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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1906)
THE ' OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY. - EVENING. APRIL, 10. 1EC3 TO SELL, RUN OR LEASE HOTEL -Threr Uns- f Action-Witlv ftef ir trance to Future of Port ; land to Be Considered. i MORMAN OF SPOKANE 1 l ; wini II n RIIV HOSTELRY :'Probabla That at Jeait,Eiht Hun: . drei Fifty Thousand Dollars Would Be, AskedLeas at .Accelerated ' ' Compensation Favored. 1 , The' fu'tor of the Hotel Portland will 1 decided at a pmUnf of tne director morrow afternoon. At tht time there will be considered three line of action, end It la probable that one of the three will be immediately acted apon. - - -. Norman, the Spokane hotel man-and proprietor of the- Spokane 'hotel, cornea to the fron with an offer to purchase the Hotel Portland outright Recently the price aked was $760,000, but It In probable that at leaat $160,00 will be aaked. ' The second plan under consideration la to leaae the hotel. The lease favored by the majority of the directors. It la aid. is for a Ion a term of years at an accelerated compensation. It Is under stood ' that " several " -persons - have -expressed their desire to rent the hos telry. - The last plan to be considered is that of employing a new manager in the place of Mr. Bowers, who recently"re algned to accept the management of I he new f ali-mount holcLat- Ban J"rn- claw, and leaves for that city on Sat urday; There are several candidate, among them a San Francisco man well known in hotel circles.. If It Is. deci ded to elect a new manager and run the hotel a formerly, it Is expected that the new man mill be chosen at the meeting tomorrow. : . . . OBJECTS TO RECORDING - OF THE DEED HE GAVE l O. Rolston has been made the de ' pendant, In a suit that has been filed In .-the circuit court by K. 8. Merrill. The ;lllntiff declares that Rolston has a .Jeed to lot ?, block 26, given him by 'Merrill, which be Is trying to have. re 't jrded and to which action Merrill ; strongly objects. . Merrill says that Rol ,' Hton Indorsed his note as surety on :,ilarch t. The note was due in JO days,' .and the plaint---declares that In order , .to Insure Rolston against loss he gave . the defendant $260 and the deed. ; Merrill avers that he gave the deed "to Holston'With the understanding that It was not. to be recorded unless the .note was pot paid. '.. I I ? W L S .T S III S; t Residence) . t C. P. Liija, ,-, ., ,- ,,, v t ,v ij.-e j. mm A Trite Saying. ' Oondom Sold BleoUow. . ' Sperlal Dispatek to The Joarnel.) v Condon. Or.; -April lo In the eliy Selection held-yesterday) Edward' thinrij , the present mayor. Democrat. wasi re-elected. The council 1 XLa. Manq, It Moore, T. Q. Johnson. R. K. Meyers; all ,on the Cttlsens' ticket. - -KASTZaV OUTTITTIBO OOMPAVT Miss May Kay of New Orleans, worth one hundred and . fifty thousand dqllars, who committed suicide in a New York hoteL L. E. Cohen, who disappeared six hourr after the .suicide, la sought by the police. MURDERED, MAYBE , FOR 8300- J. Dalor, Teamster Who Left to . Secure Timber Claim, ' .;; CONE THREE MONTHS NO WORD FROM HIM Local Police Have Descriptions of : - Man Who Left 'Princeton, Idaho, , With Dalor Wife Writes Saying Land Officers Have Not Seen Him. DO RIOT WORRY ; About . the expense which Easter causes regarding wearing ap pareL Visit our Cloth ing Store, look through the beautiful, snappy . lines in Men's Suits, Top Coats, Two-Piece . Suits, Trousers,- Vests, -Hats -and Shoes.Se- lect your outfit and ' pay for it in small pay , ments of $1.00 A - WEEK.- Thus you will hardly feel the burden - of the cost, ,.z.- EASTERN OUTFITTING CORIPANY - Tse Star Wsere Tesr OeMIH'i Seee WASHINGTON AND TENTH STS Cirotimstaiii-es surrounding the dis appearance of '4. Dalor, who left Prince ton, Idaho, for Oregon, with the Inten tion of locating on timber land, con vince the authorities that he has been murdered, lie had about $300 when he tarted for Oregon In company with two f men, who are said to have induced him to make the trip. Their descriptions are in possession of the local police and a search Is being made for them by de tectives. 