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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1906)
X ""V Journal Circulation ). . - - - .' . . . . i j . . . Sunday Was 23,810 VOL. V, "NO. 77.' ... 'T.rn - "" " POPTLAND. t OREGON- MONDAY EVENING. JUNE t4. 1906 TWELVE PAGES.5 PRICE TWO CENTS. S&EMvcEm ;77 rt Ir.'i MM OF BALLOTS W CMiCMS R& MSWMt PJERY LAW t-ECT0fif INSTATE flfJP CITY P30GE5DIM Qt7E7iy TRAFFIC IS OF HEALTH DEATH CLAIMS U. S. SEHATOR Eiis UBS1 UORK AT THE POLLS TIED DP Ot) JJHWIItU President Presents the r: Facts inTRe"Packing House Cases and . Ex poses Conditions ; Uporv WhJch Meat Is.Thrown LILSald to Contain All Manner of Diuasr jCerm Men. (7oaTel Spariat Barrle.) --.-.--i--' Washington. June 4. Horrifying : ravalatlon almost beyond bUf war ... mad In th special report on Chicago peoklng-hou condition by Commli . etaner of Labor Nelll and Reynold of Nw Terk. and war submitted to ,coti greae tfday ny ho presldenCT" : sage aeompanying th report. President , Rooeavelt - deeorlb ' tba .condition' a revolting' and urge)' lmniediat and drastic legislation... "V. . ". . ' Thar report 1 -not nice- J-eadlng... 'Tba. ; ttataraent kre sickening and lhowthtl th paekars generally displayed dlere--gard not only for the common -rules of -sanitation' , but. area, common -deceney. Tba '. report .say the toclryard-pav?-. menta are moatiy brtcic rilled witn ret- uaa and Improperly cleaned. They a4 slimy and malodorous . when wet and duaty when dry. Th atock which died . On route are thrown on the platform for tha reason of -delaying removal and saving expanse. Th interior of the bulldlnga la most- ly of wood and tha floors ar aoakad and .. slimy, and th rooms poorly lighted and Illy ven tllated. Many of them ar with out windows. Systematic ventilation i ' '' was not . found anywhere. But on por celain receptacle . was" found OfTneAlsT --V:v--;0nkSBJnt-of CoadMona.; 'I.,;;:7;., ..:': Sanitary .convenience fop th em- ployea shows that the employers were --Vrndlfferent to cleanljnaae. The retiring rooms adjoined tha working rooms and Were usually cut off from th latter by j low jwrimiin. -. ...... f - Th condition ar auch aa affect moat r directly th cianltnaa of food products. Washing alnka wer small and dirty. Thar ware neither .towels, aoan .-or "toilet paper bi-ovided. The men Trtd - womeh return directly from these places to plunge their unwashed hands into th meat products and sausages. Nauaeoue odora war conatantly aria "Ing from -dirty, t blood-aoaked.- rotting wooden floors fruitful cultur beds for ' disease germs of men and animals. , Tha Investigators found an absence of - cleanliness every where In handling meat. Tha workers climb overheapa of meat , and aelaot the pleoes they 'wish. Fra Quently they throw them upon tha dirty ' goors beside the bench. -" In cutting meat " on tha -banch tha meat was usually held against aprons . which aa a rule war Indescribably filthy. , Men wer aeon to. stand on meat tablea UV VJ T.I rij 1. IVII . ll.lll. - III "iunch hourvthey werO saan to ait on th spot whore ha meats were cut, and under tha superintendent's eyes. Th report further saya: ,.,' . . 1 ' V i i i Tradaaaly Tlooia. ' I "Ws saw meat shoveled Tronltna l filthy floors and piled on table. Th . . .1 .ki . . . meat was nm i j .'i wwwt put into rotten box-cart that a r al- f ways gamariny uiri. iiiudi.ii miu n.iwt filth, .j. - " . "A extreme ejsmple of tha disrsgard of employes for cleanllnaaa In handling ' dreaaed meats that - w aaw killed, cleaned and washed: A. bog atarted to th cooler fell from tha alldlng rail to the dirty wooden floor, slid part of the way Into tho filthy .lavatory." -It was than picked up- by two employee and placed an .a truck, but no effort waa made to clean tha carcass. Thers Is no .