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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1906)
THEOfiEGONDAIilJOURIAt, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENINO. 1 MAY ' It. 1 IKS. Z I tdivn Tcglcsj Helllg ........Baa rraneleee rietafee Armory,. , u...h.t 1B "sappbo" Biker "Tka California Girl" Empire : "The laalde Track" l.yrie .-( a .... ."The Lias tbotiea " Star IB tilt Bkt' Oread raadaTUIe Th local division of th Ancient Or : Jer .of Hibernians will 'par a fraternal vlU Monday evening to th ladles' sux-,- Mary In their room In th Allsky build . ing, Third and Morrison street. It will b th largest gathering of th mem ' , ber of th two organisation ever held ;. in Portland. Th following- program ha been arranged, after which refreehment will be served: Address of welcome, k Mlia M. Chamber, president ladle' aux iliary; response, P. E. Sullivan, cooper ative president, A. O. H i eong, John ' Kanney; recitation. D. W. Lane; vocal olo, J. P. Meehan; addreaa, A. O. H., K. H. Deery; recitation. J. B-Mallery; eong, r Frank Hannessy; 77 accompanist. Miss Katie Chambers. . - Th Governor Wiihyoomniv3sIbo: organised . yesterday ' afternoon with II r. charter members. Th organisation was effected In th offlc of Dr. H- W.' Co, In th Marquam building, and th fol lowing offlcar war elected: President, E. It. Harmon: Tie-1 resident. Georre 8, Shepherd; secretary, Oeorg C Coo. The - by-law 1 provide ' that th member of th club shall meet all expenses and that no money shall b accepted from : any candldat for offlc. . : A' Distinguished flwedenborglan Hare. Rev. Hiram Vrooman of Boston. I In the'clty, and will preach for tha" Port land society Sunday at 11 a. m., and at p. m. will begin a aerie of three Bun' day evening lectures; subject, "Spiritual lty 'ih World s Greatest Need." 'New Knight of Pythias hall. Eleventh and Alder streets: These lectures are free, and all ar cordially Invited. Presiding Judg Alfred r. Sears .Jr. . this, morning announoed that there will beno eaaea aat In the eteta etreult oourt be tried after July I. He said that this rul would apply to all cases. Dur ing July and August th Judge of th --four department of tb court take a vacation, but one .Is , nearly always "handy to b bito pass upon urgent matters. r .- --1 ESlr JtQ -Con't ltlh JJugg apo your sany- Oot a hand sprayer and a tan vt Pli Tie Oil Beapi Duulppa with this II outfit you can,-with little - trouble, keep your .rose buahee and Dlajitsfree from insects ell summer. Portland Bsed company, front and Tam "bill treete. Phone Main 7t. . Water through- bo for sprinkling yards or sidewalks, or washing porches - or windows, must be paid for In advance and used onJy between th hour of ( and 8 a. m. and I and p. m. It must not be used for sprinkling streete. If itrerr-t-thaee rules, or waste-1 fully, It will b ahut off. Trolley outing tomorrow o O. W. F. amz cents. ah points cai Oresham -to- and Including Estacada a r"7centg round trip, - Dtnner at Hotel Kn- tacada TB -cents. Car leavr First end Alder streets 7:10. 