7 : : Dalor was employed as teamster by the Potlatch Lumber company ot Princeton and worked at camp No. S. He had $200, which his wife remitted to him from his home at Ashland, Wiscon sin, and $100 wages- when he left the lumber camp January 13. From that day to this nothing has been seen or heard of him. Chief Orltzmacher la in receipt of a communication from P. I Bishop, 'the clerk of the lumber camp, who expreasea the opinion that the mat) waa done to death for his money. - ! "From the tlmebook." writes Bishop, "I imagine these two men's names who left here with htm are I,ee Williams and H. Herlck. . The latter.' so he claimed, had been a waiter In Krickson'a saloon in Portland. These men prom ised to get this Dalor a claim In Oregon. It la possible .he has' met with foul play." .. . . . ...... A letter from Mra. Dalor to Blshoo Is Inclosed Jin his communication to the chief. The woman says she has com municated with alt the land, of flees and has been unable to find any agent that ever saw her husband. Mrs. Italor writes that she Is In reduced circum stances, with, two small children to sup port. All the money she and her hus band had In bank was drawn to enable him to carry out his iand venture. FINDS AN OLD MASTER HANGING IN KITCHEN (Jnarntl speUt Service.! New York, April 10. Mra. Iuls Mw Namarsr-who- lives -in the Hrenit, - re cently wiped the dust and grease off of a picture that hung over her kitchen range ever since sbe had possessed one and found that she hud a great master piece that had been lost to he art world or many years. : There ha been gret excitement in the MacNamnra hou.-. hold ever since the discovery was made. That It is the work of an old master i assured by the decision of experts, who declare It Is worth about $50,000. Tho painting Is supposed to be by levera, a French ' artist, who painted In the be ginning of- the seventeenth ' .century. The subject of .the painting Is 'The Fortune Teller.": - Tea Fer Cast Sheep loss. ., 1 (imm-II Dtaeatrk te The ffoarn.1 I I Vale. Or., April 10. A 10 per cent loss I of sheep Is reported In Malheur county. Much of the stork wintered out without hay or grain. This speaks well for the country, considering that thla winter has- been more severe In this locality I man tor 11 years, . LOST KEY NEARLY LOSES HOUSE It is a trite saying that no mas 4a ftroner than bla stomach. Dr. Pierea'e Golden Medical Discovery strengthen! the stomach pots It In shape to make pure, rich Wood help the liver and kidneys to eipel the poisons from the body and thus cures both liver end kid ney trouble. If you take this natural blood purifier and tonle. yoe. will assist your sy stem la manufacturing each day a pint of rich, red blood, that la invlgo---' " the brain and nerve. The weak, nervous, ruu-dowKdsWrled-4 condition which so many people auffer from. I usually the effect of poison In Whs blood it la often Indicated by pimple or boll appearinc on the skin, the face becomes thin and the feeling blue. Dr. Pierce' Discovery cures all blood hnmor a well a being a tonle that make one vigorous, strong and forceful. It I the only medicine pat op for sale through drngrlst (or like purpose that contain neither alcohol nor harmful habit-forming dross, and the only one, every lagredient of which ha the profes sional endorsement of the leading medical writer of this country. 80m of these endorsements are published In a little book of ax tract from standard medical work nod will be sent to any "address res, on receipt of request therefor by letter or postal card, addressed to Dr. K. V. ?1rce, Buffalo, V. Y. It tell Jnst what Dr: Pierce's medicine are made of. The 'Words of Praise for the several Ingredient of which Dr. Pierre' aaedl elnee are composed, by leader In all the several schools of anedioel practice, and recommending them for the cure of the dtseasee for which the "Golden Medical Discovery ' I advlted, should have far more weight with the lek and afflicted than anv amount of