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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1906)
( . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND TUESDAY, EVENING. APRIL 10. 1806. , Ex-Governor Geer Leading His Competitors, t ELEGANT JUVENILE APPAREL FOR EASTER Underwriters Permit British Ves- i- -sels-io Load , to Three Inches Greater Draft. i THIRTY MAY TAKE WHAT THIRTY-TWO HAVE TAKEN t CRAFT DAY TAKE i nnnc cncimiT iiiuitL milium i in y &" V- t Two Thousand Ton-Vessel Will- Bt Able to Load From Sixty to Sev- enty-Fivs Tons More, and Larger ' ' Vessels Proportionately, From liow on all sailing vhuIi and -steamshtpa fly Ids th Britlah flar will j be permitted to load' ts a deeper draft ; than heretofore, the privilege being " ; granted at a recent conference of the 'underwrite and Lloyd's eurveyore, v Information of the new regulation - reached a number of , the local ablppera y tola morning. -' Billing vessels of 1,000 tone net reg ' ,. ; later may be weighted down, to an addl . I ttonal depth of three Inches. It la satt- i mated that they, wll be capable of hand, ling from 0 to 75 more tona than they ", previously carried. Of courae ateamera ' ? of 6,000 tpna capacity will be allowed to :' take out much -more freight. Surveys i have ehown that- It uaually requlrea ' K about tOtons of frelghtto lower a '" y J.OOO-ton veseel one Inch.' Under the new rule the Britlah steamship Dunerlo 'waa permitted to take-on 110 tona more freight than she had been accustomed r to carry. . On an average no Leaa than SO Britlah ' ahlpa, including ateamera, load at Port- lane teethe- -eourseo a year. Aa ma " of them are ateamshtps. - tbe-fleet will " have an increased carrying capacity or t about 4,000 tona, equivalent to an , T amount uaually handled by two ordinary . t aiaed sailing veeaela. Hence the new -i regulation will mean that if SO British , craft load at Portland thla aeaaon their assresaie catioci wtii tmuuni iw mm "-mnett-freight aa was previously handled . by SI vessels. . It is alao pointed out by the x- porters that the inoreaaed depth- will be - ao alight that none of them will experi- --j-ence any difficulty in getting out of the river with full cargoea. i The probablll "4;tiea are said to be atrong that all other --' maritime countries will adopt the earns ; rule.- Should they do ao the reault will be that fewer ahlpa will be required to ' take cars of the commerce of tbe world. -Urttl -recently ;ths underwriters" would .' not consent to give thla matter favor ' able, consideration. They have Anally - been -convinced that but few of t lie 5 wrecks or mishaps to the ahlpa have .been due to overloading them. CHARITY BRINGS TRADE. ' Japeaeae Importers place Heavy Orders . ' fo Tloar With Local Xoasee. Aa a reault of the liberal donations ' aent to famine autTerera from the United States, Japaneee importere are once ; . more placing orders with the "' local ' bouses for heavy, shipments of flour. . Hpafe for the shipment of 6,000 barrels lojapanhae been reaerved . on ' oriental .liner' Aragonla, due to-reach Portland' the middle of the month. Be- '"fore her arrival It la thought that near It all of her apace will have been an- gaged. ' Kx porters and. steamship authorltiea 'estimate "that no leaa than $1,000,000 haa been forwarded from the . United Statea to the famine dlatrtcte In Japan In the paat few months.? Of thia amount the New Tork Christian Advocate, for merly belonging to Rev.- T. DeWitt Tal '.madge, aent f 100.000. Thla la the larg ' eat alngle donation aa yet reported. . From other aourcea all over the United - States money haa - been- pouring Into ; Japan In a ateady stream. Six thousand " dollara was- forwarded from Portland '.'and about an 'equal amount from tbe Puget aound country. Large auma have alao been sent the- autTerera from other countries, but tbe people of the United Statea are said to have reaponded to " the appeala for help far more generous ly than all of the others combined. 