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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1906)
-OU-MAY.BEQH.EERFUL SBEDJDER -'?THGURNACOSTS-BU-TeEf::.: .J - GOOD EVENING Journal. Circulation . 7 - '- THEy WEATHER V xcsiercay rM Increasing cloudiness tonight, fol- i tin lowed by showers Sunday showers ". and cooler; southerly winds. .VOL. V. NO. 78.' PORTLAND. OREGON: SATURDAY. EVENING. JUNE 2, . 1906. SIXTEEN .PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. o naors avo mrwa sxaxM. iv cists IS M ,462 1WI ii 1 1 VJL 111 . J 1 : -UJL J JLUX 11 1 1U1U TROOPS O N IT H Between Forty - Five land Two Hundred and Fifty Persons Have BeerTKilled r ifPFigKt I -. . -Colonel Greene- Among-Thoae ; Shot Down by Mexicans and the. Situation Is Regarded as Very Serious American Sol- i "wnr irr 'mm 1 rsusheotoBorai f (Special Blast tee to The IdwhU - Washington. -D. C. June 2.A - '-- AnAii I" PtaKa A hvAHC m TSI . fibviei vs uvvi i ii Uivii j that oionel Green was killed at - Caiianea last night.- Governor Yzabel ii nn the. -scene with Mexican trooDS idei.-. It is believed that about OU Americans' have thus far ' been killed and' severak times that number of Mexicans. ' The American consul has sent out a call for aid which is in the hands of the state department , Four hundred .armed men from - Arizona have formed into a' battalion .for the purpose -or'rescninj the Americans. They left Bisbee last'nicht to join the ioJdiers-undr the governor-of Soaora who is ea roate from riermosiUo.' r?. -, -' Majors Wattfv in 'command f the - f United States troops at Bisbee,' re- porti to. the wat department that lie started troops toward 'the .Mexican , border to aid the Americans who have been attacked by Mexican strik ers at Canaaea, Mexico, and requests that further instructions be forward ed him as soon as possible. Varying reports have been received concerning- the number of Americans killed snd one of these is"to the effect that 50 persons have been shot, including members of the Mexican police "i v. Situation. Serious, ' '' The situation is1 serious. Mexico' is X putting forward . every effott,: to r re lease the foreigners. v .J Cananca, Mexico, Is 40 miles south 1 of Naco, Arizona. ' J-orty-five. Amer icans and 'Mexicans' were smong die killed yesterdayr -according' to last night's ,reporta, by' striking Mexicans at the 'great copper mining camp of Colonel VV. C Greene. , - ' The strikers used dynamite on the bousesT'Cf the company. The settle ment was set afire by ' the reckless Mexkana,. who-raratdfyingrthr f u- thorities. , , .i Pemand was made hy the miners for an increase from $3.50 to $5 a day. Colonel Greene addressed them in an effort to induce reasonable" considera tion of their claims and possible ad justment of the difficulty, but with-- out avail .Their attitude is said to be t entirely unreasoning and at 5 o'clock they. began iiringon the. Americana, tnanv. of whom were Killed. Colonel Greene at once wired to Bisbee for r armed protection. . 0 : Was Department Halted. - The war deoartmentJi4s sent a message to Fort Huachuaca ordering the recall to the border of any Amer ican soldiers -that may have proceeded Into Mexican territory. Secretary Root believing the United States can not send troops into Mexico. The government. has. requested the Mex ican government to authorize. the use of the . American troops in quelling the riots.' Mexico is asked to protect Americsn citizens. ; , . Consul-General Galbraith sent the following to the state department under date of-itaco, Arizona: ."Send aaistance immediately, to Cananea. - American citizens are being murdered . . i A and property uynamucu, wi must have help." '' ; A second dispatch reads: "It is im perative that assistance be rendered American citizens." - Copies Of the Galbraith messages have been aent to Ambassador Thompson at Mexico City in .connection with instructions to .him. ir - ' ' y ..