1:10, 11:10 a. m.; 1:10. i:iO, i4l, 7;lt p. I. Tickets en sale In waiting roonv- - A oltlsens' meeting has-been called for tonight at th Allsky building for rth- purpoa of discussing the-merits cf different .candidates for office. It 1 prnhahle that some of the andtdatee from th - different parties' 7WTII b formally Indorsed at tb meeting. ' Large audlenoe ar - listening with ' great Interest to Dr. House's Sunday evening topics. Tomorrow night his ub- Ject la -"The Value of a Oood-for-Noth- ::4ng.Msn.,i.lllustrated by Bret Harte' "The Man of No" Acoount," And "Th - Our suits are made "so' carefully that all will appreciate their comfort and dur ability. Wa make any suit In th house to order for f 2t. No more, no less. Sat isfaction guaranteed orno- Bala, Unlqu - Tailoring company, S0 Stars near Sixth. The -Oregon Holiness association win -hold- tent meeting at a o'clock Bun- day ' afternoon In North Alblna. Bev, Ouy 8. Phelps will b In, charge. Th St Johns csr or th Lower Alblna car will take visitors to th grounds. - Trolley trips on O; W. P. tomorrow to -Oregon City and Canemah park 1 cents round trip. Dancing afternoon and even- ing. " Cars TeavFtrstandlAIder streets on the odbjpur and every 6 rolnutea. Ticket on al in waiting room. , Th fuh'ral of Charle D. B randan, who died at . Colorado Springs, took plseo yesterday afternoon at the resl- denc of his parents, ' It East' Tenth street. - Th Interment was JtaJUnFlr cemetery. ' The. Republ loan candidate-for gov rnor. Dr. Jam Wlthycomb. returned this morning -from McMlnnvlll and will leave this afternoon for Albany, where be will speak tonight. At th benefit entertainment last night at th O. A. R. hall under th auspices of th George Wright Relief corps th sum of ISO was raised for th San Francisco refugees. Loop th Loop. Excursion to Corval- - Us, via Albany, Sunday. May ?0. by Pros ipect camp. No. 140, W. O. W. Trains - leve lJulon dapot t a. m. sharp. Round -trip 11.10. -r- Butser's lawn fertiliser rejuvenate tha shabby lawn: hia sweet pes and lawn grass got gold medal at th fair. Ill Front, between Yamhill and Taylor. Rev. Clarence Tru 'Wilson, - D. D., - reached horn last night after an ab- aanc of 10 days In California, where he wa called by th death of hi Hurrah! Hurrah! Ho euawe tse eertnes estloa ef s tag et the . towa, Asd ,u tar aa wa shall las 1st the be done- e mwm. - We're Is the boelneae every say ef Ing penple'e elothee Weablng every faraxat ware, frets -tee-knot te the toee. ifr kenw "the y ' aapptaeest tkat we kave scattered reend Since we eagee U - laoodet talags - s4 cbarte elx eents a ponad. The boaws that we kave rlgbtesed Bay be foead ee evary baed. Asd the eeepe ef ebew will kreedaa whea the people tleea the lasd. . . yes. we Oleas Bp, ,! as tha OS, clean ep, eUaa sp, eleea Bp eleea Tea, eleea 11 bp ana eoa." Cleaaly s tbs Uoea that we aeattar far aad wide , - -the -oebbkM ea tb bttcbj-Mbf4 by the reatleae tide. v UNtON LAUNDRY fat. Mala te. ggQOirn AHT OOtPtUTA c Despite Age ot Noted ActrisVArt Gives to Her Face th e Appe ar ance 0! Youth. 7 In a great barn of a hall, on a stage fitted with th crudest ettlng, a won derful woman last night presented in a foreign tongu a great play, and pre sented It in a manner so masterful that th fashionable crowd that cam for th most part from curiosity wa con verted to a belief, almost. In th fabled divinity of th actress. .' v - ' After all there is but on Bernhardt, and then 1 but on art. and that Is Bernhardt' - Bernhardt 1 ft, and. b- neAth th -TongSr-her- face. when the faturs'ar.. la rrpns. .sgawi rsvary year. Tet she played last nlrht th part of a young and charming woman, with such wonderful grae and magnet Ism, such Infinite pains, such marvel ous carefulness . that there seemed no Incongruity. Modjeska couldn't do It. Jo Jefferson couldn't . be young after he grew old. . But Bernhardt taan, and always will be able to, so long as she 1 able to stand on her slln bmbs and wav her slim arm. . ' ; . . Th reason Is not