4 - The money haa been , carefully dls- tributed, and no aooner did it fall Into V worthy hands than the local exportera i-tha trlcken districts. It , Is probable ; that moat of the fund will Boon be sent back to America In exchange for food- stiffs, 3Vith ,JhereYlvalof.. extensive business with Japan the regular fleet . plying from Portland will secure more c trafflc than they can possibly handle. . Consequently there will undoubtedly i soon be an opening for tramp ateamera here. - TEN-FOOT STAGE SOON. . iWniasaetts lver SUslag at BaU ef XaU a root a Bay, . ' A. the rate It Is now rising the Wil li lamette river at Portland will reach' a 'stage of 10 feet by the 'first of next ' week. It now atanda at T.S feet above the low-water mark, and la coming up on an average of Six Inchea a day. The ' Is .caused mostly by back .water from th Columbia. . ' ' In the paat 24 hour a the Snake river -1st Lewlston rose 1. 1 feet, and la atlll 4 rising rapidly.. There la also an In ' creased depth at all polnta along the upper Columbia. , The river rose .7 of a foot at Wenntchee, Washington, and . of a foot at The Dalles. There haa been but little rain, and the rise la almost wholly due to the snow melting In the .mountains. Portland and Salem are the 'only polnta in the district at which I there waa any precipitation In meas- ureable quantities. -J .While the river locally Is at a fine (boating stag at preaent. It la almost 'certain that the lower floors of the -docks wtlr-bo- tmmdated early In "May. A Borne of them era covered with waUsr H when a stage of only 13 feet Is recorded. TO HELPjCAPTAIN, . oeal KarUers Ooatrlbats to ra fos Captain Taa oaeiek. i Funds are being ralaed In Portland to (bear the expense of setting aside the findings of the court which sentenced 'Captain W. N. Van ScTialck of the 111 ' fated ' steamer General 8 locum to 10 ; years In the penitentiary at Sing Sing. Alt la the Intention of his friends to ap- . peal the caae to a auperlor court. Appeala for money - to be used In 'clearing the captain ar being aent to ; every .harbor association In the United Statea. A. few minutes after th notice ' for aid In tbls cause reached the local pilots' association a petition was drawn 'tip and circulated over the city. All of ' the pilots and river captains are making 'donations and It is said that the various ,' shipping firms will follow their exampls. ; '.Some of the local mariners are Of the . opinion that more than 11.000 will be -subscribed in the fund and forwarded to New York. , K. fantaln Van Schalck la IS years old,, chairs is )esre "i(U , Wbll in. command of the General Hlo- - Salem. April . Ex-Governor Qeer returned from a two-weeks tour of Umatilla, Union, Baker, Morrow and Gilliam counties yesterday and reporta his positive hhsu ranee that he will carry eastern Oregon over all h'sCompetitor. HisL. residence. Jn. thst-swtion orJtlearaJJogtlierwi,,tL' hla many aucoeaaful campaigns, easily gives him the lead there aa else where throughout the state. Having been an actual, practical farmer' all hla life gives him the general aupport of that' class, while, hla ac. quaintanee- with the busiuesa portion of the people in all aeetlons makes hla name a household word throughout the state. He haa never appealed to the people of Oregon without receiving an Increasing popular aupport, notably four years., ago, when, aa a candidate for United Statea aenator, though making no campaign whatever, he received 12.000 majority, .while hla Democratic competitor received the higljejtjote ojLay candi-,-, date on the Democratic sta(e ticket. , Mr. Geer, la a nativS son of Oregon and has been a