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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1906)
Y'V .. ' DAILY JOURNAL 2 CE 11 1 1 1 1 , 1 a .a- . a i a. ' a . -iia. i ' yr f 1 . .. a at . .av v .li 11 (TOOD EVEIUNG '.r ' v',;' . THE WEATHER.' 'TY'VY'" Journal Circulation Showers tonight ' - nfs' south to west wjnds. . VOL. V. ' NO. 57. "IS Portland Ncnreatestoting and Manufactur ing Center and It Lies With Her Merchants f3j! to M Must ; I I- M Ports. i- -4r -teas ppncUinUy.,Iiala 1 op'nea to vomana meri'iinui. u 1 - uld, as a result of the destruction of y San FranclscoY The Held In which Pffrt .:Md Is left practically paramount -e--yWida th "length of the" Pacine coast - Un of -the L'niled States. Canada- and Alaska. s-In this entire Held San Fran trclseo "waa" a Towrf ul 1 business - factor. - and today its influence Is practically . eliminated.' leaving the field temporarily to Portland and Seattle. ;-'-' v ' .' . The outcome depends, it is said. Upon ' the manner in which Portland's uslnes men attack the situation. The commer--nV-aTm-taTr-TwmawTT ! Into southern Oregon and controlled the ' trade of the Klamath country, and at- trrt"iakTt - the whole of eastern Oregon and weat Larn . Idaho, the-' flan Franciscans wer projecting a railroad from that Tflty -to BolsVanairar-TrttoTOe ISOTtn. . TheTVtprocWMo ' and 'commercial actlvtlea stretched " tiorthf Wara'aiona tae -coast -ana aosoroea Fifteen Hundred Letters Exposing" IVIethocIs of. Trust in Possession of former Agents -r-tTT-Baiirbiad i Men ArejYepry ; FoLetful.- hundred .letters rereallnr -the secrets of . the Standard Oil company are admitted to e n Theloasesslon;''bf -M."Maxo,' a former agent of the trust in Illinois. He stated that the Standard had tried tn nuv he-letters buthe-had--refased to feil them.;- He admitted notifying the Standard that he had been aub- . pocnaed By Corporation Commissioner rzHcnXJlujaarfieid in theJederaLinYealU . garlon"telngmade into the-eondnet-of the oil" company. Maxon was cross-examined In the Oil hearinr -today- by-the -board -of - inter rtata commerce - commission. He ex plained bow the Standard .Oil company, through subsidiary-companies, -Teduced -rates in the territories In which there - were Independent dealers,- although the reductions were not made In the name of the parent company, but It was really ""that concern, that made them. . He ad- - mined tht oil Inspection was a farce and that the state oil Inspectors rarely 1npccted-"-'shlpments. many , of them . . leaving their stencils In the hands of " the Stnndard Oil employee. " ' President Davidson of the San Fran cisco road promised the commission .., that he would supply them a list of the rontrarts between the. tank . lines and his railroad and a list of the passes Y. given shippers byhls road.i '-' "" ' ': Joseph Tu-cke.r of the Central Freight association could not remember details questioned about and was. accused by -memberafof the commission of forget ; fulness. ,, He "waa given a few hours to refresh hi memory and advised to answer later In the' day. H. O. Hucklll. purchasing agent or the . pennaylvsnlursllroad. snld that -. thr Standard Oil lubricating oll was bought exclusively by his rosd and fhate bldi : from other companies were never con . sldered. ,-n.'. ' ' -- vt- Further; details of -the corruption of ' railroad employes and Independent oil : company employes and dishonest meth- v vY..-. ::;.'.Y.v-ru. ;: The Sunday Journal Best and Brightesf Y Do not fail. to get9 -The. Sunday Journal It is'filled with 'the" best of everything. - The colored comic pictures for the children and also the story of Pete, the 'rogue bear st-the-City Park oo. '.