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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1906)
V THE -i OREGON PAILYIOURNAU-JPORTIAMDSATURPAY ; BVENKTO, ( MAY 12, ; 1803. T" TRANSPORTATION. ,r : " TRANSPORTATION. '(t iaj'j ii m m m m saw m . issl GORGEOUS We Cure Men for NOUE ROUTE i --COMESITO SEE-UNITED-STATES ' - v Mi trr3ENATCR-fcnrt , , SacMTC Tiokatg JTow, - . t:.: , .. J EAST INDIAN RAJAH f us -it- . !- Owiir Guns pte 11 XLkvyar ui iu vu ii ui j viuivi u nir J I' l; . ; i J - - ww NevForKr f ' V. Testeritfyc ;L .., n ii i..iHiiiillwii i a T r- - I BS. . v. ; mt -J I . '.- BB (Journal Special Service., -" Kw TTorlt. May i:. There" -arrived J today from Liverpool the Mahratta .-r ehtt-JlkTfr, :ot rrod nd toil wir "- and daughter and -an extensive suite." His higbneae, the Oaekwar, or Galk - war, Maharapah-of Bartxlarll tn TIn carnation of tha cloriea of tha Arabian -,. KtfchU Ha-ia-tho aaconfl craatoat prltica of India, tfie otbar aerenlty belnf -Ha waa i Jawala than would nil a potato barrel , twice orer, and ha la tha owner of tba .. .only rolden artillery In tha. worldLj.. roated to defend lla corseoaa palace theae guna are ona of tba world a curl oaUlea, They wera the product of a !liaUT6TackaUTa.akIUraiui labor, the . ..'ttnia eonaumed In tha work, being .no leaa thaa Ave yeara Each ann walcha . 400 pounda and in tnada of pure gold, - with., tha exception of tha Inner ooat. whloh la of ateeL It la not In tne a-una alone," however. that tha Hindoo potentate haa ahown WOULD BE SUICIDE -WIIIS Filf,lE French. Play right Shootr -Herself When She Learns That Sacha -Is to Be Withdrawn. HOPED TO EFFACE ' MEMORY OF THE PAST TT&gmcMrtU. Who Had Once'peent . . Convicted . of . Attempting Kill 1 a m wa I rttrar-riTTtrtwrMttCT-tnw-riCTtTilil8 rgeiit guar liei maid. Body, but Without Fatal Result. - (Joanal BneHal Barvtce.l Paris. May II. Reglne Martial, tha playwright, hae Jutrt drawn mora atten- tlgn rto herself -than any of her plays , aver, did, by attempting to commit sui v clde, and fortunately falling. ' But aha aaye she la going to begin over again tha .first chance she gets, so that all fears of a tragedy are not yet averted.- Mademoiselle Martial, after writing a number of curtain-lifters, wrote her -first big play. ."Sacha,". last year and . brought It out only a few weaka ago at tha Oymnase in Paris. She had mora at stake than the. ambttloe to make. a success, for ther 'wasin her past a shady spot which she had hoped to wipe out by an artistic triumph. Five years r age. she was - accused of having sent f 1 gi g DEEDS,iW WORDS Vortlaad reopla Save Abaotat Vroof ' , of Seeds at Soma. tfs not -words, but deads that prova the merit. - The dTs of Doan's Kidney Pills, " For Portland kidney sufferers, - - e Have made their local reputation. ' Proof Ilea In tha testimony of Port land people who have been cured to atgy cured. ' David Campbell. Dakar, of 211 North. Seventeenth " atreet, and living at 170 Korth Elghteeenth atreet, Portland, Ore., says; , "Every word of the atatement I made In' February, 10J, concerning ioen's Kidney pills Is not only true, ' but havinrslnce-eehfree from kidney troubi-Tam glad to state that my faUli In Doan's Kidney Pills Is stronger than ever. - It is now Ave or six years -alnos J- began to suffer with a lame and a- hlnf back. It waa ao bud that I could not aland tha pain when bending forward or straightening. I tried vari ous remedies