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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1906)
w Newt of Fightdom Critic' Opinion of the Bench Show-M,cA. A. C. Beats Oregorv Hunt Club Riders Very Busy Autoing. Giants Continue to Lead Leagues-Seattle Beats . Angels and Seals Whitewash Timers .Eastern Games' and. Racing -Sportimg Edited fry J.A.HCXAN Evwy-ttUnw. la Sportdom ; PORTLAND GRAMMAR SCHOOL FIELD AND TRACK TEAM. WIIIOO : CHATS F VJITII IFFRIES ON DOG SHOW High Praise Tendered to the Retired Champion Declares That Annual Field Meet ' Next Sate : urday Attracts Attention . .. . V: of Horsemen.' -Canines Entered at Local . Only Disaster Will Get Him " r -i;. -. IMo Ring.'. , Exhibition. J3!Flars7 Page: M ) llfTCLUD RIDERS EXPERT-S OPINIOf TRAINING EDGECOTE PEER CRACK ' : DOG OF THE SHOW History of Breeding Shows That Constant Care la Essential to the Keating of Dogs Worthy of Notice ---4fow Local Animala Appeared. By J. i. DeWltt. " - v ' - Msch credit U due the Portland Ken- el club (or a very successful : and diHr bench show. . From Indications the do cult Is destined. to reach a higl) nUae of advancement In the northwest. Tor there Is now established an annual . circuit of bench shows that will do '-- muck for the breeding of does and alee for the education of the general public The bench show Is the fanciers' and breeders' exchange and clearing-house combined, for only by competition and Tr comparison at regular Intervale can the Klines of type and quality be. properly determined. , What bench , shows hava done for the perfection or Improvement f various recognised breeds can easily he seen by comparison of type and breeds as abowa by the pictures of the , crack doga and leading' breeds of two and three decades ago with 'the like illustration of the hlgh-claes Indl- Timiats-of -the- pi eseut day. " ' -The- til eeflliig of dogato type nrhe .' development of essential qualities la a . desideratum reached by years of obser ' vatloo, experience and Judicious mating. The great recognised - and successful breeders are. In consequence, compara tively few. ..That thla la true Is shown the strict drs and-fen- ileia devote bleed tinea and eressss from which results havs been- achieved. -' in this respect there has been aa much care and application ah own 4o develop bead and expression, body conformation, lege and feet, coat and color to varloua breeds of dogs, comparatively speaking, as has been devoted to horses, stock and poultry, Results have proven that the game was well worth the candle IcHntera and setters, for Instance, have developed In nose, speed and bird sens to a degree that leaves but little else desirable; save that the favorite gun . . dog could 1lkv - And -for-that-matte seme of them come pretty cloae to It, ha enrle Olaae.-; t . The terrier breeds, bred originally for the .destruction of ground vermin, badgers, stoats, weasels, not excepting . wildcats and foxes, are 'now endowed ; with punishing Jaws that physically put them on par with their quarry, with' the - added element that these breeds have also had 'admirable . game qualities de veloped to- the euperletlve-degi -stances are not rare by any--means where a Scotch terrier has killed a wild- cat In Ita lair. These little fellows, of - which there were two good specimens In the show, are well termed the "Die . herds," for there Is not a gamier terrier living-than the Srotty, giving, all the rest of the group .their .due fix this re- apect. ... - -"'-."-' - Bull- terriers - are Jhe -acknowledged i gladiators among" The so-called pit bull terrier, whilst a rather for- - f (voidable looking brute. Is a mongrel, and f Is not to bs reckoned with the smooth w. coatedboadV-oyed.