-Y For -the women afe. the fashion, page and Mrs. Sytnes' special article qn health and beauty . The p4ndors of" the American -emba;es in Europe srei the wonder of the world.' 'Tile represen tatives of this country outshine' princes and other dignitaries.', If yon want -to learn how your ambassa dorsVlve read The Sunday, Journal. , , Yt Y ' '" ' WillTam Jenningt'Bryan in his tourof the ,wdrld writes a most entertaining letter from Java. Hawait-is-oneof the moot advanced countries-fledwelton Mtss -ilawaiLli member of The Journal's party, made aiaiudyo.f education I X an interesting and entertaining ftvttvfvvVvVTVf?f?fVVV??f?ffSSSfSfSfStstfSftStStt ' Saturday 5 - -7: J;"'- 4 ! i "-1 Prqstration of San WESIEK0AST ncatjy- 11 nf I ha..dejBven-j:tenaipt uy mm urn yuna or Ouus counties,', directly under the 'noses of Portland's wholesalers and manufacture era. ' Nearly all of the . coal and lumber of Coos county has been coins; to Ban Francisco" "In exchange ' for ; cirjo'es " of manufactured prodocla"rT"r'Z "T" San Francisco did not stop, at Oregon. Its cargoes went to. Alaska, and there was hardly a port on British or Ameri can soil that did not yield rich reve nues to' San Francisco's great mercan tile houses. ' - - ?. 1 r" ' ' -TjjL-f: . WTtUdOirttaX'enter. '7-" - Portland la now the greatest Jobbing and .manufacturing center on the Pa- ttu eyea unfcfflc1mpi will for-many -- years occupy this prbad. position' If- her mer chants, so will it. They can. with ' a giant stride, .lead otl. atthe nead toi -tne AUsM tradetfr they-can heiltata and lag TT)ehTffrajndrnE:Batne--talw-llrst sphrtaraystew of -esplonagB was brought out In the examination of wit nesses. and It was shown that tha Frisco road charges -competitors of the-Standard Oil company io cents for a haul that it chargea the truat 3 cents for. -The government attorneys have.Jet T?r -Signed T)y' prominent ministers of Toungmown, Ohio, in -which they advise their congregations to - purchase oil from - the Standard Oil agents, signed by Rev. Edward Starof -the Swedish Evangelical,- Bethel; -Rev. E. Cr Paagh of the M. E. church. Rev. 'William O. White of fhe Westminster church, Rev, K. ft, Porter of the Baptist church. BJ. M- Lines,, a former Toungstowh agent, . Is ready to testify that he re ceived letters from the ministers." He had another letter signed by a Cathode prlcat, which he used, but afterward re turned to the priest at his request. HUNTER'S PBINT NOT AGREEABLE TO CHINESE -- S" Frnolco, May - 11. Tlie com mittee on permanent location of China town reported this ' morning , that the Six . Companies 'and Chinese property holders refuse te accept Hunter's point a a permanent location,, and the loca tion now chosen by- the committee to be submitted to the Chinese is bounded by Sansome,' Front, Pacific and Bay. Chairman Phelan of the finance, com mittee stated 'the amount of money now on hand Is t2.SS5,0OO. ., , . EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS ARE FELT J N INDIANA . .... - Petersburg. Ind.. May 11 Two earth quake Shocks were felt- here at . 1 o'clock this . mosnlrfg..- . The - buildings shook and people lumped' from their beds. No serious damage followed, v article. ' Y , -.- ; '' . . - i'--c . .. - - . -.. .