and began doctors' treat ment, but whatever relief I found waa only, temporary and often I could not get any relief at all. Having read In my home paper from England that lHana Kldn-y Pills- were strongly rec ommended for.eurh troubles I got a supply at a local-drug store. The first boa helped ma so that I kept on with the treatment andwhen I had taken iTwUt four boxes not f the trouble remained and I have had no re currence since. I have told these facts In a testimonial published In 10I, and am very glad of tha opportunity now to . corroborate H." anle hy all dealera Price l cents. . Vomer-Wllburn Co., Poffnlo, New York, aele stents for the United Btatert. Remember tha name JXAN S and Uka ao outer. , . - , ;tl ifSv -far) TheOaTkwar! "Brod fa TDnrbrf - Attire, and Hb Favorite Palacer hla taata for expensive .ornamentation. Tha entire outfit la on a moat aumptuoua eralethe-earrlafe-blim drawn bFt he finest ' bullocks that tha - Maharajah's terrltery produces, . and the trapplnf of . tha animals are of . tha moat splen did order. : " ' v Soma 11a tha friniinffany6f" "the' apparel that bedecka this golden artil lery team - may. be -gathered, from, tba itatemenllhfttJlhglr-beaLtrapplngTi coat titfiOQ.' On tha horns of-the-antmaia ara golden apay- and on 'tha-lege-ar worn anklets of gold and silver. Each head la- a- flashing maaa" -of gold,-and when tha guns are polished and tha bul locks ar in their-atate attire the sight la somewhat dazxling. The guns are guarded day and night to a rival some tiny lsh hooks In antl pyrlna capsules. - In - order to kill her. The woman escaped, but Mademoiselle Martlal,though protesting that She waa In no way connected With tha attempt, was tried and condemned to prison. On coming out again Into: the world aha f !that3nsthlns; - alone could efface this lgnomyrand-hat-enlyae-an artist could she raise her head again. She then started work on ' "Sacha" , in tha hope of not only assuring her future but of restoring her. fair fame. Manager Waraad Xaa. Tha play was a Russian psychological study, for Mademoiselle Martial claims to know Russian Ufa and character down to the ground, having spent much of her life In - fit. Petersburg. Bo far as tha critlca were concerned, the recent inaug uration of "Bacha" waa a success, but tha publio did not appreciate It particu larly. -and at tiie end of three weeks the; wianagar oftha qymnase' warned atage. .1 , , - . . - - Rrgina Martial lefttha Hwialre In the middle of the performance during which "- "' " " rsfudyrnd"taking twice at herself. Tha maid, hearing the I reports and tha sound of a fall, ran Into on tha floor bathed in blood. Ona ahot bad missed Its marlt and atreelt a,plc ture on the wall,- another had passed through the left arm and - entered, the shoulder . "Leave me! Leave me!" tha unhappy woman cried.- seising tha pistol 'again. I missed twice, but I shall anoceed this timet" Tba maid wrenched the weapon from her mistress' hand, and then rajn for help. ' Begins ' Martial was nearly unconscious from loss of blood, but the wound wan bound up, and next day. tha ball was extracted. She is now pro nounced out of danger. . . -.. Xat Zaps Ars Sealed. ' Her friends are surrounding her con stantly. In tha fear that she wllf carry out her-threat - of .making, another -at tempt on herself. . In tha- meanwhile. "Saoha"- haa been taken off tba boarda of tha Oymnase. Although Begins Martial's friends all Insist that