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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, TUESDAY. EVENING, APRIL 10, 1603. SHORTAGE FOUUO TO SAVE SALOONS BY EXPERTS When using econ- Books of TreasurerG. W Dinv mick of Douglas County : ' ' Show Biz Deficit. Liquor Interests Making Deter mined Pight to Prevent Re- ;." voking Llcenie.'-ir" bmy to buy the; Royal. Royal makes the finest, most wholesome and de licious food. ;. POOR. BOOKKEEPING AND -ERRORS RESPONSIBLE MRS. HAYWARD HOLDS ARREST SCIMETER ALOFT Account of Sheriff, With Exception She Says She Will Take Matter Into Courts and Have ..Indicted Every .Man Instrumental in Maintaining , of Small Clerical Mistake, Are i Correct -Not r Thought Diminick'i Bars Contrsry to Law. ' ; ,rrorwa Maae imcnuonauy. vRCT X , l : X JEAR SCHOOLS baking : , . ,, , : . ! - powder it is always Rose-burg,--Or. April M.J. M. Wll lisms and W. T. Wright, employed to expert th , book i of the treasurer. . sheriff end clerk, filed their report ,1a! last night. Th report ahowa a shortage . of I,10.0 in the Bccoanta of County Treaaurer O. W. Dlmmick, for, which he hi foatlng check to cover all but The book of tho" treaaurer are re " ported to be kept very loosely and it I very probable the ; shortage made . througn. errors and poor ( .bookkeeping. It ia not thought that the hortaff wa - made through any Intention of defraud li -in the county-and-the -amount- WllL be made up at once. : ' In the herlffa office the book were found correct with- the. exception of . few small clerical error and alao aom 75 . tax receipts given by the sheriff 4 which-' have- beetvreharged -to- -4ewr . amount, which would equal taxes, .leas i - the rebate, and the experts report thai , the chance was not mad by Sheriff McClallerC - The current report 1 that '.the tax receipt were changed by one " of tb party who took - the ahertfr ' book "from hi afnee at sight to the register's office aoroe'two montha ago, - 'which caused the preaent. investigation. ,lt. 1. thought by, some, .that, th re celpts were changed to try to show that 'V the sheriffhad pocketed- the rebate. ..This the diatrlct attorney will probably Investigate and Interesting develop ' ment are expected. The book of Clerk Agee were found correct in the aggre gate A detailed examination we net i made ef all -the clerk' book. , ..--.. ' M'CURDY AND HIS SON 'XI SUED BY MUTUAL LIFE (Jearaal Special Sendee.) New York. April 10. Suit have bee filed by the Mutual Life Insurance company against Richard A. MeCurdy. former president, and hi son, Robert H. McCurdy, former manager, to recover S1.002.M1. ' Conspiracy is -the charge alleged againet them. - ; RAIN OF ASHES ' -(Continued from Page One.) ; ben. taken to the hospital. Report -from the eoast and Island town enow terrible devastation. Among the place devastated .at. .JBaa -Otorglo, . Cremona, Portlccl. Iteslna and Torre del . Oreoo. .Mnt At .the: building in thess. place are flimsy In construction and are rap Idly collapsing under the weight of ' ashes, which ax atlll falling. .... Tbemaaad rHtl V , , "AH effort to learn the number of fatalities In, the various -village have failed. Tb. death. llt is constantly growing and ther seems little doubt - but that It will exceed 1.S0S. The entire district Is a scene of misery and terror. Blight trembling of the earth ar felt, while the falling of aahes is the only noise -to be heard, A large part of the crater of Vesuvius seem to have eol- lapsed so that the mountain I 100 feet ' diminished In altitude. New craters are In process of formation. , -..,,, -' Naples and other cities are erowded ' with refugees. Processions of men and i women line the road while speclsl train and ships are taking thousands ; of the bomeles to place of shelter. Not lesa than lt,00 refugee ar at Caetellamere. .- The How of lava toward Pompeii and TorreAnnumalataha been, checked.! -i ne town or iwoia or ie, Inhabltanta, .2- miles from Naples, ha been half ! burled under aahes and many building ' consumed by fire. ! : All work In the port of Naples ha ' been suspended. It Is estimated that ; IS. 00 refugees are In the city. Pour mors bodies were taken from the! market ruin thl afternoon. Many chll dren are among the dead. More- town -are, being deserted, the cities being half covered with ashes.' The day 1 clear here and the bay unrtppled. ' Fashionable Silver Wearables For Easter -The spirit f the time dictate advancement and progresslvenees. So It Is with our Ksster wearabTes this season u p-to-detedtf ferent than usual, and of a decide char acter. Favorable prices, too. 7 - Collartttcs , Handsomely festnnned. In either the roso or sntloue finishes, - mounted with various colored tones. - - - . - , r . 