- -,.r.il0. .. "ygv -iq . ;!T17. ( n PORTLAND,- OREGON. FRIDAY Y EVENING. MAY 11. Francisco" Gives Local Merchants Long-Desired Chance. place. The advantage today la with -I'M Hans, swing. i li wastsaas nf tka territory that- is absolutely - tributary to this city for wholesale trade. The question ' Is now under serious consider atlon- by men -who-ara looked- upon-a leaders in Portland's Commercial world. " Th trade must be taken care of. Ban Francisco cannot do her part. Stripped of . all sntlmental consideration, it is simply a question bfTwhetlierTbrtland will, take her place at the front or let Seattle, Tacoma and other trade can ters compete for the position. Today, after losing' thrsst amount of 1 com modifles thaOiava" been shipped to San Francisco, it IS ' said Portland's great wholesale steckf .arestlll sufficient .to replenish those, off Seattle.: Tacoma and: Spokane, should The .fat -of - San. Fran cisco suddenly overtake all those cities. Portland has the goods. Will her mer- chants- rench out now., without a day's delay, and cover the field?, la the quea-T tiontthat" irtany-avre asktng :- ' ' 1 36B CD::CER:iS REESTAEL13H 1 III BURiB DISTRICT Big Building Cbrporation Formed -r-AII Clearing House Banks to Y: Open May Twenty-Onev t . -.' (Jonrsal Special Servlet.) San Francisco. May 11. A careful canvass' by the Daily News shows that StS concerns have reestablished. quarters 1ri I temporary frame the burned district.. --- - - .'" " ' To engage In building operatlona on a large scale the $1,000,000 Loaa-Leonardt-Deneen -corporation haa ' been formed. wlth-liOs-Angeles.-New-York-and Ban FranclBca capltal.The corporation will take contracts for buildings of every character." Th-announcement -that all htna-'aayc'beforamxpactea.'ris further evidence of the confidence in financial circles. -There Is every -Indication thst 8a 4 Francisco will have all the money she needs to carry on business. FINES-ARE-.PAID BY- PAPER TRUST OFFICERS at- Ssesl sVlo.) 1 Paul. May 11. Threa Minnesota directors of the paper- trust todsy psld $100 fines In the federal court and with drew their answer, filed, in the govern ment's suit to have the General Paper company declared a trust. They'will reorganise to avoid conflict WltR the Sherman anti-trust law. - The fines were sustained In the federal supreme court and assessed on account of the refusal of the directors to answer ques tions during the proceedings. wenty-J one paprr mms in ine mmuw w?.n codefendants.. '. " .. DR. 0UVER C.HAUGH WILL BE ELECTROCUTED .. w. (Jasroal SDial -Service.) Dayton, Ohio, May 11,. Dr. Oliver C Haugh'a motion for a new trial waa to day overruledr He was sentenced to-be electrocuted on August S. He was convicted of 'the murder of his parenta and. .brother..,..; BERTHA KRUPPS FIANCE'S' , NAME KEPT A SECRET YT (Jnernal Special Serrtre I Berlin. May 11. Bertha Krupp, the world'a wealthleat woman, ' Is engaged. Her fiances name Is a secret. It Is thought to be either a princa or a poor physician. . . - , - MollieProebsterr - wh yetit- in the Jsland and she has... witten Y;-y , Y. .Y'' ' ,: ' Wtttf ft ttt t ft i innn DAY.1 would: IMPEACH y: ROOSEVELT FOR HIS ST-i Journal - Special - Syracuse, N. -Y.,: May -11.- Stung by criti cism of his attack on President Roosevelt for jv pursuit of the Standard Oil . .olies, Dr. Jamea Dayrxhancellor-ofSyraJ i cuse university, T has ;issued another philippic 7 in which he ' insists that neither .President . Roosevelt nor : the muck rake judges sliould ;- attach private.or- commercial '. causing loss in. stock and in the business -world, Tfrr&.ayatts"Tha'E iaaid t.Jiai.iuij.iji.1 a ry , as in the the" president Js guilty 671iHa7cTiyri Y defying the laws. He declares: Y -,-YYZl S;if e-prtsident's!iW ' realms is alarming. It is scarcely, across the X V border of possible impeachment, and should x. be -rebuked as its merit's demand.. It is an- archy.Y lie ; has. pot the right - to attack , fey X-amrivat-OF-mmertiabasiness form." W - A A A a ' A A A A A A A A A A A A Turkish Women, and Girls of etteclClas: uKZZ itan Will Forbid Intrusion zr0f ForeignersYYY ; (Jooraal Sperlil Service.) ; " COhitantlnopIe, May 11. Consterna-ltanlgnJuiortejtr5Jr-tiia anti-harem epldamlo which