the so-called "tPiti- monlala " so conspicuously flaunted before the nubile bv those who am afraid to let the Ingredient of which their medicine are eompoeen oe anown. oear in noma that the -Golden Medieal Discovery ha tub svaon or osrneTY on every bottle wrapper, in a lull list of it tagreaieni. Dr. Pierce's Pleaaant Pellet ear con stipation. Invigorate the liver and regu late stomaen ana Dowei. Dr. Pierce' great thousand-page Illus trated common senae Meaicat Adviser I will be sent free, paper-bound, for 81 one- eon 1 s lamps, or ciotD-oonna 1 or 31 stamp. Ad dree Dr. Pierce a above. Miller Near Because Fire ' Destruction Key Was Missing. BOY CARRIES ALARM " TO DISTANT. STATION People Moving. Away Take Alarm Box Keya With Them, Endanger ing Entire Neighborhood Pardc in Lodging-House, Blaze. Because no key could be found or the Ore aJarm box, the residence of CP. Miller at 255 North Sixteenth street was placed In Imminent danger of complete destruction, at an early hour this morn ing. The fire had gained considerable headway before 'it was discovered and rr" than the alarm boa could not be opened. Finally a telephone meseage waa aent XSk- heart quarters. BATTLE IN SENATE OVER RAILROAD RATE MEASURE '. - (Journal ineHsl Service.)- .. u Washington, April 10 A hattle if constitutional lawyera occurred In the senate thla afternoon when Senator Bailey of Texaa eeaayed the risk of de fending the Hepburn bill against at tacks made upon It by Spooner, Knox, Foraker and othera on the contention that congress ahould be empowered t limtfThe Jurisdiction'' of the lower fed oral courts. - He declared that congress should and could enact a rate law pro hibiting the setting aside by courts of the decision of the Interstate commerce commission pending an appeal to the supreme court An unusual audience heard the stirring debate. AH the gal leries were filled. . "-- '- 1 Tillman haa hastened back from South Carolina from hla unfinished mis sion to "add a few hot shota In aid of the champions of restricted court re view." '.. ': ILLINOIS LEGISLATURE PREPARES PRIMARY LAW The Hie was . discovered about t o'clock. It having started In the Inner wall and roof of the house from a defective flue. Keys are supposed to be kept at houses on the street corners nearest '. the alarm box.-' But - not one located. - - A boy ran to the Twentieth-street station and got there about as 'soon a the phone message was received at headquarters.- The chemical engine soon extinguished the blase. The dam age only amounts to a few hundred dol lars snd Is covered by Insurance, ' Investigation develops the fact that there was only one firebox key lu the vicinity, that one being locked In the office of the Portland Cordage company. which Is closed from p. m. to a. m. The superintendent of fire alarma said: 'Frequently people move and carry their keys with them. . We have a great deal of trouble on this account., That is probably what happened in this case. Keys placed at residences are not supposed to be carried away." ' A fire which originated last night in the tailoring establishment of Meyer liemmell at 2064 First street and dam aged three other buildings caused a mild Erie rooming-house. Being awakened by the cry of fire. men. women and chil dren lost their heads and wept rushing wild lr-aboul-tho house wntil-ihe fir. . men and policemen went to their rescue. The buflding was not en fire and they were in no danger. No one Buffered any Injury save Arthur McFarland. a young lad who fled down the stairs clad. only In his nlghtclothes snd stood un der a burning awning. A portion of thl fell and scorched his legs. The fire originated in the 'tailoring shop and spread to the saloon of Lankln tt Wlldt in the rear, the barber shop of J. Young and the factory of the Pad fig Regalia company. The estimated losses are: Tailor shop,. $300; saloon, $1,760; barber shop, 1400; Pacific Regslia com pany, 1.600. The saloon was Insured. PORTLAND KIDNAPING CASE DISPOSED OF (Jourssl apscial Service.) Springfield. ,111,. A prlLlO. Almost upon the eve or party conventions. whrcITare