54, 50 0 Belt Bucklts In all the wanted slses, studded with colored stone or plain. In liver or llvr-gllt $2.50 to $7.50 Card Cases In solid silver, handsomely stored, lined In silk and with long chain. $7.50 to$H BewHtUnt lit Plat . . TSt M fl.7l IrKtlrti. Etkccl r PUts, tVU Is I3.S0 ... i Corner Third and Washington Sfs. JKWKLr.RS. SILVERSMITHS, M AJfUPACTVRINQ ORTICIANS. Made 1n Ot egon" Rxhlblt. May ,1 to J.., , SIXTEEN HORSES INCINERATED Spectacular Fir. Consumes Or.. igon Feed Yard at Pendleton, " Causing Big Lost. B LOO DE D-AN I M ALS' AR E RESCUED FROM FLAMES Several Persons Slightly Hurt by Shocks From Electric Wires end .R. B. Wilson of Portland Has Nar- ror Eep-Proflt-Death, (ftperlal Dispatch te The Joorsal.) , Pendleton; Or., April 10 Kirs broke 'out at 1:10 o'clock this morning, de stroying a portion of the Oregon feed yard. Sixteen, horses were burned to death, , causing tot!' loss of 1 4.80. .Tho animal- burned ware transient. Thr stable wa partjy burned. -The fa mous blooded hones owned by A. C Ruby, which were kept t this, barn, wera saved. ' f The fire wa under full headway be fqre the alarm wee. aounded. The fire men worked faithfully to aave the aur rounding reatdenoe. Nearby people ran for the blooded stock, the part where the transient horses were being too far under headway. The loss of the horses Is placed at tl.tOO. The criea of the animal were pitiful. Some of there were so badly burned that they had to be snot. . - - It Is believed that the fire originated by some one. carelessly throwing a light ed match in the barn,' Heveral people received ahock -from live wires lying on the ground, where they fell from burning pole near, the,, ahed,. but, pone was seriously nun. The flames burned rapidly, making a spectacular fire. R. B. WfUon, travel ing' freight agent Tor the Burlington, had a narrow escape from death' when two maddened stallions, which be was trying to lead oat, caught him between them and began to trample him to the ground. HI injuries were not aerloua STEAM SHOVELS WILL TEAR .MB DEDY HILL First Step. In Plans That Lead to Demolition of Seattle's Big Hotel. ! (cil Dlasate U The Msraal. settle. Wash., April 1. Steam shovels wilt start tearing away Denny lilll wtthlu two days.The contract for the work of rasing, the hill ha a been let by Jamea A. Moore. The work la firat to start at th 'southwest corner of Second avenae and Stewart street, and by May 1 workmen will begin demolish ing the "Washington hotel,, long known ae th most picturesque scenic . city hotel In th northwest.' ..Upper Third avenue will be regraded and an Immense district be formed by the city councrT and courts. It Is esti mated that 10.000.000 cubic feet of earth will have to be removed and t3, 000,000 expended. ADMIRAL GOODRICH TO LEAVE THE COAST (Josrsat Sjweial Service.) I San Diego, Cel., April ' 1. Admiral i Goodrich announced today that he will I be transferred from the command of : th Pacific squadron In August, and ; also announced that his subject t a banquet to be given by San Diego clt. Isen on April 17 will be "The Desira bility of a Naral Station on North Cor onado Island." Th admiral ia enthuat aatlo over th proposition. NET DRAWS IN BIG MEN (Contlnusd from Pag Ona) nouneed two or thr montha ago that the nest batch of land fraud accuaatlons would Involve the big operator whose acquisitions of valuable-timber land In Oregon bar been on an enormous seals. Apparently thla Is th policy which is now being pursued. . The methods employed by - these wsalthy operator are familiar. Hun dreds Of men were procured to take up clslms. falsely swearing that they were doing so for thslr own use and benefit, when they bed In fact previously con tracted to convey th land to their em ployer. I'uaally th entrymen were poor people and th price of their perjury waa only a few dollar. Many of them are her witnesses before the grand Jury. - . . Th work of tb grand Jury la by no mesne concluded. Meny big frauds re main td be Investigated and other Indict ment ar expected. : lUUUl JKOmaaTOVlTB STBVP. Immediately relieves - hoars,- croupv . cough: enpreeaed. rattling, reaping aod , difficult breathing. Henry ". Stearns, druggist, Sh'illeburg, Wis., writes, Msy ! t, ft!! "I have been selling Ral I Isrd's Horeheund Syrup for two years ' snd have never bed a preparation that 1 hss given better sstlefactfon. I notice -that when I ' sell a bottle they ronie bak for more. I cn honestly recom mend It." - tc. K Sold by Woodard, CUrk . PLENTY OF ViORK; FEW CUES N.v.r So Fw Off.n.