citizen of the 'at ate all his life. ' His administration was a model in its efficiency and 'economy in the management of every state institution and not a dollar failed to reach the state treasury that waa due nor was a single dollar of the public funds wasted. : He believes in the "plain people," having ' always been one or them, in absolute honesty among public servants. justice to all classes and enforcement of the laws. His nomination is . assured and his public declaration that lie will challenge Governor Cham- ' berlsln to a Joint discussion on the stump will itself add thousands of votes to his aupport. WtWWWVWWWWTWTTT cum nearly two years" ago the -vessel caughtflre. In Now -York bay.. Bhe had several thousand excursionists on board, moatfy women and children. Hundreds of them, lost their lives and. the steamer waa totally destroyed. : ' ... In the investigation which followed the odium of. the entire affair fell on the shoulders of the captain. The Co lumbia .and Willamette river', skippers are of the opinion that he was simply made a acapegoat of. If any one ahould have been held to blame for the diaaater, they declare, the United States in spector Of hulla and bollnra ahould not the owners, should not have escaped censure and possibly conviction. - At any rate they believe that ' Captain Van SchalcK ahould be." exonerated- and 'are opening their purses: " ' ; ' SIBERIAN PORT BUSY., Agat at YladlTostek Says Teasels Have . to WaiS. Weeks to Oct to Book. , Writing from Vladivostok, ah .agent for one of the steamship companlea aays that the close of the war. with Japan haa seen a great Influx of goods of all kinds. In to "that port during the past three -'months, the greater . part being foodstuffs. - Ho many ships have arrived1 from - China, - Japan and the United States, ho saya, that the facili ties for handling cargoea are .altogether Inadequate, . vesaela: that- ordinarily could easily discharge In three days being-delayed three or four weeks, awaiting their . turn to come 'to the wharf.'. Although a great deal of mer chandise , haa alTeady been ' landed, . the congestion', at ill continues and bids fair to be almost as great for some months. The agent says ; that It Is probable now-that -ther 'discrimination - In '-tariff lawa. and railway -rates In favor of Port Arthur aniVP"y. h'ch prevailed be fore -the - war, -no longer exist Vladi vostok wiU become more and more inv portant 'as :a, port of entry, for eastern Siberia..' ; ''':'" While-, the bay .freeze. over. In . the winter; the agent saya that ships . can freely tenter -and -.depart through . the channel kept , open . by , the- icebreakers. He declares -that - the tee" frequently serves' as useful purposes.' in-that Beta fors-whlchJthere-ls-no room at the wharvea can' dlacharge thel cargoes on the fee.-' . ' " " ." " ' It is ' supposed that -the harbor will be frne I of. tee by-the-time, the .British steamship Cambrian King reachea there from f Portland.- She Bailed about." two weeks a Co.:- . i ". ALONG -THE ; WATERFRONT. ..4 ;.; '' -- - - ; - On her arrival from.Waaheugal today the steamer Jesslei Harklna will be tied up and equipped with a new boiler. Bhe will be 'out of service about 10 days. During this time tho In will take her run. t ' t '. .' - . ' ' - The steamer" Daisy Mitchell, i which ar rived In; the river, yeaterday from Hsn Francisco.. Is taking on a cargo of lum ber at Westport for the return trip. Two" steamers, the Columbia and the Roanoke, : arrived Jest night : from San rrancisco and Los Angelrs. respective ly, with full cargoea of freight and big passenger lists. : Captain Durham of the Roanoke aays he saw the schooner Newsboy whlch was wrecked the other day on the bar at Eureka." She was 1 - 3 MADE IN OREGON ECONOMICAL MANAGEMENT DIVIDENDS TO POLICYHOLDERS AT END OF Three Promlrient Features -v THE POLICYHOLDERS', COMPANY " A. L. MltLS," L. SAMUEL. 