-i government lnapactlon in preparing sau sages sna 1 finer prognriB, Miinuugn they bear Hfbelo' stating that they are govepmantj Inspected.'" MG'SASS Al LA NITi S BURIED AT MADRID Msdrldr JuTiaH The boy -ef Manuel Morales, th would-b aasaaaln of King Alfonso XIII. was burled her today. MILITARY COMPANIES . ' ON WAY TO SCENE OF. '. THE MINERS' STRIKE (Joarn.l Bptdal Rervlea.) ; Columbus. June . Elgh(i companies af state militia were ordered to Seanes v'lle today to. await : davelopmenta at foal Hollow, where the striking miner fired on the guarda last night. More troubls is thrastened. - . i , ... Tha miners are In an uly. mood and Arthur Pue Gorman Expires of Heart! Failure , at His Home Jn Washington After an Ill ness of Several J a United Sut SenaWrtrm ' C- This Morning. " ; . ; ?V ! ' '' "''.. 1 f ' " . K ..... .. -I . (Journal gpaclal 'Bertlca.) V Washington; '-June i.-Untted States Senator Arthur , Pue . Gorman dld t"at his home In -this ''city this morning' at :15 o'clock' Or heart falluro. " The aen ator ' had been ill for .several weeks and Til' death was not' Unexpected." The funeral will tnks place at Laurel. Mary land, probably next Wednesday. Tha i senate adjourned today at 12:10 p. ni. out of respect to the memdryof the. late Senator Arthur Pue Gorman. . Arthur Pue- Gorman was born lW" Maryland -March 11, 1131. His old home was In Howard county. ' He waa edu cated In , the public, schools. 'In his younrer days he waa. appointed a page in the TTnltrd Slates senate and served In. thlarapacllylatheaeaalona bet ween lt62 and 1861. In tha latter year Gor man was appointed collector of internal revenue for the fifth district of Mary land and ha held, tho, offlca for' three years.- . .'. . NEW SUBTREASUR Y AT SAN FRANCISCO PROJECTED CaliforniaMember$ Assured Ap - propfiation Will Be Passed ; . . by Congress. ' .-. ; ;. " JOnVnl plal garri-. . ' ' ' Waahlngton, June 4. The treaaury departmental preparing a bill provid ing for a new subtreaaury at San Fran cisco, to .coat tllt.OOO. Tha building re f dee to confer uji til thay-hear from their leaders. They say 'that the coal guards prorlplfatod, the trouble by try ing, to-break1 up several small meeting that Wcri twlng peacefully held, on th coal comphny's grounds.' i A Tnfrnre may be railed brtw! th mlnaa. and mincow tiers for tomorrow morning end thie may prevent trouble--' '; ' , - . ..-.' . a '.. ." Weeks Duration V-i Oorman a. aptitude .for, bustneas .'di rection attracted the, attention of 'the Officials oV thV'':heaapeak . Onto. Panal- company, " In which concern1 na hid ' Inveated ' considerable money;.- Ho was elected a-director of the Company and -remained in this position until' TtT "s hrt" lie'1' was eln which office he held until the time 'of hie death. : - ' Gorman first entered politics In 1SII, whejiTie"TrV,momtnated -for the office of member 'of the house of delegates of Msryland . and elected by . a large majority. In 1I7S he became .speaker of the house, and in 1D7S he was elected to the Maryland state senate. The Gor man constituency mntde a auccesaful though somewhat bitter fight to elect him to; the United States, aenats and ha held the' senatorshlp until the time of lilst dcatH. : '- Senator Gorman's home was at Isu ret. Maryland., a very - beautiful , sum mer residence town near Washington, D. C . ' . will be tiaed aa a cuatoms-housa and for offices of other branches of tha f edernt- government. Tha--Callfornia members have had assurances that-' the bill will pass this session--; . . U WILL NOT VALIDATE . . - 1 ; f OFFICIAL ACTIONS (Jmrnal Uptclal 8 !..) 1 Sacramento, Cal, June:. Wlth: th clearing of the emergency measures th BPMdVPSdaturday and Sunday by tha leglelatur began iaa, this morning arrived few members wer In either ehnm-ber. . --rWhn ha-hou- waa : called . to order a bar quorum wa preaent. The first rlppl of the session developed when word was passed-around that the senate Judiciary committee had decided to re port adversely on assembly bill No. t. -which valldutes all official or legal acts or publications don during the holiday. It wa anticipated that thla bill would have rough sledding, but th speedy mo tion by the senate committee aaro as a surprise. ' . : . -.; ' ODD FELLOWS GOING TO -t GRAND LODGE SESSION ' Santa Cru. Cel.. June -4. Delegate 16 the grand lodge of Odd Fellowa ar arriving rn this . city. ,'Th 1 seaalnn 0ena this evening?' An' official rerep. tlon will be extetnded to th visiting delegation tonight.' - J