYS. A. H. TANNER, attorney, 008 Commercial hi . Seeoad and Waahlngtoa it. Phoae Mala BAB. ARCHITECTS. H. H. MBNQBfl, architect. 11 AUTOMOBILES. COVET COOK Motor Car Co.. fifteenth, and Waahlngtoa Agents far Cadillac. Pierce, '. (treat Arrow and Htwvena-Durve motor-eer; machine res tad. repaired and atored. Mat B4e. ASSAYERS. OARVIN CYAN1DB EXTRACTION CO.. aad Montana Aaaar Office. Wl Mornaort at. V , BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. S. BIRKENWALD CO., B04-808 Bverott at, Largeat butcbera1 supply hone oa too coney BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. miwt iiavih a KII.HAM. 100-111 Second at. flank book manufacturers: agenta for J one m proved Loo-Lf ledgers; see tha aew , Eureka leaf, th beat ea tup maran. BATHS MASSAGE. , S LA UI KB Bath, far and scalp . BM rifth. bet. Taylor aad Bslmoa. TWO yoBBg It dire give massage, tub and vapor bath. Fourth st.. ear.. Wssblngtea, rnt bnowden BATHBOOM8 B7H Alder at. oetweea 4tD a ea ota f uo na vapor wwa. maaaaga, electricity. rnoae hub own. Ltquno- lady give... mtmtg iraatments. . fne rhmtlam. Waft Blare at., pariora ai-ee. Taeoma hoes. rjiDY from the east five scientific Buu ytg tub bath, 901 Third t. . TOP NO tody It tipor. alttdml and aiedlcatad bathe. Parlor 97, 2U8 Stark t. MISS RAYMOND give hatha sad maaaar treatmenta. Th Cosmos, 9H8H Morrison st CLAIRVOYANTS ANt PALMIST. Alway Consult th Beat. Great Line aaffal dead-TYlBcai CTlTr1 rsi oeaa-i myant of tha axe; advlaer on boalne and elf affalra af Ufa: tall roar fall nam ami wbat yoa called for, whom yoa -wlH merryrt; how to control too one you tor, vwa uwuhh mile sway; reunite the asperated: glvee secret power to control; no .long delay! tn -Psrmanentlt 258 Fifth t.. corner Madison st. I . ,,. . . . , st ar n. A SPECIAtV $ f"1?? . fc. Vw iJ2l Ormonde. CJU" i hJj!LJT. ' Geo res Chang, mirrteg. ' divorce: tell name, Amtmm afata now to set well, be magnetic. physically and mentally vlgoroua. ovorcorae bad habits, give good lack, cure vital loss, vtl Influence, apella. deafneee, a been t treat ment, locatee miming friend, burled treunre, mtnes, or vm; tell yoa exactly what yon wish te know, .lioitu ronrta at Washington St. ... MRS. STEVENS, Porttoad's leading palmlat, aatrologer and dslrroyaat. 108 sevsntb t. epp., Hotel Portlaad. PROF. WALLACE, th great -palmtot,- tells , yon everything from' the palm; tecbes palmistry; about msrrtsg, lev, Bu si twee; complete resdlng 60c 1 secure t sad tru th en l ssu aixth. st.. aear Btark. : MADAMS ANNUYB. th wonderful chatrvoy- ant and franca medlnm; consult her neror n - gaging In any undertaking of any nstm-s; peat, praaent sad future given; palmietry reading. IS. 18T Wt Park t., near ' Morrlaoa u. " 111 1 ' . JOHN SLATER of San rrsndsee. boxdnes ..teat medlnm. Tb Aadltorlum. 