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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1906)
.. -Th Oren chatter f the Daughters , of the Confederacy observed Texas day'Vat their f ocular meetlnc laat FrU day evening at' Rlnglrra hall. ' Texas ' women acted as' hostesses and the pro gram consisted of speeches, readings and muslo by Texaa men and women. ' Tom Richardson of the Portland Com ' merelal club paid tribute to. Texaa and . Texas people . In - a ' short - speech. He . was followed by Mrs. George 8tovall,-f who read a paper extolling the charms of her native slate. Mia ..Elisabeth. """ Craig read a historical sketch of . the - siege of the Alamo and Mrsj Day a pa per on the life of John H. Reagan. Mrs. William J. Thornhtll gaTe a a4 . lng and Miss Mamie Duff sang The , Bonnie Blue Flag-.' Captain Burkbart ,, read a paper on the life of General Al bert Sidney . Johnston. " Musical enter' . talnment was given, by Beatrice -Wilson, Mr. McHolland and others. The V reception committee consisted of Mes f. dames Craig,' Duff, Ansley; BtovaJl. . Tbornhlll and the Misses Hortense and Hilda Craig, Duff, Ansley and Booser. t Lraf-delayed Improvements to Fort .... land Height are now being made. Con tractors have a large force of men at , work tearing out all . the old wooden sidewalks and these are to be replaced With walks of concrete.. ' In 'addition ' te the Improvements to the walks, H Streets are being graded and a number .4pf them. will be macadamised. The ' "greatest Improvement will be to Six teenth street and the much-talked -a bout terrace walk and drive will be made. This walk will be one of the greatest .; . scenio walks In. the country. Btartlng from ' Fourteenth and Hall streets It ' will skirt along the edge of the city, ' giving pedeatrtana an unobstructed view of the city and mountains. .' - $1.69 excursion today on the Columbia - river through the Cascade mountains to the 14.000,000 Cascade Locks, requiring f $ yesrs to build. : The steamer Charles . R, Spencer,, that most delightful water craft, conceded. the fastest of the river at earners; will "depart "from "tBe"T)aR " street dock at t a. m., making the ( mile run up the river in a couple of hours," returning to Portland at p.m. All the wonderful waterfalls (Multno mah, 100 feet), canyons and towering mountains, together ,wlth . the "noted . Castle - Rock, are seen on this scenic "rtdet"he weildi" The-htah- wataa.of the present adds additional interest to .; the excursion. Meala served on board, or passengers nay carry lunches. . Perfectly .'made. - , There's fashion, ., " comfort and style In the suits We make. .They have Individuality and beauty and make lho owner glad to wear them. We - make-any-patteran 3ur store -to your order, for only $J5--no more. no less and - we aee - that - they have the best appearance good work can give . jthera. " We are ever ready to show our goods and the workmanship, and deem . ' it a favor to be called upon to do so. If you hare been paying $36 and $10 for your suits, don't do it. Give us a trial order and see what we will do for $15. "Unique Tailoring company, 109 Stark street,, between Fifth and Sixth. .. Special "bargains on men's and youths' outing suits; regular- $12 and tit grades for 33. $7.60 and $. Outing pants. $1. $1.10 and $S; worth double the price. Oolf and negligee shirts -lie.-tl-and - $1.60. Just .one-half - what- high-rent stores charge. " A general line of shoes of all styles, from toe to $1 saved on , every pair compared with other store prices. It is to your interest to Inveetl- . gate ...our special bargain, sale. ' John Dellar,,rr.t1 .n n ' North Third street. . V Oliver W. Stewart nf " Chicago will speak at the First Christian church, , corner Park and Columbia, next Monday night.