hard to find. It 1 In th woman's art. When Bernhardt smiled last night, or when sh nodded her head, of gestured with her xpra slv hands, or shrugged her shoulders, or raised - her .eyebrows,' sh took In finite pains to do each of thes things as a young woman would do them, net In the slipshod way which might bs expected of a woman old enough to be a grandmother. And ah mad Jov ex quisitely,' aa a young woman . of her temperament might, so that It seemed perfectly natural te out in front, and w -forgot to look, for line of age whea sh turned her profile to us. Bernhardt looks just Ilk th pictures of ber, except -that no picture can show her wonderful animation, or gtv hint of t he-nagntlsm -which Is hers. She wor last night a. series' of wonderful gowns, each on distinguished by being made uncommonly long in - th waist. isevBseomtnr-down over Tier itntifkiti. ti ons tivtrrTwi tfim In the pictures. Th long walat served to hid th.- angularity of her figure, except at rar interval, whil th long vea rtrsw STtsntlnn. remark- abi nanda. Bh has great, large eye. and a nop t .tangled auburn hair. - The 'Armory was arranged as if for a Monster political meeting last night, zcept that In plac of a nondescript crowd thrr-wr"hundredsof Tnea" and women. In evening dresa A stag had been fixed up at on end, raised three or; four feet :f rom th floor,., and stretched across In front of it a scarlet calico curtain reminded one strongly of th days .when aa a boy w . ajar ehewe for pin In the hay loft. When it was time forjth performance to. begin-the red rag waa-yanked aside, but th lights in th auditorium .T re mained on. man a -apartment!, ana for eeme-mo--f menu various people figured in it un importantly. Th crowd In front, for the most part -unable to - understand French. nd not all by th program, which, was arranged aa stupidly -as posaibls,-waa at a loss to came Bernhardt, followed by a rustle and stir, from In front, much eranlijg or neoas, ana men applause, on en- tered'quletly, unheralded, but vry on knew her at one. !.-- "Bonjoar, m' ami." ah said In a voice low, sweet, clear, musical and strangely fascinating. ".'.."' "- father. Dr. Wilson will preach at Oraos church 'at both service tomorrow. Th debate on woman suffrage be tween Drs. Broughsr and Wilson, which was postponed ' from last evenlnr be- '.fcaus of pr.- Wilson's abeeno from th city, will tax plac next Friday night. " Watches, diamond and Jewelry on asy paymnta 11 down and 10 cent par week. All mainsprings Hi all watches cleaned L Jdetsgor Co III Blxth sU . Concrete Construction Co., T01 Cham ber of Commero. manufacturer of concrete ton blocks. Contractors for all kinds of cement work. JTal Main lit. Tya,flj)ing Invitations, flris snnounos ments, calling cards, etc . Proper form Bfl4ltest. ityle,lTiJISkja. 4.4ft Third . street. ' 'Cheap Clearance Sale on Plants. Bedding- plant . .specialty, at-green- houses, 117 Williams avenue. Geo. Beta, florist Wanted Boys andTlglrls ror both 6u: candy- end -cracker - factories. Paoifl Coast Biscuit Co, Eleventh and Davie. - W ar tm selling ay glasses at II, a perfect fit guaranteed or money re funded. Hetsger Co, lit Sixth atreat Prix waits. Cedar Park; dancing every Sunday afternoon and vnlng. Late car. C. E. Walborn, fumltur repairing, pol ishing, packing, shipping. Tel. East 11(1. Dr. Hawk has returned. 0l- Ore gonlao building. - Telephone Main lill. At Richards' Sunday French dinner. with win, II per cover. Claaal music Oglssby Toung for circuit Judge, de partment No. S, Democ ratio nomine. "Dutla Roads." Portland Read Oil ing Co, 441 Sherlock buUdlng. 