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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1906)
ADVERTISERS GOOD EVENING : . THg WEATHER. " ' . Shower this afternoon, tonight and Wednesday; southerly winds. ? - VOL. V. NO. 78. ' i-.t,.; i ' .... : , ...".. . vrx'' iritis 5 CHAMBER : ' BY MAJ .'' . t ' " , I X -:y . " ri: v, y . v. " , ' ' I ' '' . , I .. fcv. . I : 1 'ii i -tii ,in.i ! i, ''"... -w.-iv ii.iijj W"i I '-Governor Chamberlain. .. SCHOONER VOLUNTEER LOST ? ' . Craft Lies on; Rock Off Bodega Bay . Breaking to Pieces Two of Captain's1 Children i Drowned Crew May Not Be Saved ' . r." ' " - r - . - (Joornal BpMlal 8rl. .' fan Franclaco. June 6. Caught in the 1 terrific 'quelle that have been aeeeplng r-the coast the past few days, the'schoon , er . Volunteer, bound north. Ilea on a ruck off Bodega bar pounding to piece 1 n e heavy ewell. Two of the captain's t rhildren, were .ewept overboard .by a huge comber that boarded the vesnel j end the condition 'of the sea made lm )oii8ible any attempt1 to seve them. They .were carried away In the grasp of a seething- breaker In plain eight of some of the crew, who endeavored ' to escort them to a place of safety. The scene of the stranding is a few TRIAL OF EMMA LEDOUX - BEGINS AT ST Womin Accused ' of ; Murdering Albert N. McVicar Object ; ? of Intense interest. ' ' tJoeraal Special Kervlee.) f Ptovkton. CmI., June 5.--The trial of 'Kmma ldou'x for the murder of Albert N. McVicar In this rlty on the morning of Muroh 2 Jaatt was begun' this morn "fng. The 'courtroom . corridors are crowded with spectators, women pre dominating. -More 'Interest Is-shown In the ease MrVloknr and Mrs. Idoux. came to the CifllferiitH liiMipe ii fwlfo on March 23. RING OF TRICKSTERS MAKE GAMING TOOLS FOR ARMY AND NAVY wo, .. Uosnal Special BrTle.) ' . . 1. Chicago, June B. Dlclosures of con ditions which so serlouFly threatened the dl"c'1plln of the United States tony and navy that the aAjretarles of the two departments, and oven President Roosevelt himself, were celled upon to aid In their suppression, wr made In the, Harrison street police oourt, when 4 defers snd mantirsrtorera of alleged i-rooked " gambling -dovlora were ' ar arralgned. It I fhaigd that coterie of ClilregV men havi1 hcn rngagntl In making ' and selling these devices and REPORT THE D2ST RESULTS : , -i :'iiw.,4-'--' 1 f. r k '- t - - t . - - - miles to the north of the entrance to the Golden Gate and . a short distance south of stormy Point Reyes. The post tlon Is' a dangerous one, and It Is be. ileved that the Volunteer will prove a total loss. - Assistance haa been sent from here, but It ia feared that the wreck may break to pieces before the crew can be taken, off. The Volunteer is a. welt-known coast er. having plied out . efhia. port for many years. . She wa.a built at Hoqulam, Washington, in- 1887, and Is owned by A. M. ttlmpson, this being her home port, ' Bhe register S43 tons net, and her dimensions' are: " length, US feet; beam, IM feet; depth of hold. 1Z feet. BEQUEATHS BIG SUM TO CITY OF- DETROIT (Joaraal Rpectat SerTlee.) " -Detroit, Juno, i. The will of Jamea B. Sciipp,1 which has been filed, pro vides for holding the bulk of the es tate la trust.' The homestead is left to the widow.