-..i..y ARMED MEN TO RESCUE. . -Xasiw Party -wadea OaptaU Byaahtf Joiaa swmi : ftaael.T5""", (Joanul Special Servtee.) Dnuglas. Aria, June t. Governor Tsabal of Sonora arrived at Naco at f :3a this morning and gave orders per ' mitttng the armed Americana to accom pany him to Cananea. TJnder Captain Tom Bynnlng 4t men left an a special with Tsabel. v - . STATE ISSUES WARNING ; - AGAINST SETTING FIRES (Seesfal Btapetce to Tsa JoantaLI ,w Baletn. Or., June I. Secretary f State Dunbar' Is sending out notices , containing the laws against setting fires In the timber sections f Oregon. The notices will be posted throughout the timber dlstriqts,. - -- ' . ' .. . :' ,' - - - : - . DEIRMElSliHOlSDS GOES.TO PARIS Mias Helen New VTork, Jan . Si Oould ot New York Is a pUMitfarj oa board the Deutschraftd boVfnd for- ParlJ. She laotkedfar paaaar,' from Kew Terk, but her name is not-placed en tbt saUins:rUstl So 'secretly , were the ar ranaements made for the ailing' there waa not a.. pagensr'ari' the! DeutschUnd who.knew.of iiUs Qoulol'spresence unr til' noon-' today, when 'the ship wu 100 miles from . New Tork. Mlis Oould Is ont her 'way to Paris , to meet and brlnf back .to,. America bers sister, Anna, Counttse -de' Caatellana. whosa divorce troubles haye. interested, tut fashionable eta of two eontlnrnla. - '- - i. Count-BonI de Caatellane. who la In Parla, to ahowlnajtlmaelf extremely ob- Construction on Two land and Salem Will --,-11 ;'3f;S0ift!pi? xfc'mmK I I fi(',iii,ftii!''':' i I I - -rnteen;uaysii(nrurtnerueia Within IB days constructive of two interurban eleotHo railroads -between Portland and Salem will be under way With ail the energy of two strong com panles, . well equipped and . directed by men thoroughly experienced In eleotrlo railway , construction. The roads will follow different -routes, entirely Inde pendent of each other and relying upon local business developed. . They will tap districts ranking among the richest sec tions In Oregon. . . Following a settlement of. the long drawn franchise controversy over Front street, the Interested companies are today able to figure out definite programs snd plan for Immediate work. J. Whyte Evans, president of the United Railways company. General Manager WV- D. Larrabea-aiMj - M. H. French, president of the Los Angeles Construc tion company, have been In conference today on the situation, and are well satisfied with the outcome. Mr. Evans said: - '- '- , ' Beady to Oa Ahead. ' '. '. ' ' ' rWhlle It has seemed at times that the United -Railways company was im patient -over the delays, we are glad that we -have not given up -the project, and we are now ready to go ahead with all possible speed under the terms of the franchise. Ae soon as the fran chise -become effective, we will bogin construction . work- Tha survey s have Pleasurt and Profit ijnjjteadincf Journal than ' E B ORDER TO MEET .. : COUNTESS DE CASTELLANE '"' GouM,lVlio Is r'a;el.j It lieet iltt: stv 'V-','. ! fiM'-XeasMU. ;'-r"'. j''atfna4'e:f W 'appes,tbi hlswtfe's k--Mls rHelen-14 aultufor. divorce' will t'. fought' to- a rfntatr. ' Rtthartn ih 'Mutitl uiamiM In. dined 6' accent, the JnevltiOiI. but he has 'suddenly ; become exactlnk.'i The main point of contention-, la the cus tody of the children. " Counte-Anna demands sole control of them and their education, while permitting, the count (o visit them whUe ' tbay .In. Paris. The amount of alimony 'aiao remains unsettled,' though on this point the eountesn Is dlapoaed -to- b aenerous. t The count la obstinately fighting for control of the cblldrea .and .this may be connected with his Idea of . scouring wore advantageous finandlal term a Sev eral .persons who are Intimate with the eouat and countess say- - that the count la acting with customary fqlly. Roads Between Port :C6mmerice!Within v : . .. . - ; v - . -been run and the stakes win be driven the moment the franchise becomes a reality. The city will have its bond for 1100,000, at tha eame time, that the road will be built to Salem. If the United Railways company cannot do business In Portland In harmony with the Ideas of the people snd with exist ing corporate Interests here, we do not want todo .business.. Wt have... come here to enter upon business projects which' we hope will. In time, become profitable. At the present time there Is only expenditure and no profit. , . "As to the beginning of construction of the railroad, work will begin imme diately on approval of the franchise. We have agreed to the -proposition that the elty shall have a separate contract clearly -defining the-elty's right, - as - tl already exists In our franchise, to boy the Front street section of the road alone at any time and make It a mu nicipal track. As we have understood it, this provision has existed In the franchise from the start, and therefore we nave no objection to making It as explicit as possible, so long; as It does not Impose further delsy to our plana." ' Chambers Beturms to Cite. . Frank