- aymmetricaL ttvtn -- rail a ef the berbaroua agea of dog- i dor the white dog of the present- day, of which there waa a splendid exhlbl ' tlon during the week. These dogs when . 'ready for action get down to business without any noise or fancy flourishes - smowhen a bull terrier finds the proper epot for his teeth he ataya at his work ' with a gamenees and determination that ' 1 ends only In victory or death. These . dogs are to a certain extent anatomists, 1 for a good fighting bull terrier Is un erring In his selection of the vulner able points of an adversary. As an ln . . stance of what Judicious breeding will do in Intensifying qualities of a dog, one Hlnks, an' English breeder who practically introduced and made popular the modern bull terrier, bred the fa mous female, Hlnks Kit. Kit won at every show where ahe waa - exhibited. L It was acknowledged she waa a strtk Ingly handsome animal, but she waa an unknown quantity go far aa game and fighting 'quallttea went in the days when a good fighting dog waa thought : more of than a good one of type. -- ' The nghtteff QaaUtlenr - i Hlnks being bantered about the scrap ping powers of h) -bitch, took.up his -Incredtttou's-questioner with a proposi tion to take her off the bench and fight . ' her with the best one that could be found for a turn up against her. The proposition wss received with favor by those present and a math arranged for give pounds a aide . to take place at once. Kit killed her adversary, a noted pit dog. inside of tt minutes. Cham- plon Edgecote Peer, a Portland bull ter 'rler, le a dog that will compare favor . ably with Any bull terrier In the United rltataa. Contrary to the general ltnpres eloa, theee dogs are the gentlest and . inoet trustworthy playmates and com , panions for children that can be found among the canine race. : -j Airedale terriers were a very good exhibit at ths show. These dogs are a variety of -terrier rather new to the - coast. They are grand doga,' possessed of stamina, gamenees and Intelligence to a degree.- An an all round dog thej - have been advocated as the choice be- lens ssawy hrtsdsi Thss ten lei s win ' work to the gun splendidly. The fact ' that they point, retrieve and work In water la not generally known to our sportsmen. ' Another good dog overlooked by many - devotees -of the . gun la the Chesapeake Bay dog. These dogs run to slse, TO , pounds In the males not being con sidered too large, but for a water dog they are not excelled by any breed eave possibly the Irish water spaniel. King. , towned by J. O. McLean of Seattle, Is one of the moet typical Chesapeake Bay - tings- trrf shown on the coast. - For duck hunting these two breeds are bet ter adapted than any others in use by sportsmen. .--.- Tho eUer Breeds. , - The pointer' display last week was teeming with type end qusltty, more no than tiW writer has 'noticed at any bench- show within 1 years. A glsnce ever Ike breedlng ss -Seen fn the cats ugtie, wUl show gome ef the best , - ' t ' Professor Kroan, of M..A. A. C - I pointer blood line in either the United States or England. Otto Schumann s Sport, ths winner of the special, la built on i sturdier lines than' Mason's King, who seems to be a 'rather .more clean built animal. The difference waa but a shade, however, both - ' dogs being grand ones. Many of the spectators would rather have seen the stylish looking Mason's King sent to the front English setters were, another exem plification ef the oere .and attention sportsmen Of the northwest have given the breed. ' Mallwyd Bob, Fleet Sergeant and Handsome Jim are a trio hard to beat anywhere to the ' United Btatea. Each of these dogs show In' their pedi grees a- line of bench show and field t riarwin n erthr-prwes---Mbiooe-"wtM leiL7dc1flme-TJa are "two . handsome matrons of - equal worth and breeding. .