1 Experienced Fburth tret Panama Hatter, til .1 aPrlc waits. Tabor Height Pavilion, tonight : -. BANMMOVESJNTO- 1TSJIEW QUARTERS Th Canadian Bank 6f Commerce la moving It new quarter today In th Lumbermen s Exchange at Second and Stark streets, Tha new quartera are large, well lighted and th Interior ia beautifully " finished.. Braslllan - ma hogany. Th fixture ar of new de sign and ar somewhat different from any other on th Paclflo eoaat Tha mahogany pillar and counter ' ar much admired and ar aorae of th feature that combine to make this on of th prettleet and finest bank ing room In the city. Th bank will b doing buslnees Monday at th new plana , " MilwaukU Country Club. . Memphis and Loulsvlll race. Tek Bellwood and Oregon. City car at First anQ Aidr. . , '. r. Preferred Stock Oaaaed oeda. AUea A letvlg Best Brand. - ' . . ', . v :'.iJ Msflsmt Santh bound the peopls In front knew that she was great It wpuld be tedii th familiar story of "Sapphd;-., Bern hardt robbed 'It of 'meat of it sting; Jean reaCTnabie- and .Bimdsfr-kdmlrable. Sh was great In her love-making, but greater In. her emotional lines, and her whole body wept when sh cried. And through it. all. there-was - a. quiet- r serve that mad for th artlstlo fin ish of th whole. Probably no one ever acter. mnn oughly, more tndlssplubl than did Bern hardt last- night Sh was as natural as If sh were actually living the llnea, at all times rational, and she never ranted. , Her voice wa -habitually ao low that those In tha roar had difficulty In following her. - Th play- grew in. Interest last bight. Colonel Wood Addresses Mult nomah and Young Men's Democratic Clubs.- ENTIRE-TICKET IS- 1ND0RSEDBYTHEM Spciktri DlacuM Municipal. Qwner-1 F ahip-Alltl-lheecjjatity pjLCurbjng StasITPrlvilegeg ImperUliadc Tendency of Roosevelt Deplored. Th formal opening of th noli ti eel campaign in Portland wa mad laat night at th headquarter of tha Dem oc ratio county central committee,, 117 Seventh street Th principal apeech waa mad by Colonel C B. S. Wood, and th meeting wa under the auspices of th Multnomah and Toung Men' Demo cratic eluba. Th attendance waa large and th meeting lat all times waa en thualastlo. By a unanimous trot, th entire party ticket was Indorsed. Colonel Wood pok at some length on th subject of municipal ownership- and dealt with conditions vle wed from a historical standpoint - referring - to phase in European politic and com paring them with American affair a of th present day. He spok on personal rreedom and th neoeeeity or bringing it about by curbing th special privi leges: and advocated distributing th power new enjoyed by favored corpora tion and Individual among in people. "The only thing that. will llv la TrotH." aa-ia the speaker, "and if a man' ldeaAiAi true, the truth will grow-in spite of vei f eppoeltlon that may be brought to bear on them." He referred to the Donuonita, wno had no Party organisation when - they stood ctlt boldly against slavery. Both th great 1 parties were opposed to them, yet that little) band gave th Republican For. SaleBargains 111 tons hop wire. 111 ton. tt ton "Remnant" plow steel eablea. , , . 10,000 feat different si pip ing. lOionIuTIrsrTiftlitrtis- Metal a, aorap iron ana juna 01 all deecriptlong bought M. BARDE &S0N aasn ajts ousaji. DEMOCRATS OPEN Bernhardt - -r,, -u...- i.i it Jt I nin it w pan ui me piay Tlier Is i stiong ellmaa at Hia ll(rrthtlt ,h- lnouid d0 j, tn, suaianos of each act, but th greatest of all ast.