seems to have broken out among Turkish women and girls of the better classes-Within the last few months many of the most prominent women Of ths capital ' have fled from harems . snd Y escaped , to Europesn cities. Several months ago two daughters of Nourl Dey, - secretary-general of the minister of 1 foreign... affairs, escaped from a harem and went to Paris. A little -later the daughter, of Revln Pasha. ..the city prefect of Constanti nople who was -recently - assassinated, fled from a harem la Urouasa. : - Today It became known that the daughters of Membosh Pasha, minister of the interior, and of Turkhsha Pasha, minister of . pious foundations, hate fled from the' country in order to es cape the deadly dullness of harem life. .Similar, cases are -reported tr- other families of good standing. The sultan Is.uncsay over the matter and In con sequence he is likely to sanction a law forbidding the Intrusion of . foreign ladles In - harems,- Inasmuch as they "constitute a grave danger to the peace of souls of Turkish women," who fre quently . ara , too weak to' resist , the glowing deacrlptlona of - th life of European women In contrsst to thadls-I msi narem nro. . .. . I -t SAFE IS CRACKED AT CENTRALIA CREAMERY . ... fSpeelal Planatefe to The Jmrl.l - 1 Centralis, -Wash., May 11. The On tralla creamery was burglsrfsed here last night. The safe waa blown open and about 149 sefiired. It Is thought to have been the work of professionals. There Is no clue to the perpetrator. They left part of their tools In their hurry to .get away. .... SEED DEALERS OBJECT : TO FREE DISTRIBUTION (Journal Special Service.) Washington.- May. 1 l.-n-Beed-i. dealers 1 front th principal cities were given- a nn nnrmn nn ntr rm nir: k tsi i it . ri vtir xr t " PROSTRATED. BY DYWAMITE "( irfi'-rff 11 1 ; ;:tiy-;iiv -. -r. ;, j . , .,,t; rt itT-. t-r- ' - - -, v , ..... ', ''''"'."' 11 " 1 1 ' ' 1 ' ' ;t ('::,'.; ,i. '...'.'. ;Y .(" ; .'"'T-? -"""Y- v VtfOlllEH FLEE Outlaw Evidently Unconscious From F HAREMS hearing today hy Secretary of Agricul ture Wilson, II wss asked not in, dis tribute common garden scads, but only new varletiea. , - 1Y-..Y.Y''Y.Y" "T..'iv;,Y ' 1906. SIXTEEN PAGES. ATTACK UPON TRUST Scrvicei) and other monori- been exposed. -business-; thus! general . uneasiness received $500,000 cuse university paTiyndntrtheTM0plt7fra hrrf thist rag 3"It-is not denied pPt'ahdone Standard Oil company, is "the chief patron of the university.and. that-through Archbold the institution has received large endowments. v : TheSyxaciiSf about 2,500 pupils. A A A A A A A A-A A A A. A A A A A A A A A AAA JAAaVaAAAAAAAA.A.AAA A A A. A A . Explosions Before suersFault Found With Division of Award for Slaying Bandit Special-Dispatch- ta-Tha JcmrnaL) tmbyr-Or. May 11,- Sensational charges and disclosures are made aa a result of the division of the reward oft fered for th killing of Outlaw Frank Smith. It Is charged that Smith" was unconscious when killed from the dyna mite that- had been thrown into -the brush and lay prostrated when the shot which ended his career was fired from arrdlRtanre of -a- few- feet bv-Humane Officer HajTyTDraperrttpokane. Par ticipants in the man hunt claim that the grossest injustice has been done to aome of the men who1 exposed their lives moat, when Smith was surrounded near Hew - Era. - . - - - - . section Foreman E. V. Hutchinson of Canby, who with his crew was at th scene, states that after the first charge of dynamite had been thrown into the brush where Smith: was hidden, groans were heard which led him to believe that the outlaw had been . Injured. Hutchinson and his crew were - un armed and when they first saw Smith running ahroughrth brush threw 'rocks at him. .. ' -i - ' George W. Dixon of Canby, who led a party, of three men in. pursuit -of th outlaw shortly after he left Mrs. Bat ten's store and before the -authorities irt Oregon City knew that Smith waa In th country.. 