disappointment about - her play was the only causa of her rash act. ' there ' are reports afloat In . the theatrical world that this waa the least of her troubles. It 1s said that It was her own history which sh' had repre sented In "Sacha." and that her hero whoso nama aha had given to the play waa Indeed tha man sbs had loved, who had possessed all tha qualities and all the brutalities which She representee and had finally abandoned her after winning her affection so that aha has never been able to forget him. ' Borne claim that It waa despair at . seeing her own life enacted before her In her play, othera pretend that tha-myaterloua original of Sacha was dead and-Regina Martial had Just - herfrd tha news and acted In a fit of despair. But her Hps are sealed on tha sublet, and all external evidence supports only the version that she grieved at not being hailed as one of the greatest playwrights of her time. INSPECT DESIGNS OF . M'KINLEY MONUMENT . (Jneresl Speelal Serrlee.) . " New, York, May 1J At a meeting of the trusteee of tha National McKlnloy Memorial association" held at' the-Manhattan hotel today- Sculptor - Charles Henry -Nlehaus presented for Inspection his design for tha portrait status of McKlnley, which Is to stand t the en trance of tha torn j tn'ttlw Canton ceme tery. The special committee appointed fur the .fturposa re ported-aetory progress In tha work of raising tha 50, 00 endowment fund. .- 1 by picked man of tha royal bodyguard, ar apicnaia - corpe equipped after the European mannerNChd officered chfafly nr wain nun. - Baaldar the gtilden" gun tha Mahara Jan owns a pair of-silver guns of tba aamagtiit jatha othera, but smaller, weighing only S20 pounds each. Tha .Maharajah la tha deacandant of One . of those great Mahratta generals who were In Xact thai ruling power -In 1 nil la hen the. FJst Indl ttonnpany wrested tha .'acepter from tha feeble hands of tha last of tha onca great Mogul. Ha U bright, ?larart alert and versatile: and ha lovea the white peo ple and their ways. He apeaka English llkp an Englishman and hla domestlo atanflard-la equal to that of a western potentate. a.x:. ,---- - - - The population of tha state of Baroda numbers about" 1.000,00, and tha state haa an area of -1,000 aquare-miles. Tha capital. Baroda.. has about 106.000 In habitants, and la aituatad on tha rail road from pombay to Ahmodabad. HOT FAVORED Possibility That Cumberland As sembly May Turn Down the Proposed Consolidation. PLACE LEGAL OBSTACLES IN WAY OF COMBINATION Opponents Plan.-la -BcsortT6Tft" Courts on Proposition .That Funds l-erftCiYtn r yromotpecUl f Creed. ; tJoaraal BoeeUl Seirlee.) i U., May 1 2. 1 1 now appears possible that tha proposed union of the Presbyterian . and - Cumberland Presby terian denominations may not be af fected at tha, general assembly of the Cumberland. Presbyterian -church,' to be held In thla city next week, notwith standing a. majority of the delegatea haa been Instructed In favor of , tba proposition. Tne opponents of tha plan to unlta tha two denomlnatlona are pre paring to pot-legal difficulties In tha way and aa a "result It Is possible that the proposed union may be delayed. 