R. Chambers of the Willam ette Valley Traction company, returned this morning from New York, where he .Continued cu Page Three.) fryilS 8UNDAT JOURNAL' covers a wide range of Interest this week. As I ' many people ere talkjag politics, two of the. features are of a political - A character.. Every one ef the s 1,000 voters tn Oregon and every woman ; in Oregon will be interested la the beautifully illustrated - story of ..the. Sixty Tears' Crusade for Equal , Suffrage, snd What it Has Accomplished. ":A Day in the Life ef a Candidate gives aa idea of how Governor Chamberlain eonduoted the campaign that ends 'tonight. O. Henry .contributes a eapltal short story;' there are the latest fashions and health and , beauty : hints, for j women) the Splendid etory ef the workers; en article in colors about insects 'eating plants, and much timely and Interesting miscellany. ,- ''Then there la a page of pretty babtea from Oregon' and Wajhington-7-com-; pet Mors In The Sunday Journal's great contest. ' The "Funnies ere funnier' ever, endV Include the edventurea of : Maud. Lulu and Lrender, and Batch. These muftUon to The Sunday Journal, which is MvfHvmvvvvvvv IMS IU iISe Candidate Withycorribe JsiliveAJVarm fifeeWH ing by; theEast Side Republicans - He Tells His Audience That the Office of State Land Agent Is Superfluous and Expresses His DiaapprovalfrublicOwrteri ship of Public Utilities. James WlthyoOmbe. Renubllean can didate for governor, was alven an en- tnusiasuo reception last evening by East Portland Republicans. BuriChard's ball was Jllled, but many -who attended were disappointed because they got only about Ave mliiuteayof air. Wlthycombe and'more t)an an hour of T. T. Geer. - - City Treasurer H, W erl eld .acted aS chairman. . Robert G. Morrow- tha flrsU --te-th-peakersi-ipTedlotad-victoryi. for woman s suffrage, after which ha urgef tha claims J1 Judge Robert Bakln. oan- tUdata. feW preuis yudga, and ' Alf rud eri Jr-fnndidaU feu; circuit Judge. "14. U I'tMwmu, an operatla singer gave a-aeloctlon, beginning "Oh,, gather around any bandit band, ; and. , won 5 a well-deserved epeore. . Chairman Wei leln, uk a few laudatory. words, Intro duced the candidate for governor, f t Wtthyoemse Speaks. ' ' ' ' After av vigorous outburst of '. ap plause bad subsided sir. Wlthyoombt eaid. In part: . 't J - "I deeply appreciate the distinction you have accorded me by giving me such a greeting.. I am not worthy of It but I am glad to speaks to a. Portland audience. I oongratuiate you on build ing up here . a splendid city. . Many years . aero I predicted that Portland soma day would be the largest elty on me tcino coast. "We - have . wonderful r aurroundlnga The scenery, .the climate, vthe beauty around us, cannot help but inspire the Oregontans to nobler' thoughts,. and we are going to be a prosperous state . and a strong people. The Willamette valley alone can support 1,000.000 people. We must rise above partisanship and raise statesmen in this stat t look after the interests of the state. , When I started out on this campaign I de termined not to resort to personalities. I have .made a clean campaign,, and If I .win next . Monday I will give you a clean, honorable, business, administra tion. ' .-. ,':',, ' v "We are clthtens of the greatest na tion In the world. America la the bea con, light ef the civilised world, and I want to assure you that mis is largely doe- e- Republican poUeles. . - .7 That land Of flee Matter. -"I want to speak ef a matter In re- sard to which I have been badly mis quoted. I have said that the office of land agent should be tbolisneo. 1 ravor this because I have found two men at Salem doing one man'e work. I think the clerk of the land office can do that work. I know he ean, for have in veetla-ated the matter. As to the state. ment that the land thieves share my views I want to say that If I am elected I will be aa much of a terror to land thieves sr many In the state of Oregon. I have stated that with raw ex eeptlons I do not believe in public own ersblB of publlo utilities. Neither do t !... v k.ll.v. In MnrnmMl renila. WWV A m - - - flon and government control of publlo service cornoratlona. "1 hone that on the morning or June t the wires will convey the Intelligence to that great man not great aa Wash ington was, hut great for coming out against corporate gre nat uregon has given the wnoie tiepuDiioan ucaet tha ' areatest majority In its history. Then that man's