A - . JOIffllT State Chairmen Busy. istsi at Polls. Police Watch "Tor IliegatfVoting Th battf o?Tbanotraontodarr but thAis far no -reporta of heavy can donading hare yt been received at the hadquartrs- of either of the' two big political armies. Both Chairman 8 week of the Democratic stats' committee and Seeretaryr . apenr of the Republican atate central . committee say , that' their advice .Indicate a normal vote !in pro portion sto the registration.' Tha elec tion Is ''proceeding quietly.' Weather conditions generally, era favorable to a large -vote) but It .la not likely that the total for th atat wlll axread 'tlS.OOO and It may fall 'atinrt of that number.' THresi)trBtlon' Is I0.00S, which wiaJMs It oartafn that thai vota 'cast wfir be leas than that of four yeas rsgo": ' Haar WMwtwomah county the ."Re publicans, are making strenuous efforts to induce voters to cast their ballots wlrhouk a'acrAtch! Party workers1 with a trl-colored. badge Inscribed ""Straight. Rerfubllckrf. Ticket" ar 'stationed ' ai each' poling ' place. ' Their duty Is -to hand 'a card bearing 'the names of the nominees to each' voter, and. according to all accounts, they are not overlook ing anybody. - -.- Women' who Ts.?6? the suffrage amend ment arealso st work at the polls. Beside these the army .of workers In clude opponents of woman's suffrsge and advocate of tha amendment to tha local option law proposed by tha liquor dealers. Tha ItemocratshavJZXe; workers out and are relying on th Independent Voter to carry the day for Governor Chamberlain, .Senator Gearln and Sheriff Word. ,;;,' ' ; Ohalrmaa Sweak Busy. Chairman Sweek and Secretary Ryan began work early this morning, snd have been kept busy all day receiving meaaages, anawaiing lnqulrlea'and look ing after votera from other countlea who lar confident that Governor Chamber- lain will fiivw mntA MinnlUa thla lain will carry mora counties this time than he did four years sgo. Sweek's lat est figures, baaed en reports. from every part of th state,- civ Chamberlain 4,00 majority, over. Wltbyoomb. . - . An encouraging from Dr. Bernard. Daly of Lake view. In a letter he wrote that L&ka oountv. In- prealdenJUU),,,! nr th,Bepubllcan In th list of Wlthycomb majorities, would be ear rted by Chamberlain and Gearln. A tel ephone meaaage tarns from F. W Dur- bln-tf Salem f-t t - "Everything look fine her,M. he raid W have Just raglatered three Grand Army men: All three will, vote . fr Chamberlain." - " , . , ' sToa-Basldeatsj Tot star. Among th wall-known . Democrat from other countlea who voted her by affidavit, taking atx property-owners of Multnomah county with them to th polls rn order to comply with the . law. were Supreme Judge T. Q. Halley and W. r. Matlock of Pendleton, C. B. Red Held of Heppner. Jama Harvey Gra ham of Baker City, C K. Kline of lie Minnvllle and J. Scott Taylor of Klamath Falla Tha day election board of on of th precinct wanted to vouch for i Judge Halley, but he declined th offer, say ing: . -.. - : v. . "I appreciate your kindneaa." batt wouldn't, b. right. ; I can't decide my own eaaes. and I don't think you ought to decide yours." . ' i- . .. With that'll went away and returned soon afterward with six - property-owners and caet a ballet for a tat officers. -Chairman O.. A. Weat gate of the Re publican state committee was not at headquartera today. - He went home to .A'UeJJ.hjy-etoj was that . Wlthycomb . wouTdwtn dT from 12.000 to 11,000 majority and that th Republicans would . make a .clean weep.-.- , ' Watohen at. fee roll. Chairman Thomas of th Democratic county commlttea had plenty to do to day. Ha said that - challenger and watcher . hsd been aaalgned to every precinct In the city, this work being looked after by th . committeemen of the various precincts. Wheivaeked to express an. opinion as to th probable result of tha election Chairman -Thomas said:' "I believe that Tom .Word la 4 winner, and that John. Van Zant baa an excellent chance, of election." 