-whsr. -after winning liet lover's affrctlon once more, Fanny d- clde not to go with him to a distant fwhne"15sleps: Tflf ah unusual ends lng. - '-On might' Imagln tt without dramatic power, yet the last two mln utes were th moat tens of. th renins'. and .th great crowlrthrllled. watched the tableau with almost painful inter est. tipport. wss ftllnt. 1 Aside from that of Jena uaussln, th parts- -are not prominent, yet each was taken acceptably... M. DeCouef was ad mirable as Jean, making hi role stand out. yet keeping It subservient always to that or bis superior. . This afternoon Bernhardt' engage ment closes witlv.Cainllle,". party the Impetus which Carrie It to day under laia color. . .. t - "For Instance," b ald. "It was not th doctrine of Lincoln that w should b taxed- to wsgs ..wars . of . conquest against helpless - people In tropical cumes. ' Colonel Wood then traced th hletory Of Greece and Rom, where personal liberty died with th encroachments of special privilege, and cited th history of other European countries In feudal time. "Out of th American revolution," he concluded, "came Thomas Jefferson with th statement That government I beat which gov' last,' and,. that, other statenaTent-'Emial rights to all, special privileges to 110ns.' These doctrlnes originated w1ththe 35em6craffe paty7"wlilch"TiasliIways sdt vocated them, . and when President Roosevelt attack special prlvUea-ee, wbethorpn .jirjnany b. J.i mpjyf oi- iowing oui in aocirine wmon our party has always held. - Th Democratio . party haa alwaya th only way for It to remedy the present conditions Is to strike out the lawa which - grant - special privileges. That 1 what th Democratio candidates In Oregon ar for, and they hould be elected without exception. At the close of Colonel Wood' ad dress short speeches . were mad by Franols Clarao, Isaao Swett, Oeorg L. Hutchin, William Horan and A. P. Nelson. HONORS GO TO FIRST BATTERY First battery, field artillery' of th Oregon National guard, . Captain Hiram V. Welch commanding, haa been given first plac for general efficiency In an Inspection by Colonel Jackson of th United State army. Battery a . re ceives a percentage of ltl out of a poaslbl . S00. Companies K and C of the Third Infantry com close behind with percentage of 110 and 179. Col onel Jackson was highly pleased with th showing of th Oregon National guard as a whole. All of th percent age ar high."" ---- (American Restaurant . Ootv Third aad. Oouclv. St. on bat Ajrr -non. Lertao 10a, Siloed Tomato. . . ..104 BUoed Oneumber loo, Tonag Oxdoms 5 Corn Beef Xaah witk Poaohed Bgg.lBw Oodflsk Sana, Orssm Baao.. .... Pork aad Beeaui. . . . , 154) Steamed XatU STok Clam, Srawxt ao Clam BooiUoa wtrh Toaerl ....... .15 Wed Shad ISO. Xailtmt ...If cl eimoa ..- it pagaew wixa una see, rsauasi...,ic rasjueiiis aad cnreasa 1 StrawVany Smor Oak if t BtorawVerry PI , . . . . ... v R TaaiUa to Chream 10 Oofpsa, Bread aa4 MMw fm News 0! . Manager s Sudden Death firings Deal Tears at End d! the ThlrdTAct. It I related that : upoir on occasion years aso when tfarah BernriarOt occu pled a bos at a performance of "Ca mllle" by th "Immortal Amrioat ac tress, Emma Abbott, and saw her la th cen where Camilla Is thrown to th floor by Armand and cruelly humiliated before her friend, sh raised her handa above her head and exclaimed "Mon Dleul Mon Dleut that woman 1 suffering, she is sot acting. Madam Bernhardt 8 wa notaotlng laet -nlsht when, ar-th' Close of ' the urd am uf "Baaiguu" ns fu mui turr arm-ef-Jn and