heart will throb with Joy Theodore Rooeevelt" v ; - . Applause Zs XdberaL- The speech, of Mr. Wlthycombe was liberally applauded. -At Its close, Mrs. Fred U Olson sang two solos that de lighted the crowd. - Robert 1- Stevens, candidate for sheriff, was then - intro duced. He declared that If elected he would do his -duty, and auded: i am (Continued on Page Three.) - Happy Hooligan, the talented mule . A alone are worth the price of ad better than ever. " "REDfflGKEMEN 7, A f- ' i&tiwix"' IVb'e tbe : - -r :":'. '' ' - - ' ', ' T' v ' v , ..:'- . J Democrats and Republicans I U hitryfinf Giving Enthasiastic Ovation Executive at" i Albina' accorded ' Governor : Chamber-! lain a flattering reception laetnignc Though the fact that Chamberlain would be there ' had not been widely adver tised, there . was . standing room only when tha oemor- stepped -upon:- tha platform of Gomes hall. He was- greeted by prolonged cheering b? Democrats and Republicans alike and when, during hla address, he declared that hie Republican friends had Droved as loyal as - nia Demoeratlo friends a large man in . the rear of the hall cried: -.--r .- TTou betl and I'm one of tnem v Then there was more applause, of the sort which-starts the enthusiasm ooa- Ing out of the finger-tips.- - cefsranr Oa Frugram. The" : brosram had- been previously arranged . for the congressional, legis lative and county ' candldatee, but on account of the floods Interfering -with the train service In eastern Oregon, tne governor waa unable to fill his date In Pendleton. He was therefore added to the . nrogram of the Albina - meeting. Governor Chamberlain was the last speaker of sn extended program of short talks. Interspersed, by songs from th mala auartet - The state's chief executive spoke for half-an-- trour-along--the 'lines -covered by his address at the meeting of the previous night at the umpire tneatre on - the west side The apeech wss wholly free from partisanship and aouse of any kind. . It was devoted largely to a- review ' ot the governor s four years In office Snd the many , things which he bad accomplished during that term. - It was dearly proved to the satisfaction of the audience that ' the promises made ss a candidate had been fulfilled as an office-holder. . , ; . Adams the Flies Speaker. The meeting waa called to order by Chairman J.-W. Farmer. J, C. Adams, candidate for justice of the peace of East Portland, was the first speaker. "We come to you with clean hands," said Mr. Adams. "We are proud of our record f the past in this state, of our office-holders, all of them We are proud of -our governor and our sheriff, and prpud that they are before you again aeklng for your suffrage." At. tbev mention J?f.tho Demoeratlo sheriff the speaker" was interrupted by a demonstration. Whenever the name of Tom Word was mentioned from the platform It was a signal for the clap ping of hands and the stamping of feet Continuing, Mr. Adams referred to a atatement published In aa brgaa ' ef the opposition to the effect that two I ticket-are not in favor ef statement No.- t. ...... , Therefore.", said he. "if you want United Statee senators of your ewa choice you must elect Democratic, leg islators." 1 Oglesby Toanf Twlke. Oglesby Toung, candidate for circuit Judge, next took the rostrum.- He intro duced himself by stating that the pres. ent one was his first offense In running for office. 'He had been on the legisla tive ticket before, but had never really LLpVr- r':ri Ara Actively CanV to State's . Chief Gomez ' Hall: run. Now hewae running,' and so fast that he believed he tiad a good ehanoe of election, Mr. Toung modestly dis claimed any especial fitness for the of fice to which he aspired, above that of any" good average la wymvHt-weuld promise, however, to administer the of fice, in a non-partisan way. - - - Frangls 'Clarno,"' candidate for' state senator, seconded the statement of Ad am, that th ' Democrats are proud of their elected officers, all the way down from governor to sheriff, to tha dis trict, attorney .and mayor. He also an nounced himself as proud of the state, ir was some-day -to be the "greatest in the union. ".Some-day the people-would wake unita find a million' population: Then 1 they would not- wish to find that they -had -also officers with the shadow of crime upon -them. Mr. Clarno out lined the -platform ' of the Democratle party -in? this campaign, showing the party's - ehampkmehlp of - the eemmoa people in every. plank. . .. . John Van Zante, candidate for county Judge, told his hearers that he firmly expected to be elected. . Oa Bemittsjeoe of Tazea. . ; '"If I am," said be. "I promise yoa that - there -will be - no -cancellation . ot taxes - of corporations as - there have been In the past." The speaker then referred to a tax ot nearly (1,000 due from the Wells Fargo (Continued en Page Five.) , Pat this card In yonr pocket until yon vote. THEN VOTE FOR THESE NUMBERS ON.BALLOT. 