- ' Employes were remem bered by gifts. $60,000 waa bequeathed to the city, ' ;' CORONATION GIFT FOR -NORWAY'S NEW QUEEN '. fJoanwl SpeeUI Servlct.) London, June B. On the Initiative of Lord Mayor Vauglian Morgan a "public subsriiption has beew opened for .a na tional coronation gift to the queen of Norway, " who was Princess - Maud, ugiitec ofKlng, F.dward Thexorona tlon or . King llaflkort and - the : queen takes place 'ae Trondhjem two pfeeka hence. had formed a "(rust" and had for years robbed, swindled snd corrupted the srmy and navy enlisted men-through loaded dire.' holdouts, magnetised" rouletts Wheels and other, crooked gambling ap paratus. - .Besides, the 'corruption ofhe array, these companies are said to have aimed a blow at the' foundation of the nation by offering through mall orders. a plan for cents of loaded dice to be sold to schoolboys provided they sent the ums of thoee likely . tobe- gamb.kere among their playmates. ;.. - 1 , PORTLAND, ; OREGON, TUESD AX. ' EVENING, JUNE ; 5, LAIN I ORI Jonathan Bourne Chosen United States Senator U)hgTem FredW. for Sft off Term-Withycombe Runs Behind Word Leads mC6 LAmendm ents Losi Republican Legs ' lativCandidaV MULTNOMAH COUNTY . .. . INCOMPLETE.' r . . ; -United States Senator -c'Boume 6,680, Geaxin , 5,717; J. majority zltot Bourn 963. '. ' . : .'-!.. Oovernor Chamberlain , 6,832, Whhycombe 6S3 miiioritjri for Chamberlain 479. ; " " ' ' ' ' - Sheriff Stevena 700, Word 7,332; majority for Word 132. - ' ' ' Local Option Amendment Yes S,952rno S,182riTnJrityr'ragBinat 1,210. r-- .... Woman's Suffrage Yes 3354, no 6,499; majority against 3,145. r.' u . ; ' .Governor George, E.'-, Chamberlain hat been reelected- by a majority in excess of 2.000: Of the 33 counties in thttatelh?hascarried 22,' and his pluralities over James Withycombe range from 600 in Multnomah, and 500 in Baker to. 10 in .Morrow county. Everywhere the governor was given Republican support, and no other can didate on the-Democratic ticket came anywhctejsearis jotal of votes.'He carried such counties aTTJIatsop alld DouglaaandPolk-whiduhaibeen conceded to Withycombe. - A careful estimate-of pluralities based, on re turns from all parts of the state gives him a lead of 2,210. ,Ili election is certain as later returns will increase rather than diminish this lead. - The race for sheriff is xne of the closest political contests that Mult-nomah-conntyiiaa. knownlittyears, Tom Word took the lead about 10 o'clock this morning, and is still hold ing it. The margin' is narrow, but he is almost sure to retain his advantage, as .he gains slowly as the late 're turns come in. Stevens proved the stronger on me wen side, parucuiar ly in the north end, but this has been offset by Word's majorities , in the east side and country precincts.- With only a few thousand votes to tabulate all indications point to the election of Word, although his majority' may not be more than ISO. The woman's suffrage amendment has been defeated. , Most of the out side counties have gone against it atfhedverse-niaforify-in Multno mah county i 3,l4Son a tabulation of a little more than two thirds of the total vote, ... ' ; . . Another proposed measure that has gone down to defeat is the, amend ment by which the liquor ' dealers sought to put .a jug handle on the local option law. Multnomah gave a majority of 1,210 against in a count of 12,000 votes, which indicates a pre ponderance of about 1,600 negatives whenalt-the return are in. This amendment fared 'little better in the rest of the state and ' is no doubt beaten by a large majority, , United States . Senator Gearln has made a splendid showing, getting many thnuaanda or..RepubUcanjrotetbut..thj popular Indorsement .has gone -to Jonathan-" Bourne.