---r- -- - . r Fox terriers, need never have a better champion from Portland " than - Mult nomah Blue Boy, a terrier from the ground up,;an4 a dog that will -Improve vastlyr "cton''erterB7whn'howmg-Tantc one here and there, were not as good aa shown st some coast shows, -The Judge could have placed Dandy over Nobska II without any setioua fracture of the ehow-iing tension. . Dandy la devoid of the t wrinkle and wide, choppy musale that Nobska Is endowed with. irtth the Coekera. ; - Cocker spaniels were principally parti colors and brought out several splendid Individuals. a. well-known bench winner and probably one of the beat on the coast today. - Duke- Royal was deeervedly - placed first - in - blacks and Is a well ' wearing, all round good Cocker. Wilton Blackberry . la notable as having; as typical a Cocker head as ean be founds The Barker kennels' en try from this city would be hard to beat In Its entirety at any. coast show. K tlehan Pablo and her ilr. Portland Kid, are a brace of handsome dogs that are a credit to the breeder. . As a sporting dog ths Cocker has its hese Intelligent little fel lows are adaptable In low, thick cover. Arthur Alexgnder, Who ill Com pete for the Ladd Cup in Tennis Tourney. impassable to the setter or loo severe on ths unprotected coat ef the pointer. The big breeda were In Indication, by the-'sbee nee tf muie 1 eiitiies. 'that tlis large doge are "giving . way to their smaller and more easier handled', (and fed) conquerors. The St. ' Bernards, Belfast Buster and Star of the-North, were good typee. The Oreat Dane Lief la a specimen that will be In the. rib bons nt any show, being a more than average good .one. - Following the Flag. When our soldiers went to Cuba and the Philippines, health was the moat Important eon eld ere t ton. Willis T. Mor- Xan, retired Commissary Rergeant V. 8. ., of Rursi Route 1, Concord, N. H., saysi "I was two years In Cuba and two years In ths Philippines, end being Subject to colds, I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Conssmption, which kept ms In perfect health. And now. In New Hampablre,we And it the best medicine In the world for coughs, colds, bron chial troubles snd all lung diseases. Guaranteed at- gkldmore Drug Co. Price 10 and 11.0-, Trial bottle free. . i .in the Act of Starting , String. of HON. AFFAIRS lOOul UP- III . GRAI"U!i LEAGUE . Brooklyn Continues to Lead the Race With Seven Victories - to Her Credit. In the Grammar School league yea terday - Brooklyn - defeated WUllama Avenue, 2 tO-J..Jl'haUlne-.up: Brooklyn. v I- Wllllama Avenue. O. Wilaon..vV. ....p.. ......... Morris Heacock .,...... ..c. ...'..... Brown Hoyt '' i ... ...... Jasman Cornell 'v..... ..2b .,... . Brady Lnke , ..Sb., Bloom H-..Wl)sont.'. .. .,S ..... . ... . .JBerr Pollock ..If. Wllllama Bherrett .'cf , Ftlauf Melton, .". .' .rf Bartell The schedule of games for next week la aa follows: Jane 4 Highland vs. Conch, at Eaat George "McMiMn," Football Warrior, ' : Entered in Tettnia Matches. Thirteenth and Davis streets; Brooklyn vs.. Ladd, at East. Eighth street .-. and Hawthorne avenue. June 6 Couch vs.' Atkinson, at East Thirteenth - and avle - atreeta; Haw thorne vs. Ladd. at East Eighth street and .Hawthorne avenue.. . . . , ; . GRAMMAR SCHOOL LEAGUE. Won. fxnt - P.Ct. Brooklyn . ' . .'-. . Mount Tabor Hawthorne . f... Williams Avenue -Highland . -Couch - -. ' . . . ...... ... T '- 1.000 , . . . . ! i .' s 4 ..-..ri o .76 .TtO .561 -4tt .J85 1S .000 Ladd f t Vf t f" Atkinson NATIONAL LEAGUE. . ,. .., . ..' ... iii r t. ' - l - -Won. Lost ' Chicago-. . ..........21ii.. .. New York . 2 Ji Pittsburg Is Philadelphia ......... 