7. CLARENCE S. SAMUEL. , rreAtdent. General Manager. I Assistant Manager. . ' -. . ... . ,..,, .mm . tXW WAOrtiNdl VIM .ai-lMacieay-lJUUaing;-'UKilAIIL, UK. VVfTVVVfrfVVTVfTVVVVfvVVff lying at one aldo of the channel,, and will prove a total loss. - - A raft of piling In tow" of the steamer Resolute swung around and struck Bo nanza rock In tbe Clackamas rapids yesterday and nearly all of the timbers got loose and were borne away. Iater, the most of them were picked up. They will be taken to the -upper Columbia rivr today, where . they -will bo used by the north bank road. The tug Samson -was brought up from the drydock last evening and moored a the root of East Oak street.. , "Alter neing out from Europe a year tlw German ship grrtllie.lsexpectcgio reacn the harbor tomorrow.--'- Inquiry Into the -collision between- the steamers Columbia and Despatch at the mouth -of: the 'Willamette- couple -or, weeks ago Is being . made today bv l nueq mates inspectore-Hdwardn and Fuller with the view of ascertaining; wno is responainie ror the accident. Borne sneak, thief went on board the French ship Crlllon last night and ex tracted ti from the pocket of the Cap tain. Nearly every skipper In portJhs lost money In the same manner in-the past two weeks. , - ' . F. C, Hagemann ft Co. - have been ad vised - that -the- steamer Northland - wttl again be placed In service between Port land and San Franclaco. ' She will Ball from San Francisco for Portland on Thursday.. , The Francoia d'Amboie began loading grain thla morning at the Irving dock lor the United Kingdom. Thla afternoon the General Neumayer wiu D towered from, the drydock and brought to Portland, where ahe will dla charge tho rest of her cement cargo. The Crlllon will complete her. grain cargo ror Europe today.-- WAUNA NEW TUG'S NAME. Tnat'Ishs Indian- Word"for thejCo ltunbla Blver. - Wauna will be the name "of the new tugboat which Is being built at the Portland shipyards .. for the Shaver Transportation company, It Is the In dlan name for the Columbia river. Cap tain James .Shaver asked for. sugges tions as .to a name for . the craft. The slie.of his mall for the past two weeks might be reduced. , Thousands of people have been writing him and advising htm of a very, appropriate name to give the boat. He saya he haa enough names stored away to' christen - every boatf In the. United Statea. . . MARINE NOTES. i.. Astoria, April 10. Arrived .do jwn, at :4i a. m., Britlah bark Halmore, San Francisco. April 10. Sailed, at 4 p. m. yesterday, steamer F. A. Kilburti. ror Portland ana wsy ports. Astoria, April Left up, at 1:13 p; m.. steamer Columbia. Arrived at' 3:10 and leji up at p. m., steamer Roanoke from Port Los Angeles and way ports. - Astoria, . April IS. Condition of the bar at t a. m., rough; wind east; weath er cloudy, ' llaJlaa Ooasol Oonsral Dead. - ' 1 Chicago. April 10. Claude Rom dowskl, the Italian consul general at Chicago, died today of angtna-pectorls. He was born at Turin, and had been con sul general for It years.- - . BACH YEAR i-mnnini a - r-r mm mm, youths' College Clothes $10 to $25 as si , t GUARANTEED BY W00DARD, CLARKE & CO. Simple .War to Cure Catarrh by Hy omet Without Stomach Dosing. 