wept, upon nla pecic Bh wa suffering, suffering aa no one but she Will ever know. The tear that flowed from her eyee were not th tears of Sappho. They war Bernhardt' tears and they wor shed In genuine sorrow. When sh fU into Jtan-s arm at th olo of th act it waa, not Imply because .that waa the proper thing for Sappho to do. Sh fell in a half faint from which she rallied tem porarily only with an almost superhu man -effort '.' The audience that -ap plauded Sappho lltUe realised that a tragedy wa being enacted within a tragedy,' that Bernhardt . herself wa Buffering aa deeply a Sappho suffered. But ther waa no Bernhardt In a bog to penetrate beneath the mask of acting and discern th real suffering that shs hid within th doaK or Bappho s sor row. Ptrhaps some of the more - ob serving noted that th great aotress put a higher ting of realism, a new fore In th scenes Of the last acta Bnt thof " tliuught "Hb'iilyaa exhibition, of her matchless art - How oould they distinguish th real from the artlflolal? Juet before th cartala fall on th third act Madam - Bernhardt received th saddest, news she ha had In many yar. A ' telegram announcing- the r. A telegram announcing the th In a Beattle hospital of ASl- monaonr-wtiorf ermrtOiV lS"y been her personal-business manager, een taken 111 only the morning before. Th malady was not considered serious at all. Th new of th death, coming as It did before the madam sven knew that h waa orltlcajly HI. wa--ar:1)towv that almost proved too much for her wonderful endurance. Actress ralntau la vain did Manager Sullivan en deavor to keep the new from her until after th performance. Though sH waa on th stag sh saw from th face in th .wings that ejomothlag-wa wrong, then sh heard th new. Than ah fainted and fell Into the armeef 4 Jun Fin II wee a nil uf 1111 iilsf didn't know - that a message of death had aused. hereto-swoon. At -this Inop portune Um- magnlfloent bunch of American Beauty -roses were handed pvsr-th f MUltsTTBe"adam ooul scarcely stand on her feet to receive them. There was a smile on her face but there were tears In her eyes and hr haar waa mminr - - .. . Behind the scenes. In ahe privacy of her own room shs gav way to hr feel ing. Sitting, sobbing Ilk a child, her Three times she fainted completely. Mr. Sullivan feared h would b forced to bring th performance to a close but the madame rose , above hef own sorrow ana Decame tsappbo again. Aloa With Xer Borrow. After - th performance the madam went dlrectlyito JieiLprlvata- car. -Where sn remained until time to go to tb ma tine this afternoon, alone with ber sorrow. Bh played "Caml)le'"-tht aft ernoon, but It was not because she wanted to. r Madam Bernhardt arrived Injher P- ciai car, "Bernhardt" on the regular :io train I rom Beatu yesterday after- Boon. a crowa-or-enthusiast In ad mirers war at th deoot to areet her. She peeped through th curtained wln- aows ox nef palace on wheels, smiled ana waved recognition to them. Th car haa hardly oom to a standstill Deior a aosen or more messenger boy wer aboard delivering the most hand some bouquets to the madam from aAmf-AM I. II. T I Ml. I.. . I W. w, .. Vlif t QUARTER MILLION A total of till was added tM Ihg'to th" San Francisco general relief 1 una,-onnging xne grand total up to fiiMii.ii. ine runa now lacks only Th benefit concert' at the nelll theatre Thursday night raised more than enough money to make un the deficiency and this will probably, be turned over to th committee Monday. Among th subscriptions received to day were: Employ of