1 It Is said, that an application fcY'an Injunction against ..the union wlllr- be asked In the circuit-conrt here Monday. Tha Injunction will be- asked ; on -tha ground that tha Cumberland Presby terian church)' properties were ' bought with money elven for teaching - and preaching the Cumberland Presbyterian faith and doctrines, and that no board of trustees or other officers has a right to transfer to tha Presbyterian church any mora than to Jewish or Cathollo churches. The claim will be that 'tha opponents - of the union represent tha Cumberland .. Praabytarlan - church, to which tha funds rightfully belong. - Unionists say that this position Is un tens. and will not stand In ths courts, ths general assembly having power to do whatsoever It pleases, though Its congregation, has tha Individual right to say whether or not It will be called Freabytcrlgn. . . . - -The Cumberland -Presbyterian church has 188,000 active members, 2,32 churches, 1,H0 ministers and about $10,- 009,000 worth of property. The real nght win be ever tha. church funds. GERMAN FLEET N SUMMER MANEUVERS ' fioorasl Special Servfce.t . Berlin, May 11. Hattleshlps, cruisers, torpedo boata and other war craft that go to make up the fighting atrength of tha German navy assembled' todaV at Heligoland preparatory to engaging In iTTT?r iriUnw vi"w, which "will Ttw" Seatas From Appeadloltla - Decrease In the same ratio that the use or Dr. Kings New LJfe Pills Increases. iney save you from danger and brl,n quick andrpalnlena release from const! nation and the. Ilia srowla mit of tt. Htrength. and vigor alwaya follow their use. Uuaranteed by BKIdmora Druf Co., (e. Tr them. :.., church union is mm 1 af f i SuBday-9 E "are SPECIALISTS for Diseases and Weaknesses of We know: just what we can do, and we have such firm confidence in our NEW METHODS that we are willing to cure our patients under NOT A UnUss Cured. W mean i it is ior you 1 1KT V1TAIITY PFSTnCFDVacc ordintf to Ii to 60 davs SPECIAL DISEASES (Recently contracted) 4 days : VARICOCELE (without an operation) JOJo 30 days 1 . . BLOOD POISON (no Mercury or Potash) 30 to 90 days KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLE ( wth3ut" ) 15 to 40 days Established 25 Years in Portland Wi make no charge for a friendly talk or oorraapondenca. ' Coma to 11 In the atrletest confidence. We hare been excluelvely treating apodal diseases of Nothing ecience oan aeviaa or mw7 on out iwjmhi in Beat Wa-JWtU. us you jhonestly, treat you skillfully and" re lth In the shortest time with the leaaf discomfort ndi- If you cannot call, write for 4-lSEDICAHlN SURGICAL -OOBsTXaV-aBOOaTDAirSOrj r Oft WrtOsn iiuiir.i iir.fiiiiiiiLi uuu uuui - i c W satka mislaafllng gtta-J f I . sAsats, deoaptrra propoaltloas or, A 1 false promises. Wa do not psom - y ) 1" lss So aajayony oaay t -a short " usamvariuM a IVat J rYwf. f r I out -we - guarantee - complete, .3 --ig JltKrJ I safe and lasting euro in me quick- - .r - XTf X "- I I I ... naaihia time, without leav-"--rt U S - - '-' lit I ln Injurious sf tar effects In the , ) L " I I ay stem, and at the lowest cost irV I possible for honest, skillful and - - sva xrea o oaaap uau Hmiwu, vv. or schema ta sail worthlees selts . aao, our education and repute- tion condemning all such math- EC'i , Ods. i, We smra whan others fail. , JVIEN-WHO NRRD SKILLFUL AID Will find this itnslltuts thoroughly reliable,' dlCjrent from ether so-called In atltutes. medical concerns, or specialists' oompanles. Tou are Juat aa aafa in dealing ,wlth the -Norton Davla Company as with any state or sTatloaal baak. . It has long been established for the purpose of curing diseases of men which baffle the sklljf of others. Go at once. "Tou are1 aafa In our hands and sura of a euro. Men who are -out of the city should write In confl ice. Consultation and" ad vice, glvan. f ree.