2( 20 Ht.Loufs .T..... 24 C'inc.l n n atl . . . . .m . . . .1 9 ' , ?7 B rookTy h . . .... . ... ...IS Si Boaton . . ..14 12 P.C. A6 .034 A6i JflO ,i3 .304 At Cincinnati Cincinnati 6. ChlearoO t Philadelphia Philadelphia 0, New xora z. At Pittsburg - Pittsburg . 10, 8L Louis 2. At Brooklyn Brooklyn 2, Boston 1. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won, Lest F.C. New Tork , ........,.2 U .T Philadelphia 2S 1 . ,i kl'Mhr;;!!- l 'ill Detroit . . It '' 1 ,4t Chicago . . IS 12 .4i)( Wsshtngton . It 2ft - .176 Boston.. ..'.. j...... U II ,2t2 At Chlengo Chicago . Cleveland 1. At Boston Boston t, Washington 2. 'At it. Louis St. Louis 2, Detroit 0. At New York New York 14-i, PhUa delnhla 1-7. ,, ' i , '"v. Youngsters Who Will Compete in mm 4 ' '- - V- - -4 Frank Wilder, in Training for Mult nomah Club'g Tennis Matches. SOY Hin PITCHES GREAT GAME AT OAKLAND Tigers Are Held Down to Two "Scattered Hits and the lSealsWin. (Special Dispatch by Leased Wire te The Journal) Oakland, Cel., June 2.-r-Roy Hitt'a wonderful pitching and Captain Doyle's kicking at the umpire were, the features of today's game at Idora 'park, which waa won by Ban Francisco by a Scot or to o. . . . ; . . Doyle was ruled out of the game In the first. inning for talking back. Ths talking back did not bother McDonald ! much, but-the language - in which the protest waa couched waa too much for tba arbitrator. Ths score: ' ' '. ' '. . FRESNO. . . " ' , . AB. R. H. PO. jk. K Doyle, rf. ' ... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Cassy, Jb. .......... 4 0 0 4 2 0 McLaughlin, If. ..... S 0 '0 2 0 0 Kagan, ss. ....... 2 0 0 0 4 1 Dsehwood. jf fc. l. l-ll-lr Cartwiight, lb S 0 0 S 0 u Arellanes, tb i 0 0 2 2 0 Hogan, e. 1 0 0 7 0i 0 McGregor, p. ........ 0 "1 0 2 1 Wolters, cf. ........ 0 1 2 0 0 , Totals t-.... .11 0. 2 24 IT 2 ', SAN FRANCISCO.- , . , - i - -. ' AB. R. II. PO. A. E. Rpencer, cf. 4 .2 10 10 Wheeler, ss. . .r..... 2 1 12 ) 0 Mohler, 2b. ......... 1 1 ' 2 0 0 Irwin. 3b. 2 0,1 .0 2 0 Householder." rf.' ;;... 4 "0" 2 S 0"0 Williams, lb.. ....... 0 , 0 10 0 0 Hears, If. ............ 4 0 0 2 0 0 WllSOn,- . tii o-.TA-ir4 ; 0-0 ,0-00 Hltt, p. 1 1 11 I o Totals V ...........20 i T 27 10 "o SCORE BT INNINOS. Fresno . . ....... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hits 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 00 0 12 2 6 1 San Francisco .-...0 0 0 1 2 0 0 Hits ..2 0 0 1 2 1 0 ' SUMMARY. Home run Spencer;- Sacrifice hits Wheeler. Flint bans on errors Han Kranclnco, t. First base on called balls Off Hltt, 2. Left on baaae Fresno, z; Han Francisco, 0. Struck out By McGregor, i: by Hltt. 0. Hit by pitcher Williams. Double pisys irwin to Momer to Wllllama Arellanes (unassisted): Hltt to Wil liams. Wild pitch McQregor.' Time of game one nour ana-eft minutes, um plre McDonsld. .. .... PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. ' . " " ' Won. Lost" P.C Portland... , ., 1 .900 Han Francisco. ........ 7. . S i .700 Heattle 4 .000 Fresno S ' 7 . .200 Oakland 3 S . .272 Los Angeles . ...... t.. 2-7 '-.222 Thie Is So.; vsry candidate on the Demoeratle ticket, .received his nomination fairly and sold his political soul to no man. - the Intergramraar Field Meeting. PORTLAND ACADEMY DOWNS - ALLEN'S fW.JXm Reed Held Opponents Down to Two Scatered Hits and Won4 : ,-- an Easy Game. : Taking ; advantage of Allen's poor throwing nnd easily solving the oppos ing - plteher e- twisters.-Portland acad- tetilslvelj defeated 'Aliens- preuar! atory school yesterday morning by the score of II to 1. Reed, for the aoad emy, pitched good ball, and the result was never In doubt. The- complete scorer PORTLAND ACADKMT. . . . ..AB.R.H..PO. A.E. T-Myers-aa. .......... 1-4 J t 1 0 MePhereon,-lf. - 4 3 2 0 0 0 Houston, lb. , .6 3 1 1 D. Clarke, rf.. ... 