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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1906)
THE, JOURNAi; CIRCULATES; A GOOD EVENING 7 THE WEATHER. " V :' Fair tonight, with light frost; : Thursday, fair, warmer; northwest. ' winds. '." ; Journal Circulation Yesterday ) it- VOL. V. NO. 31. CITY OF Explosions Increasing in Number and Inten sityTowns Com plete ly Ann i h i I ated-" People Positively Mad With Panic. showers of sand and stone mingle-With poisonous gas IntrepIdiSclentists tain Side Frightened Refugees Tell . Terrible " Stories of DisasteHtw.; (Journal Special Service.). , ;. . . . ; Naples, April 11. Thousands of lives have' been lost as a re sult of the eruption of Vesuvius, while the property Joss is esti- mated at $80,000,000. Towns throughout the district arefbeirtg over ' whelmed with ashes and the darkness-of night hangs over the en tire region, showers of stones as big as hen's eggs are falling upon -rthe' fledngtefugcS" while lava : isTagain on the move down all sides f of the mountains.-'''- : .: " -- ---.- T It is believed that Naples is in thegravest dangerrusinesjrls at a standstill and the people are positively mad. There is a wild - scramble to get out of the city.. The, poorer classes are fighting madly for places in churches to prostrate themselves at the altars; 4i4Jgiaeer-have--Tefu8ed-to--rtakeut- railroad -trams because of the darkness, and traffic is entirely suspended. All shipping is pre paring to leave the harbor, but the number of. vessels is wholly inadequate to take the people marooned and unable tq leaver ' Streets of Naples Blocked The passage of vehicles through the streets of Naples is pre vented by the drifts of ashes. Reports are constantly received of . buildings collapsing underthe weight of cinders. Every house . holder has been ordered to clear the ashes from his roof to prevent the collapses and fire. The air is so thick that it is difficult to .. breathe. ' ' ' ''..,''- Explosions are increasing in rftunbxr ami intensity, fanyavv "craters are forming on .Vesuvius. The instruments record the most severe subterranean agitation. This information comes from Mat tecuci. the intrepid scientist, who still remains at his post on the side ot t he volcano, who adds to ine worsi is yei 10 come. - . - - -fn All hope for the peopje who insisted on remaining near Vesu- vius has- beetv-abandoned, Kefngec-tell-of-scores buried -ali vt, , and the slightly injured doomed to death by suffocation. In many places- entire-families-are" foitnd kneeling about1 a 5 humble'shrine slain while at prayer by deadly gases, ' Dreadful Spectacle at Night "Jmrr! he terrible beauty and magnificence of fhe eruption at night is beyond the power of humar tongue to describe. The entire heavens "7wereTlightedby7the""glarervhich was reflected hundreds of miles away. ... :.'.. - . . The manufacturing town of Sarno, a city of 10,000 inhabitants, ; containing castles, factories, sulphur baths, is'reported entirely de stroyed and overwhelmed by volcanic cjecta. Lava has wrecked the hamlej of San Genntro. The ejection of sand is driving the . ; tmnulao awav frnm manv rlitant..tru7 . At -mmo rnAra onf ashes are six feet decp in the streets, while at San Gutsseppe thei - ueoris rcacnes ine inira story winaows. t Five-1 hundred refugees between Ottajano and San" Guisseppe -fare reported to have been .kincd.:.Ther lava ha$ reached Pompeii. ' Poggio Alarino has been completely buried under the ashes. . . i k .. Fifty houses and three churches collapsed this afternoon ' at ASomma and the city hall is thrcatened'with destruction. Refugees say houses continue falling in at Ottajana. In all towns in that ' neighborhood buildings are either in ruins or tottering. ... Shower, of Hot Stones Thousands of refugees in CasteHamare, near; the foot or the bill, tell of a terrific hurricane which struck Torre del Greco. The refugees are covered with dust and in a pitiable condition,. The storm was accompanied by