- Hla subject wUl- ba 'Th Prob - t lem of Intemperance." Mr. Stewart has been national chairman of the Prohibi tion party and was the only Prohibi tionist ever elected to the Illinois legis lature. The. lecture is free. Mr. Stewart Is a friend of Rev. E. S. Muckley; pas tor of the First .Christian church, and delivers his lecture la passing through, - as he hs spoken-a number of times in Portland. r : . , . . Modern Woodmen of America- Me morial day, first Sunday in June. Me morial services will be held at the Tay lor street M. E. church Sunday morning at 10:30. .AH members of the Modern Woodmen and Royal Neighbors are ear neatly requested- to meet at the Modern Woodmen office, $1 Chamber of Com merce, at 10 o'clock sharp. Bring as many flowers as you can. By order of amltt ,. Come in today at any time between 10 and t oclock and let us make a negative for you. If you have never seen our work you have not looked upon the very best that can be produced in photographlo beauty. There is no 'more complete equipment on earth than that possessed by us. , tl Is all new and it is all modern. ' K. W. Moore, t Elks' 'TbulTdlnf, Be venirand" Stark. Oregon City River Trips. Sunday boats leave Taylor street 1:30, 11:10 a. m.; 3:30 p. m. Leave Oregon City, 10 a. m., 1:30, 1:30 p. m. Round trip, 36c. A Jury In the United States district court yesterday afternoon decided that M. F. Copley waa not entitled to any damages from the Southern Pacific Novelties , In Summer Je Our stock in th!$ line if the most complete and modern of its kind in the city. All the latest fads and fancies that have become so . popular are to' be found atSour store. The follow ing are a few of the numerous attractive noveiin BELT BUCKLES IfRACE-LETS-"- fANCY NECKLACES COLLAR SUPPORTERS LA VALLIERES rr DOQ r COLLARS,- ton it re j of an unusually varied and1 at tractive assortment. BEADS in all the latest de signs. .. . ; ' :";.jr , . Prices Most Reasonable. TheGeHeitKemperCoi 285 MORRISON ST. Jewelers and Silversmiths. , Lowest Priced Jewelry ..House for HighGrade Goods. firemen u ' . " Do a general Banking, Trust and Sav ings business, We also have one of the best SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS on the Pacifies roast. We pay I- per cent Interest on checking accounts. " And on savings accounts. We act astrustees for estates, - corporations and Individ uals. We have Safety Deposit Boxes to rent from 34 per year up. A Safety Deposit Box is the only SAFE place to keep Bonds, Mortgages, Deeds, Notes, Policies or other valuable . papers or Jewelry. Call and Inspect Our elegant vaults. A i - OMOofTEiisrisjffinaswns . t , Portland, Oregon:. ' Comer Sixth Wesalngtom Streeea, ,W. H. MOORE, - , ' E. B. LYTLB, .. jremaent. .vice-rres. ... ' W. COOPER MORRIS. Cashier, DIRECTORS W.C H. Moore. H. " R. Lytic, Leo Frlede, H. A. Moore, W. Cooper Morris. OPES SATVXSATS to 3. SC. " company for Injuries sustained during an accident at Henderson station last fall. Copley sued for $11,009, alleging that his fall from the Inclined plane, up Which be waa wheeling mortar, was due to the company s negligence. The jury decided, that Copley took. his own risk at the time and did not produce evidence showing any officer of the -Southern Pacific to. have been. ngllgent,.. . Portland is the first coast etty north of San. Francisco to have a suitable residence for the graduate nurses. Pupil nurses are-comfortably housed during their three yesrs "of training school Ufa by the various hospitals at which they study ' and nurse. After graduation they -have had to live in jiHwu-fimtiii. . .1 ....t:-rT irtff graduate nurses' residence is a fine, modern three-story building erected at the 'corner of Third and Montgomery streets. It" waa planned by. Miss L. a. Richardson, a graduate of 'the North western hospital at - Minneapolis, and was opened on June 1 by her. Sheriff "T6m "WorTnhas app"6TrRed -I4 additional deputies .to assist. : in ... the preservation of order at the polls to morrow. They are:;. Pat rwera JL.JL Reynolde, Max Frledenthal, George I. Smith, J. D. Shatto. Wilbur Campbell, T. F. Hope.- H. Me Og'den. 8. J. Stllwell. William Carr, Scott Gilbert,- Samuel Grlaaom. O. C. Thornton, A. N. Smith, J. C Sandstrom. -Timothy Wood. F. P. King. George Baker. H. M. Wagner. M. P. Cannon, Edgar Allen, "C. W. Ransom, JrH.Temple-ant-John- L. Meek, Trolley excursions on the O. W. P. today to ' Oregon City. Canemah park and Cresham, . 