th O. R. at N., 1(0; employee of th Paclflo Hard war 4b Steel company's mill, 1100, and cash received by Th Journal, 1. Contributions ar coming In slowly and tb members of th commute ar of th opinion that th fund will b closed within a few days. HARRIMAN SYSTEM J FILES ARTICLES '' la order ,that the Harrlman" system may . construct a railroad from this city northward to Everett Washington. articles of Incorporation for th Wash ington Railroad company were Sled In th' offlc of County Clark Frank S. Fields thl morning. Th Incorporators ar W. W. Cotton, chief couneel for th O. . R. 4k N. William Crooks, assistant to th manager of th O. R. 4k N and W. A. Robblne, an attorney In th of flc of Mr. .Cotton, Th article pro vide for spur and branches, for eor poratlng with 'other - railway - aysteme and for th building of steamships and maintaining water routes. , Th .capital stock Is given a only 11.005,000, divided Into share of 1100 each, - - ' Fulton Boathouso. T Fulton -boathou set located at Ful ton, la now, open for th season, a com plete and modern lln of rowboats, both single and double, on hand at all tlmea. Oasolltt launches. Bpecial attention to nartlea. Take Fulton cars direct , to boathous. . Bonding Permits. Th following building permit bar been issued: J. M. Bxtrh si tT.--flats, em rmewnrtt and Burnsld streete, 11.050; A E. King, dwelling. East Twentieth and Clackamas streets. 11.100; A. Qleblsch,, Halsey street lt.000; B. K. Mclve-y, dwelling. Seventeenth street snd li:;la mook avenue, $1,000; Mrs, I er dwelling. North Twenty-fourtn 1 t oomr Bvrtt treet, I8.OOO1 I. : . - Y"PAY For- soma- plan) that has-ne-reputation, when you can get one . of tha old and standard makes for much less than that? Wa:: ar tolling our present atock of the world's best makes of pianos at prices that you are aura to-eonsidcr. . STMVAY And 10 other makea (all atand- Dnndore Piano Co. JSl SIXTH STREET jPpP1 Org"nln Ruildlnf. Sheet MpsIc. VtetoxJriMajt, , Macninea. JUST A MINUTE, LEASE,U Our night , classes are conducted by . JpCJC-lllStXUCMr& ncss branches,: CALL- OR-WRITE BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESSC0LLEGLL3TARTHEATRXIV--- Blka Bnildlag, Seventk aad Start . Opea aU th Tea "Bound. .'Catalogue. writ fa Hotel Eaton jrt COS. KOKSISOy AltS. WXST AU STS. - NEW Handeae1r rarnlebed, elegaatly eguliiued, firepreof, Ara mimtee' walk froai heart ef honnlna and IkuilnaM dlitiict. eU lira. alrr. oatelde roams, tteam heated, electric I Large etfices, loBDsinf, sowklng, wrltlug, ladles' reception . parlors. Beeus raearved br mall ar telephone. Privete esulbos seats tralas aad steesmi. Hoomt fl.OO to $3.00 a Day I gpaslal - Sates te 0erelal Baa. . 1 stag. BAB IAT0B, (rormarlr et Hotel Kldpath. Ipokaaa.) , llama, irirpwn. in "i. .i'.' ui.i,i on. r ft Austin Cox - arte ' v ..u. aiia I SISH WASBXB.TOS ST. Orowa aad Brldg Work a - TpeoiaJty. Bassetts Native DUerbs- Rest for All DbJesUve Disorders. Liver and Kidney troubles, RbsumatUm, Nervous Woakaeaa. No Alcohol, OuMna. Meteenr m anr 1 A food MaeKcaaa. bmM a 4rm4. Me an tt at Draagiete' (m Neak aaaov) tUM kaa W aAAsrrrs native nciu co. C1I1 1. Oala, aa a fl 1 1 III 1 1, riklaii CHICAGO PAEVUSS j DENTISTS . 303s Wash. St, Cor Fifth St 22-K Gold Crowns,. $3.00, 15.00 Bridge Teeth $3.00, 3.00 Gold Fillings..., ...... .$1.00 up Silver Fillings....; 50c Our erartlee If Halted te high-grade work. Nothing bat the beet. Kuailae. ttoa free. ' 10-jear sweatee. Baal refereece. Opes evtaiog Sasdaja. ter, - dwelling, 'milaxoette Hetghts, ft, 000; O. F. Russell, dwelling, Portland Heights. 