rain, showers of sand and hot stones as i large as eggs. Stories brought from the scene by soldiers and res cuers are dramatic in the extreme and fraught with terrifying '"pictures. . ;:. '' -t '. . '; . A great eruption of sand is occurring oh the east side of the crater- Fresh shocks of earthquake arefelt jn. the direction of Ot- r tajana and Somma Nola. . A grcat part of the main pslrt of the corte of the volcano has fallen in causing a discharge of redhot stones, ' flames and smoke. . - 'V Violent storms of sulphurous fain are reporte'd at San : Giiis seppe, Vesuviana and Savaiano. . . Terrifying, news is reaching this city from points surrounding Ottojana. Rrports indicate that an enormous area h buried be neath ashes and cinders. ;, Scenes at Ottajana when the first vic- ' tims were unearthed were most terrible. The positions of the bodies ; showed that ttye victims died while in a great state of terror, their -, faces being convulsed with fear. I " , 1 Continued on Vesuvius Destroys Thousand away., Hundreds of tourists are ; . " . ; ' " his dispatches today that he thin Tr-J PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL REATTO BY , ;tVesuviu at AWFUL RECORD OF The atory of Mount Venuviu la one of JIaatet The first record of the vol caivo'a eruption dutua back. t i A. !.. when ,Nero ruled Rome. Hervulaneum and fumprit were partially destroyed. The following year Naplea waa threat' aped wHh an earthquake. It waa during the rela;n of Titua On Augunt 24. A. 1). 7, that Vesuvius broke tuoae In all her fury and eomplautly burled the tttea of Pompll and Htablae.-Then- the-maun' tain slept and the next eruption Is reenrded tn " the' felnn. of Alexander Bnvema. A. D. 303. There-waa another eruption In A. D. 473. during which ashes were carried, aa far as Constanti nople. . . Between-that date and the year 1800 nhwr erupttona of tndre or loss de strtictlveneaa occurred, v .October IS, I AID OF THE GANG New Mayor States. Employes Must Earn Salaries News paper Men Get Jobs. . ' ' (Journal Special Servlee.) - Milwaukee. April 1. Milwaukee is to be run .on the plan of a .metropolitan newspaper, and , politicians , In conse quence are disgruntled. - Sherboum Becker,: the -rpewly-electod ."kid"' mayor, has announced the outline of his policy, which 'is thkt' no onp will be on ' the city pay'rolls who does not earn the money -he-il raws. : Becker's nnnonnoe ment has spread dlnmay In the ranks of the falthful"as so far he haa re fused, all offers of the machine to aid him In runnlng the city. '. Becker-will have no-adherent' of the machine around' him. A number - of newper men will act ss advisers, and the incidontal work will - be divided among them. It 1 estimated Becker's election- cost him IJO.000.- - The day before- his election Washington Becker wagered f 20.000 that his son would win.. The proceeds of the bet will set tle all Sherbmtrn ' Becker's campaign bills. . HOME SEEKERS INVADE . ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ' ' HS.m-lal Klaixtrk la Tke Journal.) Medford. Or., April 11. A coach full of homeseckers, under direction of Ed ward Andreas, arrived from Portland last night', to be followed by a not tier contingent within a day or two,' The members of the party are from Mtnne sotM and ImkMtK and are seeking homes In the Rogue river valley, . .. ... Property Worth Eigh 7Vs. fee JV?T rf-W-, m. Mr m m -a Lvir Wis, j the "Height of Its 1 Fury. From a 163 1, more than 1,000 persons lost their Uvea In a severe earthquake and flow of lava that extended na far ns Taren tum, and destroyed Hoaco Trecaae, the town' which Buffered In the present eruption, and other towna In the vi cinity. Another eruption-In 1707 lnsted j j ( or foUf OflihThsTlndTtepTThe people ot JJaplcH In constant fear of dtath, , Again in ii3Z.. 17vj ana I77 Vesu vius poured forth rivers of lava and ahower-of ashes covering- Portk! . and reaching aa far aa Naples. In August 17", redhot stones were thrown 8,000 feet above the crater of the volcano, and In 1794 over. 400 people lost their Uvea On that occasion the lava flowed to- the eea. . - Other erupttona followed In 1804, 180S, 1823. JS&OJUfiS nd-lS, -In the last mentioned year the crater Bank 195 feet below its former height. ' Torre del PRETTY- SHOW GIRL WEDS MILLIONAIRE WIDOWER ., S . ., Beautiful Vera Cameron Secretly ' Married to Relative of J. : : Pierpont Morgan. , ' ''...