3Sc; all-, points eaat of Qresham, to and. Including Estacada on the upper Clackamas river, 60c round trip. Dinner at Hotel Estacada 76c Cars leave First and Alder street for Oregon City on the odd hours end every 40 minutes for Gresham and' Estacada, ll:$0.1:30. 1:40, :44. T:16. iicxeie on saie in wan;ng room. T ' The United Railways company moved its offices yesterday to the Common wealth building, where it is occupying - Jr P""-' h fourth floor Tern-1 porary rental offices also have been es tablished by the Commonwealth Bank Trust company, owners of ths building, on the same floor. .The remodeling of the building Is now practically com pleted and a large number of the offices are occupied. ' The' will of Ruth Scott ltas been ad mitted to probate In the county court. The property, said to be worth $3,000, is to be I divided equally between Jacob Stevenson, Robert O. Stevenson and El len Latourette, -children ef 4he deceased.. Ida N. Scort, a daughter-in-law. Is de vised $1. Circuit Judge M. C George U named as executor. Water through hose for sprinkling yards or sidewalks, or washing porches Ar windows, must be paid for In advance ami -needonly betwenthyhuuri uf t and 3 a. m. and I and I p. in. It mutt not be used for sprinkling streets. If used contrary to these rules, or waste- run y, it will be shut off. , B. P. O. Elks. The members of Port land lodge. No. 143, are requested to meet in our lodge-room today- (Sunday) at 3 p. m. to conduct the funeral serv ice of our late brother, W. N. Chambers. Visiting brothers Invited to assist By order of the exalted ruler. John B. Coffey, secretary. Judge Webster has admitted the will of Henry Hoehler to probate in the county court. The petition asking that the will be probated alleges that the estate consists of real estate valued at $1,600. All the property Is left to the widow, Mrs. Lena Hoehler,' who is named executrix. Evergreen f Sanitarium. 940 Corbett street, A-trutet-roms for thorslek of both sexes and women in confinement. In charge of graduate nurses from Bel levue and Polyclinic, New York. Splen didly furnished rooms and surgery la connection. Telephone Mala 1300. . :- . Articles of Incorporation of the firm of Bonham V Currier have been filed in the county clerk's office by Edmonds S. currier, Harry W. Bonham and George J. Perkins. The object Is to carry on a, general 'merchandise busi ness. Capital stock $6,000. White Temple, 8unday10:30, Dr. Brougher, "Deuteronomy, Lord's sup- AlHster. "Keep Your -Word' " Dr. Rader, rair x i j ; nr. nrougner, -us LP to You." .Fine music. Racea! aces! : . Portland Hunt club. ' . Saturday, June 3. 130$. Eight races. Beginning -1:$0 p. m. ' .. , The Gillespie School of Expression will give their Juns reeltat as m -beneflt for San Francisco schools Wednesday t-enlng. June .13. in Empire theatre, corner Twelfth and Morrison streets. , This will remind yon that now la the time to have your hair mattresses reno- Main 474. The Portland Curled Hair rectory, tt. uetsger, proprietor. Watches, diamonds and Jewelry on easy paymanta. $t down and $0 cents per week, - All mainsprings $1; sll watches cleaned $1. Metsger Go 111 Sixth St. The Sacred' Ilcarlt Dramatic ( club spent Decoration day at Mount Angel, where It presented the play. The Heart qzzcoh j ' P - V. " i : k jColonel Robert A- Miller; Demtfcratle Candidate lor Attorney-General. LIEUTENANT ROEDER, FILIPINO SCOUT LEADER, IN PORTLAND ' Lieutenant and Mrs. Alfred Roeder are vietAng in this city, from the Phil ippines, . where the lieutenant, has been on duty-constantly since June 13. 1831. Lieutenant "Roeder la one of tfie original officers of the Philippine Scouts, ap pointed on July"!, 1301, underthe pro vision ox section ei mt-tJwiiinw, February 3. 1301. and reappolntedLunder the same act July 1, 1908. - By reason- of his conspicuous work in the field' against insurgents 1n the Philippines In 189$ and 1000. though In a subordinate grade at that time, he was recommended by his superior of ficers for commission, and also received mention in the official cabla report of the commanding general on -December 1. 13. i. : Since July 13. 