$ in Port land as in Past Six Wa.kt, ; - Pollca Say. NO LENIENCY SHOWN TTT CHRONIC OFFENDERS Only Six Minor Thefts Reported in Pait Two DaysMan Who Lost Suit of Clothes Recovers It From Never In the history of th city of Portland has ther been so little crime within th laat si weeks. The rec ords of the polio department ehow only two or three offenses of magnitude, whll even minor Infraction of law have been few. Two causes are assignedfew men honestly, desiring work are now unable to-flnd It and tho polio department ha been especially vigorous. - The police court ofllciala havs worked in harmony with the department and no leniency has been shown chronlo offenders. In the last two dsy, exclusive of the work of two or three passer of bogus checks, on th capture of whom de tective ar now concentrating their an ergic, only six minor crime havs bean reported. This has been the rule rather than -the exception for about sir weeks. The following comprise th list: R. Oeusch, til Fourteenth street, re ports th theft of .carpenter' tool from Third and Montgomery atreeta. - J. A. Tilley, Merchants' hotel, lost a violin some time since Prldsy night. A.- P. Dodda, I'aolflo hotel, had. a utt of clothing stolen from his room. : W. J. Dan Dueren, Sixth and Falling streets,, reported the. larceny .of. several pieces of Iron pip on Sunday. . R, K. tb Simmon. Lower Albina, bad plants stolon from hi. yard. N. Read, city engineer' office, report th theft of cordsge. chains and a block and tackle from a barn at the southern end of Union avenue. The ault of clothing stolen from Dodda waa recovered by Detective Hart man' from a pawnahop and M. Fits gerald. accused of th larceny, I un der arrest. WILL AWARD HONORS ..TO BEST MARKSMEN . (Rperlel DUpete to Th Joorsal.) . -Salem, or., April 10. Governor Cham berlain and Adjutant-General W, K. Pinser of Portland will award honors for best marksmanship upon th mem bers of Company M, O. N. O., of thi City In th Armory tonight. It Is also probable that the result of tTnonspecIoh"madebjfMaJorrranTiOt stale." Baker will be Instrumental In making 8alemth location forjthe . Utrifll range, t aptain Murpny lias oeen noti fied to leaae th ground selected In West Salem for a period of five year The annual contests will then be held In the capital city, ona In June, when the state militiamen will compete for the selection of a team to send to Sea girt, New Jersey, at the national con test, and in October the annual contest for the stat trophy. ... CALIF0RNIAN KILLED JN ROADHOUSE BRAWL - (Jnoraal Sseetal Servlee.t '--Fresno, Cel., April 10. Frank Moss ier-, waa killed by Joseph G. Fossettl, proprietor of a roadhotise, near this city laat night. Fossettl claims that he shot In self-defense, but the women preaent ssy that Moaeley had no weapon and made no threats to kill, Fossettl claims. The 'shooting . followed a fist fight. Moaeley Is the son Of Mrs. E. J. Bean. His parents are wealthy and live at th Occidental hotel. Ban Fran- leco. EIGHTEEN MONTHS IN .PRISON FOR LARCENY (Special Dispatch to Trie Jearsal.) ' ' Th Dalles, Or., April 10. George Al len, srrestsd yeaterdsy forlarceny of elothlog 'in lodging-room, wa tried thla morning before-the Judge of the circuit court, found guilty of the lar- DOWIE KEEPS OUT w- (Continued from Page One.) Vollva say. In answer to Dowts's at tack on his brother, that hla brother Arthur forged hi father' name to a note and served time for the crime, but is now living a godly life. He ssy: "My nam t In DowUs will as bis successor, therefore It le to my Interests personslly to await Dowle's death, which la certain to occur In a few months st th latest, but th people ar suffering nd th flnsnces ar being wrecked." "1 11 shoot Dowle when he set foot her," houted a Zionist at th station at noon. "My wife and children have been starving for three month. . Ile a got 140 of my money. Vhen I trltd to get It h -gave-me A . . . 