3 It is the heift-ht af folly to doat tfia stomach with Internal medicines to curs nasal catarrh. - It cannot b cured except tha catarrhal aerms that are preaent In the nose, throat and lungs hare first been killed. Direct local treatment by breathing Hyomei through the pocket inhaler that cornea with every outfit,' la absolutely necessary to kill the catarrhal germs and prerent their growth and formation. The soothing air of Hyomei heala the smartldg and raw membrane of the air paasages In the nose, throat and lungs, kills off the catarrhal germs and rids the system of the last tracea of catarrh. The-complete Hamei outfit consists of a hard rubber Krhaler which can be carried In ba puvae or Teat pocket, a medicine dropper, and, a bottle of Hy omei, and costs only one dollar, while extra bottles can be obtained for is cents, thus making it tha roost economi cal treatment for the cure of catarrh, as well as the most reliable. . Woodard, Clarke tc Co. posit I rely guarantee a cure when Hyomei Is used rn - accordance wit h the - simple d Ireo- tlons on the package, or, thay-wtU I fund the money. Thia certainly ahows their faith and belief In the virtues of HvomeL If not- .convenient . to obtain TiroiuM of Woodnrtl. Clartr Co., or somr oror drag-flat. It will be fnrwarded rrosi m. Kbor.torjr br mall on rl ot price. The ' B. T. Booth Company, llyotoel bldf.. - Itbi-. New lork. t - - 1. 1 E WITH FLAME Gang of Five Burglars . Bind Aged Historian and Wife and Mistreat Them Cruelly. V (ioaraal Bpeelal Scrrlfd.) . - -Wllkeabarre. Pa., April 10. Fire bur glars who broke Into the Isolated home of Henry B. Plumb, an aged attorney and historian, at Nantlcoke yesterday, tortured llumb with fire and frightened hla wife Into a serious condition In as effort to make them reveal the hiding place of money they were supposed to possess. Tha .burglars, broke down the ,resr door. The crash awakened - the old onuple and Plumb seised a musket and bravely prepared to . defend his home The musket had not been discharged for lb years and ruet had destroyed Its ef fectiveness, for although piumn pulled tha trigger twice as the men rushed up stairs at him. It waa not discharged. Tha next moment they had wrested It from him and thrown him heavily to the floor, breaking two of his ribs. As he lay helpless the burglars bound and gagged Mra. Plumb and a search of the house resulted la the burglars find ing tsi and a gold watch. Tailing Plumb be could not deceive them, they ordered him to reveal the place where the money waa hidden, threatening him with death. He protested that they had obtained alt he had. The burglars then 'bound - hint to a chair and held a lamp flsme to hi feet. His shrieks were stifled with the bed clothing. Time and again they stripped to ask him to reveal the hiding place. They burned the soles of both feet, net ceasing until he swooned. Mrs. Plumb was helplnaaly compelled to endure the sight of her husband's suffering. He Is, In a state of collapse. rsf erred sttoek Cavaed se4sv AUea Lawls Best Brand. ROBBERS TQRTUR . This week thousands of mothers will -appreciate the brilliant array of -Easter wearables for Boys and ' Children. We refer you to our Morrison street display," Our exclusive styles and high class novelties are too numerous to admit The tasty . effects of. cloth. Tpattems,colorings and trimmings surpass expectation. Quality, Style and Fit hesitatingly guarantee. ' Unexcelled both the great departments. , Suits . . Dccfcrs. To Complete Yovr Easter Attire Bvy a 1B00K Peer p! All . "Ask us to send you our new Style Booklet. We win sub mit samples together with self-measurements upon application. NAMES 1VTCX" BE ON BALLOT IN MALHEUR (Special Dispatch te Tee Journal.) ' Ontario, Or., April 19. The. names ot the following candidates wilt appear on the official ballot at the., coming prt mary election for county , officials In Malheur county: Sheriff D. II. Kerfoot" Ontario, Democrat; C O. Thomas. Vale. Demo crat; Robert O'Dell, Ontario. Republi can; Miles Riley, Ontario. Republican; T. A. Barton, vale. Republican. County Clerk B. W. Mulkey, Vale, Democrat; A. B. Macpherann, Ontario, Democrat; C. A. Ollllham, Vale, Repub lican; N. B. Matthleuaen, Malheur City, Republican; Charles C. Buah, Westfall, Republican. County Treasurer B. J. Brown. On tarlo. Democrat; B. A. Clark, Vale, Re