1300, Lieutenant Boe der has been In command of the Forty eecond company Philippines Scouts for merly companies - A and B Negros Scouts, -who were provisionally organ ised by-General J. F.-Smlth, .U. S. V., now vice-governor of the . Philippine Islands, Into a body of Philippine troops In the service of the United States, and reorganised as the Philippine Scouts on October 1. 1901. , Lieutenant Boeder Is .stationed at Boao, oa the Island of Marlndlque. He says the natives are quickly learning to speak English, the educational de partment having worked wonders since the American occupation. The Filipinos make good soldiers and they have some excellent army bands over there. ' of a Hera" The play was well enacted and was highly praised by the specta tors. Thoss who took part In the pro duction were Ed Blanchard, William Hekkemper. J. Urquhart, Charles Shive ly. T- A. McDonald, Miss N. Shlvely, Miss Mary Washer, MtM Lena. Bherltt and . Miss Anna Mann. The members were royally entertained by the mayor of Mount Angel and by the Right Rev. Abbott and Father Piacldus.- : Butxer's seeds won cold medals at the exposition. His lawn graas ' and sweet peas were declared the best. 133 Front street, between Yamhill and Taylor. We are still selling eye glasses at tl) a. perfccffltrguaranteedor money re funded. Metsger aVCd.. Ill Sixth street 'Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Conn at home, 339 Grant street, Sunday, June I, be tween t and i p. m. ' .r' Entertainment - and dance tonight. Ringlet's hall. Sixth -nd Alder. Par sons' music .. Dancing at Cedar Park, Sunday after nooa and evening. Special late cars. Acme Oil Co. sells the beat safety ell and fine gasolines. Phone East '739. -. For Rent, 335 A 9-room house, 839 Montgomery, between Third and Fourth. Dancing at Cedar Park, Sunday after noon and evening., Special late cars. For Quality, Quantity and Quickness sTO. to Morris restaurant. i Panama hatter, Jill 4th. Phone Pac. 39T. Wooster, the fruit' king. " The " Northweetern -- Ortarantee - tt THOSE WHO PROMISE TO ' ' STAND BY STATEMENT NO. 1 Of the 19 Republicans and Democrats who are asking the voters of Mult nomah county to support their candidacy for the legislature 33 have taken statement No. 1. The men who are pled sd to support the people's choice for United States senator. Irrespective Of party are as follows: . REPUBLICANS, Ballot No. 3 A A. BAlLKT lAlht SSfilToTT tl JAMES V. CAMPBELL, Joint rep- resenUtlve. 81 L. It ADAMS. , . $9 J. C. BATER, i; . 71WOSKPH W. BEVERIDOE.' 71 DAVID CT BURNS. 74 JOHN B: COFFET - 78 JOHN DRISCOLL. - . . t 78 ROBERT 8. VARRELL. ... The men who have refused to tak e they know what the people want better REPUBLICANS. Ballot No. 34 41. C Beach, senator. 70 N. D, Bautgen. 78 Wlllard H. Chapln. T7 Frank F. Freeman. . u ' " 78 Harry E. Northup. T 9 Robert W. Wilson, - ....v.L. ro:;iLAUD, cu..-jay F f: . . t" '.'.:;..: . : r, s. Lieutenant Alfred Roeder. Trust company, second floor of the Lum ber Exchange building, have found it necessary to double tbelr floor spaoe.; Milwaukia Country Club. WeTflphTl-drTaulsvine rices. Take Sellwood and Oregon City "ears at First and Alder. .. ... Voters. : " D. C. Burns lived In Portland, an alien for 31 years arid made his for tqne here. - On - February 3 7, 1 90S. ha got the itch tor office and took out his naturalisation papersIn admitting hlra to cltlienahlp judge Fraser remarked that Mr. Burns ought to be ashamed of himself, 7 " . .,. . Yt Gods. When are the people going to quit sending political mercbandlse and pre paid stock to Salem to select senators for them 7 Elect only statement ino. 1 candidates. All .excursion tickets to the east and return will be good on the famous "North Coast Limited" the only electric lighted modern train from Portland to the east- Why not travel on the beat? It does not cost any more to travel on the "North Coast Limited" than it does on any other train. . ' DEMOCRATS. Ballot No. " SO" A. F. FLEOBl $S FRANCIS CLARNO, senator. 83 A. P. NELSON, Joint representative. 80 W. P. ADAMS. J 83 T. J. CONCANNON. ; 77 83 JOHN DA NN ELLS. .- M-Br-N.-KMEItTr-' " " " S E. As GES8ELL. S WILLIAM HORAN. 