1 . - It 1 th bitter feeling Of sufferers that makes IJowle fear assssslnstlon. Had Do trie com today, hi frosty re cent Ion mould have pleased his woret enemy. Not half a dosen people -er at the si Hon. In addition to tb report ra and police. ; - . . . ' , , -A determined light is being made by the local liquor interests to preventthe city council .revoking the licenses of Jacob Bauer and August Eschle, who- oonduct saloona within 00 feet of the blocks on which publlo school building are. located. The former is th pro prietor of a resort st 94 . Mllwsukl street, which is said to be within 409 feet of the Brooklyn- publlo school block, and th lattsr 1 alleged to con duct a saloon within 40 feet of th Holmsn school block In South Portland. At the last meeting of the liquor, li cense committee of the eouncll th ma Jorlty voted to recommend the revoca tlon of the . license. Mrs. Bert Hay- wards, ' who resides nesr the Brooklyn school, urged the revocation of Bauer' license on the ground that th saloon was Improperly conducted, and said that the owner had been arrested for con' tributlng to the delinquency of a minor. Residents .. of South . Portland in the vicinity of tb Hoi man .school reported that Eehl'e saloon-wa a. -detriment, to the morals of that community. It was planned by certain member of th council to postpone action In th matter because the proprietor of the two saloons bad ' been granted licenses for the year and were reported to be conducting respectable place and tneir licenses ahould not be revoked. -..JLlaaaidthtlhOPPonentto th saloons will urge th council to revoke th license on the ground that no al ternative 1 left according to th char ter -provision. Mrs. Hay ward a ha threatened that If the council refuse t revoke the licenses she will take trie matter Into -the eeurts and' havs every man who 1 Instrumental in maintaining the saloon arrested. . If ah keep her Dromtse the councllmen who vote for maintaining th saloons may be In line for Indictment. ... GOAL STRIKE CONFERENCE TO I Counter Proposals for Arbitra tion Received From Both Sides Today. (Jearas! Special Service.) New Tor. April 10. At th : Joint conference of the sub-committees .of the anthracite coal miner and th operator thl morning th operator declined to accept the arbitration plan propoaed by the miner laat week,' In which the en tire dlsputs waa to be left to the anthra cite coal strike commission and la Its stead presented a counter proposition. : Ths conference adjourned after ..a brief session to meet again Thursday: The proposal of the operators If ac cepted will bind each slds to two years and call for the settlement of only new grlevanoea found to exist after an Impartial investigation ahall ba made, holding that the minora have not called attention to anything that has not- al ready been passed upon by the strtk commission. Th miners' counter proposition pre sented thi afternoon la aaid to be to throw the contention Into the hand of th commission which' sdjusted the dif ferences In ltOZ, consisting of Judge jTy,--OeerL. Wilson, E. E. Clark, Thomas H. Watkln, Bishop Bpauialng, Carroll D. Wright and K. W. Parker. The laat of the bltuminoua operators of th Pittsburg district ha atgned the Report from alt-part 01 the country show thst operator are gradually. yielding and signing tip. ABERDEEN MAY SOON HAVE BIG PULP MILL Iftpeelal THipatrk te Tke Jenraal.) -Aberdeen, Wash-, April. 10. Negotia tions are pending for the location of a big pula mill here, and a representative la daily expected. The plant Is to oost tiOO.00 and employ 100-men. It will manufacture all kind of pulp utensil, paper and wall paper. This will be th only wll paper factory west of New York. ' - O. M. -Powell and Mr. Thomas will donste 0 acre of land at the mouth Eatt :Mpi?et of the most ; nutritious of flour foods Unooda Dlscuit -the only perfect soda cracker. Then you will be able to - because a well-nourished body has greater productive capacity Thus you will also be able to Save-More ' because for value received there is no food so economical as - UnscHa CIccult ' 0 - Iti a dust tight. - moisiun NATIONAjV biscuit company Old Spotlei Town I painted . fed.- .:.--.v .::;x-;:.:iT : The Kataenjauimer " raUe ; the .""dead, ..