-Tott risk no caah.Jfd Secrete given away. --- - - - All Medicines Free Until Cured We treat successfully all nervous and chronlo diseases of men; also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. - T 7 YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED If yon wish you can deposit tha price of a cure In any bank In Portland. - said amount to be handed over to us when you are cured. Or you may pay us by weekly or monthly Installments If tou prefer. - -: Office hours I a, pu to I P tn.; Sundays and holidays, 10 a. m. to 12 m. Dr. Norton Davis & Go. Office In Van Noy Hotel, S2V4 Third 8t, Corner Pine, Portland. Or. ata '-jQjt, jsilxsniLn'xa oWsag ta-iewr -j "j'aj Dollar facKage Man Medicine . Free ' Yoe eea bow obtals a larce dellsr slse free perkafe of Maa Medlcisv tree oa reqaeet. visa Medicine alTti yoa eaee mere tbe susto. tbe Joyral Mtlafsctloa. tlae pslse and throb ot pbrslcal pleasure, tbe keea eanse et Baa-eaaae. tloa, tbe laxnry ef life. bod-sowcr sod body. eomrort rree. siaa aiaaieiiM dot, iu - Mia MnlMw rant Bias-weakness, oerveos debility, earlr 4r. dlacoorara Bissbood, laDCIWHl 1 1 1 Ul , , 1 1 . . . w. . - . beckacbe,' proaUUUa, ktdaay trouble sod srv ouaneaa. 1 ' Yoa eaa ears yeorwlf st bene by Waa Md! Hn,. aail tha (nil alaa tfnllar oacsase will be dellrercd to yon free, plain wrapprr. seaiedJ with full directions now to aae It.. lo aae it. -ine full alas dollar parkase fraa, ae parmtata ef anr klod. 1. It DO racelpu, DO aroaaises, ae papers ao siga. IS irea. All we want te knew Is Oiat yea are not seeding tor It eat of Idle enriosltr. bet that roe want to be wall, and MOf otroos natural self once Bora. Maa Medicine will de vbat 70m wast It te dor Bake yoa a real asaa, SMa-llke. maa-powarfuL. Toor same sod address will bring It; all yoa hart to do Is to sand and set It. We sand tt tree te every dlaconrafad one et the asaa sat. Interatste Brmedy Company, TOO Lack bond ing, lMtrolt, Mlchlgaa. 1 tkktLkMJ. HAIR BAHAM. H Claaaaaa aai awllla Ika Uh Jt fMniaa, skMTtaat rrnlh. I Jl Hrrav Talis te Baatoxe 9rwr Kair te its yeatafal OoUe, i-. Oaraa aaalp tlnai sTkalr nUUae ISl , and 11.00 at DnmVt ducted on a hitherto unprecedented scale. Tha war exercises will be con ducted by day and night In- the North sea, The mouths of tba filbe and Weser will be defended by a mosquito neet of" torpedo boats, and the skill and nerves of officers and crews will be se verely -.tested. ' With short Intervals tha fleets will be engaged in the war afer cises till tha beginning et July. . ADVENTISTS TO HOLD CAMP AT WOODBURN (Special Plapatrb to The Jonrnal.l Wood burn. Or.. May it. Tha Seventh Day Adventlsts will hold a -camp matt ing In Faslo's Orova. thla city, from r and brtncLMay tl to Jun.a 10. It Is expected there from oonatfpwUtM, from 1.SU0 ta 1.0ScatnpraMn mm . ' Altff a! w -TV t . . ar a W .. A . . tne, grove, rrominrm rioera ; or .tne church1 will be present and four, preach ing services will be held dally. A 'mW . W a Oa4 aft to 12 .?. HENrand LIEH ONLY this most emphatically.