publican. County Commlaaioner W. 8. Law rence, Ontario, Democrat; J. H. Forbes, Owyhee, Democrat; W. J. Scott, Dell. Republican; Joseph Robertaon, Owyhee. Republican; A. Moray, Owyhee, Repub lican; Charlea A. Adams, Watson, Re publican. - Coroner Dr. S. D. Taylor,' Vale. Democrat; J. H. Farley, Ontario, Re publican. County Surveyor E. N. Smith, Re publican. ' Robert Van Ollae, Democratic candl date for Joint representative of Malheur and Harney counties, failed to get his petition flled-ln-tlme- to- have--hla name appear en the official ballot. T la re nee Bleats Officials. Eugene, Or., April 10. Florence has elected theae officers, as follows: Mayor, Marlon Morris; councilman, 8. J. Bhrum, K. W. Cobb. A. K. Picket. F. A. John son; maratral. H. B. Oray; recorder, D. E. 8eveny. The last named waa elected To draw tha fire out of a burn, heal a cut without leaving a scar, or to cure bolls. Bores, tetter, ecsema and all skin and acalp dlaeaaea, use DeWltt'a Witch Hasel Salve. A specific for piles. Oet the genuine. No remedy causes such speedy relief. Ask for DeWltt'a the genuine. IWCAWOESCENT GAS A - i on if mantle shows any defects should be kept clean.- .1 ?t-i I - Miff Portland Gas GomFJan of "detailed description. the; most extravagant '', ;- i , are the features we un- - service . $2.15 up . $5.00vp "V, Misses' Coats and Hats at $3.00 without opposition - and , tha .others by majorities ranging from t to 13 votes, There was no particular lasue. Ontario's Krw w-ater Company. , Ontario. Or.. April 10. Work on the Hjeop wtiT lor tne r-tty waterworks fs llaHMtU tasnaysPlawtra aave kaeai tm sa osw SB j Taey are ta esaMsaSl ssai S SSI'S pereva s Suits ssmI have aaww UnaSaal as) a sMa-aarar Osss-aatnil net te oaaaaua beasKsaasaa, or aarvnonseat waaSMar. J . Brand reth's Pills Tire Csssst Bhssd PsriBeT and Issssisdsa, , When installing' any jnakc. or style of gas burner on a chan-tlolierr-care shoultl always be taken in order to avoid leaks. If a small amount of white or red lead is put on the threads of the fixture, it will insure a tight joint. In replacing a mantle on a burner care should be taken to see that the burner -screen i.t clean and free -iran!.jdusLLThejnantie should always first-be- placed -in position - ine.Durner, tnen lignted irom the ourn on wunoui ine gas. ,are snpuiu De taken iiv lignting tnat the match docs not touch the mantle. WThen the coating is burned oftVturn on thrgas sjowljrand light bunicr at top; of globe or chim . ney, , Give the burner the proper amount of gas. To do this on a Welsbach adjust-by means of turning adjustment, screw to left to reduce and tp the right to increase the. supply of gas. The Lindsay burner is regulated by what is known as the wheel adjustment. This wheel can be turned 'either to'the right or left, thereby in creasing or diminishing supply of gas. -Troper amount of gas is' - determined by noting when the mantle is at its highest point of , brilliancy. When the mantle turns BLACK it, shows that the .burner is passing too great an amount of gas for. the amount of air, thus allowing the carbon to deposit on the mantle. To remedy' this reduce supply of gas and this black substance will disappear - When replacing a broken globe or chtmnev, do -not place tm burner without first installing a new mantle. .' All glassware on burners , . I !; I 'M r-ti S it . i r ' v w. i Suits $10 to $16.50 progressing. Tha well Is down .160 feet. A new company, to-be known as the Ontario Light Water company, ' has been organised wltha capital -stock ef t'6.000. - The new company will absorb the present Ontario Electric Light com peny. - !r- " - ' - Dnircrsal for tlie Bacl Por pskius iBuse egmm of thai rTssf ny or for a Weak Bsc Um plssatar sbovKI be ssppBed Sat Sesossnt ia xOvav tntim. ' Taerk. BlUMNElRS top, allowing the coating to v