37 GEORGE L. HUTCHIK FRED C. KINO. 39 H. L. KREIDT. ' 90 ISAAC 8WETT. $1 D. M. WATSON. statement New. 1 and whs believe that than the people themselves, are: DEMOCRATS. Bsllot No. 81 E. 1L Cahalln, representative. I . - "" ( ... ,;-b rv-7; norj:i..o, jm:z z.' OREGOO: LlEiniOTlii- FOR PARTY Citizens of This State Vote for Best Man Regardless of Politics.. ' HISTORY OF THE STATE - 7 REVEALS THIS FACT Men of Oregon Think and Then Vote . for Candidates They Know to Be Best Qualified to Fill the Offices to yhlcb. They Aspire." . 1 Study of the political records reveals that the average Oregfra voter is not tied band and foot by party ties. As a rulewhtn a cltlsen of this state de cide for himself who la the best man for an office, whether that office be prealdent or constable,, ha ignores the Lcry of the spellbinder and votes as con ception of his duty as a cltlsen dl recta,' . - In national politics Oregon la Repub lican, but from 1863,- when tt was car ried by Horatio Seymour, a Democrat, until 1300, the Republican majority was not large. It fell as low as 171 In 1880, and- in 1893 the fuslonlsta succeeded in winning one of the presidential eleeforST' The Republican 'majority in 1900 was in excess of 18,000 and in 1904 It waa al most 43.000, but in both these years many thousands of Democrats showed their independence of party ties by sup porting the Republican presidential can didate. . Following the big Republican majority of. 1900, George E. Chamber lain," Democrat, waa eleoted governor in 1903 by a plurality of - 346, which plurality represented a change of about 7,000 votes. . , ; --, This County Independent, '; Multnomah county Is particularly In-dependent--. In - June, 1904, Frank A. Moore, Republican nomtftee for supreme Judge, carried the county by 7.328 votes, yet at that very same election Tom Word, Democrat, waa elected sheriff by a plurallty'of ftesriy i,$o and John MannIngTJem"6crt ' was" Sleeted' ais trlct attorney by. more than 3,400. ' In the following November the county gave Reoaevolt 11.000 over .-.Parker, which meant that Roosevelt carried Multno mah by to 1, but In the city election f June, 1905, half a year later, when It-was declared that the-election of a Bulloan rflaywjtJ'ortlaiid-waa nso-. essarytoPreeident. Roosevelt's happi ness, the city turned round and gave Dr.- Harry Lane, Democrat, -1,30$ ma jority. . Other counties have shown the same kind of Independence. The cry that the prealdent Just before 'election sleeps with one eye wide open and fixed on Oregon is - always heard In campaign time. That cry saved Btnger Hermann twice, but the people are now convinced that President- Roosevelt s only- desire ,1s that the. people of Oregon shall rec ognise honesty and merit wherever they find It. Therefore James Wlthyeombe and "various other candidates who are raising the-"vindlcat the prealdent" appeal are likely to find that only their own worth will be considered by the great mass of Independent voters. The indications are that all faithful officials will be rewarded next Monday, and that the list of victors will Include the names of Senator Gearln, ." Governor Chamberlain and Sheriff Word. BH SMITH GETS LEASE OH CALUMET RESTAURANT Forced to Civ Up Present Quar ters to Make Way for , New Building. . . Max Smith, who recently received notice to vacate the present quarters ef his restaurant at the comer of Fifth and Morrison streets to make way for the conatructlon of a new office build ing by the Corbett estate, has taken a 10-year leaae on the Calumet restaurant Ontleventh."" tetween Alder and Wash ington streets, H will move between June II and 30. He aald: ,- "I received notice to vacate the pres ent quarters several weeks ago. .. J un-J derstand the owners of this corner will erect an office building immediately. The Calumet restaurant will be over hauled and put In first-class condition for me, The dining-room is about 40 by .71 feet and will afford capacity for enlarging my business. I shall try to move by June it." Plana are being completed for a six or etcht-story brick building to occupy the ground 100 by 100 feet atthe-eoutb-east corner of Fifth and Morrison, now occupied by the old Multnomah build