-';---;- Their j'oVe and prank meet no -; rotraint, - Their mother never makes cofn- rv--plaint,- ... ..' ; ; -',. She never, thinks-toJ,ipank her ,- boys, . '. ,; ,. - : ;: ' -'; -', oo much, elated with the " joys Of cooking with the Monarch -,; - Ranfe. , "v. , : Call or write for free Booklet, WhlIeeveropmenr"c6hfineswar ' making every effort to satisfy every customer. There were many yesterday and this morning who came to take advantage 01 the offers made in Sunday's papers. The sale will continue all week, or while goods last. ; v' :..' . '. ".' L Credit . For. You and Your ? Friends Too IS - IST - of the Neushkah river, a fresh water stream, with opportunity fon dams and Intakes to control most or tn waier in the atream. Thl U a reliable company with plenty of capital. Ther 1 plenty of tide land apruc near th . alt f ot material for a mllL . .. COIN-MAKING MOLD - CAUSES INDICTMENT The federal grand Jury thl morning returned an Indictment against Kdwara Burn and P.- J. Mulligan, charged with counterfeiting. The charge In - the case were presented to the Jury by Jame Col, asaietant United State dia trlct attorney, In the abaenos of Dis trict Attorney Bristol.-- - - - Burn and Mulligan war arreated on July IT, ltOS. at 104 H Fourth atreet, wher they bad engaged room. Th lodging-house wa raided at th time nd an opium outfit discovered. After th prisoners were taken to the etation, togethsr with two women found In the rooms, th apartments war searched. In a cloaet he officer dlacovered a plaater mold for making spurious 25 cnt piece. -. v" . An Information wa filed against Burns and Mulligan and an indictment waa returned agalnat them to tha .cir cuit court for a statutory offense, . old Ooia Oompaay Zxorporavtaav. , (Rpeetal Dispatch, te Tba Jmirnal.) Pendleton, Or., April 10. With a capi talisation of 11,000.000. th Oold Coin Mining company hss been formed for the purpose of owning, operating and selling mines In Baker county, Oregon. Th incorporator ar T. H, White.- T. W. Ayers and H. J. gtillman. all of Pen dleton, and all being directors. ""Th Origins' Laxatlv Cough Syrup Is Kennedy's Laxative Honsy and Tar. It expel air cold from the system by acting a a cathartic on the bowel a Kennedy' Jaxatlv Honey and Tar I a certain, safe and harmleea cur for cold, croup and whooping cough.' ... - . proof packatt. f t,; --SSBBW' THE '-v. Malleable Range PRICES 4B TO t85. . i Kng qfthe ; , Perfect Kitchen $l.dO A WEEK "Made T4S - ISI rnT TiacT, owtlam d. Sole Agents for Monarch Malleable Ranges Cra -Canghlla at Dayoa - (Special DKpateh te Th JoornaL) Dayton. Or.. April 10. Miss Gall Laughlln spoke tn Nichols hall last ventng before a lar ire and attentive au dlence on woman suffrage. Her address wa Instructive and vary Interesting. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS We have the handsomest foot dressing this year that could ; "deUght the eye. We have half a dozen styles, every one of " . , i i -i .. i , mem a cnarrn, anq just to we offer LADIES' GIBSON TIES, In ' ,vici kid and tan leathers at $2.49 LADIES OXFORDS, patent tip, vJci kid, Blucher or lace, extension or light soles.. New goods -very stylish at $1,49 MISSES AND CHILDREN'S LOW SHOES, all leathers and all styles 50cjtb $2.00 MEN'S OXFORDS, in tans, kids and - patent kid leathers " . $2.49 and $3.35 Our stock of white canvas Oxfords is most complete, and we have them in all sizes for women and children at popular prices. HAVE YOUR FEET LOOK AS NICE AS YOUR . 'HEAD ON EASTER DAY. V ; . -r3c: Tbe UONARCn U&tzUt Rs;t Gives SstlsfscCsa 1: So Does Oar Goarsstee .lj ,93.0.00 For your Monarch, Malleable Rant; when you want to send, it back. That's better than the honeyed words of some dealers who ay, "Of couree we guar antee this or that range, but we cannot lay now what it will be worth to u if you ever want to ell it back." On the Monarch Malleable you know, what you buy and . what you can get for your purchase if, for some un foreseen reason, you want to dispose of it. " . - - - in Portland, May 19-26 Prices , Are " Right Payments ; Are -e ' Light o'capN, Xaseeat Xajorlty luui eased. (Joorsal Special Servlee.t St. Petersburg. April. 10. Further re turns irom the election held Sunday ln- I ereas th . Iviberai majority for ' th next donm. . Only in Moscow and .Tula were th reactionists victorious. ,. ... snow uui we are (uw ieuowi- a for thia week " 8 patent and," BARON'S SHOE STORE 230-232 norrison Street, Near Second