heceasiflyposipoflerbjrTh decision ef-the supreme court declaring the new primary law unconstitutional the Illinois legislature met at noon 4n special session to draft a substitute statute, - REPORT FAVORABLE 77 ON NEXT THURSDAY ( Wiablnf ton Burets or Th Joeratl.) . Washington, -April 10. The subcom mittee iiaa agreed to report favorably, Thuraday next, on the Columbia Im provement bill for the action of the house river and harbor a committee. -.ig Wh aloe. to Tb Jmirsil. ) (.oecUl DIsDateh Psndleton, Or., April 10. Wheat land aales aggregating 131,000 were consum mated .in this city yesterdsy. K. B. Bhsfer sold one quarter aectlon to his brother, J.. W. Sliafer, for 1 10,000, and another section adjoining this for an other $10,000. At, the same time Mr. Bhafer bought five quarter eectione from Levi Kldrldge. near Pilot Rock, for $1.- ers in the New 100, 4he sales making a total of $11,000, 1 Btrtterwortfcs la Concert. The Butterworth Concert company ap peared last night at the Taylor Street Methodist church. Harry T. Butter worth, basso; Miss Marie Whitney, vio linist, and Mabel Wallace Butterworth, reader, comprise the company. They have leased -iiocksley hall, - Beasld,- for the season and will give concerts there Saturday evening through the summer. 3 This invitation is extended to you in all cordiality and sincerity and we trust you will avail 'yourself of the accommodation we offer. Youll find an account at POWERS' a REAL con-' venience. You can select on credit all the gooda you deaira you can add to your account at any time, whtta new thins Ire needed. Our credit system enables you to select a FINER AND MORE lasting quality of goods than you might feel you could afford if you paid cash in full and without imposing a single burdensome, condition or obligation upon you. The terms of payment will e adjusted to suit your wishes. 4Jjl S125 DRESSERS . Dainty Dressers in golden oak. blrds- eye maple. and- mahogany. Like cut., $23.00 New patterns L)ke cut In BUFFETS golden and weathered oak. a -- -. a - -- $37.59 fSSPOiro' . $13.50 : r-k N J , to DAVENPORTS Folding and BlatlonTy7"alT"ltInaaafiaBlreB.-" . shown her Is a solid oak frame and I upholstered in the best of leather,. Price... $2.50 (ET7 "Tnetme" .$78.00 HOCKERS Tn golden or weathered oak and aolld "mahogafiyrHockerllk cut, In- golden- oak, upholstered genuine leathea $10.50 PIR3XND TAYUOR CUT runs RATES SAVE MONEY (SeeUl niapstfh to Te" Jmitsnl.) " Ban Kraocloco, April 10. Ths J-year-old daughter of Mrs. Li isle Debord of Portland was temporarily restored to her by Judg? Dunne this morning. Mrs. Llszle Debord Is the wife of Georgs Iebord of this city. The couple sepa rated In Portland some months ago and she. claims that on February 2$, last, ho went to Portland and stole the child. The California Society for the Pre vention of Cruolty to Children located the oh lid and notified the mother. Pro ceedings for divorce have already 'been lnstitutsd In Portland. Judge Dunn continued the matter until tomorrow, but "meanwhile gave the child Into the custody of the mother. No could noon. suh person ss be found, in the njind George Debord ctty-thi after- DISCOVERY OF GOLD UPON 0RCAS ISLAND (Joursal Speelsl gerriet.) Belllngham, Wash., April 10. A re markable, discovery of gold on Ureas Island, nesr Belllngham. Is reported. Ttvre Is a mountain of ore of low grade in sight totaling a hundred million tons estimated at a value of. a quarter of a billion dollars, rivaling the Tread well deposits In Alaska.- No pill Is pleasant and positive DcWItt's I.lttl Karly Risers. These famous little pills are se mild and ef fective that children, delicate tsdlee and werk people enjoy their cleansing ef fect, while strong people ' ssy they ars ill best l)m plli sold.. Never gripe. Easter is the season in the year when ' man, beast ' and bird is at his best. To put on the best, every man must needs come to our store.'