- (Jeernal Speelal Scrvle - . -New- York, -April -11.--When ' the friends of Vera Cameron, one of the prettiest show girls who haa daisied Broadway for five years, beard she was secretly married last Sunday night to John Morgan, widower and. millionaire, and was aoorr to live In a grand man sion uptown. - they gasped In Surprise. The actress is known tojiave acoresof young admirers. ' . Miss Cameron first came into promi nence as a beauty In "The Girl From Kays ' company," and later appeared Is "Bubes i In the Burn." Her lust en gagement, was' with the "Mexlcana" company, which she left suddenly two weeks ago! 'Neither Miss Cameron nor Morgan, who was at her houne last evening, wuuld affirm ' the reported marriage.'.. f 1 : 1 .,.,! . " Considerable , 'mystery "surrounds the Identity Morgan. - He is -reportedto bn a dlatant relative of the wttll-known Wall street financier. - Miss Cameron has spent much time recently In a big touring motor car, which Is said tn be a gift of Morgan. . PRAYER IN HOUSE FOR VICTIMS OF VESUVIUS tJeersal Special Se1e.r " Washington. AprW I !.--Prayer was offered In the honee todsy by the Chap lain fori the victims of Vesuvius, lie Invoked divine blessing on Vf king and nueen , for theJr fforts to relieve dls- 11, 1906. SIXTEEN PAGES. m m Sketch. . VESUVIUS Greco whs destroyed on December, 8. 181. 'Becoming active again In 1171. Vesuiu spread threatening lava," and In April of 1874 the eruption burst sud denly and burled 20 persona who were watching the spectacle, and partially de atroyed the towna of Masa and Ban tie "bastiano. ' " ' T" In 1885 signs of unrest were, noticed about the mouth of the mater and for number of years alight eruptions oc curred. ' ; r-Tr In 1894 a" new peak waa formed by the sing thrown from ..the crater, and In 189S another 'still: ' A violent eruption followed in 1900, since which date the volcano has been almost cfinstantly ac tive. On last February the flow of lava coveren ine rauroaa inai cumDS to ins top qf the mountain. But it Waa i paired and sightseers have continued to venture up the aides of the volcano. - RAILROAD TOO INQUISITIVE TO SUIT EMPLOYES Workers for - Southern Pacific Agree to Resist Inquiry Into . ,r V: Private Affairs. v". .' (Jooraat Sixelal awrle. . Sacramento, - Cal., April - 11 Much objection Is expressed by employes' of the Southern Pacific shops to "personal record", slips now , being Introduced In some .departments. These slips j are printed lists of questions' which (em ployes are -required to fill out. fThe questions!, concern- the - employe's -age, nativity, else of family., employment during last five years,- data concerning litigation with .company. If any. and promise of compliance with the- com pany's regulations now. In 'force and those to be, Introduced In future. - Physical examlnaflon is also required. Employee object to the slips,, on the ground they Interfere with private af fairs of 'Individuals. At a meeting of protest held a few (lavs ago -between 200 ana' 300 agreed to file lists and to restevany' Inquiry or' Interference on the part of the company In their private affairs. - ' ...... ' , a : , Sight Saloons at Cottage Orove. " tH-tal Dlaciateb te The JoorssL) Cottuge Orove. Or., April 11. Ar the first meeting of the new council last night -considerable business was trans-, actfd.-; ------ r The ordinance to- reduce-the saloon license from 100 to 1400 s year wee rend s , third time "and "ncilbn taken on it. A HvMy taik follnwVd. and the license ' ass finally pined at-liOO a year. This la considered reasonable by the ;aloonnien,- and all will centlnn business.