6 - 2 2 i.0 0 j 0 Reed, p ... 6 3 4 0 4 1 P. Myers. Jb. 2 ; 0 - 1 " S 2 1 M. Myers, cf. 4 0 10 0 Corbet t, e. S 0. 2 Jones, lb. t I 1 . 0' 1 Totals ....... .....3S 13 II 3T 11 . . r ALT.EN--:'- AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Morrow, 3b. ....... Clarke. 2b. ........ 4 0 0 Z.Z.A-l 3 0 0,2.1 3 1 8-1-0 Parrlsh, e. .......... Herb Barlow, ss. . . . 3 0 0 2 1 Hal Barlow, cf. ..... 4 Hunt. If. .... ... 3 Kubanka, lb. ... 3 Thomas, rf. ......... 3 Thompson, p. ....... 1 Boss, p. 2 0." t - 0 0:10 0 7 . 0 1 0 1 X a j Totals .T...;..2 1 I 17 10 . t 8CORS3 BT 1NNIN08. P. A. ;..........4'1 0 8 10 0 10 13 Hits 4 0 0 2 2 1 0 3 012 Allen-,, ..0 0 ! O ft- 1 -Hits . ...0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 (SUMMARY. .:..-.' ' Struck out By Reed, o: by Thorn n son, 2; by Ross, 4. -Bases on balls Off Reed, 3; off Thompson, (; off Boss, 4. Two-be e hlte McPherapn. D. Clarke, Reed. P. Myere. Double play T. My ers to P. Myers to Jones. Stolen baaes P. A., 12; Allen. 2. Hit by pitched ball Hunt. Passed Balls Parrlsh, 0. Tims of game One hour and 86 min utes. Umpire Rankin, t- - 1HBMMaB v . " Voters. r'' ' Vote the ticket that is not tied up. Vote the Democratic ticket. - - . l -A aOy- kfefr'rH '')": 1 ' II - c-- r,:f!.1SSftff:'l ?i- ':0l:1 ?v - . Ill b; v.jii .. . III ' - fe?aS2fi ViS 1 --:.- ' y PW:: ' ' . CONTENTED WITH HIS ' ; ' V . v FARM pFLFALFA J,-. ,.-'i-. -5, . - s .---.-' ,f,:i-.'X Herrera and, Nelson Are Criticised for Their Actions V In the Recent Fiixle Dane Could Have Waived " at Point and Met the Mexican. By W. W. Naughton. . (Special Dlepatch br Uw4 Wire te The Jearasll - San Francisco, June 2. I saw Farmer Jeffries last week In Los Angelesf He sat next me '. at . the rlngslda of ' the fight that flailed. While those around were prattling uppershoots and cross wallops Jim regaled me -with interest ing chat about his life on "the farm. "Ton should see my alfalfa.' said Jim. ' I did not feet called upon to tell Jeff that all the alfalfa I had ever aeet was from the wlndowa of flying trains. In stead I looked wtae and waited for fur ther Information.- , "It's the flneet yon ever laid eyes on." continued the retired champion. 'T get In for -It on the ground."- - . - . Feeling that the big fellow might carry me beyond my depth, I suddenly asked, 'What's all thla about your get ting back to the fighting gamer' T :have not said anything,-; ne as- Well, this la the f lret chance J've had to-put to- you the question, ; are you likely to fight again?" "Now, Til tell you." said the big man, "When I quit the ring I quit it In good faith. ---I did not care if I nerer set eyesH ottti boytii r"Haveagarn: inTTHTThaTh my sentiments remain the same. I never cared ror righting. - wnen you came to my camp at Harbin Springs, It did not take you long to rind out what part of. the life there I liked best. It was the hunting and- fishing and being out In the mountains. I'm the same stilt I'd rather apend tonight out on a range waiting for a shot at a deer at daylight than. I'd walk lnt this ring 'before- these . thousands, even . if . sure victory waited me. I'm aa happy a.s can be out on my ranch and I want to stay there." . ...... "StllL that doesn't answer my ques tion,". I urged. "Is there any "prospect, either Immediate or remote, of your going back into the rlngT". - jro Immediate Prospect, - . "The beet I ean say Is that there Is no Immediate prospect." I don't want any more of It, but I can't tell what's ahead of me.. Lots of friends of mlns lost everything they possessed ' in the San Francisco fire. If I should meet with a dlsaatsr ef that kind. It might be that I would have to fight again., I sincerely nope mat oay win never come. Training