ing, a frame structure, and the low building in which is the Savoy restau rant, managed by Smith, fronting on Fifth street. The other tenants of the present structures have been provided with other quarters. It Is said the new building will be put np this year. MODERN WOODMEN WILL HOLD MEMORIAL SERVICE A simple 'memorial service will be held this morning at 10.: $0 o'clock at Taylor Street Methodist thuroh by the six Portland camps of Modern Woodmen of . America and their auxiliary order, the Royal Neighbors. An attendance of nearly 1,000 la expected. This Is the first . time the Modern ' Woodmen have undertaken to hold a general memorial service In this city, although the order has been in existence' in Portland many years with a large membership. The members will meet first at state headquarters,' 319 Chamber of Com merce building, at 10 tfolock a harp, re ceive badges and form Into line, after which' theywnrmarcli to the-ehnTch:- Th, aervlca will be conducted by Rev. F. Burgette Shori. C6mmTireesfrerir' the various camps will than proceed te the cemeteries and decorate the grates of deceased member , 'Consider-Thli If. ever a man were entitled to re election that man Is Shsrtff Tom M. Word. He has done hie sworn duty by the people and no man can be challenged on' a record like that. He has oleaned the grafters out of Portland, closed op the gambling dens and In doing so drove a horde of thieves and licensed highwaymen out of the city. He has saved the taxpayers money and enforced the laws. He Is the first sheriff this county eve had who made the office count for' something. The people have tried him and know what ha la. They will not turn him, out of office for a man SI i fiel W t Jal AW aaVakrvts-llrtaa ' Tom ; YVllM dotaot stand tor.- 1 l.. - TVJO V- Out of every three very few minutes select from our showing of : ' sflsVecTB .- ':' . correct clothes s suit that will fH and look? , equal to the custom-made article. A few ' minutes spent with our clothing salesman will convince yoa that wo axe right. -. , . . Complete Assortment of Straw and Panama Hats ttF - VeV As to Value None Magnificent Chinese and Japanese Wares, Curios and Matting . :' A Chance to Buy Them at Your Own Figort. Account of retiring from retail business. A large stock to be sold.- -i-T-'-.-f -' ' y . .', ..'i-'..,. :,. ; Daily, 2:30 and 7:30 p. at Andrew Kan Sz Co. 287-Morrison St, HEADQUARTERS FOR ES CAFE AND MUSIC CALL WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, JUNE 4. asBBSrsBaeaaSBBBiBBSBBaSBBSBSasaasBBSBB Return for One Week Only Wallace & Beech Coteedy Acrobatic Sketch Fiechffs Tyrolean Sextette "The Anvil Chorus". From "II TroYatore" The . Great . and Only Lillian Melbourne .Comedienne Louise KeestoJ Operatic -Specialty -Bdle-Lawrence , In Specialty MOVING PICTURES Comicil Anto lorn" Fihns Special Daily Matinees from 2 to 5 o'clock. SPECIAL SCICAY 11ATIME Proffrsra Chin -red Daily. Entrances at 21 North Third treat, 21, 23 and 2S North See. ond street, and 243, 2iS and 247. Burners street. V T warn MEN- can step In here and in a Do or Can Give Better OF , ... " (PS WHOLESALE FIREWORKS. Prof. Friedman formerly proprietor Chamber of Cora, meroe Bathe, wishes to announce that wBatHs: The Fiseat In the City 7 ' ... .... Xn for Buatneas . 266 Alder Street Bet, Thlx aa4 femrta. yeette tS3U , -AM3f SAT ELAn ca 3CASBXS AJTB WOAAJ. . .. Artsitle SMae --- awata, bum- aaS kaualae werk ataaafaetered fraai tae see ef Mare) aaS svestte. CrrMpe4iw a ad erdera orasiatil . atteeM to. last Eaa HaTssa Strtct IfUi FORT LAND OKbV. OO N Stomth1rci!i Positively Curd by "Natare's Own Remedy," RaseeM's NATIVE nCKliaber costs yew Sjotninc' 23e sM $1 contains Sight Draft lor return el few W Da ttoeS knHk ef Trta) SaaraCSwenfMS 1 cWsseefa Native Herts Caespawy Cfli at Hotel Touralno Corner Clary an roerteentts ft. Strictly flret-elees hotel, rth l I ' business part of Oakland suite rooma. with bath, sample roof erate rates, Best American aa4 . riynsonher . r.r.ln. rataa eest eev-T r trip via Northern f-aclfla. . 1 stopovers, diverse revtee. t lis Morrison street, r T ' letter to A. 1. w : , rertleiii. Crr, 1 1 J L 1.