- Therei are now i eight -sslosns doing bui'nest hfre.-. . : , , PRICE TWO LUIEW FOR GOLO Organization of .Bankers' . and Lumbermen's Bank Conrf pleted, With Quarter Mil- . lion Capital Stock. ' . MILLIONAIRE TIMBERMAN WILL BE ITS PRESIDENT Large Number of Country Banker in jJong Lbtof" Stockholder Mich igan Banker and Lumberman In terested Will Open in Month' in Union Block, Second and Stark. : : Another heavy banking-house la to be eatabllshsd in Portland. -with a million aire lumberman for president, and a large number of country bankers In the Hat of stockholders. Organisation of the Blinkers' and Lumbermen' a bank has been completed, and It will begin busi ness within SO days In the Union block, at" the northeast corner, of Second and Stark atreets. The capital stock la $260,000. ".. , " Officers of the new bank are: ' Presi dent, I. C. Pelton; first vice-president, P. H. Rothchlld; second vice-president, John A. Keating; cashier, Edward' G. Meara; asslHtant cashier, H. Ih-etory; general counsel. Piatt it Plate. The di rectors and their business connections are as follows: Mr. Pelton la president of -the- Columbia Timber' company, the Pelton-Armstrong . company and the Ooble at Nehalem railway; Mr. Rothchlld- la president of Rothchlld Brothers, wholesale liquor dealers; Mr. Keating waa for four yeara In charge of -the weatern bond department of Morrla Brothers; Robert T. Piatt waa 12 yeara In the position of attorney and conn- dent lal advisor of the Wells-Fargo bank; Mr. Storey waa for 20 yeara with the Ftrat National bank; Mr. , Mears was with the Merchants' National bank until a few years ago, when he entered the Lutke Manufacturing company, in which he has just sold his Interests; K y. Car ter, an officer tn banks at Medford. Ash land and Woodburn; J. P. Rogers, inter ested In banks at Salem and Olendale; Lloyd 1. Wentworth, vice-president Portland Lumber company; Ir. K. A. J. Mackenzie, chief surgeon O. R,4.N. Co. , " Other stockholders are: C C. Barker, president Peninsula Lumber company; (Continued on Page Two. FOES OF THE PEOPLE'S WILL-TRY TO BECLOUD THE ISSUE Only Serious Attack on Statement Number One Is in Mult nomah County Alleged Slate Absurd in Face of Pledge to Follow People's Choice. Multnomah la the only county lu the stats where there Is any serious effort to . prevent the election of legislative candidates pledged to vote for the peo ple' choice for United States senator. Elsewhere ths sentiment In favor of the principle embodied In statement No. 1 -4 . i- - -llut nrlnun IflW Is SO OVST- whelmln that the great majority of the candidates, wnetoer iwiiumin. Democrats, have suDScriDea to i ont qualification, In Multnomah county there are per sistent efforts to becloud the Issue and to stve a false Impression as to the at ... . . ...i.m.nt N. 1 candidates iiiuuv wi - - M Certain of these candidates are accused of being on the so-canea journi and are made the object of attack on . . a a. m. matter ' of fact ft mis . aruu- - - r - , , matters not a particle whether t legis lative candidate preiere ouuin. . oi.t, i rka or Brown or Oearln for United Btatea senator, so long as the candidate haa suuscnoea ment No. 1 ' ' . . - - The language ot statement o; i is as follows! ' ; "I further state to the people of Oregon, as well as to the people of my legislative district, that during my term ot office I will always vote for that candidate tor United Htates senator whs haa received the highest numoer ot ine t'. i ni. far that ton at the invi. ' - - r- - - general election nest preceding the elec tion of a senator in congress, without regard to my Individual preference. v No Dledge could be more unqualified or more emphatic. Ka ' man. having given that please ana naving- pees elented to the . legislature . on the strength of It, would dare to repudiate It. To do so would be to bring upon hlmaelf the scorn and contempt ef the state. The traitor wni vimatea a pieoge s wilemn would