- The- RepuM lean have elected both their congressional candi dates, Kills by at large majority in the second district, and Hawley by a greatly reduced party ore tn thr flret- Gallo way, the opponent of Hawley, carried Tamhtll county by a nice majority, but Clackamas and other counties on which he relied failed him. The entire Republican state ticket with the exception of Withycombe hss I been elected by a large majority. In aome precincts Benson, me ttepuDiican Kcandldate for . secretary of state, got ljtwo votaa to Wlthycombe's one. The else of Jonathan Bournes vote was one of the surprises of the election. He was cut extensively by Republicans, but the defection was not 'nearly so strong as was" Mpected. Bourne pre dicted yesterday afternoon that the at tack on him because of hie former free silver views would gain him the votee of at least 10 per cent of the Demo crats. It Is not known that this hap pened, hut (he fact remains that Bourne has a good majority over Oearln nnt only Is U stale, but lu. Multnomah ' V , : ' ' ' , '. . THE LEAST OUTLAY FOR 5 ELECTED. . i . . , . . . ,,yr . . v." .;. : : . -, ; , Governor (Tote by rinralltles) -:-, - Chamber Wlthy- -- ' . lain. combe. Bnker, ....'600 Benton .... . v . Clatson ...... 7 . ... " aoo rrrT!nff..' - Columbia ." " .:. I . ; . . . . . Coos . .-j". ... ' . : Curry .'.. 50; Crook c ".-. i . .v.-.-rrfi'iT'-16() Doaglaa i i i ifiii i 100 200 200 OIUtAra Grant V. -60 Jio -' s e e " ' " 250 100 160 Harney . Jackson. .... . Josephine V -. ; Klamath - . Lake . , .... 60 ,.,"."150 ; . . loo -..... soo .11 ne i Linn . . ...... Lincoln'.' Malheur .. 80- Marton 100 - Morrow. . . . . til. 1 0 Multnomah . . 8 oo. . - Polk . ......... 100 Sherman. ....,,..., .'. Tillamook . umatiiia v '. 100 ' Union. 100 . Wallowa . .,..100 VVaaco .' . 1 ........... . 100 Washington .v. ... . ... ' Wheeler v. yriVrr.-; rr. - 4 ISO , B0 ... ' ... mo 100 Yamhill . :oo TtalSrxTOrmCTrm,,0 ' Chamberlain's plurality, 3,210. - Willis C. Hawley.. eenntr, where Gearln haa. a. iost ..of friends. Ail Republican candidates In the county except Stevens are elected by big ma jorities. The Republican legislative ticket has won by a vote averaging three to ope. Isaae Swett and William Horan ran away ahead of their col leagues on the Democratic ticket, but neither came within gunshot of election. Chamberlain Sweep State. "George K. Chamberlain has been re elected governor of Oregon by a plu rality of from 2,000 -to B.000."-"said Chairman Sweek of -the; Democratic state committee at 10:10 o'clock this morning. - Reports from - all counties received bo far have exceeded our esti mates, i "Some counties which we had conceded to Withycombe have gjme for Cham be r- '-'-I --! 'T ",t-"' "' elfhef rf- duced the, Republlonn majority or car ried the county by a heavier vote than we expected. It has been a day ofsur prlaes to us. and all the surprises were of the plessant kind."" Returns ret'stved-by-Chalrman Sweek after he had snatched a few hours' Bleep between S and S o'clock this morning showed thst Clatsop county, the home of Senator Fulton, had gone for Cham berlain by 160. "The county gave Fur. nlah a majority of 21 four years ago and was conceded to the Republicans this year. Withycombe claimed It by 1,000. - t-'A report, from Ontario stated that Mal'iieur was going for Chamberlain. . Withycombe " carried Washington county, where he hn a fine farm, by 100. The county had been conceded to him by 40d . . Chamberlain is 250 ahea In Lane. This county was conceded to Withy combe by 300. , t-, (" " j ; wtthyeosibe Oaxriea Bentoa. Withyennibe cewi Henton by, 250. tli vote by wM'h' the Omucrata had conceded the eountjr to hi tiini. mi ' :l I t. .,. . i'i l ' . i y.J .1906. FOURTEEN PAGES. The snooeesfnl eaadMatea em' State tiekett ' . Z - Valted - States Senator ' Je than Bourne Jr., ep.. .,....-' i. United states Senator (to fill vao aey) r." w. Mnlkey, Sep. Oovernor - Qeorge X. OhambarlaXn, Sen. - Supreme Jndge Bobart Xakin, Bep. SscretaxyoiState-rrriailtWJBesoa, Bep. ...State . Treasnrer-r-tjeorge A." Steel, ep.