11,100; J. A. Jones, dwelling. Kast Thlrtir-firth street. Ol.ioe; & c Martin, dwelling, Esst Nineteenth street. ia.000. -, Card of Tnaaka. We wish to tender ta our friend ear most slnoer thank for th loving tri bute to our little daughter flaring the performance f our la aad duty to her ' ' r tneir iwrtng eyrnrnr in our; - . ,-i.Z. 4 .... I .Xxprt AsnTSBxCBaTTS. wiL'iUThe m)i Thtstrt rw . 1. Xsalgkt aad tamatrew M e'Olaak. Kay 11 aad If, ISM w - - FaiiOCi Pillsbury-Picturcs TSAN't'MTtr EARTHQl'AKg ,1 nh rika rBODTXBB ST - TUB UTIR IMTBOTIB "Electric Scchcoicope Bnry Tlew'teny Xapletaad V aa Xre-lTtt. SMa These Pletares Takaa WhU-- v -te Tb Wee Bagha. rorCIAB Paicrs Aflulta, V; ahnsrev , . lee eay place la the theatre. eetrea sale Safarday aorslag at the Ballig. bat a, a. 10, ix, u. ja. - r San tranclsco YS.FortIan3" -. Sejaas- Oalla I N a. la, Baflrw' ,, - . , Sesies -OaUad l;N p. sv iSssAagSa. - Udlee' Day, rnday. " ' ' .-.-I... X.. ADMIMIOB, Hi-p: ObABDSTAMD, BSe. CHItDBBK, 10 .... BOX aXATS. Sta. Empire Theatre; IM rheae Mala Uf. . HILTON W. BEAMA". Maoagea. : yartlaad's yepalss . riarhiaiai .' taalskt. lost Pwtueaunea stAOKwWAIW CO. IH THB ORfAT sltiO' OBAMATIO SUCCXaS. , "Tilt INSIDE TDACC1" Br OLITKB.DOO BTBOM. streeg teallstt play. A seory e Is trigae aad erlma jaetlce - aad retrfsataaal eeanUfal eceoerr; exeallaat aosipear. arealng prteae. Ue. ' SDa, tOe, loe. Beat Week, Btarwag Temsrre "IKI WOkiB." un ' THZATBB Tamhill and 1h Orage Theatre C.. Ooe, U Baker. Mar. Mala 10OT. The last barleeque show eg the eee- aa. uk penerauaes tenisht S:l. Oate'a BeeL" 4 Baseball '; : ' 1TIIITIO yaBK, , - zJfjrssi Tinahs sal Tweet feasts. i THE CALIFORNIA CIRLSZl- Brtarfut or rue an staelei prettr girls ead Isiniaaae TaedaTille acts. Two rollicking bar- TM. night, special eluelng parfbrffiiucaTTilee aisht. lxw't ailaa tha. last twlasase. par fbrffiiucaTTilee aJBTOar" BAKER THEATRIC 00. t. BAXBR, hfABAOBB. .. -- :. Seats hiew on Bale Oneniu of " : 11 TBS XaXXX" TEXAtBX SIOOK OOXtaBT tees aeooa Tuiswrow htatlsaa, Kay la, la Xlohard BaaaseU's wrea I - '-.-"aXaiOB XAXL' -ALL THB OLO gATORlTBS VATnrBB raicBs... loe, ioe mwmmin ruin.. , ,. ..XI secure Tour leaaoo 15. aSe, see aad a Beats Kow. Tm or BAT T. -Ttee Appear asee ef the STAB STOCK OOBTAJIT, Beaded 1(7. Will A CeUlas. ta ' InzJTh Basket mmtumm wira 1 vcraedeTrae'bni.T' ladsalng Laetaa Badcalupl. Blind Barlteae. . 10 e Any See Xaaapt Baaaa, 10a. . GRAND THEATRE -Huattagtea A vastpaar. Oawaaa WkhAeU. Oete Slstsrs. Week of Bay-T; It Breaakal, New Eealana'a Own Comedian. The Two Sets, Bostar Bareld Be& BUhthlBB PBICB8 Breslnas. sWara and aolldaara, 10a, soe snd BOei sue- any seat, except kens. Open for the Season - FAMILY SUMMER GARDEN r Washington Street, Near City Park ' Entrance. , Strictly first-clast management. Fine line of Liquoro, ' Beers, Sand-. riches and Cigars. ...... , . CHAS. PILTZ, Proprietor. Th Apollo Rink management -.are extending an especial cour--lesyto-h ladieg fonl ght- an" Sunday, admitting and furnishing them kat-e free. - Open Sunday afternoon and craning. ApollcTRintr Portion d vr- - !ORTlJU4IX ORXOON. . EUK.OPCAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AMD COMMERCIAla TRAVJEIJCKA. everything to eat aad drink, saad tt costs ao more to th v -- orfJane) Hot si Rafhskafler than lwhsr In th elty. BTrary weekday night from to 11 - - . n. a. SUVBI AMO 'ra . - 1 1 I ', ( ' SMBte, ' " " 1 I ' ead eef ' ( . a-. one- V I trnwm t .a H - l 'r 1 Vi ' - . r , : i- -