208 Vk Third t. Hour 10 to a I Aawanae . ,TC ear lOStlltrja , iku(i,a1,k x Altu uutNttnnis, WHOLB8ALB crwkery aad ri a aware. Praet, Hegel Co.. 100 to 1QB Fifth, see. Btark . COLLECTION AGENCY. ran mt AMY ONB OKI YOU M0NEY7 WS Cttl.I.r.t rt A tr 1 ten -irr - o i-i - o r.,.n- - NORTH WFnTERie UW lliu.ll.-iiwn W; 129 GRAND AYB, ROOMS 14AND 18. , CITISENS1 BANK BLDG. CUT THIS OUT, PHONE NABT . COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Bvatnna a rilttu mngnss sad tea merehaata. 140 Freat et. Peritonei Ot. Pbeae. Msla 1TB. CHIROPRACTIC DRS. MARSH AND KYA HOOAN, Selling. Hlrack bldg, aulU 19 and 90. 8208, hoar 10 a. . te Bp. Msla CIGARS AND TOBACCO. M. A. OUNST 00 Dletrlbotor of . F7NB CIO ABB Parttoad, 0iaga. CAFES. whb OPTICS 98 Waahlngtoa at. 771. laaaal Vlgneosa. a - CHIROPODISTS. ewisnsnnv a an pantrTRING. Ml. M. D. Hill, Bait 1, Belliag-mrecai ami. . -COAlrANLVWOOD, OHUROTLRY BROS.. 438 KerT at.. Pkon Mala 831.. Now th largest weodTsrd la th cite, carrying all kind ef weed aad anal. Drp sawed wood a pctolty. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealer la tjstdwstd. oal aaa ar a a an err aowmm. a. e -" - hlaa are, 8 kle ok east ef ferry. Eaat 87a WESTBRN Feed Feel Co.. aa Front Wtaiea ohm, mb nml aeaisr oa aan. " huass coal aat Mela 114. avaM aaifWia WT-St. lylDMBM tn l aatdwttd sad dry aUbweod. Phone Beat 494. OB SOON FUEL CO. AD kind ef eel weed. 80S Alder a. Pkeae Mala 4a. I ROX ad ptoaer weed I imsndlaU delivery. r , tandsrd Wood Os. Pnan Ess gal, t t . mvm - OA. oae eeedl Wdj $8.78 .iwa witn a - leuai iwa wa- - - Jan 4. to ear kaodllng. at. Peons Eaat BIBB. CARPET CLEANIN0. STANDARD Carpet tmtM Oa. targwet stoat so tse eoe ex, ijirai sew b.'w . I ale ptoses; r ivstlag msttrassm sod .ether a specialty. . , - SANITARY eernet cleeelne. sect lew -sad m imi a eomntneo: eurpe wi.n-, -n wtthset urnavaL Msla Mala tata. RVHTIrt. arttBBJ m urpi - BBattfial CLEANING And dyeing. WHITB LILT TAILORING CO. flsenlng. ilnxt. rowan-tag; reeca ery eie.niuo. rn latuy. raciae tie. mm Pertlaad 8 teem Ctoaatog Dyetag tlcal katavr to ewaateetlea. Sll 4th. Pcl8 CI OTHM cleaned end I'alawe Tailoring Ca. 91 per month. $47 Waahtegton et. IB. W. TURNER, arofs! ye Be SMat 1. BPS Jaaeresa aa. Mats 8918. we.PShBR ; Vmonuments. FINANCIAL VITXO STATES RATION At, BA2TK OF F08TLAND, 0RXBOb ' Nortkweet Co. a i..kiw Biialataa the fTMe4 Ui.,u 1. . u T.. .-a Win rneiiMBI.,..,,,,,,,,,,.,,,!, 11. ILAIWIIRII V Vlce-Preldeat la ib l . r AaNga - Aaalataat CaBktar. at. W a I ttx T"c BABTaT OP nATrrnasrra last. eiwt ea time deposit. . Acanant opened for sums ef 410 ssd aaward, Parttoad Br"" Wkt, A, MACRA. . C-T JL.RTclAEtX.. .Maaager. BTlRST BTATTnwAr. V a ww aw an aew a urn i Imalgaatod Depository snd Financial Agent et the Talked B-a. Pi Ideo MILia Ltt.M A ... . . fl - ALrORst ."7 l'" woe rename in Burop aaa ma - - . - . Bight Exehang and Telegraphl Tranafer Bold ea New York. Bta. fleage. B. laBa, St. Paul. Omshs. Ssa IVaeeleoe and tha artaelDal aolnt ta th Northweet .. . Sight aad Mm bill draw ta an me ta a1t en Hongkong, Yskehama. Cepsahsgsa. ttu'etUele. I U)D TTLTOK, BANKERS fBstskllsksd fa TraeaaLnta a a.n.l K..l.u Am able r - Z. , ......u- - b.hmm m-A .11 t-wnto tw eh TTtttasd .. Jtotea. Slrkt Bxchang and Talevphl Transfer old en New York. Wuktncte. Chleere St. Loot. Deneer. Omaha. Ban ranctsce sad Montana aad Brltl.k Colombia. Bxekaa e n London. Paris. Berlin. Frnkfort. Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila snd Benolala M XRCHAbTTB- VATT0NAL BANK, PORTLAND, 0RYOOV. . , . 118 1. rRANtr virsnB n..-, n t. itnislM ... . t nui r.,,., , tssnior Traasaatn a a.l ti to All Parte of. th World. Collections a BpecUlty. - . B ARXZXr LUMBERMAN'S RANK Portland.- rage Corner second aad Commercial and aavlng fleDartment. " Inter- est paid on aavlng account. Draft and tot- tor or cretut amueo bvbiidw in an parts ox th-world. Open 8a turds y ventng from T to ' B for the aceomraodattoa of cnetomer. TRUST COMPANIES. n tiaiLaau itun wan a I v vaauwa ' ww. -' t ... , mw aaonnDCaa awwd a, LnAMM " ki.blM l.i.u. Mi sll IIS Of the WOC1. SAYINGS ACCOUNTS. Time eartlflcatc. $500 e vr, 8 to 4 per tent Call for hook til Oil lit Pbon km t rvmsBT raaldent B. LEB PAGET..., Secretary CE071 B07RTTY SAYTROB TRUST OOatYABYSOB I r a aaa era uenerai -ing auiawe Time and 8 visas its. Act as AvBUaBl IB All ADAMS........ MILLS.......... . rreelTest i.,i vIm.i. mismI GBO. F. RUSSELL.. .;...,.Atatat Cecvetary THE M0RTOA0B BVABABTKB St TRT8T COMPANY BARK. - -- - ' Genersl Banking and Trust ktualoeea TrBOSaoted. lateeeet Pjld a Tim Dspumia. CAPITAL .Lf'000'0 - . H..W. wtTmpkT,,..... ineisBS t i . S. LOGAN BAYS. Elk Temple. Beveatk ad Btark NORTBrWXSTT Lamber ORTRWtrilRR 6VARARTTX TRUST Exckange, B. B. corner - F18CALAGBNT FOB State, Coooty, Municipal I wpoiatloB Boad Btnta B lUaaijaru. mt tw ma BONDS AND ORRIS BB0S. 1SS aHreet. IVtrtlaB. trgea. 1 Offer Oflt-Bdg 1st tmeats ta- afnalctpsl 8 1TLB TTARANTIE Bt TRUST t6UlVfUrnmr ' f" ' I MORTOAGB LOANS a Portland Real Batata at Lowest Rata. Title - B. atraet Fnrnlahed. DOWRIRO-HOlTCniS 00MT ART Eatasllahed HPS-BROKERS-. aFmntra anitna OBAIN Bousht aad Sold tor Caah aad ea Margie. n . . ma a si --1... tr UTCrDCCKeUUT acVWilC w - . Oo-tlmamaMU -rH.t "--rnexcelled factlltlec'toThandUng Tonop.h. OoldPeld. Manhsttsn nd other Meted mining Blocks. LOUISA :WEE'-3! MUNICIPAL SCHOOL AND ' TORAI10II IBONBS: c .5" Hlgbeet Return to Investor PORTLAND di NORTHWESTS RN BOMB CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN FWlYIHUTjeateea Hnert i Bd eerrleg work. S Bth St. phoae Pcls 8108. DRESSMAKING. BUTTS $8 ahlrtwlet-80 eaato-sad as. 908 Market . DANfclNO. BALL BOOM aad fancy, ererect ; "method. Pr. feesor Rlngler. sea demy 800 Alder t. FURNITURE FACTORIES. 1 OREGON . rarsltare easaracturlBg temper- j MsoitarsrceaLJw FURNITURB maaaractarlng ad special orders. L. Bsveaahr' faraltar fsctory. 87 Freed af. ELECTRICAL SUPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTB10 TJO. Bagli iglnMt. ,ntr oa, applioa. 