- f-,...... , Superintendent of PxtbUe Znstmotloa. J. X. ekecmaa, Bep. - Attoraey-Oeseral aV. BC. Crawford, Bep. . :-. ' ... V- J;: State Frintex WHlls Donlway, Bep. ' - Commissioner of xabo O. a. Xoff, ep., ... V . Congressman, Tlrst District W. O. Xawley, Kep. . - Oongreseman,- Seeond Diatrlet W. BV Bills. . - '. Reports from Baker stated that Cham' bnrlaln carried the county by about (00 or 700. His majority in the county four years ago was ill.' Linn has gone for Chamberlain - by more than 400. Chairman Sweek esti mated the governor's .plurality in that county at 400,, .... ; J Tamhlll'is for Chamberlain by 260, and- Douglas 'county ' is Tunning strong for the governor. : . Grant has- given Chamberlain a plu rality of 160. ."c- " . ChaaberkUa Oarriea Mhurtetv ' Advices from Marion are that . the county will give Chamberlain from 100 to 600. It waa expected that Withy combe would carry this eounty. Chamberlain's "Plurality In Union will be from (00 to TOO. The estimate was 100. He-carried-the cnuaty four- years ago by 700. F. A, Seufert telegraphed from The Dalles that Waaco has gone for Cham berlain by 260 at least. Both the Hood River precincts, the strongest Repub lican and Prohibition precincts in . the county, went for the governor. - were received from Umatilla. Multnomah, Chairman Sweek says, will give Chamberlain from 000 to 1,000 plurality. An even break was expected here, and it waa upon the even division of the vote of this county that the ante election estimate of a plurality of from 2,000 to 4.800 for Chamberlain waa made. Among the Democratic eandldatea Who met defc-at was James Harvey Gra ham, but he haa come out of the earn, PlgarwKh a host of warm friends and admirers?- Graham was' an enthusiastic supporter 1 of Governor Chamberlain, and subordinated his own fight to that of the chief executive. Some evidence of Graham's work can be seen in the returns from Baker county, his home, which gave Chamberlain 600 majority, EMPEROR WILLIAM ON VISIT TO VIENNA - (Journal Bpoll flervtr. .. Vienna, June 6. Emperor William, ac companied, by a numerous suite, .arrived today on a visit to Emperor Francis Joseph. - There was no ceremonious entry Into' Vienna, the German emperor leaving his train -outside the capital and pro ceeding at once to Schoenbrenn castle, where he breakfasted with the Austrian Imperial family. The belief that the meeting of the two ruler possesses po litical meaning Is heightened by the amiuuuuiiiKnr thstithe 'si wilt last km two days and by the. further fact that several- high officials of the German for eign office are Included In the! kaiser's suite.., . i t RAILROAD OFFICIAL : - ADMITS MINE INTERESTS (.Tonrnal Special Berries.) New York. June 6. Vice-President Rosaltcr of the New Tork Central rail road admitted that the company owned stock and bonds in the soft eoaj mines, before the Interstate ewmmerce.Jiearlng this morning.,' . : . , DEMANDS EXCLUSION OF MINISTERS FROM DOUMA - i -.. -i ' (Journal Special Serrtxej St. Petersburg, June 6. Deputy On tp kns hss demanded that the rtounia pass 4 .resolution prnhlh'tlim;-the minuter (rom appearing In the assembly ball, '. i ' . ' -; ' AD SPACE IN Yesterday Was ; ToirT TitrA 'ft . i.' iT. i'Vf'v .4 H ::... i' 7 ' - J 4 - T - t -Jonathan Chamberlain Carries rcraris-Elected SatorrWomariSuP r frage and Local Option Lose (Special Dispatch te The JoaraaL) . Oregon , City, June ' 6. Complete re. turns from 24 out of 2 precincts give Chamberlain LBlIr-Wlthycombav-LSU. Bourne 1,424, Gearln 1,248, Galloway 1.111, Hawley i,41S, Benson 1.680. Sroat 761, Steel 1.