--- - We sell the very bestT We have samples of the choicest pick of the Clothing Center of the World New York. . Suits, Top Coats, Hats, Gloves, Neckwear and Tog gery of all sorts. Modest prices for the best of wear IflOMCLOTHin&Q Gus Jufm-Prop- Outfitters for Men and Boys ' -166 and 168 Third St. - -Mohawk Building Come at one and have free examination. WE EXTRACT TEETH FREE; SHA VER FILLINGS. 8 Bo UP; GOLD KILL INGS, 76o UP; SET OF TEETH. $4.00: SPLENDID SET, M.00; OOLD CROWNS, IJ.0 TO $5.00; WHITE CROWNS, 11.10 TO $1.00. All work guaranteed for ten yeare. BOSTON PAINLtSS DENTISTS Morrison St., Opp. Mir V Frank and Postofflc. - Hotel Eaton cox. jfoausov axd wzsT raax sis. NEW rcsndmnely fprnlabed, lfti1lf eqalpped. Breprnof. minute' walk frois beart at bopplas an bualutss district, aU larse. airy, eutall rooaia. steam heated, electric llfhta, Irlephoae hi esck apartment, etc. Large erce, loenln, unoklns, wrltlns. ladles' recaption parkin. Huoai teaarTed tr mall or trlrpbom. Private aoaalbus masts tralna sad steamer. Room fl.OO to fS.OO a Day . Special natss te Cesunereial Kes. . VU VAX ZAT0V. (rtarmerly of Hotel WdpatluJDokas.: I Stomach Iroubles Positively Cured by Nalure's Own Remedy, Bassett's NATIVE HERBor cents you nothing' 25c and $1 (contains Sight Draft (or return of your money a not cured.) At Drug (no' On Mack baxeek m Trial not FREE b mm Basse tt'a Native Herb Company Celakaa. Oala, er Saa rraaclac. Cel. Jardiniere for the Easter Lily We have a great assortment of Louwclaa and Georgian Jardinieres . all sires and shapes beautiful decorations - Price 60c to $4.50 EASTER NOVELTIES Cunning litl rabbit and babe of china in odd and fancy - shapes. Chicks, automobiles and dec-, orated eggs. Don't fall to see these little delighte for youngsters. Fill them with candy if you wish (the rreggs). Modestly priced from. . . .V. . .10 to $1.25, EASTER Edd DYES v 'l Any Vtnd -you like, papers or plain color a V. - FOeCataffe . '(riaae,5 LEATHERWEAR, FOR EASTER Vow arrirals la Xaad Bags nobby Spring : stylos la light , colorstan and Dlaok. Tory latest . Idea In saape and shade. New Ladles' . Hand Bag. velvet pigskin, mottled green and tan, new ; Oreclan hn- die, full : leather lined, dainty shapes. Price. .95.00 to 20.00 Line of Black Hand Bags, fitted complete with purse and card ease. bras trlm- mlnga, smwrted shades; regular $1.(0. Special ...98t 14-inch all-leather Suit Case, with shirt fold, double action lock and bolts, riveted frames; regular value 18.00. Special .' f $..05 Special Easter Discount 20. Per Cent EASTER PERFUMES I - V, Spring Pays balmy breeaes Happy thoughts all are here wita us all nature scema smiling through tho flower. "' -- Bend her a token nf your sentiment with a bottle of perfume. We have "most every kind that' made, but for Ksstef there's nothing like Tiolot. m " - PJuppose jrou send a bottla of Maroelles Tlolet s traet and a bunch of violet. We have the perfume, you set the violets, and we'll deliver them for you. Othef odor If you prefer largest line of Imported and domestle Perfumes -on the Pacific Coast, - ' EXTRA SPECIAL: We have prepared a few Special Easter Packagee of fine Perfume put up snugly in china eggs, with many different figures attached. Just the thing for , an Easter Present See Washington street window : . PRICE 7So TO 4BI.SO - CUT GLASS SPECIALS for EASTER :'- Beautiful Quaker end Empire Cut Glass. Why not a little surprise for Kasterf Choose one of the fol lowing rsr bargains and let us send It out to you. . - " r . - Regnlnr. apeelaL- Colonlal Decanter and set of six small glasses . . . . v. ... . $l.R0 1)12.25 punch Bowl and set of sU glasses. .. .$$8.60 ' s)65.SO ' Pedestal Sherbet, set of hi dosn,,...$11.60 8.95 fltarfac Nappy, (-Inch $5. E0 f.1.88 Whirl Nappy, 5-Inch $4.75 93.SO Odd -Nappies, -several -shape,--worth from ......$3.75 to $7.00 $3.00 Water' Bottle. Georgian design. ....... $4.60 $2.95 . . A few pieces of Bohemian Cut Glsss at 30 per , '- . cent discount. . ' No other Cut Glass nas quite the same exclusive design, th same perfection 1n cut and finish . a does the Quaker or Emplr. Come In " ' - and esafnlne the work for yourself. W00DMD, CLMKE & C0. FOURTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS 1 J;