120 303 '304 '323 Facsimile of , Istr."-' tha L' ; or Dealera' '-.- t V" WORD Liquor Dealers Furnish Proof of Interest in Candidacy of Robert it, StevensforSheriff- Distribute Card Advising Follow ers to Support Their Favorite, to Vote No on Woman's SirtV f rage, . Yes on Local ; Option Because refused . tha .Karquasa Oread theatre tha Txww ells Kan's Torn Word aluh win hold atr. oa Seventh street Between Moxrlaoa ana Aides. Tha saeatfna; wfU If- ttt l-ffs rf a sisninsa ea thhi aiiniiaus and aone of the previously advertiae4' featuseer wO ha allminated. The bead will pUy. tha aartst wlU Blaa; aad the) aavartlaea Speakers wUl crowd from a earrlagw est tha 1 The "red ticket" men "are lining nrf . their ;foroea for Robert I. Stevens for , sheriff, and are using every means In their power to defeat Tom Word, Evi dence of this la furnished by the dls trtbutloa or a card advising the voter who receives it to east his ballot for Stevena, te support the . local option ' amendment." to oppoaa- woman, suffrage and to vote for saloons la tha Multno mah county districts la which looal op tion has been Invoked at this election. That this card comes - from the Uquoe dealers there ean be no doubt. Tha pol icy Is the same ss that employed at the city primaries last year, when the sa loon element got out a red ticket In be half of Its favorite candidates toY tha municipal council. , . . . Thin year's printed advice from tha liquor dealer reads as follows: , "Put thier card In your pocket until you rote. ' Then vote for' these numbers on tha ballot: 110, 0t, 104, Sit." That ia all. No names or measure are mentioned, but It la well to know tha following facta: . .. ,, . s. 120 la the ballot number of Robert Li -Stevens. ' ...... 101 Is "No oh woman . suffrage. .- 104 la "Tee" on the liqour dealera amendment to the local option law. - S2I Is -No". In every district whera voters are to decide the question: "Shall ' the saloons be closed T" The little card la being Industriously circulated, but there Is no lack of evU.. enee-that-rt-ts-golngr to prove a boom erang. Sheriff Word Is gaining votes every day. The attempt to Inject par-. ' tlsanahlp into the fight has proved m failure, and his election is assured. Straw votes. taken en the east aide dur ing; the past week give a fair idea, oe the etrength: of -Sheriff Word amonsj ' Republicans. - Only Republicans were) ssked to- express their preference, and thia wae the result: Central East Side Thirty Jvetarej polhd,W0rd IT, Stevens . r: ? . Sellwood and vicinity Twenty voter polled. Word II. Stevena 7. University Park and Tictnlty KInei teen voters polled. Word 11, Stevens t. South Mount Tabor and victnity Twenty votera polled; Word It, Steve ens (. ' -, Totat l Republican votera polled! Word tl. Stevena It. - , In nearly every Instance the votes polled explained hla reason tor not sup porting Stevens by saying: "Word has made good. He hae enforced the laws.'' -On election day these Republicans wilt express by their ballots their opinion of the "red ticket" methods employed by the liquor dealers in their desperate attempt to defeat a faithful official. BRITISrf PRESS URGES - -. . AN INDUSTRIAL WAR (Jouraal Spertal Berrlee 4 ' A . London. Juno I. The British press fa devoting much space to the revelations tn the American meet packers' easea. Appeals are made to enpport homo In dustrv. and to aton tha sal a canned goods. Orders for large eonslgn- mviiiB 01 juuBTican canned meats have been either cancelled or reduoed. The Timee made a bitter attack an tha . kee "meat bosses." . MAYOR DUlUNE ASKS , INSPECTION COMMISSION - (JobtssI. Special Urn th:) v Chlcsgo, June I. Mayor Ihinne today telegraphed to Secretary Wilson of the agricultural department, urging th ap pointment of a commission of patholo gists and sanitary expert to invealgnta tha stockyards and packing-houses ant report what safety measures should ki adopted. expect repc.-:t r (Jrnrsl Weshlneto'i, ." confer ' toiler