84 R. H. Tate, mgv tors, repairers, alectrle win FVet. sor. Btarx. main eu-. FURNACES. BOTNTON wrm-tr ferneces aave feet. 1. a. sweaaee Da- 9B Seeoad. - Mala - FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND W1RR IRON WORK r eraser x.i eaav GROCERS. WADHAMB CO.. . factarer ssd eemmlanwa aad Oak at. ata. FaartB ALLEN LEWIS, rommtmvsa aad jwedaee nesa rtasts. Freat ssd Perls eta.. Porttoed. Or. GASOLINE ENGINES. etstteoery and amrlaei wtjetlo Baeetal gaeollne - lanace. sieoi aassUMI toaache nd klt. - - Tzbeiebbon MACHINBBY CO, Kx-4-d Morriooa St.--- HAY AND GRAIN. L L. COOPER CO. Pots toes, feed, sad floor. 128 Lloa eve. Phone Beet bit. HOTELS. HOTEL Porthua, AaearVraa ptaa; $8.88 pat d, BELVBDSRBl Ewupisa ptoal 4th ad Alder I THE BROWN Grand d Htwtborn svea HARDWARE. HAT FACTORIES. HATS rleened. blocked, tlkj nvrne' JWe; erpert Panama bVeacber. 44 Thhr. aeer Mne. ' Brancn. M rrrai. r-ec" ISA 40 1. WHITB. fire tAB. Met. WOOD, emphneta' Naktnty sad la gleldwal IBlniBt eureiT " ST. sna mcaay snw LOCKSMITH. 1. H. BICHARDBON. rackawiltt Sad 97 Ids. - Peclse toss. MUSICAL. EMIL THIEI.HORN. pupil et S8TC1K. vt"iv . leer bet. Stud I IPS Sltlh. Tsl. Male LRaiONS oner piano, gnltar. BaVv Slinnoim. vioMa tnstrnments f" , BaU. Mrs. Martla, J! ,r. " ' n m f .C""TIC HEALIN0. a of both mew and women -u free. Vain 41 is. J. w. i . a art, WB k t aa 88 Dekaa I BANKS. Tntr ana a Bta. DHAPT rtWDBD AveTlewte AB w"e Ma. Oellaetlaaa BUI ea Pae-le V .W. R. A' wwriwiiww. . 4:aahiar - ar a aeBieiaaa ..eeaiiee.... . A' w. a. BTaad xVfBea. Ban Fttatniit, Wl fJB BkwaB- BB.Tid I ' ABVAnV. .t:..w. Rjtri CBBBlsr.... ....... ,;v.......w. - - ...1 Becoa ursnn t aaatwxa. ."a, . . . . London. Part. Bertla. Vanke-e--ne-siaie. Stockkelm. St. Peter sbnrg. Mmitw. BntisB, 1848.) . " ' ' ' " I WHM wast st M eotst SB , vxiibu w. i a., twee. . ittawa of Credit lseeed Araltobh) Btark Hlreet. . D. C. Plton . . . ....... ... . . 11 eeiuenj v , Pred R. Robchlld.......P1rt Ylce-Preeldent ; John A. Keating... Bscead VIC rieaioeet . . . r.. v, mr r. .. ' - ST' , ' H. D. 8tory. ........... , . Asshrtaat I aehler Piatt ek PUtt .....nrl Cownaol . 8 to 4 per eeet; ahort-call eoeelal "Li3 of "ILLUSTRATION N Soatbeaat earaar Third ,Privto Exchange tt,.;.-wJ-t H. IV P1TTOCK.. .............. ' mma! ..,. t lOB IW,ll,"". ..Asslatsnt Beetatary - t. o. qoltra MB Jtorrle Btreet. Wlad. Orseta. SAYINGS DEPARTMENT. Inteceet A nates for Estate. Draft e d Lettsr ot w.,i.w f -. a rM Truelee toe Bataiea. tersiis - a j rarm ex tne rr-n-iua. ,a nw Bii .l u. a. iteis., ......... ie " I. b a. ivnnt. ie.......r ,7"u,;'ir '" " A -latent BeereUry Btrem. Phone Main 184. COMPANY Porllsnd. 