(41. MaUock (OS," Sakln 1,441, Halley: 770, Crawford -1.443,-Miller 188, Donlway 1,641, Taylor (94 . Bailey for Joint senator has 1,6 and Flegel 772. Campbell for Joint represen tative has 1.612 and Nelson haa 744 State Senator George C. Brownell Is beaten by prohably-BOO-vetea by Joseph' E. Hedges, Democrat. , Brownell has 1,214 and Hedgea 1.834. ' f The vote-on-short ft, la very close. with Indications pointing to the.election of Maddock, Republican, over' Beetle, SLOW RETURNS BUT ALLF0R CHAMBERLAIN . (gperUl Dispatch to The Journal.) . Heppner, Or., June 5. The four pre cincts of thla city show the following vote: Chamberlain 232, Withycombe 191, Bourne 228, Gearln US; woman suffrage, for 106, against 121 ; prohibition, for 145. against 223. Outside precincts very slowly coming ln. . CHAMBERLAIN POPULAR .AT KLAMATH FALLS (pedal Diapateh to Tits Journal.) Klamath Falls. Or.; June 6. Complete returns from four and partial from one precinct give Mulkey 1(1; Bourne, 94; Gearln. 121; Chamberlain, 134; Withy combe, 99. , CHAMBERLAIN CARRIES THE CITY OF EUGENE (Special Dtopatrh to The JovrasL) Eugene, Or., June 6. Fifteen pre cincts, two. of Eugene not completed, give Chamberlain 840. Withycombe 139, Gearln 729. Bourne 774, . BIG VOTE RECORDED FOR THE DEMOCRATS (Special Dlapatrh to Tie Journal.) ' Baker City, Or., June 5. Returns from 12 precincts, and partial returns from 12 others: Chamberlain 908, Withycombe 192, Gearln 73, Bourne. 677. GIANT STRUGGLES TO AVOID A SEA TRIP BUT TARS OVERPOWER HIM (Jnorasl Special Service. ) . London, June 6. The Russian giant, Machnow. feet 2 Inches tall, who was engaged for exhibition purposes) in New York, after a long showing here, balkcl t the laet moment, owing te an uncon querable aversion to the ses. He had taken a train to 1ircr to emtmrk nn the a tea in er Pretoria, tint on arriving .rtiere rfusd t' leave the rnllwuv Ills wife added bentars and entreaties ' THE JOU Journal Circulation 25.310 rvMTC Oirilliliiniiim f s " ii'',''?;j'-iivi.;;- Bourne, Clackamas and a Demo- Democrat. Maddock . leads by about votes. ' i . - Latourette Is probably elected clerk over Greenman, Republican, by 60 vtev Equal suffrage Is lost in Claxamae I eounty by atout- ISO-votes. With 10 yre--- clncts to hear from the wte is:- For equal suffrage 739. against 25. The looal option amendment haa been . defeated here by probably 400 votea . Tha vote for 'the. amendment ' la .611 and agalnat 863. The $1,060,000 appropria tion bill la, defeated by about 60 votes, with (27 votes for the bill. and(l. against It ia probable that the effort to es tablish a county high school wilt be successful, though the jrote la in doubt, Twenty precincts give the proposition . (17. with -687 votes against It. , , BOURNE LEADS GEARIN ' BYQNE.AT MONMOUTH 1 (Special Daipatea to The InruU . Monmouth. Or., Juno , 6. Monmouth, precincts give the following returns: Chamberlain, 93; . Withycombe, 109: Bourne. 86; Gearln. 14; Psgetl 11; Simole, I; Gould, 87; .Mulkey,' 122: Stephens, 22. ', ,. . WITHYCOMBE LEADS IN LANE COUNTY VOTE (Special tispatpk ts TSe JoaraaL Eugene, Or., June 6. Sixteen out of 60 precincts give Chamberlain 983. Withycombe 1.90. Gearln 878. Bonrna. 897.' These figures do not Include one ' of Eugene's precincts, which Is not yet completed. .. , ' ... . , CHAMBERUIN LEADS ' BY FIFTY IN GERVAIS (fiDeelal TMspstrk te The Joeraalr " Gervals, Or.. June I. The official vote In this precinct was as follows; Chamberlain r 106. Withycombe 14, Bourne 60, Gearln 91, equal Suffrage yes 48, no 98, local option yea 98, n 41. , HALF COUNT SHOWS : i WITHYCOMBE AHEAD ' (Special Dlaiatca to The Jenrnal.) - Albany, Or., June 6. Seven .out ef fourteen preelncra htLlneoln - unty . give the following pluralities:- Withy combe 133. Bourne 98, Hawley 182. - - to the persuitslina ef . the-agent, the giant waa Immovable. Hn of the liner ('i.t.uin'i fv ashore to remove I-htiow car, ( lle-realsfed snl put f Icice struggle. I ' rgii4 nut sn( s! " ' I mri. elie carried a mi'l I lm t a ' t 1 now. ru rou'i i. i