1. Chairman Cake of . the Republican county committee spent moat of th day going from prerlncj to precinct aneour aging the .party worker. - Secretary Sherwood, who. la ' holding the' fort at headquarter, eald that hi reports In dtrated that.Jtepuhllcana generally war voting the fiirket etralght. , . tContlnud on Pag Tw.J Timid, But Determined, :They Stand Near : Voting-Booths and' Hand Out Their .Literature, .to , ' A Woman Worker Pleading tot .Trcm to the -polls' today,1 and I- am going to stay here, now' I'm here, but It wllLbtht last time." ' ' ' This la th statement made today by on of the worker ' for" the ' equal-auf- frage amendment, after a flrat bitter taste of election-day politics in one. of the north-end precincts. -The right .to be classed above Idiots, criminals snd Chinamen did not seem .to appeal to her strongly Just then. But the discouraged words by no means expressed the- aentlment general ly existing among the women workers who stood about tha, polling-place. Most of them wore upon their face an expreaslon of stern resolve. They felt that they wer consecrated to a great .work, and said so. Though their feces paled anon when a man -reeking with the fumes of liquor passed By, they stuck steadfastly to their, places and pasaed out their election literature. Nearly all were a little nervous, some became almoat hyaterlcal at times, but all tonk their work very seriously; Soma were better worker than others. Some Stood apart from the men and huddled together In groups of two or three and did not pass their cards ex cept when a male with a ministerial ex pression came along. Others went among the men. button-holed them. Joked with them and acted as on who had been born to ward-heeling. ..... ! Woman Are Active. There was no more active faction. at the poll today than the equal suf fragists. ; Contrary to the predictions of tha anttsy-the women turned uut tn a large -force and ateadfaatly held their places at every polling place In the city. The antis worked beside thotrr.! err there was no Issue concerning either men or BOY. IS AGCIOENTLY KILLED NEAR VOODBURN Charge of Shot ; Enters - James Walker's Right Lung, Caus- ' ' ' ing Fatal Injury. : ' ioeraal ' Uptrlal fcar.Jre. J ' J Wood burn. Or., June 4. James. the U-year-old on of Mallcarrler W. O. Walker. !waK accidentally shot"1" and killed this morning. .The "accident oe BurTd"at Oarar Mahler' en I en rawh Tho charge of a . musl-loadlng 'gun entered hi right lupg. - - -, HALF MILLION FOR EXPENSES OF N. G." C. (spariat tMsnatck to Th laaraaLt ' Sacramento, Cal., June 4 The hous was In seaaion only ,a . few ' minutes this morning snd adjourned after intro ducing two bills snd a( similar number ot resolution - -. j Ona bill . provldea an appropriation of $.",00,000 ' to defray tha expenses In curred In 'calling out tha natlonaKkSKtrd. Tha other enable school prlitcfpalA to make affidavit aa to acaool attendance, "..." v- tne . voters: a Vote for ' .Equal Suffrage . rHnctpl--whlch -was- mora,, vigorously fought .fm. or-; more sealoualy -championed. Toward the' women there ' was dtrectetfmamr euiluslty. on the part. of the hangers-on, and in aome case; un plaantnt. Incident occurrad. to .Indicate to 'the women, that the exeroia of tho right of suffrage has its shortcomings. ; For the women workers the most try ing precincts' were all In tha saloon dis tricts,, mostly In the north end of town. At the -polling places in-the residence districts the women were treated , as courteously as they would ' be at a so ciety function. At the Fifteenth pre cinct, at the. corner of Alder and Elev enth, the two women workers were In vited to go Into the polling place and rest themeelvea In chairs which war provided. The offer was gratefully ac cepted ahd""the"'woinerrtook turnsvt ; : V ' Plsooariaay is th dearth. -'Tbe most unchivalrous precinct turned out to be the fourth, which holds gia record for the prcnasje of illegal registrations. About- this place -there congregated about as tough a looking set of bums ss can- be gathered together In the city of Portland. , "Huh! Get onto-the petticoats." Them? They can't glv no card to me." - "When my wife get her 1 dishes washed and her' meals cooked sh has nough to do. No politic for her." These snd -mora offensive things were continually being said In a loud tons calculated to reach the ears -of two women. Dt. Mary ASpencer and Mra. Ida Porter Boyer, who stood eaat of the polling place. Juat west of the polling place stood (Continued on Pegs Two.) 1 1 1 i . thla being mad necessary by the de struction of school cenau record with out which the school could not ecur appropriations. Adjournment was taken until 1 p. m.t at which' time a number of committees ' are expected v to make report. - ' .". : , ,,:,.