become-an outcast. It la folly therefore te ask whom the ststeroest No. 1 candidate wntild per sonally prefer to mppwl for' United Htates senator, If private prr i-wwti It a'.solutf ! ii--TBti I,.!, t 3roi;tv' 5122 CENTS. X&SOFWj? ssiA Detectives and Patrolmen on Duty Watching Vaults of City Treasurer During Hours of Night. MORE THAN A MILLION ' JN CASH AND PAPER Today Unwieldy Wealth I Tram ferred - to - Various ' City Banks Where It Reposes, Though Not Drawing ' Interestoh" Account ot,. - Charter Provision. - . - - Armed detectives guarded the vaults In the titty: treasurer's office last night in whtcb. were deposited more than $1,000,000. The first consisted of Acting Detective Ace Welch and a patrolman who came on duty at o'clock and re mained until 12 o'clock. They were ref lleved by Detective Murphy and another patrolman, who remained on duty until 7:20 o'clock this morning, when City Hall Off leer Qulnton reported for duty.. , The detectives stationed themselves with loaded shotguns on the inside of the building where they could watch. ? the vaults with Night Watchman Clem Devroe. and "Hie patrolmen kept a sharp lookout-n the outside of the buildings for' anybody who might attempt to enter. ' - . ...... This unusual precaution was taken to " safeguard the great sum of money In the city vaults, consisting of more than 11.000,000 In cash and negotiable paper, which was- received from different sources last week. City Treasurer Wer leln did not desire to leave this large sum in the Vaults with no other pro-, taction than that offered by the night watchman, and he appealed to the po lice. - - V," - Today City Treasurer Werlelmftrans-, ferred al) the cash in the vaults to dlf ' ferent city banks for safe keeping until some oonoluaion Is reached regarding the deposit of city funds In accordance with section 281 of the city charter. He was unable to deposit the money at In-; tereet because of the charter amend ment. Only one bank,. the United States Nstionai, has submitted proposals to become a depository for the funds of the . city according to the charter amend ment. "I cannot keep all this cash In the (Continued on Page Two.- first, last and all the lime. for. the man whom the majority of the people have named Ss their choice. . In the Republican primaries in this county It legislative candidates are tu be nominated.. Of the 41 aspirants for. the nominations whose names will be on the primary ballot 22 are clasaed aa statement No. 1 candidates, though one of them. Dr. I M. Davis, merely states that he la "In favor or statement No 1 wHrtoat pledging himself unequtvocally to he bound by tt. One other of the statement No. 1 candidates, Samuel Connell, adds the proviso that no. will vote for the people's choice for senator unless there should be a deadlock a re mote contingency. Republican voters have 'therefore 11 candidates pledged to support state ment No. 1 t rom whom to -nhoose the. II nominees. It Is worthy of notu that the so-called Bourne candidates have emphasised . their adherence to state ment No. 1 by causing these woMs te be placed after their names on the bal lot: "Prom lee always to vote for the) people's choice for United States sens tor." The only other csndldate t who name this pledge Is appended on the ballot Is James U. Campbell, who seeka to be .Joint representative foe Clackamas and Multnomah eountlea , Every legislative randldater who hss hot subscribed to statement No. 1 neoee sarlly places himself tn oppoe'tton the principles that the people shmiM name the United ttlstea senstoK Ma of thetn tske the position. In effuct, that only Repnhllcsns sre entitled to a voir In the selection of senxtor. While; neceassrlly reeogniiieg . ti that every other el"ftlv be filled by rote of the crsts aod Rep'ititinn v slst tlist the Renubli eleot the sens tor. It will be a r"i.r' thet If the pce of (ft- i lt t loverior O ' -ilt ' ' wotild hav no r1 t ii t run- not '"ie -h-....a f I .' . : principle - i t .. I I'rr I