- ior evcryDoay. - ymptom"b4anka,2..' U"? .7 :" , DISPENSARY lSXBBBTbV TQM.TLA3n. OBXQOXr. BLOOD POISON rot aoti mi tweitt tiais ' are tare made tha aura of blood poison a specialty. Primary. Secondary er Tertiary Bleed Polsea Permanently Cured. Youeaa be treated at home under same guaranty. Capital 1900.000, We aollelt tha most obsti nate eases. If you have exhausted the old methods o( treatment, and still have achea and Pains. Mucus Patches In Month. Bore Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored Spots, Uloers on any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows falling out, write for proofs of urea. - iwpage nooa g-rea. - COOK REMEDY CO. ' IMS sUUlltnirlt, tkbCS,a.lll Scotfs S2atal-Ppsui capsolss A POSITIVE CURE TorTnllammatlos erOatarrhof tbe Bladdar and Di aaaaad Kid. ira. aecuasso tAt. Cares lokly aa. d nermanently the worst eaaae of eieaierrataea ad liar, a matter of bow f etaaoloc. aageiateiy trmlam. gold by dnutsleta. rloa, or br malL nana. paid, (140, 1 boxes, ja.Ta, TKE SAXTAL-PEPSUICa BelMeaYtalae, Okie. Vesaaed. cKarke Oa. Every Vcman mimnvasietxana eaeanrf leoet - about the wendarfal MARVEL wklrUsM -Sorav I The near Vagtaal SHaia. Mil. ma aw-rioa. itoae-Baf. sat M net oaraa loat. ti-Mrht rW M. nannotantnly tne I.IL, aowpt ao ethar. bat mnd ttamn for - lllaatratad book-aka. Rslrae full nerttealara and dlrofHtnTM Im. vaiuabUtnUuliea. MKVBf. (OX, ej. eaa sr.. bbw man f. , BKIDMOBE CO., 11 7RTBO ST EXIT, AMD WOODAKO, OLAMKB 00. for LusntT tna ciaastr ireusits EELEEVE3 IS 24 Hours ALL I'aINARY CISCHARSES Each Cap- reals ksarafMIDYl thanametAV tmmr aWrnsi ror sale rslldrnggtata. fT2 im Baa Bake k 'f ItftWlrBlfMlBflL a.-'sT I -07 If kAvmnnottvnrnlytlmt vm JV "V llh. 'vlsaaaaf7-swa SBaV AT 'iif, aa" m- if- ovTataAaraaur - Bovra. f From Seattle at p. m- for KetobJ. an. Juneau. Skagway. Whltoroa, I)awson and Fairbanks. -r- & 8. City of Seattle. May It. II, SL 8. 8. Humtxfldt IfaT 14. 14. ' 8. B. Cottage City rla Bltka)7Marll. 1 ar.aawa BVOVsUaOsTS. S. B. Spokane, June 1-1U July HI 1 Auruat - ' ro turn TAatoo- xmauftA r rom neatue at a. in. B. a VmatUla, May I. 1. & a Qneent May , Hi June . B. B. City of Topaka, May IS. It. rortlaad. Offloa, sH Waaalmgtoa - n v O. SC. Ill, yaaav Tt. Aft, ...... C X. DUNANN. a P. A4 - -rL :-.?,r 1 Market St. Ban yranclaeo. loRoimdTrliFRatci i RAILROAD Tew Kaves, Oonsw aad retnn. f Ol.lO - kalsbta of Oolambos maetthg. Tirkats ea sale May U. 96. 26. Bat ura limit Aaguat tl. Boston, Mass, and. twanr. ,,. .f 91.CO Cbrlatlas gcUntUta meetlng.r Tlckats ea sale Jane 4, , I. Heturallmlt Jaly la. ' This makes aa excellent epporfanity to visit the (ar east at aomlnal eapenaa.-Tbeae tlckoW are sod on all ERIK trains. .Tickets sood els Ktv York Citr st allfht Incmae la rate.. Aak any tlrkat scant In Portlasd or write. H. B. SMITH. TrsTallsg Paaaaager Af eat, KRIS R. R.. Alaaka bids.. Seattle. TELEGRAPH resteer oa ths Blvar - Tha only steamboat making a round trip UATXiT Except Bundayefween PORTLAND and ASTORIA AID WAT - rOOTTB lM Portland: .... . . i .. . . . .T7:00 a. m.- Arrlve Astoria n-mrji . ,.1:0 p. m. Leave Astoria. . Arrive rtirlu L8 SERVED A LA-CARTE iWTrt1-- T--"-r Astoria Leading, OaUeader Dock. . E. B. BCOTT. Agent, , Phone Main 'REGULATOR LINE" TheiDallesn: Portland -$ Astoria Navigation Co.- BoatsJeave-- POTUand - and Tha-Dalls lg about ?'p8lm?c'srry in r'frTlRhVand issengers. Bpienaia accommoaauons loiuou tnts jnd .livestock. 