-.'.- NO NATIONAL POLICE V - TO' SUPPRESS ANARCHY -.fjiwraat gpeetal Barrio.. 1 pact for the obliteration of anarchlatsT v-iiiiRivM wvum gQUDiiBi. paaa such a law but the difficulty Is that th country-has no- national poltca tr en fore It OWNERS ASK ' v -' apedal eTlc. ' - Ban ""Francisco, ' June 4 Striking cooks, firemen and sailors this morning tied' up th steam achootier Herri Mon ica, San Pedro and James F. Hlsglns, reoent 'arrivals' rn ort. The Steam Schooner Owners' association and renr santaTlves of the sailors' union are no 'In session for. the purpoe of bringing ta atrlka to a quiet termination, . . RAILROADS' Landslides and Wash outs Cub OffTrains" 'for Indefinite Period! iry Eastern Oregon Four Hundred Passengers Arer Stranded. ' Soma - Without - Meneyf an'd Betng-Cared for by Railway 0fficiars--lndications) Are7 for M 6 re St6rms. T Spaeiat Dtap.ti as Tha Jesraal.t . La Grande. Or., June 4. Tha rallrei$ .". .. situation la wore than ever thla morn-. Ing, the landallde at Durkea etiUtng off. trains from' th east for an indefinite) time, ', . . . . ,-. -v ' . .-' ThaJrepalr work -dona weat of nere) Wtwaahed.jiwaythls morning.'- There) - are no propect for trains to.b run wt Insld of four or f tv dy.ji It l -till rainy and cloudy -add It look as If. another, heavy -downpour "eiaa Imralnmit . In : tha mountains. , No crop damage la) '; reported thla id of the mountain. Four, hundred people have been helrf , up here- by the flood, and many hav staged lt-te Pendleton. , ' . ? . -i v A number are atranded without money and the railroad la caring for them, , .' BAKER CITY CUT OFF FROM OUTSIDE BY LANDSLIDE: Without Mail for One Week Ex cept One by Stage From . (Bped.l Dlapateh ta The JouraaL)' "' , Baker City, Or.. June 4. For thr past week Baker City has been cut off. from the weat entirely by waahouta n-ha O.-R.- 4V N.- Tha tnty-;ha re k cervad nutronr n-iatr-mr-that-tlma.- whtcht -wa aent from Pendleton to La Grand? by stag. Thl city I completely cut off from tbe world thl morning by s landslide near Durkea atatlon. east of here. It Is expected to get train I from the east in 14 hour, but thla lsjj v not certain. A number of travallngl maajurafldeaJir are unable to ajaQ-- out, ...... . -, .. ,- . TRAFFIC STILL DELAYED - 'j ON LINES OF 0. R. & N. (Rpeelal Dtapatch to The JaunaL) Pendleton, Or., June 4. Heavy raina! prevailed In Umatilla county la at night.' nui ii is ciear cooay. All signs of tha flood sre gone. .-Train to Spokane ara running regularly on tha O. R. a v. All tbr-traina m thl ltrta are stnT" tied up. It Is believed travel will be on . tomorrow If th Arlington landslide l cleared away.. The election is quiet all over I.mtiii. county, although voter are out an use. It la believed that Chamber .'1 lain will win and that woman suffrage will carry. . .. t, . . . .v ...'.. CLOUDBURST WRECKS .: NORTH -BANK GRADES' , (Reeeial Dlateh to Ta"joraaL . , --Arlington, Or.. June. 4. During ti -: storm here yesterday a cloudburst ooi. curred at Wllaon's camp on. the Qortt ' bank road. ? - ' . . ! - . . Tha water fell on th bluff above ih . camp and came down the hill In a surg- yater-ymt.j,yp. The cloudhnrst .le. mollshed th camp and tore up aaveral hundred feet of gradn, causing a loss eC several hundred dollar ta the oona tractors."-; - .. r FINISH SAILORS' STRIKE . Owner of vessels made a ii.mrt to Andrew Furfistth. preelilenl of . tht Waterfront federation, ' to- tlie affix-tl that they were willing to make rrti-i corlceaslona to tha atrilkrf and urj j a speedy aeNlero'Mif of the trfni, . they rlalm tKat In' Ita present dim- u!f San" Fran.'laco wonM ha Injur! I prolougatlon olj th