1 one of the men whose services wer " totally ignored. Mr. Dixon States: - - - t; Vnooasoloaa TTkea fchoS.' ' Jl .camiet conceive of public men de scending to such methods In face of the fact that I did aa much toward putting an end to Smith's career aa. any! tother man except Harry Draper.- 1 helped break down the. barbed wire fence for Draser and his dogs.i enter the lunsle where Smith lay - prostrated by dyna mite ehsrgea which- we had thrown Into th brush before Draper arrived with his bloodhounds. . . ' '1 would hav entered the brush with Drsper but -for the fact thnt Sheriff Culver of Salem and Deputy , Morden of Portland forbade any . member, of th pVtsse from following Draper except themselves. This wss ln-th hop that they themselves would get all of the reward money. ' . "I waa within 25 feet of Smith for an hour before Draper and his blood hounds and th Woodburn party arrived and showed Drsper the exact spot where Smith broke Into the brush. Hla dogs did not foljow Smith's trail for mor than 26 feet until they pounced onto hla face. Mad X Beslstaae. . "Smith made sbsolutely no resistance. 1 was stsndlns over the outlaw's bod V whenx-poty Morden took a revolver fi"om Smith's clothlngf- Other articles found In his pocket were two small fin ger rings, a pocket mirror, a metal badge or tag, a chisp wateh, a few cartridges and four rasors. Everything Yesterday PRICE TWO The chancellor severely condemns and ex- coriates.the self-constituted judges who have tried everything and everybody in the mag azines.Y He" dwelt particularly upon loose and" cnKatkmalrUle&eaUng-with-public-niciv ; an d rmammot hcorporat ion s in wh ich Hhe' methods pursued illegally are alleged to liave ! ' .-.: s.-y: -Chancellor- Day-doesnot deny that he has for the upbuilding of Syra- - : i rom - the btandard Oil com that John;:DArchbo1d; ytipe;.,rT of the leading spirits of the X nnivrmty -is a nonsectarianX vrage-attendance-of X Discovered by Pur exceptJLhe jasorav-hick, were saturated with blood. wr taken by Tom Ryan of Oregon City before Detective Snow arrived and Identified th man as Smith. A photographer asked to be allowed tO-.tftkSmttU'g.plctureJuatja.ha.aay dying in th brush, t ntn. shown aa the first tnsn on the "right side of the corpse in th picture, I then helped ran th handcar containing Smith's body - , - - v m fwn jthepointrwtera. h was killed toTTt-sH!leTy--bgna.- dlad-tatwhMrt-trigha the carhousat: New Era, where Jibe coroner was telephoned for. Knew of Smith rirst l ean prove that I was after Smith and that I sent the information to Port land or Smith's whereabouts before any on In Oregon -City knew that he was at New Kra. I started Immediately with my gun and walked three and one half miles to New Kra and arrived there as the train icame up from Oregon City with the posses from that place. "Before- "Draper arrived with' the bloodhounds District Fruit Inspector J, Held and niyself -formed a plan to call for volunteers and charge on Smith In the bruah. This program would have been carried out if Draper had not ar rived with the dogs when he did. "I do not oare for the measly pittance of blood money that the authorities have denied me, but I- beltev there Is no atronger proof of brave man than the willingness- to tender credit -. to whom credit la due. Some of those who wer allowed part of. the blood money had etayed at -home. Those who ex posed themselves In pursuit of th out law should have received the recogni- tloOj that wss dn them." ' , 7; Bwi4 Division -....