la mighty hard work and when a fellow is out of the game as I have been he doee not Improve. Say, let's talk of aomething else. I did not be lieve that fellow Herrera was gdlng to fight." - From the foregoing It will be seen that Big Jim la not quite sure. - So long as fortune smiles upon "him ahr ths alfalfa keeps coming up eight tlmea a year-be win never dream of fighting. If everything goes wrong, -well, you (Continued on Page Kleven, I SHOP r - and why? A Bishopsuitadds thcEINAL TOUCH OF ELEGANCE to Your. Personal Appearance! FOR CONTRIBUTING CONVlNdNG SATISFACTION BEBOP'S HETCODS ARE BEYOND COMPARISON For Good Outside Impression Get inside One of His W iJT TWO AISD THREE " PIECE ' " ' " .-. -'- f ' ' ' " ' -. :' ..J-, ... : - .- --'-. '- '' . : ' e ' C. IP. CLOTHIER 85-87 Third Street TWO-MILE EVENT WILL; : "BE CLOSELY CONTESTED Marengo I Touted to Be- the Best. ; Weight-Carrier, for the Distance Bennett and Oregon Kid Win Be" ""Close Competitors. "J, 7 t'""'r:- ' Interest, in the , spring meet ef the Portland Hunt club la4very evident ln ', the vicinity of the Irvington track thesa days. Every morning and evening the'" grounds are overrun, with Hunt-olub members and one can get ' "dope- enough there In an. hour to last a pro -feaalonal tout half a lifetime. A cele v brated authority once said: "It Is a 1 difference of opinion that makea a horto . race," end - certainly if difference of -opinion makes horse races there will be races galore on June , the day act for the Hunt-club meet. V - Within the time required to ' walk a hundred feet . the writer heard that "no other horse will be past ths paddock. - when -Marertjto finishes ths two-mlle race." and-"Marengo will not be 4a the staetch when the leaders paaa under the wire,"- There la taore than a dif ference of opinion to make, that two mile event a -race. Eight well-matched thoroughbreds raoiog a distance of two any track and will be of particular .-- Interest in this esse as It is the am bition of every Hunt club member to..;:: own or jrlde a horse that can beat Ma rengo a, distance of two miles. Maren- -. . fgw'a tune iastr-ycaiff":4l"yrwltn ICS pounds up. la remarkable.' On the same' day there weie two V rvf esstgnnf two-mile rscee run. One In Seattle, time 8:61, and one at Del mar, time 2:B. - and presumably the weights were in the ' . neighborhood of 40 to 50 pounds lighter than Marengo carried. . . , ' Baetvo ajd Oregon XUl Furthermore two other local horses, Raclvo and Oregon Kid finished only a fraction of a second behind him. carry .... Ing even greater weight. In Oregon Kid's caae 185 pounds, and the Kid is one of the greatest weight carrier for a email horse that ever walked, to beat Marengq le - easier -said taan - done, and after the raee is run the horse that beata Ma- r rengo will know that he had hie work""" cut out for hlra In big, chunks. , Lou Leadbetter, . worked him - a mile On Wednesdsy In 1:4 S, without, urging. .' with 185 pounds up. and he waa so anxious to go on that he ran another half mile before he could be pulled up. . . This is reported to be the best-work-, out so far. - Oregon Sunshine' and J. H. Bennett ' did the circuit In 1:02 with lota left In them. VI nee haa not had a hard work- out yet, but Charles Murray, his trslner, thinks he is fit and looks like a winner. . Vince Is a hard one to rate and Is likely to overrun himself in the f lret mile. Raclvo and Oregon Kid are a well matched pair and will be found out in 1 the lead a goodly part of the journey, as they were last year. J. H.' Bennett hag a world of speed and Is possibly : the -claiie of the race. The distance will probably prove his undoing, aa his (Continued on Page Eleven.) WITH SUITS ! V' . i ... . B - - '" ' II .' it 1 .