'r ----- a Dock Foot of Aides at, rortlandl Teot . a, AmvO ar, ana T1 boBe Mala tit. yottlaaoV . ALASKA FAST AKD rortJIAB iTEAMSHlPg ... ....a Leave- eattle- yErnmB0." May 15. : , CALLINO AT, I " Tetchrkaa, Janeaa. Doaglaa, aTalaes. ikas-a-sy, Cnaaeeta with W p. T. mate tor : Atlla. Sawsoe. Tsasaa. Keam. etc. Eoe AU DoalLeaatera ilaaka" forts. Call or sand ft "Trip e Weaderfni Aliita." "ladtaa Baakatry." "Totem Polaa." TXE ALASKA i. ' . CO " rraak . Veolsey Oe., JwtleuaCftr. K Oskaiv S. S. F. A. Kilburn For Coos Bay, Eureka aad Baa FTaaclsee. Beat Balling from Portland, ' BATinUfAT, HAT Id. n . F. L. CBEENOOOM. Act, areeawM Desk Be. S. Pboae Mais IU. UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OP tCThe-Grcat Doctor At No. I62i First St, Cor. Morrison He mlslaadlaf statements te the afflicts, t gttaraatae a eemplata, safe aad lasting sore Is the adiekeat p-awlble time, asd it Ut loweat euat poaslbte for boneat end aaceeas fal treatmist. I core eatarrh. aatbma, tana, tbreet, rbaumatlam. aerTooaneas, stomaea, JlTr..kldary and kt manboaai. .. .. UCAXE XSOUBLII AMD AlX . TtlTATl DISEASES. . My remedies ere harmless, eompeeed ef roots, herbs, bods snd barks especially sala.d asd Imported direct by aa trem the taterlee ef China. tf TOO ABI AmiCTKO SOVT SXLAT. BKXATS ABE BAMOEgOOS. If yoe raaaot call, write for symptom elsas end elrealar, Inrloae 4 cents Is atampe. C0HSU1.TAT10H TBEE. Tba 0. Oee- Wa Ohlnaae Madlolne Co.. IStt rirst St., Ootaoi Morrmoa. Bastlaad, Oa, FkMaa BMntloa tbla sasr. LEE YUEN vo. aot rara t iobtxabt, ob. CHINESE PHYSICIAN flarlns stadled - medl- rinv ior wommr jwmrw an- China. Ha rares en aervene, rhronle sad private dlaaaaaa ef man aad Womea. ' He eompoeods and pota ap for nee bla remedies, the - torrent ents of which a -a eere. fully selected. Mr roaa. edlee will aot daetroy your stomach ee en danger your life with nn ooeritlna. Sea take j-.. .i t 1 - . t da ae risks, as t aae Be polaona or drugs. I Insure talck reaulu st the lowest pee. alble coat. - Call and aae in a If yna are affllrtaa. COMSTTZ.TATIOaT TBI!. I kt CHIcnMTrtR'S ENOUnal la HCS ut s.ld immm. eeaoj, ejuea ti .1., ria.,.. Tok. ea othw BefWee toeral SohetHoMeae aad laiUa, Maaa. '! J 1S." e4 4a. jo mm aw paratasUee, Taattafoaiale aaa 'Rtaf fc. I War, ay ea. ' earn Ma all DraggMM. atau. If.f tff TMMMMa eie ay I'hleheatar VOaas'eai Va gain., ra. EAST VIA IVr fill! - r JLLlallJIlU mm V ii is.lPs.hmi ia I WW 9 JaAaV. 1 1. BsK. I 3-rTra!ns to tbe East Daily 3 ' Thraegk Pnllmaa standard a ad tnarlat sleep. Ingram to Omaha, Chicago. Saskanet tourUt aleoolng-ears dally to Kaasaa City. Through racllnlng caalrcars (seste tree) te "f, fj'llr. v , Ualoa Depot tesre. ArrlTO. the Baa via Hnntlugton, dir. am 1S sal "l7r for .Eaatera . JV"aahlntoB, Walla Walla. .'; . Lewtoton. 6eeor d'Aleaa and " - ' ' 1 " NtbetrB points, dally. :B pmlfiO iBL, Atlantic Eiprasa t tbe Kait JtJ"m-' - bMP Am,a-I. . i . .". - - - wy pmm., iHoui.ijna -WITS n mTT l? ',w a Nortb Beach, ateamet eocs. learas a p. at dallr, .adayj Batnrday. 10 p. mu Arrlraa about s. a., sxrept Snaday.. w r. biveb rtotrr. ( " . nHH nil Hmm, awe. iasday. . ' ' eacopt SWAgg BIVER BODTl. : Wmm ase'lmJea Aa . m . m, . --vi, juasro ana wij poina Tm JaVsxta'Jf Frtda. rt"T" ."T Tictat onic. Third, and Waablngtee sta. . .... Toiapbone Mala tit. , - A. L. CBAIO, Oeneral Paaatnget Agaat. EAST VTA " O 1 1 I T I I ) J ftl Cbloa IVpot Overland Kipraaa Trains Loire. ArrlTa. ror jsarra New Orleans' sad the east t:0 inr t:BI - Morning train coaaects et s. tJ.... Woodbura daily except . . -,s- Bnnday arltb train fnr Mou o r A ngeEBn rer fon TTZ ' nrofrnaville. Pprlagfl.ld, - Wendllng and Natroa.... H tfaa - T;ta Eusrad paaaenser . con- t nocts at wooilbnra with Mount. Aagal -aad Bliev- --- oa lcel 4ll pre .10:M sm . Corvallls peaaeaser....... 