-. As-agreed - terms nf th division tr; flS follows1 ;- ' r "' Ftrst One half, or 1760. to be awarded Harry Draoer. who ' aw Smith. - "" - . . Second Fifty dollars each to nr Morden. Andrew Vaughn and Sheriff W, J. Culver, the thr officers who accom panied Draper into the brush where tne outlaw was concealed. Third Th balance of 1609 to : r' divided equally among th following Mrs. Bratton of Canby. Harrr Minto r Salem. Jo ha. Doe and H. U Smith of Woodburn, Krank Snow, . Sam Downey and John Cordano of Portland, J, K. Oraham and J. 8. DeYoe of Canby, Charles 14 Burns, Charles Kly, J. H. Slattery, William May, J. K. Morris. R. Fosberg. K. C. Hackett. R. Cross, Jack Jones. Ed Rechnor, Oust Wlneaett, Frank Hendricks. H. W. Trembath and T. F. Ryan, all of Oregon City: J. H. Read of Mtlwsukle, Dnvld MeArthur Sr., David McArthur Jr., Paul M. Crlmij, Bert Willis snd Ferguson of Nw era. Local ornt-ers who partlrj . I In ths - (. ' CENTS. .fttf Ji"DcV : v. James W'rthycombe, Republican Nominee for Governor, Re mained an Alien for Seven . teerTYeart. . Y Y" ISATHERNEVERJ)II IKE OUT FINAL-PAPERg- When the Son Decided to Eater Poll tics' His Attention Vas Directed to" ' the Law and He Then Became Nat - uraliced Had Supposed Before JrjThat HeWaj a Citixe James nthycomb. Republican nee for governor, takes exception to th published statement, that Jie did not be come an American. cltlsen-until 17 years a ff erIiebecame a resHenf "ofOregotir' Facts, however, are stubborn things and In this Instance they Jo not afford much comfort for Mr, Withy combe, in th coura of a statement which he made yesterday t Th Journal he swtd: - "My father came to Oregon from Devonshire, England. In 1871. I - wss then 17 years of Jira. In 1871 Or 18TS my father filed at Hills boro his declara- (Continued on Pag Three.) Young Society Woman Killed by Ptomaine-Poioning : From Eatirfg Spinach and Straw IZ2 berry, Shortcake. TJoataal SpecTaT ervlce.T " -Richmond, Ind., May 11. Ml aa Clar4 Reckers. 2(L.i-ears-i age aad . croml- from the effects of ptomaine nolaonlnr. Th autopsy today shows that death. BIT a era 114808 DEATH S waa the ' result of a combination of splnsch and strawberry shortcake, which resulted In chemical changes that produced poisoning. -' - - Physicians worked for hours In ef- -forts to save the young woman, but -their labors were fruitless and sh ex pired in great agony. She had partaken freely of spinach at the noon meal and at aupper sh dined chiefly on short cak with rich cream. An. hoar later she was In spasms. -. , . j An examination of thav- remnants of 'with foods ahows that neither contained - -any poison, but that death was -due to -the combination. Physicians' say ,at -the same effect would be produced by eating freely - of banana and then drinking whiskey,- th combination which killed Patrick Ollmore, the great bandmaster. T- ' - JONATHAN BOURuE SEEKING 'POPULIST SUPPORT Republican Senatorial Nominee --Making a Bid for Former Y Supporters. ' . (Special DU patch to Th Jmmal.) Albany, Oregon, May 11. That Jrma- ,o-irJr.--rs maklhg a bid for th vote or the. remnant or th old ropultst party is no longer denied by those who at one time war leaders tn that move ment and stood high In th aounetl ef populism In Jlnn county. . About ten years sgo Linn wss th ' cepter of this movement. Having aurlt strength and sufficient following, that they dictated the nomination of officers and elected a lar s liar a of their ticket on a fualon ol on v rreat of this wave the followers tt Socklesa Jerrv rode Into power. A" -thoae . p-ow '-ent In that fir -ris may . nin Honed e C. i i Oeorse P. Hsrton of I.lnn, i ' ver-tonr'ied t)htp f ri.ff i h- i r... In I v f 11 i,rM ! H I t s