0 rag an. Second aad Btark Street isseond floor . - CORPORATIONS. bought MoM. Hew talmprtoa mi teseeww m INVESTMENTS. and BtTlrosd Bond. Wrtto r tfc Mem wM - BtrK8T - - is7r - Booms S. 4 and $ L Fsyetto bldg eaa. BUtt ' sad Waa. St, Porttaad. Oregoa. DIYTDBND BANK AND ' CORPORATION JSIOGIS - Cetatlstnt With .Absohat Safety. -: - . TSLEPHONB'b TBLBOSUPa 8BCPBTT1BB MACHINERY. THE B. a ALBBB CO. Btread-ksa Bwchiaary. , aawmllls, t. 948 Grand at. B1PPELY 4V MYERS, machinist and ale. trlclaae; alectrle alevatora, lsctncsi Bssenin err ad gasoline engtnee n ptr1alty. 94 Oak t. Phone Mala 19. MONEY TO LOAN. - Tiiini-L i-l -i -i.inj-k.-i..) -i ir -g i - ' M0NBY TO LOAN On Improved .city property or (or bwlldlng pmpu , for from 8 to 10 yean Masot with privilege to repay all er part ef toa aftsr two yew. Loss approved from plana aad money advanced aa bolldlng progress; BMrlgsge taken Bp snd replaced. FRED B. STRONG. FlBaaclal AHnx . - 948 Btark at. - the stab Loan co. IY KTarted employe. nl. m wt.h.ra MMtai-a-. Month. Vk Month. Week. $no 80 Repay to a 818.88 er $0 80 er $8 f $28.00 Repey to Ba 888 or $3.88 er Sl.OS $18.00 Bepey to ua $ 4.00 a $3-00 a $1.0 810 McKay bldg. CONFIDENTIAL to as en eatorle. In noltctaa. nlaao. rarnitor. warei eetpta, ete.; ear dssarvlng ptrtta saay seruie a unwai avnan , rp.ii we or monthly Install men ta .-.. w-r NEW BRA LOAlt Tbiht war-en 90S Abtogtoa bldg. MONEY ADVANCED BALABIBD PEOPLE And ether poa IBeir ew semes w.w-. tecurtty: chespeet rate, eealsst payment: race in o m-ianpoi oie.i BHiBy by getting ear term Brat. . . TOLMAN, 928 Ailing ton bMg, IQBVt Third St. BBADOUABTBB8 FOB BALARI LOANS Moaeycaa Beterrecjeeeaarpnr . -aata-a laaa CRESCRNT LOAN CO.. 428 Mohawk bldg., sor. Third aad MONEY to lot ea reel, neraenel nd.ltotal aeewrtty; special attantlon to chattel eft. fagea; note boegbt. C. W. rsusi. eatoa bldg.. 84 Sixth at. - .. BIOHLY JULY respectebl pise where todi BBd -st raa borrow me nay a 4UmoedBsd rwslrv. Collateral Loa Baafe. 888 Wta- ... .. . irwelry. Collateral Loaa Baafe. lagtoa et. rbeea tan ii. MONEY to loss oe dirtiest eeusry .mean. E. F. aad F. a. aiiey, mm fcmsm oe - lAevet - - -- fii,.ll-ais eaa-UjB-Bana ra uaa , eew aewera e-j. . MONEY TO LOAN ea H kind ef seearlty. WlUlsm HOU. room S, n-miatwe mm- TO LOAN Same to suit ea canttot stsailty. R. A. nam. Bi ta jtareeaau - WILL toe $8,000 sr lee sa ran I estate etmiiy at pee seat, rstnsgioa. bib WANTED Netee. mortgagea er ses Usees ea sny klad ef reel est ate nt ovepow ew I netee ; or rot I mortge Jrs'ckesad If well B. Noble. SIS Ciamarilel blk. MONEY TO LOAN AT B FEB CENT Ftre d ree natty tsaaraeee. Ilearr t rw"".'. . Chamber ef Cemmore. Kea Msht 1828. PBITATB mewey t Vied neap r'ssosawe rales, . bo aaes-n. e a.-- -ftcney to Lean From private funds tm peeved prepsrty. . L. WELLS CO.. . J-eriBdvs. NEU RINel-RY. 94 First sr.. Pertlsss Wading marble Bed greslle works. OSTEOPATHS, DR, ADI' d) NORTNRrr. is-l-ir " bldg. Third ee aessingtss ava, Mala 88. Bxmlnatla free. ,H rare best lade e.oT-r to tewa. Pe. u 'a. Johaaoa, eelre 1. Beilng Brc Ho. DR. PIBRCR, wtooefh, light. SIVk Tkiraf t. erorattoa ted ceo a PBee Pel B-7. PRINTir.'G. YDS MODBPN PP' Vt P. a. I -,-huh ayrttait A t i -