1:Mta , o.sopnt berldas paaatMor,. 4:00prs :20am goroat Orove passenger: !10:6 pm- 'lllJO m : Pslly. HDallr eicept gsaday. -' JEyyEESOit-STBEET STATlOiC - roe Dallas' and Interaiedlate points " dally ' 4 ilfl p. na. Arrive- Port la aV 10 JO a. m. : . For rime and card of Oawego anrmrhan trgltrf apply at nr Tlckat Ofnce. or alatlnn. 1 Tick at l to Billets pntnta sag--TroerrTea afipan, t nine, rionoiuia sss anatraua. City Ticket OfOee enrner Third and .Walk Ine-toa stroota. Pbose Mill Mt C W. STtKOEB. A. h. CBAIO Clly Ticket Afnt. Orn. fait, Agant aa TIMECARD TRAJf,S ' fjnroe Depot - . - - :- Leave, v . Arrive. Tallovatoae . Park-Kansas . rttr.Sf. Lmim Stwclal for Tbeballa. Centrnlla. Olym- :.. . pis. Cray's Harbor. Snath . - -v- Bond, Timet, Seattle, So. kanav lewloea,-Botte, HII- - llaga, Hoavor. Omaha. -Kan. -- . aaa City, gt. Louis snd rWheeat. dalle" . . ..... . .. . t:0 snj - :0 pa) : .North Cneat Lltnltad. aloe. . i-J . trie llfbled, tor Tacoma . , Aeettla. Spokane. Butte. Mlnneapnlla. 81. Paul ssd tbe Eait. dally . . . . ..-.-r. n :0 eat T0 sm- Pnst Sound Mmlfed, rrir Clar.montr Cbabaila, Ca- trails, Taconfs and Seattle only, dally d:80 pm . S0 pa Twin Citr Eapreas foe Ta. f-: coma. . attlo, Spokane, ' Helena, Butt. St. rani, : "' . , Minneapolis. Lincoln, St. ' ,, Joseph: Kanaaa City, ftma- . ' ba. St. Ixmla, wlthmlt 1 ebange of eare. Plnrct con- ' 7 nertlona foe ..all polnta. Eaat and aoritbesat. dally.. 11:45 pm 10 IB pm A. D. CHARl.TflX. - Aaalatast Cenerel Paa. eanger Agent. 909 Morrlaoa atreet. corner Third. Pert land, Oiesuu ; Astoria & Columbia. River;.Kairoad:Cor -Caloat)pe&. f tflTl Arriaa. Pne Maygeror -Hatnleri Clata. came, weatpori. vurrnn. Astoria, Warrentna, ria HlBlaonil, ort ste am. Oaarbart Park. Kealdt. S:00am. 11:20 im nreMeally T:00 pa 1:30 pre All tralee dally, - - . J. C MATO, O. P. snd P. A.i.Aatorls. Or. O. A. STEWART. Commercial Agent, S4S Aide? atreet. Phone Mais Boa. . THK COMrOfTTABlX WAY. 2 Overland Trains Daily 7 'The Orleatal LlraiUd. the Pari Maa" ' VIA SEATTLB AND. SPOKAMB. ' - . ' Dally. Dally, i - Lesre. Arrlee. Pertland time schedule " , Te end from Spokane. St. Paul, Mlnneapolla, . Dulatb and ell points -i - ' East la Seattle...... I SO aa T:Mga .. . ' ll:4 pm :M pm "Ta aad from St. Pan!. Mlnneapolla, Dnlnth end all points Eaat ' ' vis Spokane .r....... 0:18 pm 'S:00ta MHMW-MaaMMBMaMBaMBHa. - Oreat Bertkera Itoaraalilp Oe. .Sailing from Seattle for .Jaoaa sad Cblns ports and Manila. , carrying pas sengers ssd freight. "S. S. Dakota, ht T,' " ' .. S. S. Mlnnoaota, Jaly St. -BIPPOB TtTSEB XA1SRA - tlapan MaU Rteameblp Ce.l . S. S. Shlaaao Mara will a. II from Seattle about May II fnr Japan and China porta. . carrying aeaeengera sad freight. Per tJekets, rates, berth reserve rleee. etc., call ea or addrees X. DIOKSOV. 0. P. T. A. It! Third St., gcrtlaaa, Oregoa. Phaae Mala ale. Steamer Chas. R. Spencer -PAST-TlniB,- n TBI OOttTBBIA THE PIKyiT TIf IB " THE UNITED STATES. Leaves Osh-etreet dock f s. en. dallv for Tha Dalles, snd way points, arrlrlng Tba Dalles I i. ai returnlns 11 p. m.. arrlelns I'ari. a . . n 1 . . L 1 . 1 . m . A C. .. . ' a.... day excursion Caeca de Lorke, a. mt.l r re- lies! aoUTga turning S p. , m. - Ofaca and wharf foot Oak atreet Pbeae. Main Ttteo. f CHAELZI X. ITIXLBMITK. A0IBX. V -i. - ....